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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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On 5/29/2020 at 11:17 AM, Roslyn said:

Maybe Mariah needs to study Human Cultures and Anthropology instead of Social Media Justice Warrioring. Understand that we are all humans, but we are all vastly different.  Different isn't bad, wanting to remain within your own culture isn't racist.  Humans are very complicated animals....but yes, we are animals.  I've got a book for Mariah "The Naked Ape" by Desmond Morris. 

I have learned so much about humans by just observing my chickens.  Just try to introduce a black feathered chicken into a flock of all white feathered chickens.  IF the poor thing survives it mostly likely will fizzle to death from depression. Some complacent breeds might accept it, but it will never be fully one of them.

I agree with CocoPuffs...Mariah is more and more like Kody every day.  I'm a fundie mormon!  This is what I do and how I act!  I'm a college student!  This is how I act!  I'm a lesbian!  These are my clothes so everyone knows! I have always compared Kody to Michael Scott, but Mariah is getting there too.  When Michael had no clue how to behave when he found out his old boss (who he really never liked) died...he went through bizarre motions of "this is how I should behave based on the television and movies that I have watched". Mariah grew up in a tiny little highly controlled bubble.  Now she has embraced Grand PooBah of Pontification. 


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2 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

I still would love to know what Mariah is doing to help solve on these problems besides posting IG or Twitter post.  Also, does anyone know when she graduated or will graduate. I’m curious to see what type of job, if any, she will have.

I’m thinking she’s just going to try and be a blogger and Influencer/brand using her social media platform she’s building with the woke crowd and sister wives fans. She’s already got her website set up shilling the woke products of other people at a premium and been paid to promote products . I truly don’t see how she can use her degree for a career in social work, as she sucks at relating to people.

I see her as someone who will continue to drift and blow through Meri’s money while she ‘finds herself’ all her life and Meri will happily provide the goods. 

2 hours ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

The idea of abolishing the police force is interesting to me...in theory only.  I'm trying to remember my criminal justice course correctly, that before we had the "modern-day" police force there were groups such as private forces, pay for individual "service rendered" forces, and the old standby, vigilante justice.  Am I to assume that Mariah is promoting a return to such policing choices?  Because I think that if the modern police force is somehow abolished the country most likely would go back to a mixture of those three.  If that's the case it's not going to go well for underserved, disadvantaged communities.  Ideas, anyone?

I’d never even heard of this idea! To me it seems outrageous to dismantle a system designed to uphold and enforce law, but then I don’t live in America and our cops are not heavily armed. We have strict gun control laws. I know nothing of police brutality, two of my good friends are in the police force and are caring good humans. In New Zealand where I grew up police did not even carry guns and this kind of police brutality would not happen unless it was self defence. This may be a sweeping generalisation, but we seem to have much less racial tension in Australia and New Zealand also. Obviously white privilege and racism is very real and exists everywhere, but America seems to still have more of a divide still maybe due to the systems in place and history. I’m of New Zealand Maori descent (indigenous people of New Zealand), I grew up in a culture that was technically the disadvantaged minority, however due to New Zealand’s solid social system, I never felt less others. In fact, I received grants to further my education, sImply due to my heritage. I was given equal opportunity in education and in health care as white kids. I wonder if it not the police that are the problem, it’s just systemic racism. You get racists in every profession, but it’s a big problem if they are in positions of power, (like politics and law enforcement) and are the ones dictating the laws. It appears America doesn’t have those basic systems right, to fight the inequalities that still come from being a minority and oppressed race from the start. Fixing the health care system, the welfare system, education system inequalities, introducing gun control laws, better psychological checks on those entering positions of power - just overhauling basic systems that allow inequalities to exist, would surely be more helpful than removing law enforcement? The bigger the economic divide, the bigger the white privilege and racial problem grows. 

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9 hours ago, Adiba said:

If Mariah wants to talk about racism, police brutality and the riots, fine. But she should try to say something thoughtful and intelligent rather than just opening her “woketionary” and picking out random words.

