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S04.E05: Stop The World (And Let Me Off)

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Rayna pushes back on Layla's romantic relationship with Jeff, and Markus pushes back on his producer, Avery — which does not go well. Maddie joins Colt on Luke's tour, giving the teens opportunities for more freedom than Maddie can handle. She turns to Juliette for advice and shocks Luke with the results. Meanwhile, Deacon and Scarlett head to Natchez despite their falling-out, and Gunnar enlists Kevin and Will's help as "wingmen” in an effort to pick up a new woman.




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Wow...so much to digest.  And so many questions!


Did Maddie sleep with Colt?  I love when she told Rayna..she's an adult too.  Ahhhh teenage angst.


Did Beverly not give Scarlett her acceptance letter to college? I couldn't help thinking Bev ended up alone was her own fault. 


Juliette finally waking up and then Avery finally standing up to her..wow.  Next week...I can't wait.  Speaking of which, Markus is crazy.

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Did Maddie sleep with Colt? I love when she told Rayna..she's an adult too. Ahhhh teenage angst.

I'm pretty sure Maddie and Colt did it. I was expecting them to get caught before the "big unveiling," but since that didn't happen and we next saw them back in the arena (plus Colt looked so damn happy), looks like they did the deed. There was also an interesting look on Maddie's face when Rayna said she wasn't an adult yet.

I saw the scene of Scarlett ripping Deacon several new ones in the sneak peek amd it was just as good the second time. Boy, he had that coming with comments like, "some old photo albums, you probably don't want them." Dick. As what usually happens when Scarlett yells at him, he finally pulls his head out of his ass.

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So is there a point to Maddie sleeping with Colt? Will there be fallout? Not sure I understood it, to be honest.

Am I also the only one who had horrid flashbacks of Deacon and Pam being like "do you wanna be on my bus?"

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So is there a point to Maddie sleeping with Colt? Will there be fallout? Not sure I understood it, to be honest.

Unless they do a pregnancy storyline (which I don't they will, not right on the heels of Juliette's), I think the point is the contrast between Rayna insisting Maddie isn't an adult, while Maddie does adult things and just maybe isn't as much of a child as her mother insists she be.

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Way too much Layla time this episode. And too much Jeff. Hooray for Luke vetoing him.

And Luke's lawyer/PR person needs to go too. Maybe she can babysit Maddie and Colt?

Maddie, wish your mom was like Juliette? Really? Go check out Cadence, the baby who has no idea who her mother is.

Avery, glad your balls grew back. Just how far away was that concert? Seems like it was around the block the way Avery got there, but Maddie flew and Will and gang drove?

Glad to see Deacon stepping up for Scarlett. Now if he had only been there for her when Beverly bit it.

Really, she microwaved Christmas dinner and cried a lot over them? Where is the sainthood paperwork? Talk about blinders.

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So I thought this episode was pretty good.


On the life support issue:

I know people  who could do what Scarlett did and would have stayed strong behind her. I also know people would have sided with Deacon and been even more angry at Scarlett. I'm glad these two have made up; they need each other.


I really liked Luke in the episode. He is possibly the most responsible person on the show. He called Rayna that night and she heard it from him. 


The show should realize every time they put a bunch of the young guys together; it's good. Tonight it was Kevin, Will, and Gunnar and I was laughing when they tried to pick up that girl. I hope that's just a one night stand for Gunnar. 


Avery and Juliette are both a mess. I can understand why Avery thinks he deserve custody, but going for the nuclear option (totally cutting her out of their daughter's life) does not seem like a good idea. The child will want to know about her mother, and Juliette needs some contact with her daughter. 


Rayna had the best line of the night (while scolding Maddie for performing without permission). I can't remember what she said exactly but it was "If you think that 

Juliette has a good life, then we have bigger problems than getting up on that stage."


Rayna and Layla were not my favorite pairing of the night, but they were getting along.  I want to see Layla be a star (and with Jeff.)

