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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Oh, Liam. An ultimatum inside a wedding proposal is not the way you wanted to go. Have you met Hope before?

Hope gives wedding ultimatums. She doesn’t adhere to them.

Still a better proposal than sticking another woman’s still-warm ring on her stepsister’s finger though. 

I’m not particularly bothered by Liam not running to Bill precisely because Bill would murder Thomas. While Liam wouldn’t shed any tears if Thomas died, I’d think he’d have a real problem with a) indirectly being responsible for it, and b) what that would do to Bill (Bill, obviously, would sleep like a baby, but I’m sure Liam would have fears and worries about Bill’s soul and shit). What I do have a problem with is Liam and Wyatt would obviously have had one of their “OMG, can you believe what Thomas did now?” gossip sessions by now, and Wyatt would hightail it over to Bill’s to spill the beans because he clearly has no moral compass.


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14 hours ago, Zoe116 said:

While Liam wouldn’t shed any tears if Thomas died, I’d think he’d have a real problem with a) indirectly being responsible for it,

ITA that Liam would be blamed for knowingly putting the target on Thomas' back and is smartly not pointing a loaded Bill in Thomas' direction, but boy wouldn't it be highly interesting to see if Liam having Bill take care of Thomas FINALLY puts an end to Steam with Steffy 'horrified' that Liam would go to that level against her beloved brother.

Also if Wyatt ran from Liam to Bill spilling the beans, Liam would still be blamed since 'he should've known' that Wyatt would tell Bill and that Bill would do something to Thomas despite Wyatt in the past being quite good at keeping secrets that benefit him. I'll put it this way - if Flo was the one terrorizing Hope and Wyatt knew about it, I don't think Wyatt would say poop to Bill about it because he knows what Bill would do and he wouldn't want to see anything bad happen to Flo.

Why couldn't PF stay on? We'd be enjoying the afterglow of Thally nuptials and maybe expecting a kid of their own.

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Why does Hope dress like she's on Little House on the Prairie?  What's up with that?  While I can understand her having feelings for Douglas, she needs to accept the fact that he is not her child.  And I guarantee, if Thomas met another woman who was nice to Douglas like Hope is, Douglas would be calling her "mommy" too in due time. 

I loved how Liam left her standing at the door with her face broke, and now I don't even care if he winds up back with Steffy.  

Edited by Ohwell
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I hope Liam DOES end up with Steffy and I don't even like Steffy. Lol. I am just over dopey Hope. I always thought it was weird how Douglas called her Mommy. And even weirder how she wants to co-parent with the psycho who kidnapped her baby and lead her to believe the baby was dead. Why isn't he in prison??? Hope deserves what she gets.

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I was almost mad at Liam on Hope's behalf. That so-called proposal was nine kinds of wrong and he knew it. "I want to marry you but first you pretty much have to dump your entire life." Only a desperate woman would fall for that.

Yeesh, Douglas may be on his way to turning into a spoiled brat like Connor over in Genoa City. These grownups need to stop letting him pull their chains. And his father needs to quit using him as a puppet to work Hope.

What if Hope and Liam had been getting busy on the couch when Thomas barged in with Douglas? Ugh, he is the worst parent. IMO, if nothing else, Liam should look out for his little nephew cousin's emotional health and get Bill involved.

Quite a tongue bath Ridge gave Steffy today. Yuck. And he really needs to stay out of his kids' love lives with all that bad advice he was giving her. If Liam really wanted to be with Steffy he would be. She should have enough self-respect not to want to keep being Liam's default option.

So Hope basically said Douglas gets to run her life because he's the reason she got Beth back. And she said it like it's perfectly logical. I can't. 😑

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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22 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Quite a tongue bath Ridge gave Steffy today. Yuck. And he really needs to stay out of his kids' love lives with all that bad advice he was giving her. If Liam really wanted to be with Steffy he would be. She should have enough self-respect not to want to keep being Liam's default option.