Her followers are probably impressed with her use of many different font sizes. And apparently she has recently learned how to capitalize letters, but only to shout 🙁

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18 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

... I’m of New Zealand Maori descent (indigenous people of New Zealand), I grew up in a culture that was technically the disadvantaged minority, however due to New Zealand’s solid social system, I never felt less others...

Great post! Moreover, you bringing up of your being of Maori descent brought back a great memory from a seminar class.  If I recall correctly, the Maori were accomplished seamen, and having mastered star navigation they at times traveled hundreds of miles in their small craft from island to island to visit various chieftains and their tribes.  It  fired up my imagination something fierce at the time. 😊

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23 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

I wonder if it not the police that are the problem, it’s just systemic racism. You get racists in every profession, but it’s a big problem if they are in positions of power, (like politics and law enforcement) and are the ones dictating the laws. It appears America doesn’t have those basic systems right, to fight the inequalities that still come from being a minority and oppressed race from the start. Fixing the health care system, the welfare system, education system inequalities, introducing gun control laws, better psychological checks on those entering positions of power - just overhauling basic systems that allow inequalities to exist, would surely be more helpful than removing law enforcement? The bigger the economic divide, the bigger the white privilege and racial problem grows. 


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5 hours ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

Great post! Moreover, you bringing up of your being of Maori descent brought back a great memory from a seminar class.  If I recall correctly, the Maori were accomplished seamen, and having mastered star navigation they at times traveled hundreds of miles in their small craft from island to island to visit various chieftains and their tribes.  It  fired up my imagination something fierce at the time. 😊

Oh ok thank you, I was worried I’d gone a bit too personal and political there!  Hard not get political in the Mariah thread, as she’s decided to make that her thing apparently!

Yes, early Maori settlers supposedly were guided from Polynesia by the stars and ocean currents. In Maori culture there is a lot of mythology and legend and the sea is often featured, as it is considered to be the source/foundation of all life. The islands of New Zealand  were thought to be fished out of the sea by a god and people to have evolved from marine life.

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On 5/30/2020 at 1:59 PM, Kohola3 said:

What I don't get is where she comes off thinking she's so incredibly radical.  She's a white, middle-class snowflake who proclaims herself to be gay.  So what?  There are a million of those floating around.  She's not different, she's not special and her only talent seems to be re-posting crap she find on the internet.  Get over yourself, Pudge. 

mariahlian thinks she is a radical because she appropriated the Black Power Symbol as her avatar.

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RYT200 (not 200ryt) is how competent yoga teachers describe their qualifications.

Perhaps she's using it in the Urban Dictionary sense: "ryt" (or "rit"): 1) an ugly girl 2) a girl who is hot save for a single part of her face that makes her ugly (chin, nose etc.) "awww she's ryt".  200 could be her goal weight.

Edited by deirdra
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13 minutes ago, deirdra said:

RYT200 (not 200ryt) is how competent yoga teachers describe their qualifications.

Perhaps she's using it in the Urban Dictionary sense: "ryt" (or "rit"): 1) an ugly girl 2) a girl who is hot save for a single part of her face that makes her ugly (chin, nose etc.) "awww she's ryt".  200 could be her goal weight.

Well that explains a lot! Competent she is not!

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On 5/30/2020 at 4:05 PM, Sofa Sloth said:

I’d never even heard of this idea! To me it seems outrageous to dismantle a system designed to uphold and enforce law, but then I don’t live in America and our cops are not heavily armed. We have strict gun control laws. I know nothing of police brutality, two of my good friends are in the police force and are caring good humans. In New Zealand where I grew up police did not even carry guns and this kind of police brutality would not happen unless it was self defence. This may be a sweeping generalisation, but we seem to have much less racial tension in Australia and New Zealand also. Obviously white privilege and racism is very real and exists everywhere, but America seems to still have more of a divide still maybe due to the systems in place and...

