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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I mean...why not put them back together? If her choices are her sister's husband, her daughter's ex-husband and Ridge, I'd far prefer Eric. At least he's single and Stephanie isn't around to stir the pot anymore.

Speaking of her, so that tacky ass pic of Maya is just gonna stay in Eric's house now? They don't even live there anymore!

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Today we learned that Nicole is over 18, Momma Avant is not so bad, Poppa Avant is a control freak, and Aly has voodoo dolls.

On a continuing theme, Steffy likes to play grab ass with Liam, that if your willing to drag Liam, you can drag him just about anywhere, Ivy is way more beautiful than Steffy, and Wyatt has more of a personality than Liam.

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I just really wish they'd cast some non-Forrester/Spencer men so all this woman swapping would stop. Brooke, Katie, Steffy, Ivy, Caroline...EW. It's gross.

Be thankful you missed the years after Ridge's paternity was revealed that gave us Rick dating both Phoebe and Steffy, Thomas dating Hope (briefly) and the worst SL in the history of The Bold and the Beautiful, Ridge falling for Bridget....who is not only Brooke's daughter with Eric but is named after Ridge because she was believed for YEARS to be his daughter.

Granted, the pool could be widened but no one is dating non-blood relatives anymore. Gotta pick your battles. :/

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Be thankful you missed the years after Ridge's paternity was revealed that gave us Rick dating both Phoebe and Steffy, Thomas dating Hope (briefly) and the worst SL in the history of The Bold and the Beautiful, Ridge falling for Bridget....who is not only Brooke's daughter with Eric but is named after Ridge because she was believed for YEARS to be his daughter.

There goes my dinner. Thanks a lot Anna Yolei

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People, Aly  legit put photos of her family on her dolls. I couldn't believe it when I saw it today! It was so awesome. I hope someone reminds 'Aly' of St. Stephanie and how  'pure' and 'moral' she was. Granted, Aly could pull some of Stephanie's clothes from the closet and not radically change this Salem Witch look by much. NOW that would be something to watch - Aly pulling a 'Bates Motel!'

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Did Jackie Wood get breast implants in addition to her jacked up face while she was away discovering herself while waiting for Kim Matula to quit? She looked considerably more busty than I remember.

Maya and Ivy looked good.

I want to pop Carter's moobs. And why is he at a Forrester family party anyways? He's not dating any of them and his brother might as well be dead, no one ever talks about him anymore.

Rick looked fat. Beady Eyes Waffles looks like he added pounds but forgot to work out.

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 I hope someone reminds 'Aly' of St. Stephanie and how  'pure' and 'moral' she was.


I hope someone reminds Aly how her mother dressed - all "boop boopy do", age-inappropriate clothing.  Make no mistake, she looked good but she was about as un-shy as anyone when it came to flaunting her wares.  Aly's head would explode if she saw more of her mother than just a floating head.  That leopard-print tourniquet minidress would send her reeling.


And speaking of fantastically undeserved sainthood, Darla was the one who took advantage of a very drunk Thorne, the love of her "sister's" life, slept with him and got pregnant.  (And if it's rape when drunk Ridge slept with drunk Caroline the First, it was certainly an assault when a sober Darla did the same to Thorne.

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The first Caroline was half asleep and had turned his previous advances down IIRC. The same as Brooke did two decades later when she was trying to get back with Nick. And that one was even more cut and dry.

I don't remember seeing Thorne and Darla actually hooking up, but I dont think it was anything like that. But the point about Aly's delusions of morality stands, especially since she is living, breathing proof that her patents are no saints.

Seriously, LA girls like Aly are as rare to come by as Bigfoot sightings and fat Marines. Even aside from California being California, it's too damn hot for the Amish girl look.

