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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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honestly, I'm not a fan of Jackie or anything and I think what she did was HORRIBLE - but that's just kind of stalking her. She's mentally ill, we all already know that. She must be to spend 24/7 at home inventing people to be in order to scam people. That's not something a normal person would do. Clearly, we've established there's something wrong with Jackie. These women are constantly taunting and "investigating" her 24/7 via Twitter, forums, Facebook, etc. I know what she did to many women/men and Meri is "asking for it" but really, she's going to snap at some point. I fear for her elderly mom, who she lives with. 

I disagree.  I don't believe she's mentally ill at all and IMO to assume that she is is a great slap in the face to those who truly struggle with mental illness.   She's a professional con and she's been very good at conning for many years.  The only reason this really blew out of proportion is because she made the mistake of conning someone who's somewhat in the public eye (who has a moderate fan following, particularly as the sister wife that most feel the most sorry for) and her con was witnessed by many, exposed by many.  Now she has to keep it up otherwise if Samuel Cooper just disappeared then it would mean to her that all of the sleuths were smarter than her.   She's a cagey calculating beeotch if you ask me.  And furthermore I dont feel that any of us are qualified to "establish" that something is wrong with her.   Yes people have websites and blogs and social media posts pertaining to her and her endeavors but I hardly think that's going to put her over the edge lol

  • Love 8

Well some of you clearly missed the societal message that a woman's value lies in her physical attractiveness (and you can't be attractive if you are fat).


I strongly recommend y'all read more Cosmo.


Yeah, don't we all know that we exist for the pleasure of men? LOL. It cracks me up when a guy will have a huge beer gut and have the nerve to call a woman fat. I turn it around and say there is no reason for a man to be fat because it is easier for them to lose weight. 

Anyway, it is sad that these women put up with this polygamy bullshit because they are afraid of what will happen when they die. There is no answer to what happens after this life, so do what you can to be happy now. Meri thinks big houses and her expensive (tacky) taste is what will make her happy but clearly she is miserable. 

I disagree.  I don't believe she's mentally ill at all and IMO to assume that she is is a great slap in the face to those who truly struggle with mental illness.   She's a professional con and she's been very good at conning for many years.  The only reason this really blew out of proportion is because she made the mistake of conning someone who's somewhat in the public eye (who has a moderate fan following, particularly as the sister wife that most feel the most sorry for) and her con was witnessed by many, exposed by many.  Now she has to keep it up otherwise if Samuel Cooper just disappeared then it would mean to her that all of the sleuths were smarter than her.   She's a cagey calculating beeotch if you ask me.  And furthermore I dont feel that any of us are qualified to "establish" that something is wrong with her.   Yes people have websites and blogs and social media posts pertaining to her and her endeavors but I hardly think that's going to put her over the edge lol



    Well, it could be both things though. Not that I'm apologizing for her by any means, but most reasonable people wouldn't do this, right?

This gets into the whole debate about whether people are just 'bad' or 'sick' as some camps believe it is either one or the other. One would think something has to be 'wrong' in some way for a person to bother doing something like this, but people do all kinds of crazy, messed up things, whether or not they have some official diagnosis. I think Meri will come out of this and be ok, just hope all this doesn't further isolate her and keep her from letting good new people into her life. Sure even friends you already know can be annoying or piss you off at times but hope Meri realizes what happened here is the exception, not the rule.


         Considering her situation and all intra-sisterwives issues aside, likely most people feel at least some compassion for Meri whether or not they 'like' her, not knowing her from anything but the show. They call it 'reality tv' but I would bet there are all kinds of things we don't know, and most of us have no clue what life is like on a day-to-day basis in plyg-world. We give her a bad time over things like the wet bar, but holding that up to the myriad of things she has likely put up over the years, it doesn't seem like as huge of a thing that the show made it seem. Sad thing is, I remember when the construction was going on, it was all about how Meri's house was going to be the gathering place for events and holidays and so on, but as time has gone by, it looks like they don't really even hang out much with each other. I just know if the next season which apparently has not been renewed yet is mostly about #4 and cody, I'm not going to bother with it.

