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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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The broke Spectras manage to pay for a ticket to Sydney? Whatever.

Why is the wedding party flying commercial? They have the Spencer and Forrester corporate jets available. And no, it wasn't charter because Darlita (hate that name. Why not "Marla"? Close enough to "Darla.") said she couldn't get Sally on the Forrester flight.

Yeah, too bad Saul isn't gay. God, forbid there should be a gay character on a show set in the fashion industry. Even Jarred, the gayest guy on the show, had a wife who had died, IIRC. When I heard that, it made me think of the Gil Chesterton character on "Fraser." When he mentioned his wife, the sportscaster, Bull, exclaimed "Your married? To a woman?" (This was way before gay marriage).

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4 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

The broke Spectras manage to pay for a ticket to Sydney? Whatever.

Why is the wedding party flying commercial? They have the Spencer and Forrester corporate jets available. And no, it wasn't charter because Darlita (hate that name. Why not "Marla"? Close enough to "Darla.") said she couldn't get Sally on the Forrester flight.

Yeah, too bad Saul isn't gay. God, forbid there should be a gay character on a show set in the fashion industry. Even Jarred, the gayest guy on the show, had a wife who had died, IIRC. When I heard that, it made me think of the Gil Chesterton character on "Fraser." When he mentioned his wife, the sportscaster, Bull, exclaimed "Your married? To a woman?" (This was way before gay marriage).

The wedding party is flying commercial because Qantas is footing the bill. I think they are also a sponsor of the shoot, too. I don't think they would be able to do the shoot without their backing. They even let them shoot on board the real plane. Instead of using one of their plane sets which I think Sally will be doing. I like have your own little space without sitting with the riftraft. LOL!!

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It's good that the Aspen monstrosity was included in the walk down memory lane.  It reminds everyone what a nasty piece of work Fauxdiloks has ALWAYS been and also that she's NEVER had a lick of style.

Brooke gets slagged a lot but I've always thought that Brooke has never been a 'cruel' person.  She has very rarely DELIBERATELY gone out of her way to hurt someone.  People have been hurt while she pursued her destiny but very rarely has her end goal been about causing pain.  Steffy has spent most of her life trying to cause people pain.  It doesn't matter how many times we're told that Steffy and Liam are the love story of the century, we know it's not true.  Steffy pursued Liam because she wanted to hurt her step-sister.  And she was aided and abetted by Bill because he wanted to use his son's dick to fuck his side-piece. 

I used to really like Liam and no matter how horrible he is now, I still don't think he deserves to be stuck with Fauxdi.  She is sooooooooooooo awful.  It seems that Kim Matula is determined never to return to B&B and who can blame her.  But I would love it if a newly-recast Hope walked into the church at the nick of time to save Liam and to break Fauxdiloks mean, twisted little heart.

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4 hours ago, ByaNose said:

The wedding party is flying commercial because Qantas is footing the bill. I think they are also a sponsor of the shoot, too. I don't think they would be able to do the shoot without their backing. They even let them shoot on board the real plane. Instead of using one of their plane sets which I think Sally will be doing. I like have your own little space without sitting with the riftraft. LOL!!

One time, returning from China, I was upgraded to business class, and it was like heaven! I had my own space, free flowing champagne and great food. :-)

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15 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I have to say Katie has a daytime Emmy winning stank face.

Which I'm sue we'll see plenty of when Brooke realizes that Katie's right.

15 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

It is almost impossible to choose which Steffi wedding ensemble is uglier. 

I am more revolted by the black wannabe goth version of Cyndi Lauder look she did while interpretive dancing down the aisle to Liam. Queen of Ls face to feet and on a show about fashion and beauty, no less. 

I'm with you, @Petunia13, I don't think anything can be uglier than that getup.

15 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

When I heard that, it made me think of the Gil Chesterton character on "Fraser." When he mentioned his wife, the sportscaster, Bull, exclaimed "Your married? To a woman?"

Deb (She is not a cat!), who owns a very successful auto body shop :)  LOVE Gil!

Edited by ByTor
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13 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Brooke gets slagged a lot but I've always thought that Brooke has never been a 'cruel' person.  She has very rarely DELIBERATELY gone out of her way to hurt someone.  People have been hurt while she pursued her destiny but very rarely has her end goal been about causing pain.

True....but for me at least, that kinda makes it even all the worse that she never learns from it all.

That said:

13 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Steffy has spent most of her life trying to cause people pain.  It doesn't matter how many times we're told that Steffy and Liam are the love story of the century, we know it's not true.  Steffy pursued Liam because she wanted to hurt her step-sister.  And she was aided and abetted by Bill because he wanted to use his son's dick to fuck his side-piece. 

All of this. 

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Seriously, Katie? She needs to be renamed "Harriet the Spy." That said, interested in knowing whether Brooke's elopement plans will end in tears.

