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S06.E09: Robyn's Big Announcement


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I don't remember seeing this on the show. Was this right after coming back from the courthouse?  I thought that their "legal marriage" was no big deal and that they had already celebrated their "real marriage" with a reception and honeymoon.  I can't imagine this went over well with the other wives, especially Meri.  SHE should have been the one going to Hawaii with him since she allowed him to marry his true soul mate and adopt the kids. Wonder if Meri and Robyn's ex got some financial incentive to make this all happen.

No no. Robyn "saved her own money" for the unmentioned, unfilmed Hawaii trip. It definitely was NOT a honeymoon...according to the new Mrs. Brown.

  • Love 1

We'll see we have a problem with a TV show that features a man who has completely lost interest in his three overweight wives and has eyes only for his one skinny wife.

And I feel VERY comfortable stating that I think everybody on this board is hoping that Robyn gets fat. Is there anybody here who is sorry to see Robyn gaining weight?

  • Love 4

I'd like to hope Janelle would be 'above' all that, but she deserves a little bit of a 'neener, neener, you're a weiner' time. She was treated like crap by Meri for decades, and had to play second fiddle to every little demand. Vindication can come in strange forms. 


It's never been stated or even implied that Meri treated Janelle poorly "for decades".  Janelle herself says it was in the first few years of marriage, and that Meri has tried multiple times over the years to make things right.

  • Love 1

LOL it's kind of like how Hoarders makes you want to clean your house. Sister Wives inspires me to use birth control and save for retirement.....

I can't even get through the first 10 minutes of Hoarding and I'm throwing stuff out. I have to find something, anything, and haul it out to the dumpster.

When I watch 600-pound life I can't eat for about 24 hours.

  • Love 2

Just want to gently put out there that this and a few other threads seem to be dancing on the line of "fat shaming".  I'm not one who is typically riled up about this but I've been seeing it more and more here and I'm just getting a little uncomfortable with it.


I know what you mean.  I just break out the 'Ignore' button.


As to what Kody felt about his wives, it seems like it was different each time.  Meri said in their book that she hadn't dated anyone before Kody, and she wanted to marry him, but he wanted polygamy, and she didn't.  Kody insisted, and she relented.  But I think that this is the basis for how Meri was so focused on Kody and so insecure.

When Kody got with Janelle, Meri not only had to deal with Kody actually marrying another woman, but it was her former sister in law.  Then Janelle got pregnant first, and Meri felt that her value as a wife was threatened.  Even though Meri was the first, legal wife, their culture also places value on women who can bear lots of children.

When Christine showed up, Kody made it clear that he wasn't interested, even though Christine was very interested.  Kody's statement that he felt revulsion when he saw overweight Christine eating Nachos must have comforted Meri greatly.  Here's a wife she won't have to compete with.  Pointing out that Christine was poly royalty most likely helped Kody bite the bullet and merry her, but I don't think Meri felt threatened by her until Christine started popping out babies and forming a friendship with Janelle.

Years later Meri was still top dog, but everything indicates that she was still insecure about her place in the family.  Just how the TLC deal came up isn't clear, but I think that Kody was tired of his wives and somewhere along the line the suggestion that starting off the show with the addition of a fourth wife would seal the deal.  Meri handpicked Robyn, a divorcee with three kids and a hankering to join up with a polygamous family. 

Meri might have thought that Robyn being more physically different from Kody's other wives, coupled with his initial reluctance to bed a woman who'd had children with another man, made Robyn 'safe'.  Meri might have thought that Robyn would be another 'odd man out' in the tangled mess that the Browns live in, and they'd band together to keep Kody, Janelle, and Christine in line.  It's obvious that Meri was completely wrong.  Robyn started out by doing sexual stuff with Kody before marriage, something the other wives didn't do.  She took Kody along to pick out her wedding gown, another no-no as far as the other wives were concerned.  It was also telling when Robyn first walked into the Brown house and asked where she should put her bills, expecting the others to pay those bills.

We've seen it all play out.  Robyn exploited every aspect she could to get Kody as her one and only, and it's worked out brilliantly.  I don't think that at this point Robyn or Kody gives a damn about anybody else, they're only waiting until the show dies and then Kody can ignore his other wives even more completely than he does now.  I think that they're thinking that the other wives will fade away, but I wonder if they realize what will happen when/if the others leave.  No more money from Janelle, no more using the others for things when it's convenient, and the child support will be massive.

Keep it up, Kody and Robyn.  Karma's a bitch.


Edited because I really shouldn't try to post when I'm cooking dinner.  Sorry.

Edited by Zahdii
  • Love 13

Re fat-shaming - that's not at all my intention personally.

I do think that Robyn has passive-aggressively rubbed it in the other wives' faces over the course of the series.

