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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

She only wanted to spend time with Sol because he was the fruit of Kody's loins, and she was trying to get to Kody through Sol, as in - look at me, Kody!  I can love!  I'm fun!  Don't forget about meeeeee!  Lookit my hair, do you like it like this?  Kody??

It's a bit bunny-boiler, IMO...take the exalted child of the man you want, and he'll be forced to interact with you.

I recall Meri crying and pouting like a toddler when a heavily-pregnant Robyn told her no, you will not, in fact, be taking my kid on a 4-day road trip without me.  I loathe Robyn, but I don't blame her for that.  Robyn sacrificed Brianna instead.

I also hate that I remember these details so clearly.  It's taking up a lot of room in my brain.  No wonder I can never remember where I put my phone.

She should do a family painting replacing Robyn's face with hers while  holding Sol.

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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Goofy Girl reported on the other thread that her retreat has been cancelled, gee wonder why? 

I think it probably will be cancelled. But was this actually announced somewhere? I haven't see it. The tabloids just say "she's struggling to fill spots" (which is probably true). Where did the cancelled thing come from?

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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

What other thread?

Spoilers, Speculation...  Seems nobody was willing to cough up $6K for a "retreat"....

58 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

I think it probably will be cancelled. But was this actually announced somewhere? I haven't see it. The tabloids just say "she's struggling to fill spots" (which is probably true). Where did the cancelled thing come from?

I saw it on the YouTube channel of Up & Adam. 

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12 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Goofy Girl reported on the other thread that her retreat has been cancelled, gee wonder why? 

😂 😂 😝 😂 😂 

The last thing we needed was Meri Brown thinking she’s worth more than the Tony Robbins empowerment weekend she just attended (which was way cheaper BTW). Just who did she think she was? Ghandi reincarnated?

If it’s true, the entire wold will be relieved. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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It's more likely that everyone who wanted a $6K spot at the B&B didn't want a $4.5K spot that required sharing a room elsewhere, and when everyone turned that down suddenly spots came "open".  

As for it being closed, the retreat isn't on the first page of the website, but it's still there in the menu and if you click through you still get the application.

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I don’t know about anyone else, but if I needed $6,000 for an emergency, that would be easier than justifying $6,000 for a “ Real Life Retreat”.

The way this is worded, it made me think of once upon a time, when people shared vacation slides with others. 🥱 

“Real Life Retreats offers a chance to explore Southern Utah with Meri Brown in her beautiful historic family home.”

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The more Meri enlightens us with her platitudes of how much she loves herself, how awesome and jet-setting and crazy fun her life is, and how she's super okay with herself, the less I believe her.

And I don't know if you can hide comments after you post on IG?  Because on this post, the vast majority of comments are very negative and I can't figure out why she's leaving them up for all to see.  The #BossBabe sycophants are starting to disappear.

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These crazy positive affirmations actually strike me as being very sad. Is this the only way Meri feels confidence and self-worth? We know the relationship with Kody is non-existent except in her mind, and she's pretty isolated from everyone else in the family, in part because she travels so much for LuLaRot. Robyn uses her when needed to prop HERSELF up. I wish Meri could live her own life without the desperation that comes through all of these positive affirmations. I don't even like her, but I feel sorry for her. Except I don't because she's mean.

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5 hours ago, laurakaye said:

The more Meri enlightens us with her platitudes of how much she loves herself, how awesome and jet-setting and crazy fun her life is, and how she's super okay with herself, the less I believe her.

And I don't know if you can hide comments after you post on IG?  Because on this post, the vast majority of comments are very negative and I can't figure out why she's leaving them up for all to see.  The #BossBabe sycophants are starting to disappear.

She will never say publicly that polygamy is the problem, so even if she lives as a divorced woman like Christine, Meri is stuck in that box.  But now she's bought into this second cult - which is the "know your self worth" empowerment cult. 

The problem -  they are polar opposites. I'm all for women loving themselves. And I know a lot of therapists say daily affirmation and gratitude are the keys. But with her it seems cult like and disingenuous because how can you empower your worth if you simultaneously believe that polygamy is correct. 

Lastly, I think the public IG comments on her page are awful. I'm not exactly sure why we need to tear the woman down anymore and throw direct tomatoes at her every single day.  Christine already won. She doesn't need a public army of defenders directly shooting Meri every day.

So if she's leaving them up for people like me -  to see that other people are actually ridiculous - I'll give her that one.

(edited to add- I feel like IG is different than PT and Reddit - what we discuss here is one thing - but putting it in front of her face is another)

Edited by Tuxcat
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3 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

She will never say publicly that polygamy is the problem, so even if she lives as a divorced woman like Christine, Meri is stuck in that box.  But now she's bought into this second cult - which is the "know your self worth" empowerment cult. 