Also, this show is not even 30 minutes. Must we waste them on stupid shit like the people Sally was sitting with on her flight? I mean who cares about stuff like that? 

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"Eric asks Ridge to swap seats with him, so he can tell Brooke how happy he is for her and Ridge."

Me: To have the same conversation they've been having since Eric found out they were engaged? Are you fucking kidding me? Who writes this shit?

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19 hours ago, ByaNose said:

The wedding party is flying commercial because Qantas is footing the bill. I think they are also a sponsor of the shoot, too. I don't think they would be able to do the shoot without their backing. They even let them shoot on board the real plane. Instead of using one of their plane sets which I think Sally will be doing. I like have your own little space without sitting with the riftraft. LOL!!

I found the plane scenes to be highly entertaining!  It did look like a real jet but what I enjoyed was the musical chairs etc with Katie always in the background looking on.  Now if I was flying to Sidney I would be sleeping and binge watching House of Cards.  These people see each other every day, you'd think they would like a little solitude on a lengthy flight. 

1 hour ago, politichick said:

Seriously, Katie? She needs to be renamed "Harriet the Spy." That said, interested in knowing whether Brooke's elopement plans will end in tears.

Also, this show is not even 30 minutes. Must we waste them on stupid shit like the people Sally was sitting with on her flight? I mean who cares about stuff like that? 

Especially as they did the same schtick with Quinn's flight to Europe.

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Especially since they used the same actress when Quinn was stuck with them (Monica Horan from ELR); was her husband the same? Can't remember.....but you are right, this was so tedious and downright stupid...complete waste of time

LittleIggy - you answered my question - so it WAS the same guy....UGH

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Wow!  There just happens to be an empty seat near by so nosey rosey can snoop.  What is talking to Ridge going to accomplish?  I'm sure he's going to confess and blow up his life. Plan B for Katie is to not hold her piece at the ceremony or is she going to have another fainting spell like the last time Ridge and Brooke were getting married. The only places that Katie doesn't stick her nose in is Rick/Maya and Zende/Nicole.  Ultimately, Katie only gives a shit about herself. 

The people who sat next to Sally, on the plane, are Pam and Charlie 2.0.  Pam and Charlie are obnoxious enough without having double gangers.  At least they were not eating tuna fish sandwiches. 

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11 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Yeah, why did they feel the need to have the two seat mates from hell back? It wasn't funny the first time.

Why no vintage clips today?

I suspect because they've shown clips from each year as of Tuesday's episode. I wish they would go back and start from the beginning with new clips. I'm planning to post my wish-list of clips for each year and I'm sure many of my picks would be vastly different from the ones they used.

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Recap for Tues. 3/15/17:

We open at the beach house where Steffy and Liam are doing what they do best, lounging around on their couch. She warns him that they don't want to miss the plane to their own wedding.

Bill interrupts what was sure to be another gag-worthy makeout session, telling them to "Chop chop!"


Liam notices his father's sword necklace is missing and Bill shrugs, saying he's taking a break from it.

At the Forrester mansion, Quinn is fussing over the last little details for the trip and Eric assures her he's taking care of everything.


Eric: "All we need to do is relax and enjoy." I imagine the thought of being in such close quarters with Ridge for umpteen hours is probably making her antsy.

RJ, Brooke, and Ridge are chatting in the CEO's office at FC. Slouchey once again insists that his parents make their wedding happen. He says he'll hold down the fort while they're gone.

Brooke turns the subject to work, teasing him about Coco.

Katie appears then and actually walks in vs listening at the door. RJ proudly proclaims that his father is finally realizing that Brooke is the right woman for him.

Katie and me: "Uh huh."

Over at SF, Thomas shows up, much to Sally's delight and Saul's annoyance. 

He tells her that if his sister weren't getting married in Sydney, he'd so take her as his date. I love Give No Fucks Thomas. 

Sally calls him out on asking her merely to get a rise out of his sister and he denies it, telling her she's gorgeous.

She smiles and it's electric between them as she coyly asks, "What if I showed up?"

Thomas smiles, "I hope you do." He leaves without kissing her this time. Dammit.

Darlita is whirling around like a giddy four-year-old on her chair, sighing over Thomas.

Shirley and Saul race into Sally's office to grill her for the latest.

She tells them about Thomas' invite to Steffy's wedding.

Shirley's eyes see $$$ and she tells Sally, "You HAVE to do it! You HAVE to go!"

Saul gets his knickers in a twist and argues against it. And really, where in the world are they going to get the money for this when they're already neck-deep in the red? But Saul isn't thinking about the money.

Sally tells Darlita to book her on the cheapest, fastest flight she can find and Darlita quickly does so, with Discount Airlines. Oh that doesn't bode well.

Sally insists that she will go and behave and not spy or generate publicity. We'll see about that.

But I can't wait to see Fauxdilok's face crack when Sally appears.

