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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Consider yourself fortunate that you missed out on most of the All Hope, All the Time era.


I remember I started watching around the "Hope Adopts An Animal Rescue" time, and I seriously remembered wondering if there were any other young adults that existed in Los Angeles aside from the Liam/Hope/Wyatt love triangle.

Even General Hopsital, aka General Mob Boss, has other stories going on.

Edited by methodwriter85
  • Love 1

  Delurking with my thoughts on the Rick/Maya mess. I call it a mess because that's what the writers have made of it. I would feel sorry for Rick & Maya if they were much better people, but they deserve all the misery they're getting. Serves them right for all the nasty shit they've done in general and at Forrester Creations in particular, separately and together. When Rick wasn't making his family miserable with Maya's help, he did the same thing to the company. FC's in deeper shit than ever because of Rick & Maya. Then there's Rick's relationship with Maya. Tacky is the kindest word for it. Other words I'd use include "shallow," "dubious," "devious," "manipulative," "vapid" and, ultimately, "trainwreck." Rick has said/done lots of stupid things where Maya's concerned, but his claim that Maya "never lied to [him]" and his insta-forgiveness of her for her reluctance to reveal her transgender status are the top-and given Rick's track record on that score, that's impressive or frightening, depending on one's perspective. 


  Maya has lied to Rick from the moment she met him. If Maya cared about Rick's feelings, then she would have confided in him a long time ago. Coming out as transgender is a difficult and sometimes dangerous process, but Maya's prolonging the inevitable has only made things worse. Three of the most important aspects of love are honesty, trust and respect. Maya should have been honest with Rick before it was too late-like, say, before the first kiss-and taken her chances. If Rick didn't like it, then so be it. I know that risking the loss of all that money and power is daunting, but love is or should be worth the risk. Maya had a point about telling her story on her own terms, but that changed when she brought the Forresters, especially Rick, into it. After that, Maya's life wasn't the only one that mattered anymore. All of Maya's fears about Rick's reaction to the truth turned out to be unfounded-which, IMO, was bullshit. As much as I hate Rick, he had every right to be furious at Maya and almost any non-violent response would have been much better than the After-School Special based, sugar-coated crap he gave.  


  I'm also over Rick's blaming Ridge for what happened. Ridge is no saint by a long shot, but he's hasn't been the whiny, world-class asshole that Rick's been lately, either. As for Eric's finally, if briefly, calling Rick on his shit, better late than never. About Nicole, Wyatt and Bill's parts in all this, Wyatt shouldn't have tricked Nicole, but if Nicole had  kept her big mouth shut-and Rick/Maya weren't total assholes-this whole nightmare probably wouldn't be happening in the first place. Serves Nicole right for being a greedy bitch, just like Maya. Nicole knew the truth about Maya all along, but she wanted her piece of the Forrester pie just like Maya did and she was willing to do just about anything to get it, just like Maya is, so their acting all butthurt now doesn't mean shit to me. ITA that if Stephanie were still alive, however, not only would this shit storm not be happening, everyone involved would be put on full blast. 

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 15

I think John McCook looks amazing with his mustache & beard. He's practically the most interesting man in the world at 70. Now, he needs a mature relationship. I don't know who that would be. I doubt B&B would introduce a 60+ age woman but maybe early or late 50's. Elizabeth Keifer is 53 and I liked her on GL. Someone like her. Yup! Eric rocking the salt & pepper!

  • Love 8


I would feel sorry for Rick & Maya if they were much better people, but they deserve all the misery they're getting. Serves them right for all the nasty shit they've done in general and at Forrester Creations in particular, separately and together.


Exactly. I think the writers want the viewers to feel oh so sorry for Rick and Maya. However, everything that came before just makes that impossible - at least for this viewer. I don't care about their whining, I don't care about their alleged pain, I sure don't care one bit about their alleged great love.


Why is this show unable to tell more than one story at a time?

  • Love 10

I think John McCook looks amazing with his mustache & beard. He's practically the most interesting man in the world at 70. Now, he needs a mature relationship. I don't know who that would be. I doubt B&B would introduce a 60+ age woman but maybe early or late 50's. Elizabeth Keifer is 53 and I liked her on GL. Someone like her. Yup! Eric rocking the salt & pepper!

It's such a shame TIIC never did much with Eric and Jackie. I honestly forgot why the two split up in the first place.

  • Love 6

I am so effing sick of listening to lil Ricky whine about Ridge. Geeze, if I took a shot every time he said that name I would be passed out on the floor.

By taking the PC route, TIIC have wasted soap gold. As I said before, Rick having amnesia and thinking he was still married to Caroline would have been hysterical.

Go $Bill! You rock! It may not be fair, but if you put yourself out to be a celebrity, as Maya did by being the LEAD MODEL! at Forrester, your personal life is fodder for the press.

  • Love 7

Dear God in heaven as my beloved Katherine Chancellor used to say -- Could Rick have acted more like a 5-year old having a tantrum if he tried?


The whiny little boy was on the verge of a serious crying jag..  Um Eric -- that right there -- shows Ricky boy is in no way mature enough to be CEO.


