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S31: Ponderosa

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My goodness I would love to take yoga from her. She almost seems to personify it, just listening to her is relaxing. But, yes, you can see why TPTB would be frustrated by her because she doesn't have a big personality.


Yes, and Dalton Ross pretty much confirmed it in his recap:


Probst repeatedly referred to her as the Second Chance poster-child before the game began, and I saw him constantly trying to get her narrative jump-started, but she just was incapable of playing along. For those of you watching and complaining that Kelly was not getting more screen time, I assure you from being out there, they tried. Lord, how they tried.


I think Wiggles is just one of those players who was focused on playing the game, not so much as to showing the personality, or even faking the personality and wanting to have this big narrative to have airtime. Her last confessional says it all - "if that's the game now, they can have at it." She didn't seem heartbroken leaving, or even shocked at the blindside. Maybe she really just wants a warm bed that night.



No, Andrew needs to learn that high school ended ages ago and that the adult world is not structured the way it was in high school. Seriously, I want to see Kass tear into him because he really, really needs someone to pull that entitled, jock ass stick out of his ass and join the adult world.


Jeez, if he's so tight with Wiggles, why isn't she on his short list of people that he wants in his life? Maybe Wiggles just didn't get to the next level like the others did, and so they have the privilege of staying in Savage's life.

Edited by slowpoked
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Maybe he is annoyed that Wiglesworth talked with Kass at Ponderosa so she was demoted from the cool kids club. Or it could be that Kelly lives in Mexico and is reported to not have any internet access and I don't think anyone expects to hear from Kelly again.

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Maybe he is annoyed that Wiglesworth talked with Kass at Ponderosa so she was demoted from the cool kids club.

I think it's possible he worried that Kass and Kelly would become friends and HE would be the outsider, which I doubt either of the girls have been informed that there HAS to be an outsider at all.  But it seems to be fixed in his head that everybody must be ranked and filed.  And it is he who is desperate to not be at the bottom of a fictional hierarchy. Similar to when a 12 year old girl has two individual friendships and the other two girls begin to become good friends outside of her.  That girl will then try to push one out in order to not be pushed out herself.  Because in his own Ponderosa video, he was talking about how him and Kass are friends now and everything was good.  FF to this week and Kelly shows up and now Kass is just dying to be the third musketeer. 

Edited by eskimo
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I think it's possible he worried that Kass and Kelly would become friends and HE would be the outsider, which I doubt either of the girls have been informed that there HAS to be an outsider at all.  But it seems to be fixed in his head that everybody must be ranked and filed.  And it is he who is desperate to not be at the bottom of a fictional hierarchy. Similar to when a 12 year old girl has two individual friendships and the other two girls begin to become good friends outside of her.  That girl will then try to push one out in order to not be pushed out herself.  Because in his own Ponderosa video, he was talking about how him and Kass are friends now and everything was good.  FF to this week and Kelly shows up and now Kass is just dying to be the third musketeer. 


That was my take too. He seems incredibly insecure beneath all that humble-braggadocio.

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I wonder if he was bullied when he was in high school.

I get the opposite feeling from him - he seems as if he has had everything in life handed to him on a silver platter and that he was akin to the BMOC in high school.

Though you are right, people with that mind set are either the bullied or the bullies

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Yeah, he said he played ball in college and I'm sure he played in high school, too. He was probably the popular and good looking jock in school and when he looks in the mirror it's what he still sees. At first, I gave him a slight pass because before it was the game with the weather and lack of food causing him to be jerky. Now, he's out of the game and at Ponderosa and he is just a jerk in general. He might be outnumbered at Ponderosa in the coming weeks if the witches/hocus pocus start showing up. Of course, it will depend whether Joe win or loses immunity.

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"While of course it is unthinkable that I should be voted out, the Survivor Gods love to punish me with their tricks and twists, so, to prepare, I will watch some Ponderosa vids to see how it works.  I'll pick one season at random, as tribute to the random, cruel, meaningless tricks of the Survivor Gods.  Gabon it is.  Hmm....these so-called Onions, if you will...they seem to have it all figured out.  I see myself in Marcus, I really do."

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Poor Savage. Two people with no morals and dignity are about to show up and ruin his vacation. I hope Stephen and Ciera don't try to hang out with him and Kelly. They can sit at the nerd table with Kass where they belong.

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Why is Savage such a jerk? Why is he acting like he is in his 20's instead of his 50's & Ciera is the (slighly) more mature one? At least, he wasn't an ass to Stephen but then Stephen is a male and Savage doesn't like woman who go against him. He took this game way too seriously. I wish someone would throw his beanie in the fire at Tribal Council.

