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S12.E06: The Me Nobody Knows

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Grey Sloan Memorial not only welcomes a new transfer resident, but also a patient who's the topic of conversation after accidentally sending his sex tape to his entire congregation. Meanwhile, Richard wrestles with how to progress his relationship with Maggie when an old friend visits the hospital, and April brings in a case of a young boy from the Middle-East.



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Penny is probably the most dour human being I've ever seen. Even when she's smiling. I hope she leaves before they make her a regular.

But yeah, Meredith was a stone cold bitch to her.

Did anyone put a stopwatch onto Alex's and Jo's time in the episode? If the sum total of their two moments on camera was 90 seconds, I'd be surprised.

I liked Richard and Maggie's storyline. James Pickens is such a good actor. I especially loved that last scene where he says he would be fine with Maggie telling people he's her father.

And man, I missed Cristina. That scene of Mer and Amelia in the restroom; i kept half-expecting Yang to walk in. Amelia just does nothing for me.

Overall, I thought it was a decent episode. Better than just about anything from last season, but not one I'm anxious to rewatch On Demand.

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Whoever gave Meredith her teaching certificate needs to rescind it. What a shrew!


I see the theme here was forgiveness and moving forward, but the only thing Penny did wrong was to be on duty the night of Derek's accident. What is there to forgive her for?

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Wow three medical cases! Finally. This episode was just ok for me. I didn't love it but didn't hate it either.

Loved the little boy and the surgery. Still not sure what the point of having Martin Henderson here but he seemed ok so whatever.

Alex gets one scene, with Meredith (shocking), Jo gets one second of screen time, Arizona has one scene. Ugh why can't they balance the screen time anymore!! Speaking of which, I did love Arizona in her three seconds. I am loving her so much more without Callie. I guess that lunch scene with Meredith, Arizona and Alex was cut?*

Normally I don't care about continuity issues but it was extremely weird for Meredith to have her hair in the EXACT SAME style after having it tied back in a pony tail during surgery. But on that note, i know people have complained about the lack of continuity between the opening scene and the rest of the episode but now it's clear the anatomy class/narration and the rest of the episode are not meant to be sequential.

I want so much more from the Maggie/Richard relationship but it's not really working for me. It's definitely one of the storylines that got messed up in the time jump. I've said before, my issues with the time jump were that some people/relationships have progressed in the jump but some have been unnaturally stagnant, and that still bothers me.

I hated all the Meredith/Penny scenes. Everything about them was terrible. I do not like Penny (nothing to do with her involvement in Derek's case). I don't think the actress is doing a good job, her scenes with Meredith seemed super forced and even Ellen seemed to be struggling with them so maybe it's the writing or directing ? I also think she has zero chemistry with Callie.

*as much as I just complained about the lack of screen time for Alex, Jo and Arizona, I think this actually the most balanced episode of the season in terms of the huge cast. Still think there are way too many regulars.

Edited by Greysaddict
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Ok so...in my mind Penny decided to come to GS Memorial because she's probably persona non grata in the medical community these days...having been on the crew who screwed up so bad one of the best (if not thee best) neurosurgeon in the world died in their care. So she goes to the very hospital Derek made his name, where his wife still works, where all of his friends are, because if Penny can make it there and thrive then she's got to be good because nobody at that hospital will hand her anything. Its almost like trying to repair her reputation in the most hostile environment possible. I mean, I have no idea what else would possess this woman to go to GS, because according to Richard she has a pretty impressive resume (with great recommendations) and probably could have gone anywhere else. Not to mention, wasnt it not too long ago that GS wasnt even considered a good teaching hospital?

And I totally get Callie supporting Penny. I actually liked her standing up to Meredith (even though I dont blame Meredith for being rough with Penny) but I for one will NOT support that relationship and it doesnt have anything to do with Penny or her involvement with Derek's untimely demise. I just love Arizona and wish her and Callie would finally get back together. I mean, how much of this Callie playing the field (while Arizona waits in the wings) stuff am I gonna have to sit through? Plus, sry to say but Penny is no upgrade. Personality wise she's kind of blah, and I just dont see much chemistry.

Was anybody else in this episode?

Edited by FuriousStyles
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Why did we spend so much time on Penny? Is Shonda pushing her down our collective throats so we'll just give up and accept her as part of the cast? Any of her added screen time could have gone to Jo, Arizona or especially Alex considering one of the patients tonight was a Peds case.