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I'm expecting Jeff to get that CEO job and drop Juliette and Layla, who can both be managed by Glenn. I wouldn't miss him. He's being kind of nice to Layla now, but that doesn't excuse all of the horrible, manipulative stuff he did in the past (to her and others).

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Anyone else think the furor over the Juliette/Maddie song was a bit much?  It's been so rare to see Juliette having fun these days that it was a nice change of pace, and she was hardly leading Maddie astray.  Maddie bought the much commented upon dress on Rayna's watch, not Juliette's.  I just didn't get why Luke got so upset.

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Unless they do a pregnancy storyline (which I don't they will, not right on the heels of Juliette's), I think the point is the contrast between Rayna insisting Maddie isn't an adult, while Maddie does adult things and just maybe isn't as much of a child as her mother insists she be.

Maddie's not nearly an adult yet. Getting up on stage, wearing a sexy dress, and doing it with your boyfriend in the back of a tour bus don't make you an adult.

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Lotta lotta music tonight!  I'm always surprised how much I enjoy "Luke Wheeler"--he was hot up there tonight.  I also loved the performance from Juliet, and big shock, for me, Maddie. 


I was thinking about the interviews where the Maddie and Daphne actresses object to being portrayed as so childish.  No worries about that anymore for Maddie--she def looked all grown up!


I must have been in a high energy mood because Layla's sad little lament in Rayna's office earned her the ff treatment here.


Good work, Scarlett.  Let it out, grrl.

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My 58-year-old mother thought that Maddie's dress was lovely.


I didn't see the huge deal with Maddie getting up on stage, either. It was one song and it was nice to see her and Juliette having fun. Juliette is not a good role model for sure, but she's always been good to Maddie.

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Maddie's not nearly an adult yet. Getting up on stage, wearing a sexy dress, and doing it with your boyfriend in the back of a tour bus don't make you an adult.

I'm not saying Maddie is an adult. But she's not wearing pigtails and playing with dolls anymore, which seems to be the mental picture Rayna still has of her (and moms do that, I know-- mine still tries to baby me sometimes and I'm way past that). I also don't think Maddie's dress was that risqué.

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Anyone else think the furor over the Juliette/Maddie song was a bit much?  It's been so rare to see Juliette having fun these days that it was a nice change of pace, and she was hardly leading Maddie astray.  Maddie bought the much commented upon dress on Rayna's watch, not Juliette's.  I just didn't get why Luke got so upset.

My guess is because he knows her mother doesn't want her on stage yet. Not to mention that Juliette's behavior has been pretty sketchy lately and having Maddie's anywhere near her rightly concerned him.

Juliette needs to respect Rayna's wishes where her kids and performing are concerned. That's a lot of exposure for a 16 year old kid, and Rayna doesn't think Maddie's ready to handle it. I tend to agree with her.

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Anyone else think the furor over the Juliette/Maddie song was a bit much? It's been so rare to see Juliette having fun these days that it was a nice change of pace, and she was hardly leading Maddie astray. Maddie bought the much commented upon dress on Rayna's watch, not Juliette's. I just didn't get why Luke got so upset.

Because Luke knows Rayna's feeling about Maddie performing in public and Rayna sent Maddie to Luke making him in charge of Maddie. It was done without Rayna's (or Luke's ) knowledge or permission . I'm pretty sure Juliette knows Rayna's feelings on it as well. It's not cool to go against someone's rules about their kid, especially when you don't parent your own baby. Maddie may be 16 but she's not a particularly mature 16 yr old in my opinion.

Edited by shoregirl
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I'm not saying Maddie is an adult. But she's not wearing pigtails and playing with dolls anymore, which seems to be the mental picture Rayna still has of her (and moms do that, I know-- mine still tries to baby me sometimes and I'm way past that). I also don't think Maddie's dress was that risqué.

I didn't say it was risqué, I said it was sexy, and it was. It just was too old for a 16 year old girl with the cleavage down to her navel. Juliette was even dressed more conservatively.

