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S06.E11: Chaos in the Cul-de-Sac

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That's just it! When you take on the awesomely important task of wiping out reality and rewriting history, you must try to be as painstakingly accurate as possible. If the kids are 10 years younger in the picture, well then Daddy must also be 10 years younger. Because Kody is Daddy now, and this is what he looked like as Daddy then. It's all so wholesome and tender and loving and natural. *sniff sniff*.

Bonus: in the resulting portrait, it looks less like Charles Manson is groping your kids.

  • Love 4

What about Robyn seemingly "coaching" the kids' language during the gift wrapping scene!? She was practically forcing the word "love" into their mouths like mama bird feeding a worm to a baby bird.


I don't think (or at least I hope) that Janelle's a spiteful, vindictive person--in fact, she admitted to Meri that she rebuffed Meri's olive branches through the years and only recently through counseling came to realize that she does now want to make peace and have a better relationship with Meri. And although Meri said at that time she was about done with Janelle and needed time to think about it (going to counseling together to work on their relationship), she did agree that she wanted to do it. I'm hoping that if we do see some of the catfish incident on the show, that Janelle will step up to comfort and support Meri.


Agreed. I just can't muster any animosity towards Meri, Janelle or Christine. I just feel terrible for them all, understand their obvious depression, and think they all need loads of therapy -- not "fancy napkin" parties -- replete with plastic table clothes -- or fake jewels. I will continue to hope that they all find a true partner (if that is what they want) or discover the joy of being single and hot tail it out of the cul-de-sac, while screaming, "SUCK IT!" (Yes, motorcycles and leather jackets are involved in my vision.) I think Meri and Christine think they need a man (especially Christine), and believe Janelle would be just fine on her own.

  • Love 7

I think Meri and Christine must have particularly stung.  When Meri offered to divorce Kody it was like another day at the Brown's.  There was no protests from Kody, no romantic scenes or protestations of Kody's love for Meri.  He told her that nothing would change.  He told her that they were still spiritually married.  I'm sorry, but if I were Meri I'd want to see that my husband was torn over the divorce.  I'd want emotion.  Kody gave it all to Robyn. 


Robyn's coming into the picture left Christine with no role.  She was supposed to be the fun one.  The silly one.  The one where Kody could let his hair (such as it is), down.  Janelle has always been Kody's pragmatic partner, and she still is.  Robyn really fucked Meri and Christine's world up.  I've seen Kody more with Robyn and her kids than with anyone else. 

  • Love 9

I haven't even watched this episode yet, but after hearing about that creepy piece of art Robyn had made, her opening tag line seems to have more sinister overtones now: "like we shoulda been together from day one".

After you watch it you will have the WTF moment of your life like did that really happen??

Sorry Sobyn that picture was the creepiest thing ever. How can you be so desperate to have your kids be K-douches when he can bearly stand his own kids? 

  • Love 6

Meri's checked out because she was IN LURVE with ole' catfish Sam at the time of filming. She doesn't want to take the chance that he might see the show when they are "together forever" and be upset if she was happy and participating.

But she was so rude about the necklace.

I really hope Meri has her thyroid checked. I am severely hypothyroid and I see it in her.

  • Love 2


My favorite Kody line is "I'm only married to the brisket."


Yes, and the wives are married to a pork butt. 


I thought the story behind the title of the episode was pretty interesting. Kody mentioned that Curtis, which I believe is his brother that recently passed, was home schooled and couldn't pronounce the world chaos properly. He pronounced it chaous or something like that. That is truly terrible. Who was running this home school and did Kody get the same education?



Yes, but more specifically that SHE "shoulda been with the Kodouche from day one".  Now I think even her dethroning of Meri and her marriage to him is a part of that evil agenda and revisionist history.  In her mind she should have been the "first wife" all along and it looks like she's either convinced Kody of that or is on her way to doing it with stuff like the creepy photo.


You know at this point I truly wish she was there day one because by now she would've lost all her shine, spit out at least 5 Brownies, gained at least 80 lbs and be just as downtrodden, weary and dispirited as the rest of 'em and Kody would be paying her as much love & attention as he does any of the other 3. In other words, all the shit that makes her special now wouldn't be a factor and she would just be a Meri/Christine. 


