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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Here are the 2015 Daytime Emmy Nominations:




Noticeably absent this year are KKL and HT. Kudos to LG, JY and SC.


Laughable: the multiple nominations as "best of" including hair and makeup. Ha! That's a laugh.  I guess that with the dwindling number of soaps, it's pretty easy to get a potential "best of" nod. Otherwise...I thought the SLs of the past year were pretty crap, with the exception of CaRidge.

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So is Brooke playing with Deacon's emotions just to get him to leave Quinn?  That's how I interpreted it. But why? We all know she could give a rats ass about deacon for himself.  I would say its for Hope, but I don't think this version of Brooke even remembers that there IS a Hope-child.

She looks and sounds like she's  hitting more than just booze in a bottle.  She's downright spacey lately. 

So now that Quinn's back at FC (with those amazingly fabulous green stillettos, Lord they made my heart skip a beat) , will Brooke "Forbid" her from working there?  Because Brooke likes to "Not allow" things to happen.  Which she can do with a snap Snap SNAP of her fingers.


Shut up Katie. 

Wyatt's shirt was just...ugh, dumb. 

Liam can shut his scraggly noise hole about how he Will NOT stand for Rick mistreating *certain specific* employees badly.  If I am to read him right, if Ivy quit...he could give a shit what happens to Forrester.

File an EEO complaint and stop stomping around and waving your arms, Waffles. 


Did anyone stop to think that Rick is getting off on being able to override people's protests?  Because he's the CEO, or something.  How about during one of these mandatory meetings everyone just says...ok, cool.  Hiring Quinn? Cool.  Design specifically for the worst lead model at any fashion house? (she's beautiful but in all the photo shoots I feel like she's gonna give  finger guns or something, She's so cheesy with the turn pose, turn pose, hand on face.  Is she channeling the Hope Logan Modeling for Dummies) Ok, sure. done boss.  Look the other way while I dry hump my lady during shareholder meeting?  Okey dokey.  Then go do whatever you were going to do anyway. Rick is only in it for the conflict.

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All we hear about is how crazy and unstable Quinn is so why are Brooke and Deacon tempting fate. Why would Deacon want to wander in a arid old desert when he has the ability to dine at the Ritz?

I have been wondering if Brooke ever found a man on her own or does she always steal some other woman's man?

Edited by Waldo13
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Brooke's outfit was cute. Her hair was horrible though. Ivy looked so pretty and fashionable.

LOL at Katie lurking in the bushes spying. She's really being a pushy buttinski lately. Doesn't she have a hot newlywed husband, baby, and executive job to think of?

"Deacon is a gentleman! He's good and kind." Oookay Brookie.

That plus Quinn gushing about how great Deacon is and how happy she was convinced me Deacon will stray. Quinn will go ballistic. We got a taste of that when she flipped out at Brooke as she realized that's his AA buddy.

Why were there so many intensely close up shots of faces today? It's like out of a comic strip when the entire face of Spiderman a characters eyes in Sin City fills the page then the next cell is a wide distant shot of people. The camera lens on B&B is way to close to them sometimes.

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Shut up Katie.

 Because it can't be said enough, shut up, Katie.

Quinn will go ballistic. We got a taste of that when she flipped out at Brooke as she realized that's his AA buddy.

It almost looked like Quinn was smelling the evil on Brooke.

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Deacon's argument will be that he offered to tell Quinn about his AA friend and Quinn refused. (Even though Quinn was trying to do the right thing by respecting anonymity.)


Which way is it Katie? First, she gloats to Brooke about how happy she is now with Bill back. So, Brooke respects that by reaching out to Deacon instead. Then, Katie reminds Brooke of her own times of loneliness (unspoken due to Brooke) but then grills Brooke about why she reached out to Deacon instead of Katie. Nice sister.


My favorite part of the show was Quinn's metallic green shoes. I'd have a mind to ditch Deacon and look for somebody else. He's a loser.


"*Did Deacon EVER have any type of job??"