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I disagree.  I don't believe she's mentally ill at all and IMO to assume that she is is a great slap in the face to those who truly struggle with mental illness.   She's a professional con and she's been very good at conning for many years.  The only reason this really blew out of proportion is because she made the mistake of conning someone who's somewhat in the public eye (who has a moderate fan following, particularly as the sister wife that most feel the most sorry for) and her con was witnessed by many, exposed by many.  Now she has to keep it up otherwise if Samuel Cooper just disappeared then it would mean to her that all of the sleuths were smarter than her.   She's a cagey calculating beeotch if you ask me.  And furthermore I dont feel that any of us are qualified to "establish" that something is wrong with her.   Yes people have websites and blogs and social media posts pertaining to her and her endeavors but I hardly think that's going to put her over the edge lol


I have my own thoughts about people like JO - To me they are what I call morally ill.  Being mentally ill is something else.  She is a person with a sickness of the soul, not the mind.  I don't think Psychology addresses and distinguishes such sickness from mental illness and that is regrettable.  Morality and ethics tend to get tossed in with philosophy and religion so it's like never the twain shall meet.  The thing about soul sickness is like everything else related to morality and ethics, trying to figure out the cause always involves one part personal responsibility and "nature" and one part environment and "nurture".  Just how much of what makes JO so f-ed up is due to her genes, her environment or her unique personal choices is anybody's guess.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 4

Why is everyone else so silent about this trip?

They're usually quiet about TLC-funded events and trips.

Who is Meri's friend? Bet she's BFF after getting a free trip to Hawaii.

I can understand why Meri brought a friend along though. Everyone has younger children to keep them occupied but she would have downtime where she's just alone.

Too bad Meri got Catfished and didn't find a real guy. I bet this season would have been exciting and fun for her as she continued a new relationship.

The only reason I could even possibly think that they would move to LA is for TLC storylines and they are that desperate to keep the gravy train rolling. Especially if Meri isn't filming as much/they won't give any more details of the catfishing from her POV (her choice). There's really only Robin's Princess Ariel otherwise and lord knows that's most likely to be another on screen snooze fest.

Possibly Maddie's wedding I supposed but who know how much of that the couple want to be documented, (or unless TLC ponies up some bonus for them maybe).

"The Sister Wives Take LA" sounds like something TLC/Kody could have cooked up, although with Kody you wonder if he thinks he can strike it big whilst he's there. They'd be more isolated than ever from their Church in LA, way more so than in Nevada, I really would like to know if its just lip service these days, how their Elders view them and what they actually currently believe, but we won't get that honesty from them.

Of course the LA rumour is likely complete bunk from a 3rd rate gossip site, but I could see them pitching it.

They'd be more isolated than ever from their Church in LA, way more so than in Nevada, I really would like to know if its just lip service these days, how their Elders view them and what they actually currently believe, but we won't get that honesty from them.


I don't thing religion has played a part in this debacle for quite some time unless it's the Church of the Almighty Dollar.  I don't, for a hot second, believe that they answer to any church governing body since they clearly make up whatever rules they need to fit their current con.  


Their gravy train is rolling off the end of the track and I don't think there is anything they can do to regain any interest unless the whole contingent of wives walks off into the sunset.  And the misogynistic Lord High Kodufus would never permit that, even for the ratings.  That little Napoleon needs to remain the controller.

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I read (where I don't remember) that they are moving. Anyone?

I can't imagine they'll hold on to Meri's house for much longer.  One, they cannot afford 4 McMansions.  Two, it sits nearly empty except for when it's used to host scummy LIV "parties."  Three, Meri hates these people and doesn't want to reside on the same block.


If they can't afford LV real estate how can they afford la real estate.


