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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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On 8/21/2021 at 8:49 AM, RuntheTable said:

hat is up with Eric? Is he conning Quinn? Has he found out about her and Carter, and is planning some big punishment? Or, could it be that he thinks Quinn will be comparing the young, virile, muscular Carter to his aged body? Could it be on coming dementia? Has he lost his ability to perform? It really makes no sense given it is the very reason Quinn stepped out on him. This reconciliation is doomed.

I'm confused too. Just....what is this? More to the point, WHY is this? Having a Queric reunion to have Sheila meddle is one thing but if it's more skin to the horrible Neil/Hillary/Devon thing that pretty much ruined Neil (and for which he had little opportunity to recover from before KSJ's untimely demise), then I don't want it.

On 8/21/2021 at 8:49 AM, RuntheTable said:

Ok Steffy, you can stop now. What does it say about your faith in your new husband when you have to keep beating that dead horse? You have told him about his mom, you have told him how you feel, so lay it to rest and move on. If you stop bringing Sheila into the discussion, she will eventually just be a fly in the ointment

All of this. She's already got the worst of Brooke's traits without adding her recent incessant inability to give things any breathing room on top of it.

On 8/21/2021 at 8:49 AM, RuntheTable said:

Well, strike me dead now. I can't believe it, and don't really even know how to admit it, but for the first time in Sheila's miserable life, I actually felt a little jolt of compassion for her. Jack is a snake; anyone who could betray the lovely Li is a pig. And then to pass off your own offspring as someone else's?

This is literally villain shit Adam pulled on Y&R to save his own ass, then years later wanted to claim the kid after Nick had raised him. Yeah, it's truly scummy as all fuck.

Here's hoping that when Li tells him to fuck off that she ends up with Bill because boy is he being wasted on the show these days.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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If Eric isn’t taking Quinn back as some kind of con/revenge scheme, then this show really is too stupid to live. 

I predict a kiss between Paris and Finn within the next two weeks. 

Obviously several of us called Jack as being Finn’s biological father and the result of an affair with Sheila. He comes off as a creep and all that’s left for him to do is twirl his sleazestache  


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Wow, Ted King is actually Finn's biological father! I am so, so, so shocked you guys. And I just thought the fact that Finn looked exactly like a cross between Ted King and Sheila Carter was just some kind of coincidence. 

Edited by methodwriter85
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That was cringeworthy, indeed. Not really his voice, but the whole set-up. How jarring it must have been for Quinn to go from THAT to that ... ? I still don't feel any pity for Quinn. She had full agency to speak up and tell Eric that she wasn't ready to reunite right then and there or even ever. 

I think that the problem is that the writers don't know how to proceed with Quarter as a "legit" couple. Watching them having foreplay only goes so far to interest me. If Carter gets fired from FC (or flat out quits) and goes to work for Bill, that could set up some kind of conflict with Quinn/Bill, I suppose. Otherwise, I really don't foresee much else for them going forward except to be backburned. 

More interesting would be to have Quarter spin off with Thomas and start a rival fashion/jewelry house with Carter promoted to CEO. But then, I suppose Wyatt would have to be dragged into be head of PR or something, which of course, would have to include Flo. I really miss the business stories and rival fashion shows. 

Let Donna and Shauna fight over Eric and leave Sheila to do battle with Steffy. If Brooke wants to appoint herself as Eric's guard dog against Sheila and Quinn, then so be it. 


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8 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I think that the problem is that the writers don't know how to proceed with Quarter as a "legit" couple. Watching them having foreplay only goes so far to interest me. If Carter gets fired from FC (or flat out quits) and goes to work for Bill, that could set up some kind of conflict with Quinn/Bill, I suppose. Otherwise, I really don't foresee much else for them going forward except to be backburned. 

Agreed. Quarter is awesome, but neither of them is a Forrester, Logan or Spencer, and the writers have no idea what to do with a standalone couple. So this triangle with Eric, thus involving a Forrester, is the best they can do.

My suggestion would be for Quinn to start her own fashion house and bring Carter with her to run the business end. This show really should have two competing fashion houses and they haven't done a good job with that since the original Sally Spectra was here. They tried to revive that with Sally Jr. but for reasons - mainly lack of investment on the show's part IMO - it didn't really pan out. But a show that is in part about a company needs a rival company. That is the way to make Quarter work as a standalone couple because then they have reason to interact with the Forresters, while helping to improve the show by giving Forrester Creations a rival.