I can't speak for Y&R, but for awhile he had some type of marketing/PR job at FC, then later he owned/ran bars and nightclubs.

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Oh Deacon - Brooke only wants you now because all her other 'destinies' are with their other destinies, and she can't be alone for a hot minute.


How else is Brooke going to get attention from her allegedly negligent family and former objects of DESTINY? She re-ups with the same man that she squandered so much good will, she'll have family swarming all over her "big, empty house," trying to fix what broken in ol' Brooke.


And Brooke has the added satisfaction of wounding Quinn, the woman that denied Brooke a grandchild and hurt Hope.



And both of you stop with the rewrite of your cheating being some great love affair. It wasn't.  You were cheating on your wife, Brooke was screwing her SIL.


Deacon, remember how she treated you after it was over - you were pond scum to her. And while everyone forgave Brooke after a few weeks, you are still pond scum to the greater LA area.


Disgusting behavior on both of their parts.


I am surprised that Rick has not reacted to the recent news that Brooke and Deacon have been together. He hated Deacon with Bridget, and wasn't any happier when his mother's affair with him was exposed.



Go hang with the bat shit crazy Quinn.  At least she really does seem to care about you and think you are a great catch. (But then again, she is BSC)



I like Quinn and Deacon together: The actors really work well together, and the characters make emotional sense. It is a wasted opportunity ruining their relationship to prop up Brooke.


Deacon and Brooke are weak tea in comparison (I realize Deacon is being written as thinking their past relationship ended too soon, but that's wishful thinking). Their extramarital affair was built with the bones of Bridget and their individual selfishness, not love and certainly not DESTINY.

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Brooke always forgets that she was going to marry Bill who did everything he could to hurt Hope. But it's "OMG! Quinn! Look what she did to OUR daughter!" STFU, Squinty.

Edited by LittleIggy
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Where is the scheming Deacon we all know and love? He is out-Liaming Liam as the shmoopiest waffle of all. Today's scene with Deacon and could have been a scene with Brooke and Ridge, with Deacon reading Brooke's script. Bring back the real Deacon.


Pretty much, what Donovan said here:

And both of you stop with the rewrite of your cheating being some great love affair. It wasn't.  You were cheating on your wife, Brooke was screwing her SIL. 


Deacon, remember how she treated you after it was over - you were pond scum to her. And while everyone forgave Brooke after a few weeks, you are still pond scum to the greater LA area.

To add, she treated him liek shit because Taylor happen to "die" a few weeks after Hope was born and Ridge was free. But even if that hadn't happened, it wasn't like she was exactly galloping on horseback to be with him after Bridget left, nor should she have been.


Laughable: the multiple nominations as "best of" including hair and makeup. Ha! That's a laugh.  I guess that with the dwindling number of soaps, it's pretty easy to get a potential "best of" nod. Otherwise...I thought the SLs of the past year were pretty crap, with the exception of CaRidge.

CaRidge is still one more good, solid story than Y&R has had since God knows when, and I doubt the other two would seriously outstrip that.


That said, I'm glad HT's not getting nominated. Nothing she's had deserves even the obligatory Being Heather Tom nod she usually gets.

Oh goodie! A love triangle with two women fighting over an overweight, out-of-work* alcoholic! *sigh*


*Did Deacon EVER have any type of job??


I laughed about the Emmy nom for best stunts--as in Hope falling down those stairs??? Geez, what were the other soaps doing?!

Deacon usually found employment with whichever woman he was shacking up with at the time.  He worked with Amber on the Ambrosia line, was employed with FC IIRC back while married to Bridget, and was last seen employed with Jackie M before Massimo spiked his drink and set him down the alcoholic road that led him to dumpster sex with Phyllis in Genoa City (talk about hitting rock bottom!).

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Brooke always forgets that she was going to marry Bill who did everything he could to hurt Hope. But it's "OMG! Quinn! Look what she did to OUR daughter!" STFU, Squinty.