"Oh I'm so upset, I'm losing weight and I'm so thin!" (During the drama when they were moving to LV)

"Robyn has a very tender stomach and can't enjoy food" (first pregnancy, at a Chinese buffet, gagging down noodles while Janelle self consciously picks at her iceberg lettuce).

And of course the SF trip.

I've had the same shit played on me so I recognize it right off the bat.

  • Love 15

I would think that somewhere out there in polygamy world there would be some sort of etiquette which requires a woman to ask permission of a man's other wives before she pursues him. Likewise the man should discuss prospective wives with the ones he's already got before courting anybody.

But that would require being considerate of other people's feelings, which doesn't seem to be in anybody's repertoire

  • Love 5

Re fat-shaming - that's not at all my intention personally.

I do think that Robyn has passive-aggressively rubbed it in the other wives' faces over the course of the series.

"Oh I'm so upset, I'm losing weight and I'm so thin!" (During the drama when they were moving to LV)

"Robyn has a very tender stomach and can't enjoy food" (first pregnancy, at a Chinese buffet, gagging down noodles while Janelle self consciously picks at her iceberg lettuce).

And of course the SF trip.

I've had the same shit played on me so I recognize it right off the bat.

I agree. I had to take notice, because she has made so many previous statements about her slender figure as if she was trying to make the other wives feel bad. That was also her thing at first, she was the young skinny wife. It will be interesting to see how it pans out if she continues to gain weight. Also, it is important to point out that they do not live healthy lifestyles. And they are on TV, so it surprises me that she put on lbs

  • Love 1

I wonder if Janelle and Christine are on antidepressants that make them gain weight. A friend gained 50 lbs on Lexapro and was always tired and zoned out. She had never been overweight before, but she couldn't lose the weight until she stopped the meds.

Janelle seems to be almost apathetic to the drama around her. She had a hard time shaking the weight despite expert-guided efforts. I wouldn't be surprised of she takes a healthy dose of an SSRI. And by "healthy," I mean substantial.

I don't blame her. I would have to take a antidepressant/Xanax cocktail to put up with that pig, Kody.

I doubt Meri and Robyn are on antidepressants. If they are, it is the wrong dose. They cry all.the.time. Besides, a Pap smear seems to be a rare occurrence for Meri. I doubt she would seek medical help for depression.

  • Love 5

It's never been stated or even implied that Meri treated Janelle poorly "for decades".  Janelle herself says it was in the first few years of marriage, and that Meri has tried multiple times over the years to make things right.


I think it's been implied through the course of the show, and the fact that Meri has had to try multiple times to quit show that it's gone on for the 20+ years they've all been married. I think each time it comes to a head, Meri apologizes to shut them all up, Janelle accepts to shut them all up, then wash, rinse, repeat. 

I wonder if Janelle and Christine are on antidepressants that make them gain weight. A friend gained 50 lbs on Lexapro and was always tired and zoned out. She had never been overweight before, but she couldn't lose the weight until she stopped the meds.

Janelle seems to be almost apathetic to the drama around her. She had a hard time shaking the weight despite expert-guided efforts. I wouldn't be surprised of she takes a healthy dose of an SSRI. And by "healthy," I mean substantial.

I don't blame her. I would have to take a antidepressant/Xanax cocktail to put up with that pig, Kody.

I doubt Meri and Robyn are on antidepressants. If they are, it is the wrong dose. They cry all.the.time. Besides, a Pap smear seems to be a rare occurrence for Meri. I doubt she would seek medical help for depression.

Meri has seemed zonked for most of the run of the show. If she's not on antidepressants, I'd be surprised. I don't blame her, either.

  • Love 2

I absolutely 100% admit to fat shaming the entire Brown clan. From their wedding photos, 20 years ago, none of them have every been super thin, except Robyn, and I do take into consideration that Christine was pregnant or in that post-baby realm for a couple of seasons. 


However, until Janelle started getting serious about losing weight, none of them seemed to consider that their lifestyle choices - poor diet and no exercise - were not just making them look 'big' but also contributing to a lot of health problems - risk for heart disease, joint pain, diabetes, low energy, etc. Plus, they were passing on an unhealthy lifestyle to 20+ children. I'm glad theyve all expressed taking some initiative in being healthier, especially since they have so many kids who depend on them.


Obesity, especially childhood obesity, is a huge issue in America. So many health issues stem from being overweight, and many of the issues - not all, but many - can be controlled to some extent by simple lifestyle changes. Seeing the Browns take control of their health is one of the few positive things to see on this trainwreck.


I also think so much has been said about their weight, because it wearing those way too tight clothing and sausage casing long sleeve tops draws attention to every lump, bump and bulge. You can't help but notice muffin tops and rolls.


Biggest comments though, are that Kody himself said overweight Christine eating nachos grossed him out, AND that he seems to have discarded the three larger wives for a thin, active one who surfs and hikes with him. Christine and Robyn are only about 3 year apart, so it is not, in my opinion, an age thing.