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I see they pulled out the big rod and reel to fish for even more Maya sympathy where Mama Avant is concerned. Certainly not I was hoping for; they need to let Rick and Maya just come out and say what needs to be said, then we can all move on with smiles and sunshine. Mama Avant is pretty much what I expected, but if there is one thing that bugs me it is when someone offers their hand and the other person doesn't take it. Mama A doesn't know squat about Rick, so I saw that as just plain old rudeness, and I am sure when Papa A makes his appearance the rudeness will only escalate. 


Geez-a-whiz, but that Steffy is just a barrel full of surprises. And she is so !!FUN!! And !!QUIRKY!! And !!DARING!! I was just bowled over while watching what that Firebrand had set up for Liam, and I am sure it went a long way to reminding him why he fell in love with her in the first place.  In any event, it would appear that Liam has completely moved on and forgotten about Ivy. Whatever. Ivy and Wyatt are selling it and me, that they have more going on in a few days than Liam and Ivy had going on in months. What I like is that Wyatt tends to leave his baggage at the door, and doesn't bring it into what he is discussing with Ivy. I can watch them interact without imaginary thought bubbles floating around behind Wyatt's head with things like "don't forget about Steffy" written on them. Of course if Wyatt and Ivy where to become a couple that would be an immediate death knell for Liam and Steffy, because Liam's Chickdar would be pinging on all cylinders. 


A Brooke sighting! And it didn't go unnoticed that they had her ensconced so comfortably next to Carter on the couch. But then they had her all over Eric; with the way those two have been interacting lately I am seriously wondering if they are not going to let Brooke and Eric reunite. I think I would be ok with that, at least it would take her off the market and keep her from anyone's husband or significant other. And for the first time that I can ever remember, Brooke didn't undress! She kept her street clothes on like she was the party chaperone. For some reason I find that sad and scary at the same time, and it makes me long for the old days when Brooke would crash Stephanie's parties, and get her talking about "the slut from the valley". 


Poor Ally has really gone off the rails, but Ashlyn Pearce is totally selling me too. I am finding it somewhat troubling that no one seems to be really looking at, or taking Ally seriously. The first time she carried on this way, back in her days of attempting to exorcise Wyatt and Quinn from Hope's life, her dad was called and he came to LA to help her. If anything her outbursts are far worse this time, and more people are hearing her, but no one is suggesting she get help, or that they call Thorne.  I hope this isn't the end of the road for this character, but with the return of Steffy, and Zende, and soon Thomas, I wonder if there will be room for Ally. And what does that say for Oliver? There are certainly no available females for him, and Ridge has never thought he cut it as a photographer, so could this be the end of that character too? 


Loved all the swimwear! Beautiful colors and styles.  


It was nice to see Charlie too. 


I busted out laughing when Brooke mentioned that a particular "food item" was missing, and Pam whipped out her platter of Lemon Bars. 

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Oliver really hasn't had much purpose since he and Hope split up over five (!) years ago. He's the equivalent to Y&R Devon Winters, minus the aunt fucking and more butch.

 In any event, it would appear that Liam has completely moved on and forgotten about Ivy. 

For now. Once she and Chickenhead become an item,he'll be back sniffing around, the same as what Ridge would pull with Brooke.

Ivy is the lucky one. He gave her a clean break without stringing her along for years like Hope and Steffy.

I know absolutely no one IRL that would put up with Liam's brand of foolishness. No one IRL stays in perpetual triangles for years or even whole decades with the same three people without someone eventually walking away.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Ashlyn does the Omen really well. Head tilted forward & eyes looking upward. Put on a dark dress & you are now possessed. That said, doesn't Oliver if anyone notice she's dressed like a nun? I feel like I'm watching DOOL more than B&B. It's good camp though.

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Ashlyn Pierce is doing very well tapping into her character's inner Lizzie Borden but I also commend her for making me feel sorry for her.  My question is are her and Oliver still dating?  He's never been in her room to notice the creepy dolls?  That just reeks of convenient lazy writing. 