Edited by kdm07
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Also, it must be said that Ellen Pompeo does not have the face shape for that hairstyle. Distracted me for the whole dang episode. Wear it down, please. Pulling it back just makes her head look like a box.

Yes! I think that's why it stood out so much to me. I guess the hair stylists get bored with regular ponytails and like to experiment. I've seen this style work on other people but it was not a good look for Ellen.

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I keep waiting for a soft acoustic version of "Sledgehammer" to be used as the background music during the show, because, good lord, patients have always been used to hammer home the regulars plot lines, tonight...I'm feeling a few blows from said hammer:) 

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What I remember, fondly, was the episode where Karev fucked shit up in a far more profound manner than Penny did with Derek and killed that guy by frying his brain with sodium or whatever because he ordered the wrong dose of meds and acted like an arrogant prick to the nurse who questioned him. And when the other interns started in with the "007," fucking Bailey told them all to cram it, and talked about how every one of them will probably make a mistake that kills someone someday because it happens.

Ok it was Mer's husband and love of her life and father to her kids so she's not going to be reasonable about it. Except for the fact that she WAS. Maybe it was shock, but she was 100 times more reasonable with Penny, practically holding her hand the night Derek died than she was at any point in the last two episodes.

And don't even get me started on Amelia. I wanted to smack the smug off her face.

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Penny is probably the most dour human being I've ever seen. Even when she's smiling. I hope she leaves before they make her a regular.

This about sums it up. 


But by judging people's reaction to Meredith's behavior tonight, Shonda's plan to elevate Penny while having Meredith be extra-harsh seems to be working. And even though Meredith put her on her service for the rest of the week, I'm sure there is still more propping of Penny to go until we hear Meredith say the magic words, "I like her", and then POOF she becomes a permanent part of the cast. 


Personally, I think Meredith's worst offense tonight was her hair. Other than that, I thought the episode was lackluster save for the Richard/Maggie stuff. And it's unfortunate that most of the other main players on payroll had nearly nothing to do. 

Nathan Riggs, is he supposed to be American or not? I felt like Martin's native tongue was fading in and out, and I don't know much about him so I'm not sure if that's just him or if he's supposed to be one thing or the other. 

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The metaphors were especially clunky tonight. It was a poor comparison between a sex tape and a mistake that caused a life.

I thought the actress playing Penny really stood out last season. Not so much now.

Is the Jordanian boy the new Zola?

What did April's Doctor friend do to make Owen so hostile? It might not be too wise to pit the two of them against each other. The other guy just might win the audience.

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I think Ellen Pompeo cut her hair between filming the first car scene and her scenes at the hospital, hence the ugly half ponytail. It's clearly shorter. They were probably trying to cover up the length change in what was supposed to be one day.

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Okay, five minutes in and I was yelling “Shut up, April!”  She is back to being insufferable.  I am so glad to hear she was “the machine” when she was overseas.  She is insufferable when she’s in Seattle. 


I hated the child actor for the hands story.  While I should have cared, I would have been happy to not have seen him again after the surgery.  Just me?


I am already tired of the new intern storyline.  And would somebody fix her blush.  Is that supposed to be more evidence of her incompetence?  She covers half of her face with ugly blush.


Oops, I did it again.  Seriously?  Why, show, why?


I may just be in a mood.  Hopefully there are some kids on my lawn that I can yell at.  

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Who the heck did Ellen's hair and make up?  I agree with others about the hair but the makeup was just as bad.  Some blush and moisturizer goes a long way.


I just can't with April.  I hope she and Avery don't get back together.  She'll do anything to keep her marriage but it was ok for her to take off for a year.  No sense here.


I like the Webber storyline with dealing with his new found daughter.  Maybe it's because James Pickens is a good actor. 

Edited by breezy424
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I thought just about everything in the episode was predictable and for me there was way too much Meredith and Penny.

Whoever gave Meredith her teaching certificate needs to rescind it.

Agree, but I am fairly sure its all a setup to show Meredith rises above and is the best teacher ever for Penny.

I hated all the Meredith/Penny scenes. Everything about them was terrible. I do not like Penny (nothing to do with her involvement in Derek's case). I don't think the actress is doing a good job, her scenes with Meredith seemed super forced and even Ellen seemed to be struggling with them so maybe it's the writing or directing ? I also think she has zero chemistry with Callie.

