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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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What, the all and powerful best CEO ever doesn't read his e-mails nor critic's reviews. Way to stay on top of everything Rick. Even if you have an assistant read them, it's still second hand knowledge. Maybe the only e-mails he reads are the ones that he sends.

Wyatt was really being charming in his talk with Nicole today. Bonding with her over just finding a sibling and Rick being a brother-in-law and never knew what he was thinking. Kudos Wyatt, even the mention of secret was cleaver in its content but Nicole's reaction did speak volumes. Oh, Kattie, STFU your sister would cut your transplanted heart out to get back with Bill if she could but finger snapping doesn't work with him.

Speaking of charming, Quinn knows exactly how to handle Rick by stroking is ego and kissing his ass. Rick thinks he's to good to go to anyone's wedding. I can see Quinn, but his own aunt.

Once again, Brooke is using her children as objects only to make Ridge or Deacon feel guilty. Even after Deacon said he spoke to Hope and Hope didn't forbid or snap her fingers, Brooke didn't stop the guilt train. I'm wondering what Brooke is going to do to stop the wedding. Is she going to have one of them pushed off a bridge or declare she is pregnant by Deacon? At times, Brooke can be as vengeful as Quinn. Is just that Quinn is in you face and Brooke is passive aggressive.

  • Love 4

Brooke goes to her fall back position of forbidding Deacon to marry Quinn. Deacon pooh poohs her argument (weak tea), so Brooke flounces off to make a phone call for

(I'm speculating, so this isn't an actual spoiler) Hope to swoop in and beg Deacon to not go through with the marriage to Quinn. If that actually happens, that will be a huge surprise for Wyatt, too.

  • Love 3

I assume that him being the only guy she sees on her romantic horizon bumped him up a whole lot of kindness and goodness points. If Ridge had gone for that finger snapping, Deacon would be coming in a lot lower on the Brooke Scale of Goodness and Light.

Which is the worst part of this, and the whole reason they were ever a thing to begin with.

Even before Taylor died, she wasn't trying to mount Deacon, but once Ridge was free? Hell yeah, he suddenly became the Devil.

This show. :/

  • Love 5

Here is my issue; I don't see how Maya being a transgender woman would have any impact on Rick's position as CEO. There is no doubt it should effect him as a person, as a man, and as someone who values honesty above all else, but at the end of the day, what does it have to do with him as CEO? If Wyatt is able to get Nicole to talk, and the Spencer's try to put some kind of nasty, or unfavorable spin on it, that could really backfire on them, and they could come off as a bunch of bigots. So will they find out and tell Rick and threaten public exposure unless he steps down? I don't see Rick caving to that; I think it would just piss him off. It could actually be the catalyst of this entire mess. Maybe them coming at him, and talking badly about Maya's background, will be what makes him embrace her even tighter? I don't know, I am just as confused with these tactics as I was with the previous attempts to take FC's by having majority shares. 


Shut up Brooke, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! I wish Deacon would take a firmer stance with Brooke. I know he goes on about how Quinn has been good for him, and how she is trying, but when Brooke starts with all that nonsense about Quinn killing Hope's child, and messing up her marriage and blah, blah, blah, Deacon just stands there and let's her go on. Yes, Quinn interfered and manipulated, but she didn't force Hope to marry anyone. Additionally, Hope could have shut the door in Quinn's face on that fateful day, and she didn't have to follow Quinn outside, and she didn't need to be wearing ten inch heels while pregnant. Just like Steffy had a terrible accident while pregnant; Hope did too, and blaming Quinn is the equivalent of blaming Steffy's motorcycle. Both of these girls made bad choices, so put the blame where it belongs.


I have always felt that Brooke has been given a bad rap with all the "man stealer" and "home wrecker" stuff, because I am a firm believer that people cannot be "stolen" unless they want to be, and no home can be "wrecked" unless it is already in trouble. But in this instance, I do believe that Brooke is behaving badly. She doesn't want Deacon, she just needs him around to keep pumping up her ego, and she knows that once he is married all these little house calls are going to stop. So, in the end, she really doesn't care about Deacon at all; she is being self serving and self centered and it is really pissing me off. 


