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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I'm not sure why show decided to make Steffy the "victim" in this situation (jk, it's because she's the bestest bratz ever) but I'm not buying it. Even if we forget all of her history, she's still trash just from this storyline. Weeks of rubbing up against Bill when Liam dared to show some backbone before to her happily renewing her vows and letting him endlessly beg forgiveness and crowning her queen of kindness for granting it, she's just as bad as Bill. No matter how many characters try to heap all the blame on him, they're both despicable. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Let's follow that logic for a moment. Say their marriage was OVER...so an hour or so later, it's okay to fuck your son's wife? I'm shaking my head right now.

To be fair, this is keeping with the continuity of his decision to boink Brooke .002 seconds after Katie took off her ring. At least this time, Liam wasn't in the driveway when they fucked.

1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

If I'm supposed to feel sorry for Liam, I don't.  I won't be at all surprised if two days from now, Liam is in a triangle with Sally and Hope.

Katie should shut up to.  Katie was the one who lectured Brooke about staying away from Nick, and not hurting Bridge again, and then Katie went and did the same thing to Bridget that Brooke did.

This is the problem with having all the characters being back-stabbing, waffling, lying cheaters.  The only thing I can root for is for all of them to burn.

Yeah, I know. I miss the old days when soaps had some true white hats and black hats. Liam in particular has always grated on my nerves because when he wasn't passively being talked at by whoever was making a case for Steffy or Hope, he was on a moralistic bent that usually coincided with trying to get into the pants of whichever woman had moved on.

I still say he didn't deserve to get backstabbed by his father but that doesn't mean I want to see him waffling between Hope and Sally immediately either. They both deserve better than to be the rebound.

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48 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:


Sally! I was so glad to see her I yelped with happiness. Now, THIS is what Liam needs. A friend to listen and comfort.

I know this is an unpopular opinion in these parts, but it would be nice if Sally were there as Liam's friend, but I do not believe that Sally "I love you in an innocent way (spare me)" Spectra doesn't have an agenda.  I have a feeling if there were a CT Scanner in that scene, we'd actually see the wheels turning in her head.

And while I'm at it, certainly what Steffy did is MUCH worse, but I would certainly be hurt if my husband were kissing some woman (especially some woman I didn't like) if he thought he were about to die...I'd kinda think he'd be thinking about me, so I don't give him a pass on the "but the circumstances" excuse.  I didn't give Taylor a pass on the "I think I'm going to die and won't let James die a virgin" boink, and I won't give Liam one either...nor will I give him a pass on his emotional affair with Sally and siding with Sally against his wife.  I hate Steffy as much as anybody, but IMO she wasn't wrong to get out of dodge to cry & cool off...it's what she did after that I have a problem with.  And just because Steffy is worse, I don't like the show painting Liam as some kind of saint.

Edited by ByTor
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All I know is that Fauxdilocks and the Three Spencers is a ratings failure, as the show continues to shed viewers particularly in those all-important demos for women of a certain age.  Brad & Co.'s mission to paint the most basic of chicks as Miss Every Woman has to be one of the most ridiculous hoaxes ever perpetrated on an audience.  Bradley--just stop.  Stop it NOW!

From the temperature that I'm taking around the boards--including those officially affiliated with this dreck--no one is buying Fauxdilocks as this innocent, devoted wife.  Many want her punished and to be called out for being a duplicitous tramp.  Several are amused (and not in a ha ha! way) that other characters have apparently twisted themselves into pretzels to believe that Bill seduced, drugged or got Fauxdilocks drunk--with no help from her.  I don't know too many people who have out-of-body experiences that have them riding their in-laws to glory.  Never mind Swill's stank past association.  Never mind that Fauxdilocks laid up with a whole family of men in less than two years.  Never mind that that stank trick still can't stay away from Bill.  The tears, the blubbering and quivering are wasted efforts as far as I'm concerned.  RuntheTable is on point in describing the numerous ways in which Fauxdi's actions were not mere mistakes.  They were deliberate choices, and what I can't wrap my mind around is the fact that that trick sat there and allowed herself to be privately and publicly praised AFTER she spent the night fucking her Satan-in-law.  As Sunshine Anderson once sang, "cuz your lies ain't workin' now!  Look who's hurtin' now!"

Nor, are too many people impressed with Katie "befriending" Fauxdilocks and acting as her confidant and official shoulder to cry on.  Sorry, but the Katie we know, love and sometimes love to loathe would have pulled one of her sour Princess Lemonhead faces and have dragged a trick for filth.  But, Fauxdilocks is the most wonderful, the warmest, the kindest and most beautiful human being in the world.  Evidently, there will be no shortage of enablers, collaborators and apologists for Fauxdi, whose glitter-covered toilet seat masquerading as a halo has to be burnished.  That's why I will never EVAH shed a sympathetic tear for this trick.

As an added bonus, for every Swill-supporting tweet on DD's Twitter feed, there are 5 to 10 more tweets showing clips of Brill and demanding the return of that couple.  These tweets are then re-tweeted on B&B and KKL's Twitter feeds, with some choice words about GarBridge also.  That this still going on after TIIC made it clear that they are going full speed ahead with Swill is hilarious on one hand, and sad on another.  

