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S06.E05: Now

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Perhaps unpopular opinion incoming: TWD is starting to lose me and it's in part because of the way the show dedicates an entire episode to 1 story only. It brings momentum to a halt while they rewind the clock to tell someone else's storyline. This started back in S4 after the prison fell and it hasn't let up. Are they now incapable of telling multiple stories in an episode?? Carol's been MIA for 3 episodes and it looks like that won't change next week as they focus on Daryl, Sasha, and Abe. Why couldn't they just show what's going on in Alexandria and what's going on with the others on the road over 2 episodes? Is editing that difficult? UGH. Rant over.


Hmmm, now onto the actual episode. Um, well, I liked Maggie's failed attempt to search for Glenn. And her speech was the best out of all the speechifying done tonight. She should move in with Aaron and Eric so they can all raise the Glaggie baby together.


Just when I thought Spencer stopped being a tool he goes and raids the pantry. That entire Monroe family is one of the worst to ever appear on the show. All so damn useless and pathetic. Even architect Reg put the support beams on the wrong side of the wall.


I guess they're not to be outdone by the PorchDick family. Jesus please just kill them all already. How many scenes must we see of dull Jessie trying and failing to mother her emo brats? And please put an end to poorly-acted chemistry-free scenes between Rick & Jessie. Same goes for the CW-inspired triangle of Carl, Enid, and Ron.


Where's Tobin and the group he lead out of the quarry many moons ago?? Are we to assume they all died out there? But wasn't the dark-haired woman a part of his group and she was back Alexandria tonight? Soo, where's Tobin?


Ya know what this show needs? More Merle; should've never killed him off. He may have been an asshole but at least he wasn't dull.


Well the wall falls (and it will since it's already cracking) I only care that Aaron, Eric, and Denise survive; along with CDB of course. After being subjected to almost an entire season of the insufferable Alexandrians, I demand they all meet grisly ends by the MSF. 

Edited by bunnyblue
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I was yelling at the screen, "WTF, show?? Since when is Maggie unable to fight off a walker after she became badass last season??"  Seriously, that pissed me off.


I think it was the effect of these walkers rotting in the sewer for so long. She was trying to push it away, but it was so decomposed that her hand went right through it (remember the way the walker in the well split in half when they tried to pull it out of the well?). Also, she had been trying to lift something moments earlier...she didn't have her knife in her hand. That's my read of it anyway.

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Regarding the blood seepage through the walls, I thought it was coming from the skulls of the Walkers whose skeletal systems are becoming so fragile their bones break easily and their heads explode from being pressed against the wall by the horde.


On that note, the sewer walkers were decayed at such an extent they shouldn't have been able to move, right? A body needs muscle in order to move. Are we eventually going to see "Jason and the Argonauts" skeletons fighting the living?

I had to really strain to see what the hell that was.  OH, so now the walls are bleeding?  We not only have walkers we have friggin' demons or poltergeists?

Those sludge walkers must get extra strength from the sewer water or something.  Some walkers can easily overpower CDB members because... reasons.  Maggie had to be saved by Aaron so they could bond.  But, yeah... suspension of disbelief is a major requirement for watching TWD.


Blah reaction to Glenn not making it back, whether he's dead or not. I felt for Maggie, but no reaction from say Tara?

That was a boring resolution to the cliiffhanger of Rick and the RV.

Previously on TWD... Rick is trapped in a Winnebago being swarmed by dozens of walkers.  Tonight... Rick uses his powers of teleportation to appear within 30 feet of ASZ gates.  Ta-da!


Haha!  "BURRRN!" is what erupted from our couch when that happened.


I did like how the son of a Congressman could work out that they couldn't let people panic and raid the pantry, but then secretly raid it yourself.  I thought Deanna should have slapped him around a bit and told him to never admit anything.


Overall it was boring, but I liked Carl shrugging off pissant Ron.  Ron sure cared about Enid, amirite?  Rick looked super hot in this episode, and I don't have any hostility about Jessie.  Get it, Rick! 


I see most folks really like Denise, but her whiny anxiety irritates the hell out of me.  "Waaah, I don't want to have to do anything.  I just want a read a book."  Fuck you, Denise.  She sucks like the rest of them.


Jessie needs to send Carol to have a talk with Sam.  Come downstairs or get tied to a tree, son.