Really Rick? Did I hear you going on about Quinn alienating everyone? Jeez, project much dude? And of course you are too good to go to her wedding, after all, you couldn't be bothered to go to your aunt Katie's nuptials. I guess being a CEO elevates you to such a lofty status, and you become so self important, that you can't be seen hobnobbing with the hired help, or your family for that matter. Why don't you just stick a pin in it already fucker. 

  • Love 13

I think Nicole's look has a Japanese-street-fashion vibe to it, but I get that it isn't everybody's cup of tea.

That's exactly what it is, now that you mention it.

The way out there Harajuku stuff isn't everyday, but I did see a lot of clothing combos while stationed in Japan that were...odd to most Americans. And being a size 9 in shoes it was rare to find anything that fit, much to my annoyance because I like those Harajuku type shoes, damnit. :(

  • Love 2

Was that a Face Time chat to object to a wedding or a hostage being forced by her captors to film a proof of life video?  KM went right past "upset the father I barely know is marrying the woman who was in the same zip code when I took a tumble down those Escher garden stairs and lost my baby" to hostage. 

  • Love 8

Did you know that Quinn is responsible for WWII,

The Korean War, the Gulf War, and Ebola in Africa? Did you know that Quinn is the Devil incarnated? How in hell did Brooke make the 50 minute drive from LA (Beverly Hill) to Malibu in 3 minutes? Is she using the Y&R transporter?

Now Hope is not only sucking the life out of Wyatt and Liam, but her father. Hope is definatly her mother's spawn by forbidding her dad to marry Quinn. If Hope snapped her fingers, than B&B would owe me a new TV because I would have thrown my cup of coffee at it. Screw Brooke and Hope and go through with the wedding. They don't actually give a shit about anybody but themselves.

Ok, now Liam is on the scent. Fashion industry accepting Maya is not the problem, Rick is but social media can also be a problem if they perceive FC not being open about it from the get go.

  • Love 7

I wasn't particularly bothered by Rick's turning down the wedding invitation.  As Quinn's boss it would have been nice if he accepted, but to me his rationale made sense, he hired her for her talent, but it doesn't mean he likes her.

ICAM. And even though Hope and her dumb-ass heels are mostly to blame for her accident/miscarriage, I can see why Rick doesn't like her. 


I also don't blame Rick for not going to the Batie 2.0 wedding. It's not like Katie ever gave two shits about him and she was (and continues to be albeit more passive/aggressive/rub my husband in your face these days) a bitch to his mother.

  • Love 3

On a positive note, I thought Quinn looked beautiful. Loved her dress, her hair, and her jewelry. The guys looked good too in their wedding suits. Re Wyatt's suit, wasn't that the same one he wore to the yacht wedding with Hope?


But poor Quinn, that entire mess was probably on her own dime, including the engagement ring. It's sad that she's so desperate that she'd finance her own just-add-water insta-nuptials from top to bottom. I'd think that if she wanted to buy a husband she'd could get a better one than a doughy slacker like Deacon.


How many times are Maya and Nicole going to have that same conversation? Enough already, we get it. No one can find out!


Brooke is so disgusting. Always using her kids to try to work their fathers who don't want her anymore. But when she doesn't need to use them her kids better stay out of sight because she's got more important stuff to worry about.

  • Love 12

For a while I thought maybe Quinn was pushing hard for people to attend her wedding because she wanted to "out" Brooke and Deacon's emotional affair in some huge splashy hurtful manner. Looks like I won't get my wish.  

Can this damn SECRET come out already? I am so tired of it. We all are.



Oh Hope... shut up. 

  • Love 6

Seeing Hope Skype in didn't make me wish she was back on the show.


I was surprised to see Quinn in white. I was convinced she was going to go red or black.


Deacon would've looked nicer with a hair cut.


Brooke is triflin. Besides, why is Deacon such a prize that she would go to such lengths as to manipulate her daughter to crash the wedding by videophone?


Deacon is fun but not my favourite. I am a Sean Kanan fan, which is why I care even this much about this people. :P

  • Love 5
how that is going to oust Rick from the CEO position?

They're probably assuming there'll be a huge scandal and bad PR which will hurt FC's sales. Since the CEO is connected at the hip to the focal point of the scandal, he'd probably have to go in order to begin rebuilding FC's public image. Plus, Rick might react in a volatile way and not consider the long-range implications of his hasty decisions.


why is Deacon such a prize that she would go to such lengths as to manipulate her daughter to crash the wedding by videophone

I don't think Brooke wants Deacon for herself, she just doesn't want him with Quinn. She probably could have broken them up if she'd agreed to get back with Deacon (which he seemed to be gambling on) but so far she's refused to do that. Her fallback maneuver is to use her kids.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 2

Like mother, like daughter ... annoying, arrogant butinski's.

