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Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore

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On Twitter Christine is : Christine Brown @rosecolored6 , so I guess she has some insight into herself after all.

This tweet by Christine is interesting. https://twitter.com/rosecolored6/status/559544703687737348


Was anything like this discussed on the show?


Yes, briefly.  They seem to think that someone can just come and remove your children just because you're a polygamist.  It doesn't surprise me that Christine would believe it because, frankly, she's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, even though I find her to be fairly likeable.

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Christine seems to have some paranoia issues.


I agree, but they're deeply ingrained from her childhood.  At some point, all those fears were legitimate, and they've been passed on as truths for generations.  People like Christine don't know that things have changed, because they spent so much time hiding, smuggling babies in and out of houses in boxes, and worrying that Child Services will come knocking on their door.  And even though they know that FLDS is an extremist child-abusing group, they still witnessed their children being round up and removed, while the mothers panicked and cried.  I think there's some paranoia in mainstream LDS as well, and they have a bit of a martyr-complex.  All their stories start with poor Joseph Smith and how he was persecuted and murdered.  And I think that people like Christine are especially paranoid about Utah, because the government talks strongly about anti-polygamy, but does not disavow Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, or any of the polygamy that existed back then.  It must seem like cognitive dissonance to Christine.

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How in the world is a single woman (grandmother) who has just left polygamy, probably with minimal employment skills and income, going to take away 4-5 children from Christine?

Tut tut, Galloway Cave. Don't go looking for higher-order thinking processes from Christine. ;)

Edited by NewBaku
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the easiest way to keep an oppressed population compliant with the regime is to convince them there's an even greater enemy out there.

Bingo. The Brown women's behavior is very Stockholm Syndome-ish: I'm basically a prisoner in a situation that isn't in my best interest, but I stay because I swallow the propaganda of my captors. Fun times.

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Flip I've just been reading some of the history of Christine's family. She's right to be paranoid but not about outsiders. Her grandparent's and parents generation have multiple kinslayings, incestuous marriages and sexual abuse on a large scale. And this is the "PR friendly" group, not FLDS. If they didn't preach paranoia about the rest of the world, no one would stay around.

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As has been stated elsewhere, Christine's meltdown over Kody's friend telling him he should ditch all the wives but the one he's legally married to makes a lot more sense now that we know that Kody was planning to divorce Meri and marry Robyn.  I'd freak out too, in those circumstances, that the divorce/marriage might be the first step in doing just that, given Kody's obvious preference for Robyn anyway.


Not to say Christine's not paranoid; she is, but she has indeed been raised since birth to be so.

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Robyn Sullivan Brown ‏@LuvgvsUwngs

@MySisWifesClos has been such a big fun adventure! I am so grateful for our loyal customers who have made our business grow! Thanks you!



Feb 8  Christine Brown ‏@rosecolored6

Okay, real behind the scenes? I TOLD @realkodybrown that he should kiss his next wife before they got married. Yep! I did! #SisterWives


What a LIE!!!!

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Feb 8  Christine Brown ‏@rosecolored6

Okay, real behind the scenes? I TOLD @realkodybrown that he should kiss his next wife before they got married. Yep! I did! #SisterWives


What a LIE!!!!


Yeah, I am not convinced she is telling the truth on that one. Christine always seems to backtrack or contradict herself to apologize for her behavior, as if she thinks she doesn't have the right to feel jealous or betrayed. Kind of like when she compared herself to her "ornery" children when she was depressed after her last wife position was usurped by Robyn.  Since Kody never acknowledges that it makes sense for her to be upset, it seems like she tries to convince herself that she's at fault. I think Christine is the most insecure of all the wives despite her loud, peppy persona. 

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At the time there were too many THs from Christine about how they don't kiss before marriage and she was really upset about his behavior with Robyn. So I am calling BS also. They all know that Robyn was crucified for kissing Kody while Christine was in labor and since this episode was the Robyn Redemption Eppie,  I bet Christine was told to put up the tweet. My bet is Kody was behind it.

Edited by Galloway Cave
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Seriously. Christine was very upset, on camera. Her last pregnancy (time of attention from Kody) got ruined by a thin, "hot", next wife being courted and Kody was driving for hours to visit her at one point. It was clear from what we saw filmed that Robyn was loving the attention and kissing was probably not the only thing the only way she secured it. Christine is the woman who walked off the set on camera when she found out Kody and Robyn chose her dress together. We learned from other sources it was for 3 days. She's that upset about that non sexual Brown/AUB ritual being destroyed by Robyn she's not going to *encourage* Kody to do anything physical unless she is 100% a doormat and that is not how she has tried to portray herself.


She's either trying to convince herself that everything is super fine in happy, shiny plyg world or she has been manipulated into retracting a lot of footage which shows her *at the time* being very critical of Kody/Robyn. But hey she was being totally unreasonable because its not like pregnancy is sometimes when you need someone to give you extra emotional and practical support, no its the best time to also be "multiplying love" in a totally different way to your 3rd wife literally multiplying.

