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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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11 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

They gushy "how wonderful you are, O Wise One" comments make me want to puke.  Behold our future - these airheads will be running the world some day.

Not a day goes by that I don't read the news and think, "Thank God I'm 72 and won't have to live long with the results of the madness being created by up-and-coming "leaders."

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

Not a day goes by that I don't read the news and think, "Thank God I'm 72 and won't have to live long with the results of the madness being created by up-and-coming "leaders."

Right there with you.  It seems hopeless overall and I don't want to be around to see the implosion of both the planet and society. I can't imagine being younger (I'll be 70 soon) and having to look at what is happening and imagine a dire future.

And her pompous posts are a joke - rule #4 in particular is one that the SC founder heartily embraces through his support of the current government.  So why no admonishments or posts addressing that?  As long as there doesn't need to be any actual effort on her part of disruption of her precious "all about me" life, she's all for it.  But get in the way of Me First - crickets.

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12 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

They gushy "how wonderful you are, O Wise One" comments make me want to puke.  Behold our future - these airheads will be running the world some day.

COL here, and that is a good thingk.  My over-30 daughter is not going to have kids, and while I'm sad about that, in a way, it's one less thing to worry about, since I won't be a grandma.  People like dear Pudge make me want to scream, and I'm not a screamer (thinkingk of you, Christine!)  Pudge is just insufferable, like her parents, but even worse.

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Such a hypocritical SJW!  I wonder if she reflects on her "buy local produce" mantra as she sits in Chi-town bistros enjoying avocado toast or thinks about the consumption of fossil fuels as she and Sludge jet across the country to Utah for a "much-needed vacay".  Or how about the fact that they both earn income from promoting the sale of specialized clothing for every activity that can be ordered via cellphones or computers (that they can repair themselves???).

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"Own only the necessary."

(But PLEASE subscribe to the latest, daily nonsense that I promote here. Just because it uses those resources that are in danger, ship in cardboard boxes and require the use of under-aged people in third world countries doesn't mean you should miss out on a chance at using my code $$MARIAHNEEDSCASH$$ for $3 off your first order. )

Edited by Galloway Cave
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4 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Not a day goes by that I don't read the news and think, "Thank God I'm 72 and won't have to live long with the results of the madness being created by up-and-coming "leaders."

After a very realistic dream that woke me with the sweats and a rapid heart rate - I've thought for years that someday they will round up all of the olds and put us in barbed wire encampments where the guards are on skateboards, wearing earbuds and backwards ball caps. 

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4 minutes ago, suomi said:

After a very realistic dream that woke me with the sweats and a rapid heart rate - I've thought for years that someday they will round up all of the olds and put us in barbed wire encampments where the guards are on skateboards, wearing earbuds and backwards ball caps. 

We could blithely ignore them if we put our COL womxn power together and built walls around the interior perimeter of the barbed wire.  

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4 hours ago, Sandy W said:

Such a hypocritical SJW!  I wonder if she reflects on her "buy local produce" mantra as she sits in Chi-town bistros enjoying avocado toast or thinks about the consumption of fossil fuels as she and Sludge jet across the country to Utah for a "much-needed vacay".  Or how about the fact that they both earn income from promoting the sale of specialized clothing for every activity that can be ordered via cellphones or computers (that they can repair themselves???).

There would be no cellphones, computers or earbuds & polyester LuLaCrap without mining and petroleum.  One flight to/from Bali has the carbon footprint of driving a car for a year, Snowflake!  And why are you still drinking coffee?

Edited by deirdra
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Who wants to take one for the team and open an IG account and then post every one of those salient arguments.  You know it will be deleted in a  heartbeat but at least she'll know there are some intelligent humans out there that don't by her self-serving BS.  Selfish cow.

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You ladies have said it all brilliantly!


This one though in particular. She is so hypocritical I can’t believe she had the nerve to post this. Does she remember the excessive consumption and carbon footprint created from her family alone with their massive McMansions and 30 different old-clapped out vehicles that they can’t possibly carpool in, for fear of having to talk to each other. Also Lulahellno is the epitome of discardable limited shelf life clothing. Activism starts in your own backyard hypocrite. 