I don't get why Ridge continually pushes Liam being with Steffy when he doesn't even like him and has more than hinted that he feels the same way as Thomas does about him (wimp in his daddy's shadow, waffle, doesn't know love, etc.).  Even if Steffy does love him and want him, Ridge should be pushing her to at least Wyatt if he think's Liam is no prize and doesn't want her drifting back to Bill.  And Kelly as the reason Liam should reunite with Steffy doesn't work when Beth is sitting there staring them all in the face as well.


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Goodness gracious, I wish to high heaven that Hope would find a backbone or a spine or some grit or some courage or a voice or anything. No, actually, I wish she’d find a gun and shoot Tomass the next time he BARGES into her/Liam’s home without an invitation. And please, please stop Douglas from calling her “moooommmmyyyy”. Geez, that creeps me out. He’s a cutie and a good boy but yikes he’s Damian. 

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And Kelly as the reason Liam should reunite with Steffy doesn't work when Beth is sitting there staring them all in the face as well.

Well Ridge's solution to that would be for Liam to get custody of Beth away from Hope. Then Kelly would have her sister back (not that she's lost her but...) and Steffy and Liam would live happily ever after with their daughters! I think as far as Ridge is concerned Hope could FOAD, or she could marry Thomas and they'd raise Douglas in one united home. It's destiny!

Ugh, I wish Ridge would fall off a cliff. A higher one than at Malibu or wherever Steffy's house is.

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5 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

ITA that Liam would be blamed for knowingly putting the target on Thomas' back

Oh god, can you imagine ridge’s smug sanctimony? Literally the worst. 

5 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Why couldn't PF stay on? We'd be enjoying the afterglow of Thally nuptials and maybe expecting a kid of their own.

I think about this every episode. We’d also be watching Thomas vs Ridge in a spectra vs. FC showdown and there’d actually be a side in that fight I could root for.

1 hour ago, Gudzilla said:

Do you think Liam will realize that going back to Steffy will not get Thomas out of his life ?

I’d love for him to pull this one out during one of Thomas or Ridge’s endless speeches over how he needs to be with Steffy and Kelly.

1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

nd Kelly as the reason Liam should reunite with Steffy doesn't work when Beth is sitting there staring them all in the face as well.

Oh, now that she’s not Phoebe, I’m sure Ridge doesn’t really care for that one, just like her mother.

On the one hand, anyone proposing to me with conditions would be an automatic no, on principal. On the other hand, Liam is... not wrong about Thomas. So... can we just skip forward to the part where Liam moves into Bill and Katie’s enormous house, and he relays everything to Katie so I can get to see HT’s hilarious WTF bitchfaces while Liam and Katie eat ice cream on the couch? And then Bill and Will can come home, and Liam can teach Will terms like “corporate responsibility” and “sustainability” while Bill blusters and DD and SC improv a conversation about anything but the Forresters?

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Right on time, Lurch allows Douglas to barge in without knocking first. What if Liam and Raggedy where playing ride the bucking pony on the couch?  

Raggedy doesn’t accept ultimatum she just makes them.  Didn’t Raggedy make Wyatt choose between her and Quinn? Didn’t Raggedy give Liam a 3pm deadline to meet her in Paris?  Liam, you are 100% correct about Lurch and weaponizing Douglas plus walking out on her dumb ass ways. 

Ridge you are a fucking idiot. How hard is it to make cookies?  I guess Ridge wouldn’t think that Stuffy wouldn’t know how to turn on the oven and slice Pillsbury cookie dough.

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I feel like Hope was too afraid of being like her mother she turned into this wimpy, voiceless, coward who only seemingly and ironically only has agency when she actively takes steps to ruin her own life. So I guess in Hope's mind being a real life Barbie doll controlled by whatever self centered, hypocritical, potentially murderous entities surrounding her, is better than being a "sl*t" like her mother used to be. Or like Steffy. GROW SOME BALLS. While I don't particularly like if a female character is "loose" I can get over it if she has other qualities ex: not being a pushover, a good/charitable person etc. Hope you might not be like Cray Tay or your mother when it comes to the bodies you've shagged but you are a puddle of what an autonomous heroine should be. That's inexcusable. I also wanna say I wonder what's the "Logan's get all the "good" Storylines!1!1" crowd stance on this I could find out but I need my braincells working when class starts Monday.  