Hope was an idiot for wearing six inch heels while pregnant, and then  taking off in a huff while in said six inch heels. It's not quite at "Step on a rickety ass chair when I've just found out I have a weakened cervix" level of stupid like Bridget's first pregnancy, but it's not like she shoved her down that flight of stairs. Or, you know, forced her to marryt Wyatt, which is what Hope will still be pissed about if and when she returns anyway.


Speaking of Hope's aborted deamon spawn, I'm guessing TIIC were going to do the whole WTD thing, but dropped it because KM was leaving. As idiotic as Hope is, certainly it should have crossed her mind that the baby could have possibly been Liam's, given that they'd probably had had sex within the week of her Paris marriage to Ostrich Boy. Just seems like a large oversight, is all.

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This reminds me so much of when Brooke left Nick and then he hooked up with Bridget. Brooke didn't want to be with Nick, and it wasn't that she didn't want Bridget with him either, it was that Brooke wanted Nick to remember "them". She was constantly "accidentally" bumping into Nick, and the conversation would inevitably turn into Brooke declaring "I will always love you", and saying things like, "I know you are committed to Bridget, but you will always love me". I really, really, disliked Brooke during this time period, and things are heading in that direction with this SL as well. Brooke does not want to be with Deacon romantically; no, Brooke needs Deacon because he says what she wants to hear. Since Brooke has always defined herself by the man/men in her life, she needs Deacon right now to tell her that she could just go out and grab whoever she see's as her destiny of the moment. Snap, crackle, pop. I am so over it. There is nothing wrong with accepting that you are not the Sex Siren anymore. You are still vital, and can still be productive and happy. For someone who was a brilliant chemist, and a savvy and very successful business woman, Brooke is dumber than dirt when it comes to relationships. 


Katie just cannot let it go. You have not only won the battle Ms. Lemonhead, but the war as well. You did what no woman has ever done; you not only stole Brooke's destiny, but you also managed to pull your destiny away from Brooke, and are now happily remarried to him. And yet, you continue to punish them. This non-stop commentary to Bill about Brooke, and how worried you are about her? There is no way on God's green earth that Bill was over Brooke; it had only been three months for Pete's sake. Look at Eric and Ridge; it has taken them decades, and Eric is still carrying the torch. Even though it was penned long before the advent of Brooke, I have always felt the song "That Old Black Magic" was written for the character. So Katie knows what she is doing every time she opens her mouth and starts popping in the Lemonheads of concern for Brooke to Bill. And she can shut up about Deacon too. I don't want Brooke and Deacon together, but he was helping someone through something difficult; never mind that Deacon was thinking with his raging divining rod, he was trying to do the right thing. Katie was too busy urinating all over Aspen and Bill to notice, or to be too concerned about big sis. 


Let's play "Can you name that perfume"? Wow, Ally must have passed on some of her sniffing out skills to Quinn, cause she was quick to realize that Brooke was Deacon's flowery smelling AA buddy. 


Why was Brooke surprised to find out that her son, The CEO of the World, rehired Quinn? That move would barely make my top ten list of Rick's nutty actions. If momma bear had been paying attention on her return, she might have picked up on the fact that her little boy is a little crazy. But Brooke had other fish to fry; and she needed to remind them that she could rectify the situation with a snap of her fingers. How did that work out for you Brooke? 


Only Quinn could rock out in a grey outfit and neon green stilettos and look fabulous. 


Ivy continues to warm the cockles of my heart. Of all people to try and cut Quinn some slack? But that is why I like this character; she is always trying to find the good in others, no matter what they have done to her. I really hope that Ivy and Quinn connect and become a dynamic duo. That would tick Rick off a great deal, and could light the way for others to give Rick his much needed comeuppance. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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"*Did Deacon EVER have any type of job??"


I can't speak for Y&R, but for awhile he had some type of marketing/PR job at FC, then later he owned/ran bars and nightclubs.


