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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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Y'all, Sam really IS a superhero.  Check out his ability to defy all bounds of time and space....after the Super Bowl they:

- Made it back to the hotel and hung out in the lobby until the random 74-year-old black man he gave a free ticket to was picked up by his family

- Went from the Bay Area to Vegas (I assuming this is all by Sam flying them everywhere in one of his three planes)

- Vegas to Denver

- Denver to Chicago, whereupon he WROTE a long-asssed blog post and went to sleep.  But he'll be back in the office by 2 p.m.!


His Superbowl wrap-up was HIGH COMEDY.  What's with all the random fucking details?  And what straight man, headed to the Superbowl, is at all concerned about his outfit?  My favorite part was someone assuming he was related to Peyton Manning.


Oh wait, had to edit to share this gem of a Tweet from Sam on Friday:

Getting tix for #TheChoice. Thank you @NicholasSparks for getting all these beautiful women in line to this movie. I owe ya one Lol


Because 6'6" tall straight multimillionaires just LOOOOOVE Nicholas Sparks movies!

Edited by Nancybeth
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Once again, JO's (pathetic) life bleeds through Sam's blog posts. This time he's talking about how wacky Lindsay *cough JO cough* drank 12 beers and then drove home.


"Lindsay and Ben had seats a few rows over from us. I asked Ben if he had enough money on him. He said he thought so why? I said because Super Bowl beers are $13 each and you are sitting with a fish Lol He said he would get out the Visa if she got out of hand. He said he didn’t think she would drink that much. (Does he not know her by now? Lol) This is a woman who “allegedly” drank 2 buckets of beer ALL BY HERSELF with 6 beers in each bucket. And got up without staggering at all. In fact she drove home that night."


As someone who lost a friend in a drunk driving accident, JO is even more of a loser than I ever thought.

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Y'all, Sam really IS a superhero.  Check out his ability to defy all bounds of time and space....after the Super Bowl they:

- Made it back to the hotel and hung out in the lobby until the random 74-year-old black man he gave a free ticket to was picked up by his family

- Went from the Bay Area to Vegas (I assuming this is all by Sam flying them everywhere in one of his three planes)

- Vegas to Denver

- Denver to Chicago, whereupon he WROTE a long-asssed blog post and went to sleep.  But he'll be back in the office by 2 p.m.!

Maybe he is actually Doctor Who and one of his planes is the TARDIS.


Are we suppose to think Lindsay's antics are cute and funny? Lindsay is basically JO in this "Sam" fantasy world. If I was making up a person to be me in some sort of fantasy, I would make the person better than my actual self. Oh wait, Lindsay has a Bradley Cooper doppleganger as her husband. I guess that is better than her real life bucket of chicken as her husband.



Because 6'6" tall straight multimillionaires just LOOOOOVE Nicholas Sparks movies!

This cracked me up! I am a 5'2" straight female that hates Nicholas Sparks movies. Sam probably watches Nicholas Sparks movies in between shopping at Yankee Candle and Hobby Lobby.

Edited by Misslindsey
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Right now, JO's blogging is targeting a very specific audience- the few of us on the forums/blogs/Twit who are still talking about the catfishing. She is writing very outlandish crap that doesn't make any sense, the forums laugh their asses off and discuss how improbable or flat out wrong "Sam's" antics are and JO gets her little daily thrill. It's performance art from a very sick mind.

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She stopped writing for Meri and now writes for us. I wonder what would happen if we didn't mention her in here for a whole week.


I'm willing to sign a "week off" pledge.  I do feel like we're just what she lives for these days although I'm sure that there are other sites that discuss her crap.  We, however, are probably the most articulate.

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"Sam" definitely reads our posts here. This statement from his blog- "We are men and men drink beer at the Super Bowl! "

And there was another one that had something to do with Melons in California, and "Sam" wrote "insert dirty old man joke here" or something similar. "Sam" is writing this because he's trying to prove (unsuccessfully) that he's a Man.

And why at the Super Bowl would they slash the price of Merchandise down for the winning team? I know for the team that loses, they send the shirts to Africa, or or their Countries that are poor. That's why in some pics you see Children in poor Countries wearing a shirt of a team that DID NOT win the Game.

