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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Granted, Rick's other love interest was his 18 year old niece Phoebe, and I liked that pairing far, far less.

Ha, good point there! :)  I guess my biggest issue is that I though B&B KL was icky...just something about him looked unwashed to me.

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I love this new Ridge. And I appreciated how he didn't make it all about how Rick treats just him, but everyone--employees and family. Brooke, on the other hand, is a cow. Did you notice how she made herself the third reason Ridge was quitting--you're mad at me for some reason. What an idiot. He's not giving her one thought.


I also liked how when Carter asked what Caroline would do, he said it was Caroline's decision. It would be lovely, though, if they started their own design firm or peddled their drawings, as he put it, somewhere else.


This quitting may also be the one thing that makes Blind, Deaf and Totally Dumb Eric come to his senses. Friday he seemed to concede that there may have been some stipulations he should have made with regard to design. Rick may have his talents, but design ain't one of them and all this design for Maya crap is bullshit.

Both of Rick's clueless parents also seemed to acknowledge that the twerp has ben disrespectful, but don't seem to give a fuck enough to tell him to stop it. And instead of all this talk about secrets, I'd like to know more about what Rick's doing that's so great because in that biz it's mostly about the product and  because it can't be said enough, he doesn't know a bow from a boa.


And what kind of model is Nicole going to be? She's not all that tall either and has no moves. It's like she's never looked at even a Teen Vogue. And the little country bumpkin sure has gotten used to the high life. 

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Do designers model with one person in mind for their designs? Apart from neither Maya. Nicole, Hope or any other lead model being the typical waif frame of couture modeling, who the hell knows which model will wear what or be available the day of the showing/shoot?

This is the first time Ridge has quit FC where I believed he was entirely justified in doing so. He's pissed on a few shoes in his day, but was never the complete sociopath Rick has turned into. My only complain is that he, Caroline and the rest of them should've left the moment shots were fired, but better late than never.

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Some big name designers have a muse they may have as an inspiration, but I don't think they design for one model. A very good friend of mine is a manager for the high end lines at Saks in NYC, and I asked her how these designers come up with their concepts. She said that many come up with an overall concept for their collection, such as a color palate, or fabrics, an historical place in time or even cultural (like Asian or African themes). The one time they will design for someone in particular is when they do a bespoke piece on assignment, like for a celebrity.

So using Maya year end and year out as the one and only inspiration just isn't done in the real world, only in the fake world of FC, where the CEO spends his days cuddling a model with in inverted penis.

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Rick dresses pretty cute for a guy who doesn't know anything about design. 

He does rock the popping purple and pink shirts. Money says he has a stylist who picks it all out and then Aly lays it out for him at night ;)

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Re: The elephant in the room


So I guess the writers haven't thought it through, which is why no one asked how Maya paid for the sex reassignment surgery? Google says the surgery alone is $15,000-$50,000. Did she have a hell of a health plan at her last job before prison?

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WTF is wrong with Eric? Maya this and Maya that. It sounds like he has the hots for her. Is he off his Donepezil or are Maya's farts an aphrodisiac? Brooke, if you don't want Rick to get engaged than forbid him or better yet snap your fingers. It's worked so well for you in the past.

I actually got the feeling that Ridge felt a little bit sorry for Rick and debated about telling Rick instead of rushing in and gloating over the fact that Maya is transgendered. I actually think, deep down inside, Ridge feels a brotherly connection and was going to tell Rick Maya's secret in a brotherly manner. Rick is not going to take it that way though.

Edited by Waldo13
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^^^I agree. Ridge seemed genuinely concerned for Rick and wasn't thinking about the company at all. And you're right, Rick will believe Ridge is just being opportunistic.

I wondered why Ridge didn't go to Maya first to convince her to come forward. Maybe he's worried that Rick will become violent?

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So I guess the writers haven't thought it through, which is why no one asked how Maya paid for the sex reassignment surgery? Google says the surgery alone is $15,000-$50,000. Did she have a hell of a health plan at her last job before prison?

