bohochickn November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Yep! I KNEW the minute Rocky told Amy, "it was mind-blowing, I wanna marry this guy" I thought, "ahh, there it is! To Eddie, it was a fling, to Rocky, it was a relationship. Even "cool, crazy" (sarcasm 101) chicks still equate sex with love. *sigh* 8 Link to comment
HumblePi November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Rocky please get some waterproof mascara or just leave it off the next time you decide to go all hormonal and throw yourself a pity party.. It's not attractive. Her overreaction borders on pure scary craziness. Whether or not Eddie ever really hooked up with Rocky for sex is still a question in my mind, I'm not convinced it ever happened no matter how they chose to edit to look that way. But if it did, Rocky was aware that Eddie had a girlfriend and shouldn't be surprised that she was only being used for sex, there were no emotions there. It's time for both Eddie and Rocky to grow up and be responsible for their actions and suck up the consequences of being so horny that they throw caution to the wind just to get laid. 5 Link to comment
bosawks November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Eddie, this is why you don't dip your pen in company ink. 9 Link to comment
bichonblitz November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 4:15 AM, AttackTurtle said: Eddie is a dick for sure; however Rocky has put on this show that she, for lack of a better word, is "horny". She put it all out there for Emile before they went out on their date. She then treated him like crap and made a point of embarrassing him in front of the crew with her little school girl note. She told Amy & Emile that she and Eddie had a "thing" going on the whole time; however in reality, that may be a week or two weeks. Yea, Karma is a real bitch, isn't it? You get what you give, Rocky. 3 Link to comment
AttackTurtle November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 "I don't hook up just to hook up with people, I actually liked him".....,righhht Rocky. So when Emile went to bed instead of the hot tub with you, you weren't planning on hitting the sheets with him that night. The fact that she knew Emile had genuine feelings for her, but then she shares with him that she was hooking up with Eddie is just additional assholery one her part. Rocky knew Eddie had a girlfriend and then chose not to inquire as to their status when she hooked up with him because she didn't care. As for whether the fact that they could only hook up in the laundry room and bathroom is sufficient proof that this was a booty's not just the location. It's that we saw no evidence of any real feeling between them beyond thier hooking up. It's not like they were snuggling and enjoying pillow talk in the laundry room. Eddie is not even remotely innocent in all this, but I'm going to assume he's getting his punishment from his girlfriend. It's not that I think Rocky should be punished, but she doesn't deserve pity. Plus her whole, "I'm going to put my mermaid tail on and save the charter b.s. is just beyond offensive to the people busting thier asses to earn the crew's top. Compare Rocky/Leon to Ben, who genuinely seemed very upset that his failed breakfast could negatively affect the crew's tip. Rather than wallow, he got his shit together and pulled off breakfast. 16 Link to comment
Neurochick November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) Wait, Eddie actually said Rocky seduced him. What a fucking tool. And those charter guests? First only one of those girls was pretty, the others looked pretty average. I've seen better looking women walking down the streets of Manhattan. I don't get Ben, he's a chef, how can he fuck up breakfast? Glad he made amends for it though. Edited November 11, 2015 by Neurochick 7 Link to comment
esco1822 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Leave it to Rocky to once again neglect her work duties to put on that stupid mermaid tail and go flop around the beach and scare the guests. While I think Eddie is behaving like a complete jerk in this scenario, I can't blame him for wanting to stay away from Rocky's particular brand of crazy. Especially now knowing that she started following Amy on Instagram--that is some serious crazy stalker stuff going on. Unfortunately this has backfired on him and now his ignoring her has had the result of her needing sympathy and attention from Emile and Amy while simultaneously, and I think intentionally, blowing Eddie's shit up. This is definitely a "see what happens when you ignore me?" type scenario. Kudos to Amy for telling Emile to have some respect for Rocky and let her handle the situation on her own. Too bad Rocky doesn't have any respect for herself. 13 Link to comment
Giselle November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 9:18 AM, rho said: She walked in and asked if she was in trouble. Then he said "it could be construed that way." But something tells me that was edited to be misleading and there is a whole conversation missing between those two lines. My guess is that Connie is about to get promoted. I'm starting to sound like an Emile apologist but in his defense, Connie goaded Emile by calling him a "little bitch" and who knows what else. They seem to bicker like siblings at times and it's the kind of thing my brother and I said to each other in our teens. The two of them resolved it on their own and that's far more than I can say for anyone else on the damn boat. Do I care for the kid? Not particularly, and I could really do without his blind loyalty to Rocky. But I do think it was shitty of Eddie to hook up with Rocky, knowing his subordinate was crushing on her. He had to know that it would not bode well if Emile found out. Connie has probably been hearing him go on an on about Rocky from the beginning and at times it has affected his work. She has had enough of Rocky affecting the boat and her work load. When Emil shows up pissed off because he wasn't first in line when Rocky was handing out nookie and then starts in with his attitude, Connie checked him and she had no reason to sugar coat it. He lashed out at her because she was female if a man would have said the same thing to him he would have taken it much differently. 7 Link to comment