Her father should have been called the moment Rick started to bully his young niece but him not being around now is beyond absurd. 


Don't care about Maya and the writer's latest attempt to make me feel sorry for her.


The only thing Steffy returning has achieved is me despising Liam.  Ivy is better off and in the contest between the 3 Spencer men the woman who lands Wyatt is the lucky one.  I could get on board with Wyatt and Ivy.

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The first Caroline was half asleep and had turned his previous advances down IIRC. The same as Brooke did two decades later when she was trying to get back with Nick. And that one was even more cut and dry.

I don't remember seeing Thorne and Darla actually hooking up, but I dont think it was anything like that. But the point about Aly's delusions of morality stands, especially since she is living, breathing proof that her patents are no saints.


Actually, when Ridge got into bed with Caroline the First, they were both drunk and he intended it to be a prank.  He was whispering to her, touching her shoulder, etc.  She roused from her slumber enough to roll on top of him and start kissing him.  Of course, he could have put the brakes on it then, but he was drunk too. (This all happened in the scene in real time, not a retcon.)*


Darla wasn't drinking when she hooked up with Thorne.  He was wasted and she drove him home.  I can't recall clearly how that went down, though.  He could have pulled a "Caroline" and turned on to her but WH was pretty hunky back then so Darla could have been blinded by this pecs and made the first move.  Either way, less-than-stellar judgment on her part.


*With drugged Brooke, though, there was no excuse.

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I kind of laughed through the rather obvious "Aly is going to try to kill Steffy!!!" setup.  Because, please, Aly, do us all a favor.  Then we can have a FUN!!!! funeral.  Waffle Pong can look constipated as he replays all those happy special moments he was with Steffy because she manipulated him away from the woman he preferred.  Bill can lament that he only got to bang her with his son's dick.  It'll be so touching. 

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LOL at Ridge referring to Maya and Steffy: "You're both annoying but not offensive"

There goes my girl Ivy begging for scraps from Waffle *SMH*

Aly, Get thee to a therapist. STAT!

Edited by tricknasty
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Okay correct me if I am wrong but last summer? When Ally was all cray cray of daddy and Taylor getting together and she was dating Oliver, She was all bikini wearing and making out with him, Didn't they have sex? Or was it just making out? So where is all this sex is evil and I must Kill them all coming from?

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Okay correct me if I am wrong but last summer? When Ally was all cray cray of daddy and Taylor getting together and she was dating Oliver, She was all bikini wearing and making out with him, Didn't they have sex? Or was it just making out? So where is all this sex is evil and I must Kill them all coming from?

My theory is that when FUN Steffy came back to town, she came back with bigger fake breastesses and a jacked up plastic surgeried face.  The viewing of the plastic surgery that was inflicted upon FUN Steffy unlocked a mental barrier in Aly's brain.  Because the bad plastic surgery reminded Aly of Taylor.  And Taylor killed Darla.  And despite being a perfectly helpful good Angel Darla, now the memory has taken away Darla's blonde hair dye.  For all of that, FUN Steffy must die.


What a chump Oliver is.  He must be the most clueless man alive.  First he can't tell the difference between his 18 year old girlfriend's virginal ladyparts and her 55 year old mom's.  Now he doesn't even recognise the signs that his supposed girlfriend is kuh-razy.  Wouldn't he at least notice the fact that she now dresses like she's on Little House on the Prairie, with a high neck collar and full long sleeves?  It's summer in L.A.  Or maybe he didn't notice that either.

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Oliver really hasn't had much purpose since he and Hope split up over five (!) years ago. He's the equivalent to Y&R Devon Winters, minus the aunt fucking and more butch.




For realz. I think that Oliver needs to date Ivy instead of her switching brothers, which is like totally gross. He should be hanging with that crowd instead of the senior citizens and the crazy chick at those fairs. He must have some seriously blue balls because I would bet my head that Ally isn't giving it up. She should be hanging out with Nicole and Zende because they are all in the same age group.