Maya's boyfriend may have been a very successful gangster, and paid for her transformation because he was in love with her/him, but didn't want to be gay. 

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Re: The elephant in the room

So I guess the writers haven't thought it through, which is why no one asked how Maya paid for the sex reassignment surgery? Google says the surgery alone is $15,000-$50,000. Did she have a hell of a health plan at her last job before prison?

Maya's boyfriend may have been a very successful gangster, and paid for her transformation because he was in love with her/him, but didn't want to be gay.

I'm thinking maybe it was like Bursette on Orange is the New Black and she used credit card fraud to pay for it then got busted maybe. Or someone who's an ally and had the means paid for it, then later this person will be introduced for storyline reasons.

Edited by Petunia13
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Maya's boyfriend may have been a very successful gangster, and paid for her transformation because he was in love with her/him, but didn't want to be gay. 

Unwarranted this was my thought as well but it was never mentioned by the writers, which makes me go "hmmmm"

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Cupid Stunt Quote

There are no other appropriate single men left to throw Brooke on top of


Joimiaroxeu quote

Carter might be good for a fling. He's been single for a while now too.


Carter certainly qualifies as available cheesecake, but their common stupidity would be a major stumbling block.


After the meeting of the Rick Forrester Admiration Society concluded with Eric and Brooke, it's more likely that TIIC are pairing them together one more time.

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Do designers model with one person in mind for their designs? Apart from neither Maya. Nicole, Hope or any other lead model being the typical waif frame of couture modeling, who the hell knows which model will wear what or be available the day of the showing/shoot?


From watching several documentary films on couture designers, they have one maybe two template models that the collection is draped, patterned and fitted against for the final product. The collection itself is minimally altered to fit the various runway models for the show, but they are chosen within the measurement requirements of the original template model.


When you see those tall, willowy models (there was a scene last week with a model in a long black dress with cut-out shoulders, Ridge snarling and Rick being an ass) modeling new dress designs in the FC office, they are probably the template models used for clothing production -- and they look nothing like Maya.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Carter certainly qualifies as available cheesecake, but their common stupidity would be a major stumbling block.

Like that stopped anyone they've paired together (Lope are still the Queen and King of Too Stupid to Live on this account).

After the meeting of the Rick Forrester Admiration Society concluded with Eric and Brooke, it's more likely that TIIC are pairing them together one more time.

If the other alternatives are Brooke sniffing at her daughter's unemployed ex-husband, crying a lone tear over the sacrifice of giving Bill back to the wife/sister that had him when you met him or any version of Ridge Forrester? Yeah, I'll take another round of Brooke/Eric, enabling and all. At least Eric will only be a grandfather to the non-existent RJ.

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WTF is wrong with Eric? Maya this and Maya that. It sounds like he has the hots for her. Is he off his Donepezil or are Maya's farts an aphrodisiac? Brooke, if you don't want Rick to get engaged than forbid him or better yet snap your fingers. It's worked so well for you in the past.


Eric has this romantic notion that Forrester Creations needs a strong couple to run a two-bit dress factory; he tried to force Rick and Caroline to stay together for the leadership of FC, which didn't work out so well. Considering how many changes of leadership have taken place at FC, they need a traffic cop not a CEO.


I actually got the feeling that Ridge felt a little bit sorry for Rick and debated about telling Rick instead of rushing in and gloating over the fact that Maya is transgendered. I actually think, deep down inside, Ridge feels a brotherly connection and was going to tell Rick Maya's secret in a brotherly manner. Rick is not going to take it that way though.


Whatever Ridge's reasons -- get ahead of any scandal and bad press that Maya's lack of veracity would have on FC, protect Rick and/or others from Rick's possible violent reaction, be the first one to say You're a schmuck, Ricky Boy ... Now, Vamoose! -- There's no love lost between Ridge and Rick. A few weeks ago Ridge said, "Rick and I are not brothers in any meaningful way," and that's always been Ridge's opinion of Rick.


If Ridge had a scintilla of compassion for Rick's position, why didn't he talk to Maya first before Rick?

