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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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3 minutes ago, Kbo said:

It’s not just international travel that my employer suspended, it’s all domestic travel, too. If enough companies do that, it’s definitely going to impact the economy, that’s for sure. 

Yes, my husband's company (large global company) has suspended all international and domestic air travel.  No idea how it will work for them tho...when the customer is screaming they need to get there quick quick.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Kbo said:

It’s not just international travel that my employer suspended, it’s all domestic travel, too. If enough companies do that, it’s definitely going to impact the economy, that’s for sure. 

I read that Comic Con in Oregon is still a go.  It attracts almost 100,000 people from all over the place and garners a lot of revenue so they don't want to cancel it.  I think it's in the next couple of weeks?  It has to be a hard decision as to whether to cancel a major event or not.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Kbo said:

I’m in eastern Washington, and the outbreak feels close. My Fortune 100 company has suspended all travel through the end of the month. I was supposed to go to India on the 29th, but that had already been canceled. I’m so relieved I don’t have to go—that trip is super hard anyway, last thing I want is to risk getting sick or quarantined in a third world country!  Plus we’re allowed to work from home for the duration.  Our Seattle office is closed because somebody was exposed (not Amazon, lol)

Our Costco locations are sold out of all wipes, TP, hand sanitizers, etc.  I can’t say much because we were out trying to stock up this past weekend ourselves. I was more focused on filling our freezer than anything, so that we have plenty of food on hand. I also don’t get the run on bottled water. It’s not a hurricane, people!  I’m just trying to make sure that if we need to stay home for a few weeks that we can. 

I'm on your side of Washington too.  I'm trying not to be nervous about stuff, but I'm a worrier by nature.  I only make a pilgrimage to Costco once a month, and I'm not due to go for a week or so.  I shop sales so we are pretty well fixed for groceries.  When I hear someone coughing, I head the other direction when possible.  Germaphobia is also something I dill with.  It's probably related to my OCD and/or depression, for which I take Paxil.  Stay well, friends.

  • Love 6

As I sat here reading, my hands felt a bit dry so I grabbed my ever-handy tube of Avon Moisture Therapy.  As I rubbed it in, I checked the label, it read "Assembled in USA/Canada", this led me to visions of huge vats of the product shipped from elsewhere and packaged in North America.  

I googled "where are Avon products made?" and the answer was China (under Avon's stringent quality controls).

I'm off to check origins of all health and beauty products that come into direct contact with skin.  

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Sandy W said:

As I sat here reading, my hands felt a bit dry so I grabbed my ever-handy tube of Avon Moisture Therapy.  As I rubbed it in, I checked the label, it read "Assembled in USA/Canada", this led me to visions of huge vats of the product shipped from elsewhere and packaged in North America.  

I googled "where are Avon products made?" and the answer was China (under Avon's stringent quality controls).

I'm off to check origins of all health and beauty products that come into direct contact with skin.  

OK, Coronavirus aside - it is interesting how many of our products do NOT come from the USA/Canada.  Like - what actually DOES?

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

OK, Coronavirus aside - it is interesting how many of our products do NOT come from the USA/Canada.  Like - what actually DOES?

So true.  My Colgate toothpaste is made in Mexico and that's clearly stated on the tube, giving me the option of deciding if I feel secure in purchasing. 

What have we done to our own manufacturing industries in search of better prices?  This is a rhetorical question, I don't have answers.

  • Love 4

So about a week ago I heard that there was a lot more particles being released from China consistent with cremation than could be explained by the relatively few (compared to the population) deaths they have reported. There has also been question as to why China would literally keep ALL workers home and close factories when it is costing the country billions of dollars.  It seemed excessive for the low numbers of deaths per population.

  Then today there was a news article showing rows of body bags and the article is stating that perhaps Iran is lying about how many deaths the country has had.

My question is this - NOT whether you believe it's true or false - that is immaterial.  But WHY.  Why would any country lie about how many deaths?  Why would that be in their best self-interest???

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

Why would that be in their best self-interest???

To avoid what is currently happening - mass panic, plummeting stock market, scores of cancellations of events and travel.

If it makes anyone feel better, viruses don't last for very long periods outside of their host with a couple of exceptions. It's highly unlikely that the chicken pox virus would remain alive on an envelope for any period of time.

