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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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11 minutes ago, suomi said:

Is yoga about being centered, balanced, limber, agile - but achieving muscle tone and weight loss are not part of the program? She can twist herself like a pretzel but she looks like a thick, lumpy, flabby couch potato. It's not like I would see her and think oooh, I wanna look like thar, I gotta sign up for that class. 

Strive With Meriah! 

I've never taken yoga classes, but I think it's about achieving harmony in mind, body and spirit and being centered within yourself.  The only centered I see with Mariah is self-centered and that seems to be her goal, it's all about her.

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3 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I'm not a yoga person but I've done pilates in the past.

Do people usually sweat like pigs when doing yoga?  😳

If you are in a hot room yoga class you probably do.  And from experience, the larger you are it doesn't take a lot of exercise to work up a good sweat.  

3 hours ago, suomi said:

Why are her palms and her soles discolored?

Her ankles and the tops of her feet are filthy!

All flab, zero muscle tone. For someone who is nearly exclusively photographed in athletic wear she is one hot freakin' mess.

"Yoga teacher training in Bali" ... ? But of course.

The stained soles are from those Birkenstock shoes shes wears.  I have some shoes that cause the same.  If you wear them with light colored socks they will become the same color.  Dry brushing the ankles and the rest of the skin daily and using a sugar scrub at least once a week will help the dirty looking skin.  

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Because I have insomnia that's making me kinda nuts, I wanted to clear up the Sludge/Pudge confusion. I believe that the origin of Pudge was from Audge -- someone somewhere, here or on Instagram or whatever, substituted "P" for A -- hence Pudge. I believe that Sludge followed from Pudge and therefore refers to Mariah. One way to keep track is that she does always look dirty!  Of course Pudge looks dirty sometimes too (we just don't see as many pix of her with her body exposed/stuffed into workout gear) and Mariah is, well, pudgy. So that works too.

What a productive use of my wide-awake time! 😖

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The origin of Sludge was from the fact that she has latched onto the back end of the Brown Clown gravy train and is being dragged along in the dirt while doing as little as possible to earn a living and support Pudge. 

Pudge came from, well, the state of Mariah's body.

I wonder if the federal student loans (your tax dollars at work) are paying for that Bali jaunt.  There are umpteen good yoga schools in the US.

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11 hours ago, neh said:

Well, I sweat when doing yoga. It can be a high intensity workout. 

I admire Mariah 's skill with yoga and becoming a yoga teacher is pretty cool But how the heck is she affording a trip to Bali??????

While I admire her skill, what often gets me is that yoga is part of a religion, not just an activity or "sport". I hope she pays it the proper respect, which seems so if she's willing to travel that far for training. Still, I can't help but place this little gem right here: 

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Just now, xwordfanatik said:

I wonder if hairy pits are the latest thing in Bali.  The above picture is just gross.  Pudge looks filthy dirty.  Does Sludge get to go too, as the official photographer?  

I think for the most part shaving is a U.S. and Canadian custom - and parts of western Europe.  Other countries don't shave.   We all know from having men in our lives that hairy pits just stink.  Hair traps odors and under the armpit is wet and moist and a breeding ground for bacteria.    I think Mariah not shaving is just being lazy, but maybe she has other valid reasons.

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10 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Hippies and Manson followers didn't shave in the 1960s-70s, and since Mariah doesn't wash or comb her hair, she probably doesn't shave because she thinks she is avant-garde.

She missed being avant-garde by about 50 years.  Same goes for wearing the Birkenstocks.  Is she trying to be a caricature?

BTW, I wasn't anywhere near as flabby as that until my 50s.

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25 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Hippies and Manson followers didn't shave in the 1960s-70s, and since Mariah doesn't wash or comb her hair, she probably doesn't shave because she thinks she is avant-garde.

It was more of a feminist thing - if a man does not have to shave off his natural hair to be considered attractive, why should a woman?  Why should it be considered "unhygienic" for women to have hairy armpits but not men?

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4 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

True.  It's all cultural.  It's what we are raised to think and believe.

It also fits right in with the persona she is trying to project, a disdain for femininity.  Best illustrated by her rejection of the word woman which she has replaced with womxn and also the masthead on her Instagram:-

"Pronouns she/her/they/them.

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3 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

It also fits right in with the persona she is trying to project, a disdain for femininity.  Best illustrated by her rejection of the word woman which she has replaced with womxn and also the masthead on her Instagram:-

"Pronouns she/her/they/them.