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17 hours ago, Zoe116 said:

So... can we just skip forward to the part where Liam moves into Bill and Katie’s enormous house, and he relays everything to Katie so I can get to see HT’s hilarious WTF bitchfaces while Liam and Katie eat ice cream on the couch? And then Bill and Will can come home, and Liam can teach Will terms like “corporate responsibility” and “sustainability” while Bill blusters and DD and SC improv a conversation about anything but the Forresters?

This. Can we have this? Generations of families all under one roof like in the days of old? Liam has no place to stay so why not have him bunk in with Katie and Bill and Will for a bit? Maybe Will gets pissed at Liam for horning into his territory? Maybe Wyatt is jealous he isn't living there too? Liam cooks vegan for the entire family one night and Will ain't having it.

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23 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

A that Liam would be blamed for knowingly putting the target on Thomas' back and is smartly not pointing a loaded Bill in Thomas' direction, but boy wouldn't it be highly interesting to see if Liam having Bill take care of Thomas FINALLY puts an end to Steam with Steffy 'horrified' that Liam would go to that level against her beloved brother.

Ha. HA HAHAHAHA. HA. As if Steffy gives that much of a shit about Thomas when she sicced Caroline on him and Sally in the first place or that she'd let anything like family loyalty get in the way of winning her carnival prize of a man back.

23 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Why couldn't PF stay on? We'd be enjoying the afterglow of Thally nuptials and maybe expecting a kid of their own.

Besides him wanting to grow his on career (and he definitely deserves better than this shit show, even if Tally was cut so short), the actor was having some serious medical issues from which he is only now recovering from, which would have taken him off the show anyway. Or perhaps the career thing was the cover for the medical issue, considering how abrupt his departure was.

But yeah, I far preferred the redeemed and recovering playboy that understood his priviledge and wanted to do better than this Passions-esque bullshit we've gotten now.


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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

This. Can we have this? Generations of families all under one roof like in the days of old? Liam has no place to stay so why not have him bunk in with Katie and Bill and Will for a bit? Maybe Will gets pissed at Liam for horning into his territory? Maybe Wyatt is jealous he isn't living there too? Liam cooks vegan for the entire family one night and Will ain't having it.

I hate Will and find his boasting about wealth and ranting about money disgusting, not precocious or cute. So NO THANKS. I also hate Katie. Someone else mentioned this want of yours before upthread already, so I guess I have the UO or miss the entertainment value of their complaining or simpering, cuz both characters are annoying and could never been seen again for all I care. 

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On my brief walk by at the gym today and seeing that final scene, MA looks more and more like the moustache twirling villain than ever and SC and JMW look more checked out than ever from this storyline. To me AN always looks like she's in the same gear with few exceptions (finding out Beth died and finding out she was alive). Ugh. This show is the worst.

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"I'm trying to be supportive Liam..."  *insert thought bubble: like my lacy, shorty short shorts, over my fishnet stockings, & my negligee top, covered by my short silky robe, which I totally wore to bed, but didn't have time to change before I woke you up & you saw me in something that's not exactly platonic. I want to be that level of supportive, like my stockings, Liam.*

If my husband (before we were dating) had kissed me, then slyly looked over to the side, & there was my current love, I'd knee him in the balls & smell the setup, especially with the ignored phone call. Liam is such a moron.

So, now, the cliff house is on a residential road? And it's fenced on 1 side? And Hope didn't hear Thomas pull up or get out? Also, why did Hope run to the back yard instead of the front door like a normal person? 

At least Steffy knows that truth about Thomas now. If Zoe was a better person, I'd feel sorry for her, but she's not, so I really don't, except maybe a smidge. 


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Didn’t Raggedy leave out the part where Douglas and Lurch just barged into the middle of his proposal.