And why do they keep letting her attend and disrupt meetings. It does not matter a bit that her last name is Forrester. She is too young and too low level an employee and contributes nothing to the meetings but chaos. They need to shut that shit down. That being said, I don't get why Steffy is modeling swimwear and lingerie. I thing that's just tacky. And the logo for this new line is fucking horrendously ugly. It's sad to see how little effort they put into at least pretending there's some creativity going on there. Instead we get a tone of showstoppingly ugly shit.


I also thought it was extremely rude when Maya's mother refused to shake Rick's hand. And was surprised when she referred to Maya as Nicole's sister? 

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I'm concerned if Thorne is in Paris who's running the basement ?


I enjoyed Rick's delivery of the line "Hey I'm in the room." 


Nice to see Maya so concerned about Aly's well being, she truly is a saint.


So the plan is to fight FUN!Steffy by being BORINGIvy. Sadly I think today may mark the birth of Idiot Ivy.


I'm stunned that we still haven't had a parachute man flashback.

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Oh Ivy, what happened to your dignity and self-respect? Stop begging that d-bag for leftovers. Especially not when you're looking as fierce as you have been lately. He's not worthy!

I really, really don't like the message the show is sending via crazypants Aly that there aren't valid reasons to dislike Maya. She and Rick are apparently determined not to admit that their bullying may have been a factor in sending Aly over the edge.

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I'm concerned if Thorne is in Paris who's running the basement ?


Nice to see Maya so concerned about Aly's well being, she truly is a saint.


So the plan is to fight FUN!Steffy by being BORINGIvy. 


I'm stunned that we still haven't had a parachute man flashback.

I wish each of these statements was in a separate post so that I could "like" each one of them individually. ;D

Knowing Liam as we do, BORINGIvy might just be a great plan.

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Oh Ivy, what happened to your dignity and self-respect? Stop begging that d-bag for leftovers. Especially not when you're looking as fierce as you have been lately. He's not worthy!


I was embarrassed to watch Ivy. Her move on Liam was pathetic, nattering on about the quiet comforts of home and hearth, how good she would be for him, pinning him for a regular date night of tofu loaf, with twig and kale slaw ... <Snore> ... Particularly after the 4th of July pool party, where Steffy and Liam were flirting and modeling and massaged, while Ivy schlepped platters and plates in and out of the kitchen to avoid watching them play with each other.



Who is Liam pursuing, now that he is single again? No one -- They are chasing him.


The Rhombus of Suck has been fully resuscitated for the remains of the summer. 

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I really, really don't like the message the show is sending via crazypants Aly that there aren't valid reasons to dislike Maya. She and Rick are apparently determined not to admit that their bullying may have been a factor in sending Aly over the edge.



I don't think Rick's bullying did send her over the edge frankly. She was crazy to start. None of this extra crispy wacko Aly started until Steffy showed up. To me the bullying is making a mountain out of a molehill. Rick was a douche for sure, Maya was complicit for sure but SFW in my opinion, they didn't light the girl on fire (which frankly I'd be on my way to at this point) and it's not their fault she's all the way out of her damned, puritan mind, they didn't help the situation but she was already chasing people with axes long before Rick entered the picture.


He called her some names and made her wash Maya's feet or what have you, he didn't put a bullet in her head like Aly's father did to Ridge, he didn't trick and tramp his way into someone's bed like Aly's mother did, was he a shithead, sure, but who hasn't been in that family? I'm over hearing her whine about how terrible Rick and Maya were to her, like they tied her to a stake and burned her alive or something. "Boo-hoo, such bullies..." says the girl who tried to murder someone with a fucking axe and whose father shot his brother in the back of the head. Whatever.  Ridge needs to call Thorne like he should've done a dark age ago (no pun intended) get the girl in a straight jacket and put her on some meds that actually work out this time and I'm still scratching my head as to why she's allowed in meetings or anywhere near Liam.