Mariah is a caricature of a feminist.  She is adopting all the outward trappings and buzzwords like an adolescent getting a piercing.

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7 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

It also fits right in with the persona she is trying to project, a disdain for femininity.  Best illustrated by her rejection of the word woman which she has replaced with womxn and also the masthead on her Instagram:-

"Pronouns she/her/they/them.

It's almost as if she has to go to extreme lengths to prove something.  It's sad.  She DOESN'T have to BE anything or prove anything to the world to be exactly who she is.  And it doesn't matter who she loves.  You can be a lesbian and shave your legs.  You can be a lesbian woman and be feminine.  

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3 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

Mariah is a caricature of a feminist.  She is adopting all the outward trappings and buzzwords like an adolescent getting a piercing.

Yet, she and all her friends dance around the fact that her mother is in a completely repressive marriage.  They all say things like "Well, as long as she is CHOOSING it, it's OK."  They are not willing to examine why anyone would choose such inequality and call it a good lifestyle.  I'm NOT saying Mariah should abandon either of her parents - they are her family and she loves them.  But in the same way she is honest about her mother's role in the catfishing she should be honest about her mother's role in her own repression.

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41 minutes ago, neh said:

Body size doesn't matter.

Absolutely.  I'd be more concerned about her personality.  In my experience, the best yoga instructors give clear directions and design a class that flows (no pun intended) well from movement to movement.  They give plenty of cues, offer modifications for injured students, and demonstrate the moves when necessary with a clear explanation of what they are doing (and not doing) and why...not to mention guided meditation.  Does Mariah have the temperament for teaching yoga?  I'm not so sure.  

And how does this jive with her grad school plans?  Is there a social justice warrior pose? 😁

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38 minutes ago, neh said:

I have yoga instructors who have trained in India. To become a certified yoga instructor is a lengthy and arduous process. Body size doesn't matter.


OK, now here comes a bit of a rant (not directed at you!!).  I REALLY hate all the references to her weight/body and the nickname "Pudge".  Her body is what it is and she is starting where she is starting.  I have not seen any posts where she is complaining about her body.  The only posts people have shared here show a young woman who is trying to get healthier and is putting in the work to do so.  Do I think she is perfect, of course not.  But I really think it's mean to dwell on the fact that she wasn't always so healthy and is now where she is.  (Unless, of course, you are all really fit athletes who have never weighed more than 3 pounds above your ideal weight.)

The reason I, like many, rag on Janelle is because she is NOT willing to do any work.  When she was working with the personal trainer she WAS making progress.  The scale might not have been budging, but she was toning up, losing some fat, and was able to actually start to move.  Apparently she wasn't getting the exact results she wanted (or they weren't coming fast enough) so she gave up.  Now she has an entire business devoted to the fact that she is unhappy with her body and is looking for the easy way out.  As people here have reported, Janelle's great advice to date has been:

1. Breathe

2. Drink Water

3. Go Outside

4. Eat vegetables

This combined with posts such as, "I was going to do something but couldn't find my shoes" makes all her "advice" a joke.

*rant over*

  • Love 22
3 hours ago, Sandy W said:

It also fits right in with the persona she is trying to project, a disdain for femininity.  Best illustrated by her rejection of the word woman which she has replaced with womxn and also the masthead on her Instagram:-

"Pronouns she/her/they/them.

I think it's more of a protest against gender norms -- and the repression of her moms (and her grandparents, etc) who are expected to follow accepted/old-fashioned feminine norms and keep sweet and be forever attractive to a man/subjected to the "male gaze" and so forth.

With respect to the Bali trip, I have a feeling she someone or organization is sponsoring her. She does seem to have a devoted and large following on social media.

Edited by Teafortwo
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4 hours ago, Kyanight said:

It's almost as if she has to go to extreme lengths to prove something.  It's sad.  She DOESN'T have to BE anything or prove anything to the world to be exactly who she is.  And it doesn't matter who she loves.  You can be a lesbian and shave your legs.  You can be a lesbian woman and be feminine.  

She's drinking the kool-aid.

1 hour ago, DaphneCat said:

OK, now here comes a bit of a rant (not directed at you!!).  I REALLY hate all the references to her weight/body and the nickname "Pudge".  Her body is what it is and she is starting where she is starting.  I have not seen any posts where she is complaining about her body.  The only posts people have shared here show a young woman who is trying to get healthier and is putting in the work to do so.  Do I think she is perfect, of course not.  But I really think it's mean to dwell on the fact that she wasn't always so healthy and is now where she is.  (Unless, of course, you are all really fit athletes who have never weighed more than 3 pounds above your ideal weight.)