Edited by ByaNose
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Stephen and Ciera need to back off on the whole "OMG! Voting blocs! Evolution!" narrative. Do they not remember Amazon or Pearl Islands? I do appreciate that Ciera and Stephen have really positive outlooks about the game and getting voted off. Savage can take a seat. I wish Sandra were around to throw his hat in the fire.

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Why is Savage such an ass? I was disappointed in Wigles, too, with the just staring and not greeting Ciera. Like, WTF, Wigles, you were never in an alliance with Ciera, so what are you mad at her about? And Ciera wasn't responsible for Savage's boot... she didn't even know about Kelley's idol. 


I also couldn't help but notice the difference in how Savage and Wigles treated Stephen. Suddenly, they understood how to be socially polite. 


I'm glad for Kass that she has Ciera and Stephen there now (er... or then?).


ETA: Ha, ByaNose, your post wasn't up yet when I started mine.

Edited by Zuleikha
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And Ciera wasn't responsible for Savage's boot... she didn't even know about Kelley's idol.


And if they had used a little common sense, they would have split the vote, and Ciera would have been voted out anyway. When Kelly played her Idol, Ciera probably thought that was going to be the outcome anyway, and was still excited by the gameplay.

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I wonder if Ciera is going to show up at the finale weighing 400lbs?  It does happen to some people that after a period of starvation their appetite goes haywire.  In any case I'm sure she'll be very proud of her new curves and positive that she's still irresistibly adorable.  I hate to agree with Savage about anything, but Ciera's self-satisfaction sometimes makes me want to throw up, too.


Stephen's proud of how he played, too.  Will no one ever admit they screwed up and  maybe, just maybe, should  have done something different than the things that got them voted out?

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Never thought I would be championing Kass and Cierra for best attitude in Ponderosa but I am!   Good sportsmanship ladies.  


Savage, at the risk of being redundant, is a pompous ass.  And yeah, time to lose that hipster hat.  It looks ridiculous and even more so in a tropical climate. 


Loved Wiggles saying they all feed Cierra.  It must be fun to watch a new arrival go nuts eating. 


Wiggles is very reserved and her weak greeting for Cierra was just an indication of her nature.  We will see how she greets Joe.   Big hugs and smiles or perhaps she will need to hear him tell her that he voted for Wentworth and not her. 

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I found Wiglesworth interesting. I'm not a huge hugger so I felt her in saying I'm not going to give a big hug to someone I'm not close to and didn't play on the same side.  I found her reticence interesting, whereas I find Andrew to be an ass.  I loved her talking about how they are all fascinated by how much Ciera eats. And that she made the magic Survivor cookies for Stephen.

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I like Kass, Cierra and Stephen in these Ponderosa videos. Wiggles seemed like she was buying into Andouche's high school mentality given her tepid greeting for Cierra. Stephen's surprise at finding out Spencer was the one targeting him was great. I'm happy that Kass, Cierra and Stephen don't seem bitter.


Kass's olives comment was cute.

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I found Wiglesworth interesting. I'm not a huge hugger so I felt her in saying I'm not going to give a big hug to someone I'm not close to and didn't play on the same side. 


Kelly's initial response to Ciera didn't bother me too much because she does seem to be a pretty subdued and maybe even introverted person, but when she was all, "You voted me out the day before my birthday," and then her flippant "Thanks," when Ciera said sorry I was like really? How petty and immature. First of all, no one knew it was your birthday, so what did you expect them to read your mind? But also, more importantly, it's a game so who fucking cares?

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I like Kass, Cierra and Stephen in these Ponderosa videos. Wiggles seemed like she was buying into Andouche's high school mentality given her tepid greeting for Cierra. Stephen's surprise at finding out Spencer was the one targeting him was great. I'm happy that Kass, Cierra and Stephen don't seem bitter.


Kass's olives comment was cute.


It was a long comment and typical of Kass trying too hard, I thought.


And because it cant be said enough - #FYAS!

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God, can Andrew even be more of an ass? I understood him when he was angsty right after he was voted off, saying everything was raw and it still hurt. But dude, it's been days, and most people who have played have viewed it as a game, and not take it personally in real life. What was so patronizing about Ciera's comment? It's not her fault that you can't let it go and still be bitter about the idol play. It's not her fault that she can see the big picture and look past this game.

Shows a lot that a 23-year old has a more mature perspective about things and life than this supposedly blessed dick.

I wonder if the people he chose to be "in his life" now consider it to be a curse more than a privilege.