Edited by slayer2
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I don't think Rick and Maya are solely responsible for Aly's most recent breakdown, but they certainly contributed to it.  If you know a family member has a mental illness, you don't keep poking and poking at them because you're pissed off at other family members. Yes, Steffy's reappearance in town pushed Aly over the edge, but Rick and Maya had her all primed for it. 


Of course, I blame Eric, too.  He knew at least the gist of what was going on at FC (and at home), and he knows his granddaughter is fragile.  But all he did was reinforce Rick's authority at work and his right to act like a shitty lord of the manor at home. 

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Wow, for a minute there I thought Mayass was going to sincerely apologize for the way she treated Ivy. But nooo. It was "don't live in the past." Hypocrite. Wasn't she whining about the way her parents treated her? She has no empathy for anyone else except her co-dependent butt kisser Rick.

And, yeah, why hasn't anyone called Thorne about his daughter's obvious breakdown?

Edited by LittleIggy
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I don't think Rick and Maya are solely responsible for Aly's most recent breakdown, but they certainly contributed to it.

I agree, which is why I couched my opinion with the words, "may have been a factor".


Aly clearly already had "issues" when she first returned and apparently has had them for years. The thing is though, IMO what Rick did--aided and abetted by Maya--is pour gasoline on a smouldering emotional fire for no real reason other than because he could. Then the walking Zippo lighter called Steffy showed up and now here we are with Aly aflame and on the verge of turning into a wildfire...Hmm, I think I've tortured that metaphor quite enough.


I'm over hearing her whine about how terrible Rick and Maya were to her, like they tied her to a stake and burned her alive or something. "Boo-hoo, such bullies..."

Well, I'll give Rick and Maya some credit. At least they take a more subtle approach than, say, the instigators of the Salem witch trials where women who were considered "different" or somehow vulnerable had to be eliminated. Bullies typically don't directly destroy people; bullies push their victims to such misery that they often end up destroying themselves.

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OK--still here mostly due to TK and I kinda like Caroline even  if I did read up on a past I could not believe----I like her now---still think Maya and Rick need to pay for past crapola and will not be worshipping at the St Maya shrine any time soon---pretty much hate Steffy almost enough to stop watching but then what other soap can I go to---not much---used to like SC  long long time ago when he was a Quartermaine but now---WAFFLE and worse---no one deserves to be with him ever--well maybe Steffy because she is not bright and thinks he is a prize (probably only to wave at Hopeless) so hope Ivy moves on to anyone even chicken\head---and yeah I laughed at whoever said that Steffy quit the show and waited for Hopeless/Kim Matula to leave before she would come back to be queen bee---for what Waffel?????

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Wow, for a minute there I thought Mayass was going to sincerely apologize for the way she treated Ivy. But nooo. It was "don't live in the past." Hypocrite. Wasn't she whining about the way her parents treated her? She has no empathy for anyone else except her co-dependent butt kisser Rick.

And, yeah, why hasn't anyone called Thorne about his daughter's obvious breakdown?

Heehee. I like the name Mayass. It sums her and her entitlement complex up perfectly.

But to their credit, Raya as a couple appear to be on the same wavelength and the same goals in life (ie stroking one another's egos and being entitled little shitbirds). I can't say the same for any of Liam's relationships.

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So Aly went full Kimberly Shaw today with the angry Teletubby sun known as Darla being her Henry. I'm dying watching the episode. Her reactions ... their reactions ... although yeah they have some points, they do treat her like dog [!@#$%^&*] on the bottom of their shoe. I couldn't with all of them talking down to her and all smug.


Look, I like Scott Clifton and all but why on earth is Brad Bell so fascinated by him? Lord. And the Steffy clone is so boring.