That ginormous calorie, sugar, processed carb and fat laden breakfast she posted not that long ago is not what I would consider "healthy" despite having some of the latest healthy fad food buzzwords in it.  She's as bad as Janelle, just not as fat, although she is much younger.  If she keeps up the food hypocrisy all the yoga in the world won't make her slim or healthy.

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If Mariah's posted meals are her normal, she's easily consuming two to four times as many calories a day as I do.  She's already twice my size and it appears that she might be gaining.  Perhaps with spring she'll get outside and be more active and slim a bit.  What would be once a month or two treats for me seem to be Mariah's idea of normal.  

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I am fat. It took a lot for me to go to yoga classes with skinny\thin people but I did it because I love yoga and the mind\body\spirit connection it gives me. Now I see all shapes, sizes and ages in class and in yoga magazines. and

I admire Mariah's skill. I think through the teacher training she will develop more insight into herself and into what she needs to relate to others unselfishly.

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7 hours ago, Kyanight said:

I think for the most part shaving is a U.S. and Canadian custom - and parts of western Europe.  Other countries don't shave.   We all know from having men in our lives that hairy pits just stink.  Hair traps odors and under the armpit is wet and moist and a breeding ground for bacteria.    I think Mariah not shaving is just being lazy, but maybe she has other valid reasons.

Yes, I keep the pits smooth as it helps to keep them fresh, lol. But I'll go months without shaving my legs, and that is indeed just laziness. Thankfully, my husband doesnt care.

My sister, on the other hand, keeps her legs hair-free but lets her pits get wild on occasion. 

It's possible Mariah makes a conscious choice not to shave, which would fit in with her free-spirit persona. 

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3 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

I think it's more of a protest against gender norms -- and the repression of her moms (and her grandparents, etc) who are expected to follow accepted/old-fashioned feminine norms and keep sweet and be forever attractive to a man/subjected to the "male gaze" and so forth.

With respect to the Bali trip, I have a feeling she someone or organization is sponsoring her. She does seem to have a devoted and large following on social media.

The problem with this to me is that she doesn't seem to accept that her mother is repressed in any way.  She acts like Kody does no wrong.  I get that she may be mad at Meri for not listening to her about the catfish and also for not owning up to her role afterward.  

But somehow I don't think that Mariah would be any different about the catfish if Meri came right out and said "I am miserable in this marriage...especially since your father divorced me and ignores me.  I did look for love and yes, I should have known it was too good to be true, but I was blinded by feeling like, for once, I was important to someone."

Meri's a bitch,  married to a narcissist and her daughter takes after both her parents, but mostly her dad IMO.  

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4 hours ago, DaphneCat said:


OK, now here comes a bit of a rant (not directed at you!!).  I REALLY hate all the references to her weight/body and the nickname "Pudge".  Her body is what it is and she is starting where she is starting.  I have not seen any posts where she is complaining about her body.  The only posts people have shared here show a young woman who is trying to get healthier and is putting in the work to do so.  Do I think she is perfect, of course not.  But I really think it's mean to dwell on the fact that she wasn't always so healthy and is now where she is.  (Unless, of course, you are all really fit athletes who have never weighed more than 3 pounds above your ideal weight.)

The reason I, like many, rag on Janelle is because she is NOT willing to do any work.  When she was working with the personal trainer she WAS making progress.  The scale might not have been budging, but she was toning up, losing some fat, and was able to actually start to move.  Apparently she wasn't getting the exact results she wanted (or they weren't coming fast enough) so she gave up.  Now she has an entire business devoted to the fact that she is unhappy with her body and is looking for the easy way out.  As people here have reported, Janelle's great advice to date has been:

1. Breathe

2. Drink Water

3. Go Outside

4. Eat vegetables

This combined with posts such as, "I was going to do something but couldn't find my shoes" makes all her "advice" a joke.

*rant over*

meh... I find Mariah to be just as hypocritical as Janelle.

On one day she's sucking up double cream lattes with a pastry and the next day she's got a bowl of grass and lecturing everyone on the benefits of yoga.

She's just as selfish and phony as most of the Brown's.... What with her trying to rip off the airlines by passing off her dogs or sitting in the driveway like a psychopath instead of being happy for her siblings and sister mom's.