Thank you. That is a meaningful response, and I am thinking a lot about what insight you shared.

i took all the courses for a Master’s degree in Counseling in the US. Mariah is repeating what was taught where I went. She is also repeating what is taught by at least one well-known Black female writer who has a large social media presence. 

Edited by Sweeneyswt
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On 5/29/2020 at 6:53 PM, Just Wondering said:

She gets to be in charge.  She’ll let you know if your thoughts and opinions line up correctly on all points.  

And if they don't, she will simply turn off the comments on her posts.  She has no time to read comments that don't begin with "I love you, Mariah!"  Or "you have such a deep and wonderful soul!"  Or "unicorns and glitter must shoot out of your a$$ all day long!"  Etc.


On 5/29/2020 at 10:50 PM, Teafortwo said:

I wish there were an ANGRY icon! It makes me so mad too. What a colossal fktard she is.

I believe you meant "fkxtard."


On 5/30/2020 at 3:21 PM, suomi said:

Hoo boy, she will need to find a job that allows her to continue her SM bullshit ranting and raving.

I have an idea........but I don't want to get in trouble. 

She's just a raving lunatic standing atop her flimsy soapbox.  We know she didn't participate in any of the protests this weekend because had she done so, she would've posted approximately 37 pictures of herself standing in front of the destruction done by someone else.  She is all words and zero action.  I love that some of her followers are starting to tell her to sit down and shut up.  Of course she'll just block them, but hopefully others take their places.  There's nothing quite like being condescended to by a snowflake who has lived her entire life in a comfy bubble of priviledge.

Edited by laurakaye
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On 5/30/2020 at 4:05 PM, Sofa Sloth said:

I’d never even heard of this idea! To me it seems outrageous to dismantle a system designed to uphold and enforce law, but then I don’t live in America and our cops are not heavily armed. We have strict gun control laws. I know nothing of police brutality, two of my good friends are in the police force and are caring good humans. In New Zealand where I grew up police did not even carry guns and this kind of police brutality would not happen unless it was self defence. This may be a sweeping generalisation, but we seem to have much less racial tension in Australia and New Zealand also. Obviously white privilege and racism is very real and exists everywhere, but America seems to still have more of a divide still maybe due to the systems in place and history. I’m of New Zealand Maori descent (indigenous people of New Zealand), I grew up in a culture that was technically the disadvantaged minority, however due to New Zealand’s solid social system, I never felt less others. In fact, I received grants to further my education, sImply due to my heritage. I was given equal opportunity in education and in health care as white kids. I wonder if it not the police that are the problem, it’s just systemic racism. You get racists in every profession, but it’s a big problem if they are in positions of power, (like politics and law enforcement) and are the ones dictating the laws. It appears America doesn’t have those basic systems right, to fight the inequalities that still come from being a minority and oppressed race from the start. Fixing the health care system, the welfare system, education system inequalities, introducing gun control laws, better psychological checks on those entering positions of power - just overhauling basic systems that allow inequalities to exist, would surely be more helpful than removing law enforcement? The bigger the economic divide, the bigger the white privilege and racial problem grows. 

Hmm, these are some interesting assessments made from afar

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Where is Mariah now? Back in Chicago? Still in Parowan? Flagstaff?  I am sure there is a protest somewhere close by that she can take part in if she believes as strongly as she says she does. I know Salt Lake City and Chicago have had them . She needs to put her money where her mouth is. I don't condone looting and destruction but she should certainly grab a sign and join a peaceful demonstration if she really is that concerned.

Edited by Liddy52
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Just now, Liddy52 said:

Where is Mariah now? Back in Chicago? Still in Parowan? Flagstaff?  I am sure there us a protest somewhere close by that she can take part in if she believes as strongly as she says she does. I know Salt Lake City and Chicago have had them . She needs to put her money where her mouth is. I don't condone looting and destruction but she should certainly grab a sign and join a peaceful demonstration if she really is that concerned.