Also, has anyone else noticed how often Robyn's bedroom is shown since she is the now legal wife? I thought it was supposed to be a sacred love grotto or something?


More like the War Room were her schemes are hatched and she uses her 'skillz' and Victoria Secret underwear (or extra long jammy pants if she is to believed - NOT) to further said schemes. 


Also, I don't understand Kody's reaction while sitting on the bed looking at baby pictures of Robyn's kids.  He was so weepy and overwhelmed.  I know enough ORDINARY men, fathers, who would only have such an emotional reaction if they were looking at the pictures of their own children who had died or something.   


The head scratcher was Kody acting like him being able to tell his own kids apart based on their baby photos was some huge accomplishment. 


Having the kids give her a "past present and future" item, which Dayton understood is the actual meaning of a three-stone Diamond piece, was actually kind of insulting.


Might as well have asked Meri: "Guess which tense you are?"


I actually don't mind Aurora. She is just really extra during the tell nothings with Tamron Hall. 

  • Love 11

This just in - Mr. S says that he noticed the watch was not in its original box, which leads him to believe it might be used - Probably bought it at "Pawn Stars", LOL.

Doesn't Maddie work at a pawn shop now? 


She's trying so hard to make her marriage work. It's pathetic yet I have so much empathy for her. Christine is headed for a breakdown and we're watching her run, excited and manic, towards a brick wall. A successful, rewarding marriage requires two active partners - not one elated partner and then another who comes around only to store tools in her garage (literal and figurative).

Yup. One day someone's going to find Kody and Robyn all Mrs. Bates mumified in one of those McMansions, with Christine cackling in the background. Either that, or a toaster oven is going to land in Kody's bathub while he' shampooing that mop.


Good thing the ugly portrait was done with pencil so that Aurora, upon becoming Mrs. Brown #5, can just erase herself out of the portrait.

Also the glasses Kody wears in the portrait are the same as every child molestor/murderer portrayed in film.

You. Win. The Internet. Tonight. That is all.


Not only is the drawing creepy, the portrait is such a "F.U." to Christine too. Robyn cannibalized one of Christine's few precious memories.

Shots fired. RIP Christine. They all thought Meri was a terrible sister wife but she's nothing compared to what's developing Robyn. The Queen is dead, long live the Queen.

Another reason it wouldn't surprise me at all if Christine starts grinding glass into the Mock Tapioca Pudding. Christine is on the verge of being unhinged, but Robyn definitely fuels the fire. 


The fact that Meri has all but bowed out - and I think she would've, if it wasn't for the TLC show, reinforces Stealth Bitch Robyn's powers. She better not get too comfortable, though. Even Anne Boleyn had her heyday before she had her head knocked off by a tyrannical husband, and the Browns aren't nearly as savvy as the Tudors.

  • Love 8

And I still don't get the visit to the dad. I have a hard time seeing Robyn and Kody sending the kids off to see the dad if they don't have to. But if they truly adopted the kids, they would be no reason they have to. And if he's so evil and they don't have to agree to the visit, then why would they? And the kids were excited to see him. Do they understand that Robyn and Kody are telling the world that he isn't their dad anymore? 


I really am suspicious about the adoption. I wonder if it was really a legal agreement that the kids stay with the Brown clan if Robyn died rather than an actual, parental right-terminating adoption. That court room looked pretty staged so they could have used whatever term they wanted. I suspect it's a "spiritual adoption". 


that's what I thought, but then I don't understand why their last name was changed to Brown.  This really isn't making sense.

I don't even know where to start with this episode. Thank you, TLC production, for a full episode of 'WTF did they just really do that?' moments after such boring previous episodes.

Dayton is the only one of the bunch who has a lick of sense. No, Truley has a little bit of sense, too.

Polygamist cake? Really? Really? Isn't a cake just a cake? Most bakers will call it whatever you want, as long as your money is green. As much as the Browns think they're Special Snowflakes, they live in Vegas. i'm sure the wildest, strangest, oddest request the baker has seen. Even if someone at the bakery missed the memo and didn't sign the TV disclosure to be filmed for a show called SISTER WIVES, plural marriage is pretty tame on the grand scheme of things.