The partially open door wasn’t on call today but his cousin patio door was. Lurch lurked (try saying that 3 times fast) and got the “T” on Raggedy’s true feelings about Liam.  Lurch is lower than whale shit but Stuffy is what you find on your windshield after you just had your car detailed.  It’s a toss up, for me, on who gets to pour syrup on waffle boy. I don’t care one way or another except for the fact that Raggedy has to stay with Liam to keep Lurch from a total win. 


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Oh Hope, you knew where Liam went. It's where he always goes. Apparently he's too poor to afford a hotel. Or he didn't want Wyatt or Bill up in his awful proposal business yet so that's why he didn't go stay with either of them.

Ridge told Zoe her presence at FC is good for Thomas. Does that mean when Thomas and Zoe break up she'll be fired again? That sounds like #metoo situation waiting to happen.

What!? Kelly got to leave the house without Steffy or Liam! She had a playgroup! Steffy is no longer keeping her a prisoner!

Why was Thomas lurking outside of Brooke's house? She needs to get a security system. And some vermin traps.

Heh, poor Steffy. She was like, "Liam, are you seriously using me of all people to whine to about Hope? This is my AYFKMWTS face."

That fence outside Steffy's house still looks pretty weak to me. I hope they don't let Kelly out there alone and have good locks on the doors.

Thomas is a full-blown psycho and now Steffy has clear proof. But she chose to do the selfish thing instead of the right thing. I don't feel bad for Hope though because she stays trying to eat her cake and have it too. Ugh to all of them. ☹

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43 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Ridge and Brooke officially have no lives outside of their adult children’s relationships and sexcapades. 

It's been that way for a while, and part of the reason Ronn Moss called it quits when he did.

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4 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ridge told Zoe her presence at FC is good for Thomas. Does that mean when Thomas and Zoe break up she'll be fired again? That sounds like #metoo situation waiting to happen.

Now that would be a timely and nice diversion from the usual dreck.

5 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Heh, poor Steffy. She was like, "Liam, are you seriously using me of all people to whine to about Hope? This is my AYFKMWTS face."

She had no problem with listening to his gripes about Hope waaaaaaay back when she was the 'Good time girl' to Hope's 'prude'. True she said she was moving on from her bad habits and not waiting for Liam and yet....here we are again.

4 hours ago, Lilac2000 said:

SC and JMW look more checked out than ever from this storyline.

JMW has pretty much been pushing for Steffy to move on from Liam and I think she thought her Daytime Emmy win would get her that clout to do it but so far...nada.  SC's Emmy win didn't get him much in the way of new story either.  The show should've had the balls to do Still and make Kelly Bill's daughter. I really do believe that if Steffy was with Bill she wouldn't go back to Liam. Liam would realize he was a fill in for his father and *maybe* be forced to move on and/or have a fire lit under him to best Bill in business somehow or just hack Spencer Publishing and really mess %^$ up. 

So it seems Sally has become the new Ivy. Brought on with fanfare, paired with all the young men on the show then pushed out to be on the fringe as supporting characters that have history but that doesn't get played.  What a waste.

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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

JMW has pretty much been pushing for Steffy to move on from Liam and I think she thought her Daytime Emmy win would get her that clout to do it but so far...nada.  SC's Emmy win didn't get him much in the way of new story either. 

Pffft. If KKL can't get a new story after 3 decades, good luck to the both of them in achieving the impossible. Nothing short of a new showrunner will bring that around, and that will be its own set of problems, as evidenced by the clown parade that's plauged Y&R since the Bells sold that show to Sony.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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7 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

This. Can we have this? Generations of families all under one roof like in the days of old?

I mean, they’re paying HT and DD regardless, right? They might as well use them. I may not always love Bill, Katie, Liam or Wyatt, but in a contest between watching Spencers or Ridge and his progeny, there’s no contest. I’m still annoyed we didn’t get to see Brooke and/or Bill host a giant Christmas celebration for the blended Logan/Spencer clan, while Liam’s rapist hosted a sad, pathetic one for Ridge, Thomas and... maybe Steffy? (Though I feel she would’ve pulled one of her “Kelly and I are having a solo celebration” stances... though this time, I wouldn’t blame her).