Who knew lesbians were so plentiful in the ZA?  I'm all for Tara finding a romantic interest, but Dr. Crybaby laying a playground kiss on Tara was kind of random.  Speaking of same sex relationships: Aaron doesn't seem to have any qualms about taking off on adventures without telling his partner, Eric.   While all the hetro couples' separations are filled with chest pounding angst, the 2 gay guys who are deeply in love aren't given a second thought.  I don't think we've even seen Aaron & Eric interact alone together other than for 30 seconds last season.


Other random thoughts:  Spencer was a douche, but his comments to Deanna was right on.  She made her family the way they are, she made the town whimpy and weak by allowing them to hide behind the walls and not learn to fight, farm or generally survive.  As far as her farm drawing:  Soybeans Deanna!  Protein, essential fats and carbs!  C'mon...Alfalfa?? Really?? 


Those ASZ basic bitches painting the names of the dead on the memorial wall ... how nice to paint Glenn's name up there within site of Maggie.  You gals must be fun at parties.


So Jessie stabbed Betsy in the eye?  Was that who that walker in the house was?  Well, I guess Dave wasted his time writing that note.  How did SHE die inside her house?  Wolf attack?  Killed herself when she heard Dave didn't' make it?  Did I miss that part?



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Rewatching now...Eric is also seen in this episode, standing next to Aaron when Rick addresses the Alexandrians after he returns.

Yes, I'm rewatcing and saw him, as well as Eugene and Morgan, who I didn't think we're shown. I think maybe FPP is the only one, other than Glen, not shown this episode.

I also noticed while Rick was making his speech, Ron was looking at Carl and fiddling with his knife like he was thinking about stabbing him with it. I think his telling Rick about Carl was his way of buttering him up, & he wants Rick to teach him to shoot so he can turn around and shoot Rick for killing his father.

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Yes, I'm rewatcing and saw him, as well as Eugene and Morgan, who I didn't think we're shown. I think maybe FPP is the only one, other than Glen, not shown this episode.

I also noticed while Rick was making his speech, Ron was looking at Carl and fiddling with his knife like he was thinking about stabbing him with it. I think his telling Rick about Carl was his way of buttering him up, & he wants Rick to teach him to shoot so he can turn around and shoot Rick for killing his father.



...or shoot Carl for "stealing" his "girlfriend"...

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...or shoot Carl for "stealing" his "girlfriend"...

He was very possessive of Enid and has a hankering for violence. I guess he is his father's son. Also, the kid who plays Ron is such a bad actor. All of those hand gestures...

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So Jessie stabbed Betsy in the eye?  Was that who that walker in the house was?  Well, I guess Dave wasted his time writing that note.  How did SHE die inside her house?  Wolf attack?  Killed herself when she heard Dave didn't' make it?  Did I miss that part?



She slit her wrists. There's a close up of the wounds when she's pounding on the window

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Alfalfa makes sense if you have plans to raise something that eats alfalfa, such as rabbits.


Deanna had a section marked "milk production" so I assumed it was for the future cows the townsfolk would somehow gather.

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Who knew lesbians were so plentiful in the ZA?  I'm all for Tara finding a romantic interest, but Dr. Crybaby laying a playground kiss on Tara was kind of random.  Speaking of same sex relationships: Aaron doesn't seem to have any qualms about taking off on adventures without telling his partner, Eric.   While all the hetro couples' separations are filled with chest pounding angst, the 2 gay guys who are deeply in love aren't given a second thought.  I don't think we've even seen Aaron & Eric interact alone together other than for 30 seconds last season.



Denise could be bisexual. But I agree: why don't we see angst with the gay couple? We know how much Aaron loves Eric!


Alfalfa is also good for dairy cattle. I thought I saw Deanna draw a little spot for dairy or milk on her schematic.  ETA: I see Zanne caught it, as well.

Edited by Disraeli Ears
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I'm not asking this to be challenging, I'm just honestly curious.  Do the people who like Denise actually like this character?  Or do you like this actress from other shows?  


To me, she seems as hopelessly spoiled, whiny, and self-centered as the rest of the ASZ hats, if not worse, since she has actual skills the rest don't have.  Tara deserves so much better.  Even when ankle twistin' Tara has been inept or misguided, she's always, always tried to be as brave and helpful as possible and do as much as she could.  Even if it's just encouraging someone.  Denise wants to hide, and that weird scene where she took some pus out of a wound made her look like a simpleton.