  • Love 2

I would think that somewhere out there in polygamy world there would be some sort of etiquette which requires a woman to ask permission of a man's other wives before she pursues him. Likewise the man should discuss prospective wives with the ones he's already got before courting anybody.

But that would require being considerate of other people's feelings, which doesn't seem to be in anybody's repertoire


I certainly wouldn't have been all giggly , like  'kody's my soul mate, I just love him tee hee hee omgomg ' . What person over 30 with three kids acts like this on tv ? or "I knew it would be complicated, but I didn't know it would break my heart as well."  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/30/sister-wives-discuss-kody_n_745633.html Probably it wasn't just the kiss itself, it was more the overall, 'we don't give a F87k about how you all feel about anything cause we're that swept up in our own thing woohoo aren't we all cute and romantic and silly?  who cares about things like rules and traditions, we can't follow that cause we are so caught up in our own crazy lust like teenagers aren't we special and magical? we feel like that so everyone else feels that way too, right? " I remember during one of their moves, Robin was showing stuff in her room like oh here's a box of shells from this date we had and here is this other memento dealie from this trip and my mom says she tried to make every day with my dad like their honeymoon never ended and I'm going to do that..."  Do people really think like that at her age, having been married before -with kids in tow? It just sounds like stuff you would read in like 1950's redbook, and it wasn't even realistic then.


you'd think there would have been at least one awkward scene of #4 walking with one of the other wives. "So, uh can I buy you an espresso? Oh yeah, you guys don't do that. Well, are you on board with this idea to begin with, before we even get to can we work this out together, to have more kids or not, where everyone will live, and practical considerations, will their kids get along with mine." 


But yes, one would have thought, you know, I better start hanging out with these women a bit, they have a long established dynamic that I haven't been a part of, it would probably help me and them out if I made more of a effort with them since hey there's three of them and all their kids and one of kody, and he's a man, so he's less complicated. It would just feel really weird meeting with him over and over and only knowing the one wife, knowing one is pregnant with #6 at home and the other is working long hours and also has a bunch of kids. Seems like it would have been better for her to come to the wives rather than kody go to #4.


I still remember Christine being pregnant and saying something like "he's going up there where she lives all the time, Meri brought her on board, I've never even met her." I'd feel pretty damn weird week after week not having established anything with some of the wives and him coming up there and just passing it off like nothing "oh don't worry about them, they'll get over it, that's their problem babe"... I would have felt like I was disrespecting them to just be like, all I have to do is win the man over to get my spot, the others will just deal with it, I mean, ultimately they have to, right? For all we know, maybe kody discouraged it thinking it it's better they have little to no exposure or warning, just probably springs stuff on them at the last minute , like when they moved with the kids. Why give people notice about things they aren't going to take well.


  • Love 8

I've read lots of talk about fat shaming, but in my opinion, the Brown's are paid very good money to be on a reality show. Let's face it, three of the wives, as well as many of their older children are obese. It is great that Janelle started becoming more health and fitness minded, but for someone with a personal trainer, gym, etc, that has to look at themselves on TV every week, she is still very big. I cringe when I look at some of the kids, especially the girls, with bulging tummies squeezed into tight clothing. Obese kids usually turn into obese adults. Most of them seem to be very sedentary, and it's a shame because there are so many fun things they could be doing to get some exercise. On the episode where Meri was walking around the college campus with Mariah, I was actually embarrassed FOR them- they were both actually waddling. For a show that seems to have a difficult time coming up with storylines, they should focus more on all of them getting into shape. Maybe start each episode with all the wives going on a morning walk together, and discussing what is going on in the family ( like Barb, Margie, and Nikki's meetings in Big Love?! Haha) ! And for God's sake- do a makeover episode- teach these poor women how to dress and apply sensible makeup!!

  • Love 4

A note on fat-shaming:


We've discussed this topic among the mods, and come down on the side of letting discussion continue. We're not the nice police, and these people have put themselves out there on a reality show, so we don't have a problem with comments on their weight. Let's keep it relevant though - My 600 Lb Life is a different show and comments about it belong in a different forum. And let's keep it from getting too ugly - I think everyone here has a decent sense of the line. Snarking on the show is what we're here for, but if I see posts that look like they're way past cool and deep into Being a Jerk Because It's Fun territory, I'll be hiding them.


We will post asking everyone to move along if things get bogged down, but for now, this is fine. 

  • Love 7

Juliegirlj - the show has already done the health and fitness thing.  BTW,  Janelle no longer has a trainer, who knows if she even goes to the gym? 