I know chemistry is subjective but I'm with you, I saw none with Callie. I think Sara generally has good chemistry with other actors and they just seem so flat.

Shonda's plan to elevate Penny while having Meredith be extra-harsh seems to be working.

Not for me. Meredith being a bitch didn't really make me sympathize with Penny, maybe be because it was all so expected.

Alex gets one scene, with Meredith (shocking)

Of course. Its a good thing Alex is around so that Meredith can tell Alex (MerDer fans) that Meredith still thinks of Derek. I think Alex had all of 1 line in their scene. I guess not too bad for JC - he probably worked for a couple of hours and was paid somewhere in the $200K range. 1 line could put a kid through college.


My initial impression of Dr. Riggs was good. I liked that he at least recognizes "its not about you" but I'm sure that will disappear as he stays at SGM. 


I have to ask - weren't you all thrilled to learn that Maggie can now pee without pain? And people think GA drops storylines. :)

Edited by windsprints
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Nathan Riggs, is he supposed to be American or not? I felt like Martin's native tongue was fading in and out, and I don't know much about him so I'm not sure if that's just him or if he's supposed to be one thing or the other.


Thank you! I thought I was hearing things, I hear an accent one second then the next second it would be gone. I don't know anything about the actor so I don't know if he has an accent or not.

I know I'm in the minority but I love a Bailey free episode. She's always been my least favorite. All she ever seems to do is whine, bitch and pout until she gets her way.

Was it ever confirmed that Maggie is really Richard's daughter? I've said for a while that I think it'll come out eventually that Ellis was sleeping with more than one other man. I'm probably wrong, its just a hunch I've had. I don't remember them ever testing to make sure she's Richard's, they seemed to just assume it.

Edited by Maharincess
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I have to ask - weren't you all thrilled to learn that Maggie can now pee without pain? And people think GA drops storylines. :)

 Haha my goodness, and here I thought that we finally went one episode without Maggie talking about vaginas or vagina-esq topics. This storyline has lasted longer than Jo in Ortho. 

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Thank you! I thought I was hearing things, I hear an accent one second then the next second it would be gone. I don't know anything about the actor so I don't know if he has an accent or not.

I know I'm in the minority but I love a Bailey free episode. She's always been my least favorite. All she ever seems to do is whine, bitch and pout until she gets her way.

Was it ever confirmed that Maggie is really Richard's daughter? I've said for a while that I think it'll come out eventually that Ellis was sleeping with more than one other man. I'm probably wrong, its just a hunch I've had. I don't remember them ever testing to make sure she's Richard's, they seemed to just assume it.

According to the story, Maggie went to the court records and discovered that Ellis was her mother.  I don't think Ellis was sleeping with other men because it seems like Richard was the 'love' of her life.  No, they never tested but I do believe Richard is her dad.  I actually think this is one of the 'nicer' stories on the show but then again, if the PTB are looking for another plot twist I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't.  But I would be a bit sad....

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I've been among the chorus of complainers about the use of remakes of hit songs. I don't say "covers" because these versions are so different. But i must acknowledge that the folk version of "Oops I Did It Again" is kind of cool.

Oh, and as soon as i saw the doctor that came in the boy, i suspected he'd be staying-- per the pretty face rule of Grey's employment.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who hated the hair. I couldn't focus on anything else in Meredith's scenes (I guess it doesn't say much about the actress who plays Penny if she was outclassed by a bad hairstyle). If the goal was to disguise the length, Meredith could have worn a low ponytail like she did most of the time when she had longer hair.


I'm so tired of April "fighting for her marriage". If the genders were reversed and it was the man who flat-out refused to accept the woman's decision to end the marriage and kept insisting that the woman "doesn't really want" the divorce, he would rightfully be labeled a controlling, abusive jerk. And no, April, Jackson didn't magically change his mind because you brought him a cute orphaned refugee to "fix". Speaking of the orphan, it didn't make sense for him to be Jordanian. Jordan is a peaceful country that takes in refugees from war-torn countries like Syria. Doesn't Shonda watch the news?

Edited by chocolatine
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Nice dermatologist, Amelia.  She looks 16.


TERRIBLE.  Out of the mouths of corporate. Seriously, did not feel like it was written or directed by human peoples. Not a single compelling or believable gesture.