We cut to the plane and I have to say, I love that they're using the plane, and getting so many of the cast members together (and the majority among my favorites). And nary a Charlie or a Pam or a lemon bar or Zendon't or Nyqcole in sight.

Thomas and Ivy chat about the trip and Ivy is excited to show everyone around her home turf.

Katie takes a seat next to Bill who is already seeking out some scotch. Bottoms up, Bill. You're gonna need it on this flight.

Steffy and Liam make a little speech, thanking everyone for making the trip and these fools actually applaud them.

Quinn and Ridge bump into each other mid-aisle and Ridge forgets all about finding the pillow Brooke wants as he gets lost in Quinn's blue eyes. Katie watches their every move. 

Heading back to his seat with his Scotch, Bill takes a moment to wish Brooke a good flight. She thanks him warmly.

Liam tells Steffy he's worried about his father, but I don't think he needs to worry. I think all will go according to Bill's forecasting of Ridge fucking up.

Katie asks about the missing sword necklace as well but is quickly distracted when she notices another painfully awkward (and obvious) interaction between Quinn and Ridge.

Folks get comfy and ready for sleep (this is the red-eye after all), a sour-faced Katie watches an equally sour-faced Quinn watch Ridge kiss Brooke good night.

Bill tells Katie he was sure Ridge would have screwed Brooke over by now. 

Katie says that she hopes he doesn't.



Cuddled up together, Eric is upbeat about where their family is and instead of focusing on that, she's flashing back to kissing Ridge. Nice...

Eric: "I love you."

Quinn: "I love you, too."

They show the last of the 30th anniversary clips:

First up is....for the life of me, I can't remember. Anyone?

ETA: I remember - it was the Maya used to be Myron reveal.

Next is Ridge falling out of the helicopter after he ruined Brill wedding #1. 

Finally, we have Quinn and Eric meeting up in Monte Carlo and the hilarious so bad it's good scene of a hoarse-voiced Fauxdilok's chasing down and assaulting Quinn.

ETA: Does anyone think there's going to be some sort of plane crash or calamity on the return flight? That could make for some soapy goodness.

Edited by CountryGirl
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The idiotic seat partners didn't work the first time, and it's not working now.  I just don't understand the reasoning behind having those two back on canvas, even if it's only for a day or two.  Just stupid, lazy writing.

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Yeah, today's show was a bust. But, boy howdy, would I love to fly on that airline?!! I've flown first class and business class before but this aircraft is just beyond luxurious! Changing into your jammies, sleeping all night and being served those wonderful breakfasts? Count me in. 

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5 hours ago, tricknasty said:

"Eric asks Ridge to swap seats with him, so he can tell Brooke how happy he is for her and Ridge."

Me: To have the same conversation they've been having since Eric found out they were engaged? Are you fucking kidding me? Who writes this shit?

Isn't Eric always happy when Bridge get engaged?

3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

The only places that Katie doesn't stick her nose in is Rick/Maya and Zende/Nicole.

Give it time.

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Okay, so I normally agree about busybody Katie, and this is a character that is not a fave with me.  But I have been trying to think through what I would do if I thought my sister's loser fiancé appeared to be uncomfortably close and connected to an attractive woman, a woman he supposedly hated and is his stepmother.  And the answer is, I would do what Katie did.  I know, because it's Mrs. Kravitz Katie, we should be upset with her behaviour, but I think she is doing what most sisters would do.  If we pretend and forget about her fainting to prevent Ridge from marrying Brooke, and the whole Brill thing.

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Katie's annoying, why is she even on the plane and going to the wedding in the first place? Yet RJ who is the bride's brother is back at home. What about Zende, he has more reason too for attending than Katie.

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7 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

ETA: Does anyone think there's going to be some sort of plane crash or calamity on the return flight? That could make for some soapy goodness.

I was thinking the same thing! What a way to pull the rug out from under the audience and shake up the show if after all the fun and laughter of three families vacationing in Australia for a double wedding and celebrating the show's 30th, if tragedy strikes to change...the...world....of Bold and the Beautiful....forever!

We need a death, a missing and presumed dead, a seriously injured, a new couple firmly bonded, an illicit couple giving in to tragedy, and someone who will suffer from PTSD.

The combinations are endless!

I'd go for Eric is missing or injured or if Ridge and Quinn are stranded and give in to 'We think we're gonna die' sex or 'OMG my husband/you're father is dead! I must have life affirming sex' sex. Then again Quinn may finally gets hers and is seriously injured for Ridge's true feelings to be exposed to Eric and Brooke when he's beside himself with grief.

Sally and Thomas would perma bond from the drama to ffwd through a year's worth of dating to realize that they are each other's ones.

Someone would have to suffer PTSD. That's gonna either be Katie, Brooke, Liam or Steffy. If it's Steffy, it's gonna test her and Liam's marriage as she spirals (and loses the CEO job) and she'll turn to Wyatt who gets her or she and Liam will just fall apart. Or Liam will get another head injury to finally bring on a version of his evil twin that SC has been begging to play.