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If Ridge had a scintilla of compassion for Rick's position, why didn't he talk to Maya first before Rick?

My opinion...it has less to do with lack of sympathy for Rick and more to do with wanting to stick it to Maya.  Maybe there would be more sympathy for her if she hadn't been so smug & antagonistic.  Yes, I do think Rick is worse, but I think Ridge will give him some slack being that like it or not, he is & always will be family.

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If Ridge had a scintilla of compassion for Rick's position, why didn't he talk to Maya first before Rick?

Because Maya has proven incapable of speaking to/with Ridge in a way that isn't completely condescending and threatening? Ridge probably thinks--justifiably so, IMO--that talking to Maya would be a waste of time. Plus, it would give her a heads up and time to work some kind of scheme to delay Rick's finding out even further. What Ridge probably shouldn't do though is tell Eric and Brooke. They'd for sure want to maintain The Secret for fear of how it would affect their wee widdle baby boy. I can't believe I almost feel sorry for Rick. He's supposed to be a grown man yet all these people around him are trying to manage his life for him.

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There is just no explanation for the dumbness of Brooke and Eric; listening to these two leaves little doubt about why Rick is the way he is. Eric waxing on about Maya, and how she has changed Rick, and has been the only one to have Rick's back when all the other's have walked away. Really Eric? If Maya has changed Rick, it would be for the worse, with her constant enabling and propping. And why on God's green earth would any of the other players support Rick? From day one, he has been condescending, combative, nasty, judgmental, and taken great glee in humiliating and belittling his staff. Oh, and he is a proponent of shooting loaded, and deadly weapons at folks who don't toe the line; Rick rolls with the mantra "Buck up or get shot". And then we have Brooke, who of course had to reiterate that all of this is mostly about her; isn't it always? Frankly, I wonder how much of Brooke's hesitancy in excepting Maya as Rick's future wife has to do with actual reservations about Maya, and how much of it has to do with keeping Rick single and available until Caroline's return? 


Why can't Maya and Rick canoodle in Rick's office? Must they sully up the entire building? Rick didn't like it much when he saw Caroline and Ridge in that office, but it is A ok for him and his paramour? I hate them both. 


How pathetic is Rick? A man his age declaring "I finally have something to live for". And the dialog sounded like a needy six year old talking to his adult fantasy. Someone who didn't know better would think Rick grew up with nothing but the shirt on his back. He is so overly dramatic about Ridge, and how he wanted to help his mother but couldn't because he was only a kid. Ok, I get that, but you aren't a kid anymore Rick, and as a friggin adult, you should understand that your mother was crying and hurting because she is the one who wouldn't let go of a very married Ridge. And yes, I do realize that there were times when Ridge wasn't married, and yes I know Ridge did some really trifling things in relation to Brooke. But, in most cases, she is the one who kept coming back for more. And after listening to Rick's Tale of Woe one more time, he ices the cake with "I thought it was Caroline, but Ridge took her away from me too". Dear Lord, the only thing missing was the school boy outfit, and some feet stamping. 


I nearly choked when Rick told Maya "You have been through so much, accusations, gossip, but you have handled it with grace. You really are the quintessential woman". Grace? Was that before or after Maya adopted her mean girl shtick? Or before she told Rick he could shoot at unruly employees because he is the CEO? Or before she disrespected Ivy and Ally by tossing them out of their home? Maybe before she told Ridge "you are only a designer and mean less than nothing to Forrester?" Then we have Maya spouting about Rick's terrible childhood, and how much he had to endure while traveling the world, and skiing in Aspen, and living in the big mansion, and never wanting for life's necessities, and having a cushy high powered/paying job handed to him in that horrible city Paris. Yes, poor Rick has had so many obstacles to overcome, but it is all good now because Rick has Mommy and Daddy's approval, and of course he has Maya, the woman of honesty and integrity. 