I am so, so, so over Rick's constant  mantra of  'I deserve to be CEO because I had a hard life, and my Dad didn't love me enough, and Ridge was mean to me, and my waffling mother spent her time going from man to Ridge to man to Ridge.........because of **Destiny**, and all the women in my life have been lying betraying bitches, except Maya who ("let me be clear") has never lied to me, and I 've worked hard for this and deserve it because I've "carried the company", etc, etc, etc'


Ricky, stop -- just stop. STFU, if you have to beg and whine and guilt your Dad into this then he's right, you're not up to it. But then no one except you and Maya ever thought you were.


I totally think Eric is going to cave and give Rick another chance, with the caveat he'll be watching.  Rick, being Rick, is going to double down on the jerk, nasty behavior to everyone who he thinks has been laughing at him behind his back.  He'll probably fire Ridge, He'll either rudely make fun of Caroline in the wheelchair or outright fire her with some excuse that she can't design and do her job from the chair (ADA be damned).


This is what's going to push Ridge to make the devil's bargain with Bill to reclaim Forrester.


Maya will continue to wallow in the sad apartment of self-pity.  Nicole will continue to pout because she's lost her chance to follow in Maya's gold--digger footsteps. Brooke will let loose her inner Stephane and let Maya know that she's been on to her manipulative gold-digging ways from the jump.


It's going to be an interesting summer.



  • Love 9

But she was concerned for Maya's safety around Rick....baby steps...


Did I blink and miss this? When was she brunette?


Yaaaay! I'm so glad B&B did this storyline. I was so pissed at first and the retcons are still completely ridiculous and I still wish they had thought of it sooner and cast a transgender woman in the role but I am learning so much from this storyline and I am grateful they went the PSA route because this is answering so many questions that I didn't know I had. Kudos to Bell for bringing social issues back to daytime! Agnes Nixon would be proud.



I think John McCook looks amazing with his mustache & beard. He's practically the most interesting man in the world at 70. Now, he needs a mature relationship. I don't know who that would be. I doubt B&B would introduce a 60+ age woman but maybe early or late 50's. Elizabeth Keifer is 53 and I liked her on GL. Someone like her. Yup! Eric rocking the salt & pepper!



Right?? That's the tune I've been singing. What's Erica Slezak doing these days?

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

Rick kills me. 'Ridge stole my wife ... he stole your wife (to Eric)' Yep, Ridge knocked Caroline and Brooke over the head and dragged them away. 'I was a kid, I couldn't keep him from messing with my family' again Brooke had nothing to do with the messed up family?!? Good lawd. Rick shouldn't be placed in a position of power just based on this whiny bull on it's own! Much less his megalomaniac behavior - oh wait, I mean his unkind behavior.


Eric is pathetic. Can someone explain to me like I am Eric how Rick made all this money for Forrester in the mere 3-6 months he's been CEO? The designs went out and were a hit, that's what made the money. While Rick was trying to sabotage the designs. Eric is now going to ignore all of Rick's abusive, unbalanced behavior (it's perfectly normal and okay to shoot a gun off in the office!) and keep him as CEO.


I really really want everyone at Forrester to leave and follow Ridge and Carolyn to start a competitive design house.


I'm not saying I think Ridge is the be all and end all of CEO's, but I still think he'd be better than Rick. Heck why doesn't Eric name Brooke CEO and be done with it? She needs something to do besides coddle her stupid infant/adult son.

  • Love 10

I know I'm just a lowly stealth penguin who should not even be allowed to gaze upon the Sun King of Forrester Creations, but I would like to offer His Mightiness a few humble morsels of wisdom to savor.


-Stand up for yourself. Stop begging Eric to do it for you.

-Stop talking about Ridge. You ain't Batman and he's not the Joker.

-Women can't be stolen. We aren't objects, items, or merchandise. We don't belong to men. We choose to be in relationships and when we choose to walk away, we're not being pilfered.

-Your father is a total smirking knob.


I have this terrible, sinking feeling that Eric is going to pull the co-CEO rabbit out of his hat. I suppose a bloody murder/suicide with Rick screaming 'I AM ERIC FORRESTER JUNIOR AND CEO AND KING OF THE FUCKING WORLD" before he swan dives off the balcony will make for juicy headlines at Spencer, but it's probably a bit dark for a daytime drama.

  • Love 23

Ricky boy, people cannot be stolen. People are not possessions anymore. I'm sure the 13th amendment took care of that issue. Caroline was remorseful and wanted her marriage to continue. It was Rick who turned his back on Caroline knowing that Maya was available. Usually men don't move on from a marriage or relationship unless they know there is another relationship waiting for them. Caroline and Ridge didn't consummate a relationship until she was fully rejected by Rick. Rick and Maya were in the tub before the water could get cold. I haven't watch B&B long enough to know the Eric/Brooke/Ridge triangle but I'm sure Brooke was a more than willing participant in bedding Ridge over Eric.

It's not because I see Rick as a sniveling man-child but Ridge made a better argument, to be CEO, than Rick. I can see everyone's point to be PC in this SL but Maya is still an opportunist gold digger to me and bullied everyone she could with no remorse for being bullied herself. Rick and Maya are made for each other because they have blinders and ear muffs on because they only see and hear what they want to and let the others eat cake.