No she's not a little girl, but she's also not an adult and Rayna has a right to be concerned about the impact the insanity of the music industry would have on her daughter.

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Juliette was on her own at age 16 because of her drug addict mother, so it doesn't even occur to her that Maddie being on stage could be an issue. Maddie has wanted to quit school and sing full-time since Rayna and Luke were engaged. So she sees Juliette as validating her, while Mom wants to hold her back. (I thought Luke's reaction is because Maddie IS a minor, and he's a father of a kid the same age. He wouldn't be okay with someone allowing Cole to do something he objects to). Then Cole calls her a "woman" for her amazing performance, and she wants to seal that validation of older identity/new 'reality' (in her mind) by having sex with Cole. She has no idea that Juliette has abandoned the baby, and is taking drugs. She does not know Rayna has info about Juliette's destructive ness that she herself is not privy to. She figures hey, Mom just won't accept that I'm not a kid and I can do duets and handle this world (as opposed to just singing with her little sister).  I agree that snapping at Rayna that she's an adult, along with Cole saying how things were great until Luke sent Maddie home is indicative that they just had sex.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Lotta lotta music tonight!  I'm always surprised how much I enjoy "Luke Wheeler"--he was hot up there tonight.  I also loved the performance from Juliet, and big shock, for me, Maddie. 


I was thinking about the interviews where the Maddie and Daphne actresses object to being portrayed as so childish.  No worries about that anymore for Maddie--she def looked all grown up!


I must have been in a high energy mood because Layla's sad little lament in Rayna's office earned her the ff treatment here.


Good work, Scarlett.  Let it out, grrl.

LOL, we had the exact opposite reactions to the music tonight. Good thing there was more than one song.

I like the song Luke sang, just not his version. Will Chase just doesn't work as a country star to me, something about his voice just doesn't seem like a good match for the genre.

I did like Juliette and Maddie's duet even if I don't like Juliette making decisions for Maddie. They sounded good together and it was a nice tie back to the first season.

I really liked Rayna and Layla's voices together, they really blended well I thought. Wasn't a huge fan of the song overall though.

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Maddie has almost reached Bratty Julie Taylor levels off annoying for me (which is really sad because I like Lennon Stella a lot), but I think Rayna should lighten up on the performing thing. So Maddie performs? So what? It's something positive and creative, and if Rayna would share that with her instead of constantly trying to shut her down, Maddie would probably see all of it more clearly. Rayna has the opportunity to guide and keep an eye on Maddie's musical direction here, but instead she plays the part of cliched, no-fun mom so that Maddie can get into tons of cliched, no-fun trouble. The girl is sixteen. Rayna is fighting a losing, and frankly lame and grossly hypocritical (given her own career and life choices), battle.

It's also a tough sell for a TV show that employees sixteen-year-old and eleven-year-old performers who work a ton and, by all accounts, are well-adjusted, happy, and get along with their parents.

It's also a tough sell because I have never bought Rayna as the mom who thinks music and the musical world will ruin and deflower her kids. That has never felt real to me, and it's one of the few things Connie hasn't ever made me believe.

Also, I still see nothing wrong with Maddie's dress.

Edited by madam magpie
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I didn't say it was risqué, I said it was sexy, and it was. It just was too old for a 16 year old girl with the cleavage down to her navel. Juliette was even dressed more conservatively.

She didn't have cleavage to her navel, there was a beige piece in the middle that went all the way up to her neck.

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Avery and Juliette are both a mess. I can understand why Avery thinks he deserve custody, but going for the nuclear option (totally cutting her out of their daughter's life) does not seem like a good idea. The child will want to know about her mother, and Juliette needs some contact with her daughter.

I thought that was pretty terrible of Avery.  I can get why he'd want a divorce. I can get why he'd even want sole custody for now.  But the termination of parental rights is a pretty awful step.  And worse because he knows she's sick.  He may resent her because she isn't trying to get help but this is essentially robbing her of her daughter should she ever finally come out the other side and robbing their daughter of her. 