Well in a way like daughter like father. Deacon made a surprise visit to Hope, in Italy, to try to sabotage her marring Liam. Now Hope made a surprise visit to Deacon to try to derail him on marring Quinn. Let's hope it's only a slight delay because I would hate for bitch and bitchette to get their way. If the marriage is derailed, I would love for Quinn to put some of that toxic jewelry making material on their tampons. Well maybe Hope is the only one that has to use a tampon anymore so Quinn would have to put it on Brooke's broomstick or vibrator. Maybe Quinn has a "little" worse way about preventing marriages, but why does Brooke and Bill get a pass? Do you think that Quinn and Y&R Sharon are kindred spirits? They both live at the bottom of the hill that shit roles down on.

ETA: If Quinn is so bat shit crazy and capable of terrible acts of agression, than why would Brooke or even Hope not worry about Quinn's retaliation? It's like someone trying to go swimming with the Polar Bears at the zoo.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 4

Cupid Stunt, on 18 Apr 2015 - 12:42 PM, said:

Like mother, like daughter ... annoying, arrogant butinski's.


Waldo13 quote

Well in a way like daughter like father. Deacon made a surprise visit to Hope, in Italy, to try to sabotage her marring Liam. Now Hope made a surprise visit to Deacon to try to derail him on marring Quinn. Let's hope it's only a slight delay because I would hate for bitch and bitchette to get their way.


In Deacon's defense he was taken to Italy to derail Liam and Hope's wedding # 46 by $Bill -- He bribed the prison warden Deacon was incarcerated, and said, "Hold Hope up at the hotel, make her miss her ride and the wedding, or back to the pokey."


It seemed that Deacon wanted to see Hope more than anything and regretted interfering in her wedding plans with her "Twu Wuv."




I hated all the misdirection and interference Steffy and $Bill created to keep those two idiots apart.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 5

What is wrong with Brooke? She was so much more entertaining when she was drunk. When Deacon first came back, wasn't she really not thrilled to see him and kind of wishing he would leave? This trajectory of hers has been all over the place. First, she hates him, then she barely tolerates him, then she wants him back, then she trusts him as a friend because he hauled her back from the pits of her two weeks of alcoholism, and now she's his mother? She's annoying me. Deacon and Quinn seem happy, why not just them alone? If you can't do that, how about at least not manipulating your child? If nothing else, stop tempting the wrath of the woman you keep saying is unpredictable and dangerous.

Plus, Rick might react in a volatile way and not consider the long-range implications of his hasty decisions.

What??? Not the Rick *I* know!

  • Love 13

In Deacon's defense he was taken to Italy to derail Liam and Hope's wedding # 46 by $Bill -- He bribed the prison warden Deacon was incarcerated, and said, "Hold Hope up at the hotel, make her miss her ride and the wedding, or back to the pokey."

It seemed that Deacon wanted to see Hope more than anything and regretted interfering in her wedding plans with her "Twu Wuv."


I hated all the misdirection and interference Steffy and $Bill created to keep those two idiots apart.

To her credit, Steffy stopped interferring, having correctly realized that the two were more than capable of imploding on their own and Liam would come back to her. Which is exactly what happened with the wedding after Italy.

  • Love 2

That little talking picture in Brooke's hands didn't look too impressive.  From across the room, it must have been almost laughable--tiny Hope telling them what to do, or rather, what they couldn't do, a square, disembodied head ordering them around. 

Edited by Unwarranted
  • Love 10

Didn't Hope already force Deacon to choose? And he chose Quinn? So it didn't work but she does it again? I'm more confused than Hope


In Hope's defense, it seems like the one thing she's seen through her entire life is that men waffle all the damn time.  At this point, I'd think she assumes that a man will make two entirely different decisions about the same situation depending on what day it is.  

  • Love 5

Just caught up on all this week.