Well, if she's still in Parowan there's no need for a curfew.  They roll up the sidewalks around 8:00.  

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14 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Her new Instagram description, or whatever you call it:


Back up-Mariah lists her pronouns as they/she? First of all, that makes very little sense, is she going by non-binary pronouns or is she just winging it?

Second of all, that's not even grammatically correct. It should be They/Them or She/Her or They/She/Them/Her if she's ok with both gender neutral and gendered pronouns. They/She is just awkward because they're both subject pronouns, while normally people list their subject and object pronouns.

Sorry, the grammar error was physically painful for me. 

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2 hours ago, DanaMB said:

Trying to catch up here, but my God she’s insufferable. 

Does she even have any black friends?

Or friends at all really...

Definitely insufferable.  I've encountered a couple more Mariahs this weekend.  Insufferable all.

I think you hit it with any friends at all.  I don't believe she does.

Edited by Absolom
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Does Mariah think it is ever OK to use "he?" Or does the person have to specify that they want to be called "he?" If she is walking down the street and a person attacks her, will she report to the police that "they" attacked her, even if it was only a single person? If the police ask if was a male or a female, will she say, " I don't know what gender?"

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5 minutes ago, Adiba said:

Does Mariah think it is ever OK to use "he?" Or does the person have to specify that they want to be called "he?" If she is walking down the street and a person attacks her, will she report to the police that "they" attacked her, even if it was only a single person? If the police ask if was a male or a female, will she say, " I don't know what gender?"

When someone specifies their pronouns they are indicating to others in what manner they want to be referred.  It has no bearing on how they will refer to others.  So if I were to include my pronouns in my signature I'd say she/her/hers most times you won't find the plural pronouns unless the individual presents as non binary in which case often it is they/them/theirs 

Edited by sharkerbaby
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Thank you for the clarification but the fact remains that the concept is meaningless. Politically correct, but meaningless.

Even if someone's preference for they/them is known it is impractical and/or useless in myriad situations where gender matters.

Over time there have been numerous transformative and lasting contributions made to society as youngs make their mark.

They/them is a fad, and by definition a fad is something that comes... and then goes, and is faintly recalled.

Like most of what spews from Mariah's yap, they/them is a yawn 'cause there ain't no meat on them bones.

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1 hour ago, sharkerbaby said:

When someone specifies their pronouns they are indicating to others in what manner they want to be referred.  It has no bearing on how they will refer to others.  So if I were to include my pronouns in my signature I'd say she/her/hers most times you won't find the plural pronouns unless the individual presents as non binary in which case often it is they/them/theirs 

Exactly, which is why she/they bothered me so much. It's confusing, it's grammatically wrong, and IMO it feels like a bandwagon hop, which is disrespectful to people who are seeking real acceptance of gender neutral pronouns. She/they doesn't make sense on any level, and I think because I know people who actively list their pronouns as they/them, it's kind of shitty to say "oh i can be gender neutral or gendered, look how woke I am" because it just feels like you're handing ammunition to the person who's already intolerant-they're going to look at someone nonbinary and say "I don't get it, this chick says she/they, why can't you be she/they?" 

Gender and pronouns are in the middle of a major grammatical and cultural shift, and maybe I'm being a grumpy old time lesbian activist, but I feel like jumping on the bandwagon and muddying the waters for the people who need it isn't being an ally, it's being a pain in the ass. 

There's so many ways to be a true ally to the trans and nonbinary community, and to work to help people better understand gender, but hers just really struck a nerve with me. If she just said her pronouns were she/her and said something like "please share yours so I can address you correctly" that would be maybe a little performative but also within the boundaries of how to be a polite ally. 

Whew, clearly I had some deep seated annoyance there. 

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1 hour ago, suomi said:

Thank you for the clarification but the fact remains that the concept is meaningless. Politically correct, but meaningless.