Meri, please just go. Leave. Don't wait for a man to rescue you. Just go, start a life, and then find a new man. You're miserable. I don't like you and think you pretty much put all of this upon yourself, but seriously. the current situation will never get any better. Go. Now.

Janelle, we know your're not gong anywhere and don't want to rock the boat. Be prepared for when - because it will happen - you say or do something to tick off Robyn - probably by not kissing her ever-widening ass, or her saying one of your kids was mean to one of hers - and she tries to throw you under a bus and get rid of you. You've been warned. Also, Christine will help her. She's desperate for approval and will help Robyn throw you under the bus. Brace yourself, Janelle.

Christine - take it down a notch with the overcompensating and cheerleding. You're rivaling Aurora in the dramatics. NO ONE IN HER RIGHT MIND - uh, wait. Stop. Enough said. Take it down a notch.

Robyn, Stealth Bitch Robyn. She's more stealth than I ever estimated, and I think I was the first to call her out as Stealth on the old board. The necklace for Meri was yet another slap in the face of 'Ha, I TOOK YOUR MAN!' See how sweet and sacrificing you are? DETHRONED, BEYOTCH! Run, Meri, RUN.

If Jessop is so horrible and terrible, that Purity Stealer, that they had to destroy a legal marriage, set Meri over the edge, jump through hoops to sever parental rights and adopt these kids to rescue them, then have a huge party and all the commemorative crap, WHY THE HELL CAN THE KIDS GO AND STAY FOR TWO WEEKS with this monster. Either the Browns are all too stupid and selfish for words, or they actually did not sever all ties and allow Kody to adopt, but exaggerated a change in custody situations and faked whatever we were presented with the judge. Personally, if i were the judge, and the adoption was to protect the kids, I'd hold them all in contempt or whatever, and immediately take some sort of legal action. You can't just paint someone as a horrible monster, and then willingly ship your kids off to him for two weeks. TWO WEEKS. (Although I do think Robyn would ship them anywhere if she could).

Now for the drawing. That was the most bizarre, effed up thing I've seen in a long time. First, to Single White Female the other drawing of Kody and family was just so weird. The Baby Day'un with the thumbs up was corny, cheesy, and weird. But the whole revisionist drawing, totally erasing their real dad and recreating history was just mentally insane. INSANE. The way they all gushed over it, like it was normal and uncrazy, was INSANE. Good thing it looked like a pencil drawing, so Robyn can erase Kody's head off when the TLC money runs out and she finds her next husband.

Logan? who was stifling a laugh as best he could, may also have some sense. I swear, if I were him, every holiday, birthday, etc., my gift to Kody would be one of those fake paintings with his face on the real art = Kody's face in the painting of Jesus holding lamb, surrounded by all the little children, on George Washington's crossing the Delaware, on Henry VII's body with that big plumed hat and a fur cape, The Last Supper, with Robyn in American Gothic, etc.

These people are insane.

Day'un's little "thumbs up" reminded me of the "Buddy Jesus" from Dogma. It gave the portrait a sort of campy element . . . . except that Robyn was dead serious about it. Edited by Jusagirlintheworld
  • Love 6

I don't think it's the pregnancy "harmones"  causing Robyn to challenge Prince Valiant.  I think she is exercising her newfound power, (as she sees it,) as the REAL wife.  On the bed, while Kody was trying to get all teary-eyed over his regret at not knowing the new Brownies when they were babies, Robyn was so over it.  Before, she would have turned on the waterworks, to show him how vulnerable and delicate she was.

I thought her reaction was very un-Robyn-like too!  She really looked bored and wished he would shut up and go away. 

  • Love 1

How about we all start placing bets on a new wife for the next TV season or TLC pulls the plug???

We won't renew your contract unless you add a fifth wife.

They'll move her in with Meri

Hey are we allowed to snark about how Kody's brother didn't know how to pronounce "chaos" because he was homeschooled? Or is that offensive to homeschoolers?

  • Love 1

I think Meri and Christine must have particularly stung.  When Meri offered to divorce Kody it was like another day at the Brown's.  There was no protests from Kody, no romantic scenes or protestations of Kody's love for Meri.  He told her that nothing would change.  He told her that they were still spiritually married.  I'm sorry, but if I were Meri I'd want to see that my husband was torn over the divorce.  I'd want emotion.  Kody gave it all to Robyn. 