Also, I really resent the April Kempner Super Hero ladywife surgeon nonsense. It makes for a flat story.  Basically, two things can happen in that narrative.  I'm already asleep. Human peoples, please!

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Fans of Jo and Alwx were promised actual screen time and a storyline this season. I've seen neither and it doesn't look like its about to change anytime soon. Their sole purpose seems to be with to prop (Alex) or get crapped on (Jo) by other characters.

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Fans of Jo and Alwx were promised actual screen time and a storyline this season. I've seen neither and it doesn't look like its about to change anytime soon. Their sole purpose seems to be with to prop (Alex) or get crapped on (Jo) by other characters.

In other words, they truly are a match made in heaven.

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A few things to point out

Meredith's hair looked like mine in like 4th grade before I know how to style it or a recent bad hair day from rain and humidity.

The kid from Jordan wouldn't speak English

If Weber's friends caused his daughters accident because his blood sugar was so high....he would have most likely have been passed or very lethargic.

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Hey, I'm Penny. I have amazing grades and highly recommended but as soon as someone bully's or tells me to leave them alone, I crumble. That's exactly who she is, they introduced her as such and nothing has changed. I agree, anyone else would have wanted to deck Meredith, especially for her hair last night. The wife and I both were saying how horrible it looked. However, as we have seen on Grey's since day one, if your attending completely belittles you, calls you a moron and so forth. Oh, they are just trying to make you better and teach you something. Not come across as abusive or wanting to punch them. Glad to know that Owen hates a new doctor because of some "deep dark secret" while everyone else is: "He's great! Like slice bread made into a sandwich." 

  April and Avery are perfect for each other, they won't deal with their main problems, neither one of them will divorce the other and they won't get down to the root of their main problem. They had their son die from a horrible genetic disorder that wasn't either of their fault. Samuel died, with the slide timeline it has been almost 2 years since then. I believe a parent never truly gets over the death of a child no matter how young or old. However, in April and Avery's case, they should have moved on, tried to have another child and then gone from there. Instead April is trying to magically heal her marriage, when she was the one who ran out of it to get "her space" while she thinks that gave Avery his space at the time. I also agree, the kid's refugee status made no sense if he was originally from Jordan. If he was from Syria, Iraq or something, then I completely would believe the story. Not to mention how they had to explore surgically to find all the bones and pieces to make his hands normal. They would have seen that the basics were there in the x-rays and ultrasounds first. Then seen if the veins and ligaments were there during the surgery. Instead it was: "It's all here, hooray!" 

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I liked this episode for the most part. It flowed well, it was interesting enough - nothing groundbreaking. 


I didn't mind the Meredith / Penny stuff. Yes, Meredith was harsh - but have you guys seen this show before? Do you remember how Bailey used to talk to the interns? How she used to treat them when they messed up? Amelia spent 90% of last season screaming at doctors for no reason, so I don't really mind Meredith getting a little tense with Penny, especially when she WAS missing steps. I see both sides, but I don't care about Penny, so I tend to be on Meredith's side here. I don't love that Callie / Penny are going to try to make it work..


I'm enjoying Jackson more and more - when he first came on, I think Jesse Williams wasn't a great actor, but he's grown a lot. And I love when we get to see him be a doctor, because I happen to think he's a great one. April is incredibly grating, though, constantly circling everything back to their marriage. Henderson's character was refreshing, repeatedly telling the doctors to get over themselves. "God has bigger things to worry about then whether you get a divorce." AMEN. I wonder what his deal is with Hunt? Seems to be sort of one-sided, as it was clear that Owen wasn't happy to see him. I wonder how he winds up back at the hospital next week? I'm guessing Bailey offers him a job. 


The Richard / Maggie stuff was long overdue, but as someone else mentioned it feels so weird coming this late. Maggie has been at the hospital for well over a year now. This stuff should have been addressed and played out a long time ago, but I guess these things can take time. I hope we continue to explore their dynamic. I also love any time Meredith interacts with Richard or Bailey - there's just so much history there, and I think all of the actors knock it out of the park. Even in the short scenes they get (Bailey offering to work with Blake instead), I'm always happy to see them together. 