I had a very shocking thought yesterday; could this upcoming story of love and acceptance actually be about Ridge and Rick? To say that I was pleased with Ridge's reaction would be an understatement. I didn't think he would have an issue that Maya is transgender, but I did think he would probably want to shout it from the rafters. However, his demeanor didn't say that at all. Ridge has gone to battle for Rick in the past, of course Rick was only a kid then, but I think deep down inside somewhere, Ridge remembers how it felt to be a father figure to Rick. Maybe this could be a turning point for the two of them? There have been some anvils falling about it, going all the way back to Ridge and Eric's talk, when Eric told him how he wished he could mend his fences with Rick, cause you only get so many chances in life, and Ridge was missing out on being a brother. What I would like to see is Ridge taking a defensive stance against any derogatory press about Maya being transgender, and by extension, protecting Rick. I think it would be pretty awesome, and some damn good story telling, if Ridge and Caroline become Rick and Maya's champions, maybe not as a couple or the CEO and his Lead Model, but as individuals who have the right to be who they choose to be.

Edited by RuntheTable
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What happened to Donna?  I thought she and Pam shared the receptionist duties?  The other day when Pam and Charlie rifled through Maya's purse and then Pam went back to her desk, I noticed the "Donna Logan" nameplate is also still there.  Has Donna been in the steamroom the whole time?  Would it kill them to mention her?  I'd much rather see Donna on this show than the Wacky Hijinks of Pam and Charlie.

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I liked Ridge's reaction yesterday.  He brushed off the company aspect with a casual remark about knowing several transgendered models - and focused on how Rick would react to finding out. 


So there  was a rumor/spoiler a while back that Ridge and Brooke would bond over a crisis concerning a child.  Could that have been really about Eric and Brooke bonding over Rick's impending breakdown?  The anvils certainly are all lined up. 

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Yeah, I'm not crazy about everyone finding out one by one and knowing before Rick. And if Rick doesn't explode I will be mad as hell.  Not because I think anything at all is wrong with being transgender, but with all of this honesty crap he's been spewing and disgusting and often cruel behavior toward everyone else, I need him to have the breakdown Ridge predicted.


Plus, I think she should have told him this before they became sexually involved as in naked and fucking.

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I guess tomorrow it's Eric and Brooke's turn to tell someone the secret. I wonder who it will be? Maybe Brooke can tell everyone at her AA meeting. Or will they just turn around and tell the first person they see? I'm thinking the next person Ridge tells will be Caroline. 

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Nicole really cannot dance.

Do meetings of the Rick Forrester Fan Club ever adjourn? That was quite an enthusiastic masturbatory self-congratulation session Brooke and Eric have been engaging in; they really are enamored of their deviant little seed pod. The parents of the year truly upped their delusion game by suggesting Maya could be the key to peace between Ridge and Rick. What can't the quintessential woman do in the eyes of Rick, Eric, and Brooke? After healing the deep rift between brothers, Maya will perhaps tackle turmoil in the Middle East and world hunger.

I think Bill will be the most insensitive douche when it comes to Maya being transgender.

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OK, at the risk of sounding stupid, I am going to ask.  I would have to think that surely I'm not the only one that has been wondering.  I hope I don't offend anyone, but I honestly don't know.  What exactly does it mean that Maya is transgender?  I would google, but I don't want all sorts of ads to show up on my facebook based on my searches.  From what I have gathered from the show, she was born a man.  At some point, she had her external male organs removed.  I imagine she has an artificial vagina.  She has no internal female organs.  Hence, the estrogen to produce/encourage female secondary sex characteristics.  Does the estrogen also encourage the development of breasts, or are her breasts purely from plastic surgery?  What about facial and chest hair, does the estrogen suppress that or does she have to wax her face?


I am morbidly curious about the artificial vagina.  What is it made of?  Is it plastic-based?  Or is it one from a cadaver and is something that is donated?  If it's plastic or some man made material, how come Rick isn't able to tell that it's not real?  Has he never used his fingers?  Does it (forgive me) self-lubricate?  Does it have nerve endings?  Or does she always resort to faking it?  If he uses his mouth (again, sorry for the visual), wouldn't he be all "hmmmm tastes like a doll".