  • Love 19

Let me see:


--For reasons, Mom needs her poor boy to rest, leave Maya on the curb and let the scandal build momentum 

--Pot calling Kettle hypocritical

--Two egotists go begging to Dadumbs for the crown

--Dadumbs screws up his brain cells for a good think .. What to do ... What to do ...

--Morality clause impotently waved around by libertine

--Dayzee's apartment is reoccupied

--Youngest Avant realizes she cannot trust anyone in Los Angeles ... Immediately forgets

--Senior Spencer explains the facts of life: The end justifies the means

--President of Spencer Publications realizes he's a meat puppet

--Everyone involved the Spencer's gossip expedition are busy not celebrating too heartily ... just in case their actions fail fruition or instigate tragedy

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 8

Ricky says , "Dad, you can't let Ridge manipulate you." So, isn't that exactly what Ricky is doing. And what was that comment that Eric has to stand up for him? Grow a pair, Ricky, and fight for yourself instead of whining to your daddy.

This isn't even the first time Rick has pulled this shit...after Ridge accidentally knocked him over the balcony, he milked his inherits to get the CFO position too. And then,when that fell through,he went after Steffy.

But as little as I liked KL's version of Rick that was the precursor to Adam Newman, he at least had an edge to him and called Brooke out on her stupidity towards Ridge. Oh,and he didn't remind me of a Ken Doll. FFS, Bridget has lost every love interest to various relatives and got knocked up by her father-in-law and even she never whined like this.

How about letting Steffy run FC? She couldn't possibly be any worse than Rick and she wouldn't have a problem with the Spencers.

Because I'd have to see more of JMW on screen, and I don't want that.

  • Love 4
Because I'd have to see more of JMW on screen, and I don't want that.

Hah, fair enough. I still think FC could probably use a younger, female touch in the CEO seat right now. I think Brooke is worthless and if Steffy's out who does that leave? Caroline's a Spencer, Ally is apparently AWOL, Ivy doesn't appear to be the type who could manage a big company, and Quinn's a psycho and not a Forrester. I'm assuming Maya would be a non-starter but at this point I wouldn't put anything past that doddering old fool Eric. Maybe there's a former character they could bring back?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu


Rick kills me. 'Ridge stole my wife ... he stole your wife (to Eric)' Yep, Ridge knocked Caroline and Brooke over the head and dragged them away. 'I was a kid, I couldn't keep him from messing with my family' again Brooke had nothing to do with the messed up family?!?


I actually completely side with Rick on this one. Ridge has ZERO boundaries, the same way that Rick has ZERO control over his emotions, they are equally disturbing problems and the two are far more alike than they are different.  I needn't remind anybody that Rick isn't the first sibling to fire a round at Ridge (and over a Caroline no less), Ridge seems to bring out the rage in people, it's likely because he's a guy who systematically tries to put his dick where it doesn't belong. 


Brooke gets raked over the coals a lot and I imagine moreso than Ridge because she's a woman, but it's worth noting that Ridge slept with her sister, tried sleeping with her daughter (his former daughter at one point) his father's wife and made an attempt on two separate brother's wives, three if you count Nick. It does say a lot about a character when 3 out of 3 of his brothers have absolutely loathed him at some point or another. I think even now he only truly gets along with Thorne and to that end probably just in passing. Ridge has a privilege problem wherein the entire family was basically set up for his pleasure and his rule without any thought to any other sibling or parent in it. It's ironic that Ridge is hemming and hawing about his right to run the company when the one who should truly be at the helm at this time is actually Thorne .


It's also important to note that just because you're incredible creatively doesn't mean that you're necessarily a good business man. Strategy is different from Artistry, and it's a rare and dynamic person who excels at both in any field. Truly I would put the blame for this on Eric and Stephanie who have been setting up impossible standards and basically a Forrester version of Hunger Games since Ridge, Thorne, Felicia, Kristen (and the other one nobody mentions) were children. The game only intensified when Rick was thrown into the mix and Ridge popped up with Daddy #2. Not to mention the way that Stephanie baited things between Taylor and Brooke instead of letting whatever happened, just happen and evolve naturally. Who knows how many babies between Brooke/Ridge and Taylor wouldn't have been born without the great interloper Stephanie getting in the way.


In this particular arena, Ridge fired the first shot by making the moves on Rick's wife which is the same thing he has done to all his brothers and his father, so Ridge makes a move, Rick loses his shit, Eric steps in and spins the arena dial putting everything in even more turmoil. It's the Forrester survival game. No matter what happens one can always count on the fact that Rick will never have his emotions under reasonable control, and Ridge will never keep his hands off other people's wives.  


It's even funny just watching some episodes back from April, I howled and howled. There were two scenes in particular: in one scene Ridge barges into the office and starts telling off (a very reasonable) Rick (for reasons unbeknownst to me because I think they were just scheduled to have a meeting) to the point where Brooke had to step in and tell him how it was. Ridge became so exhausting that Brooke literally sighed heavily as he left the room. In the second scene (from a different episode) that Ridge and Rick interacted Ridge came in to Rick's office (presumably for a meeting) and asked what was going on as Carter, Rick and Maya were screaming bloody hell at each other. Carter and Maya left and Ridge was calmly telling Rick about the line and his artistic plans for it, behaving reasonably within the bounds of a head designer/CEO relationship (for the first time I'd seen) and Rick was in his own little angry world to the point where Ridge had to ask "Am I boring you?" then Rick went off like a firecracker (still steaming about Carter) to the point where Ridge was like "Oh god, please" as in make it stop. I even felt that scene would have been perfect if Ridge sighed deeply as Rick stormed out. I laughed my ass off because I couldn't fathom how two people could always be in the same room yet NEVER in the same conversation...ever.