As much as I hate that Alex has no story, I did love his scene with Meredith in the chapel (despite it being so random - why did Alex happen to stumble into the chapel?) I know some people aren't, but I'm quite enjoying Meredith this season. I liked that she was trying to talk to Derek. I think that's a really natural thing even for non-religious people to try to reach out. Meredith is dealing with a lot on her own, I wish we'd get more exploration of that. I think we will with the winter finale. I still wish we'd see her damn kids... 


So now onto my favourite topic, the cast bloat: 


- ONE scene for Alex this week, and it's supporting Meredith

- ONE scene for Arizona this week, and it's supporting April

- ONE scene for Owen. 

- There was a cut Meredith / Alex / AZ scene in the cafeteria (from the promo pics). I would've liked to see that. 

- Ben has had 0 story still this season... did they really make him a regular just to have him follow Jackson around?

- Nothing for Bailey to do. 

- ONE LINE for Jo! Literally. And two throwaway scenes for Steph. 


The one person I was happy to see sidelined was Amelia. I thought she'd be more unbearable this week, but thankfully we didn't have to see much of her (though even when she was on for short times, she was annoying.) Basically, this was a transitional episode: bringing Penny to the hospital, introducing Nathan, giving some hope to Jackson / April... it was good, but not great. Let's see what they have in store for next week. 

Edited by BaseOps
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The symbolic patients storylines could not have been any more obvious and predictable. If they can save the boy's hands, they can also save their marriage. You make one mistake and you're judged by it for the rest of your life no matter what you do and it's unfair. And Maggie and Richard finally have a chance to bond. That one was kinda nice, actually, although I'm still not sure where they're going with those do. And for the love of God, please make her stop talking about AMAZING SEX!!!1, vaginas and UTIs. It's cringeworthy.


At this point it's just gross how self-absorbed Meredith is. Although I'm not sure they're going to make Penny a permanent stay on the show anymore. I think it's likely that Meredith forgives her within an episode or two and then she gets sucked into the Erica Hahn black hole at the parking lot. 

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I liked this episode for the most part. It flowed well, it was interesting enough - nothing groundbreaking. 


I didn't mind the Meredith / Penny stuff. Yes, Meredith was harsh - but have you guys seen this show before? Do you remember how Bailey used to talk to the interns? How she used to treat them when they messed up? Amelia spent 90% of last season screaming at doctors for no reason, so I don't really mind Meredith getting a little tense with Penny, especially when she WAS missing steps. I see both sides, but I don't care about Penny, so I tend to be on Meredith's side here. I don't love that Callie / Penny are going to try to make it work..


I'm enjoying Jackson more and more - when he first came on, I think Jesse Williams wasn't a great actor, but he's grown a lot. And I love when we get to see him be a doctor, because I happen to think he's a great one. April is incredibly grating, though, constantly circling everything back to their marriage. Henderson's character was refreshing, repeatedly telling the doctors to get over themselves. "God has bigger things to worry about then whether you get a divorce." AMEN. I wonder what his deal is with Hunt? Seems to be sort of one-sided, as it was clear that Owen wasn't happy to see him. I wonder how he winds up back at the hospital next week? I'm guessing Bailey offers him a job. 


The Richard / Maggie stuff was long overdue, but as someone else mentioned it feels so weird coming this late. Maggie has been at the hospital for well over a year now. This stuff should have been addressed and played out a long time ago, but I guess these things can take time. I hope we continue to explore their dynamic. I also love any time Meredith interacts with Richard or Bailey - there's just so much history there, and I think all of the actors knock it out of the park. Even in the short scenes they get (Bailey offering to work with Blake instead), I'm always happy to see them together. 


As much as I hate that Alex has no story, I did love his scene with Meredith in the chapel (despite it being so random - why did Alex happen to stumble into the chapel?) I know some people aren't, but I'm quite enjoying Meredith this season. I liked that she was trying to talk to Derek. I think that's a really natural thing even for non-religious people to try to reach out. Meredith is dealing with a lot on her own, I wish we'd get more exploration of that. I think we will with the winter finale. I still wish we'd see her damn kids... 


So now onto my favourite topic, the cast bloat: 


- ONE scene for Alex this week, and it's supporting Meredith

- ONE scene for Arizona this week, and it's supporting April

- ONE scene for Owen. 

- There was a cut Meredith / Alex / AZ scene in the cafeteria (from the promo pics). I would've liked to see that. 

- Ben has had 0 story still this season... did they really make him a regular just to have him follow Jackson around?

- Nothing for Bailey to do. 