It seems the only folks supporting Bill these days are those who are desperate to see Swill become a "thing."  Hardly anyone believes the words of contrition coming out of Bill's mouth especially when they remember how he made it his life's mission to "decimate" Liam a few short weeks ago.   What the ever loving fuck was that shit coming out of Bill's mouth when he was talking to Wyatt?  "Look, son, I know that you two fucked her, but I wanted to fuck her first!"  Because, despite Bill using the "L" word to describe his "feelings" for Fauxdilocks, all I heard was a father telling one of his sons that he wanted to hit it first and could have but stepped back to give his sons a chance.  This leads me to ask the writers yet again, what exactly are you trying to accomplish here?  Are you telling a "love story" or are you all trying to build a case for an aggravated sexual assault to garner sympathy for your reviled future "leading lady?"  Just asking because the writing is downright schizophrenic at times and it seems you all are just throwing a plate of spaghetti against the wall to see what will actually stick.

I'll just finish with this little "pome":

Bill can say this, and, Bill can say that.
Bill could even sing Fauxdilocks' praises about her non-existent virtues as if it merely stating them were a fact.
But, I still say that basic bitch ain't all THAT!

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3 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

I love me some DD but the show needs to bring back consistency with him and shades of humanity or else we really will wonder why we should root for him.

Good point. He's reminding me of a real life creep I worked for. Not a root-able character. I really am wondering what's next for $Bill, where do they go from here?

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

To be fair, this is keeping with the continuity of his decision to boink Brooke .002 seconds after Katie took off her ring. At least this time, Liam wasn't in the driveway when they fucked.

Butterscotch latte all over my work computer. Girl, stop!

1 hour ago, jenrising said:

I'm not sure why show decided to make Steffy the "victim" in this situation (jk, it's because she's the bestest bratz ever) but I'm not buying it.

She's the leading lady of the core family and married to the three time Daytime Emmy winning (and defending male lead actor winner) lead actor on the show.

They're not gonna make Steffy the heavy in this storyline. That's going to be Bill's cross to bear.

TPTB may not know who Liam ends up with, but all of his ladies are going to remain viable for him to some extent.

We, the audience, know and saw what Steffy did but the writers sometimes refuse to accept what the audience sees vs. what they intended or thought they wrote.  In their heads, Steffy was 'caught' up in the moment and certainly had 'reasonable reasons' for falling into bed with Bill that night except, no, the audience didn't see her cozying up to Bill as innocent on her part. Steffy is either the most aware, awesome, best woman in the world and knew what she was doing or she isn't in which case it makes no sense that Wyatt, Liam, and Bill were all so hot for her.

Trust me, Steffy is going to rally and rise up and start firing back at Liam sooner rather than later.  Not so sure the show would dare to have her hook up with Bill while pregnant with Liam's baby, but if Steffy is as freaky and nasty and unapologetic as she claims to be she just might.

I would love this show forever if while fighting over Liam, Sally and Hope develop feelings for each other like Olivia and Natalia did on Guiding Light when fighting over Gus and ended up together. Bill can have Steffy and Liam can have his kid.

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Sorry, in advance, for being obtuse, but please define:



3 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

I love me some DD but the show needs to bring back consistency with him and shades of humanity or else we really will wonder why we should root for him.

He's a piece of shit, we shouldn't root for him.

3 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

We, the audience, know and saw what Steffy did but the writers sometimes refuse to accept what the audience sees vs. what they intended or thought they wrote.

I don't care what the writers intended, I know what I saw and heard.  The only bigger piece of shit on the show right now bigger than $Bill is Steffy.

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5 hours ago, nkotb said:

However, yesterday, Wyatt didn't work for me. 

I've said this before, but I do believe that $Bill has always had it hardcore for Steffy. I

I can see why folks would be skeptical of Wyatt, but yesterday did work for me because I feel as if the brothers have grown closer, most noticeably when Wyatt rescued Wyatt from a sword-wielding Quinn and later Quinn's clutches during the Captive Cabin debacle; with the latter, Wyatt knew he was sending him back to his then-wife Steffy. When Wyatt married Hope, they were still pretty much strangers, linked by blood, but little else. I thought less of Wyatt marrying his brother's longtime love then the fact that she was a heartbeat away from marrying Liam. I thought far less of Hope. But MMV, obviously.

With regard to Bill/Steffy...I absolutely agree that Bill has always has a hard-on for Steffy. He never got to seal the deal until late last year and that clearly stuck in his craw. She was the "one that got away." Well, to be more precise (and blunt), she was the notch on his belt that got away. He went back to Katie and I don't buy that he did that just because she was sick. I think he truly did love her back then. He put Steffy out of arm's reach but kept her close, encouraging the Liam/Steffy relationship and thwarting Hope before the days of Brill and all so he could vicariously fuck Steffy with Liam's dick. So I buy that he has always been in lust with her. What I and others take issue with is this retconned revisionist history that has that heifer as the love of his life. Up until very recent events, Brooke was the love of his life, the very air he breathed, the woman he couldn't imagine living without. Notice how once he was committed to Brooke, he didn't give Steffy a second thought much less interfering with Hope/Liam (which shuts down their we wuz robbed nonsense but good). Brooke was the woman he waited years for, even when he thought hope was lost, the woman who made him want to be a better man yet keeping his edge (until TPTB decided to ruin it and all for a Swill wallow in the mud). We can never know for certain but if Brooke had decided to stay in their marriage after learning of the arson/demolition, it's a pretty safe bet that the Swill boink would never have happened in the first place nor would Bill have been tempted in that direction. I would also wager a guess that if they had gotten together all those years ago, they would have fizzled out pretty quickly because Bill is a man (well, he was) and Steffy is a spoiled little girl. 