Certainly hand washing should be done but that stands to reason even without the current incidents.  We just all need to simmer down and stop obsessing.  The chances of extremely small of catching it just out of nowhere.

From Science Focus:

A cold virus can sometimes survive on indoor surfaces for several days, although its ability to cause infection drops dramatically over time.

Flu viruses can survive in the air for several hours, especially at lower temperatures, and on hard surfaces they can survive and remain infectious for 24 hours.

Enteric viruses, such as norovirus and hepatitis A, can survive for weeks on a surface if conditions are suitable. The norovirus is known for causing sickness outbreaks in schools, cruise ships and hospitals.

From the CDC:

Before you isolate yourself inside your home and scrub every surface in sight, you should know that these pathogens don’t actually last for days or weeks outside the body, as commercials for some cleaning products might suggest. That’s because cold and flu viruses, despite their ferocity inside our warm bodies, are structurally wimpy and cannot bear the harsh conditions of the dry, outside world.

Viruses outside the body can be better described as either infectious or identifiable — meaning the genetic material that was once inside the virus can be detected via a lab technique like polymerase chain reaction, or PCR. This is usually what advertisements for cleaning products are referring to when they say flu viruses can survive on surfaces for days on end.

Let’s say you had an influenza virus on top of a clean desk, said Dr. Paul Auwaerter, the clinical director for the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

“Five days later, if you take a swab, put it into a molecular machine like a PCR machine and you still find DNA remnants there, that doesn’t mean you have an intact virus,” Auwaerter said. “It just means you’ve found the DNA.”

An intact virus is necessary for an infection, but this propensity reduces over time as its capsid and viral envelope begin to degrade. Once weakened, the virus is less able to attach to cells and spread its genetic material.


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We had the SARS scare several years ago, and the AIDS scare in the 80's, not to mention the Anthrax scare in the early 2000's.  Oh yeah, Ebola just a few years ago.  There's only so much we can control, and hand-washing, not touching face with unwashed hands, avoiding people that are ill, is good advice all the time.  

Hopefully the fear and risk will diminish soon.  Hypochondria strikes deep sometimes.

  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

We had the SARS scare several years ago, and the AIDS scare in the 80's, not to mention the Anthrax scare in the early 2000's.  Oh yeah, Ebola just a few years ago.  There's only so much we can control, and hand-washing, not touching face with unwashed hands, avoiding people that are ill, is good advice all the time.  

Hopefully the fear and risk will diminish soon.  Hypochondria strikes deep sometimes.

I agree with you but the thing is someone can have the virus and not be ill, and as I type this I remember that the virus is spread by droplets so I guess if someone is not coughing or sneezing you will be fine. My main concern is I have chronic allergies and I am always coughing. I do not want to scare someone because they think I am ill.

Why do people seem more worried about this than SARS ect. I do not remember the panic buying with the other viruses.

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Why do people seem more worried about this than SARS ect. I do not remember the panic buying with the other viruses.

It is a conundrum. I know we had social media when SARS kicked up but it seems like the conspiracy theorists are more active and people seem to take everything on Facebook as absolute fact when it's just gibberish. 

A young man from Singapore was attacked in London recently by a guy saying "I don't want your coronavirus in my country".  It's sad what mankind has become.

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

You are right @crazycatlady58, and coughs can be from any reason.  I sneeze in the detergent aisle at the grocery store (I do it into my elbow, though.)  Is the media playing this out to be the bogeyman of 2020?  No clue here.


Possibly.  Or else this is being downplayed to avoid massive panic.  Right now I don't BELIEVE that.... but I DO wonder why all this hooplah over only a very SMALL amount of deaths.  I don't EVER remember them washing the streets or keeping EVERYONE home from work - for ANY of those illnesses that were mentioned in the past.   Why are THEY so paranoid? (Governments).

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Possibly.  Or else this is being downplayed to avoid massive panic.  Right now I don't BELIEVE that.... but I DO wonder why all this hooplah over only a very SMALL amount of deaths.  I don't EVER remember them washing the streets or keeping EVERYONE home from work - for ANY of those illnesses that were mentioned in the past.   Why are THEY so paranoid? (Governments).