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So Aly went full Kimberly Shaw today with the angry Teletubby sun known as Darla being her Henry. I'm dying watching the episode. Her reactions ... their reactions ... although yeah they have some points, they do treat her like dog [!@#$%^&*] on the bottom of their shoe. I couldn't with all of them talking down to her and all smug.

Look, I like Scott Clifton and all but why on earth is Brad Bell so fascinated by him? Lord. And the Steffy clone is so boring.

But honestly IMO she's (Aly) been legit acting like a tiny sociopath. How are they supposed to treat her? Frankly Maya didn't know about Aly's axe wielding past and Aly wasn't particularly nice to Maya, nor was that self-satisfied asshole Ivy so why on earth should Maya be benevolent to either of them? Love the Melrose reference!

I am very sensitive to this issue because there are only two black women on the show and I feel like Maya is held accountable by a lot of people who seem to me to have let Caroline's treatment of Maya slide. I am very sensitive to the notion of a black character that can do a fraction of what a white character can do (Caroline) and be held accountable while it seems a white character is excused, particularly with what is taking place in the U.S.A right now it is a very sore sore subject.

Yes, Maya was complicit in Rick's bullying but complicit and not an acting, proactive factor and not aware of how fucking crazy this lunatic was beforehand as Rick was.So then why is Caroline permitted to be a raging asshole and not Maya?

It scares me how accountable she (Maya) is being held as a result, when someone like Caroline can solicit her into porn, disparage and degrade her,incite salacious scenes and trick her into scenarios that screw up her relationship and seemingly not be seen as duplicitous but Maya is held as a sanctimonious bitch. It scares and disturbs me as a black woman and particularly now.

Edited by slayer2
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 although yeah they have some points, they do treat her like dog [!@#$%^&*] on the bottom of their shoe.

I so agree with this.  Although as Whitley Trillbert says, they do have some points; she keeps going on ad nauseam about the same thing (showing your BODY!!!!), she's disruptive at meetings (I thought she was more or less an intern or a very junior level employee, I don't know why she is invited to the meetings in the first place), and she's pretty disrespectful.  However, it was unprofessional for all of them to gang up on her, with Ridge leading the pack of condescension.  Ridge should have asked Aly to leave the meeting then spoken to her privately afterward.

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Good morning boys and girls and welcome to Miss Annoyed's Neighborhood. Today's word is ENOUGH, and your assignment is to use it to describe your feelings about the current state of affairs in Bell LA. 



I am going to walk very slowly and carefully out onto that creaky, brittle limb, and say ENOUGH! Yes, yes, I know, Ally has emotional issues, and mental problems, and is in need of help, and I don't want to come off as insensitive, or callous, or as someone who lacks compassion, all the same, I just want to reach through my tv screen and throttle Ally and follow that up with a very stern ENOUGH ALREADY! Where is the girl who had turned the curve? Where is the girl who had made progress due to Oliver's love and devotion? Where is the girl who was able to have an adult conversation with Taylor about what really happened that night? Where is the girl who was swimming with Oliver in a bathing suit? Where is the girl who kissed Oliver and enjoyed it, and didn't see it as salacious? Where is the girl who was glamming it up with makeup and adult clothes? And why does her mother's death cause her to fixate on sex and bathing suits and lingerie? Are we to honestly believe that Rick and Maya's bad treatment sent her into such a tailspin? Sorry, I ain't buying it. I watched all of that, and I found Rick's actions deplorable, and Maya's acceptance of said actions just as deplorable, but Ally was on board for all of it in order to get her shoe line. Ivy told her time and again that she didn't have to do what Rick asked, but Ally always came back with "but my shoe line!" If anything she should be mad at, and fixated, on Rick for stringing her along, but instead we get Ally's version of Carrie's Mother, who must cleanse the earth of all it's harlots. I am certainly no Steffy fan, but I just don't see what she has done to Ally to deserve all this animosity. Being Taylor's daughter is not something in Steffy's control, and the fact remains that she is also Ridge's daughter, but Ally is A OK with Uncle Ridge. And of course there is always...................