28 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Sorry, in advance, for being obtuse, but please define:



He's a piece of shit, we shouldn't root for him.

I don't care what the writers intended, I know what I saw and heard.  The only bigger piece of shit on the show right now bigger than $Bill is Steffy.

Swill = Steffy and Bill. Their fans call them Still, but since they're nasty and disgusting, Swill it is.

Bridge is the nickname for Ridge + Brooke...but again, since most of us can't stand this pairing, GarBridge it is.

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

I know this is an unpopular opinion in these parts, but it would be nice if Sally were there as Liam's friend, but I do not believe that Sally "I love you in an innocent way (spare me)" Spectra doesn't have an agenda.  I have a feeling if there were a CT Scanner in that scene, we'd actually see the wheels turning in her head.

And while I'm at it, certainly what Steffy did is MUCH worse, but I would certainly be hurt if my husband were kissing some woman (especially some woman I didn't like) if he thought he were about to die...I'd kinda think he'd be thinking about me, so I don't give him a pass on the "but the circumstances" excuse.  I didn't give Taylor a pass on the "I think I'm going to die and won't let James die a virgin" boink, and I won't give Liam one either...nor will I give him a pass on his emotional affair with Sally and siding with Sally against his wife.  I hate Steffy as much as anybody, but IMO she wasn't wrong to get out of dodge to cry & cool off...it's what she did after that I have a problem with.  And just because Steffy is worse, I don't like the show painting Liam as some kind of saint.

I can't disagree that Sally won't have a thought or two about what the future might hold with Liam's marriage on the rocks, but I don't see it as an agenda. Any normal person couldn't help but have some thoughts. It's acting on those thoughts and doing everything humanly possible to grease the wheels in that direction that = an agenda and is Steffy's M.O. Not Sally's. Exhibit A - trapping gondola in Aspen. 

Of course Sally has feelings for Liam, after all he's done for her and all they've been through together, but feelings do not an affair make. Sally didn't even realize she had feelings nor Liam realize there might be a hint of something there until they were trapped in the demolished building. One kiss under those circumstances is not an affair. There was nothing leading up to it and nothing since that proves otherwise to me and again, feelings are not the issue - attractions, crushes, etc. happen all the time in life. It's chemistry. It's making the conscious decision to act on said feelings for someone else when you're otherwise committed, married especially, that make an affair.

I also think that if Sally were Sal Spectra (i.e. a dude), Liam would have gone to bat just as hard. Maybe not the kiss in the rubble, but I digress. 

Sure, if I were Liam's wife, I'd be hurt if he kissed the woman he was trapped with instead of thinking about me, but I be so grateful that he survived and that he told the other woman he was committed to his wife, so much so that he was going to come clean right away that I would forgive and move on. I certainly wouldn't go fuck someone else.  Liam is certainly not a saint, hello, Waffles anyone, but he did not deserve this. Also, Steffy was the one who was already having an emotional affair behind Liam's backs for week - the stroking, the hand-holding, the hugging, the eye-fucking, the accepting of compliments, the blithely nodding and agreeing when the other man (Bill) tore down her husband. So, nope, she had no leg to stand on even BEFORE the Swill boink.

Just my .02. :-)

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38 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

feelings do not an affair make

It does make for an emotional affair, though, which IMO Liam & Sally were having.  I have to say, this really disappoints me.  Sally started out as different, but then the writers had to go & screw it up by having her waffle to every man who wanted to rescue her.  At this point, I think the only morally unambiguous character is Lizzie, but I'm sure she'll get screwed up as well!

38 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Liam is certainly not a saint, hello, Waffles anyone, but he did not deserve this.

No, he didn't.  Unless you're some die-hard "Steffy can do no wrong" fan, I don't think anyone can disagree that what she did was worse.

Edited by ByTor
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2 minutes ago, ByTor said:

At this point, I think the only morally unambiguous character is Lizzie, but I'm sure she'll get screwed up as well!

I hope the show is on long enough to see teen Lizzie make Maya and Rick's life hell. You totally know she'll be a daddy's girl but have issues with Maya but will have a special bond with her Aunt Nicole which Maya will hate. Then when she finds out about Nicole being her bio mother it'll really hit the fan.

If Steffy's child lives, Lizzie will totally be paired with him/her in a triangle with Douglas. Good times ahead.

6 minutes ago, ByTor said:

No, he didn't.  Unless you're some die-hard "Steffy can do no wrong" fan, I don't think anyone can argue that what she did was worse.

Twitter is pretty solidly Still and a good portion feel if Liam hadn't started the mess by defying his daddy and kissing Sally then this wouldn't have happened.

So he is being blamed for his wife AND father deciding to hump when they, you know, have functioning brains and weren't compromised by drugs or alcohol or witchcraft.  Liam has to be responsible for both his actions and theirs as opposed the Bill and Steffy being responsible for interlocking their genitals.