I just really don't get it.

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I'm not asking this to be challenging, I'm just honestly curious.  Do the people who like Denise actually like this character?  Or do you like this actress from other shows?  


To me, she seems as hopelessly spoiled, whiny, and self-centered as the rest of the ASZ hats, if not worse, since she has actual skills the rest don't have.  Tara deserves so much better.  Even when ankle twistin' Tara has been inept or misguided, she's always, always tried to be as brave and helpful as possible and do as much as she could.  Even if it's just encouraging someone.  Denise wants to hide, and that weird scene where she took some pus out of a wound made her look like a simpleton.


I just really don't get it.


I like Denise and I haven't seen the actress anywhere else. I have a soft spot for dorky characters and I can relate to her anxieties.


Though I agree that the pus thing made her look super dumb.

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Speaking of same sex relationships: Aaron doesn't seem to have any qualms about taking off on adventures without telling his partner, Eric.


Really, I thought it was crazy that they took off like that without telling ANYONE, especially Eric.  I guess maybe he told Eric off screen, since plenty of other things happened off screen.  Otherwise, really?  Community crisis and let's just disappear into a secret sewer tunnel underground?  Very wtf.  But it would have been awesome to run into Glenn down there after he slid under the dumpster and went down a manhole.

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I've been watching this thing for five years and this is the first time (that I can remember, anyway) I've said uh think I'll throw the load in the dryer; no need to pause.  So my viewing of it was a bit choppy.


Maybe Nashville is right and the ethos of FTWD has somehow seeped into the mother ship.


Rick is becoming a parody of himself.  The only time I see past the Ricktator, to the person abiding inside that person, is in his interactions with Michonne.  And with Carl and Judith of course, but then he's Dad.  With Michonne it's like there is still a Rick inside there... somewhere.  I don't like his interactions with Jessie; they come off as predatory.  Surely not the intentions of the writers, but...  Also laughed when Ghoulina mentioned her skin-tight black pants and ankle boots as a clear sign she had gone over to the Rick side, her son be damned and all, he's just a whiny cry baby -- so what Rick killed his Dad.  And her mini-Ricktator speechifying after gently poking out that walker's eye.  You go girl.  Also wanted to say that I read the whole Porchdick burial was handled way differently in the comics, out of respect for Jessie's sons, which would make more sense to me.  But then we wouldn't have discovered the walker roach motel quarry, which allowed Rick's stupid plan to take place.  Stupid Show.


Someone mentioned upthread that the pacing of the show has been off since season four and I agree.  That's Gimple.  Marvelous writer; written some of the best TWD episodes ever; yet I am not at all happy with how these arcs play out per season; the capsule episodes or whatever one wants to call them grind momentum to a halt.  So many threads are left dangling too -- look at all the cliffhangers that have been resolved by being hand-waved away or glossed over: Rick in the RV being the latest example.  


I hate wasting my time with people I do not care about, which is 99% of the ASZhats.  They are beyond help.


Maggie's speechifying, however -- that got to me.  It was a call back to the emotional high water mark (for me) of season three and Lori and Maggie and Hershel and all these heart -rending feels...  That was the only point of the show worth its salt.  In tears!  Lauren Cohen can sell the shit out of it when she wants to (or is allowed to).


Spencer is a selfish asshole and therefore has a high chance of survival.  

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Sorry, but I don't get Rick's attraction to Jessie, other than she is likely the cleanest woman he has encountered for a while. When the hoo haa smells clean, Rick is on the team.

She's very attractive, she likes him, she GETS IT, she's a emerging potential badass.

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A couple things:

If the sewer walkers were falling apart so badly that Maggie's hand sunk into one, how are their limbs cohesive enough to exert any force, let alone pin Maggie against the wall without falling apart?

Am I the only one that just kept wondering how bad Rick must smell right now and how Jessie could stand to get close enough to kiss him without choking? He could have at least changed into a clean shirt!

I have no idea how Rick has enough energy for anything amorous. He just ran like five back-to-back marathons and then shouted for half of forever about how quiet everybody needs to be.