Katie and Brooke will rebond as sisters. Bill and Brooke will realize they're each other's ones. 

Ivy would be the one I expect to bite it. They'd have to have one death. If they don't kill her I vote for her and Bill to be missing and presumed dead which allows Wyatt and Liam and Katie (on Will's behalf) to fight over the Spencer empire for a bit until Bill's return. Meanwhile Bill and Ivy get freaky on whatever island they're stranded on. Bill being injured would be an interesting character arc as a man who views himself as being so virile and alpha and a control freak suddenly being vulnerable and having to deal with that and recovering from a setback. Liam revisits the trauma of losing his mother and begins acting out in ways Steffy can't cope with. Wyatt defects by throwing himself into work and becomes harder and more ruthless to the concern of Quinn and Steffy.

Endless possibilities I tells ya!

2 hours ago, bannana said:

Okay, so I normally agree about busybody Katie, and this is a character that is not a fave with me.  But I have been trying to think through what I would do if I thought my sister's loser fiancé appeared to be uncomfortably close and connected to an attractive woman, a woman he supposedly hated and is his stepmother.  And the answer is, I would do what Katie did.  I know, because it's Mrs. Kravitz Katie, we should be upset with her behaviour, but I think she is doing what most sisters would do.  If we pretend and forget about her fainting to prevent Ridge from marrying Brooke, and the whole Brill thing.

Yeah, I got agree. Dougie's paternity wasn't any of her damn business but sniffing out Ridge cheating on her sister and actually warning her is pretty big of her in the scheme of things. The callous more heinous thing would be to suspect all this is going on but just sit back with popcorn and watch her sister get what Katie would feel is karmic payback. 

Edited by TobinAlbers
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56 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

ETA: Does anyone think there's going to be some sort of plane crash or calamity on the return flight? 

Since Qantas is sponsoring, I doubt it.

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4 hours ago, Artsda said:

Katie's annoying, why is she even on the plane and going to the wedding in the first place?

On the off chance that your question isn't rhetorical...being the sister of bride #2 (Brooke), she's there to support her sister and harass Ridge/Quinn.

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9 hours ago, bannana said:

I know, because it's Mrs. Kravitz Katie, we should be upset with her behaviour, but I think she is doing what most sisters would do.  If we pretend and forget about her fainting to prevent Ridge from marrying Brooke, and the whole Brill thing.

Actually if we pretend to forget that Katie is...well...Katie, aka a shameless busybody, and just look at this instance for what it is, yep, she is doing what I think most sisters would do.

@TobinAlbers, you have come up with many great scenarios, but please, please, please, show, in the name of all that is holy, please keep Liam & Steffy together!  Those two breaking up & getting back together has gotten older than the pyramids!

Edited by ByTor
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The Steffy/Liam splits in and of themselves don't piss me off nearly as much as how often they used to happen and the breakneck speed in which Waffles would scurry back to Hope. I hadn't realized till very recently that the first wedding took place around summer of 2011 and that JMW took her vacation around mid-2013. That's roughly two YEARS of constant back and forth where you can barely have a chance to invest in one couple or the damn other. 

It was pretty much the same deal when Wyatt was introduced, too; the only difference was who was the waffle apex of the triangle. 

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Recap for Wed. 3/15/17:

We open on the flight to Aussieland and Steffy and Liam are discussing their wedding over what looks like some darn tasty breakfast.

They regret that they didn't invite more people but Steffy's just glad that Sally Spectra won't be there. That's a contrived line if ever I heard one since why would Sally even be on Steffy's radar thousands of miles away?

Steffy: "I'm afraid that Thomas might like her, but she's a total headache." Oh, he definitely is in like right now.

Bill winces as he watches Brooke prattle on to Ridge about RJ.

Quinn tells Eric that she finally feels like she "belongs." So why are you doing your damndest to screw it up, Quinn?

In another plot contrivance, Eric asks Ridge to swap seats with him so he can tell Brooke YET AGAIN how happy he is for her and Ridge. Brooke is all smiles as Eric tells her how much he loves and admires her.

Brooke looks gorgeous in the blue open shoulder top she's wearing.


Elsewhere on the plane, Quinn and Ridge are looking at each other and it's as intense as always. She admires Ridge's shorter hair and mostly-clean-shaven appearance and Katie stands up, but no, she does not dramatically charge over to them or anything like that. Instead, she watches them, careful not to be caught.

Quinn: "Your life is about to change. You'll be a married man." A long look between them that says marriage or no, they'll continue to find ways to "connect." She thanks him for making her feel accepted.

At LAX, Sally is boarding her flight to Sydney on Discount Airlines and flashes back to Thomas saying he hoped she would show up.

With her last minute plan to fly to Sydney, she's stuck in the middle seat and can't be moved because it's a full flight. Then she gets the seatmates from hell (ugh, not these two again!). She guzzles an overpriced Bloody Mary to try to survive a flight with these two yappers, not to mention no wifi or in flight movies. He does offer her his pillow (gross) but good luck, Sal, in getting any shut eye.