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5 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Blah, Blah, Blah, you vapid twit.  Your FitBit tells you what's best for you.  Would this be another piece of unnecessary equipment that you eschew? 

And do I spy a plastic bottle rather than a refillable bottle from home?  Save the planet Mariah, use your expensive water filtration system and add a paper packet of flavor crystals if you must.

Is the orange tan the result of applying chemical laden potions to your skin or is the Oompah Loompah look inherited from Mother Meri?

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I see she found Meri’s orange fake tan stash 🦵 🥕 

Stick to shilling stuff to the masses Mariah, you won’t cut it as a philosopher recycling the same old BS. 

Instead of wasting time ‘meditating on the mantra that you trust in your ability to know what’s best for you’, maybe you could instead meditate, on how to capitalise a fucking sentence correctly for a change. Dimwit. 


Edited by Sofa Sloth
Spellingk and more snark
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4 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

You ladies have said it all brilliantly!


This one though in particular. She is so hypocritical I can’t believe she had the nerve to post this. Does she remember the excessive consumption and carbon footprint created from her family alone with their massive McMansions and 30 different old-clapped out vehicles that they can’t possibly carpool in, for fear of having to talk to each other. Also Lulahellno is the epitome of discardable limited shelf life clothing. Activism starts in your own backyard hypocrite. 

I drive a 29-year-old car (I live in a city - no sense parking a newer car on the street, and garages cost too much), I've had the same cell phone for over 3 years (I bought it just before a newer version was released several generations ago, to be practical) and I just bought the same style of sandals, slightly used, on Ebay, to replace the ones I've worn since summer 2012. I also have worn the same shorts, dresses and other summer clothes for almost a decade - washing them in cold water and hanging them to dry really preserves them. My workout gear consists of 3 pairs of old cotton Danskin leggings. They each have one or two small holes (not in the crotch or backside though!)  but I'm rolling around on the gym floor a lot during exercise class so who cares? I don't wear them except to my workouts.  However, I do not do these things because I'm "woke" or a "social media warrior" or any of that junk. I hate shopping - even online - and when I find something I like my hope is to wear it for as long as possible. I love my old car - if something goes wrong, it's usually obvious and generally an easy fix, unlike newer cars. It's also sturdier, as it is made of steel rather than aluminum alloys or whatever goes into making new cars. Plus no mystery computer gadget stuff.  I don't think I'm particularly commendable or more worthy than others.  I don't do any of these things for a cause - but rather because these are my preferences. Okay back to the topic - Mariah is a pill.

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6 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

I see she found Meri’s orange fake tan stash 🦵 🥕 

Stick to shilling stuff to the masses Mariah, you won’t cut it as a philosopher recycling the same old BS. 

Instead of wasting time ‘meditating on the mantra that you trust in your ability to know what’s best for you’, maybe you could instead meditate, on how to capitalise a fucking sentence correctly for a change. Dimwit. 


Now give Mariah some credit...she correctly capitalized all of the "I"s!

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On 8/20/2019 at 11:20 PM, deirdra said:

It was the new "woke" in ~2012 for city people, but most are over it because the screw-cap grooves are not pleasant on the lips and you always end up with a couple of drops dribbling down the side.

It was a thing at a restaurant called the Coleman  Still in the 80s San Jose. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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4 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

Now give Mariah some credit...she correctly capitalized all of the "I"s!

True for the first time ever! 😉

I’m not giving her credit for that though, even my six year old son knows to capitalise ‘I’.  That word really shouldn’t be difficult for her either, (as aside from being just one fucking letter to get right), it’s also the entire basis of her self-absorbed vocabulary (along with me, my, myself, mine...), the rest of the woke gibberish she spouts, is probably just full-on quotes stolen from a Tony Robbins book. 

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17 hours ago, deirdra said:

There would be no cellphones, computers or earbuds & polyester LuLaCrap without mining and petroleum.  One flight to/from Bali has the carbon footprint of driving a car for a year, Snowflake!  And why are you still drinking coffee?