Actually, when Deacon first came on the show he owned and managed a bar, that's where Rick found him (to stop CJ and Amber's wedding) and that's where he and Bridget met. A year or so later, Brooke hired him as Head of Promotions at Forrester and later he worked with Amber and Jackie. I think he was also the manager of Amber's twin who was a singer (don't ask).


For most of his first run on the show, Deacon always had some sort of job so I don't know why they don't give him something to do.

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It was great that Deacon reminded Brooke that it was Bill who dropped Ridge from the helicopter when she tried to blame Quinn. Deacon should have gone a little further about Rick shooting up the office.

Maya is going to cook her own goose if she keeps acting belligerent towards Nicole. Rick is not that smart but he's smart enough to pick up their negative vibes. Now Maya will have to lie to Rick's face if he starts asking direct questions to keep up her charade. Paranoia is setting in and I'm loving it.

Quinn can act more with her eyes than Brooke can with her whole body. Quinn stares down Brooke with those flashing beautiful blue eyes and all Brooke can do is squint back with her bloodshot eyes. RS should have received a daytime Emmy nomination along with LG.

ETA: Bill calls Ridge a dress maker and Deacon a convict. What is he going to call Maya when he finds out. Politically correct or not; that is the question.

Edited by Waldo13
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Show surprised me today when Quinn took the high road and was happy and proud. They are setting her up for a big fall. Her confidence and kindness she was having lately was a refreshing change for her character ----then she reverted the the classic Quinnsane we know and love/loathe. Stay gold Ponyboy.

Maya looked nice. I liked the color blocking on the outfit. Nicole's outfit on the other hand looked like a copy of Denise's on A Different World and she's no Lisa Bonet.

I think Nicole doesn't just want money or to have power over Maya. She wants to be Maya. A lead model and in Ricks bed. I sense a Single White Female (Single Black Shemale?) story coming.

Deacon needs a haircut. I need to stop using cliched expressions. Yesterday I said Quinn will go ballistic on Brooke. Today Deacon stated that. I wish Brooke will stop squinting so much and cut out the baby talk. She and the rest of the cast wonder why she doesn't collect awards when she's been the show star and heavy lifter for decades. Um this is why. She has like 3 dramatic expressions and acting tics. JMHO. Her nose job and JG's/Donna's is really obvious. The large space between top lip and bottom of nose and how you can see up the nostrils face on. Kim Kardassion has that large space between her upper lip and nose growing each year it is snake like. But the big gap of skin from mouth to nose the actresses both have makes them look more like sisters.

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Let's play "Can you name that perfume"? Wow, Ally must have passed on some of her sniffing out skills to Quinn, cause she was quick to realize that Brooke was Deacon's flowery smelling AA buddy.

It was Jean Patou's 1000.

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Or maybe Flowerbomb. Can't wait for it to explode.

(By Victor & Rolf, "A heady mix of gourmand and florals, this sweet treat of a fragrance has notes of tea, bergamot, sambac jasmine, orange tree, catleya orchid, freesia, rose, and amber, musk, and patchouli.")

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She said its floral and expensive plus Brooke is a woman of a certain age in Bel Air. That's what they wear my best friend is rich and in LA and in that age clique and that's her scent.

Then again its B&B so maybe Brooke's Bedroom made one : / it smells like cheating.

Edited by Petunia13
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Deacon is an inspiration to middle age unemployed out of shape guys everywhere, please stop trying to get him a job. ;)


Hey did you know Rick is CEO and Maya has never lied or hidden anything from him.


I do have to give credit to Brooke for her eye-rolls today.

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Hey did you know Rick is CEO and Maya has never lied or hidden anything from him.

I had no idea! You must pay attention to the show a lot better than I do :)

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What did Bill say Quinn is as unpredictable as? A rabbit? A rapper? A rabbi? A rafter? He turned his face away from the camera when he said it so I wonder if the word was redubbed after the scene was taped. (The recording I watched didn't have closed captioning.)

