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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Vinnie and Danny have self admitted to being treated well by Brooke and Ridge over the years and we’ve seen them treat Thomas well even when he didn’t deserve it. This is the thanks they get from these bozos? It’s sad that even though Vinnie is a drug dealer and both Vinnie and Danny can barely string together sentences, they are still 100 times more appealing than Thomas is right now. Thomas’s continued emotional abuse of Douglas is despicable. 

I’m over Shauna and wish her character would just disappear. I was so glad Bill told her off today even though we can see the writing on the wall that she and Flo will be portrayed as saving Katie. 

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I ain't mad at Danny, I want to give him a superhero cape to match Douglas'. If his loose lips help sink the sinking Bridge ship, to quote Liam, "dude is my freaking hero". Thomas, no, Danny, yes!

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While I was glad to watch Danny giving Brooke the low down on Ridge’s drunken night at that pitiful, tiny bar, I still think he’s a terrible actor. I could actually see him counting down the seconds before he had to start saying the lines he’d memorized. No inflection in his voice, no expression on his face and no emotion in what he was telling this woman. There have to be better actors waiting tables all over LA.

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Wow, Shauna has ALL the nerve showing up to visit Katie. This bish.

Ridge is pissed about Thomas' son being kept from his father? Hope's daughter was kept from her for months. At least Tommy knows his kid is alive. FOH, Ridge. You're going to regret coddling that backstabbing a-hole of a son of yours, who BTW is sticking a knife in you this very moment.

Flo carrying a huge bag. Doing some light shoplifting to help make ends meet? 😼

Not your place, Danny? It wasn't your place when you started running your mouth to Vinnie. Too late to grow a conscience now, though you could always let Brooke know Thomas is trying to destroy her marriage.

Well, I guess next we can count on Brooke to be paying Shauna a visit...

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Bikini Bar Brother (aka Danny) needs to find out what happens to Black people when they get in Thomas' way.  And I totally agree that he should lose his job for continuing to pour for Ridge. 

Hearing Douglas talk about his father giving him a stomach ache was difficult to hear.  This is an abused child and I don't know why Bell thinks that is considered entertainment.

I'm also wondering why anyone wants to be subjected to the lunatic ravings of a child-abusing killer.  Is Thomas supposed to be a stand-in for Taylor for all the people who miss her.  Because, minus a little fucked up plastic surgery, Tommy Choo-Choo could pass for his mommie dearest.  All of this history being rewritten is bullshit.  Bell clearly doesn't care about long-term viewers, who actually REMEMBER what happened between Brooke, Ridge and Taylor and who remember how Choo-Choo and the slattern were raised.  The fact that both of Ridge's children turned out to be such awful people isn't on Ridge, who did the best he could or on Brooke who raised them along with Ridge.  The reason Choo-Choo and Hauxdilox are monsters is because their mother is a monster. 

Having Choo-Choo as a stand-in for Taylor is bullshit.  What blackmail does HT have on Bell that he's unwilling to recast the role?  He recast RIDGE for fuck's sake and Ridge is light-years more important to B&B than Taylor.  Bell needs to re-cast Taylor and let her do her own dirty work.  She's perfectly capable of it; ask Darla.

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Tommy Choo-Choo is even more delusional than he appears if he thinks a lightweight like Shauna or HIM are going to be enough to get to Brooke Logan.  Brooke dealt with the Original Gorgon.  Not only did she handle Stephanie, Brooke brought Stephanie to heel.  When Stephanie was dying, she didn't call on Killer Taylor to be by her side.  Stephanie called on Brooke.

Thomas is going to need more than his pathetic mother, the bartender at the Bikini Bar, the local drug dealer and trash like Shauna.  Choo-Choo, you need more people!

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I actually thought Vinnie did a good job today. He’s supposed to be a druggy and kinda stupid so I hand wave his flat intonation and blandness. But he did something very natural. When he got up from his chair after paying he reached down and grabbed one nacho for the road and kinda pushed them left and then did a little finger circle over them to Thomas. “Like finish them.” 

That def wasn’t scripted and not often seen on soaps. 

Let me get this straight. Thomas promised to help the Danny with modeling jobs if he helps blow up Ridge’s secret and offend Brooke. Ridge the co CEO of Forrester and Brooke partial owner? In what world would anyone believe Thomas have enough pull at FC to slight them? He just got done bitching to him he was being slid out of the company. I guess with Katie hospitalized they need a town buttinski and gossip. 