That's what I don't understand and at the same time we are told no worries, nothing to see here, just wash your hand and stay at home if you are sick which is great advice..it just is odd.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

That's what I don't understand and at the same time we are told no worries, nothing to see here, just wash your hand and stay at home if you are sick which is great advice..it just is odd.

Right?  And closing schools to "hose" them down?  (Clean).  Since when did they EVER do that?  Kids catch the flu every year  - and DIE from the flu... but when one single kid at a school comes down with the flu they don't close the school for several days to wipe the entire place down like they are with this coronavirus.  It doesn't sound like the media is being paranoid, it sounds like the whole world is!  To stress it again - I am NOT "quivering in fear" here.... I am just saying this whole scenario is odd.


  • Love 7

When King County (Seattle area) says they are buying a hotel to house Corona virus patients, that's kind of extraordinary in itself.  I don't remember that happening before.

Does washing the streets do any good?  We are being told it is spread through droplets in the air or by touching surfaces that an infected person touched.  Never have I touched a street when out and about, at least in the last 50+ years!

Strange days, indeed.  Most peculiar, momma.  (John Lennon)

  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

When King County (Seattle area) says they are buying a hotel to house Corona virus patients, that's kind of extraordinary in itself.  I don't remember that happening before.

Does washing the streets do any good?  We are being told it is spread through droplets in the air or by touching surfaces that an infected person touched.  Never have I touched a street when out and about, at least in the last 50+ years!

Strange days, indeed.  Most peculiar, momma.  (John Lennon)

So the hosing down, the deep cleaning.  All it takes is one infected person to recontaminate the area once it’s opened back up again, right?  For example, somewhere overseas an Apple store is closed and being cleaned.  What if, the minute they open the doors, an infected person comes in?  And puts their goobery hands all over the phones and tablets?  All that cleaning for nothing.  Same with schools. 

I will admit, someone near me at work was coughing (a customer) and I stayed far away. 

  • Love 6

Thanks for this discussion. I have to admit to being a bit panicked for a bit, but I realized we have been through so many of these "scares" and they pass, usually with far less devastation than TPTB predicted.

I am a widowed COL (70), part hermit by nature. I live in MT alone, I have a well and septic tank. The hoarding water thing really puzzles me. I regularly have gallons of water in my storage cubby for when my well freezes (sometimes once a winter-for days). People on city water aren't going to have a problem that I can see. And TP, really?? 

I do admit to being that person that wipes every surface of the shopping cart when I enter the store, have for years, I don't use public restrooms (hermit, don't go out much). I haven't gotten a flu shot in well over 20 years and haven't had the flu either.  I'm naturally OCD and wash my hands a lot, I do touch my face a lot so have to retrain on that. I just don't go out that much...hermit remember?

My worries are for my kids. My DD is a police captain in a major metropolitan city in CA Bay Area. She is regularly exposed to all sorts of people. My son is a Battalion Chief of a major fire dept. in the South Bay Area of CA. Also exposed to all sorts of people. They are late 40's in good health so I shouldn't worry, but I'm the mom and I do...

All said and done, yes it is scary, will that fear rule my life? He!! no! I beat breast cancer, this virus has nothing on that!!



  • Love 11

I have found a lot of stores that don't have wipes for the shopping cart.  On Etsy I have found a shopping cart handle cover that easily attaches with velcro.  Easy on, easy off, and my hands don't have to touch the shopping cart at all.  Washes and reusable.  I started using it before this latest scare since I know that stores don't clean the carts.  I just bought a couple more so I can have one in the wash and a couple in the car ready to use.  So far, I haven't left it behind, but I bought bright patterns to help catch my eye.  It's nice to know that only my hands have been on the outside of the cover, and I never have to touch the "dirty" side.  I'm sort of surprised that wearing dress gloves has not become fashionable.  It used to be that we never went to church without them!

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

My worries are for my kids. My DD is a police captain in a major metropolitan city in CA Bay Area. She is regularly exposed to all sorts of people. My son is a Battalion Chief of a major fire dept. in the South Bay Area of CA. Also exposed to all sorts of people. They are late 40's in good health so I shouldn't worry, but I'm the mom and I do...