Please, please put this on her Insta  Or I will (plagiarize).

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19 hours ago, VegasVixen said:

I see she likes that coconut water that costs a small fortune for one bottle. I think it's like 5 or 6 bucks for that size. 

And using a plastic bottle.  What a hypocrite.

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"Since I got back from Bali."

I mean, we all called it from the minute we discovered that she was heading there, but the selfless, all about community, woke granola Snowflake proceeds to name-drop Bali as much as she can - just as we predicted.  And as pointed out above, it's hysterical how she lectured all of us about saving the planet and in the very next post, she's carting around a plastic water bottle.  Do these people actually think?  At all?  Did growing up on mock tapioca and green goo somehow liquefy the self-aware portion of their brains?

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On 8/22/2019 at 8:22 AM, Sandy W said:

Such a hypocritical SJW!  I wonder if she reflects on her "buy local produce" mantra as she sits in Chi-town bistros enjoying avocado toast or thinks about the consumption of fossil fuels as she and Sludge jet across the country to Utah for a "much-needed vacay".  Or how about the fact that they both earn income from promoting the sale of specialized clothing for every activity that can be ordered via cellphones or computers (that they can repair themselves???).

"repair themselves" Hahahahahahaaaa!  She can't even wash her ratty hair.... she's not repairing anything.

Typical idiot nonsense from Mariah who sits there displaying stuff like "fun fit" boxes and other "new" products with individual packages all wrapped in plastic etc. Yet she's preaching to others. 

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

"Since I got back from Bali."

I mean, we all called it from the minute we discovered that she was heading there, but the selfless, all about community, woke granola Snowflake proceeds to name-drop Bali as much as she can - just as we predicted.  And as pointed out above, it's hysterical how she lectured all of us about saving the planet and in the very next post, she's carting around a plastic water bottle.  Do these people actually think?  At all?  Did growing up on mock tapioca and green goo somehow liquefy the self-aware portion of their brains?

It's not just Browns that are so stupid. It's seems as if that many of that generation lack critical thinking skills. How can you think if you can't be challenged without being "hurt"?

Edited by Higgins
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It’s so easy to call out her hypocrisy. She’s a walking contradiction, I’m sure she wants to be an eco warrior, but in reality she’s a sell out slave to the dollar. 

Check out her instagram post from less than a year ago and then the subsequent posts within that same year of her single use plastic items - this is just what is photographed by her - a tiny teeny snapshot of what she actually consumes. 

Get the hell off my lawn you fraud.  


Oh cool story Mariah! Except...uh oh.. busted biarch 


Edited by Sofa Sloth
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And I'd tell her to take her dog Mosby with her, except Mother Meri seems to have custody of him.

Are all of her ass-kissing Wokes blind to Pudge's hypocrisy?  They must be.  

Sofa, you are a star for calling out this bullshit.  

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So it's fine to preach from your high horse about "owning only the necessary" but work in a store that caters to people who have an outfit for everything.  Does she tell the customers that they should just go home and exercise in whatever old stretchy things they have on hand?  

Yeah, right.

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3 hours ago, Teafortwo said:
  4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I’m bad at crossing out people’s names!



So Audrey (and half her other relatives including her mother!) are all selling LulaNO and she's working for Lululemon?  Is that why Audrey is trying to get rid of those dresses - she's going to get out before it implodes?  I'd be seriously pissed if I was trying to make money selling something and my partner went and worked for the competition.  Doesn't sound too woke to me.

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6 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

So Audrey (and half her other relatives including her mother!) are all selling LulaNO and she's working for Lululemon?  Is that why Audrey is trying to get rid of those dresses - she's going to get out before it implodes?  I'd be seriously pissed if I was trying to make money selling something and my partner went and worked for the competition.  Doesn't sound too woke to me.



“ From fitness to wellness to food, this store is designed to serve all the ways we sweat, grow, and connect.”

It would seem Mariah has been borrowing from them. This includes, inclusion, sustainability, accessibility, self care,  and such.

The store has products, yoga, a meditation room........