Robyn's coming into the picture left Christine with no role.  She was supposed to be the fun one.  The silly one.  The one where Kody could let his hair (such as it is), down.  Janelle has always been Kody's pragmatic partner, and she still is.  Robyn really fucked Meri and Christine's world up.  I've seen Kody more with Robyn and her kids than with anyone else. 


         I kind of like Christine's little stingers "awww are you crying inside?"  ROFLMAO  the kodster looks at her like he can't get if she is kidding with him or taking a dig.  Brutha bettah watch his back, yo.  The squealing about the concrete slab was weird, almost as if someone was  signalling her to do it.  The fake robin/kody table fight was lame, as were the 'since you got preg with this kid, you've been so mouthy to kody' and Christine's "I like this side of you" comments.  Also Chris, don't adopt Robin's awful playing with her hair habit, you did it at the fake table fight scene and I've seen you do it a few other times. Just don't, it's not cute or sexy, it's gross, it looks like something a tweaker chick would do. It's not you. You need an interest that isn't them.


Oh and the Robin not wearing any make-up to surreptitiously convey, oh look how bad I look worried for the kids to go away, because I can't really say anything about the ex directly but I'll drop hints "they always come back with the 1000 foot stare" or something like that. If they do, that doesn't mean he treated them bad, but you are good with leaving it open to interpretation or whjat is called 'plausible deniability' AKA "oh but I didn't mean it like you took it' . You have to stop all of that stuff, it looks really tacky and more and more like you are feeding ol king kody's ego and less like the bio-dad is so evil.  Or is the no make-up also supposed to be 'see I'm one of the girls now, or is it, I don't have to try anymore.  Go back to the makeup , only Christine looks cute au naturale.


Never heard of giving out a plaque for getting adopted. They mean well I suppose with all this crazy stuff, plaques 'cuz I wasn't there for your young childhood'  ' I'm a watch guy'. The portrait thing,  even kody had a look like he thought it was weird too lol but what's he going to say when he comes up with 'i-duhs' (ideas) almost as weird himself.  Is robin that insecure about her kids fitting in or being accepted or forgotte about with the new kids- with all this revionist history overkill?   I love the wives comments  that   " thats such a sweet idea" or "I would have never thought of that, how cool" .Yeah because it's weird. And Janelle saying something is 'cool' is like the kiss of death as far as something being cool for real. I've heard her say something was cool before and it came off just as uninspired and fake polite, which I must say, is better than crazed psycho cheerleader.


Now for the drawing. That was the most bizarre, effed up thing I've seen in a long time. First, to Single White Female the other drawing of Kody and family was just so weird. The Baby Day'un with the thumbs up was corny, cheesy, and weird. But the whole revisionist drawing, totally erasing their real dad and recreating history was just mentally insane. INSANE. The way they all gushed over it, like it was normal and uncrazy, was INSANE.

 Either you look at this 12 days of adoption debacle as they are running out of material and hey if kody and crew can get free stuff out of it, they're down for whatever TLC wants them to do, or they really are that crazy as to come up with this stuff themselves. The kodster is right about one thing though, and we have all tallked about it here, and that is how chaos-filled their life is, maybe they should add a symbol to their concrete slab  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbol_of_Chaos


Day'un's little "thumbs up" reminded me of the "Buddy Jesus" from Dogma. It gave the portrait a sort of campy element . . . . except that Robyn was dead serious about it.


       Like that's the only campy element. It struck me as weird also the kids got kody a watch, as if they had to get him a gift for adopting them. Or was that actually from mom (which should have bee private right, although that would have been weird too- here's a gift for adopting my kids, as I already have 1.5 of your bio-kids as well. Umm ok. 

'Suspension of disbelief' I've come to believe is a phrase one must remember when watching the Brown's.  It's like thinking characters in lord of the rings are going to act like regular people.