- ONE LINE for Jo! Literally. And two throwaway scenes for Steph. 


The one person I was happy to see sidelined was Amelia. I thought she'd be more unbearable this week, but thankfully we didn't have to see much of her (though even when she was on for short times, she was annoying.) Basically, this was a transitional episode: bringing Penny to the hospital, introducing Nathan, giving some hope to Jackson / April... it was good, but not great. Let's see what they have in store for next week. 


And if I honestly thought that they would remedy that after the (ridiculous) 2 month break then I would be okay with it.  If I honestly thought that Penny and/or Martin Henderson weren't going to stay and that they and Maggie, Amelia, and even yes, Meredith at this point, would sit a few episodes out so that Alex, Jo, Arizona, etc. could have real in-depth storylines and make some sort of progress, then I would be okay with it.  I may not enjoy many episodes, but I would be willing to bide my time, yet again, until those characters that I am most interested in got some screentime.  But I just know that it isn't going to happen.  Shonda is so in love with the Sisters and the Woman as Superhero Rising Above, that Alex will be nothing but someone to cheer them all on and those other women, Jo and Arizona (and even Stephanie, who also know something about rising above and overcoming obstacles, will once again take a back seat to Shonda's favorites.  It happens every season.  

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Penny has the charisma of a dish rag.

New guy didn't blow me away. I guess it's good he'll give Owen some story, but ragey Owen gets on my nerves.

I wasn't minding the Japril story, but it's dragging. I've watched the same fight over and over.

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And if I honestly thought that they would remedy that after the (ridiculous) 2 month break then I would be okay with it.  If I honestly thought that Penny and/or Martin Henderson weren't going to stay and that they and Maggie, Amelia, and even yes, Meredith at this point, would sit a few episodes out so that Alex, Jo, Arizona, etc. could have real in-depth storylines and make some sort of progress, then I would be okay with it.  I may not enjoy many episodes, but I would be willing to bide my time, yet again, until those characters that I am most interested in got some screentime.  But I just know that it isn't going to happen.  Shonda is so in love with the Sisters and the Woman as Superhero Rising Above, that Alex will be nothing but someone to cheer them all on and those other women, Jo and Arizona (and even Stephanie, who also know something about rising above and overcoming obstacles, will once again take a back seat to Shonda's favorites.  It happens every season.  


Honestly I just wish they'd write Jo and Steph off. I want Amelia gone more than anybody but I know that won't happen. But Ben should not have been made a regular, and Jo and Steph should have been gone a long time ago. Henderson is definitely sticking around - he signed on as a regular immediately, so he ain't going anywhere (which I don't mind.) Penny is still just a guest star, so I'll hold out hope that she's here for an arc and then will leave.


I'm genuinely enjoying this season for the most part, so it's incredibly frustrating that with just a few tweaks and a tighter cast it could be GREAT. 

Edited by BaseOps
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 and then she gets sucked into the Erica Hahn black hole at the parking lot. 



From your keyboard to Shonda's ear! 


And the more I think about it, I agree with what someone said upthread about the boy from Jordan being the new Zola. April and Jackson will adopt him, and that's what will save their marriage. Ugh, can't these characters solve marital problems like normal people? If any couple needs marriage counseling, it's those two.


I've gotten so irritated with Maggie and the "sisters" dynamic that I'd forgotten that I do actually like her sometimes. I wish they would give her more scenes with Webber. She seems intelligent and competent when she's with him, and she doesn't talk about UTIs and such when she's with him.

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Honestly I just wish they're write Jo and Steph off. I want Amelia gone more than anybody but I know that won't happen. But Ben should not have never been made a regular, and Jo and Steph should have been gone a long time ago. Henderson is definitely sticking around - he signed on a regular immediately, so he ain't going anywhere (which I don't mind.) Penny is still just a guest star, so I'll hold out hope that she's here for an arc and then will leave. I'm genuinely enjoying this season for the most part, so it's incredibly frustrating that with just a few tweaks and a tighter cast it could be GREAT. 


Unfortunately for me, you may get your wish.  It does seem to be headed that way, no Jo so that Alex can be freed up to be there for Meredith 24/7 and be second choice yet again, while the one person in the history of the show to be unconditionally supportive of him, will just get tossed away.  It sucks for the actress, it sucks for Alex the character and, most importantly, it sucks for me.  But I don't think that Stephanie is going anywhere, and I guaranty that if some of these guys leave at the end of the season, then more will be added.  So for me, besides the fact that I like Jo and want her to stay, I would prefer the devil you know.  Because otherwise, Grey's will just keep adding the women in the Maggie and Amelia vein.