I haven't noticed her getting any fitter or slimmer.... Quite to the contrary she looks bigger than ever and completely greasy, sweaty and gross.

Mariah loves jumping on the latest bandwagon, hollering and screaming social warrior pussy hat and all.  😂

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12 minutes ago, lma said:

For all her “Social Justice Warrior-ing”, when is she going to call out polygamy? What feminist believes in polygamy? She’s at the forefront and, as far as I know, has not even begun to address it? I know it’s her family. I get it. But until she addresses it hard core (like you know she would with anything else she disagrees with), I will continue to see her as one of those trending faux activists who come and go. 

Caricature. Perfect description.

The thing about religious polygamy is just that - it is part of a religious tenet. This wouldn't be a case of fighting for legal rights or fighting against discrimination, like many other social issues - this would be a protest against someone's religion. That's a very sticky wicket. 

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21 minutes ago, lma said:

For all her “Social Justice Warrior-ing”, when is she going to call out polygamy? What feminist believes in polygamy? She’s at the forefront and, as far as I know, has not even begun to address it? I know it’s her family. I get it. But until she addresses it hard core (like you know she would with anything else she disagrees with), I will continue to see her as one of those trending faux activists who come and go. 

Caricature. Perfect description.

Exactly, she's a nitwit and all about pretense.

She HAD to go to an expensive private college, she HAS to attend Loyola and now she HAS to go to Bali for instruction in yoga.  🙄

I wonder how many of her siblings would like to attend the finest schools and fly around the world to study yoga in between.

I see a lot of Brown kids especially the boys having to join the military etc....  Maybe because super special sister snowflake Mariah gobbled up the entire education fund.  

Meri will move heaven and earth to give Mariah the world on a silver platter meanwhile we have mom Janelle filling her platter with avocado toast.... Sorry kids... Fend for yourselves.

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11 hours ago, neh said:

I have yoga instructors who have trained in India. To become a certified yoga instructor is a lengthy and arduous process. Body size doesn't matter.

A full yoga instructor takes 500 hours.  It can take between 6-12 months to complete, depending on how much time you have to work on it.  

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6 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I haven't noticed her getting any fitter or slimmer.... Quite to the contrary she looks bigger than ever and completely greasy, sweaty and gross.

But do we know her goal is to get slimmer?  While her physique might not be appealing to some (OK Many) she is not grossly obese.  Maybe she is happy with her size and simply trying to get more toned and flexible.

6 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

She's just as selfish and phony as most of the Brown's.... What with her trying to rip off the airlines by passing off her dogs or sitting in the driveway like a psychopath instead of being happy for her siblings and sister mom's.

6 hours ago, lma said:

For all her “Social Justice Warrior-ing”, when is she going to call out polygamy? What feminist believes in polygamy? She’s at the forefront and, as far as I know, has not even begun to address it? I know it’s her family. I get it. But until she addresses it hard core (like you know she would with anything else she disagrees with), I will continue to see her as one of those trending faux activists who come and go. 

Caricature. Perfect description.

See, she does SO MANY other snark-worthy things we shouldn't be reduced to cheap shots by commenting on her body.

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6 hours ago, lma said:

For all her “Social Justice Warrior-ing”, when is she going to call out polygamy? What feminist believes in polygamy? She’s at the forefront and, as far as I know, has not even begun to address it? I know it’s her family. I get it. But until she addresses it hard core (like you know she would with anything else she disagrees with), I will continue to see her as one of those trending faux activists who come and go. 

Caricature. Perfect description.

Totally agree and very well said.  Actually when she first started this social warrior bullshit, I thought it WAS because of polygamy since all the older kids seemed against it at that point.  But nope.  More fool me to think ANYONE on the TLC tit would actually speak out.  Let alone this one. 

I know some of the other kids have taken a stance (Well, Logan is kind of it, I guess)...  Okay, I can't even finish that sentence because Logan is really the only one.  Feel free to set me straight.  

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I don’t care if Mariah is overweight or obese that’s her business.  I do however dislike her because she seems like a pretentious asshole.  The only physical thing about her I can say I am somewhat biased about are those totally fucked up eyebrows.  They bother me.  I would also say the dirty feet but don’t know if that’s consistent.  I mean put some yoga socks on if your not going to wash your feet. Cover that shit up, but those eyebrows get me every time.  I think it’s fair game since wasn’t Mariah implying Meri’s eyebrows were a damn mess In one episode.  The irony there is too much to handle.