The problem -  they are polar opposites. I'm all for women loving themselves. And I know a lot of therapists say daily affirmation and gratitude are the keys. But with her it seems cult like and disingenuous because how can you empower your worth if you simultaneously believe that polygamy is correct. 

Lastly, I think the public IG comments on her page are awful. I'm not exactly sure why we need to tear the woman down anymore and throw direct tomatoes at her every single day.  Christine already won. She doesn't need a public army of defenders directly shooting Meri every day.

So if she's leaving them up for people like me -  to see that other people are actually ridiculous - I'll give her that one.

For me it’s because she’s full of shit and almost always blames others for her problems. She’s mean, even to her customers (we’ve seen her belittle them in the past). It’s her constant need for attention and approval. It’s her ridiculous filtered face. It’s her thinking she’s better than others, as was the case with her thinking she’s worth $6k for an empowerment retreat when Tony Robbins charges way less, has been doing it way longer and has an actual following and good reputation (as far as getting what you pay for). Meri reminds me of Whitney Thore with her over-confidence and ridiculousness.

It’s a good thing to be at peace with oneself and have confidence, but most people who are don’t obnoxiously share it ALL THE TIME. And then on the show she sits and scowls and cuts Christine down for doing the same thing she almost did herself!

And that’s why I think she needs to be knocked down a few notches. How dare Meri criticize Christine when she received support during her catfish scandal. F her. 

Edited to Add: I only pick on Meri here — I don’t go out of my way to comment on her IG page (though I do view it from time to time). 

Edited by TurtlePower
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The sanctification of Christine is a bit over the top. The entire family has been problematic and essentially lying for a decade. 

Meri doesn't need to help Christine anymore than Christine needed to help Meri (she didnt).  They are not friends. They were in competition for Kody's attention 25 years.

Criticizing  Meri here is fair game for discussion (she definitely has issues) - but the viewers who try to destroy her publicly without any actual true information (reality shows aren't reality) is odd behavior. 

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Yeah, I don't really believe Meri is that excited to go home to her cold, empty, lonely house, but whatever.  

On that note, I have to admit I am secretly rooting for Meri to land a cool guy .... a living, actual REAL LIVE MAN who will love her enough to convince her she deserves to be happy and get her to finally leave the shamily family.

But the reason I am rooting for Meri is not so much because I believe she deserves happiness.  I actually think she is a real stinker.  It's more because I want to see Kody's reaction.  I'm not so sure he would really be happy if Meri left him, especially for someone better than he is.  Because despite what he says, I think he would resent being replaced even though he claims has no use for Meri.  Narcissists are like that.  Her pining after him feeds into his ego and he would miss the adortation (and the chance to continue to punish her with rejection for the catfish thing).  And if Meri could land someone pretty decent, that would be put a dent in his sense of superiority. 

I am here for anything that knocks Kody off of his pedestal. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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13 hours ago, altopower said:


Okay. Hmmm. Accepted things that needed to be accepted - could this be that Kody doesn't want her?  She has cheerleaders and friends but doesn't mention family at all.

Annnnd we have The “Humblebrag” (because that makes a person SO much more likeable 🙄): “I’ve only been home 36 hours” blah blah blah. Ok, braggy braggy filter face — you know it’s getting bad when you do FWF and it’s hard to recognise your actual face (which was really bloated this last time).

I hope her retreat is an epic fail but if anyone does go, I hope they weren’t dumb enough to take out a loan to do it. Gosh I can’t stand that woman.

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Sadly, if anyone goes we won't get to hear about it if they have to sign and NDA.  Unless they are bold enough to sue her for not fulfilling the contract for services rendered.  Which I can totally see happening when you are promised nirvana and only end up with rice krispie treats.

Edited by Cetacean
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18 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

Sadly, if anyone goes we won't het to hear about it if they have to sign and NDA.  Unless they are bold enough to sue her for not fulfilling the contract for services rendered.  Which I can totally see happening when you are promised nirvana and only end up with rice krispie treats.

Q: Who says come and let me empower you, but before I do let me take your power away by having you sign this NDA?

A: Meri

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21 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Q: Who says come and let me empower you, but before I do let me take your power away by having you sign this NDA?

A: Meri


I suspect $he knows it’ll suck. $he knows $he can’t compete with someone like Tony Robbins who makes the price worth it. And he charges WAY LESS!!! 

* Using the “$” because $6k for a weekend with HER is the definition of greed. Six. Thousand. Dollars. Pretty Woman got half that for a week and supplied a lot more 😂 

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31 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Meri needs it a little lesson in practice what you preach.