Edited by BlackWidow
  • Love 4

Am I allowed to talk about the preview at the end of this episode here? They showed a clip of Meri telling Kody et al about something quite serious, and then a talking head of her sobbing about what she "brought into the family" or something like that. It was sad and disturbing, and it looks like they will be dealing with the catfishing on the next episode.

I just realized I like my reality TV producer-driven and full of unfair edits. Showing real pain from real people is just too...real. I am not sure I am going to find next week's episode very pleasant. My heart went out to Meri in such a deep, compassionate way after seeing how desolate she looked. And it made me want to hunt down the catfisher and do terrible things to her.

  • Love 6

The kids, hey - ANYONE - giving Meri a diamond necklace in the midst of all this was the strangest gift. (Besides the drawing, which was weird and campy within itself.) "Oh, thank you for divorcing your husband so he could marry our mom, adopt us and be our new dad, here's a diamond as payment. Now off to see our real dad who was so awful we had to have legal intervention to escape his clutches."


I really, seriously, totally, completely, wanted to think the potential future Kody + Aurora = 5th Wife was so outlandish it could never happen, but with the rest of this insanity, who knows. Robyn may even set them up. 

  • Love 7

"Kody, we are presenting you with this watch to symbolize that when you adopted us, this is when time for us officially began." 

"Meri, we are presenting you with this diamond necklace to symbolize that your past, present, and future as you knew it, are now over." 

"Christine and Janelle, you get nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada." 

  • Love 15

Am I allowed to talk about the preview at the end of this episode here? They showed a clip of Meri telling Kody et al about something quite serious, and then a talking head of her sobbing about what she "brought into the family" or something like that. It was sad and disturbing, and it looks like they will be dealing with the catfishing on the next episode.

I haven't seen the clip, but I'm not buying it. The catfish says Meri suffered from H. Pylori, which caused her health issues. I'm guessing she fears it could be contagious. The Browns create drama out of nothing. Who else can create a cancer panic out of a Pap smear?

  • Love 3

Can you explain this for me? I only saw bits and pieces when I clicked over from the football game. I didn't see Robyn order the portrait. Are you saying that Robyn took a family photo of Kody with Christine's kids, removed Christine's kids, and had her kids put in? 

I'm late to this discussion, so forgive me if this has been asked/answered already, did she really do that? Is Robyn so, I don't even know what to call her, determined, that she would really do something like that??

I can't even imagine what's in her head.  

  • Love 1

I'll admit that I probably would have found fault with pretty much anything this family does... But the portrait is just creepy, not weird, not different, but creepy. Could they just not do a current portrait with the kids and Kody? Like I said I probably would have scoffed at that idea too, but now seeing the portrait that Robyn gave I would gladly welcome just a regular family photo:

  • Love 2

I haven't seen the clip, but I'm not buying it. The catfish says Meri suffered from H. Pylori, which caused her health issues. I'm guessing she fears it could be contagious. The Browns create drama out of nothing. Who else can create a cancer panic out of a Pap smear?


I'm not buying it either.  This show is famous for making us think they're going to address something in the next episode and then later we find out it was something else entirely or nothing at all.  They throw us a bone several shows later but it turns out it was really nothing even half as scandalous as we were all thinking it would be.  It's how they keep us roped into watching the show and waiting for them to drop the other shoe.  In this case if they explain it away with Meri's health issue that would be lame considering the public knows better now.  That's why I think they will address it but gloss it over quite a bit.  Meri will admit she got taken in by a scam artist who she thought was a friend because she was so conflicted and vulnerable after the divorce.  Then K-douche will say he and Meri need to focus on their relationship and take her on a vacation with their couples therapist.  And then they'll talk about needing to focus more on each other, blah blah blah and Kodouche will say he needs to help Meri realize he still cares about her, and make that the issue, no mention of any catfishes.


I had H. Pylori early this year and it was no joke.  I only WISH I had lost weight with it, though!  I ate hardly anything for almost a month and no weight loss?  Agggghhh!  Fortunately it did not create any lasting "health issues" - It can cause an ulcer in some people who are susceptible to that, so I was told.  I hope Meri started taking probiotics.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 3

I laughed because of Dayton's "thumbs up" in that "classy" portrait. Of course, Kody has on his eyeglasses and just looks so wise. The plaques Kody got from the trophy shop? And how much did you spend on those pieces of shit?