sasha206 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I'm only 5 minutes into this show and Rocky is an absolutely fucking asshole. What she did to Emile is so wrong. And her saying "I have evidence on my phone." Wow, she seems like a vengeful one too. 8 Link to comment
Primetimer November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 The unbearable smugness of Eddie sends Rocky into a mermaid-tailspin. Who's the biggest Below Dick this week? Read the story 1 Link to comment
Luciano November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I laughed when Amy the Girlfriend mentioned that Rocky put up photos on her Instagram if her looking up coyly. I imagine her version involves looking up to the ceiling/sky. Rocky is always with that mermaid tail because that's the only way she knows how to contribute. Her work apparently sucks but, hey!, at least she could say "I'm the only one who has a tail on this boat! I'm useful!" So she could call swimming around or lolling on deck "work." 5 Link to comment
Giselle November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Captains blog is up. 2 Link to comment
RemoteControlFreak November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) I guess I'm the only one who thinks that Emile calling Connie a whore is way worse than Eddy denying his tryst with Rocky. Eddy's not really hurting Rocky by denying the events. Yeah, he's lying, but does their hooking up deserve some kind of public validation? No it does not. And since the entire scenario was captured on camera, Rocky has her proof. What more does she want? But what did Connie do to get called a pretty offensive name, except to try to be a friendly woman who wouldn't have sex with Emile? Edited November 11, 2015 by RemoteControlFreak 9 Link to comment
Uncle Benzene November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 10:33 AM, biakbiak said: Most of the time my autocorrect gives me lemons but sometimes it speaks truth and gives lemonade spiked with vodka with a splash of grenadine! Try dropping an oyster in there! Delicious! Oysters and grenadine are like peanut butter and jelly, don't ya know. Just be sure to have someone you hate ready to blame in the event it bursts into flames. (Always good advice.) On 11/11/2015 at 3:08 PM, Neurochick said: I don't get Ben, he's a chef, how can he fuck up breakfast? Glad he made amends for it though. I don't think he fucked up breakfast. Just because the guests complained doesn't mean the eggs and sausage weren't perfect. It just means they complained. Sure, "the customer is always right" especially on a yacht, but that doesn't mean they're actually right. I mean, these people probably think a sausage and egg biscuit from McDonald's is the height of breakfast indulgence. So, you know, grain of salt and all. Note that they felt perfectly comfortable complaining about eggs and sausage, but (as is the case with many/most of these charter guests) as soon as the plates came out with the lobster and whatever other high-falutin' ingredients, they defaulted to "Well, it's 'rich food' and we're on a yacht, so it MUST BE GREAT!" --- My line of the night goes to Emile: "I don't want to get involved in this love triangle between Eddie and Rocky." I mean, I know that in his head he was including Eddie's girlfriend in that, but it still made me laugh out loud. Oh Emile, you sweet simpleton. I bet you kicked ass in 6th grade geometry. The other "Holy shit, did that actually happen?" moment was when drunk primary actually raised his voice and proclaimed to his invitees that "I have more money than all of you combined!" Yowza. Dude. Doooooood. No wonder you've gotta pay for it. --- I strongly suspect that every last detail of the whole Eddie/Rocky saga is total fiction. It's all for the show. 8 Link to comment
sasha206 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 "We totally had a thing THE WHOLE time." And then detailing the number of times they've supposedly done it. And where. This chick is fucking crazy, obnoxious, and likely a liar as well. The fact that she pulls out "I have evidence" and uses "the whole time" makes me think she's exaggerated what happened between them as well. I'm sure they "hooked up" but maybe that just meant sexy times w/o sex. I'm just appalled by her. Eddie is being an ass, but she's a thousand times worse. She's enjoying telling Amy and Emile. Of course, she doesn't care that Emile's feelings are hurt, particularly as she gives unneeded detail. 11 Link to comment
kassa November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Quote Yep! I KNEW the minute Rocky told Amy, "it was mind-blowing, I wanna marry this guy" I thought, "ahh, there it is! To Eddie, it was a fling, to Rocky, it was a relationship. Even "cool, crazy" (sarcasm 101) chicks still equate sex with love. *sigh* I don’t think Rocky was ever hung up on Eddie – or even that she’s particularly embarrassed. She’s just all about the drama, and the “reveal” to her crewmates is more dramatic if her poor heart is broken by a fiendish cad she really fell for. That’s her pass to rolling around, clawing her hair, and smearing her mascara (and hasn’t there been waterproof mascara for 40 years or so?) Her own parents are now shutting her down when she calls them, telling her to buck up and deal, so she needs to ramp up the victimhood to justify the histrionics. Did you hear? Rocky has gone SIX WEEKS without doing anything she’s really excited about. Seriously, people... can you imagine that kind of torture? Getting up, working, going out for dinner/drinks occasionally, then back to bed and up for work? Day after day for six weeks? With only a paltry grand or so a week to show for it? The breakfast scene was weird. Because if I were paying that kind of rate (even whatever discounted rate the discounted passengers get on this show), and they served me a half assed Denny’s breakfast, then when I sent it back made me a GREAT breakfast, I’d be wondering why we weren’t served that in the first place. 11 Link to comment