She does 'fess up that she's traveling to surprise "a handsome young man."

Still en route to Aussieland, Thomas teases Steffy about having a surprise for all of them that even Liam doesn't know about it.

He takes some selfies to send to "someone" (aka Sally) but they won't go through. Well, no wifi for poor people. 

The pilot announces they'll soon be landing in Sydney.

Bill is telling Katie that there isn't anything he can do to stop Brooke's wedding to Ridge. Katie is thinking, but there's something I can do. She watches as Quinn and Ridge disappear to a more private area of the plane.


Quinn: "I don't want to lose your father."

Ridge: "You aren't going to lose anything. Neither am I."

I have a little piece of "friendly" advice. Stop eye-fucking each other. Ivy is onto you as is Katie, the biggest meddler who ever meddled. Hello, remember Douglas' paternity?

Katie, who has surreptitiously approached to get a closer look, needs someone to help her pick her jaw up off the floor as she watches them lock eyes and then Ridge grabs her hand and rubs his thumb along her wrist. It's an intimate caress and highly inappropriate to say the least.

Their plane finally lands in Sydney and we are treated to lots of gorgeous shots. Ivy wastes no time in showing off the amazing exterior of the Sydney Opera House, which will be the site of their photo shoot. 

Everyone is standing there, admiring the beautiful scenery, when Katie all but yanks Brooke away. She wastes no time in telling her that she saw Ridge and Quinn holding hands on the plane.

Katie: "I'm not crazy. I'm not blind." Crazy? Debatable. Not blind, I'll give her that.


Oh in this shot?

Definitely crazy.


Katie: "You need to talk to Ridge and get to the bottom of it."

Brooke is angry, telling Katie, "Ridge wouldn't jeopardize what we have for...Quinn." She practically spits Quinn's name.

Katie is insistent and warns that she needs to talk to Ridge "before it's too late."

The show will be preempted on Thursday (3/16) and Friday (Happy St. Patrick's Day!) for March Madness.

Edited by CountryGirl
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I love Qantas! If I don't fly in Qantas' first class, my second choice is Etihad. It's pretty awesome that they were able to film on a real plane. What a difference it was compared to Sally's low budget, no budget studio flight. 

Why are all these characters with no real stories the ones who are discovering Ridge and Quinn? I want to hate RS and TK's pairing, but they shine together. I can't deny the chemistry between Ridge and Quinn.

I don't mind Katie trying to forewarn Brooke. I mean Brooke is half of the reason her marriage tanked, so if anybody knows about infidelity...it would be Katie. She's doing what a lot of sisters would do. Bill said the dressmaker would mess up, and he was right. Brooke refuses to believe it.

Side bar: B&B's episode of Family Feud AU will be aired on 23 March. 

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3 hours ago, ByTor said:


@TobinAlbers, you have come up with many great scenarios, but please, please, please, show, in the name of all that is holy, please keep Liam & Steffy together!  Those two breaking up & getting back together has gotten older than the pyramids!

Which is why if they break up again I want it to be for keeps. I find the couple stale and want to see Liam with someone else.

9 hours ago, Artsda said:

Since Qantas is sponsoring, I doubt it.

Their return flight can be either on the Forrester or Spencer jet or both. Maybe the clan needs to get back to L.A. early and Quantus can't accommodate all of them or they become unruly and Quantus won't allow the clan on the flight. That'd actually be an interesting situation: the group is split between the two family jets and they run into the same turbulence.

One plane makes it through, the other goes down.

Which one makes it?! 

Who lives or dies survives on the downed plane?!

Thing is with Steffy, Eric, Ridge, Thomas, and Quinn all in peril, Rick could finally ascend to take control of Forrester!  Although he'd have to fight the other heirs, RJ and Bridget, but he can take'em. As usual Thorne would just shrug his shoulders and stay in Paris and Felicia and Kristen have no interest in running the company.

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42 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Which is why if they break up again I want it to be for keeps. I find the couple stale and want to see Liam with someone else.

When it comes to couples on this show, as far as I'm concerned, whether or not I'm rooting for the couple, I just want something to be for keeps.  I can't see, with these writers, Liam & Steffy breaking up without either of them doing those stupid soulful looks when one thinks about the other.  That's gone beyond stale and straight to moldy & that's why I'd prefer them together.  For the record, I hate them together, but IMO they are much more obnoxious when apart.

Edited by ByTor
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2 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

I love Qantas! If I don't fly in Qantas' first class, my second choice is Etihad. It's pretty awesome that they were able to film on a real plane. What a difference it was compared to Sally's low budget, no budget studio flight. 

Can I just repeat how happy I am that not everybody on this show is a rich asshole?

