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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Bill's the one who's gonna have a heart attack when he finds out that BOTH of his sons have boned Steffy. (You know that's coming ... pun intended!)


I so wanted for Katie to drop dead of a heart attack right in the middle of Brooke's kitchen floor and have Brooke step over her on her way out of the room. Katie is very much like Stephanie (and now, Steffy) in that she just has to have the last word -- in person. If she really wanted to make a point with Brooke, yeah, she should have stayed the "ef" away and let HR or Alison do the dirty work of termination. Ignoring Brooke is a far more effective way to get under her skin.


The panting and gasping and clutching at the chest gets old and lol at the person who compared Katie to Fred Sanford. Spot on! OTOH, Brooke's whining about why she stayed holed up in her house with ye olde Beata rang squarely of blame and manipulation. I just see lots of bad behavior all the way around and that doesn't exempt Bill. Maybe he's really more like Ridge than he'll admit in that he likes to watch women fight over him.


I really don't care how this plays out. It's tiresome and I swear that the same speech sprung from Katie's lips the last time about how Brooke is "psychotic," "can't be trusted," "ww Mom, Storm, Stephanie, etc., all have to say."


Maybe Stephen Logan can come back to help sort this mess out. I don't know what Patrick Duffy is doing since "Dallas 2.0" got cancelled. Hook him up with Quinn. I am firmly in the group that does not want to see hate sex between Liam and Quinn. She seems pretty repulsed whenever he's touched her or she's had to touch him.  Honestly, where would you go from that point forward?

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Really loved today's episode!

Now this was the Katie I wanted a few days. She was reading Brooke down and slapped her. I love Brooke but when I can get a good Heather Tom/Katie moment, I live.

Quinn and Liam might not be a bad idea as a potential pairing. Ms Sofer still looks incredible and they both are equally good looking. I kind of like the idea of where this story could go and its fall out down the line.

Loved Steffy riding her bike. More women in daytime need to do things like this. Her and Wyatt are growing on me as well.

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That a was great line Katie said to Brooke about not turning around and shedding a tear. It really has been Brooke's signature move and Katie called her on it. That said, I sorta wanted Brooke to tell Katie to STFU and start snapping her finger and say she could have Bill anytime she wanted to. I recall Brooke doing it before but I can't recall who she was doing it too? I am courious how this plays out. Will Brooke just cry Uncle and steal Bill? Will Katie have another heart attack? Will Bill stop daydreaming about jumping Brooke's bones and actually do it?

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I do miss Deacon because he made her a little bit tolerable because he called her on her crazy.

He also accepted her in all her crazy. Those two were perfect for each other, and I hate that they were broken up (in a lame fashion, at that!!!).

Seeing Steffy with Wyatt actually doesn't make me ill, imagine that! Other than playing with Dollar Store parachute men, what does Liam do for !!!FUN!!!?? I'd rather watch grass grow than date him, and I'm nowhere near the epitome of !!!FUN!!! that Steffy is.

Watching Katie tear into Brooke again was just lazy writing IMO, it was pretty much just more of the same ranting. But it did make me angry that Donna is nowhere in sight...as their sister she would surely be involved in some way.

That said, I sorta wanted Brooke to tell Katie to STFU and start snapping her finger and say she could have Bill anytime she wanted to. I recall Brooke doing it before but I can't recall who she was doing it too?

It was to Caroline about Ridge.

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I've long advocated for a scorching night of hate sex between Quinn and Liam, a night that would leave him little more than a smear of waffle batter on the floor. If Liam doesn't remember the loathing, then something is just missing from a potential hook-up. Also, Liam's not playing with a full deck mentally right now, so I'm a little skeeved about where this might go.

Steffy, thanks for nothing, you horrible, horrible person. I didn't have much on this show, but I did have Chickenhead, and now you've got your FUN!! cooties all over him. Go back to trying to climb Bill.

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Oddly enough, Deacon did call Quinn on her crazy and was the level headed one. Can you believe that Deacon was the sensible one? That's what the character (Quinn) needs. I guess BB wants Quinn to be crazy crazy 24/7.

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Can't Steffy go a day without a man? Can't she just call up her girlfriends to come over and...oh, wait she doesn't have any girlfriends.