Just becuase the rights are terminated doesn't mean Cadence will never want to know. 


Anyone else think the furor over the Juliette/Maddie song was a bit much?  It's been so rare to see Juliette having fun these days that it was a nice change of pace, and she was hardly leading Maddie astray.  Maddie bought the much commented upon dress on Rayna's watch, not Juliette's.  I just didn't get why Luke got so upset.

And she likely had sex under Luke's watch. I do think it's Rayna's right to say when Maddie performs but I did think the reaction was over-the-top.  Juliette has been doing that kind of things since likely before she was 16.  it's her normal.  And Maddie has performed in front of crowds before as well.  And Luke was more vicious than even Rayna which was puzzling.

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Ridiculously enough...


This was the first Nashville episode of the season I did not feel the urge to fast-forward through. In fact, it's the first one where I found myself pausing and even replaying some scenes before making it to the end. Well, alright, I did fast-forward the Luke song because that was just an atrocity.


First, the stuff with Gunnar and Erin may have beenn cheesy as hell but I'm positively astonished they managed to find a girl it seemed he had any kind of spark with apart from Scarlett. I know it's just a placeholder silliness but I didn't really mind it. Well, maybe apart from the ridiculous car make-out stuff. Oh, and Gunnar actually had decent hair!


Second, I enjoyed the hell out of the Juliette and Maddie duet. It was a perfect move to have them sing one of the first, "teeny-pop" songs together, one that Maddie had actually sung with his sister. I also have zero problem with Maddie and Colt getting it on. I guess it kinda stems a little from me being Swedish and us over here having very relaxed views on premarital and casual sex, the age of consent only being fifteen and me having lost my virginity at a relatively young age with no ill effects. Them sleeping together after they've dated for months really didn't feel either rushed or reckless. Sometimes you've got to take the plunge. Maddie with the "you're not as cool as she is" talk, though, seriously over the top.


Third, I didn't mind Scarlett's breakdown at all. Frankly I thought it was perfectly justified.


Fourth, I had no problem with Layla's declaration of love for Jeff in front of Rayna. Do I think she's misguided, yes, but in a way I can see where it's coming from and it doesn't seem out of left field. Yes, Jeff is a cynical bastard that probably belongs in prison but the relationship doesn't exactly creep me out to the level I see some of the fans saying, and it does make a decent job of showing that there might actually be a human being underneath that disgusting facade, and that Layla might actually be a positive influence on him. Her song totally sucked, though, and it was mostly because her voice didn't suit it. There have actually been some songs of hers I've been okay with in the past.

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"He may resent her because she isn't trying to get help but this is essentially robbing her of her daughter should she ever finally come out the other side"                     Seems like Avery wants to protect the baby; it is not fair to Cadence to grow up with a hope that maybe her mother will 'come out the other side.' Avery doesn't want to watch his daughter have a crisis (when she's old enough to be aware) and be hurting because her mother doesn't show up when she let her believe that she's important. He knows Juliette is toxic. Toxic people who cling to denial don't get help, and can cause long-term damage. They let people who depend on them down very consistently. For all Avery knows, Juliette could behave like a sick person for the next 20 years -never seeking treatment or at least never fully becoming a reasonably healthy person and yet still work as a semi/fully-functioning singer. Avery figures hey, Juliette has already broken my heart. I won't let her do the same to our innocent child. He could still tell Cadence basic information about her mother when she gets older. Terminating rights does not mean the little girl won't ever know anything about the woman who gave birth to her. 

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I was glad to see Rayna focusing on the music, even though I'm not a Layla fan.  Now she needs to spend some time with that rock star because he's out of control and cutting off his nose to spite his face.  Good for Avery for standing up to him even though he got fired for it.


Don't really care about Maddie. Where are the songs she's written that she's dying to perform?  No one is stopping her from writing all the songs for a first album as soon as she turns 18. 