I laughed when I saw this:


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Lululemon actually has a great reputation for high-quality clothes - used to be a huge fan of their Groove Pants - they wear like iron and they look great. 

Had to stop wearing them when I started having hot flashes - they're on the thick side. Plus my personal style changed. I waa able to sell all my Lululemon pretty quickly on Poshmark, even items that were 8 years old! I still have a few bras and a pink gym bag which I bought in 2006.

I think LLR is aware of the similarity in their name and that was purposeful, they were trying to hijack the reputation. LLR is crap. 

I'm just surprised they hired her. She doesn't come off as the most customer-oriented, friendly, helpful person. I haven't been to my local Lululemon store for some time but I've always received great service with a smile.

She's probably trying to become an ambassador.

Edited by DakotaJustice
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36 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I’m curious what area Mariah will be working in at the store.

If she's as preachy in person as she is on SM, I'm pretty sure she won't be a sales advisor.  I would be out the door empty-handed if I asked ---what size would I wear in these? and was inflicted with a diatribe about--- size doesn't matter! love who you are! listen to your own intuition!

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4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I’m curious what area Mariah will be working in at the store.

Same. I noticed they do yoga classes... she’s not on the schedule as a teacher though (thank goodness as that would be a kick in the face for actual teachers with years of experience).  It also did say on the braggy timetable, she’s putting in 7 hours a day there, which would suggest salesperson to me. Assuming she hasn’t been promoted to anything more due to her tv status and following, I’m actually going to give her small credit for getting an actual job here and with a legit company not an MLM. Lululemon do amazing quality workout gear I agree with @DakotaJustice. She’s also borrowed her entire set of core values from their marketing material, so it’s a good match. 

Now if she could fully exit Lulahellno and educate herself and Audrey about the perils of pyramid schemes, maybe she’ll have a fighting chance of a genuinely successful life. 

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45 minutes ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Same. I noticed they do yoga classes... she’s not on the schedule as a teacher though (thank goodness as that would be a kick in the face for actual teachers with years of experience).  It also did say on the braggy timetable, she’s putting in 7 hours a day there, which would suggest salesperson to me. Assuming she hasn’t been promoted to anything more due to her tv status and following, I’m actually going to give her small credit for getting an actual job here and with a legit company not an MLM. Lululemon do amazing quality workout gear I agree with @DakotaJustice. She’s also borrowed her entire set of core values from their marketing material, so it’s a good match. 

Now if she could fully exit Lulahellno and educate herself and Audrey about the perils of pyramid schemes, maybe she’ll have a fighting chance of a genuinely successful life. 

I have former colleagues who've taught classes not only at Lulu, but also Lorna Jane and other fitness-related shops.

These businesses don't want to use staff - they're trying to bring in business and establish relationships with gyms and fitness clubs and so on.  The lulu near me has weekly free classes either in the store or at the park a couple blocks away. I can see them maybe letting Mariah teach eventually but they usually focus on popular instructors at local clubs, who are also ambassadors.  And from what I was told by a couple ex colleagues (I still go to the same gym as a member so we chat...) the waiting list is pretty long, and you can't just phone it in. Also, you get a lot of exposure. It's a hot gig.

Just checked the schedule at my local store and they've recently brought in instructors from Orange Theory, Barry's Bootcamp, a local Zumba place, Equinox, and some local yoga studios. 

Edited by DakotaJustice
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4 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Remember when Lululemon made batches of see-through leggings?  I hope we don't see Mariah in yoga poses in them. 

I do remember, but unlike LLR they admitted to defects and recalled them pretty quickly.

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I wonder who made Mariah's favourite leggings (black)?  Certainly not LLN as they have lasted through several photo shoots and are the least objectionable of her leggings. However, leggings are not pants.

Edited by deirdra
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1 hour ago, deirdra said:

I wonder who made Mariah's favourite leggings (black)?  Certainly not LLN as they have lasted through several photo shoots and are the least objectionable of her leggings. However, leggings are not pants.

If you really wonder, I’m sure those were the ‘bad boys’ she linked in her ‘newsletter’. Uh oh looks like you may need to subscribe 😆 

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