Beyond tired Thomas keeps calling Brooke and the Logans as the trash from the valley. Bruh they lived last lived there in the 80s. It’s 2019 whoooooo cares?  He’s acting like The Valley is Hot Shot from True Blood and they’re fresh out their gun strewn porn set meth lab or something. Also the Logans weren’t trashy shit when he was accepting their condolences and help with Douglas, living in a Logan home, and obsessed with marrying one. At least they don’t scream at, insult, physically manhandle and intentionally terrify sleeping 5 year olds so they win.  

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On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 11:21 AM, SimoneS said:

Someone, maybe Ridge, has got to overhear Thomas verbally abusing Douglas and put a stop to it. He should not have custody of Douglas until he gets help for his anger and obsessive tendencies.

I am confused, but I admit I haven't watched much recently.

I thought that Thomas had a revelation when Douglas told him he wanted his old daddy back.  This was just before Thomas went to try to apologize to Hope.  

We were led to believe that Thomas realized what an asshole he was being and he wanted to change his ways.  Heck, even Hope believed it and threw her own mother under the bus re Thomas' cliff dive.  Didn't Thomas also have a big CTJ moment with Ridge when he was in the hospital?

But now, we are right back to the same Thomas who was really mean to poor Douglas, and he is doing it again?

So Thomas is a sociopath?

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15 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Not only did she handle Stephanie, Brooke brought Stephanie to heel. 

Actually, she didn't.  That was SF and KKL's goodbye, not Stephanie and Brooke's.  When Stephanie's ghost shows up, she still calls Brooke a slut.

For Brooke or Taylor to have actually won, they would have had to stick by their proclamations that they were done with Ridge and gone on to live their lives.  Instead, they both still want the pathetic loser.

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So Thomas is a sociopath?

Alex, I'll take "Painfully Obvious" for $500, please. I'm okay with it actually. Better that than the brain tumor or drug addiction cop-outs.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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My history with B&B is that I watch if something keeps me watching and then I stop for two or three years then I'll pick it up again.  I'm curious about how Liam forgot about Kelly but I'm stopping till Ridge is off the screen and backburned like half of this cast.  I can't feel nauseous every day.  The funny thing is that they'll never give Steffy another guy.

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It looks like Vinny might be figuring out that not only is Thomas a lousy friend, he's also psycho.

More rewrites.  Thomas was not like this at ten years old.  Until Thomas blew up Rick's car after Phoebe's death, Thomas was sometimes annoying or entitled, but mostly bland.  He got involved with Amber, married Gabi to keep her from being deported, and wanted to work at FC without going to college.  Somewhat dumb, but not criminal.

Of course Ridge doesn't love you Brooke.  How stupid are you?   Ridge loves Ridge.  Ridge likes having you in love with him.  Ridge likes female attention.  However, at the end of the day, the love of Ridge's life is Ridge.

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14 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

When he got up from his chair after paying he reached down and grabbed one nacho for the road and kinda pushed them left and then did a little finger circle over them to Thomas. “Like finish them.” 

Lol, this caught my eye as well! I thought it was a nice touch. 

Shauna is comedy gold. I don’t mind her antics, they lighten things up a bit.

She and Flo aren’t too bright though, really:

“Katie needs a new kidney” “Really? That’s sad. I’m off to the pool.”

Wonder how long it will take before the lightbulb goes off?

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Flo is a nefarious character, but looking at her body, I would forgive her in a flash.  I can’t call Shanna a cougar because she likes men and not boys but she’s definitely obsessed with them. 

Speaking of delusional, Lurch is the top of the heap with Ridge is propping him up on his shoulders. 

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Brooke! Do not fall for Ridge’s bullshit again! Thomas is evil and you know it so don’t let that cretin back into your house, your life or Douglas’, Hope’s or Beth’s. And where in the hell is Steffy? And TayTay? Geez, this show is so stupid.

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Was anybody else clamoring for Brooke to throw Sludge out of the house once and for all today?  She needs to stop beating her head against a brick wall and I'm frustrated that she appeared to give him a pass about Shauna. Sludge has tunnel vision as far as his precious son is concerned and won't budge. I couldn't live in a tension-filled household like that. 