Every single conversation Rick and Ridge have with each other is like a loaded gun, it's wonderful casting and chemistry and it's actually very true to life because there are some family dynamics that you just can't seem to get away from and certain people that have such a hold over you that they could tell you "I hate orange juice." and next thing you know you're in a rage and your day is ruined.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 9

  As expected, Rick's tantrum du jour showed that he's not fit to run Forrester. Rick's playing the victim and his batshit craziness don't help, either. For one thing, re Rick's lumping Caroline in with Amber and Maya, like the saying goes, "That dog don't hunt." Caroline's not perfect, but her involvement with Ridge pales compared to Amber & Maya's lies. Then there's Rick's firing a loaded gun in the office, which not only endangered innocent people, it proves that Rick shouldn't even be a janitor at Forrester Creations, much less CEO.  Brooke has made plenty of mistakes where Rick's concerned, but she was right when she said that Maya has insinuated herself into Rick's life so much that he thinks he can't live without her, which is cringeworthy, to say the least.



I really really want everyone at Forrester to leave and follow Ridge and Caroline to start a competitive design house.


  If Ridge and Caroline reopened Spectra Fashions, it would not only be a PR nightmare for FC, if that's not grounds for Eric to fire Rick once and for all, then I don't know what is.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 12

I'm sorry, but didn't Ridge hit Brooke's golden cooter first? Don't hate him because his father and brother can't resist his sloppy seconds.


Rick needs to grow the fuck up. Yeah, he was hurt and confused as a child, but he's old enough now to know what kind of woman his mother was--as in the kind of woman who fucks her daughter's husband--and how she couldn't resist her destiny with Ridge or the fact that Rick was her responsibility, not Ridge's. He seriously needs to check into a mental health clinic instead of whining all the damn day long. it's gross.


I am incredibly disappointed in the way this storyline is turning out. What the bloody hell was Carolline thinking, wheeling herself over to the Forrester mansion to comfort Rick, who treated her so horribly? Maya's being transgender doesn't excuse her and Rick's despicable behavior. The writers should have found some other secret for her to have if they didn't have the balls to do a compelling, more real-life-like story. What a letdown.


Ivy sure had her sexy on yesterday.

  • Love 13

I hope this doesn't offend, because I don't mean for it to, but I am fed up with Maya (and now Rick) proclaiming she did not lie because she always was a woman on the inside.  "I was always a female, I just changed my outside to match my inside"...well, IMO, the bolded part is no small thing to be blown off, and since Rick always considered any kind of omission to be a lie, why is this not considered to be a lie by Mr. Morality?


Speaking of Mr. Morality...did he actually say that the CEO position went to his head and that he is embarrassed by how he treated people??? Since when? I recall him giving a speech to his employees about how things are going to change, and he even mentioned that he was going to give Aly's shoe line a chance, but he subsequently did the "fetch us a snack" bs to her (with Maya tee heeing that he's sooo bad *barf*).  And I have a feeling Eric will give into the little whiner, which will make me want to throw one of my not-designed-by-Aly shoes at the TV!

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 15

I'm sorry, but didn't Ridge hit Brooke's golden cooter first? Don't hate him because his father and brother can't resist his sloppy seconds.

Rick needs to grow the fuck up. Yeah, he was hurt and confused as a child, but he's old enough now to know what kind of woman his mother was--as in the kind of woman who fucks her daughter's husband--and how she couldn't resist her destiny with Ridge or the fact that Rick was her responsibility, not Ridge's. He seriously needs to check into a mental health clinic instead of whining all the damn day long. it's gross.

I am incredibly disappointed in the way this storyline is turning out. What the bloody hell was Carolline thinking, wheeling herself over to the Forrester mansion to comfort Rick, who treated her so horribly? Maya's being transgender doesn't excuse her and Rick's despicable behavior. The writers should have found some other secret for her to have if they didn't have the balls to do a compelling, more real-life-like story. What a letdown.

Ivy sure had her sexy on yesterday.



I think if you're Team Ridge then you're Team Ridge but speaking as someone who has been following this insanity (on and off) since the first episode, they BOTH need to grow up. Ridge is a guy who threw a tantrum when Thorne and Brooke got together (still bitter they broke up) to the point that he had his parents threatening Thorne with disinheritance until they broke up. He has always been the most important Forrester in the house and has always stomped his foot and thrown a tantrum when that was threatened or when (for a hot minute) he didn't get his way. Lest we forget Ridge's mommy issues, he makes Oedipus look balanced.

Now he's macking on his brother's ex-wife who is coincidentally half his age and the niece of the great love of his life. The ick factor is unparalleled. Ridge's biggest problem in Rick is that every run-in and bad occurrence is like looking in the damn mirror. They are BOTH terrible people.