Oh, yeah, that was the other thing. Did any of them make even the slightest attempt at quiet? Edited by BrokenRemote
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How are those walls holding against all those walkers? I don't get it. I was not surprised that Maggie is pregnant. I am actually glad that she is because if Judith can survive so can her baby with Glenn,


I will never understand the prudish attitude that the writers and some fans have towards the characters on this show. It is so unrealistic that the show is so asexual. Rick has not has sex since Lori. How is that possible? I don't get how he has not had sex with Michonne. They live together and are bonded. However, if he is not going to be with Michonne, I expect him to have sex with Jessie or the next woman to come along. Same with Darryl.


I wonder if Tara likes the doctor. I hope so. She deserves some happiness.


Ron has got to be up to something? Right?


Other than Jessie and her kids, Aaron/Eric, the doctor, and shot in the leg guy, I think the Alexandrians can die now.

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Maggie's speechifying, however -- that got to me.  It was a call back to the emotional high water mark (for me) of season three and Lori and Maggie and Hershel and all these heart -rending feels...  That was the only point of the show worth its salt.  In tears!  Lauren Cohen can sell the shit out of it when she wants to (or is allowed to).



You mean...back when this show was about the main cast?  Instead of this endless parade of assholes?

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She's very attractive, she likes him, she GETS IT, she's a emerging potential badass.

Sure she's attractive, but lots of the women he has been around have been attractive. Michonne, Andrea, Tara, Carol, Beth, Maggie, Lots of women. I suppose he has a physical attraction, (this is no knock on the actress), but I do not feel that they ever established anything between them, other than he is her "rescuer" from a bad relationship. How long have they actually been in ASZ? The fact that she is so strong now, doesn't (in my opinion) fit the general narrative of the abused woman. Carol did, not Jessie as we see her today. She doesn't act traumatized or anything. If she was so strong, why didn't she kick out the husband? She alluded to some pretty severe violence in her talk with Ron. I just feel like this relationship is rushed, it hasn't had time to grow authentically. If Rick got with Michonne, I would understand it, even if I don't think they feel that way to each other. If Darryl got with Carol, I could see it. Rick and Jessie, I don't like it and it feels like a plot point so that Rick can suffer some more if something happens to her.  

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You mean...back when this show was about the main cast?  Instead of this endless parade of assholes?


Lol peach, you nailed it.  And now the main cast is super-sized, bloated like never before and they're adding new people all the damn time, so that means we can only focus on a handful (or none --Hi Morgan!  I love you but...well, I did love you, Pilot and Clear, but now... and there was the execrable Grady story arc, a misguided attempt to make poor Beth relevant before she died) of characters per episode.  This show....  if I wasn't so heavily invested after all these years I would've quit watching by now.

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Speaking of which, was that Walker the Wolf Morgan was talking to last episode?

No - Rick said Carol had wounded one Wolf that she couldn't find later, then he pointed at a hole (I think it was under the porch?) on a nearby house and said the Wolf must have hidden there and died.



Could have done without that one girl (the one doing the medical stuff for the town and is now Tara's girlfriend - what's her name) drawing pus out of that unconscious guy's leg.

You and me both!  Evidently, I can handle walkers so rotten you can stick your hand right through their ribcages, Bob watching his own leg being barbecued and eaten in front of him, heads being crushed, disemboweling, Noah's face being ripped apart, decapitation, Rick tearing that Claimer's throat out with his teeth, and a hundred other gory horrors -- but that needle thing made me turn my face away from the tv!

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These people are idiots. They may very well have been planning to milk tortoises.



My favorite ASZ logic tonight was when they tried to raid the pantry.  "We're all about to die!  I'm not going to let my family starve!"

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About Maggie's speech: I agree that LC is a great actress, and that any particular few seconds of it were, in and of themselves, very well delivered. But as whole: it was still way too speechy. That's not Maggie. Her completely awesome speech to Glenn after Wellgate was Maggie, because she was fired about talking somebody she loved out of letting himself be the groups crash test dummy. But her speech to Aaron? Should mostly have been delivered either in bits and pieces on their way back, or as one sad ramble sitting on the (hopefully, plastic-covered) couch after they got back to town. Great acting, good lines, but... just not the right entire huge pile of lines right in that place at that time.

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Ok, and now for my views on Now....