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So far, Kass is being an ambassador

Ciera seems to be happy to be able to chow down

Andrew appears to not want to be there

Kelly is well Kelly

Stephen is isolating himself.

What will the next entrant be like?

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She looked like she could stand to gain some weight even before the game started.

The crazy thing is that she managed to put on 5 lbs before the game began, according to her conversation with Medical.  I suspect she has a hell of a metabolism. Ah, to be young and able to eat like that again!

Because it must be said, Savage is just an ass.  And I'm over that hat already.

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Savage's disgust with those who had the balls to end his game in favor of their own game is really confusing, considering he's done the same to other people.  These aren't even people who backstabbed him, he never expected any loyalty out of anybody who's now at Ponderosa, that voted for him.  

And I agree about the beanie, it's like the middle aged woman who still wants to wear glitter.  He also sometimes has a little bit of duck face going on.  I know deep down he HATES the fact that he's now an older man (in Survivor land).  The sad thing is he would be a good looking man if he didn't have such a negative attitude.  He is honestly physically unattractive to me now that I know what kind of human he is.



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Also, he thought that he had an advantage because he learned from his first experience, but was completely oblivious to the fact that everyone else did as well.  That's how we know he doesn't even think about other people, except in relation to himself.  I think he qualifies as a twat.  Yes.  He is a twat.

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Eskimo, you mean you didn't enjoy Savage's Baywatch montage running on the beach shirtless? LOL!! In his defense he did later admit that he was a hypocrite. Granted, he's still an ass but that's something.

Edited by ByaNose
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I think Ciera was way nicer to Savage when she got to Ponderosa than I would have been. Savage probably thinks she is trying to suck up to him and Kelly because they are the 'cool kids'.

I would have been like, "You're still bitter. Fine. I'm going to give you plenty of space and enjoy Ponderosa and not let your negativity affect me. But I brought one of my baby's pacifiers as a comfort item, so if you want to borrow it, or prefer a Midol, just let me know." Clearly I'm not as mature as Ciera.

Wigglesworth is clearly holding a grudge also. I have no idea if that is her personality, or if she has spent too much time with Savage.

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm liking Kass at Ponderosa.

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And I agree about the beanie, it's like the middle aged woman who still wants to wear glitter.
Uh-oh... I'm a middle-aged woman who still rocks glitter*, so I may be forced to defend Savage's beanie hat now.


* I'm a part-time circus performer. Glitter's not actually optional for me. But I love it.

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Savage's disgust with those who had the balls to end his game in favor of their own game is really confusing, considering he's done the same to other people. 


 It's not that uncommon.   They even have a name for it....narcissism.  

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I like that Kass accepts each person where they are at Ponderosa. She didn't judge Stephen when he went off on his own and gave Andrew the time he needed to be alone. I liked that she told Ciera that it was an older jury and not a bunch of party poppers.

I am disappointed in Kelly. She didn't have to know or like Ciera to be civil when Ciera arrived. She was warm to Stephen and excited to make cookies but kind of bitchy to Ciera.

I hope Stephen's feet healed while at Ponderosa.

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I am a fast talker, but Ciera leaves me in the dust. Immediately after being eliminated she's talking a mile a minute - with a bag of uneaten m&m peanuts in her hand! I would be shoving them in my mouth with both hands.

I like Ponderosa Kass.

I like that most of them can so quickly get over the anger. It was a little funny to see Ciera relentlessly engaging Savage. She was doing it deliberately to antagonize him into being an ass. He's such a big baby the way he constantly pouts.

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I wish someone would throw his beanie in the fire at Tribal Council.


Jeff:  "This..................... is NOT appropriate headwear."  Tosses it.  Andrew:  "Aw man, I looked really good in that."


Off to roll my entire body in glitter... nude....


"Too high, Can't come down!"



Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Uh-oh... I'm a middle-aged woman who still rocks glitter*, so I may be forced to defend Savage's beanie hat now.


* I'm a part-time circus performer. Glitter's not actually optional for me. But I love it.


Aww man, I knew when I wrote that I should have been more clear!  I was referring to the attitude of fighting one's age, not actually wearing glitter.  It was a bad example, no offense to mature glitter wearers!  Rock it if ya can :)

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Ponderosa videos are SO revealing.  They are beyond helpful in gaining a better understanding of people, relationships, and game play.   I learn a lot about some of the players.  Kass is great.  I'd like to hang out with her.  I've turned into a huge Ciera fan and it turns out Fishbach is not a pompus know-it-all.


These are just people who love the game and wanted to play with no regrets.  Mission accomplishd and they are satisfied. 


Savage is a bitter ninny so far, and Wiggles is the same quiet person she was on the island.