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Famous last words. I thought the marriage was over.  Thomas now Bill. I ask how can a marriage be over after a couple of hours?  Thomas and Bill got what they wanted letting the consequences be damned. 

The baby, the baby is all about the baby. Liam is the afterthought. If Liam waffles, I hope he drowns in butter and syrup. Think Liam, this not the first time Stuffy has turned her back on you.  Does Wyatt ring a bell.  Stuffy is like Bill.  They are only sorry until the next time they are sorry.  

As an aside, I watched Kim's new show. It's not bad at all. It's silly funny and Kim does have a flair for comedy. 

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2 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

As an aside, I watched Kim's new show. It's not bad at all. It's silly funny and Kim does have a flair for comedy. 

She has a really playful charm, it's a shame Hope was such a wet blanket most of the time. 

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15 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Twitter is pretty solidly Still and a good portion feel if Liam hadn't started the mess by defying his daddy and kissing Sally then this wouldn't have happened.

I do agree that the Steffy/Bill boink probably wouldn't have happened had prior events not happened, but geez, unless Liam pushed dear old dad's penis into Stef's ladybits, he can't possibly be to blame.  Those super-fans on Twitter are head-scratchers.

15 minutes ago, jenrising said:

She has a really playful charm, it's a shame Hope was such a wet blanket most of the time. 

If anybody saw KM on Unreal, it showed a whole other side that she had a good job playing.  In fact, IMO the character she played on Unreal is how I would have liked Hope to be.

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"My intention was not to do anything to Liam. Because I'm not a have-a-three-way-with-my-son kind of guy." Okay, Bill. Keep tapdancing.

Sally thinks a lot of herself, huh? I bet she was on the grassy knoll too, planning decades ahead to when she could claim credit for destroying some waffle-y guy's marriage.

Killer scenes between HT and DD today. More kudos to the writer(s) too.

Does Liam have any real money of his own? Can he even survive without the job and house provided by daddy?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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6 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

God, no! Ridget was universally the most hated SL in the show's entire history and tainted what should have been the most explosive, game changing revelation about Stephanie "I'm So Fucking Moral" Forrester.

Never again.

I wish you were right, but Bell would so go there with Ridge and Hope.  He tried the Ridge/Bridget idiocy a couple of times, along with Rick hooking up with his nieces.  Stephanie dragging Brooke for doing all of the Forrester men and her daughter's husband is pointless since almost all of the other characters have done similar things now.

There was a scene back when Stephanie forged that letter from Eric to her, after she got the tape of Ridge/Brooke screwing in the lab, saying Eric was still in love with Stephanie and wanted her back.  Once Ridge/Brooke saw the letter, they thought that gave them a license to be together.  When Eric returned home, and expected everything to be the same with him and Brooke, Ridge/Brooke/Thorne went to confront Stephanie.  Stephanie admitted the letter was a forgery, and Brooke said, "Eric doesn't love you at all."  Stephanie replied, "Yes, he does.  Besides why should Eric be the only one to get what he wants?"  Ridge, Thorne and Brooke were all looking at Stephanie like she had lost her mind.  Stephanie's morality was in question long before Massimo showed up.  Of course, none of these characters have a leg to stand on when it comes to morality.

I don't think Bill has ever loved anyone.  I liked Bill when he first showed up because he was a ruthless businessman who didn't care what the Forrester's thought, and called them out on their hypocrisy.  They should have stuck with that Bill.  Bill like so many other characters on this show has an unreal idea of what he wants in a relationship, and he expects the other person to fit into that scenario whether it makes them happy or not.  Bill might love the challenge or getting what he wants, but he doesn't love the person he's involved with.

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There's been a lot of re-writing history.  Liam is accused of having an 'emotional affair' with Sally and not supporting his wife.  But I remember Liam keeping his mouth shut and backing up his wife when she and $Bill tore Sally's life apart with an ugly lie.  Liam hated what they were doing but he stayed 'loyal'.  What Steffy saw as a lack of support was actually a refusal to be an accessory to a felony after the fact.  Unlike Steffy, Liam drew the line at ruining a persons life just because and when he got the chance, he did what he could to make it up to Sally.  During all the time that Liam spent with Sally, there wasn't a single moment where Liam behaved inappropriately, even when they took an overnight trip to San Francisco.  And Steffy wasn't unhappy because she thought Sally was after her man.  She was unhappy because she thought Sally was lowly scum, so far beneath Princess Hauxdilox that it didn't matter that Sally's livelihood (and the livelihoods of the people who work for her) was literally burned down.

Hauxdi keeps saying that it was the shock of hearing about the two kisses between Liam and Sally that sent her careening into Bill's arms.  But I remember all of the times that Hauxdi sought $Bill out to badmouth her husband and let her father-in-law put his hands on her.  What I don't remember is Steffy doing any work at FC.  She was waaaaaaay too busy 'trying to keep the family together'.  The fact is that Hauxdi had one foot in bed with $Bill long before Liam told her about the two kisses.

We've also been told that Hauxdilox was so horrified that she had sex with $Bill that she ran away from him as fast as she could.  But I seem to remember Hauxdi and $Bill WAKING UP TOGETHER,   getting up, taking a shower and then leaving.  The shock and horror over what she and $Bill did wasn't enough to KEEP HER AWAKE all night. 