6 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Ha. HA HAHAHAHA. HA. As if Steffy gives that much of a shit about Thomas

If Liam wants Thomas out of Hope’s life, maybe he should get back with Steffy, but give her the same ultimatum. Steffy would fire Thomas so fast (or banish him to Forrester International).

I really hate Steffy’s front door. That’s all I have to say about today’s show. That and do they really expect us to believe Steffy’s multimillion dollar home has a chain link fence?

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I have stuck with this show through thick and thin and awful SLs, but for this first time ever, I am tempted to check out. I can't stand Hope any more. There. I said it. Her  blind-eyed stupidly and wide-eyed naivety, coupled with her bullheadedness, has turned what promised to be a character with a lot of potential into a sniffling, spineless, entitled brat.

Liam doesn't rate much higher with me either. He sure didn't push Steffy away or break that liplock.

Steffy ... don't even get me started. So, she is now complicit with Thomas.  The whole teaser about her finding a new man was just that. Some guy who sounded like Mushmouth's cousin, showed up and asked her out for a drink, which Steffy promptly shut down. Big. Whoop.

I just ignore scenes with Sludge. He sickens me with his saccharine doting, and bordering on incestuous leering at his own daughter. Squick!

Brooke sounds like a broken record and I see KKL is letting her hair grow long again. As long as it stays at the length it is now, it looks good, but please don't go yellow scraggly again!

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54 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

Liam doesn't rate much higher with me either. He sure didn't push Steffy away or break that liplock.

I really wish when a man gets unexpectedly kissed by a woman other than the one he supposedly loves or is committed to that he forgets about 'offending' the woman by pulling back hard and throwing up a hand to block your face if needed.

Liam really should be better at expected 'unexpected' kisses from Steffy as she's pulled this crap before.  As soon as she was incoming he should've pulled away, ducked, thrown up a palm to cover his mouth because this is old hat by now.

Honestly, I'd have even enjoyed the below more than what we're going to get.  😆


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Where the heck is that chain link fence Tommy Boy is spying through supposed to be? Why would a multimillion dollar house have a fence like that so close to the backyard that someone could see and hear everything going on? We are supposed to believe that house is right off the street! 🙄

I kept muttering “Go inside and put some clothes on, trash!” at Steffy. Couldn’t she give them some privacy.

And just STFU, Ridge. 🤬

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Today's episode had me in stitches over all this ridiculousness. Yesterday, I was under the assumption that Hope was going to agree to give Douglass up in order to be with Liam (which it seemed Brooke was pushing her to do, now that he no longer serves any use to her), so I am glad to see she held her guns in the end. I know most people are saying she's not his "mother," but no one else stepped up during Thomas' (blatant) crazy days and she has become a mother to him. Of course Caroline will always be his mom, but Hope has filled that role now and as much as I do not like her in some aspects, I am glad that she has remained committed to him.

It was interesting that both Brooke and Steffy were both wearing jammies, and it seemed to be the same pair. 

How great that Hope just barged onto Steffy's property. Did she even attempt to knock first? It's ridiculous that these people can't have arguments somewhere else. That's Steffy's house, so she does not ow anyone privacy. As is the case since Beth has been around, Hope shows no regard for Kelly. As soon as Liam mentioned not seeing her enough, Hope immediately turned it around and tried to guilt him by saying how terrible it is that he won't see Beth every morning now. So it's okay for him to never see Kelly in the morning? Okay.

I love Steffy and wat better for her than Liam but since the writers refuse to bring Leo (or any non-Spencer/known family) as an option, I guess I am rooting for Steam. It was nice karma for the dressing room moment, at least.

Some more rewrites re: Italy. Steffy was in Paris during that time, and Hope left because of the miscarriage. Maybe we can argue that she left because she did not want to get caught up in a triangle with Liam ad Wyatt/didn't feel like playing games/being in love, but it is still a stretch. 