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I thought in an earlier season, Rayna said when Maddie turned 16 she would think about letting her have a record deal? Or am I misremembering something? Now that Rayna has her own label, I don't get why she wouldn't want Maddie to have something that makes her happy? Every season it seems like they are making it an obstacle to have it reach a point where Rayna will just be like, "okay" and let it happen and then it never does. It's really becoming an obstacle to be an obstacle if you ask me.


I fast forwarded though a lot of tonight's episode.  Just going to put that out there.

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Great actors with a great premise but they insist on the most arbitrary, lamest of daytime soap contrivances.


Of course the audience sees Layla get yanked around again by Jeff, just as he's matured into accepting his feelings for her.


Of course the audience is yanked around again to Juliette's mood of the day, and didn't get the message 1 day too late.


Daphne is a lot more interesting and relatable than spoiled Maddie who has had a lot handed to her like her mom. She has a more complicated life and potential as a character as she grows up with her father in jail.

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It really pisses me off that Luke cut Will from his label because he's gay, but wants to use him and make money off him behind closed doors. It's insulting and exploitive, and it's setting the clock back years in terms of discrimination and backwards-thinking bigotry. I hope the hesitance Will showed in allowing Luke to record his song is more about that as opposed to the more cliched "but I want to be the star" storyline.

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Another thing here is, well, I actually feel kinda bad saying it, but Lennon is totally blowing Hayden off stage when they're singing together. She's got so much more power and control of her voice. She's shaping up to threaten Bowen.

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I'm glad Scarlett and Deacon hashed it out. When his beloved niece yells at him Deacon knows it's time for some self reflection.  


I really don't see the big deal with Maddie waiting until she's finished high school before launching her career, it's only two years. But she's such a whiny, entitled brat that I almost want her to go for it and for the real world to chew her up and spit her back out. Her experience is with music stars at the top of their game, learning the reality that it's a tough business and very few people make it might be good for her. 


I don't blame Avery for wanting to protect their daughter and maybe hurt Juliet a little in process. I can easily imagine Juliet having one of her whims and deciding to sue for custody only to distance herself from Cadence again if her rights aren't terminated. 

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I enjoyed Juliette and Maddy on the stage, Juliette was right. She was on her own at that age, it's not like she took her clubbing, she brought her on stage at a concert. Something Maddy's done more than once already before as she pointed out to Rayna. Maddy's becoming an adult like it or not Rayna. 


Glad Scarlette told Deacon off, everything she said was spot on. He walked into her mothers house and he was still acting like a giant asshole. The children all around him have to baby him and treat him with kid gloves while he acts like a tantrum trowing toddler. 


Avery wants Juliette to terminate her rights? Get out of here Avery. Divorce is one thing, but having his daughter grow up with a mother who you forced to terminate her rights isn't putting the baby first.


I don't know how Luke became one of my favorites on this show, but I adore him at this point more than Deacon, Rayna, or even Avery (he needs to wash his hair). He treats Rayna with a lot more respect than she deserves.

Edited by Artsda
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Way too much Layla time this episode. And too much Jeff. 


I am sick to death of both of them. I think they're keeping Layla on the show because they're hoping that the Jem movie blows up, & Aubrey Peeples becomes a huge movie star. As for Jeff, I thought he was supposed to be gone? Why is he still on this show? Also, I had no idea until today that he's Goldie Hawn's son/Kate Hudson's brother IRL.

The show should realize every time they put a bunch of the young guys together; it's good. Tonight it was Kevin, Will, and Gunnar and I was laughing when they tried to pick up that girl. I hope that's just a one night stand for Gunnar. 

The three of them together was my favorite part of the episode.

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Anyone else think that the actor playing Gunnar looked especially gaunt in this episode? I was very distracted by how frail he looked in all his scenes.

Will needs to pull his head out of his ass when it comes to his career and relationship because if he keeps up with his current behavior, he's not going to have either. Guess what Will, coming out was not a great career move. You are now a very niche act in the world of country music and you can either start embracing your gay fans and play at pride celebrations and other gay events or be like Sreve Grand and do music whenever and wherever you can. There is nothing wrong with being a successful songwriter. It will pay the bills just ask Diane Warren.

