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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

🙄 🤦🏽‍♀️

Sure, Meri, let’s get right on that. Let’s start a new business in a market already full of LLR sellers. Let’s start a business selling clothes that most of us can find at thrift shops for a fraction of the cost. Let’s start a business selling unflattering clothes so that even moderately fit women will have all their flaws on full display. Let’s start a business that is ethically questionable with its clothing production. Also, let’s not forget Meri, it’s easier for you because you started early, you are on TV and you have an army of sycophants to support you—the rest of us don’t. 

I’d rather open a consignment thrift shop and repurpose nice clothes to people who either can’t (or don’t want to) buy them new versus LuLaJunk. 

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3 minutes ago, ginger90 said:



Well of course uplines want their downlines to succeed so they make more $$. Duh 🙄

HOW are they getting more people to buy into this? Gas is $6 a gallon some places—where are they finding these gullible women? 

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24 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

I can't imagine having Meri nag, nag, nag me as she probably does to these sycophantic women, to sell, sell, sell, and sign up more suckers to pad their incomes.  I'd love to send her a message, but it would be nasty!  😜

The nagging is incessant. “When you gonna get your business kit?” and “if you don’t do it now you never will.” 

I use Rodan + Fields (which is a MLM) and the lady I get my products from was relentless in trying to get me to start the “business”. I could not see myself nagging my fellow woman in such a manner—firstly I’m autistic and find communication difficult and second, I’m not pushy. I stopped getting the products for a time because she was bugging me so much. As a result, I've been unfriended and ignored. That shows it’s only ever about the money and the hustle, whether or not a person is suited to such a business. Shame, because the products are really good. The MLM reputation isn’t so good—it even made it into an episode of Family Guy. 

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4 hours ago, ginger90 said:



Two things I get from this post right from the off;  First I think she is definitely referencing the Tell Nothing when she says these people around her are filling her (each other’s) cup.  In other words, she doesn’t need Kootie to do it, she’s got the love and respect of friends to fill that gap he has left for her.  Secondly, she speaks of people who lift each other up and have each other’s backs.  Another gap that Kootie and her sister wives have left her with.  I’m not saying that Meri hasn’t brought some of this on herself.  Not a hill I want to die on, defending Meri, even though I do think she was totally betrayed by Kootie and Sobyn.  What I’m pointing out is that this post isn’t just a Lularoe advert or appeal for more down line.  It is a message to Kootie and the others that she is still deserving of the things that she doesn’t get from the family and that others find value in her, even if they don’t.  Too bad that Kootie and Sobyn (or Janelle) don’t care and will not get this message . . .

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2 hours ago, HighlandWarriorGrl said:

 What I’m pointing out is that this post isn’t just a Lularoe advert or appeal for more down line.  It is a message to Kootie and the others that she is still deserving of the things that she doesn’t get from the family and that others find value in her, even if they don’t.  Too bad that Kootie and Sobyn (or Janelle) don’t care and will not get this message . . .

For sure.  I think 50% of everything she posts is meant to make the other Brown adults think that Meri is off having the time of her life without them, with the other 50% being platitudes to build herself up, like "the tallest trees needs no shade, because the wind in the pines makes the mountain smile."  I'll wager that Robyn reads these out loud to Kody, and they both laugh and laugh and then go to Victoria's Secret.

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

For sure.  I think 50% of everything she posts is meant to make the other Brown adults think that Meri is off having the time of her life without them, with the other 50% being platitudes to build herself up, like "the tallest trees needs no shade, because the wind in the pines makes the mountain smile."  I'll wager that Robyn reads these out loud to Kody, and they both laugh and laugh and then go to Victoria's Secret.

This. I’m sure they give less than a shit about Meri’s “messages”. They probably roll their eyes at the massive attention-whoring effort Meri does. 

And I’m not convinced Meri truly is having the time of her life, she’s doing what women often do after major breakups—“look at meeee I’m so haaaa-peeee” smiley-smiley add some drivel-y post about “strength” when in actuality, they’re dying inside but won’t admit it. And yet, she stays. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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22 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Can someone PLEASE explain to me why a company that is in the business of manufacturing mass quantities of crappy leggings and employing shillers whose main job is to find more shillers needs to have 67 Disney trips per year for the purpose of "training?"  I feel like this type of event would be more at home in the damp basement of a local church on rickety folding chairs, with weak coffee and stale donuts for sustenance - instead, Disney must endure 1,500 insanely dressed women causing massive Magic Kingdom traffic jams while knocking over Mickey Mouse as they take selfie after selfie after selfie and shriek about how they're "LIVING OUR WHY!!!"  What did Disney do to deserve this fresh hell?  Think of the children!!