Totally - she is always posting how she is so strong, living her best life, staying away from toxic people, and we never ever see posts with her and the "family". But in  last week's episode  we see her trashing Christine because Christine is finally putting her needs first and asserting her strength, moving so she can live her best life and getting out of a very toxic situation. Meri is such a hypocrite. 

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1 hour ago, ButterQueen said:

Could we take up a collection for tissues for Meri?  I’m so sick of seeing her wipe her tears/snot examine each wipe, and then rub them on her pants.  🤢

I love your user name!

"I lost Butter Queen, haven't I suffered enough?"

Sobyn is also famous for picking her eye boogers and examining them before wiping them on her pants.  😝

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9 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

I love your user name!

"I lost Butter Queen, haven't I suffered enough?"

Sobyn is also famous for picking her eye boogers and examining them before wiping them on her pants.  😝

In this episode Sobyn wiped her nose and looked at her fingers!  Did not notice if she wiped onto her pants, I had to look away.

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On 11/9/2022 at 1:53 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

There is a market for people with large wallets and a desire to do something extravagant.  They like being able to say, I met this tv celebrity.  I did this or that, etc,….it’s not about getting value for their money.  I guess Meri has some hardcore fans, if she felt she could tap into that kind of market.  Musical artists sometimes have a meet and greet that includes, drinks, food, photo and handshake with your idol.  Those VIP package deals, along with a ticket for the show, might run $2,000.-$5000.   Huge artists might charge even more, if they wanted to.  I’ll actually be surprised if she doesn’t sell out.  I wouldn’t pay those prices, but I would if I was a big fan.  I guess it’s a matter of priorities.  

True, but then again those are true celebrities. Not a vague D-lister like Meri. And I somehow doubt women with big wallets watch and adore Meri Brown and LulaNo. They tend to look up to different people and more desirable brands, and would definitely not stay in a shabby looking inn in the middle of Fxxx nowhere. I wish there were TLC cameras around to show her utter astonishment at receiving NO inquiries or bookings at all!! 

I would have given that delusional scheme of hers a chance if she charged maybe 1000 or 1500 dollars. That might have been affordable for her hardcore fans. But we are talking a lot of money here! Her clientele shills and wears LulaNO, not Prada or Versace. That says all about the amount of money they have to spend.

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On 11/12/2022 at 3:58 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

Yeah, I don't really believe Meri is that excited to go home to her cold, empty, lonely house, but whatever.  

On that note, I have to admit I am secretly rooting for Meri to land a cool guy .... a living, actual REAL LIVE MAN who will love her enough to convince her she deserves to be happy and get her to finally leave the shamily family.

But the reason I am rooting for Meri is not so much because I believe she deserves happiness.  I actually think she is a real stinker.  It's more because I want to see Kody's reaction.  I'm not so sure he would really be happy if Meri left him, especially for someone better than he is.  Because despite what he says, I think he would resent being replaced even though he claims has no use for Meri.  Narcissists are like that.  Her pining after him feeds into his ego and he would miss the adortation (and the chance to continue to punish her with rejection for the catfish thing).  And if Meri could land someone pretty decent, that would be put a dent in his sense of superiority. 

I am here for anything that knocks Kody off of his pedestal. 

I read that as pool guy.  HA!  I want Meri to find a young hot guy cause Kody deserves to see that.  For Christine, I not only want him to be hot, but SUPER wealthy and to dote on  Christine.  I would like Janelle to tell him to fuck all the way off while flipping him the bird and driving off in a giant bus/RV.

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4 hours ago, LilyD said:

True, but then again those are true celebrities. Not a vague D-lister like Meri. And I somehow doubt women with big wallets watch and adore Meri Brown and LulaNo. They tend to look up to different people and more desirable brands, and would definitely not stay in a shabby looking inn in the middle of Fxxx nowhere. I wish there were TLC cameras around to show her utter astonishment at receiving NO inquiries or bookings at all!! 

I would have given that delusional scheme of hers a chance if she charged maybe 1000 or 1500 dollars. That might have been affordable for her hardcore fans. But we are talking a lot of money here! Her clientele shills and wears LulaNO, not Prada or Versace. That says all about the amount of money they have to spend.

This. Even in Vegas when you shell out $$ for bottle service for a famous DJ, you’re getting the best of the best of the best. It’s luxury. Then you go back to your suite that has an elevator in the room and terrace and hot tub, not some small bedroom in an old house. Don’t ask how I know 😂.

Meri is asking way too much for what people will get — she’s a  very low-level “celebrity”. If she thinks she’s as in-demand as an A lister, she needs her head examined. $800, sure, that’s fair. NOT $6k. 

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