I hate to say this, but I also find Shauna kind of amusing. Denise can play the dumb blonde bimbo to perfection, especially when she's mooning over Sludge. I believe today she called him "dreamy." Shauna did also drop a hint today when she said she used to be a "Vegas retailer." (whatever that means ... )

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Shauna says she's really good with sick people. Let's see: she raised Flo and she's BFFs with Quinn. Yep, it checks out. 🤔

Lol at Flo's fake boobs. IMO, she looed like a surf board with both halves of a soccer ball glued to it.

Raspberry ginger? Bleh. 😝 It's a wonder Danny can keep his bar running between putting his customers' business in the street and serving garbage drinks.

Thomas is the wealthy heir to a multi-million dollar business. Why is he freeloading off Vinnie? And why is Vinnie letting him?

AFAIC, Ridge ain't shite. As long as his trash kids get what they want, fcuk everyone else. But Brooke, your daughter needed professional help too--for her PPD--and you never insisted on that.

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Brooke could do so much better than the dressmaker.  Brooke HAS done so much better than the dressmaker.

Thomas isn't just a psycho, child-abusing killer.  He's as thirsty as his sister and his mother.  His vendetta against the hated Logans?  Is all about getting Hope's attention.  I guess being the Crown Prince of the Forrester family doesn't work so well with the ladies, huh Choo-Choo? 

Should somebody break the news to Tommy-Boy that the only Logan who's remotely studying his sad ass is Brooke and she just wants him to go to hell.  One Logan is on dialysis fighting for her life.  The other is busy picking out cute outfits to get Eric's attention.  They don't give a damn about Thomas.   And somebody should remind Choo-Choo that his 'evil' stepmother is actually a FORRESTER.  And Hope?  She's a Spencer. 

Somebody else should remind Tommy that he's lower than a Logan from the valley.  He's the son of...how did his grandfather put it?  Oh yeah, 'that Marone bastard'.

Somebody should tell Denise Richards that her 'blonde bombshell' died with Marilyn.  And Marilyn was a million times better.

50 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

 Shauna did also drop a hint today when she said she used to be a "Vegas retailer." (whatever that means ... )

Is that what they're calling it these days?

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I remembered Brooke and Thomas "on the beach" years ago but I don't remember what the purpose of that was.  That's when RealRidge and Thomas really looked like father and son.

When I was searching for the beach, I found this - anyone remember why they were doing this?

Edited by TessHarding2
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That is the best they could do? The bartender tells the drug dealer who tells his psycho roomie, who then blackmails the bartender? Sounds more like something I would have written back in high school. 

I don't think Danny has really thought this whole thing through. During his stints at Forrester, when has he ever seen Thomas in a position of authority? He isn't even a co-co CEO with his sister and his dad. He is just a wanna be designer who has a job because his family owns the business. Now Danny will have to face Ridge knowing how he threw him under the bus. 

I too am enjoying Shauna. Her campy ridiculousness breaks up all the other dark, dreary, and boring SLs. And, when you really get down to it, Shauna did nothing that Ridge and Brooke aren't doing/haven't done. She was protecting her daughter. Now, I think her daughter is a POS, just like I think Thomas is a POS, but I am not their parent. So I can at least understand the character's motivations. She has also gotten the attention of Ridge. And for that I could hug and kiss her. 

And fucking Ridge can just step right the hell off with all his crowing about folks wanting to keep Douglas from Thomas. Ridge needs to learn that loving your son to distraction can lead to him having bad manners. The fact that Ridge condones Thomas's treatment of Douglas makes me want to knee him really hard in the groin. Douglas is trying to tell people that his dad treats him bad, but he is so sweet and so confused, he doesn't really know how to do it. But Hope, Liam and Brooke get it. And why does Ridge feel that everyone Thomas has victimized just has to get passed it, so they can all pile on in an effort to "help" Thomas? Oh, and Ridge, please don't talk about people keeping kids from their parents. You wrote that novel when you were with Caroline, and your putrid son raped her. And then of course, that same putrid son kept Hope and Liam from their child. Ridge can see Thomas is the common denominator in so many ugly things, and he knows Thomas killed Emma. But it isn't blind love that compels Ridge to protect and cover for his son; it is blind ego, and not wanting anyone to know what a monster he raised. 