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1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

I don’t care if Mariah is overweight or obese that’s her business.  I do however dislike her because she seems like a pretentious asshole.  The only physical thing about her I can say I am somewhat biased about are those totally fucked up eyebrows.  They bother me.  I would also say the dirty feet but don’t know if that’s consistent.  I mean put some yoga socks on if your not going to wash your feet. Cover that shit up, but those eyebrows get me every time.  I think it’s fair game since wasn’t Mariah implying Meri’s eyebrows were a damn mess In one episode.  The irony there is too much to handle.

And like it or not, weight almost ALWAYS can be worked on and reduced unless you have some serious medical complication.  I am overweight - but I HATE to exercise so whose fault IS it that I am in this state?  Am I unable to help my appearance?  No - I COULD take steps to change it but I love food, I'm not THAT overweight - so I choose to ignore the scale.  If someone wanted to make fun of me for this, it isn't like they are making fun of me because of something that is out of my control like Aspergers, or missing limbs or something.   I don't make fun of Mariah about her weight because I simply don't care - but I don't get how it is any different than her ridiculous eyebrows or the awful clothes she sometimes wears or any other life CHOICES she makes.

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Lifelong yoga practitioner here. Going to Bali to get teacher certified is unnecessary and very expensive. In my small town I could take 3-4 different teacher trainings. Average cost 4K. Going to Bali will run probably 10K. Seems like a spendthrift way to go. 

Yoga is not just for thin people. I like seeing people of all ages and body types in class. 

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42 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

And like it or not, weight almost ALWAYS can be worked on and reduced unless you have some serious medical complication.  I am overweight - but I HATE to exercise so whose fault IS it that I am in this state?  Am I unable to help my appearance?  No - I COULD take steps to change it but I love food, I'm not THAT overweight - so I choose to ignore the scale.  If someone wanted to make fun of me for this, it isn't like they are making fun of me because of something that is out of my control like Aspergers, or missing limbs or something.   I don't make fun of Mariah about her weight because I simply don't care - but I don't get how it is any different than her ridiculous eyebrows or the awful clothes she sometimes wears or any other life CHOICES she makes.

Yeah, I don’t think it is any different either, other than maybe time commitment although some people have a fucked up relationship with food.  I was stating pretty that I don’t care about her weight either way, but I think that can be somewhat of a struggle for people.  I really haven’t had to deal with that issue too much.  

Now, the eye brows get me and feet washing get me in that they take VERY little effort.  I mean 5 mins or less and you can have clean feet or non-fucked up eyebrows.  Basically, I guess I’m saying, she’s seemingly lazy even with things that take almost no effort.  Maybe she has a fucked up relationship with bad eyebrows (insert Meri joke) I don’t know, but for half the price of avocado toast she could be decently groomed.  Now if you’re depressed, I can see why you may not have the energy to bathe or care about your eyebrows, but she sure as hell seems to have energy to posts these cringeworthy posts on Instagram.  Mariah, post one less picture and spend time washing your feet or better yet put down the eyebrow pencil and use that time to wash your feet.

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1 minute ago, Irate Panda said:

 Mariah, post one less picture and spend time washing your feet or better yet put down the eyebrow pencil and use that time to wash your feet.

None of the Browns believe in washing their feet.  They believe that during the day your brain cells tend to get weighted down and gradually work their way through your body down towards your feet.  If you wash your feet you are losing those brain cells and you are more likely to get early onset alzheimer's.    Haven't you ever noticed Christine's tootsies?  They teach this to their children from a very young age.  This also applies to washing the hair.  

AVOID soap and water (and shampoo) at ALL COST!

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1 hour ago, Kyanight said:
3 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

I don’t care if Mariah is overweight or obese that’s her business.  I do however dislike her because she seems like a pretentious asshole.  The only physical thing about her I can say I am somewhat biased about are those totally fucked up eyebrows.  They bother me.  I would also say the dirty feet but don’t know if that’s consistent.  I mean put some yoga socks on if your not going to wash your feet. Cover that shit up, but those eyebrows get me every time.  I think it’s fair game since wasn’t Mariah implying Meri’s eyebrows were a damn mess In one episode.  The irony there is too much to handle.