I'm glad you said it, I thought they were crap. Why would anyone want to display those things? Kody indicated they were quite expensive and everybody acted they were just marvelous.

And do his bio children have anything remotely like them hanging on their walls? It's apparent that These adopted children now outrank all the others in Kody's estimation. How do the other kids feel about that?

I have also wondered if Meri, having fertility problems, ever wanted to adopt children and what Lody might have said about that.

  • Love 3

Random re-working of scene wIth Bulgarian dude.


Robin blathering on in mumble-speak and weird  facial contortions:

"Igor, do you know what 'plural family' means? My.Husband.Who. 'Dopted. My. Kids. Also.Has. Three. Other. Wives. Do you get it?"


Igor: "My English not good, but I get what you say."  (thinking to himself: I only need to meet one to know they are all crazy. Wonder how much this lady from boring tv show pay for this?)


Robin: "so using these old photos, I want you to make a drawing with kody and my kids, like it was in the past, OK? we take the people in the old photos out and put these kids in OK?"


Igor: "ya ya, it will be charming, like a margaret keene cat painting, I promise ."

(thinking to himself: why want drawing such as this? To erase people in past? Both men are still alive. All children are alive. Why make creepy painting as if memorial? Whatever, I make money who cares).


Robin: "Oh Igor you are so awesome! thanks so much"


Igor: "No problem, I call you when finished." (I finish this tonight after 6 pack to get over feeling stupid making sketch)

  • Love 14

I wonder if Sobyn and Kody thought all along..."when the episode airs when we reveal this portrait everyone is gonna think we're amazing."  Yet the reaction on this board has been 100% disgust (unless I missed some....don't think so).  IF they read this board, and I'll bet they do, just probably can't fathom this reaction. 

My husband and I actually had an argument over this show last night- I wanted to watch it. He was horrified that I wanted to watch it.

He went to bed, and I watched, and then immediately wanted to throw up, I had such a visceral reaction. That portrait is horrifically bad--I think this family and specifically Robyn- are all certifiably insane. But she's crazy like a fox.  She's the type of person who'd boil the bunny. (Fatal Attraction)

Nothing they do surprises me- but that did. Wiping out a family memory-- in fact, 2 families-- and replacing it with a crazy 2.0 version is just...creepily evil. Not just horribly tacky- but downright evil. It was not done with a good heart- but with intent to cement Robyn's version of "how the world is now going to work. Better suck it up sister wives, because you too can be removed". Kody is a snake oil salesman and I have to wonder how people who clearly really dislike each other, are going to get along on their own crazy planet. For eternity.

They will not get my viewership again. I just barfed in my mouth (again.)

Time to take a shower, and some eye bleach. 

  • Love 5

The plaques Kody got from the trophy shop? And how much did you spend on those pieces of shit?

Free in exchange for being featured on the show.

"Today we're going to visit our friends at (name of business) to get (free shit)."

In this episode: free plaques, free cake, free brisket.

Kody changed up the menu for the adoption/sealing party because he found a BBQ place (name mentioned on show) that would cater for free but this was probably after Robyn already made a deal with party supply people for all the tables and chairs.

Btw - Robyn's house can fit 60+ people comfortably for sit down meal. Their places are huge. I can only imagine how alone Meri must feel in her empty house. Makes sense how she was easily preyed on by the catfish.

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 2

And poor portrait guy no doubt got to be taught a new English concept..."comp."

I think we all agree that the portrait was in poor taste due to the subject matter, but I have to say that the actual draftsmanship of the drawing--especially of Kody and to a lesser extent the children--was quite skilled. Comped or not, I really hope that the exposure that this artist received by being featured on a TV show has led to more work for him.

  • Love 5

How about we all start placing bets on a new wife for the next TV season or TLC pulls the plug???

We won't renew your contract unless you add a fifth wife.

They'll move her in with Meri

Hey are we allowed to snark about how Kody's brother didn't know how to pronounce "chaos" because he was homeschooled? Or is that offensive to homeschoolers?

My friend homeschools her kids and they are doing great!!!  I think it is more the "home" than the "schooled" part that counts.  Nobody in that household could tell him the correct pronunciation?  Not pronouncing something correctly the first time is not unusual, but for nobody to know the difference is the problem here.  