I enjoyed the fallout from Ridge and Shauna's night at the BBB (Bikini Bar Bedroom). What I liked is that Brooke didn't focus on what Ridge did with Shauna so much as what his actions mean to Ridge and Brooke. For Brooke to rail at Ridge about him having sex with Shauna would have been pointless, because as far as we know that did not happen, and more importantly, anything that happened once that bedroom door closed was out of Ridge's control. So, I like how they had Brooke focusing on the morning after breakfast, and how Ridge's friendship with Shauna is a betrayal. I think Kelly Lang has been doing a real good job of it these past few weeks. After months of watching her daughter suffer, and thinking her granddaughter was dead, then came Thomas's cliff dive, then she gets crazy Thomas forced back into her life while she is dealing with her growing concern about Douglas, then Katie goes down, and now she finds out Ridge had a slumber party with Shauna. KKL has made me feel her pain and her sense of isolation. She seems like she is floating on her own island with no one to turn to; emotionally shattered and confused. 

And then you have Ridge. No Ridge, you don't get to yell at your wife for the shit you have done. I realize you can't be held accountable for the actions of others, but you were not entirely innocent either. Carter tried to help you, but you wouldn't stop. So you got yourself so drunk you passed out. That is on you. But that isn't really the big deal. The big deal was engaging Shauna. Flirting with her. Talking to her and waving at her body and saying "With all of this in my face", or something like that. And the really, really big deal, was springing Flo without discussing it with Hope, Liam and Steffy, who were the real victims, and the only people who should be speaking for Beth who has no voice. And the other part of the really, really big deal, was in not telling Brooke the whole truth. You had nothing to hide. She would have been mad, but she would have gotten past it because you are her fucking destiny. But lying about it makes it a thousand times bigger in Brooke's brain. And she doesn't even yet know about Shauna's most recent visit, where you were throwing Brooke to the wolves, and were telling Shauna how easy she is to talk to. 

As much as it pains me to say this; I hope they survives it all, and for no other reason than to shove Bridge up Thomas's worthless ass. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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Why doesn't Thomas do what he told Vinny he was going to and rent an apartment?  It sounds odd to say this about a drug dealer, but Vinny is way to nice.  I don't know why he puts up with Thomas' crap.

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Today was a very good day on Show.  I got to see my favorite baby Beth (squee!) and an enormous crack appeared in Bridge!  I don't care who caused it...Danny, Vinny, Thomas...I'm just glad it's finally happening.  The less I see of Sludge cocking his head in incomprehension at Brooke's obvious pain, the better.

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Ridge acts like Stuffy is the victim when she still has Kelly.  One baby was not enough for Stuffy. Stuffy is as selfish as her father and brother.  It’s amazing how many storylines depend on keeping a child away from a parent. Recently Will, than Douglas.  

Lurch enlisting Shanna’s help in going after his father.  Obviously, Lurch knows Ridge well enough to know he would be receptive to Shanna’s advances once Brooke makes him choose between her and his son. 

As an aside, Courtney Hope was the spokes model on the Price is Right today. I must say she looks better on the Bold & the Beautiful because she was dressed like Courtney and not Sally. 

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Oh Brooke, you pathetic idiot.  You know what's unacceptable?  Screwing your daughter's husbands.  Bridget had her life and marriage torn apart to, but you didn't give a damn because you were the one ruining Bridget's life.  You are such a hypocrite.  So unfortunately, while I detest Ridge, I also despise you, and wish both of you would drop dead.

Even if Thomas did agree to sign over guardianship to someone or give up custody of Douglas, why do Brooke, Liam and Hope think it would be to them?  Karen is a much better choice.

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Brooke finds herself in a destiny dilemma, and should really allow herself to acknowledge what she has always known; Ridge may love her, but he doesn't value her, and he most certainly doesn't respect her. Brooke should go get the biggest white board she can find, and map out her life. She should then highlight all her wrong turns and bad decisions, focusing on the common denominator that caused her to make them. I would say about 90% would be due to Ridge and their ever loving destiny. Then she needs to examine these most recent events, clearly evaluating Ridge's actions and reactions. Ridge was being as supportive as Ridge can be in the beginning, but the minute he found out how deeply Thomas was involved is when he backed off, and started shouting about how everyone needs to help Thomas. I am shocked to say this, but I am pissed for Steffy. How the fuck was Thomas hurt by this again? Steffy may have had her own motivations, but she was still a victim, and I believe that she had come to love Beth. Outside of that, she now knows that her brother knew the whole sordid tale, and didn't come to his sister. For siblings that have always been portrayed as being close; that had to be a crushing blow. Steffy has also lost Liam. But Ridge has all but forgotten Steffy, and only pulls her card when he is pressed about his decisions. 