Even if someone's preference for they/them is known it is impractical and/or useless in myriad situations where gender matters.

Over time there have been numerous transformative and lasting contributions made to society as youngs make their mark.

They/them is a fad, and by definition a fad is something that comes... and then goes, and is faintly recalled.

Like most of what spews from Mariah's yap, they/them is a yawn 'cause there ain't no meat on them bones.

I agree.  I in no way intended my post to indicate one way or the other the validity of such designations and self-proclamations.  I was simply responding to a post that seemed to have a misunderstanding of the meaning when one designates one's preferred pronouns.  The sole purpose of my post was to inform, not to indicate my opinion of the current expressions and beliefs of gender ideologies prevalent in society today.

Edited by sharkerbaby
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20 minutes ago, suomi said:

Thank you for the clarification but the fact remains that the concept is meaningless. Politically correct, but meaningless.

Even if someone's preference for they/them is known it is impractical and/or useless in myriad situations where gender matters.

Over time there have been numerous transformative and lasting contributions made to society as youngs make their mark.

They/them is a fad, and by definition a fad is something that comes... and then goes, and is faintly recalled.

Like most of what spews from Mariah's yap, they/them is a yawn 'cause there ain't no meat on them bones.

They/them isn't a fad for people who legitimately use it. There are people who use it because they are non-binary or don't feel comfortable with gendered pronouns, and they/them is the grammatically correct non-gendered pronoun to use.

However, this comes back to my point, which is that someone using they/them is doing so because they've given time and thought into how they perceive themselves and how they wish to be perceived by the world. It's not a whimsical thing to try on for a day, it's a legitimate shifting of gender identity and something that should be respected. Instead, you have someone like Mariah trying to turn it into fodder for a social media profile, and I think that's gross and undermines when someone legitimately changes their gender alignment. 

Here's a good example: I was at a conference and one of the vendors was clearly a very feminist company (it was a tech conference but the company in question sold, uh, "adult" technology). My friend made me stop by the booth because she loves watching me get terribly embarrassed. As we were talking, the rep casually referred to me as "she", paused, and then said "I'm so sorry, I just assumed, are your pronouns she/her?" Now I'm relatively butch in appearance (in fact my friends had been horrified earlier that week when I headed out in a flannel shirt with a flannel jacket over the shirt), but she didn't ask to make me uncomfortable, it was just a considerate way to check and make sure she was not being disrespectful. I also saw at that same conference that someone had a "they/them" button pinned next to their ID tag. 

I don't really know where this rant is going, except that while normally Mariah's vaguely tone-deaf antics are a source of mild amusement for me, I'm just really annoyed with that. 

Edited by questionfear
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Ignorance, prejudice or practicality aside, the main reason why I can't see they/them gaining wide use or acceptance is that it doesn't directly effect or represent a large enough percentage of the population. Sad, but true. 

I definitely see where people* are coming from when they say the they/them designation is meaningful to their lives and psyches.

My posts here are made with the insufferable Mariah in mind and are not directed at anyone else's reality. I hope they haven't come across that way.

*Posers excluded

Edited by suomi
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8 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I believe you meant "fkxtard."

Lol yeah. This reminds me of a question I've been wanting to ask about this "folx" thing. I understand about gender-neutral pronouns and all, but the term "folks" is already gender-neutral, isn't it? So why on earth does the plural form need to be replaced by an "x"? This is a serious question. Does anybody know? 

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12 minutes ago, Teafortwo said:

Lol yeah. This reminds me of a question I've been wanting to ask about this "folx" thing. I understand about gender-neutral pronouns and all, but the term "folks" is already gender-neutral, isn't it? So why on earth does the plural form need to be replaced by an "x"? This is a serious question. Does anybody know? 

Easiest just to refer to some internet sources than for me to stumble over my words to try to explain...