Thomas is the only character (besides Douglass and the babies) that I actively want to see/enjoy seeing, so it was nice seeing him get his moment, as terrible as he is. I am NOT looking forward to a new incarnation of repeated dialogue, where everyone says reiterations of the same 3 sentences. I am especially not looking forward to more of Hope's crying or Brooke's badmouthing Steffy. I know enough at this point to anticipate gleaning any enjoyment from this show anymore, so I take my moments of glee where I can. Regardless, I hope we see some different faces soon and give the H/L/S (especially the Hope part) a rest for a while.

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26 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Where the heck is that chain link fence Tommy Boy is spying through supposed to be? Why would a multimillion dollar house have a fence like that so close to the backyard that someone could see and hear everything going on? We are supposed to believe that house is right off the street! 🙄

I kept muttering “Go inside and put some clothes on, trash!” at Steffy. Couldn’t she give them some privacy.

And just STFU, Ridge. 🤬

The fence is surrounding the tennis court. No way is it close enough for him to hear what's going on, but TV magic I guess. No, we aren't supposed to believe the house is on the highway/street.

She just woke up, and it's her house. They should go somewhere else if they want privacy. Brooke was wearing the same night clothes.

I didn't mention this in my other comment, but I like TK as Ridge. I'm not a fan of him and Brooke romantically, though. I think they have a good platonic/friendship chemistry but not sexual. I didn't enjoy their scenes today.

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3 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I have stuck with this show through thick and thin and awful SLs, but for this first time ever, I am tempted to check out. I can't stand Hope any more. There. I said it. Her  blind-eyed stupidly and wide-eyed naivety, coupled with her bullheadedness, has turned what promised to be a character with a lot of potential into a sniffling, spineless, entitled brat.

Which is a shame because that's what she was when she left the show and we all cheered back in late 2014. Except that Hope had a fire under her and no way in hell would Hope 1.0 be this stupid to trust Thomas within the same state as she and her family. Hell, she'd probably be over at his house every other day demanding that he leave FC and fuck off to International like she tried with Ivy.

I don't know if they're intentionally trying to ruin Hope. No single thing will ruin a woman's cred than having her get with a man that kept her from her children. Sharon Newman has only just gotten outta that Shadam shadow, but it's taken over a decade and two Adam recasts to get there. I haven't made it any secret that Lope is no big loss to me if they split up (even for Liam's OOC loyalty last year, it doesn't make up for the last decade that he only barely acknowledges), but if they wanted to make Thope happen, WHY do THIS?!

Another thought: Was Tomass yet another sacrifice at the Alter of Brigde (whose pure I thought was exiguished once Nick fucked off for good) because they couldn't come up for New reasons for those two idiots to fight? My God, if this was the reason he turned psycho, I will riot.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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2 hours ago, MajesticMariposa said:

The fence is surrounding the tennis court. No way is it close enough for him to hear what's going on, but TV magic I guess. No, we aren't supposed to believe the house is on the highway/street.

She just woke up, and it's her house. They should go somewhere else if they want privacy. Brooke was wearing the same night clothes.

I didn't mention this in my other comment, but I like TK as Ridge. I'm not a fan of him and Brooke romantically, though. I think they have a good platonic/friendship chemistry but not sexual. I didn't enjoy their scenes today.

I don’t know where you get that the fence was around the tennis courts. Thomas wasn’t on a tennis court. It looked as if he was crouching behind a fence just off of the street. As for Steffy’s attire, she was parading around like that because of Liam. Period. Someone with a bit of circumspection would give an arguing couple privacy regardless of whether they were in her house or not. I can’t stand the Marrones.

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And there's Steffy, back to being the opportunistic temptress we know and love. 🙄

Is Thomas supposed to be comic relief now? His skulking behind that chain link fence in broad daylight was hilarious to me.

I guess Hope never has to go to the gym because she gets her exercise by jumping to hasty conclusions. But Liam is a waffling weakling for falling so easily back into Steffy's arms. It was less than a year ago that he fell into her vajayjay and had to confess that to Hope. He expects too much forgiveness and willful amnesia, I think.

One day Hope is going to regret sacrificing her life for Douglas. Sure she owes him a lot for helping her get Beth back but IMO her decisions and behavior go way beyond normal gratitude.