sasha206 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) On 11/11/2015 at 3:15 AM, BogoGog24 said: Emile was definitely out of line calling Connie a whore, but at least he apologized later and seemed genuinely sorry about it. Eddie is a huge dick! (Accidentally typed "duck" but I guess either one could work!) He's clearly never heard the expression "It takes 2 to tango." Rocky clearly didn't seem to know he was still with his GF, but even if she did, why is it all her fault that they hooked up? He also full well knew he was with someone and chose to hook up with her as well, why isn't he to also blame in this situation? He's a coward. He knows full well what he did and that he is as much to blame as Rocky is, but here he is trying to pin all the blame on Rocky. Rocky is a lot of things, but he's way out of line here. She explained in her conversation with Amy that she had feelings for Eddie and that he was never straight forward with her about his GF situation. Clearly she was under the impression they were in this for something more than just a hookup and that it was going to go somewhere ("I wanted to marry him!") Eddie should have known better, especially since this is Rocky we're talking about, the chick who claims she wants to marry Eddie after 1 quickie with him. He knew she was crazy and he knew what he was getting into, but now he doesn't want to deal with it. And he had the audacity to claim on camera that he hasn't hooked up with anyone on this charter season. He and his cheating GF deserve each other. And in the next episode it looks like he gets peeved at Rocky just because she told people about the hookup. What a jackass! I agree with you that Eddie is being a huge dick, however, I really think that she's pretending not to know the status of Eddie and his girlfriend to make her look better. See, I'm not really, for lack of a better word, a homewrecker! Makes her look like an even bigger victim of Eddie. Edited November 11, 2015 by sasha206 2 Link to comment
Giselle November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 5:13 PM, Uncle Benzene said: Try dropping an oyster in there! Delicious! Oysters and grenadine are like peanut butter and jelly, don't ya know. Just be sure to have someone you hate ready to blame in the event it bursts into flames. (Always good advice.) I don't think he fucked up breakfast. Just because the guests complained doesn't mean the eggs and sausage weren't perfect. It just means they complained. Sure, "the customer is always right" especially on a yacht, but that doesn't mean they're actually right. I mean, these people probably think a sausage and egg biscuit from McDonald's is the height of breakfast indulgence. So, you know, grain of salt and all. Note that they felt perfectly comfortable complaining about eggs and sausage, but (as is the case with many/most of these charter guests) as soon as the plates came out with the lobster and whatever other high-falutin' ingredients, they defaulted to "Well, it's 'rich food' and we're on a yacht, so it MUST BE GREAT!" --- My line of the night goes to Emile: "I don't want to get involved in this love triangle between Eddie and Rocky." I mean, I know that in his head he was including Eddie's girlfriend in that, but it still made me laugh out loud. Oh Emile, you sweet simpleton. I bet you kicked ass in 6th grade geometry. The other "Holy shit, did that actually happen?" moment was when drunk primary actually raised his voice and proclaimed to his invitees that "I have more money than all of you combined!" Yowza. Dude. Doooooood. No wonder you've gotta pay for it. --- I strongly suspect that every last detail of the whole Eddie/Rocky saga is total fiction. It's all for the show. I think something happened, but exactly what and how much I'm not sure, Eddie the douche sure is worried about it. And for all the fake crocodile tears Rocky is squirting she sure is relishing telling Emil and Amy the dirty details. The attention once again is all on her, all about her. Never mind that she treated Emil like the dog that he is or the fact that she has no concept of girl code when it comes to Amy and her two season crush on Eddie that she knew about, Never mind that she knew Eddie had a girlfriend and didn't tell him to end it before hooking up. Rocky you were treated like the piece of ass you presented to almost every male on the boat. Shut up. Why do I wish Rocky had a baby seal costume instead of a mermaid one and when she washed up on the shore the guests were offered clubs by Kate. Glad Kate told Ben what was what when it came to Rocky. That is why I don't think anybody but Emil, and Rocky took any offence at what Connie said. She said what most were thinking. Dave and Ben had no clue but soon realized Connie was right. I hope they nail the Loon on the reunion, if she shows up. Leon probably won't attend. 8 Link to comment