Disclaimer: I'm sure Disney doesn't care, as I'm certain that every single one of these women pays for these trips out of her own pockets and also drops about $400 per person on Dole Whips, Mickey ears and other useless trinkets, so Disney probably welcomes them with open arms and laughs all the way to Scrooge McDuck's money vault.

At some point since Meri joined, Lularoe has changed how they get newbies in the door. In the beginning it was people in the higher levels made money based on how much the new downliners purchased and the sign up package $$, based on watching documentaries on lularoe it was thousands of dollars up front to become a seller. However somewhere along the way they had to change that to the upline making money on the actual sales of the downline. Which greatly reduced the "money for nothing checks" the upper tiers got.

I remember seeing the "new seller" package was only like $500 or so now.

The point of getting lots and lots of sellers had nothing to do with flooding the market, because that is exactly what it did. And naturally the sellers lost money and then are told the standard "you aren't working hard enough" or "you are being negative, just be positive" BS that they use to shame people. Getting more and more people to sign up simply meant that they made LOTS of money selling to the sellers, not the end customer. As little as 1% of people selling made any money at all, and even then, most made very very little for their hours and hours of work put into the "business".

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7 hours ago, Roslyn said:

 However somewhere along the way they had to change that to the upline making money on the actual sales of the downline. Which greatly reduced the "money for nothing checks" the upper tiers got.

This must be why Meri & Christine now have to work out of town at sell-a-thons, helping their downliners sell crap so that they, the upline, will get more money.

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13 hours ago, ginger90 said:



🙄 🤔 Who is this? This can’t possibly be the same Meri Brown as seen on the Sister Wives One on One just recently.

This woman seriously needs a filter intervention—here’s the “real” Meri Brown: 

Edited to Add: Why doesn’t she just get surgery if she hates her face so much? She can probably afford it. Sure, filtering is cheaper but IMO way more fake than just going under the knife. What she’s doing is almost catfishing by altering her appearance so drastically. 


Edited by TurtlePower
Redundancy fix
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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Stupid question time. What is a Dole Whip? The other ladies looked like they were drinking Butter Beer…oh wait, that’s at Universal. Still I would not blame them if they needed a few brews to endure Meri. 

It’s vanilla ice cream, pineapple juice, and frozen pineapple chunks blended.

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22 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

It’s vanilla ice cream, pineapple juice, and frozen pineapple chunks blended.

Thank you for the answer Ginger.
I don’t think I could get through $20’s worth of them let alone $400’s worth! 
Nah, if I had to deal with Meri alcohol would need to be involved 😂

Edited by Mindthinkr
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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Thank you for the answer Ginger.
I don’t think I could get through $20’s worth of them let alone $400’s worth! 
Nah, if I had to deal with Meri alcohol would need to be involved 😂

At Disney, $20 probably buys only one dole whip!

As for Meri, I kind of like the haircut, but what is with the texture of her hair? It looks dirty, almost— no shine at all. Does she put too much product/ hairspray on it? She looks like she needs a deep conditioning treatment.

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39 minutes ago, Adiba said:

At Disney, $20 probably buys only one dole whip!

As for Meri, I kind of like the haircut, but what is with the texture of her hair? It looks dirty, almost— no shine at all. Does she put too much product/ hairspray on it? She looks like she needs a deep conditioning treatment.

It looks like she uses an entire can of AquaNet on it every day. It looks crunchy!

Edited by MargeGunderson
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How does this version of Meri breathe? She filtered out her nostrils, for heaven’s sake. This reminds me of the “look at my engagement ring” photo many newly engaged girls put on social media. Except she’s showing off her empty ring finger. Isn’t that where her colada ring used to be? And if you’re going to tune your face, keep going and smooth out your neck and décolletage, as well. Nothing is more jarring than a big old wrinkle where your neck starts.

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2 hours ago, lindalouwho said:

How does this version of Meri breathe? She filtered out her nostrils, for heaven’s sake. This reminds me of the “look at my engagement ring” photo many newly engaged girls put on social media. Except she’s showing off her empty ring finger. Isn’t that where her colada ring used to be? And if you’re going to tune your face, keep going and smooth out your neck and décolletage, as well. Nothing is more jarring than a big old wrinkle where your neck starts.

Ahaha! I didn't notice the nostril thing at first, but after your comment I zoomed in, and it looks like she spackled them shut with foundation! I can't breathe either but from laughing, not from having my mouth closed and my nostrils facetuned off!