The way Nicole was dressed today had me waiting for her to bust out singing "I'll tumble 4 ya". Kind of a Boy George vibe going on there.

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I heard "rattler", too.

Good for Deacon for realizing he and Quinn are good for each other. But I was really hoping Quinn would not go nuts again. How cool would it be if she remained secure and happy in her relationship, ensuring that Brooke could not get Deacon back just.like. <snap> that. Why does this show take the predictable path so often?

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 I was really hoping Quinn would not go nuts again.

We haven't seen her conversation with Brooke yet, so I think there's hope for you...and by that I mean hope, not Hope :)

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Maya has potentially the best, most interesting story I can remember in daytime, and yet I still find her boring.  (And I've still not forgotten nor forgiven her awfulness toward Carter, Ally, Oliver, Ivy, etc.)  Maybe its KM?  She seems like a sweet person IRL, but I don't buy her as the incredibly strong and determined person Maya would have to be to go through what she's been through.  At least not yet, anyway.  Maybe KM will be more convincing as the story goes on. 

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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This is one messed up situation. I don't have a problem with someone who can commiserate helping someone out, at the same time Deacon is a really fast talker, and left a whole lot of info out of his explanation to Quinn. Then there was Brooke standing there in silent judgement of Quinn, when she knew that just twenty minutes before Deacon had been begging, and pleading, and hoping for a future with her. And I don't blame Brooke for that; she has not been the pursuer, although she did leave that door open just a crack; or just enough to give Deacon a glimmer of hope, and to keep him hanging around. And I don't have a problem with Quinn coming back into the office to have a little pow wow with Brooke, although I didn't appreciate her remark about Brooke being a "pathetic lush"; not because I like Brooke, but because I don't believe in hurling epitaphs at those in the throes of disease or sickness. Quinn may be off base about who should be the recipient of her anger, but fighting for her relationship does not make her crazy, particularly when your adversary is Brooke. It would be seen as completely natural for anyone else, but because it is Quinn, everyone will be saying she is nuts because she yelled at Brooke. Really? I left all my fucks to give about that somewhere else. It all seems like something ugly and nasty stuck to the underbelly of society. 


I did have an epiphany though, as I watched those scenes yesterday. I have watched the B&B since it's debut, and can't believe I never realized that it isn't the man that drives Brooke, it is the fight for the man. That is why Brooke is lonely, all her adversaries are gone; Stephanie, Taylor, Macy, Bridget. This is why she didn't entirely shut the door on Deacon, and I won't be surprised if she spills the whole pot of beans to Quinn, just so she understands how it rolls with the Golden Couter, and the spell it casts over those who venture there. 


Oh, Katie, Katie, Katie, what is your deal girlie? Your nonstop talk about, and concern for Brooke, is just going to give Bill a raging hard on. And now you tell him the whole sordid tale, complete with a Deacon reference? Yeah, that is how you cement the doom of your marriage. 


For a minute there I thought that was one of the girls from Bananarama, and was waiting for her to bust out with a rendition of "He Was Really Sayin Something". I couldn't help thinking how apropos that would have been given that Myron was in the office, but I digress. As others have said, Nicole wants a whole lot more than the brass ring; she wants it all, including Rick. I don't know that I like her, but I love her for sticking it to Maya, although I don't like her ammunition. Even so, it is making Maya nervous and paranoid, so that is all good. And Rick, the CEO of the World, who seems more like an automaton than a person, with his fixed smile and empty eyes, just keeps embracing this girl as his new family. I guess he has little choice, since he has turned his back on his blood kin, and pretty much everyone who has ever meant anything to him. 

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I don't know that I like her, but I love her for sticking it to Maya, although I don't like her ammunition. Even so, it is making Maya nervous and paranoid, so that is all good. And Rick, the CEO of the World, who seems more like an automaton than a person, with his fixed smile and empty eyes, just keeps embracing this girl as his new family. I guess he has little choice, since he has turned his back on his blood kin, and pretty much everyone who has ever meant anything to him. 