Please pardon my ignorance, and I hope I am doing a good deed in asking for all the others out there who have also been wondering.

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If you can access Wikipedia discretely, various surgical techniques are described.  Short answer seems to be that most techniques don't appear to use anything artificial.  Just from the vague clinical descriptions, I suppose that it isn't inconceivable for a partner not to notice.  


One thing that surprised me  reading the page on reassignment surgery was the idea of pregnancy using a donor uterus. Looking forward to the first soap that uses that one.  :-)

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OK, at the risk of sounding stupid, I am going to ask.  I would have to think that surely I'm not the only one that has been wondering.  I hope I don't offend anyone, but I honestly don't know.  What exactly does it mean that Maya is transgender?  I would google, but I don't want all sorts of ads to show up on my facebook based on my searches.  From what I have gathered from the show, she was born a man.  At some point, she had her external male organs removed.  I imagine she has an artificial vagina.  She has no internal female organs.  Hence, the estrogen to produce/encourage female secondary sex characteristics.  Does the estrogen also encourage the development of breasts, or are her breasts purely from plastic surgery?  What about facial and chest hair, does the estrogen suppress that or does she have to wax her face?


I am morbidly curious about the artificial vagina.  What is it made of?  Is it plastic-based?  Or is it one from a cadaver and is something that is donated?  If it's plastic or some man made material, how come Rick isn't able to tell that it's not real?  Has he never used his fingers?  Does it (forgive me) self-lubricate?  Does it have nerve endings?  Or does she always resort to faking it?  If he uses his mouth (again, sorry for the visual), wouldn't he be all "hmmmm tastes like a doll".


Please pardon my ignorance, and I hope I am doing a good deed in asking for all the others out there who have also been wondering.


Sex reassignment surgery for male-to-female:




Apologies for posting the same information as tessaray.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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All before Rick! Hide the letter opener from Quinn, people!     

Seriously, since Rick is all but guaranteed to blow when he finds out (especially if it's immediately apparent that pretty much everyone knew but him), I hope he won't end up using that letter opener to stab somebody.


I guess tomorrow it's Eric and Brooke's turn to tell someone the secret. I wonder who it will be?

I'm betting they both insist that no one else be told. However Ridge will surely tell Caroline. He might have to restrain her from going for Maya's throat.

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Wouldn't Rick also wonder why she never has periods?

TMI, but I'm a runner & I never have them.  It's not unusual, so it could be easily explained.

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Wouldn't Rick also wonder why she never has periods?

I can hear Rick  now " Maya is honest has integrity plus... No periods ! "


Gotta love Eric and Brooke's thinking. " We know our awesome son is super great yet the rest of the world says he's an asshole. What's wrong with the rest of the world?


People here keep mentioning something called a "Thorne", what is that ? 

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People here keep mentioning something called a "Thorne", what is that ?

Another brother Ridge has dismissed as insignificant in business and artistic acumen.


How about Ridge telling Eric he needs to worry about his "other son" (of course meaning Rick).  Has Thorne gone the way of Chuck on Happy Days? Or did we all just imagine him in some mass hallucination?

Edited by ByTor
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Another brother Ridge has dismissed as insignificant in business and artistic acumen.

And Ridge wants to ship Rick over to Paris to be a thorn in Thorne's side instead of his.


It has been shown though that Thorne does not have the artistic acumen that Ridge and Eric have.

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Thanks for the info about the surgeries, very informative.

I fear the clip of "Dancing Nicole and her Margarita" is going to become the new Rodeo Drive. The actress should be embarrassed.

I am tired of the Spencer Sherlocks. I think Ridge will tell Katie. Katie will withhold the information but be troubled about withholding it. Bill will find out later that she knew and dump her. Just in time for Steffy to come back and claim him.

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Bell is trying too hard to be PC with this story and Im sure working with GLADD is influencing the writing. It needs to be more scandalous and not so PSA. Everyone shouldnt be so quick to be so understanding about this. This is a foreign concept to most people so we should have characters dismiss the notion of Maya being transgendered and not accept it.