And like it or not, weight almost ALWAYS can be worked on and reduced unless you have some serious medical complication.  I am overweight - but I HATE to exercise so whose fault IS it that I am in this state?  Am I unable to help my appearance?  No - I COULD take steps to change it but I love food, I'm not THAT overweight - so I choose to ignore the scale.  If someone wanted to make fun of me for this, it isn't like they are making fun of me because of something that is out of my control like Aspergers, or missing limbs or something.   I don't make fun of Mariah about her weight because I simply don't care - but I don't get how it is any different than her ridiculous eyebrows or the awful clothes she sometimes wears or any other life CHOICES she makes.

See, that is my point.  She is making a choice to draw on her eyebrows witht a sharpie.  She is making a choice to post pretentious pictures on social media.  Apparently she has not realized that getting a pedicure/foot scrub is NOT giving in to the patriarchy.  These are all things I happily snark on like everyone else.  But even though she could do something about her weight, it is not like she can get up tomorrow and have the extra weight magically gone.  Snarking on her behavior and her "style" choices is all to be expected when you live your life on social media.

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3 hours ago, Kyanight said:

I don't make fun of Mariah about her weight because I simply don't care - but I don't get how it is any different than her ridiculous eyebrows or the awful clothes she sometimes wears or any other life CHOICES she makes.

I notice when she orders a large calorie laden beverage plus two entrees for breakfast or brunch right after her exercise class.  As you say those are CHOICES she's making.

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2 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Yes, yoga is a good exercise for pretty much all body types.  I’ll readily admit Mariah is my least favorite of the “kids”.  Perhaps because Meri is my least favorite wife and she reminds me of her, I don’t know.  I give people a lot of leeway in things they posts on SM because generally I don’t care and can skip the post.

I guess I have a problem because like Meri, Mariah seems entitled and spoiled.  I don’t know her, so I can only go based off the show or things they post.  It’s probably the biggest reason, I never feel particularly sorry for either of them.  That’s my own bias, I suppose, but the elder Browns file bankruptcy after bankruptcy and yet live in McMansions. The reap the benefits and leave others high and dry.

Mariah is posting pic after pic of her marches and her ‘White Supremacy and Me ‘ workbook or whatever it was called, but what is she actually doing to help fix inequalities in the world.  She’s getting this social justice “degree” but sucking of the teat of mlm schemes and scams.  That doesn’t sound like justice to me.  Bringing about REAL social justice change is more than posting a picture of somebody in a pink hat with a catchy slogan.  It’s more than trotting down to wherever the fuck you’re buying your avocado toast and posting pics with profound quotes. I’m not that much older than Mariah, but sometimes I feel about 25-30 years old than she is because she just seems toddler-like.  ME! ME! ME! 

Great post.  

Putting aside her size, it's true that there are plenty of other things this entitled brat does that are snark-worthy.  I was quite overweight for 20 years, and still looked clean and neat, with clothes that fit.  Anyone that takes such care to draw her eyebrows just so, can certainly take the time to shower, wash her hair, and lose her excessive pretentiousness.  Mother Meri caved and I believe still caves, to Mariah's demands.  Lucky her.

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I don't like laying guilt trips on other posters about what they would like to post about...

If they're posting within the rules of this site and the moderators have no problem with it then it's none of my business what they find offensive or hypocritical about Mariah.

As I understand the rules we're allowed to snark on show people all we want as long as we aren't critical of sexuality, race etc.

If I see something snarked about that falls within the rules but I don't agree with I simply ignore their post and move on.

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Oh man, we're gonna be bombarded with pictures from Bali, aren't we - Mariah sitting on a beach gazing wistfully at the sunset, Mariah sampling Balinese coffee, hands wrapped around the cup, unwashed hair blowing in the breeze while she contemplates the meaning of life, Mariah doing a random down dog in the middle of a Bali market while others look on in confusion....and all of it will be deliciously snark-worthy.  Have a great trip, Pudge!

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4 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Oh man, we're gonna be bombarded with pictures from Bali, aren't we - Mariah sitting on a beach gazing wistfully at the sunset, Mariah sampling Balinese coffee, hands wrapped around the cup, unwashed hair blowing in the breeze while she contemplates the meaning of life, Mariah doing a random down dog in the middle of a Bali market while others look on in confusion....and all of it will be deliciously snark-worthy.  Have a great trip, Pudge!

She's so pretentious and bandwagon jumper I bet she'll have herself tatooed with henna..... and it will be a deep and meaningful spiritual experience for her.

At least then we won't have to look at her dirty feet and hands 

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Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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