Ridge is 100% delusional. Thomas might as well be living in another dimension for as much as Ridge knows his own kid.

Liam, the solution is to inform Bill what's going on with Douglas, and let him intervene in the custody situation. Maybe he could find out why Douglas' two grandmommies haven't been involved. They likely wouldn't want Douglas being raised by a psycho in a house with people who refuse to see the problem.

I cannot with Hope. She's always ready to be the victim. Thomas needs killin' though, AFAIC. 😒


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Douglas Douglas Douglas its all about Douglas.  Raggedy doesn’t need legal papers to be Douglas’ mommy.  Raggedy can see Douglas anytime she wants.  


How many times is that mushy brain of hers going to defend Lurch. Raggedy should be more like Brooke and stand steadfast in knowing that Lurch is a bastard to the nth degree.  Nice going Raggedy turning this on Liam’s love for Stuffy than your love for Douglas.  


Stuffy is no better. Knowing how Liam feels about Raggedy and still wanting him. 

How long before we find out that Liam was manipulated by Lurch. 


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8 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Liam doesn't rate much higher with me either. He sure didn't push Steffy away or break that liplock.

There was a part of me that was hoping at first that it was a whole setup that Steffy, Liam and Hope were in on together—staging the kiss and fight for Thomas’ benefit. Why? I don’t know... to set Thomas up somehow? A plaaaaan of sorts? It makes no sense, but nothing on this show does, and this would be a different story, so... you know what, I’m just going to pretend that’s what happened and go with it. 

4 hours ago, MajesticMariposa said:

How great that Hope just barged onto Steffy's property. Did she even attempt to knock first?

weren’t Steffy and Liam aware that Hope was coming over? I almost never knock on my family members’ doors when they know I’m on my way. And for all we know, she did, and came around back when there was no answer. I think it’s the back? Maybe? I need a floor plan of Steffy’s house. 

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Is Thomas supposed to be comic relief now? His skulking behind that chain link fence in broad daylight was hilarious to me

The only thing that would’ve made it better was if he got some early 2000s-era DOOL-style soliloquies while he was watching. So ridiculous. 

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There was a part of me that was hoping at first that it was a whole setup that Steffy, Liam and Hope were in on together—staging the kiss and fight for Thomas’ benefit.

Now that would've been some great soap, for the schemer to have gotten the tables turned on him, especially if the audience hadn't been tipped off beforehand. Meh, seems like soaps were better before spoilers became common. I don't remember the last time there was a big plot twist that surprised everybody.

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Bob Hope much be spinning in his grave to be used as prop for this lame pairing.

Especially since that "ha cha cha cha" thing Steffy and Liam are always doing in reference to him wasn't his catch phrase at all. It belonged to vaudeville comic and film actor Jimmy Durante. Now Durante appeared often on Bob Hope's radio and TV shows but according to IMDb he was only in one movie with Hope and it was basically an uncredited cameo.

One would think a TV show based in LA would not be so blatantly misrepresenting Hollywood history. Oh wait, this is The Bold and the Beautiful, not The Remotely Factual or Real. Nevermind. 🙁

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9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Bob Hope much be spinning in his grave to be used as prop for this lame pairing.

Especially since that "ha cha cha cha" thing Steffy and Liam are always doing in reference to him wasn't his catch phrase at all.

I didn't think Steffy referring to sex as "cha cha cha" (I never heard her put the "ha" in front of it) had anything to do with Bob Hope, I thought it was some "adorable" 🤢 thing Steffy made up.

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The cha cha cha thing started after Steffy and Liam viewed a Bob Hope movie marathon on TV which IIRC led to some secksay times between them. Steffy immediately began using it in reference to the movies and that particular night. From the very beginning my eyes have rolled every time she's done it because I knew it was not Bob Hope's thing. Vaudeville comic Jimmy Durante may have said it in the one Hope movie he appeared in and he is the person famously known for the phrase. Why the show is attributing it to Hope is a mystery, as is why they're letting Steffy use it as an allusion to getting down with Liam. Newer viewers likely don't get the reference or they misunderstand it.