She's the Liam this time around.  I'm surprised she didn't gift Wyatt with all of her and Liam's stupid plastic parachute men. 

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Oddly enough, Deacon did call Quinn on her crazy and was the level headed one. Can you believe that Deacon was the sensible one? That's what the character (Quinn) needs. I guess BB wants Quinn to be crazy crazy 24/7.

And apparently she is only allowed in the "kiddie" pool.

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...if Phoebe was still around, I think I could see the show flipping her out and having her try to put a hit out on somebody tied to her SO...whomever that was.  Hope would have to have an epic meltdown to get there, and as the show's golden child...naaaah.


I've long advocated for a scorching night of hate sex between Quinn and Liam, a night that would leave him little more than a smear of waffle batter on the floor. If Liam doesn't remember the loathing, then something is just missing from a potential hook-up. Also, Liam's not playing with a full deck mentally right now, so I'm a little skeeved about where this might go.


That's an interesting point...it's not quite the same if he's not completely in his right mind, is it? My guess is that, assuming Quinn does indeed bang a willing Liamnesiac, something immediately or shortly after that act finally jogs his memory and then the loathing kicks in full force.  The question is how far will the show go with this--will they indeed go all the way there, or swerve us all and have them just make out or something?  (And the corollary, of course, is whether or not Steffy digs into some KFC.  If she does, all bets are probably off.)

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I just want to know how long Quinn is going to hold Liam "hostage"? I mean Quinn wants Wyatt to have Steffy (never mind before that she was obsessed that he should have Hope and then Ivy) and, if Wyatt doesn't seal the deal soon it could be months, right? It would interesting if they have him in that cabin for months. I'm still not sure if I want Liam & Quinn doing it though. Somehow, it seems icky. That said, it would totally drive Bill insane. Too funny!

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I think Brooke is pathetic on a good day, but I really wanted her to tell Katie to shut the fuck up and get out of her house.  Katie has some weird and serious issues as it relates to Brooke, and I don't think Brooke needs to take daily abuse from her.  I assume Katie's shrewish and strident behaviour will drive Bill away.  


I don't see what Brooke has to lose at this point.

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Steffy said she was as the "wild one" of her family. But when Phoebe was alive wasn't she the "sensible twin?"

Phoebe was a vastly more tolerable version of Hope. She wanted to remain a virgin, but looking back she was never overly preachy about it. But between Rick, American Idol's Constantine and that creeper dude that Ridge accidentally killed and tried to pin on Nick, she rolled a natural 1 in the romance department. But it could've been worse: she could have lived to become another woman that never gets over the Human Eggo.

Even Steffy didn't begin as the "wild one" so much as she had ambition that took her away to school overseas (mainly because the show no longer wanted to hire identical twins to play them). She didn't become a "bad" girl until TIIC needed someone to play against vestal virgin Hope.

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Totally off topic: Crazy story about a hot model wanting the mother of her 2 step kids murdered. It's a real life soap. The woman looks exactly like Kim Mutala. I'm sure Lifetime will be making the obligurty movie about it and I thought I would help with the casting. LOL!! She's a total doppelgänger.


She really does look like KM...I could even see Hope wearing that dress!
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If Pheobe were alive she'd have taken Hope's place with Liam and we'd have had a triangle of doom between twin sisters that would've never ended.

Regarding Liam and Quinn, I'll put it like this if Bill had pulled on Hope what Quinn is doing to Liam (very similar levels of animosity between Bill and Hope that Quinn and Liam have) to help out Steffy seal the deal with Liam (like Quinn is helping Wyatt with Steffy), people would want Bill buried under the jail after Brooke, et al. kicked his butt. Quinn is fun and she's got great chem with Liam, but this set up reeks.

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If Pheobe were alive she'd have taken Hope's place with Liam and we'd have had a triangle of doom between twin sisters that would've never ended.

Regarding Liam and Quinn, I'll put it like this if Bill had pulled on Hope what Quinn is doing to Liam (very similar levels of animosity between Bill and Hope that Quinn and Liam have) to help out Steffy seal the deal with Liam (like Quinn is helping Wyatt with Steffy), people would want Bill buried under the jail after Brooke, et al. kicked his butt. Quinn is fun and she's got great chem with Liam, but this set up reeks.