I also object to the term sloppy seconds in reference to a a woman and being relegated to simply a sexual treat for a man because...ewww.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 8

Ricky says , "Dad, you can't let Ridge manipulate you." So, isn't that exactly what Ricky is doing. And what was that comment that Eric has to stand up for him? Grow a pair, Ricky, and fight for yourself instead of whining to your daddy.


"Dad!  Don't let my brother manipulate you into undoing the contract I manipulated you into signing!"  


Eric is so unspeakably dumb here.  You can remove Rick from the CEO spot without awarding it to Ridge.  Take Ridge wanting or not wanting the job out of the equation - Rick isn't worthy of it.  The dumbass shot up the office, endangering employees.  That should be an automatic yank out of the office, regardless of what's going on between him and Ridge, because no company should leave a spoiled brat who shoots up the office when he's pissed sitting in the CEO's chair.  Period.  Also, as a father, the fact that Rick is standing there, telling you how desperately he needs this job, "life and death," should give you pause to consider that, more than this job, your son needs some serious intervention in his mental and emotional health.  


Lord help us all, the fucking Bratz doll is back.  

  • Love 13

And Stephie's looking more fake than ever, buried in heavy makeup and overdone hair...Ivy looks even fresher and more beautiful in comparison.

The sugary music behind the last scene with Eric Sr. and Eric Forrester Junior made me queasy. I guess this was meant to be a Very Touching Moment, but it underlined their disfunctionality, they both seemed to have abandoned reality. I think the company and family both are due for a downward spiral.

  • Love 9

I think if you're Team Ridge then you're Team Ridge but speaking as someone who has been following this insanity (on and off) since the first episode, they BOTH need to grow up. 

Truer words could not be spoken and yet it seems only Rick is being taken to task for his behavior and being told to "grow up" and "get over it" and "well, Brooke hurt Rick, too-ooo!" 


So because Brooke made the doormat dumbass decision to take Ridge back time and again, that somehow absolves Ridge of his own responsibility for hurting Rick? Uh, I don't think so. Simply does not compute.


This wasn't just about Rick's childhood because Ridge treated Rick like shit as an adult as well. It doesn't get any shittier than an engaged Ridge purposefully going after a-very-married Caroline just to stick it to Rick. But as with all things where Ridge is concerned, his affair with Caroline is white-washed, minimized, rug-sweeped as not that bad in the scheme of things, i.e. it was "just a few kisses."


But because it's Ridge, all is forgiven as usual. He is not just Waffles, Original Recipe, he is Teflon man. Nothing sticks to him and I'm sure his shit doesn't stink either. Case in point - Rick prior to the affair reveal - a man who was competent, business savvy and more than capable of being a CEO as well as a loving and loyal husband - in the blink of an eye, he's reduced to a cartoon villain, shooting guns to boot. He all but twirled his mustache. Once again, Ridge comes out of this smelling like a rose where even the woman he betrayed, Katie (and there's no love there for me) is all but rooting for him to be with Caroline.


What the actual fuck?


I guess cheaters actually prosper after all, which is why I was glad when Brooke spoke up to lump Caroline in with Amber and Maya with regard to their capacity to tell the truth. We can debate all day long about which lie is worse - lying about one's child, one's gender, or one's affair - but a lie is a lie is a lie in my book. 


And stuff and nonsense to the assertion that because cheating is (sadly) far more commonplace than say lying about one's child dying at birth, it's not as big as a lie or enough to give one pause. I also take issue with the line of thinking that Maya is the one who damaged the Rick/Caroline marriage when she outed them. The damage, my dears, was already done long before that and it was done by Caroline and Ridge. Maya is not part of that equation. If you believe that, you also believe Caroline should have gotten a cookie for being so noble and honest and loving as to end it with Ridge. I also scoff at the notion that if Rick had never found out he would have been just fine and dandy. Tell that to folks that learned about affairs months, even years after they had ended. Are they really better off being left to wonder if all that time, what was real and what was a lie? To learn that their spouse and someone not their spouse had this dirty little secret behind their back? To wonder if their spouse could lie to them all this time about this, what else did they lie about? Rick deserved to know the truth and Caroline should have confessed - I think it would have gone far better if she had - because he deserved to know who he was married to so that HE could decide if he could move past it. Caroline and Ridge had no right to sweep it under the rug (although they really didn't end it with all their eye-fucking and shoulder to cry on crap) and decide for Rick what was best for Rick. 

  • Love 9

Eric is a dumbass who will kowtow to whichever pompous windbag blows the loudest or the most recent in his apparently stuffed with cotton ears.


After talking to Ridge whine and cry about why daddy should oust Rick as CEO (nevermind that Ridge isn't fit to lead a fingerpainting class let alone a company), Eric makes a beeline so he can do just what number one son told him to. Then Rick, equally unfit in the wake of the Caroline/Ridge affair reveal, boo-hoo-hoos about how it's not fair, daddy, so Eric immediately retracts.


How the hell did Eric run FC all these years?


Oh, that's right - he didn't. Stephanie did.