Wicole is moving wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too fast.  Two  dates... and he's ready to put a ring on it...SMH.

That look from Brooke was anger.  She never got to ride Myron before he became Maya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Cupid Stunt, on 05 May 2015 - 6:35 PM, said:


Another brother Ridge has dismissed as insignificant in business and artistic acumen.


SweePea59 quote

And Ridge wants to ship Rick over to Paris to be a thorn in Thorne's side instead of his.

It has been shown though that Thorne does not have the artistic acumen that Ridge and Eric have.


It has been preordained that There can be only One at Forrester Creations, regardless of the opportunity, positioning or acumen of others.

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Even though I think the whole "take over" idea is ridiculous, I still enjoyed watching the Spencer clan. They all play off each other so well, and the comedic timing was perfect. Even Katie, who must have left her box of Lemonheads somewhere, was funny and actually smiling. I do believe Wyatt and Nicole are moving too fast, but given that Wyatt is moving away from Hope and her baggage, makes it ok with me. 


I also enjoyed watching Ridge and Maya tap dance around each other; Ridge, eyes blazing, statements heavy with innuendo, and Maya, standing behind Rick with eyes fairly busting out of their sockets. I did appear the Maya may have caught on that Ridge was acting different, and that his language was different. Good, just another thing for her to worry about. 


Eric and Ridge blew it out of the water yesterday! The build up was perfect, and I completely bought Eric's confusion, and eventually his understanding that Ridge was coming from an entirely different place. I thought Ridge's side eye to Eric was hilarious. I doubt that Eric and Brooke will believe Ridge, and will probably both accuse him of lying in an effort to make Maya look bad. Will they be the ones to seek out Maya's parents? 


After Rick had talked with invisible Donna, pronouncing how important his impending convo with Maya was going to be, what was with the very slow, very deliberate closing of the Forrester Communal Office door? Rick's whole demeanor around Maya screams needy little boy; he almost appears like a puppy begging for treats. 


Rick might want to keep a tight eye on his mom now that she knows Maya was actually born male. 

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Bell is trying too hard to be PC with this story and Im sure working with GLADD is influencing the writing. It needs to be more scandalous and not so PSA. Everyone shouldnt be so quick to be so understanding about this. This is a foreign concept to most people so we should have characters dismiss the notion of Maya being transgendered and not accept it.

Let me tell you my real life experience...at a place where I used to work there was a man who was transitioning.  All managers had to get with the people who worked with this man to inform us and to make sure we are sensitive to the situation.  I said in the meeting that I understood why the sensitivity reminder had to be done, but it baffles me...I mean, I don't get people getting all judgy over something that is (a) not hurting them and (b) none of their business.  So I agree to a point that not everyone would be so quick to understand.  However, here's the difference...my job was in the construction industry while B&B is of course in the fashion industry.  So I actually don't find it hard to believe that the characters would be rather accepting. 


ETA:  Just so I'm not misinterpreted, I hope nobody thinks I'm implying that people in the construction industry are intolerant bigots.  I just meant that the fashion industry would be more likely to have people not living a "traditional" life (for lack of a better term), as indicated be Ridge when he said that he knows transgender models, and thus that kind of news wouldn't come as such a shock.

Edited by ByTor
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The actress should be embarrassed.

Unless the "dancing" was her idea, I don't see why. Whoever's writing/directing that crap is who should be embarrassed, IMO. I don't think there's been any context provided for Nicole to be doing that except perhaps a certain stereotypical one. Ivy and Ally are both young women too so why don't they break out into dance at every opportunity?


Everyone shouldn't be so quick to be so understanding about this.

Yep. I think the problem the show may be having is figuring out how to portray characters' discomfort without having them say ignorant and bigoted things. It would be too easy for scene clips to be taken out of context, plus some of the actors might object to speaking a certain kind of hateful dialogue. Even shows like Jerry Springer and Maury Povich are real careful about what they allow participants to say when they do episodes which involve trans people.

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