That slatternly trollop also known as Hauxdilox seems to be getting a 'victim' rewrite.  Meanwhile, Liam isn't even allowed 48 hours to absorb the shock over his wife having unprotected sex with his father.  People are lining up to sympathize with Hauxdilox, the woman who cheated on her husband.  The only person who seems to give a damn about how Liam is doing is Sally.  I admit my eyebrows raised when she said she followed him to his hotel.  But Sally is concerned about Liam, so concerned that she doesn't want to leave him alone.  If Hauxdilox had found Liam in such an emotional state, she'd be in her underwear by now.  Sally has admitted to loving Liam, but she's there as a friend.  I want Sally to be careful. She wears her heart so openly on her sleeve and I'm afraid she's going to get hurt.

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Why, oh why, is Liam back at the house with Slutty? The way the show ended today tells me that he’s going to lay down some strict rules about living arrangements and custody of the child when it’s born. She does not deserve to have full custody of this child because obviously her judgement is flawed and can’t be trusted. Of course, I don’t write this show and have no faith at all in the writers who get paid to do this crap. I’m already worn out with this story and it has months and months and months of belly stroking to go. Oy, vey. 

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26 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

The only person who seems to give a damn about how Liam is doing is Sally. 

Wyatt seems to genuinely care about his "bro dude".

18 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

The way the show ended today tells me that he’s going to lay down some strict rules about living arrangements and custody of the child when it’s born.

That's the impression I had as well.

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I am loving this Katie. Finally in a relationship where she isn't second choice is doing wonders for her character. So far, not second choice. That's the reason I have for her being sympathetic to Steffy. Katie knows Dolla like few do and while acknowledging Steffy played a part I think she's right to blame Dolla. He had no business going to the guesthouse, he knew better but he is all about what Dolla wants full steam ahead. Steffy was in a vulnerable place and he did take advantage. That in no way excuses her and all the build up to it but I do see  Dolla as more responsible for setting this all in motion. He played upon her insecurities with Sally. Steffy didn't go to him. She also didn't turn him away. So there's that. 

HT was so good with "What will you sacrifice our son for?" She gets it.  She knows Dolla really loves only himself and sees Steffy as his reflection.

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4 hours ago, ByTor said:

do agree that the Steffy/Bill boink probably wouldn't have happened had prior events not happened, but geez, unless Liam pushed dear old dad's penis into Stef's ladybits, he can't possibly be to blame.  Those super-fans on Twitter are head-scratchers.

I mean, if they're saying he deserves it for his waffling, I'd say he'd gotten a taste of that already, both for the Paris wedding and then his return from Sydney. And Steffy has manipulated him often enough to realize playing hero is like catnip for him.

I can't say anything I saw out of Liam before the implosion kiss came to the level of emotional affair. I mean, I've seen him spilling his frustration about Hope and her blasting their sex life (or lack there of) to the media to Steffy, who stirred up that hornet's nest. All his conversations to Sally were about what Bill directly was doing. If he ever mentioned Steffy's Bill propping, I honestly can't recall.Plus, he hasn't rushed to tell her about what Steffy did with Thomas and Caroline.

As others have said, this will likely be ruined soon enough, but Liam needs a support system and I'm sure he's matured some since Puffy first "supported" him all those years ago to not just jump into bed with the first warm body. I hope so, at least.

That said, given he and Hope will be meeting eventually:

2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Sally thinks a lot of herself, huh? I bet she was on the grassy knoll too, planning decades ahead to when she could claim credit for destroying some waffle-y guy's marriage.

Sally has been in LA for just under a year--the first year that Liam didn't have two women fighting for him, and I'm guessing she hasn't heard any secondhand stories about the ToD that RJ relayed to Coco. I'm sure she'll learn not to stress herself soon enough.

55 minutes ago, thewhiteowl said:

I am loving this Katie. Finally in a relationship where she isn't second choice is doing wonders for her character. 

I cut the rest for brevity, but I agree with all of this. I wished TPTB had more for them, but it's nice that they both have a relationship where they aren't the second choice or staying out of obligation or being gaslighted.

Katie damn well should be worried for Will.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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2 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

There's been a lot of re-writing history. 

These are the writers who can manage to retcon their own retcon in the middle of writing the retcon.


23 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I mean, if they're saying he deserves it for his waffling, I'd say he'd gotten a taste of that already, both for the Paris wedding and then his return from Sydney. And Steffy has manipulated him often enough to realize playing hero is like catnip for him.

None of these people have ever gotten the karma they deserve.

Since no couple is allowed to last for more than a few months, it's hard to see a break up as devastating.  Two seconds after having their hearts broken they are either screwing someone else, or gazing longingly at the next great love of their lives who they will immediately move on from when yet another great love of their lives crosses their path.

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The three words I hate to hear the most are, "I. Don't. Know." It's one thing to ask somebody a question ... "Is it going to rain tomorrow?" If the person hasn't seen a weather forecast, then they probably do not know. However, everybody knows why they did or didn't take a particular action, make a choice, etc.  Steffy slept with Bill because she wanted to. Plain and simple. Why people are having such a difficult time grasping/denying that concept (despite her weak sauce responses) is beyond me.  Everybody (except Wyatt, apparently) knows the Swill history. (Obviously, newbies like Sally probably don't but she will find out soon enough.)