I also notice Brooke hasn't told Ridge about her altercation with Thomas. She shouldn't have to. Ridge knows she is right, he knows she is looking out for Douglas, and that Thomas needs professional help. What he most certainly doesn't need is "treatment" from  his whack mother. Ridge knows that Taylor is also questionable; he saw her cray first hand when she recently came on to him. No, Brooke should not have to beg Ridge for his understanding. His fucking son menaced her and her family. Ridge knows he stood there and watched Emma die. Ridge knows that Douglas is afraid of his dad. Ridge knows, and still he stands there tilting his head as if confused at why Brooke doesn't want to have Thomas living there, and be making him breakfast frittata's with fresh baked bread and honey butter. 

I find myself seething with anger at Taylor. That witch set all this shit in motion with her never ending desire to one up the Logans. She hopped on her broomstick and buzzed around disturbing the dust; chocking everyone with her nasty assed exhaust. She bought flesh and blood for her thirsty daughter, then proceeded to squawk about how "Steffy needs the father of her children!" First she shoots Bill in the back, then she destroys Hope and Liam's happiness, and never felt one moment of remorse before she put her broomstick into overdrive and flew off into the night. And look at the mess she left behind. Her daughter teetering, her son already teetered, and her ex-husband about to become an ex once again. Bitch needs to come home and pick up the receipts her carnage left behind. 

I think Thomas might be biting off more than he can chew. Shauna may be a Vegas Retailer, but she is still a notch below acceptable, and may have tricks up her sleeve Thomas could only dream about possessing. I can see Shauna using Ridge's dick to get her vengeance on Thomas. 

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SLUDGE IS GONE!!!  Awesome, awesome job today by KKL. She even delivered the classic, "It's not gonna happen!" TK just stood there with his head cocked to the side and I swear he had a gleam in his eye like he was trying hard not to laugh. Piss-poor and she kicked his greasy ass to the curb. Let him go bunk with Thomas and Vinny and see how well that goes. Steffy should not allow him to crash in her home. DEE-LISH-EE-US!!!

Edited by CharlizeCat
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Shauna and Thomas as ersatz partners in crime. Oy.

Brooke, you don't even know. Hubby has been badmouthing you every which way to Shauna. He may not have put it in her yet but he's well into having an emotional affair with her.

If only Brooke and Ridge had realized that their step-sibling children getting romantically involved was a sketchy proposition all on its own.

I think Ridge has an odd view of "consequences." It seems to be "consequences for thee but not for me. Or my kids."

Nah, Brooke trying to transfer Douglas to Hope and Liam is nuts IMO. Call his two grandmas back east to come get him. At least they're his blood relatives. Heck, even Uncle Bill would make some sense but I guess he's got his hands full with Katie's situation. (Oh wait, Liam is blood-related to Douglas too. Cousins? Ow, my head. 🤕)

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I am shocked to say this, but I am pissed for Steffy. How the fuck was Thomas hurt by this again? Steffy may have had her own motivations, but she was still a victim, and I believe that she had come to love Beth. Outside of that, she now knows that her brother knew the whole sordid tale, and didn't come to his sister. For siblings that have always been portrayed as being close; that had to be a crushing blow. Steffy has also lost Liam. But Ridge has all but forgotten Steffy, and only pulls her card when he is pressed about his decisions

She lost Liam the minute she hopped a ride on the Pony Express, but even at their "strongest," she barely respected his ideas and he never understood her. I continue to be baffled as to why her fans wouldn't want better for her than what her mother had.

The rest of it I agree with. God, she's been the show's pet ever since her 2015 return to the show and even Hope for all the non-action she had in this story at least got the satisfaction of dragging Flo for filth and a whole team of support. I can dunk on why Steffy has no friends or family coming to her side, but I never, ever expected Ridge of all people to completely prop Thomas over her. 

2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I can see Shauna using Ridge's dick to get her vengeance on Thomas. 