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 8

I unabashedly love this show, (I hope this comes out correctly) but the characters are just not staying true-to-self, they're acting in an obviously unrealistic way just to bring albout the next story. I understand stories have to keep moving, but the characters are just being written in a way that is not true to who they are. For example, Eric just wouldn't keep giving Rick chance after chance, especially when he tried to shoot Caroline & Ridge, but Bell got JMW/ Steffy to come back, so Eric is the big baddie & Steffy has to return to save the day. Rick goes off-the-rails when anyone lies to him, but when Maya kept a HUGE secret, it was no big deal, because it would be totally un-PC for the show for him to go crazy on her (rightfully so, I'm just saying that's not in character). Eric has always treated Ridge as his son, because he is, biology be damned, but now that they want this Rick & Maya story frontburnered, there is tension about Ridge's Marone DNA. Stories can be fueled by characters acting in-character, but they can't go far with crappy writing.


Is anyone on this board a police officer? How do we go about putting out an Amber alert for DeaQuinn? I can't remember the last time we saw them. Their wedding? Quinn is a character who is both new enough and has enough inherent crazy that they could literally write her in any way and make it believable. Maybe they should bring her back to push stories how they want.


My husband was at home today on my lunch hour (grrr, that's my time alone!), and when Ridge came on, I said "that's my lunchtime boyfriend". Then when Caroline came on, I told him "that's my lunchtime boyfriend's girlfriend, and I hear 'Girl Crush' in my head when she's onscreen. I'm not too proud to admit that."

Edited by nkotb
  • Love 13

How the hell did Eric run FC all these years?


Oh, that's right - he didn't. Stephanie did.

I miss her :(

Is anyone on this board a police officer? How do we go about putting out an Amber alert for DeaQuinn? I can't remember the last time we saw them. Their wedding? Quinn is a character who is both new enough and has enough inherent crazy that they could literally write her in any way and make it believable. Maybe they should bring her back to push stories how they want.

I'm not even a fan of Deacon/Quinn, but I'd love to see them return just to see something different!

  • Love 6
Once again, Ridge comes out of this smelling like a rose where even the woman he betrayed, Katie (and there's no love there for me) is all but rooting for him to be with Caroline.

What the actual fuck?



I think that, in Katie's case, she got what she needed out of the Ridge relationship.  She beat Brooke, she rubbed their relationship in Brooke's and Bill's faces.  Bill wanted her back.  So she could afford to be magnanimous, given that the woman Ridge was interested in was AnyoneButBrooke. Plus, she probably got a little thrill out of the fact that the new woman in Ridge's life is like half Brooke's age. 


I guess cheaters actually prosper after all, which is why I was glad when Brooke spoke up to lump Caroline in with Amber and Maya with regard to their capacity to tell the truth. We can debate all day long about which lie is worse - lying about one's child, one's gender, or one's affair - but a lie is a lie is a lie in my book.



To me, there is a world of difference between Amber's lie and Caroline's and Maya's.  I know, a lie is a lie, but there is just so much wrong in the whole deal with someone not telling you your baby died, depriving you of the opportunity to deal with your grief over the loss and shoving someone else's baby in your face, letting you believe he is yours.  I look at it this way - I'm married, and we have a son together.  If I found out my husband cheated on me, yes, I'd be pissed.  But, it's something I'd move on from at some point and, hopefully, find a way to be a civil co-parent with him after we divorced.   But, if I found out that while I was in the OR having emergency surgery after delivering our son, the worst happened, and my husband managed to hide that and find some baby to replace him, there would be no forgiveness.  None.  And Maya's lie, yeah, I'd be pissed about something that huge being kept from me, while others knew, because the person was waiting until we were engaged to let me in on it, but ultimately it's something I could get past and continue on with that person.  

  • Love 8


So because Brooke made the doormat dumbass decision to take Ridge back time and again, that somehow absolves Ridge of his own responsibility for hurting Rick?


No it doesn't absolve Ridge at all, but it also isn't ALL Ridge's fault. Every single thing Rick has said lately is all about the evul Ridge. Ridge stole Caroline, Ridge stole Brooke ... Ridge Ridge Ridge (taking liberties with the Brady Bunch). No one can be stolen from someone else unless we saw Ridge literally abduct Caroline (or Brooke) and lock them away.


And sorry, but Brooke is certainly just as much at fault for Rick's alleged terrible childhood as Ridge.



ric is appalling. Rick's shooting at Ridge in the office, he's treating Ivy like crap, he's treating Ally worse and making her his slave yet RIDGE is the one Eric accuses of ruining the family?


Eric is just dumb. The shooting should disqualify Rick. Plain and simple. No one who fires a gun in a work place should be allowed to remain at the company.



I hope this doesn't offend, because I don't mean for it to, but I am fed up with Maya (and now Rick) proclaiming she did not lie because she always was a woman on the inside.  "I was always a female, I just changed my outside to match my inside"...well, IMO, the bolded part is no small thing to be blown off, and since Rick always considered any kind of omission to be a lie, why is this not considered to be a lie by Mr. Morality?


Completely agree. It's still a lie of omission and all those operations that it took to make her outside match the inside should have been revealed to Mr Morality long before it was. Besides the fact that she out and out lied about the estrogen that Mr Morality/baby pants found!