-  Please tell me, during the little Carl/PD jr bitch fight, that I wasn't the only one yelling "Pull his hair!  Scratch his eyes out!!  Get slappy about it!!!"  Only thing missing to make that whole thing authentic was some girly grunting and screaming.  "I'm gonna tell your daddy, stupid head!"


-  Well, the Monroe family is quickly racing toward the top of the 'can't die fast enough' list.  "Don't steal that food, you aszhats!  I'll do that later, and then get drunk and cry at & blame my mama for the world breaking.".  Hope he chokes on those crackers.  And so help me God if they were maybe setting up something between him & Rosita there.   Deanna, poor thing.  Stabs a walker 5000 times and it still growls!  I was going to complain about her not head-shotting it right off the bat, but she didn't have a step stool handy to reach that far.  (lol)   Better even still, let's rile the rowdy walkers up even more!!  Hope the Monroes are the first eaten when the walls fall.  Only smart thing Deanna's done is hand over the reins to the Ricktator.


-  ASZhats giving up at the first sign of real adversity.  Color me shocked.  Shocked, I tell you!


-  Please believe me when I say I am not against same-sex relationships, but so not feeling the Tara/Dr Denise thing.  Just doesn't ring true.  I mean, I guess they were trying to 'paint the scene' that she was lesbian, with the whole "stayed to herself" stuff, but other than Tara providing Denise moral support, did I miss some visual cues that there was attraction there?  *clueless*


-  Jessie seemed nice, when dragging out her scissor pal and eye-balling that suicided walker.  I'm somewhat happy that she is being proactive, instead of shutting down and going into hiding (like a typical ASZhat), but honey, that was one walker that you trapped in a door... there's a few thousand waiting just outside the walls.  You may "see it"... but you haven't seen it, not yet.  At least she got to let off a little steam with Rick, who was all too happy to help.   She better know what she's getting into though, cause he will Ricktate the terms of that relationship.


-  Speaking of suicide-induced walkers... a new bulletin going up in ASZ;  "If 'opting out', fine, can't stop you... but for the love of God, blow your brains out if you do!  Please and thank you".

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Deanna had a section marked "milk production" so I assumed it was for the future cows the townsfolk would somehow gather.

Pretty sure it said 'mill,' to grind the grains. They were also going to grow wheat. If you grow alfalfa and sprout the seeds, they're high in vitamins and minerals, and some protein.

The blood seeping through the walls means there's fissures in the walls. Not sure why CDB isn't making the Alexandrians fortify their homes while they have the chance, so they have a place to fall back on in case shit hits the fan (again). Seems CDB hasn't learned their lesson and feel as invulnerable as back in the prison, which we all know didn't end well.

So much talk about living life in the present state, yet they don't want to face the reality that they may never be able to call any one place 'home.' Instead, they keep sacrificing people hand over fist trying to hold on to sinking ships like the farm, the prison, ASZ, etc. Maybe the moral of the story is that home is where the heart is. /tongueincheek

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I spent about half the time watching this episode just chanting "where the hell is Glenn, where the hell if Glenn" over and over, and yet the show completely ignored me. Not ok, show. This is not the way to treat your fans. 


Felt so awful for Maggie. Lauren did a great job tonight, but here`s hoping she gets to do a damn happy scene in the next few weeks. You know, when Glenn comes back and he is totally fine? I mean, damn this poor woman watched her father get beheaded, her sister killed, and her whole family eaten back at the farm, and now Glenn may or may not be gone too? I know everyone on this show has lost a lot, but her on screen loses are still pretty impressive. 


Jessie is ok. I like her more than I did last year at least. She still kind of reads "love interest" more than she reads "character", but she is getting a bit more dynamic. 



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Also agree with Cletus that it was an odd choice for Maggie's speech to occur in a sewer but I'll take what I can get.  That was the only moment I felt anything, really.  Which kind of bothers me.  But hell, these are ASZhats -- stop trying to make me care about them, they're all a bunch of assholes.  Ok, so you meant to characterize them as assholes?  Then why should I care when the walls come down...  oh Show, sometimes it's simply not worth the effort with you.

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What a drag of an episode. I suppose they want to show how the Alexandrians are unraveling with this zombie reality and after a brutal W attack, but for me, it doesn't work since I don't care for any of them. Rick and Jess, Zzzzzz. Michonne, Rick. it's always been Michonne #RichonneSeason7. CDB can move on to the next location and I'd be just as satisfied if no new members from ASZ are added. Well, Aaron can come along.   