Few things in the course of B&B have given me as much joy as the time Nick Marone got cucked by Owen after years of trashing Bridget or the dressing down Eric gave Liam when he fixed his mouth to whine about Stytt's marriage and bash Quinn for shit other than Captive Cabin in Eric's own house, but this would probably be in the running to dethrone both of those as my new fave B&B moment. 😂

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

If only Brooke and Ridge had realized that their step-sibling children getting romantically involved was a sketchy proposition all on its own.

Ridge nearly boned his sister-daughter on Massimo's self-serving suggestion, so he's never been one to talk. I rolled my eyes the one time the writers paid lip service to mentioning that back when Rick and Phoebe got together.

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Brooke trying to transfer Douglas to Hope and Liam is nuts IMO.

I feel like this meme is basically Brooke right now:


...because Douglas at this point would be better off raised by a pack of wolves than ThomAss right now, but that doesn't mean Lope are in any position to raise a kid either. Not because of the fact that they used to break up a lot as I've see on certain other places, but because they just got their one baby back and I presume they're still co-parenting poor, forgotten Kelly on top of that. And legally, grandparent beats distant second cousin for custody claims.

Brooke has a decent-ish relationship with Karen, no? Karen is closer to Katie but they're friends enough that she'd listen to Brooke if she told her about her suspicions. Maybe ask if she knows the circumstances of how Douglas got conceived as a last resort if she isn't convinced. You know Bill would have her back. But Lope? As much as I'm glad that they're still here for him and doing their best, they're still learning to be parents themselves.

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4 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:


SLUDGE IS GONE!!!  Awesome, awesome job today by KKL. She even delivered the classic, "It's not gonna happen!" TK just stood there with his head cocked to the side and I swear he had a gleam in his eye like he was trying hard not to laugh. Piss-poor and she kicked his greasy ass to the curb. Let him go bunk with Thomas and Vinny and see how well that goes. Steffy should not allow him to crash in her home. DEE-LISH-EE-US!!!

That's his appealing and emotional acting style - a test pattern.  Then pick up his paycheck.  It's going to be easy to stop watching but I'd come back if Brooke did a bed hop with Bill.

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How is Brooke thinking Douglas should be with someone else, any different than Ridge bribing a judge to take custody away from Bill?  Brooke is only looking out for "the boys" best interest.

The writers have no idea what the hell they are doing.

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Well, Douglas should be with someone else. Brooke just has the wrong couple in mind. 

I’m glad Ridge got kicked to the curb, but jesus christ on toast points, even he cannot possibly be so dense. His density is purely plot driven to land him in Shawna’s bed, nothing more. He knows damn well his son is a horrid piece of shit and Brooke is right to not want him around after what he did to Hope and Liam. There is no way he doesn’t know this. Thomas has been a total piece of shit to him too. Industrial strength parental blinders can’t block out what an amoral turd in desperate need of real help Thomas is. Holy balls, people. And now I’m supposed to be entertained by his scheming against those horrid, slutty Logans? Yeah right.

I might even be amused by Shawna’s infatuation with Ridge if it wasn’t tacked on to Choo-choo’s dark and dismal trainwreck of a story. 

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How is Brooke thinking Douglas should be with someone else, any different than Ridge bribing a judge to take custody away from Bill?

It's not but at least Brooke is being above-board about her intentions. So far, anyway. The situation with Bill was just another of Ridge's attempts at revenge because his daughter had consensual sex with his arch enemy. There was never any indication that Bill was abusive to Will unless temporary, less than usual attention is considered abuse.

I can't wait until Ridge sleeps with Shauna. Afterward he'll probably wish he had stuck his peen in a meat grinder instead. Bonus points if she ends up pregnant.

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When it comes to Ridge, Brooke is reaping what she's sown.  Brooke was obsessed with getting Ridge.  She spent decades doing whatever it took to get him.  Why would Ridge respect Brooke?  Ridge is going to hook up with Shana, and not give Brooke a second thought because he doesn't have to.  Brooke will come crawling back.  She always does.  This is Brooke's destiny.  Being Ridge's doormat.

Bill's lies are actually what ended Steffy and Liam.  For whatever reason, Liam was going to go back to Steffy until Wyatt told him Steffy was still screwing Bill.  Then when Liam found out Steffy wasn't still hooking up with Bill, he called off his wedding to Hope, and returned to Steffy.  When Hope turned up pregnant, Steffy proposed to Hope.  It's to bad the writers didn't move forward with Bill and Steffy.  That would have been more interesting than another round of Bill and Katie.  I still hope Katie dies.