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I don't mind Meredith being harsh on her "students" even if it's not her usual style, but it was too damn obvious that she was being harsh on Penny specifically because of her personal bias toward her, so obvious that even one who didn't know of their personal connection could tell that she must have some personal issue with her. It was inappropriate and annoying to watch. I don't begrudge Meredith for her personal bias, and I appreciate that she knew intellectually that she must "rise above" and do her job despite her personal feelings, but it was clear that she couldn't separate her personal feelings from her job in this case and she should have taken Bailey's offer to let her or Webber handle Penny, at least for the first day, until Meredith could at least get used to Penny being in the same building all day before she had to actually talk to her all day. I just didn't like Meredith here. I would have appreciated it more if she was harsh with her and realized that she couldn't rise above, that she was too biased to treat Penny fairly and impartially and maybe she shouldn't work with her right now, but she acted like she was teaching just as she should and Penny was just inept and unqualified. I could care less about Penny and I have no idea why this storyline exists, but I was seriously rooting for her to put Meredith in her place and just call out the elephant in the room already because Meredith was being a pill when she didn't have to be because she had the option to not deal with Penny at all and she didn't take it. I was actually hoping that the guy's post-op complication would be revealed as the result of Meredith making a mistake in the surgery from spending so much time fishing for something to rag on Penny about and berating her for missing steps that she missed something herself. Seriously, her husband is dead, she now has to work with the woman who was partially kind of but not really responsible, and I had no sympathy for her. She was that melodramatically annoying. However, it did not make me like Penny by default. I have absolutely no idea why she is here and don't care. This whole thing feels like they're just killing time until they find something else for Meredith to do.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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I actually think I wouldn't mind Penny and her storyline if they weren't being so absurdly overdramatical about it. Yeah, her working there was always going to be awkward, but it's simply ridiculous that all these doctors would act as if she had actually killed Derek. Watching her redeem herself to everyone for like 10 episodes is not something I'm particularly interested in.

It's nice that Callie acknowledged that she could and should have been more supportive of Penny at the party. Too bad they really have no chemistry together. 

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Unfortunately for me, you may get your wish.  It does seem to be headed that way, no Jo so that Alex can be freed up to be there for Meredith 24/7 and be second choice yet again, while the one person in the history of the show to be unconditionally supportive of him, will just get tossed away.  It sucks for the actress, it sucks for Alex the character and, most importantly, it sucks for me.  But I don't think that Stephanie is going anywhere, and I guaranty that if some of these guys leave at the end of the season, then more will be added.  So for me, besides the fact that I like Jo and want her to stay, I would prefer the devil you know.  Because otherwise, Grey's will just keep adding the women in the Maggie and Amelia vein.


The thing is, they're clearly not writing for Alex / Jo. She's been here for 3+ years now, and the character just isn't growing or moving at all. I don't dislike her, but she's never been interesting to me. As much as I want Alex to get some story, they're obviously not interested in writing for him and Jo together. I'll be happy if they prove me wrong in the back half, but every other couple has taken precedence over them. That's why I was actually rooting for an Alex / Maggie hookup last season; at least if he was with Maggie, he'd be front and centre again. But I feel like if they wanted to break up Jo / Alex, they would have done it at the end of last season. I guess I'm confused. 


I don't think that we'll be getting any new characters for a while, but I do think some of the current interns will be made regulars by next year. I also agree that Steph isn't going anywhere, but using her as Amelia's assistant isn't sufficient. Again, like Jo, I don't hate her but I just don't care about Steph at all. Ditto for Ben. 

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From your keyboard to Shonda's ear! And the more I think about it, I agree with what someone said upthread about the boy from Jordan being the new Zola. April and Jackson will adopt him, and that's what will save their marriage. Ugh, can't these characters solve marital problems like normal people? If any couple needs marriage counseling, it's those two.


 I am normally ok with recycling storylines to a point, considering this show has been on for 12 seasons.  However, I will be super annoyed if April, Jackson (or Owen bc i could see that happening) adopt this kid.  Its totally Zola 2.0, who not only do we never see, but the show seems to have forgotten she was a sick baby when she came to the hospital.  