Uncle Benzene November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 5:21 PM, kassa said: The breakfast scene was weird. Because if I were paying that kind of rate (even whatever discounted rate the discounted passengers get on this show), and they served me a half assed Denny’s breakfast, then when I sent it back made me a GREAT breakfast, I’d be wondering why we weren’t served that in the first place. Because they ordered the half-assed Denny's breakfast to begin with. This has been a thing on Below Deck since season 1, the chefs (or Ben, at least, because I'm not sure whether or not Leon ever even bothered to wake up and actually go to work for breakfast service) have made more than one comment about how breakfast is their least favorite meal because it's all to-order and therefore it's "beneath" a real chef because it the special snowflake culinary artiste is basically functioning as a short-order cook. "Might as well be slinging hash at a Waffle House" or whatever. Unless the guests specifically say something to the effect of "Surprise me and wow me!" it's basically "gimme two over-easy, a short stack, and a shitload of bacon" or whatever. Which I get, especially since most of the time they're hung over and barely awake, and it's not exactly the right time to be getting their minds blown with uni and black truffles and whatnot. All I'm saying is that if Ben served them a half-assed Denny's breakfast, it's because that's what they asked for. I'm quite sure that otherwise Ben would have served them what he eventually served them in the first place. But what I'm pretty sure actually happened (and YMMV, of course) is that they ordered a low-brow Waffle House breakfast, Ben gave it to them, and it wasn't quite as low-brow Waffle House as they're used to, so they complained. And so Ben sent them a high-brow yacht breakfast and since they didn't know any better, they of course said "Oooooooh. Much better!" Which I'm sure it was. But that doesn't make it Ben's fault that they ordered Waffle House to begin with. 6 Link to comment
BogoGog24 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I'm pretty sure Amy stated being over Eddie in the first episode of the season, even saying she is friends with his GF. I don't think she cares that Rocky hooked up with him. After seeing how he's behaved, she probably thought "Fine! She can have him!" 8 Link to comment
kfree9 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) Quote Honey, you don't get to spend only one side of a coin, okay? You played up that aspect to make people -- including Emile and Eddie -- think you were game, The Cool Girl, zany and up for anything. This is the impression you tried to make; you don't really get to blame everyone else for not getting it now This, this, a million times this. Now everyone thinks you're zany in a "wow, she really might need to be medicated," kind of way. Same difference.Although Eddie's denial of anything happening is totally douchey, Rocky's "he pursued me, he should have been the one to tell me if he still had a girlfriend or not," argument is not a solid one. Maybe it's just me, but I would have asked him prior to the laundry rendezvous, particularly because he flat out said he had a girlfriend in the first episode. But I'm not "Rocky zany," either. Edited November 11, 2015 by kfree9 10 Link to comment
Neurochick November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) Quote I don't think he fucked up breakfast. Just because the guests complained doesn't mean the eggs and sausage weren't perfect. It just means they complained. Sure, "the customer is always right" especially on a yacht, but that doesn't mean they're actually right. I mean, these people probably think a sausage and egg biscuit from McDonald's is the height of breakfast indulgence. So, you know, grain of salt and all. Note that they felt perfectly comfortable complaining about eggs and sausage, but (as is the case with many/most of these charter guests) as soon as the plates came out with the lobster and whatever other high-falutin' ingredients, they defaulted to "Well, it's 'rich food' and we're on a yacht, so it MUST BE GREAT!" Didn't Ben himself say that breakfast isn't his strongest suit? Didn't Eddie text Rocky first? I don't get how she "seduced" him. I mean it's not like Rocky is this temptress that nobody can resist. Eddie's a dog, he wanted to fuck Rocky, case closed. Quote Although Eddie's denial of anything happening is totally douchey, Rocky's "he pursued me, he should have been the one to tell me if he still had a girlfriend or not," argument is not a solid one. True, but Rocky's not responsible for Eddie's relationship and on the show at least, it really looked like Eddie sent Rocky a text first. Edited November 11, 2015 by Neurochick 8 Link to comment
Belowdeckchatter November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I don't think the guests chartered a boat to enjoy a private beach party to have rocky swim along and play on the beach like a child. If they wanted that they could have went to any old beach and sit with the general public. Also, It looks, from the editing, that the breakfast was poor because ben was playing grab-ass with kate in the galley & the food wasn't cooked well or served promptly. Don't care for rocky playing the victim, running to emi for a shoulder to cry on, or for telling the entire boat all about her fling. She is so sad she got dumped. Bo-hoo.... should have been fired long ago. It shines a bad light on the captin who is not the disciplinarian he pretends to be. 5 Link to comment
bosawks November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Eddie channeling his inner Clinton is cracking me up. He really should've looked straight at the camera and said, "I did not have sexual realtions with that woman". This reunion should be all sorts of fun. 1 1 17 Link to comment