I don't like the Juliette story line esp in light of what Hayden was going thru in real life. Must have been a miserable time for her filming all this. But despite that, I understand Avery's anger at her but just dropping the whole divorce and parental rights thing on her was a bit harsh. Surely he knows how ill she is and doing this to her will not improve anything.

Maddie needs some parental guidance in her life and I don't think the way Rayna is treating her is the way to go about it. If anything, it's going to cause her to buck against Rayna all the more. I hope there is no teen pregnancy fallout from this but part of me would love to see how Rayna handles the news that she's going to be a grandma.

Glad Scarlett and Deacon talked things thru. She needed him and I can only imagine how hard things have been for her, essentially doing everything on her own,

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Will needs to pull his head out of his ass when it comes to his career and relationship because if he keeps up with his current behavior, he's not going to have either. Guess what Will, coming out was not a great career move. You are now a very niche act in the world of country music and you can either start embracing your gay fans and play at pride celebrations and other gay events or be like Sreve Grand and do music whenever and wherever you can. There is nothing wrong with being a successful songwriter. It will pay the bills just ask Diane Warren.

So because he's gay and came out, he only has gay fans? And can only play at gay events? What decade are we in?

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No, Maddie, your mom is not paranoid. She just happens to think it's inappropriate for a high school girl to spend the night with her boyfriend. Crazy, right? And when did Maddie turn 16? I feel like she was just 14. I'm not saying I'm against teenagers having sex either, but I never would have expected my parents to say, "Sure, go on an overnight trip with your boyfriend!" when I was in high school.

I like that Colt seems like a nice boyfriend who asks about her dad but isn't pressuring her to sleep with her every time they're alone. I also like that he waited for Maddie to tell him she was ready to have sex. But on a tour bus, you guys?

Geez, Gunnar thinks that bumping into someone counts as having a spark? Please leave Emily alone. Ha, glad that Will said that if that counted as a spark, he had a spark with Emily too. HA! The look on Will's face when Gunnar was acting like a sixth grader was hilarious. Man, Gunnar has no game. His verbal diarrhea with that girl backstage was giving me secondhand embarrassment.

I'm fine with the fact that people have different ideas about what they want to keep after someone dies, but Deacon didn't have to be such a dick about it. Keep what you want to keep but don't try to make Scarlett feel like a terrible person. And for the record, if you keep it, then it's up to you to transport it back to Nashville and store it. I'm glad the show finally remembered that Beverly was a horrible mother.

This week confirmed my belief that Markus is just a spoiled child who hasn't been told no enough. He showed up an hour late, spent lord knows how long telling stories, and playing basketball before he decided that it was time to get to work when Avery was on the phone.

I'm not sure how I felt about the Telescope song. Part of me likes that they brought back a song from S1 that both Maddie and Juliette sang and made it a duet. Part of me wishes that they had used a new song.

So Will is too gay for Luke to keep on his label but it's okay for Luke to sing gay songs written by gay Will? I mean, I'm all for Will making money as a song writer but it seems weird that Luke is not cutting all of his professional ties to Will for the sake of his lifestyle brand and image. I can't tell if Luke is being a total hypocrite or trying to help Will out or both. I hate that he thinks Will is good enough to collaborate with for a song but too gay to keep on his label. I hope that Will makes a ton of money from that song though. I understand that Will wants to be a performer, not "just" a songwriter, but that doesn't mean he has to hold onto every song he writes. There are successful singer/songwriters who let other artists record their songs. I wish he would see it as an opportunity to network and make some money. After a few songs, he would have an even stronger pitch when trying to get signed to a label.

While I think it's good that Luke acted responsibly and sent Maddie home, I rolled my eyes when he told Colt, "I can't always be your friend. Sometimes I have to be your dad." No, Luke, you need to be his dad ALL the time. That is your first responsibility, especially when your kid is not an adult yet.