And just when I thought it was safe to turn on my TV.....Hope...:/


Lordy, Lordy, Lordy Brooke.  Who died and made you Queen of everybody's lives?  Geesh.  I've only been watching since Ridge *ahem* fell out of the helicopter.  So don't have any background on Brooke but I just don't get the 'golden cooter' syndrome all these guys have seemed to suffer from in the past.  Kind of tickles me she can't get the time of day from them.  God I hope Deacon doesn't waver and have a relapse.


Quinn looked beautiful.  RS's coloring is awesome.  That raven hair and piercing blue eyes.  In KY we call it Black Irish (probably other places, too).


I'm looking forward to the Maya reveal....just wish they'd wrap it up already but they'll wait till sweeps probably.


Still love Liam & Ivy.  Totally bummed they're bringing back Steffy *shudder* to muck it up.


For Pete's sake Ivy call your Dad (like someone upthread suggested) and end the mansion madness.


Is JMc gone for good or just on hiatus?


Read y'all everyday and you crack my shit up.


Carry on......

Edited by OhioSongbird
  • Love 7

Given his age, I can't help but be concerned about JMc as well. He's never been gone from the show for this long, and never during the middle of a story that Eric should be a big player in.

That being said, what's gonna happen to the Forrester clan if and when he gets written out the show? Is Ridge to become the new patriarch, or the focus to slide more towards the Spencer/Logan clan? Will Brooke finally be allowed to grow up THEN? For the last five years the show has backed off on the vets running the show (at least to the extent they were in the late 2000s) and have younger characters to carry on the story. It's too bad no one cares about those stories.

  • Love 3

The Brooke scenes were all kinds of hilarious Friday.

She goes to Katie's office to tell her...well, I don't know what the point of going to Katie's office was. Blah, blah, blahdycakes...I'm worried about Deacon and I'm going to run out of this office RIGHT before I tell you what I'm going to do about it.

And I want to know what kind of stylish jetpack heels Brooke had on that kept Katie from being able to go after her mere seconds after Brooke made it into the hallway.

But how much better I feel that all decorum and decency is not lost because after months of suffering Brooke's stringy, dead hair, she actually curled it to try to end the wedding she was never going to step foot near. Well, she was going to a wedding after all...

Edited by nicolin
  • Love 9

I can't remember the last time I rooted for a soap wedding. (Maybe the second time Victor and Nikki got married? There was one of their weddings way back when that I was really into.) So yay, those two crazy kids tied the knot! I hope it lasts. I should know better with this show, but I do hope it lasts.

  • Love 12

I'm not a pessimist but I was waiting for the other shoe to drop even when Deacon told Brooke and Hope to stuff it. It's funny that Hope, to me, looked like a talking head in a box and Brooke was Senior Wences the ventriloquist. Sorry I had to use the 1960's reference. No other show, yet, but ....

Maya, STFU, Rick holds people to they high standards he does himself but don't have kissy face in the office or you may get shot. Oh, and fashion is a tough business and who you know can get you so far. WTF. Maya its all about who you know for you. Maya the. Has the nerve to diss on Caroline and Ivy. They have done more than you could no matter how many times you hoist Rick's flag.

I enjoyed Quinn's and Deacon's wedding. Simple but more elegant in a way. No over the top wedding with horses, beaches, and yachts. I really liked the hand binding. It was typical Quinn.

ETA: I just saw the TVLand awards and they honored "The Wonder Years". I forgot that Alley Mills played Mrs. Arnold for 5 years.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 7

I think I squealed with glee when annoying-as-hell Brooke and her annoying-as-hell daughter via Skype got shut down by Deacon. Way to do it, you paunchy ex-con! He should be thanking his lucky stars that such a gorgeous, sex-crazy wife (albeit just plain crazy) wants him.


There's nothing so life affirming as watching Brooke Logan, Chief Bint of Big Vagina, Ltd, get shut down AGAIN by a former lover.


Nice of Brooke to use Junior Bint (Hope) as a wedge against her father and Quinn. I don't see Deacon forgetting that Brooke chose to tamper with his limited relationship with Hope again.


And because it can't be said enough: Where was Brooke's outrage with $Bill for all the nasty crap he pulled on her daughter? In my book, Bill is pretty equal to Quinn for effing up Hope's "DESTINY!!!" to be with the Waffle. Oh, right...Brooke could overlook Bill's shenanigans because he has a penis. Never mind!