Found this summary in a write-up (full article linked below): 

  • "Folx" is an alternative spelling to the familiar word "folks". The spelling has been adopted by some communities because it can be used to indicate inclusion of marginalized groups.


The Urban dictionary version (which seems to be more in line when talking about Mariah)

  • folx
  • A strange, unnecessary misspelling of “folks” popularized by people who think using a gender-neutral term for an already gender-neutral word is woke.  
  • Source: Folx
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2 hours ago, questionfear said:

They/them isn't a fad for people who legitimately use it. There are people who use it because they are non-binary or don't feel comfortable with gendered pronouns, and they/them is the grammatically correct non-gendered pronoun to use.

However, this comes back to my point, which is that someone using they/them is doing so because they've given time and thought into how they perceive themselves and how they wish to be perceived by the world. It's not a whimsical thing to try on for a day, it's a legitimate shifting of gender identity and something that should be respected. Instead, you have someone like Mariah trying to turn it into fodder for a social media profile, and I think that's gross and undermines when someone legitimately changes their gender alignment. 

Here's a good example: I was at a conference and one of the vendors was clearly a very feminist company (it was a tech conference but the company in question sold, uh, "adult" technology). My friend made me stop by the booth because she loves watching me get terribly embarrassed. As we were talking, the rep casually referred to me as "she", paused, and then said "I'm so sorry, I just assumed, are your pronouns she/her?" Now I'm relatively butch in appearance (in fact my friends had been horrified earlier that week when I headed out in a flannel shirt with a flannel jacket over the shirt), but she didn't ask to make me uncomfortable, it was just a considerate way to check and make sure she was not being disrespectful. I also saw at that same conference that someone had a "they/them" button pinned next to their ID tag. 

I don't really know where this rant is going, except that while normally Mariah's vaguely tone-deaf antics are a source of mild amusement for me, I'm just really annoyed with that. 

Thank you for your posts! Interesting! I learn so much here.

If only Mariah could be half as informative with her posts and provide actual education on social justice issues she supposedly majors in. That is one of my biggest issues with her, that she claims to want to educate, yet provides zero actual insight of the basic principles, for the majority of people who have little knowledge on how to be an ally to the LGBQT community. She’s obviously only interested in lording herself above everyone else in wokeness level as it gives her an ego boost, not actually helping fix inequalities. 

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So I don't know if anyone else finds morphology (in relation to linguistics) at all interesting but I sometimes find myself searching how these things come about.  So in this case I jumped from "folx" to "womxn" because I thought the "x" in folx was a growth from the "x" in womxn.  I further believed the "x" was to highlight the expression was related to the x chromosome found in the DNA of females thereby in effect removing the "man" or "men" (or male gender) from the word making it exclusively female and independent of the male gender.  Given all that you can imagine my confusion when it came to the "y" in "womyn". They are trying to take the "man" out, why in the world would they put it back in with the y chromosome?

Don't know if I made that all up in my mind or heard it somewhere sometime in my "travels."  Regardless, I was quite wrong.  In fact the use of "x" is more closely related to the traditional mathematical expression of "x" representing a variable - Who knew???   

Here's just one of a number of articles I found delving into the origins of the various forms of "woman"  If we already have “womyn” and “womxn,” what’s all this “wimmin” business?


Now back to your regularly scheduled program; and I will take any further musings related to this to the "small talk" thread.  Thank you for your indulgence.

Edited by sharkerbaby
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So why does Mariah use "they/she" instead of "they/them"?  Because she is confused? Or is not up on the terminology?

In universities these days, profs and students add their preferred pronouns to their email signatures, even the cis-gendered. That means nobody needs to ask or embarrass themselves by using the wrong pronouns.

Universities and other PC institutions are now using they/them for everyone, not thinking that it could offend heterosexuals.

Edited by deirdra
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10 minutes ago, Adiba said:

What does Mariah mean by “dismember” in this case? Is it a typo? 