I like Aaron but I thought his random involvement with Maggie was weird. Shouldn't he be with his boyfriend? Also, he had nothing to do with what happened to Glen, right?


A way to amend for the backpack thing, which I don't feel is his fault.


As for the blood seeping through the fence, they should really adopt Morgan's Perimeter of Spears. 


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Lol peach, you nailed it.  And now the main cast is super-sized, bloated like never before and they're adding new people all the damn time, so that means we can only focus on a handful (or none --Hi Morgan!  I love you but...well, I did love you, Pilot and Clear, but now... and there was the execrable Grady story arc, a misguided attempt to make poor Beth relevant before she died) of characters per episode.  This show....  if I wasn't so heavily invested after all these years I would've quit watching by now.

ALL of this!  Plus it's all disconnected.  Back when they were dealing with Woodbury, we had part of the show dedicated to that group, but it was all RELATED to Rick's group.  It was one story,  building to ultimate confrontation.  This is so unwieldy!  And to think I complained when they jammed the Abraham trio into the show.  Now there isn't even time for THEM. 

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I am Pissed Off that they didn't show Rick escaping that seemingly hopeless situation in the RV, and didn't resolve Glenn's fate for sure. Making us wait last week with the Morgan episode ... a bit tortuous, but OK. However, making us wait again tonight is some bullshit. They have lost a lot of good will with me.

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Well. Looks like Deanna wants to be awesome now. Teach her well, Rick. Better you than Morgan. Lesser of the two evils, people. Lesser of the two. Plus, she was a hellcat with that broken bottle, ineffective as it was in killing the Walker.

Speaking of which, was that Walker the Wolf Morgan was talking to last episode?

I damn near retched when Rick said "Nicholas and Glenn are going to come walking through those gates" or something to that affect. Never happened to me before, but those words made me a little sick. Way to rub salt into the wounds, show.

Looks like Rick is adopting another teen son. This will bode well with Carl, since he and the other boy got on so well together.

Could have done without that one girl (the one doing the medical stuff for the town and is now Tara's girlfriend - what's her name) drawing pus out of that unconscious guy's leg.

No Carol this episode. Boooo!

I was confused. Has Maggie given up on Glenn? Has she not? Her getting close with that one guy gave me bad feelings on Glenn's fate.

Next episode - no Glenn. We do get Abraham and Daryl and John, I mean, Sasha. Those three better make it back.

I took it that Maggie was wiping his name off the wall of death because she was now determined to believe Glenn is alive. I thought her and Aaron were about to execute her Plan A of going over the wall at night and distracting the walkers with flashlights, when she decided to take Glenn's name off the wall first.

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And the award for Worst Speech goes to...




Deanna: Damn it, Spencer...

Spencer: Now THAT'S some bullshit! blah blah blah blah blah nobody's listening anyway because they're still wondering how the fuck 'damn it spencer' is on any planet meant to be an objective statement that can decisively be called bullshit. blah blah blah spoiled brat blah blah blah yadda whaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!


Most of this week's dialogue was weirdly  stilted. Like, at the beginning of the ep, when Rick and Aaron were yelling and over-enunciating and explaining everything in baby-steps, I actually started to wonder if maybe English was not the first language of those they were speaking to. But Spencer? it was like his writer and Deanna's knew what the scene was going to be about, but then proceeded to write their lines completely independently. And honestly didn't see any problem with that.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Re: 'Jessick'......  I am indifferent to the Rick/Jessie  [ultimately prefer Sasha or Rosita for Rick, if story dictates that he needs a 'gal pal' - or hell, even Carol (sorry 'Caryl' fans)]. 


People can complain all they want, and its not like this kiss just popped up out of nowhere;  this thing has been coming down the pipe ever since they first met, since the back 3rd of last season - or at least most definitely since the cheek kiss at the 'welcome party' at Deanna's.


I have never seen the 'Richonne' that so many seem to.  I like those two much more as people who would do anything for each other, and have a deep abiding friendship, but I just don't see this UST or 'looks/gazes'.  They care about each other, of that there is no doubt, but not in that way (IMO).



Not that Abe/Michonne will ever happen, but I saw more 'heat' in their moment during the party than I ever have with Rick/Michonne.  Again, just my views.