Edited by sugarbaker design
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9 minutes ago, donovan said:

Did I miss Schlumpy on the plane?  He's the reason for Bridge 9.0, and yet he isn't there to watch Mom and Dad get married (again).

No, you did not. He's "holding down the fort" at FC. I'll wait while you laugh...

I find it hilarious how he campaigned so hard to reunite the GarBridge but the second Coco appears, he's all shoving his parents out the door and telling them "Go ahead and get married without me."

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1 hour ago, donovan said:

Did I miss Schlumpy on the plane?  He's the reason for Bridge 9.0, and yet he isn't there to watch Mom and Dad get married (again).

There'll always be another one in a year or two anyway ?

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3 hours ago, donovan said:

Did I miss Schlumpy on the plane?  He's the reason for Bridge 9.0, and yet he isn't there to watch Mom and Dad get married (again).

I have a feeling he is not there so he won't be able to talk Brooke out of spontaneously marrying Bill when she finds out about Ridge and Quinn.  Maybe the show will do something it's never done before by having Bill & Brooke get married, with the marriage turning out to be invalid.  Then, I know, for a change something happens before they can sign the papers and zzzzzzzzzzz.....

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You know, I feel sorry for the actress who plays Katie. I've seen her on Y&R and on this show before. She's actually a really good actress but the writers have given her nothing in the past few years. She's just going with the flow to earn her paycheck. She's capable of so much more and I wish they'd give it to her. Making her a nosy, snotty, hateful person doesn't do her justice. Give her an actual interesting story line or let her go. Do us and her a huge favor! 

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I LOVE the idea of Brooke kicking Sludge to the curb and saying spontaneous "I dos," with Bill on the beach and she'll get to wear her beautiful dress after all.

I think that Heather Tom might have some other side projects that allow her to make the most of her acting talents so no burning need to be front and center??? However, turning Katie into a bitter meddling smug harpy isn't really much better than being back-burnered for a time being. In any case, all she really has to do is have a scene or two of OTT hysterics and she's guaranteed an Emmy nom. Pretty easy work, if you ask me.

I'm kinda offended a tad that the rubes on Sally's flight are from Kansas. I grew up there but am quick to add that I've lived much more of my life in Missouri! (Not that that's a huge rung up ...) LOL! To represent Kansas it would have been more fitting for them to have been farmers.

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We are all leaving on a jet plane

Don't know if we'll all be coming back again.........

So, I loved the airline scenes; Qantas certainly has got air travel down. I don't know if it was the altitude, or Qantas, or the thought of Australia, but everyone was looking their best on that flight; Brooke in her beautiful blue, Quinn in her off the shoulder black and white, Ivy in her short shorts, Eric looking completely put together and groomed, still so handsome, Bill in his purple sans sword looked human, even Fauxdilok's, who dispensed with the makeup trowel and donned a beautiful dress. I felt like I was watching an old black & white about a group of people being thrown together to get to the bottom of it, a la Ten Little Indians. The suspense! The intrigue! All those underlying currents! 

I really want to slap her, but I am going to give Katie a pass here. I would absolutely do the same for my sister. What I find funny about Ridge and Quinn, is how they engage in these inappropriate interludes in places not so private, then when they get "caught" they are all like "We weren't doing anything right?" And commence to assure one another that no one saw anything untoward; the whole time they are eye fucking each other. I still don't know what crackles and sizzles between these two, but it is some powerful shit. I have been watching soaps since the early seventies, and there have only been a few couples to elicit this type of response from me; Rachel and Mac from Another World, Holden and Lilly (in the beginning) As the World Turns, Brooke and Deacon. I have to really give it to Thorsten; he is doing a bang up job of telegraphing his conflicting emotions. What I find shocking is that he is torn. Ridge has never really cared much about hurting Eric if it meant Ridge coming out on top and getting what he wants. But this time he is fighting his desires with all he has. I still don't believe he wants to marry Brooke; that was all about RJ and besting Bill, but now I think it is more about Ridge seeing her as his lifeline to keep him away from the madness that is Quinn. I just love all of it. They gave this stuff to Rena and Thorsten, and they have ran with it, and they are loving it and it shows. 

I will also have to Brooke a pass here. Ridge is a notorious waffler, but he has never been a cheater, so I understand where she is coming from. All the same, her confidence is starting to come across as arrogance. 

Poor Sally really got the worst of those two! Much more so than Quinn. I am not a seasoned traveler, but let me explain that Mr. and Mrs. Annoying as Fuck would have understood their boundaries with this girl. You can just keep your snotty, sneezy, grubby little hands to yourself, you can also keep your nasty, sweat soaked pillow to yourself, I don't eat meat so get your buffalo burger the fuck outta my face, if you spray that stuff in my face again that little bottle is going to find it's way up your ass............

Will Bill meet Sally at the wedding? That could be good or bad depending on Bill's mood. Maybe by then Brooke will be in the loop about Q/R, and back in Bill's arms and he will be a little less mean to Sally? Maybe Brooke will be so pissed with Ridge, that she will jump ship and convince Bill to back off so she can help Sally rebuild Spectra? 