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Oh, and as soon as i saw the doctor that came in the boy, i suspected he'd be staying-- per the pretty face rule of Grey's employment.


Oh, and by that same rule, i don't expect Penny to last. Sorry.


Interesting that you say this because the "pretty face rule" really only applies to men on this show.  I'm not trying to knock the women in the cast at all because I love how diverse (not just skin color) and varied the female cast is.  If you look back to the beginning of the show only Izzie was the traditional "pretty" woman, and she was made fun of for it.  I'm not saying the cast is not good looking by any means, just not your traditional hollywood beauty.  


However, the actress who plays Penny is, in my opinion, much prettier than they made the character look.  I'd bet its part of her "redemption".  As soon as she gets her confidence in being a good surgeon she starts wearing her hair long and flowy and gorgeous.  

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I saw the scene where Richard tells his friend about his affair and having found out he has a daughter of whom he is proud to know (with Maggie in the same scene listening on) but missed the follow-up scene between Richard & Maggie.  I read upthread that she asks him if it is okay to tell people that he is her father.  Was anything else important said or did anything else poignant happen in that scene that I should know about?  So mad that I missed a part of the one storyline that actually interested me last night; grr. 

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I didn't mind the Meredith / Penny stuff. Yes, Meredith was harsh - but have you guys seen this show before? Do you remember how Bailey used to talk to the interns? How she used to treat them when they messed up? Amelia spent 90% of last season screaming at doctors for no reason, so I don't really mind Meredith getting a little tense with Penny, especially when she WAS missing steps. I see both sides, but I don't care about Penny, so I tend to be on Meredith's side here. I don't love that Callie / Penny are going to try to make it work..


My dislike of the Meredith/Penny scenes have nothing to do with how harsh Meredith was being.  I did not like them mostly because Penny has zero personality.  I thought Ellen Pompeo was struggling to pull off the mean-ness.  Which is weird because I was big fan of her "medusa" time after the plane crash. I also didn't really feel the tension between Meredith and Penny.  If I hadn't been hit over the head with the fact that she "killed" derek 5 thousand times I would have no idea they had a backstory. I think Ellen is a great (and underrated) actress and Samathan Sloyan seems competent enough in other things, so it could have been just poor writing or directing.  I'll give it another episode or two to develop into something interesting but I am not holding on to much hope.  

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I saw the scene where Richard tells his friend about his affair and having found out he has a daughter of whom he is proud to know (with Maggie in the same scene listening on) but missed the follow-up scene between Richard & Maggie.  I read upthread that she asks him if it is okay to tell people that he is her father.  Was anything else important said or did anything else poignant happen in that scene that I should know about?  So mad that I missed a part of the one storyline that actually interested me last night; grr.


Initially, when the friend asked Richard if he had any kids (I'm assuming the friends "knows" that Richard doesn't and it was more of a rhetorical question?) Richard said he didn't, and later Maggie was pretending not to feel kind of hurt by that but both she and Richard admitted that they still haven't really talked about the fact that he's her biological father or what he means to her or she to him. So later, after Richard comes clean to his friend about the affair and having a daughter, Maggie points out that he didn't mention to his friend that she was the daughter; he says it's because that's something for her to tell people if she wants to, but he wants her to know that he would be perfectly fine with it if she did. I think that was about it, just them having their long overdue moment of finally acknowledging the fact that they have yet to really acknowledge their father-daughter status.

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The thing is, they're clearly not writing for Alex / Jo. She's been here for 3+ years now, and the character just isn't growing or moving at all. I don't dislike her, but she's never been interesting to me. As much as I want Alex to get some story, they're obviously not interested in writing for him and Jo together. I'll be happy if they prove me wrong in the back half, but every other couple has taken precedence over them. That's why I was actually rooting for an Alex / Maggie hookup last season; at least if he was with Maggie, he'd be front and centre again. But I feel like if they wanted to break up Jo / Alex, they would have done it at the end of last season. I guess I'm confused.

I have no clue what they are doing with Alex/Jo, but as an Alex fan, I'd seriously rather have him show up for 30 seconds an episode than get airtime being paired with someone like Maggie, or Meredith for that matter. I don't dislike either Maggie or Meredith, but none of the men fare well in relationships on this show, and someone like Alex with one of "the women"? He'd be in handmaiden mode forever.
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