If they want to have Bill Spencer provide some of the funding, and throw the weight of his media empire behind launching the new fashion company, as a FU to Ridge, so much the better. Tying him more directly into the fashion industry, and into a rivalry between FC and a competitor, would help.

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If I have to hear Sheila say the words “my son” once more, I will have to stab chopsticks into my ears. He is NOT your son, woman. You gave him away, you’ve never seen him before two days ago, you didn’t raise him, nurture him, love him or pay for his medical school. Shut up and go away.

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Hays is about 2 weeks old and he’s already sleeping in a room with Kelly?  Poor Kelly 😢.

Stuffy you just cut off Finn balls instead of caressing them.  Finn is all hot and bothered but you just couldn’t stop laying down the law about Shiela. Does Stuffy think that Finn is deaf and didn’t hear her the first 50 times that Shiela is a She Devil.   

Maybe Finn is deaf and still can maintain an erection while Stuffy berates his mother. Or could it be that Stuffy’s dominance is a major turn on for Finn.  

Shiela maybe a She Devil but when she brings the rain down on the Foresters she becomes my hero.  

Jack, you are the father but you wouldn’t have been if you put a helmet on sure soldier especially when you are having an affair. 

Brooke sitting on Ridge’s back has brought up so many erotic depictions but I have to decline from posting them from being XXX rated.   

Stuffy, I have news for you. It’s the job of the one who presides over your marriage to file the marriage certificate with the court house not yours. 

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3 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Interesting point made by Steffy that they haven't filed their marriage certificate. So let's see if that even happens.


I hadn’t even thought about that but it is an odd comment coming when it did. Hmmmmm.

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Sinn ranks up there on the zero-chemistry boring meter with Zencole. 

Talking about Sheila also dampened the Bridge romance. But when KKL whipped off that shirt. Yowza! Did our girl get implants? Brooke was looking a lot more buxom, which I've noticed lately. Whatever the case, she's still got it at 60.

For show totally dedicated to Sheila, it sure was boring. In the past, that would have been glued-to-your-seat TV viewing. 

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49 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

Sinn ranks up there on the zero-chemistry boring meter with Zencole. 

Personally, I wouldn't insult Zencole with such a comparison :P

Im only partially joking on that, BTW: Even for as intolerable as they were, they had an actual struggle to overcome. Nicole made the choice to carry a child for her sister and ad a result of complications, they were no longer able to have a kid of their own. It blew over like all of B&B's stories but there was conflict from it.

Before Sheila, the only issue was Sinn has was glossed over completely and Steffy suffered one entire inconvenience for three days before it came out Finn was her baby daddy after which changed nothing because he was gonna raise the baby as his anyway.

Finn is only as useful as he stalls out another crack at the Triangle of Dumb and I suspect she'll be sniffing at Waffles again before Finn's eventual corpse is cold. Ho hum.

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4 hours ago, Artsda said:

Interesting point made by Steffy that they haven't filed their marriage certificate. So let's see if that even happens.


That erased one of the Bridge's weddings. Maybe a Lope one.

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I love Kimberlin Brown.  Tearing up at the thought of holding her grandson while Sheila blackmails Jack.  I’m so rooting for Sheila to meet her grandson.

Is Bradley Bell punishing his script writers and actors?  How many days in a row does Steffy need to tell Finn not to interact with Sheila?  And then Brooke and Ridge need to have a pointless conversation about her, too?  Ugh.  I remember when this show could juggle multiple compelling storylines at a time. 

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9 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

But when KKL whipped off that shirt. Yowza! Did our girl get implants? Brooke was looking a lot more buxom, which I've noticed lately. Whatever the case, she's still got it at 60.

You took the question right out of my mouth! I have also thought she has been looking a bit more buxom; even Mr. R, a boob man from day one, made a comment about her looking "chestier." I have been thinking it has been those hideous dresses with the wide high waisted belts making her look bigger, but yesterday when that shirt came off? No, those puppies looked substantially larger. But as you say; the lady still has it. 

I am tired of Steffy and Finn's redundant conversation. FFS Steffy, just go out and get a cage for Finn. 

I am not a fan of Kimberlin Browns new acting style of hooking her thumbs in her beltloops. That is what cowboys do. And I hate that blouse she is wearing; all jacked up in the front and long in the back. Guess it makes it easier to hook those thumbs though. 