Girl in a Cardigan November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 6:37 PM, Belowdeckchatter said: Also, It looks, from the editing, that the breakfast was poor because ben was playing grab-ass with kate in the galley & the food wasn't cooked well or served promptly. Yeah, it seemed to me that the guests were complaining that the food was cold, not that it was necessarily bad. (Well, one guest didn't like 'runny eggs,' but that could be personal preference, not Ben.) But it was really nice to see Ben have his meltdown (very short comparatively) and then come back and try again. He's adaptable and willing to work on his weaknesses, rather than just saying "too bad, that's what I made." I'm not loving Eddie this season, but I have had it up to HERE with Rocky, so I guess I'm in the minority. No, Eddie shouldn't have hooked up or sexted with Rocky, but unless the editing is screwing with us, Rocky was not hooking up with Eddie the "whole time." I sorta get that without Leon, Rocky has alienated herself from everyone else on the boat and she's gotta drop this "bombshell" before the last charter ends (because if it doesn't get revealed until the after show, did it happen at all??), but grabbing Emile to basically brag about how she hooked up with their boss and she has the texts to prove it was RIDICULOUS. Then to sidle up to Amy while she's doing her hair in only a towel to do the whole "OMG I have to tell you something, no I can't it's too much, no, I have to, OMG, you won't believe it," just got on my last nerve. As it turns out, NO ONE CARES that you were doing the do with Eddie and THAT is not why people think you're crazy. I'm sorry you wanted to marry Eddie the first time he took you up against the washing machine, but c'mon, you knew what this was. Also, now you know what it felt like for Emile when you were going around to everyone except him about how much you did NOT like him anymore and did NOT want to have anything to do with him anymore. I'm not an Emile defender at all (wow, was he out of line with Connie!), but damn, girl, shoe's not so nice on the other foot, is it? 8 Link to comment
kassa November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Loved the in-between-commercials montage of Amy's butchering of common metaphors. "Shoot two birds with one stone?" Kate [shaking head]: "No." 1 7 Link to comment
njbchlover November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 7:56 AM, Rebecca said: Hmmm, so "industry girls," as the female charter guests were said to be, are pretty much like escorts, according to Urban Dictionary anyway. Seems about right considering their obvious distaste at the main charter guest, who was a creep, imo. Rocky sucks ass. Emile sucks ass. Eddie sucks even more ass. Thank you - definitely makes sense, except, if they were getting paid for their company, I would think they would have tried to show a little exuberance and excitement, or even friendliness, towards the men. They really reminded me more of married couples or couples who have known each other for a long time, with all the back and forth and insults. 2 Link to comment
BrianJ62 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 The motto for the Eros should be: Loose lips sinks ships or If the Eros is rocking don't mind knocking. Link to comment
Giselle November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 6:04 PM, BogoGog24 said: I'm pretty sure Amy stated being over Eddie in the first episode of the season, even saying she is friends with his GF. I don't think she cares that Rocky hooked up with him. After seeing how he's behaved, she probably thought "Fine! She can have him!" I missed that BogoGog24. Guess she is glad now that her interest had waned. Link to comment
End Table November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I certainly don't feel sorry for Eddie. Did he never see Fatal Attraction? Of course Rocky is going to follow your girl, of course she's going to tell everyone, of course she is bat-poop crazy. And of course, your woman is going to find out. I adore Connie, her dad died - no drama - she is called a 'whore' - no drama. She loves her job and I love her for it. I really hope that she gets promoted!! I did feel sorry for Emile, he looked devastated when Rocky told him about the laundry room. But really, he dodged a bullet. 12 Link to comment
Giselle November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 6:17 PM, Neurochick said: Didn't Eddie text Rocky first? I don't get how she "seduced" him. I mean it's not like Rocky is this temptress that nobody can resist. Eddie's a dog, he wanted to fuck Rocky, case closed. True, but Rocky's not responsible for Eddie's relationship and on the show at least, it really looked like Eddie sent Rocky a text first. Rocky wanted to be fucked. She pranced around that ship all season long presenting herself in a sexual way, not to mention showing off her ass every moment that she could. First flirting with Emile even emulating being chained and whipped by him, then Eddie, then with Ben leg and ass first I believe), I don't remember about Dane or "followed like a dog in heat" Don(. So what are the guys suppose to think except that she is game. And what she did this episode to Idiot Emil knowing he had feelings for her makes her just as bad as Eddie. She was emotionally fucking Emil. She is as much of a dog as Eddie. 14 Link to comment
yourmomiseasy November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Rocky's histrionics were amazing. The wailing, the hair pulling, the proclamations of true love, etc. Wow. This should really be edited down to a educational video to show to guys during sex ed. Rocky trying to get a high five from Emile over her conquest and him saying no was magical. She has no regard for his feelings at all and wails when Eddie shows her the same lack of respect. I loved Rocky's delusions of grandeur about how she was going to save the charter and everyone just staring at her unimpressed. I think Eddie's girlfriend had an idea something was going on between him and Rocky. Her dissing Rocky's instagram photos and pointing out that she doesn't think Rocky is cute. She had an inkling that Eddie was at least a little interested in Rocky. One thing I will say about Emile is that he is very loyal. It's just too bad that his loyalty is misplaced. Ben's steaks looked yummy. The male guests are gross. 18 Link to comment