I had that exact, same thought when I saw the LA rumors. Heck, they can't even *really* afford to live in Utah. Their "lifestyle" IS NOT SUSTAINABLE, at least not when they're all a bunch of lazy slugs.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I know some people don't like to hear about bat idiot's antics, but I couldn't resist checking once in a while.  I saw that another book is coming out.  It's unbelievable to me that no one is stopping this fool.  I actually feel bad for Kody, which is something I would have never thought possible. What more could there possibly be to say, especially since the first "book" was so lame.  The title is incredibly stupid, too.  And yes, I am judging a book by it's cover (and name).

  • Love 5

Where did you see the trailer for the new season, Cinci? I can't find it.


I am not sure how I feel about this Mariah/Meri storyline.  I am uncomfortable with the idea of the using the kids to show the fallout from the catfish situation, even the grown ones.  If Kody or any of the Sheep Wives want to talk about it fine, but I don't want to see any of the children discussing this very intimate and personal, extremely adult situation.  I think they've all been embarrassed enough, and to the extent any of them really want to share their feelings because they are pissed off, well ... imo it is not the place of the kids to judge their mother's sex life or marital relationship with their father.  It's simply not their business to be talking about on TV.


That is not to say they are not entitled to their feelings about the situation.  Mariah was semi-directly involved when her mother used the Disney trip with her to try and hook up, and her feelings about that are completely valid.  As would be anything (like feeling neglected) which Mariah experienced as her mother devoted much of her attention to her relationship with "Sam," and also any feelings she has about her mother's plan to swoosh off to ... was it Chicago? and leave Mariah on her own in Nevada or Utah or wherever she is.  But I have the feeling it won't end there.  I anticipate a lot of judge-y disappointedness and whining about Meri not living up to Mariah's ideals and I just don't want to hear it.  I would like to hear Mariah say the whole situation at home has her re-thinking her position on polygamy, though.  I want something good to come out of all this, lol. 


I am a little surprised by my own opinion of this, quite frankly. I would normally want as much info and drama and honesty as the Browns can bare to show viewers. But not in this case.  I guess I am just sick and tired of the whole catfish saga at this point and I don't really want this psycho person to get any more jollies, especially not at the expense of the Brown kids.  And being the sicko that she is, I know it would bring her way too much happiness to see Meri's relationship with Mariah diminished in some way.  If for no other reason than to spite the catfish, I'd rather see how the whole thing brought Meri and Mariah closer.  I realize that may not be the reality of the situation, but the Browns and TLC have never cared about showing reality, so ... I hope that is how it plays out. 

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I agree with you I had kinda an unsettling feeling when Mariah was shown to be addressing it. I know she's an adult, and entitled to speak her mind if she chooses, but even as an adult I'm not sure a child should be that deeply involved in a adultury/divorce situation. I can understand her feeling betrayed, she had grown up being taught this was an awesome lifestyle by one of the biggest kool-aid drinkers of the bunch, she was one of the only kids who stated they for sure wanted to be a sisterwife herself (granted I think she has since changed her mind or is at least open to not) so to now see the flaws must be hard. But I'm not sure I really want to see her having a high and mighty attitude about what her mom did was wrong... She tends to be pretty condescending when she doesn't agree with something, did her mom do some stuff wrong... Yeah... But I think she doesn't need the punishment from her daughter publically.

  • Love 6

Does anyone know what's up with this Almost meri'ed version 2? I am wondering what was added to the book. And this netterrrr person from twitter, going to jackies house? Just wow, now that is getting close to crossing the line, imo.

Kooda just so you know this Nett person is actually a pretty big psycho. Google the name @netterrrrrrr and you'll see what I mean. google trollhugs.com 

  • Love 1

Ooh, I just saw the commercial for the May 8 season opener. Meri insisting to Kody, "I did not have an affair! Every bit of it was a lie!" Kody saying, "you just wanted out of your relationship with ME." Meri saying, "SHE MESSED WITH THE WRONG..WOMAN!"