As soon as Jack takes Hayes and Finn to Sheila's hotel room, is as soon as Steffy will be calling the county court house to inform them not to file that wedding certificate. 

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KKL possibly had her boobs lifted as aging boobs sag and get bigger as we age. She is in amazing shape!  I tended to think boob lift and tummy tuck!  

Steffy STFU about Sheila, enough already, does she think that Finn is stupid and needs to be reminded like a child?!  Way to ruin the romance on a honeymoon!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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Not a fan of the tucked in front and blouse/shirt tail in the back either.


Brooke/KKL, along with Quinn/RS, proving sexy has nothing to do with how many candles are on your birthday cake:

She is absolutely stunning.
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12 hours ago, Artsda said:

Interesting point made by Steffy that they haven't filed their marriage certificate. So let's see if that even happens.


Recurring theme. Hope and Liam got married in Italy which wasn’t recognized in CA until the foreign marriage certificate was filed. 

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Not a fan of the tucked in front and blouse/shirt tail in the back either.

Ah, he infamous "French tuck." Tan, the stylist on "Queer Eye" pushes that look a lot. No affront to KB, who I think looks to be in solid shape for her age, but that look isn't very flattering for many body types. The fabric and cut of Sheila's blouse also didn't lend well to a French tuck. 

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2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Wow. Get a load of that mustard colored suit on Steffy today. Those pants are so tight that they’re ready to split at the seams. Ugly.

Was going to post the same thing!  The color is horrible and does nothing for her and those tight pants, wow!  And she has to go out of town?!  But let’s keep going on and on and on and on about Sheila to Finn…broken record already.

Love KB’s hair, so full and thick.  

And so Eric has ED and can’t perform but he seemed capable the time before when he forgave her and had sex with her again….so will Quinn stay faithful through sickness and health…..how long before she bangs on Carter’s door?!


Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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21 minutes ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

And so Eric has ED and can’t perform but he seemed capable the time before when he forgave her and had sex with her again

Yeah...what gives with that?  In fact, wasn't there speculation on these boards about how "dark" a possible Quinn baby would be?  Did the writers already forget something that happened not too long ago?!


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I still have to wonder if Eric is still playing a long con on Quinn. 

And cheating or not, it's wrong for him to reunite with her under false pretenses (not telling her about the ED beforehand). 

I also don't like that it reduces Quarter to all about sex as that's just one piece of the puzzle at this stage and there is more to them than that.

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Poor Quinn! From sausage fest to limp noodle time!

3 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Wow. Get a load of that mustard colored suit on Steffy today. Those pants are so tight that they’re ready to split at the seams. Ugly.

Mustard colored satin at that! 😬

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In the least surprising soap opera development ever, Eric's dirty old d*ck finally gave out.

Also, does anyone know why Jack dresses like one of the hoodlums who gets arrested by Eliot Ness at the end of a Untouchables episode?

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I was much more bothered by Eric’s greasy, thin hair than the fact that he has ED. Was this on purpose to further the idea that he’s old and sorry? Please wash that man’s hair!

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3 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:  

And so Eric has ED and can’t perform but he seemed capable the time before when he forgave her and had sex with her again….so will Quinn stay faithful through sickness and health…..how long before she bangs on Carter’s door?!


What a load of bull Crap. Eric your rich, get a penis pump implant or a case of viagra. If it’s in your mind, than you need a psychiatrist. If all else fails, use your tongue 🤪

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I have a sneaking suspicion that old Eric is pulling a con on Quinn to see if she really loves him and will stay by his side. There’s just something about the way he pretended to sleep on the sofa. 

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I swear that Eric and ED was addressed several years ago. I am certain he was taking Viagra. I thought somebody switched his pills out for something else and he had a heart attack or stroke. Wasn't that when he was married to Donna and some other younger man was involved?

Anyway, is Eric now too old to take medication for his condition? Something doesn't seem right about all this.  What I don't understand is what kind of game is he playing with Quinn? Withholding whatever she is in need of to see if she'll start sneaking around with Carter proves exactly what? And since it's already been proven once, what's the point? (However, a rich old man who falls asleep at 8 p.m.? A huge estate and probably cars with drivers to myself after hours? That would work for me!)

What was the point with the overly nosy hotel employee? Was that some kind of stunt casting and I was supposed to know the guy? Is he some kind of plant? It didn't make any sense and old Sheila would have told him to f*** off. As long as she was paying her bill and not doing anything illegal in the hotel room (well .... ) it was none of his f'ing business what she did while she was off the property. 