I see from spoilers that

Carter finds out Maya's secret next week.  I'm sure it will be in typical soap opera fashion, where Nicole and Maya will have a too loud conversation that over-explains everything with the door left 6 inches ajar.  In any case, it sounds like he starts to drop hints to Rick that Maya may be keeping something from him.  Even if he was cool with having previously been sleeping with (and engaged to?) a transgendered person who didn't feel the need to be honest about that, it seems like the kind of thing he'd straight out tell Rick, rather than do the whole "Oh, it was her secret to tell, not mine."  

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I did have an epiphany though, as I watched those scenes yesterday. I have watched the B&B since it's debut, and can't believe I never realized that it isn't the man that drives Brooke, it is the fight for the man. That is why Brooke is lonely, all her adversaries are gone; Stephanie, Taylor, Macy, Bridget. This is why she didn't entirely shut the door on Deacon, and I won't be surprised if she spills the whole pot hiof beans to Quinn, just so she understands how it rolls with the Golden Couter, and the spell it casts over those who venture there. 

That would explain why Thorne got dropped with a quickness so soon after they were married. ;)

But I think this is very true. Bill was a notable exception, mostly because Katie doesn't fight so much as take off at the very first speed bump. She did the same thing with Thorne after the sauna fiasco and left Nick a Dear John letter when she realized he still had a thing for Bridget.

I agree with whoever said Maya is still boring. I think it also says a lot for how far we as a culture when folks are not giving her a pass for her shitty behavior just solely because of this revelation and she's still treated like every other character, if that makes sense.

To put it in perspective, I'm sure many of you remembered the Luke and Noah saga from ATWT and how TIIC all but danced around them showing any kind of affection (see also:Mistletoe-gate) while Katie Peretti got to marry two brothers in the same calendar year and Lilden's yearly breakups and re-marriages wrecked havoc on their teen daughter.

I guess my roundabout point is that Maya's secret is not noticeably written any better or worse than the other stories, and that's a pretty good thing. I'm sure that opinion may change, but that's because of Brad Bell's inconsistent writing and not a pander to the conservative audience like Luke/Noah.

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Oh Nicole. Going from the turtleneck and booty shorts with patterned tights to the lace choker, slung back bowler hat... stop trying to make 80's New Wave happen again. What's next? Big mall hair and off the shoulder oversize sweatshirt? At least now I understand the ridiculous Boy Gearge dance moves from a few weeks ago. 

What exactly did Maya and Nicole's parents DO? Did they not hug Nicole enough? They didn't cheer loud enough at her soccer games? Nicole NEEDED her sister to come save her? She was so young when Maya left, how'd she even remember she had a sister? And besides becoming her real self.. Maya was busy with an abusive boyfriend*,  taking care of HIS child and doing jail time for him. 

*I'm pretty sure maya's ex was described as an abusive drug dealer. Did I just dream that? 

Carter's shirtless again, must be a workday. I still can't get over having a cafe with weight benches in it. Gross.


Deacon, you are an idiot.

Brooke.. like Quinn asked, why do you care? 

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Well, the promo I saw today used the word "deadly" and the anvils are dropping that Deacon's in danger. All I can say is that I hope it's not Deacon that feels the wrath of Quinn's mighty hand-forged sword. I hope she accidentally strikes Wynutt. That'd teach her. Well, probably not, since she's Quinn and she'll never learn. Just don't hurt Deacon. (I'm still shipping him and Nikki back when he was on Y&R. Disaster that that was.) I could use some more Deacon and $Bill scenes, too.

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Brooke implying that Quinn isn't beautiful enough is Brooke's classic, go-to, default: Shit all over another woman's looks. She did/does it with Katie all the time, trying to tap into some perceived insecurity on the part of the other woman, when it's really Brooke's insecurity rearing its ugly head. Fuck off!