esperanza November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Ugh, the Rocky hatred on this board is really depressing. To me she just seems like an emotionally fragile immature twenty something. Why are people defending Eddie and blaming her? If you have sex with someone, you should treat them with enough respect to tell them in person and kindly why you no longer want to do so. Easy. You don't ignore them and treat them like scum; unless you're a woman hating misogynist like Eddie. 10 Link to comment
RemoteControlFreak November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) On 11/11/2015 at 6:17 PM, Neurochick said: True, but Rocky's not responsible for Eddie's relationship and on the show at least, it really looked like Eddie sent Rocky a text first. Right. Rocky's not responsible for Eddie's relationship and neither should Eddie be blamed for walking away from his hook-up with Rocky. Neither of them owes anything to each other at this point. Edited November 11, 2015 by RemoteControlFreak 3 Link to comment
njbchlover November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 5:13 PM, Uncle Benzene said: Try dropping an oyster in there! Delicious! Oysters and grenadine are like peanut butter and jelly, don't ya know. Just be sure to have someone you hate ready to blame in the event it bursts into flames. (Always good advice.) I don't think he fucked up breakfast. Just because the guests complained doesn't mean the eggs and sausage weren't perfect. It just means they complained. Sure, "the customer is always right" especially on a yacht, but that doesn't mean they're actually right. I mean, these people probably think a sausage and egg biscuit from McDonald's is the height of breakfast indulgence. So, you know, grain of salt and all. Note that they felt perfectly comfortable complaining about eggs and sausage, but (as is the case with many/most of these charter guests) as soon as the plates came out with the lobster and whatever other high-falutin' ingredients, they defaulted to "Well, it's 'rich food' and we're on a yacht, so it MUST BE GREAT!" --- My line of the night goes to Emile: "I don't want to get involved in this love triangle between Eddie and Rocky." I mean, I know that in his head he was including Eddie's girlfriend in that, but it still made me laugh out loud. Oh Emile, you sweet simpleton. I bet you kicked ass in 6th grade geometry. The other "Holy shit, did that actually happen?" moment was when drunk primary actually raised his voice and proclaimed to his invitees that "I have more money than all of you combined!" Yowza. Dude. Doooooood. No wonder you've gotta pay for it. --- I strongly suspect that every last detail of the whole Eddie/Rocky saga is total fiction. It's all for the show. I laughed at that too....I mean, all that proved was that he is just an asshole with money, instead of without. And, didn't Captain Lee say that the lead passenger was a 29 year old self-made millionaire? That guy looked like he was in his 40's....and not in a good way!! 3 Link to comment
Irritable November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Just because we were shown Eddie's text to Rocky first does not mean that was their first flirtacious/sexually charged interaction. Rocky had made it known to the staff at the beginning of the season she wanted to do Eddie, she said it right out loud without hesitation. There could have been a lot of moments between them that indicated willingness that we never saw. I think Eddie acted like an asshole, and wow, what a cool liar he is - scary, but I will never believe that he started the whole thing with Rocky. It hurt my feelings that so much of the beautiful steak Ben prepared went uneaten. That dinner was pretty basic, but it's the kind of basic I really enjoy. I have always wanted to try Ben's food...well, maybe not breakfast, but everything else he has made on all the seasons has looked divine. I loved that he casually mentioned he was making sorbet, as casually as if Kate had said she was folding napkins, and yet Leon had to use a box mix to make brownies. These chefs are not in the same league. I hope Rocky's parents have taken her to see a psychiatrist after seeing her this season. She has something terribly wrong going on in her brain, and I know that should make me feel sorry for her, but it doesn't. It's unfortunate that she has some kind of mental disorder, but it happens to be one of the disorders that is impossible to deal with or have much pity for because the behavior is so atrocious. 5 Link to comment
kassa November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Quote Rocky's histrionics were amazing. The wailing, the hair pulling, the proclamations of true love, etc. Wow. This should really be edited down to a educational video to show to guys during sex ed. Oh, damn, you are RIGHT! Emile is salvageable. He just needs to find a dominant woman who doesn't require much conversation. Then she can take care of everything, have his pretty babies, and enjoy the view. I was going to say enjoy the sex, but I can't believe he's very good. Though perhaps she could teach him. Link to comment
beesknees November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I flove "Below Deck" and I am going to go through mini-withdrawals now that the season's coming to a close. Several months ago I read on the Bravo? site that "Below Deck - Mediterranean" was a new show being produced and filmed. I hope that's going to materialize! Anyone know anything about it? 3 Link to comment