Totally agree, especially since Quinn attempted to murder Liam, and could have killed Ivy in Paris.  Clearly taking a person who is unconscious and kidnapping him and not getting him medical attention is NUTS!  But Show has just decided to go completely campy with Quinn and I guess we are not meant to take it seriously.  Over on the Y/R people are kidnapped and tortured with alarming regularity.

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To be fair, it's not like B&B hasn't gone full-on campy with its quasi-villains before now: Donna and Pam and a bear, for one, and my all-time favorite moment on the show when Stephanie gave Brooke a gun and made a surprisingly good case for her committing suicide with it (which then descended into high camp, but still).  Quinn stashing Liamnesiac away--never mind that it may be vaguely aping yet another Ridge thing, his abduction by Morgan back in 2005 or so--falls squarely within its AOR for camp.  That said Quinn absolutely deserves to be blasted for doing it, just like all the villains before her were, but I do wonder who will actually get the onscreen time to do it.  Bill?  Ivy?  Steffy?

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ByTor, on 30 Jan 2016 - 06:19 AM, said:

Watching Katie tear into Brooke again was just lazy writing IMO, it was pretty much just more of the same ranting. But it did make me angry that Donna is nowhere in sight...as their sister she would surely be involved in some way.


 I wasn't impressed by it either.


You don't cut someone out of your life by going to their house for more insults, another physical confrontation and the never ending last word. You sent an office flunky with a written statement of contract termination from Spencer Publications and any from any personal contact, retrieve keys and security cards, return any crap Brooke left behind and leave a copy of the contract dissolution. The End.


Sending a flunky would have been cold and wound Brooke exactly where she lives, but it would have demonstrated the finality of Katie's decision to walk away from her.


The confrontation at the office was enough, but going to Brooke's for another cat fight only undercut the principled position Katie had carved out for herself.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Watching Katie tear into Brooke again was just lazy writing IMO, it was pretty much just more of the same ranting. But it did make me angry that Donna is nowhere in sight...as their sister she would surely be involved in some way.

First off, is JG even still on the show? The last time I can clearly recall her on this show was during Brooke's last pregnancy.

Secondly, from what I remember of this last go around, Donna was playing Switzerland in all of that, when she was involved at all. Taylor was a far bigger driving force in Katie's corner (no doubt for her own self serving reasons) than Donna.

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Katie going over to Brooke's to read her the riot act again was beyond tired and petty. The only thing missing was her breaking into song, say Loretta Lynn's "Woman Enough."


Except Brooke is woman enough and Katie is still a child in many ways.


Even Brooke was over this nonsense and all but rolled her eyes and reassured Katie that she would always be there for her for when Katie has the next crisis and wants to come running to her big sister's open arms.


If I were Brooke, I would have kicked this self-serving cry-baby to the curb and told her to save the waterworks for someone who actually had some fucks to give.

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First off, is JG even still on the show? The last time I can clearly recall her on this show was during Brooke's last pregnancy.

Secondly, from what I remember of this last go around, Donna was playing Switzerland in all of that, when she was involved at all. Taylor was a far bigger driving force in Katie's corner (no doubt for her own self serving reasons) than Donna.

It doesn't really matter, though (at least as far as I'm concerned) what side Donna would take, it's just ridiculous that there's a major blow-up between two of the sisters & the third isn't even in the loop. Even if JG is no longer on the show (and I don't think she is), at least a mention that Donna was told would be nice.
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So Thomas shows up today just to take a dump on the Spencers like he's in anyway god's gift to the world.

I would rather watch the Wyatt, Steffy, Liam, and Quinn drama than the Brooke, Katie, and Bill drama. But with that said, I would take all 7 of them over Rick, Maya, Nicole, Zende, Sasha, and mom/pop Avant. Hoping Ridge and Caroline could add something to the same old hum drum.

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Thomas at least had a decent "Urge to kill...rising..." face when Steffy told him she was starting to dig Wyatt (again), but at the same time it was "Wait--wasn't he at International?  Wha?"  And, yes, he has zero room to talk WRT this hot mess.