I don't know what head explosion I anticipate more; Fauxdilok's when she discovers Sally, or Brooke when she discovers Q/R. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

We are all leaving on a jet plane

Don't know if we'll all be coming back again.........

So, I loved the airline scenes; Qantas certainly has got air travel down. I don't know if it was the altitude, or Qantas, or the thought of Australia, but everyone was looking their best on that flight; Brooke in her beautiful blue, Quinn in her off the shoulder black and white, Ivy in her short shorts, Eric looking completely put together and groomed, still so handsome, Bill in his purple sans sword looked human, even Fauxdilok's, who dispensed with the makeup trowel and donned a beautiful dress. I felt like I was watching an old black & white about a group of people being thrown together to get to the bottom of it, a la Ten Little Indians. The suspense! The intrigue! All those underlying currents! 

I've enjoyed the plane scenes, with all of the various characters interacting, so very, very much. Everyone does look amazing and I think it's in part to being happy and relaxed on location. And I can't believe it my last recap that I did not give a special shout-out to Ivy, most especially her legs for days. Why is this gorgeous gal still single?

I really want to slap her, but I am going to give Katie a pass here. I would absolutely do the same for my sister. What I find funny about Ridge and Quinn, is how they engage in this inappropriate interludes in places not so private, then when they get "caught" they are all like "We weren't doing anything right?" And commence to assure one another that no one saw anything untoward; the whole time they are eye fucking each other. I still don't know what crackles and sizzles between these two, but it is some powerful shit. I have been watching soaps since the early seventies, and there have only been a few couples to elicit this type of response from me; Rachel and Mac from Another World, Holden and Lilly (in the beginning) As the World Turns, Brooke and Deacon. I have to really give it to Thorsten; he is doing a bang up job of telegraphing his conflicting emotions. What I find shocking ist that he is torn. Ridge has never really cared much about hurting Eric if it meant Ridge coming out on top and getting what he wants. But this time he is fighting his desires with all he has. I still don't believe he wants to marry Brooke; that was all about RJ and besting Bill, but now I think it is more about Ridge seeing her as his lifeline to keep him away from the madness that is Quinn. I just love all of it. They gave this stuff to Rena and Thorsten, and they have ran with it, and they are loving it and it shows. 

As much as I love to hate LemonHeads and think a lot of her motivation recently is driven by bitterness and jealousy, I think somewhere, way down deep, underneath the smuggery, she does care about Brooke as her big sister and doesn't want to see her hurt. It's the old, I can talk shit about my family, but an outsider? Them's fightin' words!

I can't argue that RS and TK have "it" - love them or hate them, you can't turn your eyes away from them. They're a beautiful train wreck. 

I will also have to Brooke a pass here. Ridge is a notorious waffler, but he has never been a cheater, so I understand where she is coming from. All the same, her confidence is starting to come across as arrogance. 

Well, in the not-so-distant past, Ridge cheated on Brooke with Katie, remember? I think it's something different with Brooke. She gave up the true love of her life, Bill, for Ridge. Well, really, RJ. She broke Bill's heart six ways from Sunday for a man who has waffled on her time and again. She's having to convince herself, daily probably, that she's doing what's best for the family. So she will not brook (pardon the pun) anyone that tries to get her to stray from the rebuild the Garbridge bandwagon she's chained herself to. I don't think she's confident or arrogant at all - this is not the Brooke who snapped her fingers to Caroline II because I don't believe she wants Ridge at all - she wants what he represents. The stability (oh the irony!), the doing the right thing, the finally being the good girl. This is not to say she doesn't love Ridge - she'll always love him as her first lover, the father of her children, all the history they shared. But she's not in love with him. She's in love with Bill and has been since Aspen. I wonder where the sword necklace is...

Poor Sally really got the worst of those two! Much more so than Quinn. I am not a seasoned traveler, but let me explain that Mr. and Mrs. Annoying as Fuck would have understood their boundaries with this girl. You can just keep your snotty, sneezy, grubby little hands to yourself, you can also keep your nasty, sweat soaked pillow to yourself, I don't eat meat so get your buffalo burger the fuck outta my face, if you spray that stuff in my face again that little bottle is going to find it's way up your ass............

The Sally is stuck on the flight from hell has already been done before and it's just as major a fail as it was the first go-round. We could have been treated to some fantasy sequences of Sally surprising Thomas and living it up in Sydney but no, we have to grit our teeth right along with Sally.

Will Bill meet Sally at the wedding? That could be good or bad depending on Bill's mood. Maybe by then Brooke will be in the loop about Q/R, and back in Bill's arms and he will be a little less mean to Sally? Maybe Brooke will be so pissed with Ridge, that she will jump ship and convince Bill to back off so she can help Sally rebuild Spectra? 