I have spent way too much time trying to figure out the allure of this guy to every hot friggin LA female, and I say ENOUGH! It isn't funny. It isn't clever. It isn't entertaining. It most certainly isn't cute. And not only does this schmuck get all the girls, he gets all the jobs! Who, pray tell, is Presidenting over at Spencer Publications, while Liam spends his time feeling up Steffy, while making dinner plans with Ivy over at Forrester Creations? The only thing I can come up with is that Liam must possess a slammin schlong, a real jacked up jammer, because there is not much else going on with this guy. The vacant looks. The darting eyes. The perpetual look of confusion. The gaping mouth. The indecision. I don't know what to say except this viewer has had her fill of Boomerang Boy, and she says ENOUGH!



You beautiful, charismatic, talented dolt! Stop begging for Steffy's crumbs. There is a gorgeous, accomplished, finely chiseled man floating around FC's that nobody seems to want. There is also a funny, unattached, talented guy who is becoming your friend and confidant that nobody seems to want. Get a clue Chickaleenie, and fire up both those engines! Go on, pull a Liam! Let's see how the Waffle Master likes that. But by all that is Holy, stop begging for Liam's time! ENOUGH!



ENOUGH! ENOUGH! ENOUGH!........on into infinity. That is, unless they are of Caroline and Ridge. But I swear, if I have to watch Steffy and Liam, and their "WILD" wedding one more time. Or have to imagine that all that other stuff was romantic, and prophetic, you know, when Steffy was butting into Liam and Hope's relationship, and "maneuvering" events to come out in her favor? Or have to see the "Cha, cha, cha" thing ever again, well, I think I am just gonna hurl. Or maybe hurl something. 


Did wardrobe, makeup and hair styling get a memo about how bad they have been? Just wondering, because I think everyone has been looking pretty darn good lately. 

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But honestly IMO she's (Aly) been legit acting like a tiny sociopath. How are they supposed to treat her? Frankly Maya didn't know about Aly's axe wielding past and Aly wasn't particularly nice to Maya, nor was that self-satisfied asshole Ivy so why on earth should Maya be benevolent to either of them? Love the Melrose reference!

I am very sensitive to this issue because there are only two black women on the show and I feel like Maya is held accountable by a lot of people who seem to me to have let Caroline's treatment of Maya slide. I am very sensitive to the notion of a black character that can do a fraction of what a white character can do (Caroline) and be held accountable while it seems a white character is excused, particularly with what is taking place in the U.S.A right now it is a very sore sore subject.

Yes, Maya was complicit in Rick's bullying but complicit and not an acting, proactive factor and not aware of how fucking crazy this lunatic was beforehand as Rick was.So then why is Caroline permitted to be a raging asshole and not Maya?

It scares me how accountable she (Maya) is being held as a result, when someone like Caroline can solicit her into porn, disparage and degrade her,incite salacious scenes and trick her into scenarios that screw up her relationship and seemingly not be seen as duplicitous but Maya is held as a sanctimonious bitch. It scares and disturbs me as a black woman and particularly now.

Oh trust and believe Caroline doesn't get a pass from me. I hated her treatment of Maya. The disrespect of calling her the wrong name, the way she would constantly remind any and everyone of where Maya came from, and yes that whole porn thing. I hated the writers for just sweeping all that shit under the rug and even going so far as to have Maya be in Rick's and Caroline's wedding.  Oh, and I do like the direction of Maya's storyline and KM is injecting the right amount of strength and vulnerability (her mother), but also keeping it very normal and not sensational/OTT. If KM doesn't grab an Emmy for her work, I'll be shocked because this is not an easy role to play - especially with the retro-con of a character she played for two years.

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(I thought she was more or less an intern or a very junior level employee, I don't know why she is invited to the meetings in the first place)

It's called nepotism, baby. One of the (few) actually realistic aspects of this show.

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