Dare we hope they will actually address the catfishing honestly and in detail?! Because I would tune in.

  • Love 2

Fat chance.  Lord High King on Earth and Planetary Leader will make it all about his hurt feelings.  Nothing that we don't already know will ever be discussed, just lots of moaning, crying, and woe-is-me.

They're just going to use the incident to boost ratings, all while performing it by script, leaving anything genuine on the cutting room floor. The manufactured bullshit they show the public has as much to do with reality as a can of deviled ham has to do with a pig. They're hornswaggling everyone for money...just like Jackie.

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If Meri would open her eyes a bit.. and realize there are other options, she could possibly get another reality show for a little while while she explores those very options. I would watch as long as she detaches from Kody.

I'd love to see her lose the orange tan, go to school/for training? move out, make friends, oh yeah... and then see Christine and Janelle follow.

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What is keeping Meri there at this point? i hope someone has the balls to ask this. I think it's just that she has the free mcmansion and she literally does nothing all day. If she left Kody she'd actually have to get her own place (which she can't do because she has horrible credit) and get a real job.

Do you consider their McMansions to be free? All their income goes to support the 4 ridiculous houses. They're "house poor." If Meri let Kody and her wet bar go while being able to get TLC pay for 2 more seasons, she would be able to easily afford a condo and her lifestyle. Honestly, I think she'd be the only housewife with the possibility of financial security.
  • Love 3

Do you consider their McMansions to be free? All their income goes to support the 4 ridiculous houses. They're "house poor." If Meri let Kody and her wet bar go while being able to get TLC pay for 2 more seasons, she would be able to easily afford a condo and her lifestyle. Honestly, I think she'd be the only housewife with the possibility of financial security.

I'd just love to know what the real story is with those houses. I thought they did these short term interest only loans. TLC must be footing the bill in one way or another. 

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I could just see it now, "Sisters to the End", starring Meri and any of the other wives who get up the gumption to FINALLY leave that asshole (hopefully Janelle).  Or even just Meri herself.  With most of the public rooting for these women to finally stop the madness and leave that destructive "marriage", I'd imagine their ratings would ensure them a decent income for a while.  I've been trying to rationalize Meri's staying in that negative situation in financial terms, but she doesn't need to stay in it to earn enough money to live decently in Vegas or anywhere.  I think she's afraid she'll lose the family.  But hasn't she already alienated herself from some of them anyway?  So what is she hanging on to at this point?  She needs to face reality.  Maybe she's living out a contract and is avoiding threatened legal action if she breaks it?  Is she being guilted into staying there based on the belief that she'll go to hell if she leaves?  I can't figure it out.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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I could just see it now, "Sisters to the End", starring Meri and any of the other wives who get up the gumption to FINALLY leave that asshole (hopefully Janelle).  Or even just Meri herself.  With most of the public rooting for these women to finally stop the madness and leave that destructive "marriage", I'd imagine their ratings would ensure them a decent income for a while.  I've been trying to rationalize Meri's staying in that negative situation in financial terms, but she doesn't need to stay in it to earn enough money to live decently in Vegas or anywhere.  I think she's afraid she'll lose the family.  But hasn't she already alienated herself from some of them anyway?  So what is she hanging on to at this point?  She needs to face reality.  Maybe she's living out a contract and is avoiding threatened legal action if she breaks it?  Is she being guilted into staying there based on the belief that she'll go to hell if she leaves?  I can't figure it out.

Really great questions.  Why is she still hanging on?  Can you imagine being fed their principles for your entire lifetime and then coming to recognize that it is all a lie?  A lie/lifestyle to just exploit your gender and benefit a select handful of men.  Meri floats in the foam of the Denial river because it is the safest place for her.  She's not ready to process through all the complex thoughts and feelings involved with understanding that there isn't a celestial planet.  Also, take into consideration that she loves all the children.  She has watched their church excommunicate people and saw how their families shunned them.  She doesn't want to be rejected by the children. 

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