I was thinking about you and your kids last night as I was trying to fall asleep.  Your kids are DEFINITELY in good health to be doing what they are doing for a living, and they are also young enough to avoid the deadliness of this virus as it seems to prefer the older folks.  I am confident they will be fine - even if they might catch it from the general public.

And finally - you must be SO PROUD of your children.  You raised them well, as they both chose giving and selfless professions!  : )

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Kyanight said:

I was thinking about you and your kids last night as I was trying to fall asleep.  Your kids are DEFINITELY in good health to be doing what they are doing for a living, and they are also young enough to avoid the deadliness of this virus as it seems to prefer the older folks.  I am confident they will be fine - even if they might catch it from the general public.

And finally - you must be SO PROUD of your children.  You raised them well, as they both chose giving and selfless professions!  : )

Thank you Kyanight, yes I am so proud of both of them!! I came from a very dysfunctional family and swore I would never raise my kids like I was raised, guess I did something right.

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I've been following this virus for a few weeks, mostly watching youtube videos from medical professionals, and I have been very concerned about it.  I did my stocking up last week, and I never saw anyone else doing that.  Today, my grocery store disinfectant and toilet paper sections were cleaned out.

I'm concerned because someone can carry this virus for two weeks with no symptoms, and pass it on to others.  It is highly infectious.  Since I am in the old people demo with death rates at about 14% I am going to try very hard to avoid getting sick.  I would feel a lot better if our country had been testing like other countries have been.  I'm rather alarmed at how unprepared the government has been.


  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

I've been following this virus for a few weeks, mostly watching youtube videos from medical professionals, and I have been very concerned about it.  I did my stocking up last week, and I never saw anyone else doing that.  Today, my grocery store disinfectant and toilet paper sections were cleaned out.

I'm concerned because someone can carry this virus for two weeks with no symptoms, and pass it on to others.  It is highly infectious.  Since I am in the old people demo with death rates at about 14% I am going to try very hard to avoid getting sick.  I would feel a lot better if our country had been testing like other countries have been.  I'm rather alarmed at how unprepared the government has been.


I guess I am just suspicious because if this is no big deal - and the Flu and other diseases have been far worse - why the over-kill?  Kids die from the flu - but when has an entire school been shut down for cleaning because one student was ill with it?  Never.  Now we have all kinds of schools closed for cleaning.  Why hose down streets?  Why such extreme worry from the governments?  Unless, like someone said, this MIGHT have the potential to be much worse than they are letting on - because they want to prevent panic and looting?  I have the attitude - if I get it - I get it.  I just hope that I have a mild case.  I am more worried that they will quarantine everyone to their homes or something.  Also - I know what NONE of us know what they hose the streets with - but does that crap have the potential to get into the public drinking water?  Is that why they want everyone to get water?  Because we DO have faucets in the city!!

  • Love 2

Corona virus has been found in employees in my company. Not in my office that I know of, but it’s possible that the people had contact with people in my office; it’s a multi-building campus though. I’m not really concerned about it unless it’s someone in my building. But, I would not be surprised if we are instructed to work from home for the rest of the month. I’m more concerned about the flu, which has taken down several people in close proximity to my desk. 

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I read a 3-paragraph article today which, in itself, was odd. Meaning, how brief it was considering the topic. It sounds like the US is woefully short of test kits (and has sent much of what it does have to one location, the cruise ship in quarantine off the Cali coast).

I think the issues we're going to be facing are the long incubation period without symptoms (thus enhancing the spread) and the lack of test kits.

It could be that cuts in the federal health sciences budget will turn out to be shortsighted and a grave mistake. 

The peril might not be the severity of the illness but rather that we are allowing it to gain a large head start. (If, indeed, that is happening).

FWIW, I've picked up along the way that children are under-represented in the infection rate as are females in general - and the reasons for that are still unknown.


"We don't have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate the demand going forward," Pence said during a visit to a 3M Co plant in Minnesota. "We're focused very much on a cruise ship just off the California coast today. The Coast Guard delivered a sufficient number of tests for the passengers on that ship."

Edited by suomi
  • Useful 1
22 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:
55 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Why hose down streets?

I am curious as to where you saw that. I have not nor does it come up in a search.