I'm thoroughly bummed out that I'm stuck watching the tiresome, dreadful and chemistry free pairing of Rick and Maya be front and center.


I need some Caroline and Ridge to offset that mess.

  • Love 12

The whole show to me is WTF! Eric telling Rick that he still feels the pain of Ridge stealing Brooke and now the have another thing in common. The last few minutes was like a a circle jerk, for two, with Eric slipping Rick the tongue where the sun don't shine.

Rick to Caroline: Maya would have told me eventually. Caroline to Rick: I never got the chance to tell you because Maya is a bitch. I know this is nowhere as bad as Maya being outed but Maya reveled in the fact that she outed Caroline.

As stated above, your point of view depends on if your Team Rick or Team Ridge. In many ways they are both disfunctional and neither really deserve to be CEO. Rick projects all his faults on Ridge and visa versa.

Who the f...k is Rick to warn Caroline about Ridge. It's like Rick's shit doesn't stink. Caroline has more class than Maya or Amber and a bigger heart.

I use to think that Steffy was beautiful but now she is a hot mess. Especially after seeing Ivy, Caroline and even Aly bolster their hotness. Quinn needs no bolstering.

  • Love 9


The whole show to me is WTF! Eric telling Rick that he still feels the pain of Ridge stealing Brooke and now the have another thing in common.


That was hilarious! Eric could go after Brooke now - she's available. Heal your heart Eric! Besides, Brooke was never, ever truly Eric's to begin with. Give me a break.

  • Love 6

No, Ridge isn't all to blame and nowhere did I suggest he was the sole person responsible for Rick's pain. Brooke is just as much to blame (thus the doormat dumbass label), if not more so because she is Rick's mother and her first loyalty should have been to him, not Ridge. Caroline is also partially to blame for Rick's recent state of mind as is Eric for only recently seeing the damage favoring Ridge has done to Rick.  I wish there was more anger on Rick's part where Brooke and Eric are concerned but at least Brooke has acknowledged her mistakes and apologized. Eric tried to make a wrong right by giving Rick the CEO job but giving him the job out of guilt vs merit was never going to end well. Rick, too, holds some responsibility for his own actions as while he didn't choose what happened to him with respect to the affair, he did choose how to react to it. 


My issue with Ridge is that he never takes any responsibility for the things that he does and why should he when he has never been held accountable for anything? All his life, he's had apologists and enablers and rug-sweepers like his mother, father, the women in  his life, Brooke most of all, and it's frustrating to see Rick get taken to task (and rightfully so) for much the same behavior. It's the double standard I take issue with where Ridge consistently gets a free pass for much the same arrogant behavior that Ridge is famous for. Ridge insisting Eric invoke the morality clause against Rick when he himself was anything but moral when he was fooling around with Caroline is rich. Not to mention, what makes Ridge think he's qualified to be CEO? He's an amazing designer and his designs sell, of that there is no question, but his designing achievements don't make him qualified to run FC. Up until Rick's more recent behavior, I would have called him quite capable but Ridge shouldn't be the default choice here simply because Rick isn't capable at this point in time. 


Eric's waffling over which infantile son cries the biggest tears shows he isn't capable either. I would rather Brooke have the job, she's proven to be a capable CEO for some time in the past but we know that will never happen. 

  • Love 5
You can remove Rick from the CEO spot without awarding it to Ridge.

Exactly. When the CEO position turn into a zero-sum game? Oh wait, Eric did that, the doddering old fool. I guess Rick has to kill or critically injure somebody before Eric can decide he's not worthy to sit in the big boy's chair.


Lord help us all, the fucking Bratz doll is back. 

Meanwhile, Ivy was looking fierce today. I'm starting to feel like she could do much better than Liam. Much.


I wish I had a picture of Eric and Rick consoling each other. I would caption it "Ridge stole OUR pussy! Waaaa!"

Pretty sure that's what it did say on my TV's CC but I could be mistaken.


the term sloppy seconds

Doesn't only apply to women and is really a reference toward a certain behavior and not the object of that behavior. I don't have a problem with it, and I say this as someone who once refused to use the "b" word because I considered it too hateful toward women. (However, I've long since relented on that because I had to deal with several "b's" up close and personal and frankly that word wasn't bad enough. Even though I guess it's not allowed around these parts, I consider it a fairly generic term now which applies to both men and women. It's also one innocuous enough for the FCC to allow it on both cable and broadcast TV.)

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 4

To me, there is a world of difference between Amber's lie and Caroline's and Maya's.  I know, a lie is a lie, but there is just so much wrong in the whole deal with someone not telling you your baby died, depriving you of the opportunity to deal with your grief over the loss and shoving someone else's baby in your face, letting you believe he is yours.  I look at it this way - I'm married, and we have a son together.  If I found out my husband cheated on me, yes, I'd be pissed.  But, it's something I'd move on from at some point and, hopefully, find a way to be a civil co-parent with him after we divorced.   But, if I found out that while I was in the OR having emergency surgery after delivering our son, the worst happened, and my husband managed to hide that and find some baby to replace him, there would be no forgiveness.  None.  And Maya's lie, yeah, I'd be pissed about something that huge being kept from me, while others knew, because the person was waiting until we were engaged to let me in on it, but ultimately it's something I could get past and continue on with that person.  