Edited by Ladybugnine
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I'm so glad we don't have a quota of "likes" for the day, because I would've blown mine before I even got to my favorite one, how Nicole is poorly-channeling Lisa Bonet from "A Different World"! You guys make sluggish work afternoons so much better!


I liked Nicole until today - I can't do hard G sounds at the end of words. ListeninG, lovinG, hatinG. Huge pet peeve.


Yeah, Brooke is a straight-up bitch for saying Quinn's not pretty enough for Deacon. I like him, always have, always will, smarmy though he is, but he's no prize, so I don't know why she thinks he's lowering himself to Quinn, who owns her own successful company. I know Quinn's the crazy, but she's endearing, and uniquely beautiful in a town of cookie-cutter beauties. I kinda like truth-telling characters when they rag on characters I hate, like all things Logan (except Bobby Ewing, of course!), so I like Quinn. Plus, DeaQuinn have a hot & active sex life, and we don't see enough of that in daytime. I hope they stay together; they just work and have filled the CaRidge void in LG's absence.

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CEO Rick's business skills are about equal to his ability to read a room.


So Maya will tell CEO Rick her secret when/if he proposes to her, I guess Carter didn't rate that kind of honesty.


I was happy to see Wyatt pull the rare move of eavesdropping and then barging in, as opposed to the usual slinking away unnoticed. 



Sorry. This showed up in my YouTube "Watch it Once Again" recommendations for today. Must be their version of April Fool.

This is on my daily Watch It Once Again list.

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When did Brooke become a stand up comic? "That's impossible, Deacon and I are parents together". Yeah, Brooke, Hope is in her 20's and half way across the world. That's a good one and than tell me how long did you keep Deacon out of Hope's life. And Brook, where is CJ? How often do you see him? Should you forbade Ridge from seeing Caroline because you and Ridge are parents together? Also, you keep bringing up Quinn's transgressions while you are now a born again virgin. Im just hoping that Quinn is making a sword with Brooke's name on it and get that miserable bitch off my screen. I think that a murder trial, with Quinn pleading temporary insanity, would be a great story line. There would be a room full of witnesses to get her off. For that matter, I would like to she Quinn "Bobbittize" Deacon. Maybe Quinn won't have to, Wyatt will do it for her.

Maya, is not blackmail. It's called not wanting to give your sister a helping hand in the first place. Ok Maya, I know you are going through some emotional issues when you left but you've been living the highlife for a few years now and your emotional issues, for the most part, have been resolved, so why didn't you try to contact your sister? Carter could have done the research for you to find her like he did to find out she wasn't at UCLA. Nicole only knew you as a sister, so it wasn't that you were embarised but selfish. The child you cared for must of meant more to you than your sister because you searched for the child and not your sister.

Edited by Waldo13
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Maya, is not blackmail. It's called not wanting to give your sister a helping hand in the first place. Ok Maya, I know you are going through some emotional issues when you left but you've been living the highlife for a few years now and your emotional issues, for the most part, have been resolved, so why didn't you try to contact your sister? Carter could have done the research for you to find her like he did to find out she wasn't at UCLA. Nicole only knew you as a sister, so it wasn't that you were embarised but selfish. The child you cared for must of meant more to you than your sister because you searched for the child and not your sister.


I actually do understand this.  Cutting ties with a toxic family can have the sad consequence of losing touch with some people who don't deserve it.  If Maya had contacted Nicole, she would have had to deal with the rest of her family too and was obviously not ready or willing to do that.  And it might have made the home situation worse for Nicole, since as a kid she wouldn't have known what issues to avoid bringing up.  (And until recently she was a minor, so Maya couldn't have taken her with anyway.)


Adding... It also would have been a huge risk to the life she built for herself.  Not the materialistic stuff we've seen lately, but the emotional equilibrium it would have taken years to achieve.  Not saying it was right exactly but self preservation (the normal kind) is pretty powerful. 


Note: I watched a few days and got bored again, so I haven't seen the last few.  My comment is more general than specific to today's show.