It hasn't come to this point in the U.S. - this was in China.  https://www.businessinsider.com/wuhan-coronavirus-china-dispatches-bleach-trucks-to-spray-down-cities-2020-2


  • Love 3

I think was a day or two ago, where I questioned hosing streets down.  If it's airborne, why do that?  I saw it on the news, and it may have been China doing the hosing.

I try not to feed into my tendency to be a hypochondriac in this kind of situation.  I've gotten a flu shot every year since I was late 50's in age.  I take my meds, eat well, and try to get enough sleep.  I haven't gone to many public places except the bank and the grocery store, of late.  

I mostly worry about Mr. Xword.  He's 70ish, and has had pneumonia twice.  We won't be going west of the Cascades for the foreseeable future, so that helps.  

3 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

So that's in fact where I did see the street hosing.  TY Kyanight.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

I think was a day or two ago, where I questioned hosing streets down.  If it's airborne, why do that?  I saw it on the news, and it may have been China doing the hosing.

I try not to feed into my tendency to be a hypochondriac in this kind of situation.  I've gotten a flu shot every year since I was late 50's in age.  I take my meds, eat well, and try to get enough sleep.  I haven't gone to many public places except the bank and the grocery store, of late.  

I mostly worry about Mr. Xword.  He's 70ish, and has had pneumonia twice.  We won't be going west of the Cascades for the foreseeable future, so that helps.  

So that's in fact where I did see the street hosing.  TY Kyanight.

Yes, my husband tends to get pneumonia too so I am more worried about him than myself.  I always get a flu shot--getting the flu while I was pregnant in 1986 taught me that valuable lesson.  I'll feel much better when they finally come up with a vaccine for this virus~

  • Love 3

I saw this recipe at the bottom of a page where it was reported that Chrissy Tiegen tweeted about Girl Scout cookies being no good.

Bless her heart.

"Don't wait for Girl Scout cookie season to have your favorite cookie. This Samoa dessert lasagna recreates the cookie in four perfect layers."


Edited by suomi
  • Useful 1
2 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

How come we don't get all excited about regular flu virus that kills many every flu season?

That's what I said!  A kid DIES from the flu - do they close the school two days to thoroughly clean it?  nope!  But when one kid comes down with this - they close down the entire school... and closed MANY schools for just that reason.  It's weird.  

"Many individuals who get coronavirus will experience nothing worse than seasonal flu symptoms, but the overall profile of the disease, including its mortality rate, looks more serious. At the start of an outbreak the apparent mortality rate can be an overestimate if a lot of mild cases are being missed. But this week, a WHO expert suggested that this has not been the case with Covid-19. Bruce Aylward, who led an international mission to China to learn about the virus and the country’s response, said the evidence did not suggest that we were only seeing the tip of the iceberg. If borne out by further testing, this could mean that current estimates of a roughly 1% fatality rate are accurate. This would make Covid-19 about 10 times more deadly than seasonal flu, which is estimated to kill between 290,000 and 650,000 people a year globally."


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9 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

How come we don't get all excited about regular flu virus that kills many every flu season?

Maybe because many people have had the flu and have immunity from it.

Maybe it's because there are flu vaccines to help provide immunity from the flu.

Maybe it's because flu is contagious after the symptoms break out.  Someone can spread this particular corona virus for two weeks before their symptoms show up.  Walking around for two weeks with no symptoms can infect an awful lot of people--especially in situations like public transportation.  It's frightening (to me anyway) how contagious it is.

  • Love 10

I have no car so I use Shipt for grocery delivery. They will bring it in the house and set it on your kitchen counter. I just go out to their car and bring them in by myself.  I got an email saying to keep everyone safe they are now going to set the groceries one your door step. I guess this is not an over reaction but none of the retail stores in my area are talking about closing down for a few days and from what I hear the stores are busy. I live outside Houston.

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18 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I have no car so I use Shipt for grocery delivery. They will bring it in the house and set it on your kitchen counter. I just go out to their car and bring them in by myself.  I got an email saying to keep everyone safe they are now going to set the groceries one your door step. I guess this is not an over reaction but none of the retail stores in my area are talking about closing down for a few days and from what I hear the stores are busy. I live outside Houston.

But that doesn't answer the important question here!! 

 How many kitties do you have?

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