I don't disagree that Amber's actions (not just her lies) were absolutely unconscionable and disgusting and downright evil and I have disliked Amber from when she seduced her underage charge, Rick, and it just went downhill from there. I think for me it's the way that Amber is universally despised (and rightfully so) for her actions but Caroline's are held up against hers and of course, in comparison, what Caroline did to Rick seems like nothing but it was very hurtful and a betrayal nonetheless. To hold it up next to Amber's deeds and say it wasn't that bad is minimizing, in my very humble opinion of course, and takes away from what she did. Not to mention she (Caroline) had a cheering section that minimized what she did and rooting for her to have a relationship with Ridge. For me, saying X did this but Y did so much worse isn't exactly a ringing endorsement of X. YMMV.

  • Love 2


But because it's Ridge, all is forgiven as usual. He is not just Waffles, Original Recipe, he is Teflon man. Nothing sticks to him and I'm sure his shit doesn't stink either. Case in point - Rick prior to the affair reveal - a man who was competent, business savvy and more than capable of being a CEO as well as a loving and loyal husband - in the blink of an eye, he's reduced to a cartoon villain, shooting guns to boot. He all but twirled his mustache. Once again, Ridge comes out of this smelling like a rose where even the woman he betrayed, Katie (and there's no love there for me) is all but rooting for him to be with Caroline.


Truth told. Rick was a relatively normal, emotionally balanced (at least with JY's second run) character until they decided to turn him into a moustache twirling villain to prop CaRidge. Annoying for a Raya fan and annoying for a Maya fan as she went from being sweet and honest to allegedly being a gold digger, something that she was soooo far removed from when she first came on the show that she had to fall into a massive plothole to achieve it. It's an unbelievably stupid jump in what could have been a compelling and balanced quadrangle and it pisses me the fuck off that they threw Rick and Maya's characters under a bus for it.



Exactly. When the CEO position turn into a zero-sum game? Oh wait, Eric did that, the doddering old fool. I guess Rick has to kill or critically injure somebody before Eric can decide he's not worthy to sit in the big boy's chair.



Yup, I told you, it's the Forrester Survival Game. The elusive Hunger Games part 4 (who knew there was another sequel?).



No it doesn't absolve Ridge at all, but it also isn't ALL Ridge's fault. Every single thing Rick has said lately is all about the evul Ridge. Ridge stole Caroline, Ridge stole Brooke ... Ridge Ridge Ridge (taking liberties with the Brady Bunch). No one can be stolen from someone else unless we saw Ridge literally abduct Caroline (or Brooke) and lock them away.


This is very true. Although within the context of this show if Brooke's hoo-ha is considered (inexplicably) glittery then it stands to reason that Ridge's ding dong is also thought of as magical and equally irresistible given the trouble it's caused. Given the nature of his (rather unbelievable) effect on all the women on this show since its inception (similar to Brooke's) I'll allow the word "steal" while acknowledging that no one can truly steal someone away but for the context of this narrative when Ridge is written (and has always been written) as irresistible to women. The Lana Lang or Elena Gilbert effect (if you will).I imagine the men and women of the show share the same dread and horror and tremble in fear when Ridge or Brooke set their sights on their women/men. 



Doesn't only apply to women and is really a reference toward a certain behavior and not the object of that behavior


Fair, unfortunately I've only ever heard it in reference to women and usually as an allusion to the woman's sexual promiscuity. 



To me, there is a world of difference between Amber's lie and Caroline's and Maya's.  I know, a lie is a lie, but there is just so much wrong in the whole deal with someone not telling you your baby died, depriving you of the opportunity to deal with your grief over the loss and shoving someone else's baby in your face, letting you believe he is yours.  I look at it this way - I'm married, and we have a son together.  If I found out my husband cheated on me, yes, I'd be pissed.  But, it's something I'd move on from at some point and, hopefully, find a way to be a civil co-parent with him after we divorced.   But, if I found out that while I was in the OR having emergency surgery after delivering our son, the worst happened, and my husband managed to hide that and find some baby to replace him, there would be no forgiveness.  None.  And Maya's lie, yeah, I'd be pissed about something that huge being kept from me, while others knew, because the person was waiting until we were engaged to let me in on it, but ultimately it's something I could get past and continue on with that person.


I vehemently concur with all of this.



As stated above, your point of view depends on if your Team Rick or Team Ridge. In many ways they are both disfunctional and neither really deserve to be CEO. Rick projects all his faults on Ridge and visa versa.


I completely agree with this as well. Rick's has been written terribly these past few months and his actions have been completely ridiculous and insane, I still like the character because I like the actor and I relate to his overall arc and story and the concept of being used as a pawn in your family dynamic. At the end of the day though neither of these characters have any chill and they could both use several pieces of humble pie with Thorne sitting at the helm. I sure miss that guy.



Caroline has more class than Maya or Amber and a bigger heart.


I have to completely disagree with this unfortunately. This is a woman who tried to trick Maya into porn, blackmailed the headwriter of her show into making Maya do more graphic scenes with Carter and made a habit of dropping her drawers any time any place whenever she thought she was losing her grasp on Rick. Class and heart aren't the words I'm looking for..

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

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