BrianJ62 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 8:52 PM, kassa said: Oh, damn, you are RIGHT! Emile is salvageable. He just needs to find a dominant woman who doesn't require much conversation. Then she can take care of everything, have his pretty babies, and enjoy the view. I was going to say enjoy the sex, but I can't believe he's very good. Though perhaps she could teach him. There's Duggar women still available. On 11/11/2015 at 4:38 PM, Giselle said: Captains blog is up. They should start like Star Trek: Captains log stardate 2015...... 1 3 Link to comment
rainsmom November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) On 11/11/2015 at 8:45 PM, esperanza said: Ugh, the Rocky hatred on this board is really depressing. To me she just seems like an emotionally fragile immature twenty something. Why are people defending Eddie and blaming her? If you have sex with someone, you should treat them with enough respect to tell them in person and kindly why you no longer want to do so. Easy. You don't ignore them and treat them like scum; unless you're a woman hating misogynist like Eddie. It's pretty clear that they're BOTH culpable, and they're both immature. He's an ass, and she's a certifiable loon. He treated her like shit. She is blowing it up way out of proportion and seeking attention in the most narcissistic way possible. She's 27, BTW. Old enough to know the difference between a hook-up and twoo wuv. She needs to grow the fuck up. She also knew he had a girlfriend and does NOT get a pass on that. He's a cheater, a liar, and a douche. What I do NOT think he's guilty of is leading her on. He wanted a hook up. He got it. He was an IDIOT to think she would keep her mouth shut about it -- or that the cameras didn't catch it. Edited November 11, 2015 by rainsmom 9 Link to comment
esperanza November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 "He's a cheater, a liar, and a douche. What I do NOT think he's guilty of is leading her on. He wanted a hook up. He got it. He was an IDIOT to think she would keep her mouth shut about it -- or that the cameras didn't catch it." I don't think he led her on either. I think they were both attracted to each other and they had sex. Great. But why is he so hostile to her now? Why couldn't he pull her aside and say "hey I'm still in love with my girlfriend. I hope you understand."Then she wouldn't have felt the need to go to Emile and Amy and he actually could have gotten away with it. At least until his girlfriend saw the show. 9 Link to comment
AttackTurtle November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 8:45 PM, esperanza said: Ugh, the Rocky hatred on this board is really depressing. To me she just seems like an emotionally fragile immature twenty something. Why are people defending Eddie and blaming her? If you have sex with someone, you should treat them with enough respect to tell them in person and kindly why you no longer want to do so. Easy. You don't ignore them and treat them like scum; unless you're a woman hating misogynist like Eddie.[/quoteI don't see a whole lot of people defending Eddie. We're just not letting Rocky off the hook for her role in this. Eddie was a total asshat for how he started/ended things, but I find it equally offensive that Rocky made the move of following his g/f on Instagram. Rocky plays games with people and she just happened to be the one that got burnt in the game with Eddie. I wont give Rocky the out of being an emotionally frail girl when she's really just been shown to be an entitled & lazy pain in the ass. Seriously who else would say " I havent done any of the things that I love in six weeks"! Mind you this is the same girl who surfed in the Bahamas, flirted with every guy on the boat (slept with one), & collected tips for work she didn't do. Kate had her number when she referred to Rocky as the special little snow flake. Rocky sucks, but she's been entertaining. 14 Link to comment
rainsmom November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 9:17 PM, esperanza said: But why is he so hostile to her now? Why couldn't he pull her aside and say "hey I'm still in love with my girlfriend. I hope you understand."Then she wouldn't have felt the need to go to Emile and Amy and he actually could have gotten away with it. At least until his girlfriend saw the show. As I said, he's a douche for doing that. But I do not believe for ONE MOMENT -- not for one fraction of one tiny percentage of an instant -- that she would behaved any differently. She would have moaned that she liked him and he broke her heart, oh woe is her! She is a narcissist. Just like she was the victim when Leon left, she would have made herself the victim if he said, "I don't want to do this anymore. I think it was a mistake." 7 Link to comment
kfree9 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Quote True, but Rocky's not responsible for Eddie's relationship and on the show at least, it really looked like Eddie sent Rocky a text first. I completely agree--but if I got a text from a guy that I knew had a girlfriend, I would say, "Did you break up with your girlfriend?" before meeting him in the laundry room. I know it's square of me and I've never been stuck on a boat for weeks at a time looking for some nookie. 9 Link to comment
rainsmom November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 On 11/11/2015 at 9:43 PM, kfree9 said: I completely agree--but if I got a text from a guy that I knew had a girlfriend, I would say, "Did you break up with your girlfriend?" before meeting him in the laundry room. I know it's square of me and I've never been stuck on a boat for weeks at a time looking for some nookie. I don't think it's about being stuck on a boat. It's about having some class and some self control. Neither of them has either. 5 Link to comment