Bill truly is losing his mind. Why, would he ask Katie (of all people) to be a support system for Steam?

I know that Liam was under no obligation to talk to Sally but I wish that he would have least put her mind at ease that she wasn't the cause of his and Fauxdi's marital discord. I don't think that Sally was being egotistical or presumptuous to think her kissing Liam was still having repercussions. (She knows the ways of "Princess" after all ... ) Yes, it is silly, far-fetched and water under the bridge, but then look who we're talking about here. If the Swill boink hadn't happened, you can bet that Fauxdi would continue to hold the demolition dust kisses front and center over Liam's head x 1000 by factoring in the pregnancy to up the guilt ante.

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2 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

The best description of Hauxdilox and Liam's relationship:

6 years.  3 weddings.  Zero anniversaries

They are the greatest love story ever told but they've never lasted a year. 

Oh God, that's just fucking insane. I'd place Lope a notch above them only because of their seven wedding attempts that never came to fruition, but geez....between her, Hope and Liam, they've had as many weddings as Brooke has had in three decades on Show.

I'm reminded of this one sailor I met in the Navy who had a BF that she constantly called "my baby" to the point that a few of us thought she had a literal kid (*shudders*), but they're spent half of their twelve months together separated and yet they were engaged. Saild chick had already been engaged once before and had at least two or three more before I left that command two years later.

I just...?

3 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Bill truly is losing his mind. Why, would he ask Katie (of all people) to be a support system for Steam?

He truly doesn't know his ex wife if he expected that from her. Brooke, I could understand. She raised that slattern when her sainted mother was "dead" and has enough compassion to support Liam separately given he was closed to Hope. But Katie is right to read him for filth.

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2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I’m already worn out with this story and it has months and months and months of belly stroking to go. Oy, vey. 

Yes! And worse is that she was stroking her torso and rib cage, not even her wombular region. What, are you gonna carry that damn baby in your liver? FFS!

I’m with all of you guys, loving the scenes between Liam and Wyatt, DB and SC were fantastic in their scenes. And I loved both of them reading Bill for filth, which he so richly deserves. I’ll keep saying it, SC has just been owning this show with his amazing, gut-wrenching performances.

Also loved Katie’s confrontation with Bill today. Her line about “what would you sacrifice Will for?” was a real kicker. Indeed, Katie. Don’t get me wrong, her being BFFs with Stuffy is total BS, but take the good where you can find it, right?

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9 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

The best description of Hauxdilox and Liam's relationship:

6 years.  3 weddings.  Zero anniversaries

They are the greatest love story ever told but they've never lasted a year. 

I am seriously LMAO right now...and their wuv story was sooooo great, that the "blushing" bride in all of this slept with not one, not two, but all THREE Spencer men within the space of a year.

2 brothers. 1 father.

2 marriages. 1 divorce. 1 extra-marital affair.

All of this math shows Steffy and Steamless ain't shit.

12 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

There's been a lot of re-writing history.  Liam is accused of having an 'emotional affair' with Sally and not supporting his wife.  But I remember Liam keeping his mouth shut and backing up his wife when she and $Bill tore Sally's life apart with an ugly lie.  

The fact is that Hauxdi had one foot in bed with $Bill long before Liam told her about the two kisses.

 The shock and horror over what she and $Bill did wasn't enough to KEEP HER AWAKE all night. 

That slatternly trollop also known as Hauxdilox seems to be getting a 'victim' rewrite.  Meanwhile, Liam isn't even allowed 48 hours to absorb the shock over his wife having unprotected sex with his father.  People are lining up to sympathize with Hauxdilox, the woman who cheated on her husband.  The only person who seems to give a damn about how Liam is doing is Sally.  

I am blowing kisses to this post right now. 

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I'm in the home stretch of finishing my performance appraisals so my thoughts on yesterday's show will be brief. Well, brief for me.

HT and DD were just amazing together. It's almost a shame that they aren't still a couple, even though I loved Brill far more. They really have a special kind of chemistry and I'd say Katie knows Bill better than anyone, even Brooke and certainly Steffy. 

When Katie arrived at SP (shortly after Wyatt did, indeed, walk out on his father), Bill didn't even try to defend himself and told her to "let him have it."

Katie: "I think you already know what you did was despicable and unforgivable." Yep and yep. She steps closer to him, the pain and disbelief in her eyes as she asks: "Why, Bill? Why would you do this to  your son?" I did find it a bit interesting how up until this point, we've had yet to see much sympathy from Katie for her former stepson. 


She says she's there to protect their son, Will, and Bill tries to protest against Will needing protection from him.

Katie interjects: "I know you would lay down your life for your sons, but it doesn't matter! Because time and time again, you sacrifice what you love...for what you want." Bill is quiet for once and what can he say, really?


She dredges up their painful past, recalling how Bill has always wanted Steffy, and you can see that Bill is moved by the memories he'd rather forget.

Katie then challenges him, questioning what he would sacrifice Will for.

Bill tries to protest that he didn't target his son's wife but Katie counters: “But you wanted her.”

Bill admits as much and Katie realizes he wanted her for more than just that night.

Katie, more sad than angry now, asks how he thinks he can fix this.

Bill: "Liam just needs to cool off." Oh really? That's it?

Bill truly has no idea what it's like to be cheated on. He's always done the cheating.