Forget that, though--today was all about WTHQuil, complete with the show actually invoking its recurring "romance/drama" theme for a couple of seconds with them.  It probably could be more graceful about spelling out Quinn slowly succumbing to the gentle Liamnesiac's charms (albeit following it up with the necessary "Yes, Quinn's been a crazy bitch to Liam for a while now" flashback to accentuate it), but the fact that they did that...

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So Quinn is potentially falling for and will potentially fall into bed (if he doesn't fall into a coma first from lack of medical care) with someone who can't stay conscious and who is pretty much a child since he can't take care of himself?  


If they wanted to go this route they should have found a better way.  One preferably where they don't pretend that Deacon never existed to Quinn.

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LittleIggy, on 30 Jan 2016 - 10:46 PM, said:

Steffy said she was as the "wild one" of her family. But when Phoebe was alive wasn't she the "sensible twin?"


Anna Yolei, on 31 Jan 2016 - 10:07 AM, said:

Phoebe was a vastly more tolerable version of Hope. She wanted to remain a virgin, but looking back she was never overly preachy about it. But between Rick, American Idol's Constantine and that creeper dude that Ridge accidentally killed and tried to pin on Nick, she rolled a natural 1 in the romance department. But it could've been worse: she could have lived to become another woman that never gets over the Human Eggo.

Even Steffy didn't begin as the "wild one" so much as she had ambition that took her away to school overseas (mainly because the show no longer wanted to hire identical twins to play them). She didn't become a "bad" girl until TIIC needed someone to play against vestal virgin Hope.


 Steffy was the Sporty Spice field hockey-playing twin to Phoebe's fluffy Baby Spice.


"Wild" wouldn't be the description I would use for Steffy coming out of adolescence. She was athletic, academically-oriented, moderately immature, the more level-headed of the twins. Phoebe was the Pretty Pretty Princess golden twin, indulged, shallow, easily influenced by flattery, stars-in-her-eyes dreamer, though not an artistic singer -- The circumstances of her death demonstrated mental unbalance, which was an issue for Taylor and Thomas.


Once they were retconned into young adults they were deliberately written as opposite day and night twins -- From their looks, fraternal twins, though they were born identical (stupid SL on Soap).

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Bill C., on 01 Feb 2016 - 2:54 PM, said:

Forget that, though--today was all about WTHQuil, complete with the show actually invoking its recurring "romance/drama" theme for a couple of seconds with them.  It probably could be more graceful about spelling out Quinn slowly succumbing to the gentle Liamnesiac's charms (albeit following it up with the necessary "Yes, Quinn's been a crazy bitch to Liam for a while now" flashback to accentuate it), but the fact that they did that...


For the blank page of Liamnesiac's brain, he reminds me of a gosling we had on my parent's ranch that imprinted on the alpha female barn cat. The gosling paid only attention to the cat and its focus was constantly upon her. After some fuss, the cat grew used to being shadowed by a Brecon Buff gander.


Liam knows nothing but the room he's in, Quinn and her caretaking. She has been solicitous, trying to keep him alive-ish, in that headachy, passing out and unconscious kind of way Liamnesiac seems to be suffering from. Quinn feeding Liam a roast beef sandwich was a good guffaw.


Quinn seems to be responding, for good or for ill, to Liam's helpless know-nothing dependence on her. And that still makes me queasy.



Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Good God, I am loathing the Quinn/Liam "story"; he is basically a prisoner and she's so hard up for companionship that she would bed an amnesiac (among other things).....I don't find anything about this cute but of course that's IMHO  


And the other idiot Spencer brother is putting moves on Steffy four seconds after Liam dumps her. What is wrong with him? Can't they take it slow, hang out, start off as good friends....he's right up in her face. I'm no big fan of Steffy but geez, give her room and space...why does it have to be all or nothing?

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I am still trying to go along for the ride, but now Liam collapses again(!) and we learn he hasn't had food.  It is at least hilarious that Liam's vulnerable self is drawn to Quinn and sees her as his guardian angel, confirming that in his subconscious he did have a thing for her all that time.  But her treatment of a seriously injured person is very Misery-esque, and too disturbing for me to actually enjoy this storyline.

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I laughed at Liam's Derp face. One eye half open the other darting while he's fumbling and stumbling, then "timber".

Quinn and Liam look sexy together. I don't see a big age different with visually and they have chem even if what she's doing to him is a felony.