I saw that, too - I suppose she meant "dishonor" but as most of her posts are just rambling trains of thought punctuated by other people's words, I honestly think she believes that her faux-rage allows her to babble incoherantly so she can jump all over the people that have the audacity to question her.

She also talks about working together to bail people of of jail.  Someone questioned her and asked her to clarify.  Her response?  "Really?  Context clues.  Read the room!"  Um...listen, Preachy McWokepants, if your true intention is to rally people together for a common cause, you're doing a horrible job of it because you insult anyone who dares give you a modicum of constructive criticism or asks for clarification on what you're babbling on about.  Who wants to follow someone like Mariah into battle?  Her only battle is chugging her Venti soy extra shot double mocha so she can type faster and faster while saying absolutely nothing.

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

I saw that, too - I suppose she meant "dishonor" but as most of her posts are just rambling trains of thought punctuated by other people's words, I honestly think she believes that her faux-rage allows her to babble incoherantly so she can jump all over the people that have the audacity to question her.

She also talks about working together to bail people of of jail.  Someone questioned her and asked her to clarify.  Her response?  "Really?  Context clues.  Read the room!"  Um...listen, Preachy McWokepants, if your true intention is to rally people together for a common cause, you're doing a horrible job of it because you insult anyone who dares give you a modicum of constructive criticism or asks for clarification on what you're babbling on about.  Who wants to follow someone like Mariah into battle?  Her only battle is chugging her Venti soy extra shot double mocha so she can type faster and faster while saying absolutely nothing.

"Reading the room" is Mariah's master craft.  For real, y'all, her childhood prepared her for this kind of living, as she had all of those moms and siblings, therefore, reading the room is a much needed survival skill. She does exactly that; she reads her special wokeness, snowflake room, breathing in its rarified air of indoctrination. 

Here's the thing for me.  I actually UNDERSTAND how Mariah could fall for much of this, as I went through some of it, myself, in grad school, ESPECIALLY in my feminist theory courses.  It is forcibly shoved down your throat. And if you dont capitulate, you will be ridiculed, mocked, called names, and eventually ostracized. It was hard for me as a full grown woman with a developed mind of her own, accustomed to standing up for herself, I can only imagine how hard it is for a 20-something to face it down.  

However, always depending on reading the room can easily turn into mob mentality and mob rule.  Mariah I fear is not learning to think for herself, and this is clear due to her citing others verbiage while not coming up with her own original, cogent thoughts, telling people to sit down and shut up instead of having a thoughtful exchange of ideas with them, then sorting the issues and creating workable, real-world solutions, and her venomous attitude in general.  Mariah was prone to a bully attitude before she went woke, and this new worldview that  Mariah has groomed and Meri has paid for has only exacerbated this ugly personality trait, not helped it.

Mariah not only has become a bully, sadly she's become a caricature of herself.  However, she has had PLENTY of (paid) help developing that caricature, and only time, maturity, and living among the plebes is going to help her overcome it.

Edited by Rabbit Hutch
Spelling...dadgum spellcheck
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On 5/27/2020 at 7:58 AM, laurakaye said:

Being able to imagine what it's like to walk in another's shoes requires empathy.  I'm not sure Pudge possesses this quality, which is why I remain gobsmacked that she chose to go into social work.

The program she is enrolled in is a dual master's degree in both social work and SOCIAL JUSTICE.  Sorry about the caps, but I am sure that is where her interest lies.   I have looked at the program before, and I don't recall that they offer a stand alone master's in social justice, although I could be wrong about that.  She wants to be an activist, but she doesn't want to get dirty and go do it in the real world; she wants to use her social media accounts as a platform for her social justicing, and she wants accolades for her wokeness in the midst of this horrid world.  


"These are screenshots of what is mentioned:" from @ginger90

I am an upperclass clueless old lady (white) who was given those same instructions as a teen about interactions with police ---show your hands, say yes or no sir, no sudden movements, etc.  This is common sense.


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Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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