Edited by tessaray
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As someone who has cut off ties from her own toxic and abusive family, I can see where Maya is coming from. The story, as mentioned above, is not compelling to me, and I think that's because of the limitations of the actress. Nicole needs to take a hint and just go away. Rick's "but you're sisters and need to bond" shtick seems so shallow and hypocritical given how he's treating his own family.

Brooke and Deacon. GMAFB. I like Deacon. More to the point, I like Sean Kanan. The alcoholic storyline continues to be completely unrealistic with regards to how AA meetings are portrayed/depicted. Brooke needs to take care of herself. Deacon needs to stick with who is best for him (Quinn? I'm not sure but it certainly is not Brooke). I don't buy this "Brooke is the love of my life" thing.

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Wait, Carter had his shirt off and his BFF Ridge wasn't around to see it? Whatever, AFAIC, he can put his shirt back on and keep it on. I'm not a fan of the overdeveloped, plumped hot dog look. It'll be interesting to see how Carter takes the revelation about Maya. Wonder if he'll start questioning his masculinity or something equally uncalled for.

Um, Deacon, playah, I got two words for you: Lorena Bobbit. You're going to deserve whatever hell Quinn wreaks because you know what you're doing is all kinds of wrong.

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Oh no she didn't! I must've heard that wrong--Brooke telling Deacon that he should "go find somebody more beautiful than Quinn."  Brooke's a little full of herself. Quinn is all kinds of insane, she's right on that count, but Brooke trying to pretend that Quinn's not pretty? Nope, that script isn't working for me. Between that and the diamond-shaming incident, I see Brooke has really classless ammo in this fight.


I'm so glad Wyatt busted Deacon. Can't have it both ways, Tubby. And I wish Deacon would stop insisting that he's so committed to Quinn while in the next breath, he's trying to hump Brooke.


Agree on Nicole's Boy George costume. WTF? Speaking of costumes, I hate Rick's lumberjack-in-a-suit get-up.


I can't wait for Caroline to get back. These SLs aren't doing it for me.

I haven't seen the show yet, but i CANNOT believe Brooke is suggesting that Quinn is not beautiful enough for Deacon. She must be back on the sauce because Quinn is beautiful and prettier than Brooke's cookie-cutter self has ever been. What a shallow cow. She also needs to look in the mirror at her squinty-eyed, straw haired self.


And because it can't be asked enough: When the hell does Caroline return?

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Is it terrible of me that I wish they could have written LG's accident into the script somehow?  Put her in ICU where Ridge can hold her hand and Rick can skulk in the hall... something, anything.  :-) 

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Maya, is not blackmail. It's called not wanting to give your sister a helping hand in the first place. Ok Maya, I know you are going through some emotional issues when you left but you've been living the highlife for a few years now and your emotional issues, for the most part, have been resolved, so why didn't you try to contact your sister? Carter could have done the research for you to find her like he did to find out she wasn't at UCLA. Nicole only knew you as a sister, so it wasn't that you were embarised but selfish. The child you cared for must of meant more to you than your sister because you searched for the child and not your sister.


It didn't start out as blackmail when Nicole showed up out of nowhere, but as Maya continued to give her the brush with alleged UCLA roommate issues (Since Nicole wasn't officially going to UCLA, my guess is that Nicole was couch-surfing with strangers, hoping Maya would throw some gravy her way when she showed up at the door), Nicole pushed her way in and played Rick like a wind-up toy. Maya could have easily helped Nicole and kept her out of her life, but she chose shade instead and now she's living under the threat of exposure to an less-than understanding and capricious lover and boss. 


Nicole comes with her own ax and the stone to grind it on. She has made it clear she wants Maya's piece of the Forrester pie and, I'm guessing, that includes Rick.

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Why is Nicole dressed like Debbie Gibson? Throwback to the 80's with that hat. I sort of like Wyatt's Burberry shirt. Unfourtnatly, it's almost $300. Exactly, how much does Wyatt make? LOL!!!!

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