scenicbyway November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 I think Eddie and Rocky would've talked about what they were doing before they did it. Everyone on the boat knew that Eddie had a girlfriend and the girlfriend had cheated on him at some point. Eddie saw Rocky as the best candidate for a hook up because he thought there would be no romantic complications. Rocky seemed to feel that way too at the time and then all of a sudden she's crushed because he no longer wants to meet her in the laundry room? Drama Queen. I can't imagine how Emile must've felt when Rocky told him she'd been hooking up with Eddie instead of him. Poor Connie got the brunt of it. Amy and Connie deserve medals for getting through the season. Kate and Ben were fun to watch, it's ashame he couldn't been on all season. 9 Link to comment
End Table November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Someone mentioned the steak that Ben cooked On 11/11/2015 at 8:24 PM, yourmomiseasy said: Rocky's histrionics were amazing. The wailing, the hair pulling, the proclamations of true love, etc. Wow. This should really be edited down to a educational video to show to guys during sex ed. Rocky trying to get a high five from Emile over her conquest and him saying no was magical. She has no regard for his feelings at all and wails when Eddie shows her the same lack of respect. I loved Rocky's delusions of grandeur about how she was going to save the charter and everyone just staring at her unimpressed. I think Eddie's girlfriend had an idea something was going on between him and Rocky. Her dissing Rocky's instagram photos and pointing out that she doesn't think Rocky is cute. She had an inkling that Eddie was at least a little interested in Rocky. One thing I will say about Emile is that he is very loyal. It's just too bad that his loyalty is misplaced. Ben's steaks looked yummy. The male guests are gross. That steak looked incredible. I too thought it was sad it was still on the plate and it crossed my mind that I would have brought it back to the kitchen and eaten their leftovers!!! 3 Link to comment
Luciano November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) For me, with Rocky, it's less the actual sleeping with Eddie and more all the drama. Kate asks her to do her job: "Kate's the WOOOOOOORST, Kate's HORRIBLE! I don't feel THE LOVE." Amy spends a day teaching her how to do stuff: "[melodramatic flop to bed with sobbing]." Emile won't take a hint: "[shows letter to everybody]." (In this case, I have no problem with her writing the letter, but she made a big production in letting everybody know what was in it.) Leon leaves: "Fuck y'all, I'm swimming to another boat and spending 7 hours on it." Eddie no longer wants to sleep with her: "Emile, I was with Eddie! I have evidence! We fucked like THIS! It was going on under your nose the whole time! Amy, Amy's Towel, I was with Eddie! I wanted to marry him! Here is the number of times and locations in which we fucked! Girlfriend Amy, I am following you on Instagram! [bursts into tears in front of Amy] [bursts into tears on the deck] [lays in bed while everyone else is working]" And it was amazing to see her going from clearly relishing dishing all the details of the relationship to Amy and Emile to bawling and back again. The Eddie and Rocky relationship (whatever it was) was both of their faults - I would argue that it's more his fault because he was the one in a relationship and he was the one that thought the whole thing was so sordid that he didn't want anyone to know. If you don't want people to know that you're screwing someone, than there is probably something that should tell you not to screw them in the first place. I don't care who sent the first text and who was flirting first, they both said yes in the laundry room so he can take that "She seduced me" crap and shove it. However, this is just the latest thing that has caused Rocky to get all melodramatic, once again affecting her work and once again dragging other people into positions where they have to baby her ass. It's telling that Amy, who appears to be the nicest person on that boat, seems to have bonded more with deckhand Connie than with her even though Amy would be the one who could help not just with the New Stew learning curve but also Working Under Kate one. Edited November 12, 2015 by Luciano 14 Link to comment
sasha206 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 (edited) On 11/11/2015 at 8:45 PM, esperanza said: Ugh, the Rocky hatred on this board is really depressing. To me she just seems like an emotionally fragile immature twenty something. Why are people defending Eddie and blaming her? If you have sex with someone, you should treat them with enough respect to tell them in person and kindly why you no longer want to do so. Easy. You don't ignore them and treat them like scum; unless you're a woman hating misogynist like Eddie. Almost all of us have commented about Eddie's behavior as well. However, this is really the first time we've seen Eddie act like this. We've already seen Rocky hit on 3 men, one of which she treated as shabbily as she is accusing Eddie of treating her. Maybe you need to rewatch the episode after the date she had with Emile. And then rewatch this episode where she tells lovelorn Emile needless information about where and when they did it. Edited November 11, 2015 by sasha206 5 Link to comment
biakbiak November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 How Amy refrained from saying"Bitch, please" when Rocky was complaining about being surrounded by all this drama as if she was some victim of circumstances is beyond me! 10 Link to comment
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