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  I bet Christine was told to put up the tweet. My bet is Kody was behind it.

Yeah, I can so see Kody reminding Christine that she supposedly said it and trying to convince her she must've forgotten. I don't see the healthiest relationship between those two these days. Even if Christine did say it way back when, she was probably speaking hypothetically and never imagined there would ever be another wife. Can't blame her for getting upset when the pre-marital smooching actually happened. But she called herself "selfish" about it on twitter! Sad. And Robyn responded with her smug-humble self saying "It can be confusing, hugs!"

Edited by purpleflowers
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This is a woman who walked out over dress shopping. Dress. Shopping. I believe that action far more than any tweet years after the fact.


              I doubt it was the dress shopping per se but more the feeling of being betrayed, like oh here's all the women picking out the dresses, the sneaky factor of it- like Robyn just went with all of them to kiss ass, but secretly it is all about the  teenage lovebirds and not about building a relationship of trust and respect with the other women when Chris was probably trying to give her a chance.  And of course having to watch all the tv stuff like "Tee hee, Kody's my soulmate!"  or "I got what I waaanteddd!" (finding out what kind of kodling she was having).. or the constant gross plaintive 12-year-old tone during sofa whinefests   "Wuuuull, I had to move all the way here......"   and so on.

The 'you can kiss your next wife' comment, might be another half-truth meant for #5, maybe she did say it, but said it post-robyn- just sayin lol

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I do think in general Christine felt she had a good deal in her faith Before.Robyn. She was the 3rd and last wife for 15 years, she and Janelle made it work between them. She was having the girls, (mostly) and Janelle was having the boys (mostly) at the same time. Meant.to.be! Supposedly the AUB were unlikely to approve another wife based on financial standing, so they finally get a good set up in Lehi...........And suddenly Robyn has wondered in and becomes new tasty flavour of the TLC show. Literally her nightmare. *And* it's proven dawned on fans that is *is* a huge amount about sex and fertility, no matter what they spout.

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I do think in general Christine felt she had a good deal in her faith Before.Robyn. She was the 3rd and last wife for 15 years, she and Janelle made it work between them. She was having the girls, (mostly) and Janelle was having the boys (mostly) at the same time. Meant.to.be! Supposedly the AUB were unlikely to approve another wife based on financial standing, so they finally get a good set up in Lehi...........And suddenly Robyn has wondered in and becomes new tasty flavour of the TLC show. Literally her nightmare. *And* it's proven dawned on fans that is *is* a huge amount about sex and fertility, no matter what they spout. (featherhat)


       thinner and sorta younger or not- the lost little girl who talks baby talk, oh rescue me white knight thing only gets you so far before you're just like, well, sorta boring. It's great when someone is all omgomg you're the best thing since sliced bread- decorate your sacred boudoir with all the little knickknacks from past memories all you want, but all that junk and even occasional satisfactory banging doesn't make up for someone whose mind you respect, who has other not only endearing, but enduring qualities. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, because the bloom may be off the rose soon enough. 


Still liking Christine's nerd glasses and her outfit she had on one of the recent sofa sessions, the one with I think a reddish jacket and a scarf. She has such beautiful hair even in a ponytail.Janelle I think I prefer her retro glam look as opposed to the flat hair look. Meri I'm with you guys about losing the self tanner- she seems to be really photogenic in all the press photos though, with her less is more (less big hair, less eyeliner, less orange). Still loving all the snark here, these ladies know how to bring it.

Edited by BlackWidow
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Christine is exhibit A for living with cognitive dissonance. She changes her history to suit her needs emotionally. Almost all successful polygamous wives have to do it, or you get the flip side of the coin (used by her mother and aunt for example) "I was living a lie."

I doubt Kody asked or made her do it at all. That would require leadership and actual direction on his part. I think she's retold the story in her own head so many times she now believes she thought and did something differently. And her family is gentle enough to not correct her memories, because when they do, it's a mental breakdown for her and incredibly unpleasant for all of them. Robyn coming in, just by coming in, broke down a lot of false memories. This "wedding" is likely breaking down a lot of false memories.

I bet she has explosive moments but hides them well.

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Even better: wacky in a GOOD way, as opposed to the Meri way.  Team Christine!

To me, anyway, there's no comparison as Christine appears refreshingly earthy vs Meri who may very well be bi-polar. Notice how she wanted another child for so long yet rejected opportunities ( Kody's fertility & Robyn's surrogacy offers ).

Of the four, she's definitely the one I'd most want to hang out with.  And I say she's the one who seems to have the most natural chemistry with Cody.

hmmm...now that's interesting. I would've said that about Robyn & Kody, where I see genuine joy for both. WIth Christine, it seems more on her side.

I think Christine is angry nice in a keep it sweet way. (She is really pissed but overcompensates by being cheerful).