At this point, I wish Sheila would just to berserk and hold Finn hostage or shoot up the joint or something. This discussing her non-stop every day is getting old FAST. Let's move this along. 

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6 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Love KB’s hair, so full and thick.  

It looked better today than the past few days.  Does the Show provide hair and makeup for the actors or is it like DAYS, where they have to fend for themselves?

Interesting speculation about Eric possibly conning Quinn with the erectile dysfunction reveal.  I couldn't figure out why the hell he wouldn't just call his doctor and get some of those little blue pills.  

I've been deliberating on whether Sheila really is a threat to Finn. So, I've been trying to recall what her relationship with Mary was like, and I found this little fun scene during my trip down a Sheila Rabbit Hole today...


Sheila isn't above using her children as a means to an end but I still think she loves them, and I don't think Finn is in any real danger from Sheila.  I'd say she already loves Hayes with all of her heart, and he's likely safe from her machinations at least until he's old enough to talk.

I'd forgotten that Ridge tried to strangle Sheila, and it took a number of prison guards to pull him off of her.  He may of killed her, so he's not completely above Sheila's capacity for criminal behavior.  

Edited by enchantingmonkey
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33 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

At this point, I wish Sheila would just to berserk and hold Finn hostage or shoot up the joint or something. This discussing her non-stop every day is getting old FAST. Let's move this along. 

Fully behind this idea, so I expect the discussion of big bad Sheila will drag out long enough to make the Beth switch seem as quick as Brooke's alcoholism story by comparison. Which is probably why I remember nothing about the last story she had: it was boring and dull and ended with her working at that one Italian restaurant.

Either way, shit or get off the pot, Show.

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Eric and Quinn and Carter made me think of The Eagles’ Lyin’ Eyes:


City girls just seem to find out early
How to open doors with just a smile
A rich old man and she won't have to worry
She'll dress up all in lace go in style

Late at night a big old house gets lonely
I guess every form of refuge has its price
And it breaks her heart to think her love is only
Given to a man with hands as cold as ice

So she tells him she must go out for the evening
To comfort an old friend who's feelin' down
But he knows where she's goin' as she's leavin'
She is headed for the cheatin' side of town

You can't hide your lyin' eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes...😏

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Something foul is afoot in the Forrester mansion; this ED thingy isn't making any sense. I could have sworn Eric and Quinn had sex right before their vow renewal. And as mentioned above; Eric was given that diagnosis a long time ago. What is going on here? Eric has been many things over the years, but he has never been mean, or evil, or petty. Regardless, if this is true, then he should have come clean when asking Quinn to reconcile. Full disclosure buddy. And there are plenty of treatments out there for this; it isn't like Eric cannot perform again, unless there is more to it than just ED. And if there is, and he can't raise the cannon anymore? What does that mean for Quinn? Is she just supposed to rely on her BOB? Or is Eric going to suggest some kind of sqiumy arrangement with Carter? Something about this whole SL has me feeling uncomfortable. 

Sheila has lost her edge; where she used to be evil and vindictive, she now seems desperate and sad. I still think she is crazier than a loon though. 

10 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

What was the point with the overly nosy hotel employee?

My first thought was Sheila will be enlisting him as her newest accomplice. 

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I have to fast forward Steffy and Finn and the same old conversation. Has Paris seen Shelia? I can see Shelia tricking her to gain access to Hayes. 
It’s common for a man Eric’s age to have ED. If sex is high on Quinn’s list she needs to be with Carter. If she wants to be Mrs Eric Forrester she needs to get a toy. Maybe she could host one of those sex toy parties. 

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

My first thought was Sheila will be enlisting him as her newest accomplice. 

Sheila always works best with a henchman/confidante.  She can't talk to her laptop forever. I hope his name is Igor Renfield.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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And Quinn and Eric had sex back in June, so WTF gives?

Quinn's face would like an answer:


Also this:


Wait, he's been on the little blue pills for years (going back to his days with Donna.  This is just silly. He's a millionaire. He can easily solve this.

Her tucking him in was just...ugh. Like welcome to your new life, Quinn. Where you'll basically be playing nursemaid. 

Unless, again, it's a revenge con. That look on Eric's face the other day.


Elsewhere, Colonel Mustard called.

He wants his suit back as he's headed to the library, candlestick in hand.



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It looks as if Steffy has had her lips blown up again. And the way she keeps slinging that road kill on her head just makes me want to yank it off her noggin. 