I'm willing to sign a "week off" pledge.  I do feel like we're just what she lives for these days although I'm sure that there are other sites that discuss her crap.  We, however, are probably the most articulate.

I only read here, and having read that--I'm good to neither think about, nor talk about this POS for a week starting, well how about right now?


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About the Leukemia, "Sam" has posted in the past that "he" was initially diagnosed w/ it at age 4.   It's shameful that Overton disrespects past/present members of the U.S. Military by many years of portraying "Sam" as a former Marine, but even more shameful that it never occurred to her that someone with Leukemia would make it into the Military to begin with.   There is NO way they'd get in.  She is not only delusional but effin daft.

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Hey is that the famous wet bar in the background of this pic?  The WHOLE wet bar?  That is what Meri made all the fuss about?  Seriously?




She's got a couple of pictures of Solomon making Valentine's Day cookies with her.  He's gotten so big.  He is also on her profile picture.  She seems to be pretty close to him. 




I bet now the twins will be born this week just for us to break this oath.


Stay strong! 

I think I may found Mr half face! Clever girl may have actually picked the real Sam Cooper! There is a Sam Cooper that lives in Chicago, and I believe may work for a big accounting firm ( D****tte). There is a photo circulating of this man and a girl named Megan at the Art Institute of Chicago party in 2014. This doppelgänger only adds to the confusion, which is probably the point.

Post edit: funny thing is, when I googled the photo, an add for Hobby Lobby came up under the picture! Haha- Sam's fave!

Edited by Juliegirlj
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Hey is that the famous wet bar in the background of this pic?  The WHOLE wet bar?  That is what Meri made all the fuss about?  Seriously?




She's got a couple of pictures of Solomon making Valentine's Day cookies with her.  He's gotten so big.  He is also on her profile picture.  She seems to be pretty close to him.

I wasn't around when Meri made a fuss about the wet bar, but I believe I read that she wanted it for the MLM business get-togethers and for the whole Brown family clan to have a place for family parties and gatherings. I think it's sweet that she's getting involved more with some of the kids--we don't see it very often on the show. I do recall that episode where Robyn's kids came back from visiting their biological dad (after the adoption), and Dayton got out of the car and ran to Meri for a hug. Meri does seem to have a good rapport with the kids--when Mykelti came home to announce that the Mormon church wouldn't let her join, she went to Meri's house (and Robyn was there visiting)--could be Janelle was at work at that time, but we didn't see or hear that.


I am glad to see Meri's doing something like baking cookies with Solomon--sure beats sitting at her computer and moping over "Sam"! I sure hope she's not keeping tabs on catfish's activities--although maybe it's Meri ignoring/not responding to catfish's online overtures is driving catfish even more nuts.


Oh, I see now.  I only saw the little sink in the corner and was not impressed.  Wow, the actual "bar" part itself is huge.  No wonder it cost so damn much. 


I have to admit, I just don't "get" the whole wet bar concept.  My mother-in-law had one in her house and it just seemed so silly and was never used (the sink part I mean).   The counter part got lots of use, but when a sink was needed people always just used the one 25 feet away in the kitchen because the wet bar sink was so uselessly tiny.  It seemed like nothing but a waste of good counter space.  And the plumbing part is what drives up the cost, isn't it?  Seems like Meri could have just gone with the cabinet and counter or bought a large sideboard or something and it would have worked just as well.   


Did she actually cry over getting the wet bar?  LOL is that why this thread is named "wet bar of tears" or is it just because she weeps a lot in general?  


I wish just one day in my life, my kitchen would be as clean and organized and free from clutter as Meri's looked. 

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I wish just one day in my life, my kitchen would be as clean and organized and free from clutter as Meri's looked. 


Well see, if you embraced the awesome amazingness of the plyg lifestyle, you'd have sister wives and dozens of bonus children to come over and help you clean. ;) Kidding, of course.  Like this bunch ever helps each other out.


But apart from tidying house and occasionally entertaining King Sol, what does Meri have to do all day?  Does she still take a class?

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The biggest problem with the cost for Meri to have the wet bar is that the builder had pre-approved plans.  The houses had to built to those plans.  The only plan that had a wet bar had an extra room also.  I think it also included the office/study option.