Katie: "It's not that simple...you destroyed Liam, Bill."

Bill shrugs that off, saying he wants Liam to forgive Steffy for the sake of the baby. I still can't help the feeling that Bill is the father, but because he wants what Steffy wants, he changed the tests to say otherwise.

Katie even questions Bill about that: "Are you sure?"  Very intriguing.

Bill answers, with gritted teeth: "The baby is Liam's." He gives her a pointed look and I don't think it's a look of disappointment. "The test confirmed it."

Katie is crying openly now as he shakes his head, muttering: "That damn test." 

I still think he fixed the results so she and Liam can get their happily ever after. Except it's tainted beyond repair now. There will be no fairytale ending. Even if Bill isn't the father, I think it's just a matter of time before he starts circling in on Steffy, telling her everything she wants to hear about how Liam drove her to this and that she had every right to act as she did and that if Liam won't get over it and be there for her, he will.

Katie: "Maybe that will change things for them...but you...I don't see how Liam ever forgives you for this, Bill." If Bill did fix the results, in his twisted mind, he's gifting him with the child he and Steffy always wanted but OMG, if it is Bill's and Liam gets attached only for the real truth to come out? Whoo boy...but that's classic soap right there. Another point in favor of Bill being the father.

We return to Liam's hotel room, where a concerned Sally is pressing him to share what happened with him and Steffy.

When he doesn't answer, something clicks and the look of horror on Sally's face is heartbreaking: "She couldn't forgive you for kissing me...I ruined your marriage."

Liam tells her it's not her fault but doesn't exactly clarify that no, she didn't ruin their marriage. Steffy's act of spreading her legs for Bill did that.

He then shares that he's left SP for good and he's not sure that he'll be able to help SF get back on its feet.

Sally is thrown by this, not at all focusing on his statement that he can't make good on his promise to help them, but that something is terribly wrong if he's left SP and staying in a hotel room.

At her concerned look, he finally admits that Steffy did something and he can't get past it.


Sally reassures him: "I know how much you love Steffy and how much she loves you...you should try and forgive her, just like she forgave you." She talks about how Steffy overlooked their kiss (except she didn't) and that she recommitted to their marriage. Because she saw it as a way to wipe the slate clean, nevermind Liam didn't know exactly how dirty the slate was until well after the fact.


So, all the Sally haters can suck it! She's urging him to call Steffy, to forgive her for "whatever she did" and go home. She is there for him, as a friend, nothing more, and certainly sans the skivvies sporting agenda Steffy would have trotted out the moment she entered his room.

You can see the wheels turning in Liam's head and he nods, deciding he does need to talk to her.

Before he leaves, Sally reminds him she’s around if he needs a friend and I see nothing wrong with that. The only person with the potential to get hurt here is Sally, but she cares so much for Liam, regardless of what will or won't happen with Steffy, that she is willing to take that risk.

Meanwhile, Wyatt has shown up at Steffy's and wastes no time taking her to task, questioning how she could do what she did to Liam.


Predictably, she has no good explanation because DUH!


But I rolled my eyes when he, too, jumped to the erroneous conclusion that Bill drugged her or something as well as when he talks about how hurt she was over Sally. I'm sure there's still a part of him that loves Steffy and misses being married to her but come on! She fucked his father and fucked over his brother (and fucked over him to return to said brother). 

Steffy at least admitted that the blame was shared so that's something, I guess.

There's a quick scene of Wyatt and Katie canoodling in bed and both realize the other knows what really happened between Liam, Steffy, and Bill. 

Later, Steffy is sitting on the couch, holding their recent wedding photo. 


An unseen Liam opens the door and steps inside the house, the dread of facing his wayward wife written all over him.


Steffy turns, sensing his presence.


She remains seated and at least she's finally got it through her fat head that he doesn't want to be touched by her now, if ever again.

She cries, she apologizes, blah blah blah.


As predicted, Liam can't even look her in the eye. 


He takes the wind out of her sails when he shares that he's there to talk about the baby. Of course, this entitled bitch thought he had forgiven her (48 hours post discovery), so I was happy to see the hope die in her eyes.


He says they need to talk about their future and you can see her visibly gulp as he finally meet her eyes, his eyes flinty steel.


Today's epi better be about them co-parenting and not about him moving back in, much less them reconciling.

Edited by CountryGirl
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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

So, all the Sally haters can suck it! She's urging him to call Steffy, to forgive her for "whatever she did" and go home.

I imagine her going home whining "Why did I doooo that???" to Coco. Yep, I'll suck on that :)

Edited by ByTor
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I can't help but wonder how Steffy reacts when she finds out who it was that sent Liam her way ?

It's refreshing to see a mixed gender friendship scene with no hint of a pending romance. That's not to say it won't go there soon enough, but it was nice.

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3 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I can't help but wonder how Steffy reacts when she finds out who it was that sent Liam her way ?

It's refreshing to see a mixed gender friendship scene with no hint of a pending romance. That's not to say it won't go there soon enough, but it was nice.

Well, I mean she did kiss him. And she's confided in Coco that she wants him and had fantasies about him so the hinting is there but Liam was the one not going there. For once (and thankfully a sign of growth) Liam wasn't throwing out mixed signals. This time he really was solidly with Steffy - with the exception of his death door kiss but Sally initiated it. And while he was looking guilty post kiss, he promptly confessed to Steffy and shut down any notion of things happening between him and Sally and totally recommitted to Bill and Steffy without looking back.