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6 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

What is going on here? Eric has been many things over the years, but he has never been mean, or evil, or petty.

And definitely not the brains behind any devious schemes that Stephanie would rope him into. This is just so out of character for him.

Also unpopular opinion, but I don't hate the mustard suit on Steffy. I do agree it's way too tight, however.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

It looks as if Steffy has had her lips blown up again. And the way she keeps slinging that road kill on her head just makes me want to yank it off her noggin. 

What does JMWs natural hair look like? It’s got to be better than these wigs.

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Shelia looked darling in her snake print shirt with the big smile. Surely Finn could let her say hello to baby Hayes. 
The cavalry is on their way to save Eric. He needs to let them know about his ED. That way they will understand why Quinn turned to Carter. 

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4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

What does JMWs natural hair look like? It’s got to be better than these wigs.

You can see her clips from 2008 to mid 2010 for an idea.

I remember posting Bills DARE campaign rant, in which JMW came in near the end of the clip but didn't speak and a relatively new fan asked who she was supposed to be 🤣

I don't begrudge her wearing wigs as stage lights and constant coloring does so much damage (as evidenced by poor Ashley Jones' hair at the end of her run--at least a poorly placed wig can be adjusted!) but my goodness, they need better hair people!

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3 hours ago, La di Diva said:

Oh --It's definitely a revenge con and I think Ridge or Brooke suggested it to Eric to test Quinn and then really stick it to Quarter when they fail the test.

It could be, which would be a typical Bridge tactic, but I don't know what difference it would make. Quarter was caught out before already. Once Quinn got a taste of Carter she stopped groveling and apologizing to Eric and she was all ready to sign the divorce papers. Carter has made no bones that he doesn't GAF if he gets fired from FC or not.

I noticed the contrast today between Steffy and Hope. Hope looked polished, professional, yet comfortable. Steffy looked like she was trying way too hard. That mustard yellow is a difficult shade to wear for anybody, especially in satin. (Remember Zoe?) And what ... it looked like she was wearing black lingerie underneath and it was supposed to show, whereas a plain black tshirt or tie-neck blouse would have looked better.  That wig is the worst. It just wasn't an overall good look, but that suit is XXPENSIVE! 

I didn't like Brooke's dress. It was dowdy and looked like an optical illusion. 

BTW, is the guy who plays Jack Irish by chance? The way he speaks strikes me like he has a bit of a brogue. 

Edited by CharlizeCat
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On 8/24/2021 at 7:50 AM, RuntheTable said:

You took the question right out of my mouth! I have also thought she has been looking a bit more buxom; even Mr. R, a boob man from day one, made a comment about her looking "chestier." I have been thinking it has been those hideous dresses with the wide high waisted belts making her look bigger, but yesterday when that shirt came off? No, those puppies looked substantially larger. But as you say; the lady still has it. 

I am tired of Steffy and Finn's redundant conversation. FFS Steffy, just go out and get a cage for Finn. 

I am not a fan of Kimberlin Browns new acting style of hooking her thumbs in her beltloops. That is what cowboys do. And I hate that blouse she is wearing; all jacked up in the front and long in the back. Guess it makes it easier to hook those thumbs though. 

As soon as Jack takes Hayes and Finn to Sheila's hotel room, is as soon as Steffy will be calling the county court house to inform them not to file that wedding certificate. 


On 8/24/2021 at 8:22 AM, Foghorn Leghorn said:

KKL possibly had her boobs lifted as aging boobs sag and get bigger as we age. She is in amazing shape!  I tended to think boob lift and tummy tuck!  

Steffy STFU about Sheila, enough already, does she think that Finn is stupid and needs to be reminded like a child?!  Way to ruin the romance on a honeymoon!

I've been watching about every three months.  I did notice they were higher and mightier maybe six months ago.  They didn't move.  I thought she got fresh implants and larger ones.  I wonder how they do lifts with implants already inserted? 

This is the first I've seen of Sheila and caught up.  I thought that's the best they could come up with? Sheila?  I didn't see original Sheila but a few years ago I watched old episodes with her.  She was wicked and fierce and dynamic looking.  Now she just seems twisted and too soft looking.  Not every character can transition well.  Not everybody is Susan Flannery!

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3 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Remember Zoe?

I try not to 🙃

3 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Hope looked polished, professional, yet comfortable.

And thank God for that! Been a long time coming, thank you to everyone who sent feedback to the stylist!

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