Ahhh, yeah ... now I sort of remember.  Funny how that worked out for Meri, lol.  She gets a wet bar she doesn't need and just *has* to accept a room she also doesn't need as part of the bargain.  Well played, Meri.  Well played.




Well see, if you embraced the awesome amazingness of the plyg lifestyle, you'd have sister wives and dozens of bonus children to come over and help you clean. ;) Kidding, of course.  Like this bunch ever helps each other out.


Your post makes me miss the first season of the show when the Browns were actually still (sort of) functioning as a single family.  Before .... Robyn. 


Speaking of which, where did Robyn live when she and Kody were first married?   It was a while before they moved to Las Vegas, right?  Was she staying in a teepee in the yard like Janelle was for a while or something? 

The biggest problem with the cost for Meri to have the wet bar is that the builder had pre-approved plans.  The houses had to be built to those plans.  The only plan that had a wet bar had an extra room also.  I think it also included the office/study option.

Yeah and suddenly the mystery of why she wanted the Wet Bar is clear (I'd forgotten that). I do kind of sympathise with Meri when people were saying she should just live with one of the other wives or have a small apartment because she had only one high school aged child. She would only have had much less in "assets" than the other wives and thought of that as a "punishment" for not popping out as many spirit babies as the others and everything would have gone to hell much sooner.

She could have had a smaller house, but seeing as how *none* of them could actually afford them, I can see why she just thought "to hell with it" other than being selfish I mean Or maybe Kody would have liked a quiet apartment away from everyone else. It seems like he did at one point have a "man cave" at Meri's.

If it's true that it was code for I/we'll make tons of money using my kitchen for LIV events, then that sort of makes sense. If she's got a "show room" type kitchen with lots "bar" area to showcase green goop it might look more attractive, but it doesn't seem to have paid off financially for the Browns and helped the catfish enter their lives.

Oh hey Jackie, if you're looking for validation on her, just be sure to note Catholic Priests where pink bunny suits at Holy Days of Obligation and Vegans have a special type of blue milk they love, just FYI.

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would someone tell me what the yankee candle thing is about? is it some kind of 'code' or 'micro-aggression' lol? if it is what I think it is given the other things referenced, we have a code for that, although I personally don't think it's about how much money one has or where one shops necessarily. We call it 'whiskey tango' .

Convo most likely went like this:

Meri: I love Yankee Candles.

Sam: I just had my assistant run over to the mall to get some. They're my favorite. When I light one tonight, I'll think of you.

Meri: Oh Samuel.

Sam: Meri...

Meri: Samuel Cooper, you're so funny! Have you thought more about investing in LIV?

Sam: Meri! What are you doing?!! I don't want to talk about business!!! //ignores Meri for 6 hours while Jackie tells her to make up with him//

Edited by CofCinci
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Yet another lie, too. No Yankee Candle - or any similar store - at the Cherry Creek Shopping Center (site of "his" little detour in Denver).

Unlike JO, I've actually been to Cherry Creek, many times. I also know how to do a basic web search.


Bad/lazy catfisher! Bad! Bad!

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Batfish is reportedly in Chicago. 


She/he writes:  Good morning folks. It’s cooooooooooooooooooold outside. I love Chicago but let’s warm it up over there my goodness.


Over there?  If Batfish is in Chicago like he/she says, shouldn't it be here?  Over there means somewhere other than where you are.  (Which we know is Oklahoma.) 


Of course, Batfish will probably tell us later that he/she meant "out" there and not "over" there and that autocorrect did that.

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How do you get BEHIND on sending out eBooks?  It's an email with a link or a file attached!  Keep a draft email, copy and paste all the email addresses of those who have ordered it that day into the BCC line, hit send.  DONE.  There should be no getting behind.  They're not printed copies. 


I know, I know, this is all make believe.  I don't know why I try to use logic and reason.


Also, Sam, stop watching terrible 80s and 90s comedies about parenthood and name-check some goddamn legitimate parenting and adoption books.  Start with Dr. Benjamin Spock. 