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Rick and Jessie are finally happening.  I guess killing your husband isn't much of a barrier if he's an asshole (the Under the Dome way!)  I'm just surprised it didn't end with Jessie's creepy older son watching them.  That prick is clearly up to something.  He's either going to go after Rick or Carl.


Deanna walks around in a daze, until she is attacked by a walker and stabs it multiple times (Rick is the one that actually kills it though.)  She then claims she wants to live and more or less says that Rick needs to be the leader.  But then the episode ends with her taunting the walkers outside and.... blood on part of the wall?  Is that suppose to be signaling that the wall is coming apart?


I guess I was wrong about them setting Denise up as a love interest for Eugene: seems to be with Tara instead.


They really didn't even bother showing how Rick escaped the RV?  That's a pretty big thing to just gloss-over, show.


Aaron suddenly confessing to everyone that he might have led the Wolves to Alexandria, felt like they just wanted to a quick way to have him feel the need to accompany Maggie on her doomed mission, but their stuff was probably my favorite parts, so I'll allow it.  I did like it was Maggie herself that finally decided that they were probably going to die, if they went.  But I'm guessing her scratching Glenn's name off the wall means she has given up on him yet.


Which, sure enough, the show is still keeping mum about.  Really won't be surprised if we don't even find out till the mid-season finale.

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Thank you very much, iRarelyWatchTV36.

Now I have visions of Yosemite Sideboob being shaved dolphin smooth with a katana!

And I can't STOP seeing it!

In fact, I need to see more of it! Preferably anime style.

And I am going to be on a long hiatus from this place in order to write Micholphin fanfic.

And her hair will be tentacles.

Don't judge me! A man has needs, damn it.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I have no idea how Rick has enough energy for anything amorous. He just ran like five back-to-back marathons and then shouted for half of forever about how quiet everybody needs to be.

I was thinking, well Rick, why don;t you shout a little louder about being quiet.  You could also start banging things on the ground, shoot off your gun a,d play some mariachi music while you're at it.  way to lead by example with the shouty shouty!

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So, why were almost no townspeople armed with... anything?

I mean, the houses have fireplaces. Shouldn't we have seen a couple of people near the wall with axes?

Or whatever else they have? Picks? Shovels? Pipes? Come on!

Frieda Baggins just beat one down to head-stabbing level by repeatedly jabbing it with a broken bottle!

And the bottle didn't even re-break.

I honestly hope that the passivity of the townfolk is meant to be satire.

But even if it is, it is extremely lazy half-assed satire with no particular whatsamaschitz to it.

I was thinking, well Rick, why don;t you shout a little louder about being quiet.  You could also start banging things on the ground, shoot off your gun a,d play some mariachi music while you're at it.  way to lead by example with the shouty shouty!

 Seconded! I think a little mariachi music would have cheered the episode up tremendously.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Was the blood really seeping through the wall? I don't have a big enough TV to be sure... Couldn't it have been "dropping" on the wall? As if someone on the lookout tower at the top of the wall had just offed himself? Like Spencer, maybe?

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Yeah, sometimes "CDB" really means more in some episodes than others.


"We have to be quiet and kill the lights, at night".  So that obviously means not lowering voices [while standing near the perimeters] and fighting/digging next to the outer walls - oh, & banging on the entrance gate to get the walkers even more crazed for fresh meat.  And leaving the garage door open, with the lights on.


Not to take away from the whole Maggie/Aaron storyline, but the 'sewer walkers' scene was so frigging telegraphed.


Did Rick take out all the bullets when he gave the gun to Ron, or leave one in for a practice shot?  I'm guessing no live ammo, cause never heard a gun shot go off from elsewhere.  Also, Rick can be dumb, but that would have been directly flouting the whole "BE QUIET!!!" rules.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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 I hate wasting my time with people I do not care about, which is 99% of the ASZhats.  They are beyond help.

ITFA. I hate all of them. I want them all to die so we could move on to a new storyline.

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Who knew lesbians were so plentiful in the ZA?  I'm all for Tara finding a romantic interest, but Dr. Crybaby laying a playground kiss on Tara was kind of random.


Not to mention invasive. Is it somehow less predatory for a woman to kiss another woman full on the mouth when consent was not previously and expressly made than it would be for a man to do the same (to either gender)?

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