Isn't that called passive-aggressive?

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There was a discussion to change the general chat title (I love the new title BTW!) - could we change Christine's also?


I'm thinking something like

'She Wanted a Family, Not Just The Asshat' (Douchebag, King of Idiots, Kody-Clown, really too many to list here).

'She Wanted a Family, But She Got A Bunch Of Crying Adults and 1 Ass-Clown.


Anybody else?

How about:  " She wanted a Family, But She got Peter Pan & The Lost Boys ( and girls )

"Stealing the children" ranks right up there with how toasters kill people.

No one will have to stela the children. They're starting to leave already, in 2015, for out of area colleges.

Yes, briefly.  They seem to think that someone can just come and remove your children just because you're a polygamist.  It doesn't surprise me that Christine would believe it because, frankly, she's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, even though I find her to be fairly likeable.

The fact that Chrisitne's still with Kody after he was making out with Robyn while she was giving birth to Truly is pathetic.

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I feel really, really sorry for Christine.


It seems she married Kody out of some kind of defence-mechanism she had about polygamy. From tonight's episode, we know that Christine married Kody not too long after Christine's mom's divorce.


It seems that even though she was a young adult by the time her mom dared to break away from the fold and try to find some happiness, the divorce really affected Christine. She seems to have been oblivious to her mother's unhappiness in the marriage, and quite angry with her mother for breaking up the family. This seems to have grown to be an overly defensive block she has about polygamy - by her own admission she wanted to be a 3rd wife. Its like unconsciously she was saying "Mom you were wrong, life was great - I'll show you how wrong you were and marry Kody and have the same wonderful life you had!"


Sadly of course, history has repeated itself, as it always does, and Christine is in the same kind of empty marriage her mom describes leaving. But of course, Christine is stuck her some teenage rebellion and hell bent on sticking with the marriage, despite the OBVIOUS misery.


Its really quite sad.

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Yes, briefly.  They seem to think that someone can just come and remove your children just because you're a polygamist.  It doesn't surprise me that Christine would believe it because, frankly, she's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, even though I find her to be fairly likeable.

I suspect Christine is not such a dimwit as some believe. After all, she takes direction from TLC quite well: knows her/lines, when/where to sit/stand while on camera.

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Guys, I decided to post this here, and my apologies if any of you is the lady who wrote this book. But I stumbled across this video and all I could think of was Christine's fishstick tacos with a side of corn (not to mention mock tapioca...)



You guys are too young. Dump cakes were quite popular in the 80s when so many mothers were doing it all -- climbing the professional ladder while caring for young families. 

Ha...not too young here--guess I just missed "dump cakes" in the '80s, during the awful era of "I can bring home the bacon. Fry it up in a pan. And never, never, never let you forget you're a man. 'Cause I'm a WOMAN. Enjoli."  Friggin sexist bullshit. :)

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My son did the USMA (West Point) after interviewing at all of them. The students draw salary while they're there, and from that they pay for laundry, uniforms, computers etc. They suggest sending the kids with $3k or so in the bank in case the paymaster or whatever gets jacked up. In year 3 there is D-Day. That is Decision Day. At that point, they can leave the school and I think there's no fees or anything for their education that far.

After D-Day, they have a contract promising 5 years active duty to commence upon graduation. It takes a LOT of effort to flunk out because everyone pitches in to pull you along the rough stuff. It is a huge honor to make the cut at our Academies, and the grads are some of the most accomplished and humble people I've ever met.

I'd love to hear more from Hunter as he goes through the next few years!

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I live in Vegas and my friend had a Christine et al sighting recently.  She was shopping at Target and thought she heard someone hollering for Truley.  Sure enough it was Christine.  She was shopping with her kids.  My friend followed her for a little bit and decided she was acting stalkerish.  She said she looks like she does on teevee.  Nothing real interesting to add, but I think Christine is kind of a doo doo bird.  If it's an act, it's wearing thin.  She is a grown woman.  The stupid remarks she made in front of the "investors"  was just beyond idiotic.  I wish I could feel sorry for her, but if she is really the unaware of the dumb things she says, then I can't even.

I live in Vegas and my friend had a Christine et al sighting recently.  She was shopping at Target and thought she heard someone hollering for Truley.  Sure enough it was Christine.  She was shopping with her kids.  My friend followed her for a little bit and decided she was acting stalkerish.  She said she looks like she does on teevee.  Nothing real interesting to add, but I think Christine is kind of a doo doo bird.  If it's an act, it's wearing thin.  She is a grown woman.  The stupid remarks she made in front of the "investors"  was just beyond idiotic.  I wish I could feel sorry for her, but if she is really the unaware of the dumb things she says, then I can't even.

I think they like Target a lot. I was mortified when I saw recent photos of Robyn wearing a maxi dress that I own, purchased at Target. I honestly doubt I'll ever wear it again.

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