 Brooke's first loyalty is to dick over any of her children.. The Stallion's abuses against Hope were indulged over her own personal pleasure.

  • Love 8

Hope ruins everything. She's a cancer to every story. Her feelings, judgements, and angst I'm so sick of it. Brooke was being manipulative too. Anyhow when Brooke was interrupting Batie's workday to complain about the marriage, Bill said it best "these 2 losers deserve each other." Yes. Let them make their own damn decisions they're in their 40's and basically aren't gonna find anyone willing to be with them individually.

Deacon needs a haircut. I liked his speeches to Hope (it was sensitive but direct) and his romantic wedding one to Quinn.

Brooke is so freaking thirsty - just like her hair!

I see chemistry between Liam and Maya when they were sparring. Hmm.

  • Love 8

I'm not typically a shipper, but DEAQUINN 4-EVAH!

That was the best soap wedding I've seen in a long time, made even better by the failure of Hope's emotional blackmail. Maybe Hope's threat that she would cut Deacon out of her life if he married Quinn is what sealed the deal for him!


I'm on board!


I like them because they have a believable relationship, warm, funny, sexy, a genuine understanding and support of their weaknesses; they are good for each other. If the two of them could get some cash and a little luck together, they could make the jewelry business a thriving enterprise more independent of the Forrester label. Deacon has the gift of gab and a certain charm, Quinn has the artistic and techical talent .. Why not?

  • Love 12

Oh thank the soap gods, Deacon married Quinn despite Hope's whining! I'm so relieved. I loved Wyatt's little speech to them. RS looked AMAZING with her blazing blue eyes glowing with happiness. I really liked Wyatt's reactions during the vows, especially his quiet smile after Deacon's. I can't remember the last time a wedding made me smile. And did I mention that Quinn looked amazing?

On the other end of the spectrum, what the hell has KKL done to her FACE? Her eyebrows are really scrunched up and frozen, and her cheekbones seem... off.

  • Love 10

What I find a little funny about all this, is that no one see's Brooke's actions as being somewhat off center. All we keep hearing is how crazy Quinn is, and what a loser Deacon is, because no one can change right? But why is no one examining Brooke's actions? Come on, manipulating and using her daughter to try and stop Deacon's wedding? A man Brooke kicked to the curb when Hope was a baby, and has avoided like like the plaque since? And all on the heels of Brooke's epic battle with alcoholism? If anyone needs to be doing a self evaluation; it is Brooke. Her motivations are all wrong; she cannot believe that Deacon would move forward with his wedding after she told him "this could be our time", because by all that is holy, that is Brooke's Siren Song to Deacon. She gave him that glimmer of hope, showed him one little crack in her anti-Deacon armor, and there was no doubt in Brooke's mind that would seal the deal. She has always been Deacon's unattainable woman, his dream, but she is now learning that everyone, even Deacon, has a breaking point, a place where they must do what is best for them, and not hold onto empty promises and dreams. I cannot tell you how my heart sang with happiness when I heard that little tweety/beepy noise coming from Brooke's handheld device. That signaled the end of Hope's emotional blackmail by Skype, and the shut down of the Bitch and Bitchette. 


I think it is hilarious that Liam's "Plan C" was to eavesdrop on Nicole and Maya.


I see they will be continuing on with Maya's general disrespect of Rick's family and friends. Did I actually hear her saying something about Rick's standards and how he holds people to them? WHAAA???? So then, if Carter was to just be strolling by and saw you and Rick in one of your numerous make out sessions, and he, well, kinda took a dislike to it, then it would be ok for Carter to start shooting up the place? Oh no, I forgot, that privilege only applies to CEO's. So then is that standard using your relatives as domestics? Or maybe, belittling and humiliating your staff and their work? 


I am so sick of the "we have to keep this secret" conversation, particularly when these two fools keep having it at FC's with open doors. More than that though, I am sick of listening to Maya talk to people about Ivy, and Ally, and Ridge, you know the Forrester's, as if they were the interlopers. 


That was the best wedding I have seen in a long, long time. Short, sweet and beautiful. Quinn looked stunning, Deacon looked better than he has in awhile, although he could have used a haircut. Loved when Quinn made the remark about "and that other thing", and the look on Deacon's face. Loved when Quinn grabbed the ring and said her vows like an over anxious little kid. Very nicely done.

  • Love 12

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