Edited by Nancybeth
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Dipshit JO has never been around a newborn, let alone possibly preterm twins. To claim that all Sam's family and friends will be visiting is a joke, because newborns are at great risk of contracting illness, and as such, should have limited exposure to unnecessary visitors. If a baby under three months old gets a fever, they are usually admitted to the hospital. It makes me sick when I see people out with a new baby- at the mall, or stores. I never took my babies out in public until they were well past the 3-4 month stage and their immune systems were stronger. JO may be realizing she will never have a child of her own ( I don't think she's ever had sexual intercourse with a man), and this baby fiction is filling some fantasy of her's. I'm beginning to sound like an armchair psychologist, but it seems pretty easy to pick apart her motives and mindset by reading her lies/stories/blog. What a pathetic, sad loser.

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Dipshit JO has never been around a newborn, let alone possibly preterm twins. To claim that all Sam's family and friends will be visiting is a joke, because newborns are at great risk of contracting illness, and as such, should have limited exposure to unnecessary visitors. If a baby under three months old gets a fever, they are usually admitted to the hospital. It makes me sick when I see people out with a new baby- at the mall, or stores. I never took my babies out in public until they were well past the 3-4 month stage and their immune systems were stronger. JO may be realizing she will never have a child of her own ( I don't think she's ever had sexual intercourse with a man), and this baby fiction is filling some fantasy of her's. I'm beginning to sound like an armchair psychologist, but it seems pretty easy to pick apart her motives and mindset by reading her lies/stories/blog. What a pathetic, sad loser.

Imaginary babies don't have to worry about germs ;)

And I thought Sam didn't have much family.

I had stopped visiting his blog, but I saw the mention of the new 40 questions blog and had a weak moment.


I think there needs to be a New Twitterer named @notrobinyet, Sam's former gay lover who is sick of everyone persecuting Sam and comes to his defense with tons of lascivious stories about their past relationship. He could even tell us Sam's favorite Yankee Candle scent.

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And the kicker, Sam says his mom committed suicide when asked how she died. Jackie has no freaking soul, that shit is not funny. She also AGAIN brings up the fact that "Meri was sexually abused" in the blog, or "abused" - whatever. Plus, of course...wow so was Sam. It's so strange that Sam was abused, super rich, a pilot at the age of 14 (when actually you're supposed to be like 15 according to laws). Sam of course was in the marines, he was in construction, he's moved all over the country and extensively travels. He's only had (what was it?) three real girlfriends, real live girlfriends. This shit is so stupid I don't get how dumb Meri was to buy all this shit.

Your last sentence continues to be the big mystery. Casual observers can pick up the massive holes in whatever tale being told immediately. How desperate (or desperately dense) must she have been to have taken any of it at face value?

Nobody is being paranoid. Everyone sees exactly what is going on.

It's become obvious that preposterous, intentionally over-the-top stuff is now being written on that blog deliberately just to get people talking. And when it doesn't work, the catfish herself appears and tries to steer the conversation back to herself by criticizing her own blog.

You're not imagining anything.

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Oh jeeeeez! Sam Cooper is in the investment business, and yet, his alleged trust fund is " sitting in the bank"!! Laughable!! Why can't she at least do a little research before she starts spewing out not only lies, but ignorant, uneducated comments. Also, with the question about immunizations she never even mentioned autism or Aspergers syndrome- only ADD. I think it is fairly obvious she is reading comments in various sites and correcting herself.

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'Sam' has brought about his own undoing. 'His' blog is completely different than it was in the beginning. He's become very lax in the research dept.'He' should have quit while he was ahead. 'He' actually had a few people wondering if 'he' was real, now there is no doubt it's a woman and an uneducated loser at that.


The more 'he's writes, the more evident it becomes .  People know and are only keeping up because they are laughing at HER. But hey...at least laughter is attention, so she doesn't care. Pathos..pure and simple.

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Yeah it was pretty obviously JO, worried that Meri's thread was being a bit neglected. So I guess my post here is giving her what she wants. She might even want everyone to know its her posting since everything from the name to the posting style was idiotically transparent if she was trying to be incognito.

BasqueGirl I guess at this point JO know a few people will check out (and talk about) her blog *because* it reads like a naïve 12 year old or a 50 year old virgin who has never even had a personal conversation with a man. But even when she was catfishing for money she was too lazy to make anything actually plausible to anyone who wasn't desperately unhappy and ready to believe anything for an escape, even a 5th rate hoaxer.

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