There are other options for Douglas than Liam and Hope.  Options that make more sense.  Why Brooke thinks she can dictate to Ridge who he should tell Thomas to give custody to baffles me.  Perhaps I should replay her previous episodes of B&B in which in the end, Brooke always ends up begging Ridge to pick her or get back together with her.

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I don't buy into the belief that orphaned children should automatically go to the next of kin. Being blood related is not a prerequisite to being a good parent. I have relatives that I would never trust with my children, and would leave detailed reasons why I would not want them placed with those relatives. 

I consider Douglas orphaned; his mother is dead and his father might as well be. My opinion is what Douglas needs is stability, continuity, and to feel safe and protected from his abusive father. First, he loses him mom, then he is shunted across the country, and is shoved into the arms and smiling faces of people he doesn't know. Then comes all of Thomas's manipulation, closely followed by Douglas finding out the truth, and dealing with the right and wrong of it, as his dad tells him to continue the lie. Then he does the right thing, and his father abandons him, only to show up with more badgering and beat down. Now Thomas has been MIA again, and is sneaking into other people's homes to berate his confused young son some more. 

Hope and Liam may not be the best choice, but they do want to help Douglas, and only have his best interests at heart. More importantly, Douglas loves them and enjoys being with them. How long has it been since he has seen his other grandma? I think it would be very jarring to hand him over to Karen when he is happy and thriving with Hope and Liam. And Liam is blood related, and then there is Beth, who Douglas adores. I don't know if there is such a thing as a temporary custody arrangement, but I could see that working. Let Douglas live in peace while his demented father gets the mental help he needs. Even then I am not sure Douglas should ever be with Thomas again, because you can control mental illness, but there is nothing you can do for a black heart and having no soul.

14 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

She lost Liam the minute she hopped a ride on the Pony Express,

1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

Bill's lies are actually what ended Steffy and Liam. 

Yes and yes. I was speaking more in the generality of them breaking up. Ridge knows how much losing Liam hurt Steffy, and he knows how much losing Beth hurt Steffy. But all he can talk about now is how Thomas is a good kid who needs his dad's help. PFFFTT! As if. 

I wonder how papa is gonna feel when he finds out that Thomas blackmailed Danny to tell Brooke about Shauna? 

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Slap her, Brooke, slap her! Yes, she did exactly that. Stephanie would be proud. I don't care how hypocritical Brooke is being, shameless Shauna deserved it.

I don't care that it isn't realistic, but I want Hope and Liam to get custody of Douglas. Hope, Liam, and Beth love and adore Douglas and he feels the same about them. He would have a safe loving home with them. Besides, if he lives with Hope and Liam, he will continue to be in center of the action. The actor playing Douglas is wonderful and I want him to stick around and to continue getting airtime.

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It looks like Steffy is going to make a few snarky comments, and then all will be forgiven.  Thomas is still a lying selfish sociopath.  Why does Ridge have to live with Steffy?  I wonder if Thomas and Douglas are going to be moving in to?

Outraged wives showing up at your door, slut, liar - I was going to ask Brooke if she had amnesia as well as being a hypocrite, but then Shana got to remind Brooke about what she really is.  Of course, Brooke being Brooke, she handwaves that away as destiny, soulmate, whatever.

I guess Brooke was trying to be Stephanie there, but it was an epic fail.

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Eh Brooke can never be Stephanie, but it wasn't a bad effort. I adored Stephanie and despised Brooke almost from the moment she showed up so it surprises the hell out of me that I have softened towards her. It only took 32 years. Bwah.

Edited by SimoneS
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Brooke slapped Shauna so hard her earring fell off! 😆

Shauna is acting trashy and yet...I ain't hating her. I'm actually TeamShauna in this for the moment. Brooke echoing Stephanie and throwing those words in Shauna's face made me think less of her. She went low when she should've gone high. Like Stephanie before her, by going after and threatening the 'homewrecker' you're showing how threatened you really feel.

Had to post this as it was too funny. Brooke said it in jest, but...

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I never thought I'd live to say it but the Thomas story would work if it was Steffy instead of the Little Choo-Choo That Killed.  I KNOW!  The pig flying by my window waved and laughed!