  I will say that her lighter hand with the mascara and eyeliner looks a ton better, not as raccoon-like, in the SM pic. TurtlePower's post of both versions of Meri is wild; it's such a huge difference. I feel bad for her that she has such a need to doctor herself into oblivion like this.


3 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

It looks like she uses an entire can of AquaNet on it every day. It looks crunchy!

AquaNet! The staple of the 80's. I can still smell it, though I haven't used it in many years. 

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2 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

Meri looks like an alien 👽! A dead eyed one at that. 

Thanks for the laughs Meri. 

Let’s not insult our other-worldly brethren. They’re far more insightful and intelligent than Meri. 💕👽

I was just thinking what would happen if some aliens took Meri up to their spacecraft—they’d probably be able to stand 2 seconds before regretting their decision and kicking her out. 


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1 hour ago, Meowwww said:

Her neck!   She has a pin neck in that pic. And the comments from her followers.  Ugh. 

This is where her phoniness come in.  She permits her followers to gush over her altered appearance as if it is The Real Meri Brown.  In the meantime, she is on a campaign to enlist new minions to LLRot.  If she is that untrustworthy to let them believe that she has this dramatic physical reconfiguration between filming seasons, she can't be trusted to mentor or assist her new recruits.  

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2 hours ago, Sandy W said:

This is where her phoniness come in.  She permits her followers to gush over her altered appearance as if it is The Real Meri Brown.  In the meantime, she is on a campaign to enlist new minions to LLRot.  If she is that untrustworthy to let them believe that she has this dramatic physical reconfiguration between filming seasons, she can't be trusted to mentor or assist her new recruits.  

I mean I don't like it either but that's essentially every influencer these days. They basically are all filtered, #bestlife, untrustworthy sales people. I get the MLM is more predatory but some of the other products are also outright dangerous.  It's all criminal.I don't know why she doesn't do paid product sponsorships. She could at least get a few more gallons of flammable hairspray out of the deal.

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Meri's strength is that she appears to be very good at getting things done quickly and efficiently. We saw that in the episodes where they were packing, moving, etc. I have a similar driver personality, and I would suck at sales and Facebook Live. Meri should hire Jenn to run the Facebook Lives, and handle the backend stuff line invoices, shipping, etc, herself. Meri needs to learn to work to her strengths. She is not meant to be a person on videos. She comes across as jaded and pushy and intolerant. 

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1 hour ago, Kellyee said:

Meri's strength is that she appears to be very good at getting things done quickly and efficiently. We saw that in the episodes where they were packing, moving, etc. I have a similar driver personality, and I would suck at sales and Facebook Live. Meri should hire Jenn to run the Facebook Lives, and handle the backend stuff line invoices, shipping, etc, herself. Meri needs to learn to work to her strengths. She is not meant to be a person on videos. She comes across as jaded and pushy and intolerant. 

That’s definitely who she is at her core and she will likely never change. For all her memes about introspection, she clearly has been looking at a filtered version of who she really is (not sarcasm since all she does is filter her image). 

No matter how hard she tries, I will always see Meri as a loud, brash, mean, unenlightened and selfish person. 


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3 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

That’s definitely who she is at her core and she will likely never change. For all her memes about introspection, she clearly has been looking at a filtered version of who she really is (not sarcasm since all she does is filter her image). 

No matter how hard she tries, I will always see Meri as a loud, brash, mean, unenlightened and selfish person. 


Me too.  She is unlikable, to say the least.  Why Janelle put up with her, just to stay "married" to Kootie, I'll never understand.  Meri's been a bitch to Christine as well.

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On 2/27/2022 at 2:57 PM, TurtlePower said:

🙄 🤔 Who is this? This can’t possibly be the same Meri Brown as seen on the Sister Wives One on One just recently.

This woman seriously needs a filter intervention—here’s the “real” Meri Brown: 

A catfish….😉


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4 hours ago, TomGirl said:

“A little more influential” when referring to herself—she thinks she’s an influencer? 😆🤦🏽‍♀️

The only “influential” thing Meri has done is show everyone how easily they can filter themselves into something completely different. So much so that, in real life, no one would recognize her if all they saw was her social media. 

I’m also laughing at her saying she’s “more powerful and stronger.” Like what, Darth Vader? Voldemort? Really if she keeps filtering her nostrils shut she WILL look like Voldemort:



Edited by TurtlePower
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Isn't Mosby Mariah's dog? Wonder what is up? Is the couple visiting or are they off on a vacation? I can' tell if filtered Meri is at the B&B or home...wherever that is.

Edited by Gramto6
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