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I identify with Stephen.  I would definitely withdraw and read at Ponderosa.  Ciera is adorable and I like how excited she is to learn as much as she can so she can be a good juror.


And then there's Andrew Savage, and the sainted Wigelsworth.  She's nowhere near as bad as he is, but still, not covering herself with glory there.

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Watching these Ponderosa vids I think Kass has gotten a bad rap from her fellow bitter Survivors.  Granted, I didn't have to play the game with her or live with her out there, but I never saw anything she did as anything other than game play.  Kelly I'm a bit disappointed by.  I'm hoping it is more just her quiet nature and being over it now that she's out of the game.  Because this is the girl who said during Borneo that 'if people are here to make friends they should have gone to summer camp.'  Ciera's a delight.  I'm sure Savage will turn around whenever Joe arrives.  He'll probably lose Jeremy to Stephen once Jeremy makes his way there.  Whenever that is.  Maybe Savage will get Abi, Wentworth, Kimmi, and Keith joining him next!

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Remember when Jeremy said no one liked Savage. I think he said that on the episode where he was commenting on Savage leaving (or the one where he talked about why he had him as a shield). I thought it was quite a statement about how annoying/pompous Savage is when even his "friend" said no one liked him. But in Savage's mind he is a cool kid that everyone wants to hang with rather than a shield a la Abi. LOL

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I's almost shocking to watch a grown man fail to produce normal civility when faced with someone new coming to Ponderosa. Savage belongs with all the "not speaking," poor sports of past Survivors in a special high-school cafeteria table of bitterness all their own. I'll never agree with his treatment of Ciera but I can't blame him for his gut level reaction to her because I've felt that "throw-up in my mouth" thing about her since her first season when she said this about herself in her bio:

I am a little cute girl who gets along with everyone and lifts people’s moods on the surface, but in my mind, I am 10 steps ahead of you calculating your death in this game. I’ll tell you whatever it is you want to hear and lie to your face and you wouldn’t even see me coming because I’m so sweet and adorable.

So if Savage is having this fake adorableness forced on him all day, I can understand the dislike.
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I am not sure I would say he was at ease, he took off and read by himself for the first bunch of days. The only reason to include Kass's narration about Stephen's wanting to be alone is because they had zero footage of Stephen hanging with the others. That probably includes meals and beach time and everything else that they might be doing. Stephen also gave a long riff on how long it took him to recover from his first time playing and the emotional tool that the game took on him. So while I think he was ok with how he went out and how he played I don't think he was at ease with what happened in the game.


If anything, Stephen's Ponderosa video caused me to move him into the Dawn and Lisa category. Someone who understands that backstabbing and lying is a part of the game intellectually but who simply does not have the intestinal fortitude to actually pull off those moves because it goes against who they are as a person. It also makes me rethink some of his confessionals where he is crying. He is pissed that he cannot get Joe out but it is deeper then that. It is probably more that he knows he has to take out Joe but it is hard for him to do so.


Stephen also disappeared from social media for about a month when he got back.


I don't think we will see him play again.

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I am not sure I would say he was at ease, he took off and read by himself for the first bunch of days. The only reason to include Kass's narration about Stephen's wanting to be alone is because they had zero footage of Stephen hanging with the others. That probably includes meals and beach time and everything else that they might be doing. Stephen also gave a long riff on how long it took him to recover from his first time playing and the emotional tool that the game took on him. So while I think he was ok with how he went out and how he played I don't think he was at ease with what happened in the game.


If anything, Stephen's Ponderosa video caused me to move him into the Dawn and Lisa category. Someone who understands that backstabbing and lying is a part of the game intellectually but who simply does not have the intestinal fortitude to actually pull off those moves because it goes against who they are as a person. It also makes me rethink some of his confessionals where he is crying. He is pissed that he cannot get Joe out but it is deeper then that. It is probably more that he knows he has to take out Joe but it is hard for him to do so.


Stephen also disappeared from social media for about a month when he got back.


I don't think we will see him play again.

You are right.

He probably was off crying his eyes out.

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And if he was?


I mocked the Joe can't be voted out cry session because it struck me as silly but I am seeing it in a different light. I don't think he was the only person crying in a confessional about that rain. His feet were seriously messed up. The digestive problems he was having in the middle of that looked to be more then a bit uncomfortable.  They were all cold and Stephen ended up cold, with destroyed feet, and sick. Cry away my friend, cry away.


Crying is not a sign of weakness. I cry when I am frustrated, sad, or angry. It is a pretty normal physical response to crappy situations and there are plenty of those in Survivor.

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