Quiliam this is their portmanteau since it mashes their names and sounds a member of the Boston Tea Party.

I did like what Puffy said in the office and out Wyatt. She convinced me, they make sense as a couple.

Puffy's lips are getting to be bigger and more pulled than Lisa Rinna's. Her face looked really full and shiny. But her acting was good today everyone did a fine job!

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Quinn doesn't stop to consider how Bill will react when he finds out she held his brain-damaged son captive so his least-favored son can move in on Steffy? I know Bill has been trying to screw Steffy with Liam's dick but somehow I don't think he's going to feel the same way about Wyatt's.

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Although it is pretty surprising that Quinn said Liam will hate her even more when his memory returns.  Quinn, written with some self-awareness...imagine that!

Edited by ByTor
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I caught an episode of Two and a half Men and Rena Sofer was on there. She hasn't changed much since that episode 8 years ago.

I'm sick of Wyatt. They should've sent him to Australia to find himself. All this pining behind his brother's leftovers is disgusting and pathethic. Suddenly Steffy is perfect for him. Dude get some therapy and address the obvious issues you have.

And JMW eyebrows are too thick and uneven. The left one is significantly higher up, and it's distracting. That's all I could focus on. Hair, makeup, and wardrobe need to tone it down.

I'm tired of batshit crazy Quinn. How long is she planning on keeping him at that cabin? The only plus side is I like amnesiac Liam. At least this version of him isn't waffling and being irritating.

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If I were Rena Sofer and read my daily scripts, I think I'd either tear them up out of frustration, or cry. This falling for Liam business is pure nonsense. I can't even believe that the writers would go there. Well, I guess Quinn wasn't kidding when she said she'd do anything to secure Chickhead's happiness. I just can't see this turning out well for anybody. Liam will be horrified, Wyatt will be apoplectic, Bill, homicidal ... that doesn't even scratch the surface as far as Steffy, Ivy and Deacon are concerned. Maybe (hopefully) RS has recently received a new prime time offer and the show literally wants to write Quinn out with a bang! Otherwise, I got nothing.


"I call that face The Heartbreak of Constipation."


Yeah, and that's the stuff that gets the Daytime Emmy nod ...  (The guy who plays Thomas has a pre-nomination, can you believe that one?)


I was looking at JMW's face today during that endless repeat of Wyatt and her surfing, where she was full face-on with her hair slicked back. It looks like she's had some massive cheekbone implants then some kind of fillers or something that causes her jawline to jut out unnaturally--I guess to balance out her face. Very sharp and harsh angles. When you see older clips of her, her face was more oval-shaped. I so wish that she'd be a case on "Botched." 

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 With this captive Liam story, what little use I had for Quinn is gone. At first, I was sad that Deacon left her, but now I'm glad because it looks like he finally saw the light where Quinn's concerned and got the Hell outta Dodge while he could. Heaven knows I'm no Liam fan, but even he doesn't deserve what Quinn's doing to him, which IMO, makes her no better than Thomas. Like Thomas, Quinn is taking advantage of someone impaired to get what she wants. If Quinn gets Liam into bed, IMO it's rape, just like what Thomas did to Caroline.

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CountryGirl, on 02 Feb 2016 - 10:37 AM, said:CountryGirl, on 02 Feb 2016 - 10:37 AM, said:

This show is too stupid to live. I think I'll pass on watching it until Detective Hardon arrives.


tricknasty, on 02 Feb 2016 - 11:51 AM, said:tricknasty, on 02 Feb 2016 - 11:51 AM, said:

My sentiments exactly


Speak of the devil ...






Edited by Cupid Stunt
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"I call that face The Heartbreak of Constipation."


Yeah, and that's the stuff that gets the Daytime Emmy nod ...  (The guy who plays Thomas has a pre-nomination, can you believe that one?)




And television executives question why there's a loss of viewers in the wasteland known as Daytime Broadcast Television ?


Spend an hour with mediocrity Pierson Fodé and wonder no more.

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Yes, Julius is a complete asshole and I have no idea why Sasha hasn't outed him.


Wow, Katie, you are pathetic.  She could have handled this so differently, but now she just seems insecure, needy, and needy.  Bill is planning his exit strategy.

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