So is there a point to Maddie sleeping with Colt? Will there be fallout? Not sure I understood it, to be honest.

I don't think there needs to be fallout or a pregnancy storyline. I think the point is that teenagers have sex and this is an honest depiction of a teenager making a choice to have sex with her boyfriend. I don't think that having sex automatically makes you a responsible adult (see: every episode of Teen Mom) but it shows that Maddie is at the age where she is going to begin making choices that her parents don't necessarily like, which is totally normal.

Just how far away was that concert? Seems like it was around the block the way Avery got there, but Maddie flew and Will and gang drove?

The concert was in Atlanta, which is over 200 miles away. You can drive it in 4-5 hours but taking Luke's jet would be a lot faster, probably less than an hour. Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I saw the scene of Scarlett ripping Deacon several new ones in the sneak peek amd it was just as good the second time. Boy, he had that coming with comments like, "some old photo albums, you probably don't want them." Dick. As what usually happens when Scarlett yells at him, he finally pulls his head out of his ass.


        Rewatched that scene a few times myself. It was SO necessary. Deacon was being unbelievably cruel to Scarlett throughout all of this with her mother. It actually felt good to watch Scarlett unleash some pain on Deacon.

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No, Maddie, your mom is not paranoid. She just happens to think it's inappropriate for a high school girl to spend the night with her boyfriend. Crazy, right? And when did Maddie turn 16? I feel like she was just 14. I'm not saying I'm against teenagers having sex either, but I never would have expected my parents to say, "Sure, go on an overnight trip with your boyfriend!" when I was in high school.

I like that Colt seems like a nice boyfriend who asks about her dad but isn't pressuring her to sleep with her every time they're alone. I also like that he waited for Maddie to tell him she was ready to have sex. But on a tour bus, you guys?

Geez, Gunnar thinks that bumping into someone counts as having a spark? Please leave Emily alone. Ha, glad that Will said that if that counted as a spark, he had a spark with Emily too. HA! The look on Will's face when Gunnar was acting like a sixth grader was hilarious. Man, Gunnar has no game. His verbal diarrhea with that girl backstage was giving me secondhand performance.

I'm fine with the fact that people have different ideas about what they want to keep after someone dies, but Deacon didn't have to be such a dick about it. Keep what you want to keep but don't try to make Scarlett feel like a terrible person. And for the record, if you keep it, then it's up to you to transport it back to Nashville and store it. I'm glad the show finally remembered that Beverly was a horrible mother.

This week confirmed my belief that Markus is just a spoiled child who hasn't been told no enough. He showed up an hour late, spent lord knows how long telling stories, and playing basketball before he decided that it was time to get to work when Avery was on the phone.

I'm not sure how I felt about the Telescope song. Part of me likes that they brought back a song from S1 that both Maddie and Juliette sang and made it a duet. Part of me wishes that they had used a new song.

So Will is too gay for Luke to keep on his label but it's okay for Luke to sing gay songs written by gay Will? I mean, I'm all for Will making money as a song writer but it seems weird that Luke is not cutting all of his professional ties to Will for the sake of his lifestyle brand and image. I can't tell if Luke is being a total hypocrite or trying to help Will out or both. I hate that he thinks Will is good enough to collaborate with for a song but too gay to keep on his label. I hope that Will makes a ton of money from that song though. I understand that Will wants to be a performer, not "just" a songwriter, but that doesn't mean he has to hold onto every song he writes. There are successful singer/songwriters who let other artists record their songs. I wish he would see it as an opportunity to network and make some money. After a few songs, he would have an even stronger pitch when trying to get signed to a label.

While I think it's good that Luke acted responsibly and sent Maddie home, I rolled my eyes when he told Colt, "I can't always be your friend. Sometimes I have to be your dad." No, Luke, you need to be his dad ALL the time. That is your first responsibility, especially when your kid is not an adult yet.