I am dying to see them meet and how amazing would it be for Bill to forget his plans to bury SF, but instead, join forces with her to bury Ridge instead. And that would pull in left to languish on the vine Wyatt (and maybe, pretty please, Sasha?) to come over to SF. Remember, Wyatt did pitch the idea of a rival fashion house to Bill some time ago. 

I don't know what head explosion I anticipate more; Fauxdilok's when she discovers Sally, or Brooke when she discovers Q/R. 

That's a tough one. I'm just going to pop some popcorn and enjoy...but I am hoping (like Charlie Brown with the football, I know) that Sydney does end with two weddings and one of them is Brill. And it's (gasp) actually legal and valid and all that good stuff. 

So much word to your post @RuntheTable, that I had to quote the whole darn thing.

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46 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

So much word to your post @RuntheTable, that I had to quote the whole darn thing.

Thanks so much CountryGirL! After reading your assessment of Brooke I realize you are dead on. It isn't arrogance I am seeing, but desperation. She has to prove to everyone, but most importantly herself, that she made the right decision. She chose the known for the unknown. She made the safe choice instead of  taking the risk. She chose history and loving feelings, over passion and true love. 

I could almost feel sorry for her. Brooke has always let her heart lead her and make her decisions, and fought with Stephanie over it for nearly thirty years, so I think part of this "doing the right thing" is a bow to her old nemesis as well. 

I had forgotten to mention in my earlier post that I am a little afraid something is going to happen with Eric. All this talk about Brooke and Ridge, and that private convo on the plane where he told Brooke how he felt about her. I just got this feeling of foreboding, or it may have just been a really, really big anvil.

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You don't think they'll go back to the Beric well, do you? I really hope not. 

While I think JMc is a very distinguished looking man and was very sexy back in the day, I was always squicked out by him and Brooke being together. Somewhat because of the age difference but because she had already been with his son. 

I feel a bit hypocritical for saying that because I really liked her with Thorne when they got together and I think KKL and WH really loved that storyline but I always thought Brooke and Thorne should have fallen for each other way back when they were scheming to keep Caroline and Ridge apart. Plus, Throoke came YEARS later vs a still on the rebound from Ridge Brooke with Eric. 

Nick didn't bother me either because it's not as if he and Ridge were ever truly brothers. 

But a thousand times no to a Brooke/Eric reunion. I'd rather see him with Katie (and yes, typing that was that vinegar in my mouth) than Brooke again. 

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Oh, I hope that is not what they are going for! Although I did like Brooke and Eric, I don't want them paired romantically at all; they work so much better as friends. No, my fear is that something is going to happen to Eric; an accident or a recurrence of his medical condition. I'm imagining him finding out about Q/R and having a recurrence from the shock and stress. There has just been too much kumbaya with Eric and Ridge and then that conversation with Brooke. It really scares me that JMc may be leaving the show or something. 

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37 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Oh, I hope that is not what they are going for! Although I did like Brooke and Eric, I don't want them paired romantically at all; they work so much better as friends. No, my fear is that something is going to happen to Eric; an accident or a recurrence of his medical condition. I'm imagining him finding out about Q/R and having a recurrence from the shock and stress. There has just been too much kumbaya with Eric and Ridge and then that conversation with Brooke. It really scares me that JMc may be leaving the show or something. 

Ah - that makes much more sense. They already had his health scare before. I hope JMc isn't leaving...

Here's a thought - Eric learns the truth and goes after Ridge, but Quinn is hurt instead? 

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5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

You don't think they'll go back to the Beric well, do you? I really hope not. 

Personally,  I'd far prefer that over him and Katie but I'd rather they didn't at all. They work better as friends. If anything, they could find a way to bring back Donna. I'd rather see that.

5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

feel a bit hypocritical for saying that because I really liked her with Thorne when they got together and I think KKL and WH really loved that storyline but I always thought Brooke and Thorne should have fallen for each other way back when they were scheming to keep Caroline and Ridge apart.

You know, the first time I found the first season online a while back, I wondered the same thing! Brooke and Thorne had an ease with one another.  Hell, the first time Caroline brings Brooke to the Forrester mansion, Ridge all but books a reservation for her and Thorne to divert his attention from Caroline!

Mmmmm, Clayton Norcross [/Homer Simpson drool]

5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Nick didn't bother me either because it's not as if he and Ridge were ever truly brothers. 

Same here. I was just glad to see Brooke have a man that was loyal to her. I hated that Bridget was ever brought into that mix, and not just because Deacon was still in recent memory.

As for McCook possibly leaving....B&B has an especially tight-lipped PR team and this could be a set up for an exit. But it's hard for me to imagine the shoe wouldn't try to capitalize on that a bit more.

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53 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I had forgotten about Clayton Norcross. He still looks pretty good.


Pretty good?!? He is fine as hell at 62? Is this original Thorne? I wasn't watching Show back then but Dayum!

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