  • Love 3

Am I allowed to talk about the preview at the end of this episode here? They showed a clip of Meri telling Kody et al about something quite serious, and then a talking head of her sobbing about what she "brought into the family" or something like that. It was sad and disturbing, and it looks like they will be dealing with the catfishing on the next episode.

I just realized I like my reality TV producer-driven and full of unfair edits. Showing real pain from real people is just too...real. I am not sure I am going to find next week's episode very pleasant. My heart went out to Meri in such a deep, compassionate way after seeing how desolate she looked. And it made me want to hunt down the catfisher and do terrible things to her.

I would be surprised if it dealt with the catfishing.  I got the impression that she finally cracked about being put out to pasture - even if it was "for the children."  We KNOW she didn't want the divorce and has been keeping a stoic public face.  

Free in exchange for being featured on the show.

"Today we're going to visit our friends at (name of business) to get (free shit)."

In this episode: free plaques, free cake, free brisket.

These all sound like small local businesses so I'm guessing it's more along the lines of a deep discount and TLC paid the agreed upon amount since the finished product was part of the show. I mean outside Vegas, what good is the advertising?

Now the pet portrait guy. He's talented for sure, but you can see artists of the same caliber at local art fairs any weekend who will offer to draw from a photograph. It's not really all that creative to me, but I'm no artist so take my opinion with a grain of salt. The eyes just look off, especially on the kids, and yup getting that "Keane" big eye vibe too.

Edited by DakotaJustice
  • Love 1

My friend homeschools her kids and they are doing great!!!  I think it is more the "home" than the "schooled" part that counts.  Nobody in that household could tell him the correct pronunciation?  Not pronouncing something correctly the first time is not unusual, but for nobody to know the difference is the problem here.

Query: why would one kid be homeschooled and the other not? And weren't the Brown kids homeschooled for awhile too? Christine has bragged about it.

Maybe Kody was homeschooled until high school and so was his brother? I know that happens.

Anyway I WASNT homeschooled but I still mispronounced words as they were written.

Hell, Maddie couldn't even SPELL "chaos" correctly until recently. She had it on her Twitter front page - she spelled it Kaos. Or something like that.

I am late watching this. Too much other shit on Sunday nights. 


Christine really needs to stop trying to come up with ways the sister wives have it better than regular wives. "We have someone who will agree with our bitching about our crazy husband!" Um, how about not having a crazy husband in the first place? Besides, do girlfriends and regular, um, sisters, not occasionally gripe to each other about their husbands? Is it somehow less relatable when my I tell my girlfriend that I'm going to kill my husband for not taking his muddy boots off before he comes in the house because she's not also sleeping with him????



Now, I'll probably get crucified like Jesus on the cross for this (sorry for the drama, I've been watching too much RHOC), but I was actually kind of touched by the plaques Kody made for AuroraDaytonBreanna. It was Breanna's reaction that really got to me. That girl often seems like she is repeating things she's been told to say, but I felt like that was real. I think Kody is a really immature and lazy father most of the time, but I do think he genuinely loves Robyn's kids as his own and wants to make sure they feel 100% included in the family. And I appreciate that.


So is Meri going to reveal all next week???? 

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I doubt the catfish story will be addressed except in extremely veiled terms if Kody has anything to say about it. It makes him look bad, because his crumbs of glorious alphaness were not enough for Meri; it makes polygamy look like it's not the kittens and rainbows party they claim it is; and finally, it blows up the Meri was so happy with the divorce/adoption bullshit story.

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You guys I can't even with these people. I consider myself to be super open and while their lifestyle is not my cup of tea as long as they aren't harming the kids I could deal with it- better than watching the Duggars, for example.

But this episode was weird there is no doubt in my mind that these kids will need counselling one day. They have been totally brainwashed into erasing a part of their history which no matter how "bad" Robyn claims it is, it is still part of their story. This must be so confusing especially after coming from their birth father.

I'll be very curious to hear the kids talk about this experience when they are fully formed adults there's been way too much manipulating of emotions for one episode.

And Robyn omg put those tears away girl seriously it is too much

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