Hauxdilox is in a dreadful position.  She's basically alone with her grief and misery.  Hauxdi has not only lost everything she's spent YEARS scheming and plotting for, she's apparently lost the love and support of her family.  At least the family in the continental United States.

Hauxdi's mother dragged her into her insane vendetta against the Logans and it's run her life, even while her mother was mostly absent.  Taylor would ride in on her broom, stoke the fires of Logan hatred and fly off again, leaving her daughter to do the heavy lifting.

The truth is that Brooke raised Hauxdi and she and Hope were close.  Hope considered Hauxdi her 'big sister'.  So all the crap that Thomas is spewing is just that:  crap.  And Hauxdilox is the one person who could set the record straight.

Hauxdi has NEVER been able to count on her mother.  Taylor's Logan psychosis has always been an albatross around Hauxdilox' neck and only her loyalty to a mother she bare knows kept her wearing it.

The one thing that Hauxdi has been able to count on is that she's Daddy's #1.  We've all seen how TK's Ridge looks at his daughter.  Hauxdi's no fool; she knows when a man wants her.  Hauxdi has played her father's feelings about her for years.  Now even that has gone.  Ridge has tossed his daughter's pain and grief aside to protect his psycho, child-abusing, killer son.  He's let the woman who was a co-conspirator in human trafficking off the hook and is getting ready to fuck her mother, a woman who could give Hauxdilox 'slattern' lessons.

Hauxdi has not only lost the baby her mother dropped 250K for, she's lost the man she has spent a decade chasing after.  Even after she fucked her father, she still had a shot with Liam but now he's definitely with Hope, living the life that Hauxdi's been scheming and planning for.

Stephanie Forrester Jr. is the one who should be on the vendetta.  She's the one who should be declaring war on the WHOLE WORLD.  Her anger, resentment, jealousy and grief SHOULD be the story.  Instead we've got this weak bullshit with Ridge insisting that his wife allow a man who he KNOWS watched a young woman die, on top of all of that rape, child abuse and lying Thomas is guilty of.  Ridge is getting ready to fuck a woman that Ronnnnnnn Moss' Ridge wouldn't let park his car.

I don't think much of JMW's acting abilities but if this was about Hauxdilox, she'd have another Emmy on lock. 

There goes another pig!

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And of course Ridge has to freeload off somebody instead of paying for his own apartment or hotel room. Tommy's apple didn't fall far from his daddy's cheapskate tree.

Why is Shauna still in LA? Does she even have a job? Flo is probably barely covering rent and groceries as it is.

Steffy has a baby gate in front of the fireplace but she lives next to a cliff. Okay, Kelly is safe! (And whoa, JMW still has the boobs. They're still perky too.)

Ridge, you are so full of it. You didn't merely leave Brooke's place; she pretty much threw you out.

Alrighty then. Brooke may have met her match. She tried to step to Shauna and Shauna stepped right back. Meh, confronting the other woman is usually a weak move. It gives Ridge more power.

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Ridge, you freeloading piece of shit, get your own place and leave Stuffy alone. Nice going Ridge, ambushing your daughter and Lurch walks in, to Stuffy’s house like he owns the place.  

Nice confrontation between Shanna and Brooke slut vs slut.  In Shanna’s defense, at least she can stare down Brooke without squinting.

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So that's Sludge's plan for "fixing" his family?  You can't force forgiveness.  The three of them should be locked up in that cliff house and they can all kill each other. I will begrudgingly give him props for trying the direct approach, though. Dr. Lippy Quack probably had some passive-aggressive strategy that was firmly based on blaming all things Logan. Anyway, Hauxdi should have thrown both of them out of her house. 

Will looks about 10 years older with the new haircut; typical for kids that age though. 

Even though I am always Team Brooke, I have to say that today's exchange with Shauna was definitely "pot meet kettle." 

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If Bell or the writers are trying to make Brooke more Stephanie like, it will never work.  Susan Flanary was an excellent actress, and KKL isn't in her class and never will be.

No matter how wrong, hypocritical, or completely standing on quicksand, Stephanie was, SF always sold Stephanie as believing her own BS and having no sense of irony when she was lecturing someone, or scheming.

I remember when Stephanie was doped up in the hospital possibly dying in her effort to save Felicia, and she still had time to tell Eric, she thought if she handled things their marriage would work, but all she had done was let Eric be a weak selfish loser, all while still insisting Eric was the love of her life.  Priceless.

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