Sally has a dog in the fight when it comes to Liam but she's been pretty restrained so far. But once she meets Hope (in today's show) I believe that's going to change.

Steffy's got bigger fish to fry than Sally being Liam's sounding board. Hope is back and Liam is freshly burned by Steffy's trifling ways. That baby is the ONLY reason Liam hasn't deleted Steffy's name from his phone or even stands to breath air in the same room. And she knows it.

The only set I think they could use for Liam's bachelor daddy pad if he decides to get one is...Quinn and Deacon's old loft. Which grooooossss.

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Just now, LittleIggy said:

I’m so sick of seeing Katie and Wyatt in bed. If that’s all their relationship is based on, it’s doomed.

They have both said it's casual, not serious. Not saying it couldn't developing after all Eric married Quinn. It maybe doomed most relationships are on this show no matter how they start.

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30 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

The only set I think they could use for Liam's bachelor daddy pad if he decides to get one is...Quinn and Deacon's old loft. Which grooooossss.

There's also that stupid apartment with the tub in front of the living room window.

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Just now, ByTor said:

There's also that stupid apartment with the tub in front of the living room window.

You mean the loft that begat Steam? It was that damn tub that Steffy was drowning in when Liam broke down the door and rescued her.

That should be a hell no from Liam if his realtor shows him that one.

He maybe would take Thomas' pad with the spiral staircase but it's also where his cousin Caroline got freaky with Ridge.

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1 minute ago, TobinAlbers said:
3 minutes ago, ByTor said:

There's also that stupid apartment with the tub in front of the living room window.

You mean the loft that begat Steam? 

The one & only!

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Just now, ByTor said:

The one & only!

If Liam moved back into that loft we'd get non-stop flashbacks to that fateful night and Steffy visiting and begging him to remember how they began and her rubbing her belly while simpering Cha-cha-cha!

But if we got scenes of Sally (or Hope) helping Liam exorcise the Steffy memories from that tub I might allow it.

Steffy walking into their 'sacred' place to see Liam and Sally (or Hope) splashing about would surely send her into early labor.

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7 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

If Liam moved back into that loft we'd get non-stop flashbacks to that fateful night

And if you listen carefully you would hear me yelling at the TV "Why the hell did you have to ruin things by saving her???"

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

And if you listen carefully you would hear me yelling at the TV "Why the hell did you have to ruin things by saving her???"

Maybe they'll go sci-fi and have Liam go back in time and let her drown. Everybody wins!

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New Hope does look like Donna more than her mother. I'm not complaining because my daughter's cousin looks more like my daughter than her mother.  I'm just wondering if there is a upcoming purpose for their resemblance.  I'm not a soap opera expert but I have seen enough that recast are used to change a character's persona.  It seems new Hope will be much more SoCal than old Hope. More of a Darlita than a Stuffy. 

Is Liam really waffling or his he just trying to figure out how to tell Stuffy he's gone?After his speech about being upset that his mother was dead and not being there to maybe ward him off from Stuffy. Also, glad, in a sense, for not seeing him being betrayed by wife and father.  I can't see that Liam would be sticking around.  But I can see Sally becoming friendly with Hope. Not BFF's but not adversaries like Sally and Stuffy or Stuffy and Hope. 

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Well Steffy's a delusional idiot. Nice to see some things never change. I lol'd so hard at Sally saying she didn't want to pry. Really Sally? What does prying mean to you? Poor Hope, she's just minding her business trying to get on with it and everybody's all Liam, Liam, Liam in her face. Sally really needed a muzzle today and Steffy needed to STFU and listen for once. Liam dropped by, don't push it. Jesus, her and Bill really do belong together. They are the only offenders to feel confident enough to make demands on the people they offend while begging for forgiveness. Much like Bill warning Wyatt yesterday, happy to see Wyatt gave him the eyeroll on that. Honestly smdh. Still think JMW is doing some fantastic work though and SC is killing it. Glad they finally gave him something meaty to do.

3 hours ago, ByTor said:

There's also that stupid apartment with the tub in front of the living room window.

Aww c'mon I love that place. I mean I know it's caused you a lot of pain but one woman's pain is another woman's pleasure ;)

Edited by slayer2
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11 minutes ago, slayer2 said:
3 hours ago, ByTor said:

There's also that stupid apartment with the tub in front of the living room window.

Aww c'mon I love that place. I mean I know it's caused you a lot of pain but one woman's pain is another woman's pleasure ;)

I'm not sure how long you've been watching B&B, but that tub takes me back to Nick's mother Jackie (who 1st lived there & put the tub in the damn living room in the first place) and her always roaring because she was a "cougar."  I think I'm still traumatized by the time Rick had the hots for her!

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1 minute ago, ByTor said:

I'm not sure how long you've been watching B&B, but that tub takes me back to Nick's mother Jackie (who 1st lived there & put the tub in the damn living room in the first place) and her always roaring because she was a "cougar."  I think I'm still traumatized by the time Rick had the hots for her!

Rick had the hots for her?? Ooooh which Rick, Days of Our Lives Rick, current Rick or boring Rick?

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