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On 1/10/2020 at 2:09 PM, LittleIggy said:

Where the heck is that chain link fence Tommy Boy is spying through supposed to be? Why would a multimillion dollar house have a fence like that so close to the backyard that someone could see and hear everything going on? We are supposed to believe that house is right off the street! 🙄

I kept muttering “Go inside and put some clothes on, trash!” at Steffy. Couldn’t she give them some privacy.

And just STFU, Ridge. 🤬

I think every post on this forum should end with "And just STFU, Ridge"!  🙂

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On 1/10/2020 at 2:44 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

guess Hope never has to go to the gym because she gets her exercise by jumping to hasty conclusions. But Liam is a waffling weakling for falling so easily back into Steffy's arms. It was less than a year ago that he fell into her vajayjay and had to confess that to Hope. He expects too much forgiveness and willful amnesia, I think.

Well, the whole Molly Night, no matter how it came about was well after he finally gave her the annulment she'd begged for after months and months, so he was in the clear on that IMO (assuming he'd have ever jump on Steffy willing, eventually)

Still, Hope has forgiven and forgotten far worse, so what reason does he have to do better? Literally, the only time Liam ever puts any effort into his relationship is when someone else is in the wings. The minute Hope moves onto Thomas for real, Liam will be back playing hero and even worse, using his kid as a wedge between them because I have no faith in this show not to go full Nick Newman on us with him.


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I feel like a gerbil running around his plastic wheel. The faster he runs the faster he goes nowhere. 

I was going to suggest a new line up of relationships to make B&B less redundant.  Liam rejects Raggedy and Stuffy and takes up with Sally freeing Wyatt for Flo.   

I wish Bill would take Ridge and Lurch for a helicopter ride.  

Edited by Waldo13
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So I finally watched the week, and I have to say I agree 100% with Hope.  Liam runs away from the proposal to Steffy's house, sleeps over, and then talks to her about his issues with Hope.  What a useless waffle.

Yes, Steffy set up that kiss, with Thomas' help, but everything Hope said was right.  It has always been that he was conflicted, and bouncing back and forth.  She thought that when Beth was revealed to be alive, they would be together.  

He rightly suspects Thomas, but then pulls an ultimatum on Hope with his proposal.  

I don't think Hope can abandon Douglas at this point.  That would be devastating to the child.

Someone please explain to me why these two beautiful, smart, talented women waste their time chasing after Liam?!

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5 hours ago, bannana said:

So I finally watched the week, and I have to say I agree 100% with Hope.  Liam runs away from the proposal to Steffy's house, sleeps over, and then talks to her about his issues with Hope.  What a useless waffle.

Yes, Steffy set up that kiss, with Thomas' help, but everything Hope said was right.  It has always been that he was conflicted, and bouncing back and forth.  She thought that when Beth was revealed to be alive, they would be together.  

He rightly suspects Thomas, but then pulls an ultimatum on Hope with his proposal.  

I don't think Hope can abandon Douglas at this point.  That would be devastating to the child.

Someone please explain to me why these two beautiful, smart, talented women waste their time chasing after Liam?!

Back in the late 1880’s and 1890’s Indian woman outnumbered Indian men so the Indian woman had to play “Pass the Buck”. Today, in LA, Stuffy and Raggedy have no choice but to play pass the syrup because, in LA, there are so few men 😉.  

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I've been home sick for a couple of days, so I figured I would check back in to Hotel Horrible. I had to take my temperature to be sure I wasn't in a fever dream.

Just a few days ago, Steffy agreed to re hire Chompers to get her to prove Lurch was lurching(or now, Lurk, I guess. He has been at three open doors, in bushes behind a chain link fence, and following Hope in her car).  But now Lurk calls her with Nefarious Plan # 56437 and she's like "Sure, it can't fail! Let's do it!" She is now taking directions from Crazy Pants?  



One last question...where is Beth? Hope has been to Steffy's and back after another fun breakup speech,  packed Liam's four shirts, rehashed at all with her Mom.... Where has Miracle baby been that whole time? 

Edited by smartyshorts
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