I don't think there needs to be fallout or a pregnancy storyline. I think the point is that teenagers have sex and this is an honest depiction of a teenager making a choice to have sex with her boyfriend. I don't think that having sex automatically makes you a responsible adult (see: every episode of Teen Mom) but it shows that Maddie is at the age where she is going to begin making choices that her parents don't necessarily like, which is totally normal.

The concert was in Atlanta, which is over 200 miles away. You can drive it in 4-5 hours but taking Luke's jet would be a lot faster, probably less than an hour.

There doesn't necessarily NEED to be fallout, but in my opinion there was such blase emphasis on it that if it isn't brought back up at some point I'm failing to see the point of doing it at all.

Not that this show never brings something up once never to be heard of again, but still.

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Avery wants Juliette to terminate her rights? Get out of here Avery. Divorce is one thing, but having his daughter grow up with a mother who you forced to terminate her rights isn't putting the baby first.

Divorce and sole custody with supervised visitation until Juliette gets her act together? Totally support. I think the lawyer scared Avery off that though. Termination of rights? Juliette is a mess, but that's taking it too far, too soon.

I did like that they addressed the phone call from last episode. Okay, maybe Juliette didn't know that Cadence was sick and the "I don't care" was a misunderstanding. But Avery was right. Worst case scenario was that Juliette was too drugged out to know what was going on. Not a whole lot more reassuring.

Will, Will's boyfriend and Gunnar were fun. Oh, Gunnar, thinking that he and Emily had a moment over the milk carton.

Markus is awful. Have fun dealing with that, Rayna. Avery is on my list with the termination of rights stuff, but I still wanted him to get a win.

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Nashville is my favorite unintentional comedy on earth. The hour goes so fast, unlike other shows I watch. The weak ratings make me so sad!

I love how Layla is slowly becoming Jefffordham's weakness. (does he have a last name? ;-))

I love that Deacon and Scarlett are talking. Wow does that girl have a good ugly crying face. And I think I've said this before, but typically those end of life decisions aren't rushed like that, very much because of family issues like the ones they're experiencing. Yes, the organ donor crowd swoops in (they did with us anyway), but drugs,etc can typically give you a few days to make the decision without harming the organs for donation. That plot line was a farce.

I love how Rayna is everyone's fairy godmother until she gets crossed.

So are we going to have two more pregnancies? Because that other baby situation is going so well.

I love Juliette "firing" her "friend".

I loved all the songs except I thought Layla's was set a little high for her high register.

H/T to everything I've forgotten. I'm sure I love you all too.

What I hate:

That nobody's ever thought of PPD for Juliette, cuz you know her brain chemistry has otherwise been so normal (snarkfont). Juliette is still teetering on the brink. Avery is still a twit. Emily is still sane and Juliette has even realized it, although why Emily is hesitating to call her back, I don't know.

Please live, Juliette. Please don't get cancelled, Nashville.

Edited by TVWithPity
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Well that was another Rayna and Deacon free episode. What gets me, is that last season we had Rayna breaking down crying her eyes out because they had wasted so much time being apart, and now that Deacon has survived, you'd think they would want to be together, but they hardly are. I really don't understand these writers. In this episode we had another awkward bed scene, with Deacon (arms folded) turned away from Rayna and her trying to get through to him. For god's sake Deacon, this is the woman of your dreams. Why can't the writers have him in Rayna's arms getting comfort and support instead of him turning away. Then we had a ten second phone call, interrupted by Luke of all people. And that was the sum total of Rayna and Deacon interaction. And next week they are apart again because he's still in Natchez. I think they've dragged this Beverley storyline out too long. Another thing, with regard to Maddie and Deacon's relationship, I hope the writers are not trying to portray Deacon as some violent nutcase, that Maddie is afraid to be around - because that's not going to be good. What I want to see is Deacon singing and playing/writing music - this is what he is great at. He's had no songs this season, apart from singing that mopey one to Beverley. At least Deacon and Scarlett made up in this episode, so that's something positive. Is is too much to hope for a D/R wedding in the mid-season finale? But I feel that this isn't going to happen.

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