The health/fitness/weight loss angle would actually be great if there were any measurable results.  They had that one show "The Wives Diet Woes" which I mentioned before.  Meri & Christine pretty much gave up right away.  Robyn of course was preggers and I'm sure considers herself "too thin" (when she's not PG) to have to work out.  That leaves Janelle.  Unfortunately, she picked Trainer Sean who was in it to get himself on TV first and foremost.  She did start having results with him, but the fact of the matter is that weight loss is at least 70-80 percent nutrition-based and for ol' Sean, that just wasn't showy enough compared to having Janelle smash her scale or have her climb a V5.3 rock wall.


Meri was at a good weight at the beginning of the show.  And made a big show of eating healthier than the rest of the family - while Christine was preparing fish-stick tacos with a side of canned creamed corn (nothing green on the table whatsoever) Meri was in her little kitchen stir frying chicken breast and asparagus and going on about how she likes to eat lighter/healthier than what Christine prepares.  IMO that was all for the show because that's the one time we saw Meri make anything healthy. 

I think what I'm trying to say bottom line is that if the wives/family aren't truly motivated to actually get on an effective health and fitness program which includes proper diet and so on then why bother - it doesn't make for very good television.  Not that this show can ever be considered good television.


Edit to add - while the Vegas move might have been good for the kids in some ways, one way it was NOT was for their health, especially the girls.  I'm guessing in Lehi they were moving around a lot more and walking places and eating less junk food.  Now in Vegas I'm guessing they're inclined to stay inside where it's airconditioned, drive instead of walk, and basically sit around.

Edited by DakotaJustice
I still remember Christine being pregnant and saying something like "he's going up there where she lives all the time, Meri brought her on board, I've never even met her."


The really gross thing about that is if he was having sex with Robyn, even if you don't know her your husband may be passing her on to you... I know eeeewwww

The really gross thing about that is if he was having sex with Robyn, even if you don't know her your husband may be passing her on to you... I know eeeewwww

Well if people are not virgins when they meet or get married, then all bets are off whether you 'know' them or not. I wasn't even talking about that kind of way, I meant Christine was saying she didn't know anything about the person, whether or not they liked her, and so on, although it does seem like everyone in this world is related or knows everyone somehow.


Kody's favoritism of Robyn is just so blatant, I can barely tolerate for the hour a week when I see the show...how can the other 3 live with it daily!? It's glaringly obvious, Kody doesn't even try to hide it.


There are a lot of damn lies told on this show, but that is part of the reality game so I just roll my eyes, sometimes I chuckle and keep it moving. However, I really did feel like my intelligence was insulted last season when TLC brought on those so-called 'grad students' to live and study the Browns for several days who posed the question "Is there a favorite wife" and answered: "No, there isn't."  Mofos really? The blind and deaf could see there is a fave! The comatose can see there is a favorite! Now TLC tries to sell me a lot of bullshit but trying to bring in 'experts' to tell me not to believe my own damn lying eyes?!?!  A bridge too got dang far! 


I am living LIVING! for Meri's I can't find a fuck to give facial expressions.  It is like I can almost chart her thought process:


-Meri sitting on couch in a waking coma. Robyn says her name. Meri seems to come awake turns to look at Robyn seems to think: Did my name just drop outta this heffa's mouth? At another point during the interview she almost seems to be thinking is this chick still talking?

- Christine says having Kody's name on a birth certificate is worth something - seems to be on smirk on Meri's face implying its not even worth the paper its printed on.


 Going the way of the others. as soon as Kody can't get an erection for her he'll take it as a sign from God that he needs another wife. That's how it works for these polygamists, they get an erection, they think it's a miracle, God is picking out another woman for them, pointing the way.


Kody's special divining rod of wife selection? I love it! 


She has to know the older kids will all see the show.  And she knows Kody and the other wives will see it, too. She obviously doesn't care. In fact, I think  that is just what Robyn was counting on.  By whining to the camera, Robyn found passive aggressive way to make her complaints about the older kids known without having to actually speak face-to-face with the teenagers and their mothers about it and directly deal with whatever their response might be. 


Plus, I don't think she really cares one bit if it hurts her relationship with the the kids or their mothers.  Her relationship with Kody seems like all she cares about.  By playing the little victim in her talking head the way she did, she gets to drive home to Kody (again) how much their reactions hurt his favorite wife, and then he can hold it against the both the older kids for being jerks and their mothers for not raising the kids better. Again.


It's a win-win- for Robyn.  She's a crafty little sucker. 


Yup, beneath that lantern jaw and bad folksy grammar beats the heart of a master strategist which is exactly why I don't think the TH was a surprise to anyone. I mean this is the girl who got wife #1 to divorce so she can be the legal wife because you know an Acme safe might fall on poor Robyn and they children would be raised by ... gasp .. their father. You can best believe that ever since that episode first aired showing some of the older kids being less than thrilled about her pregnancy, Kody gave them a talking to. In between then you had the usual Robyn whispering campaign to Kody of I can't go through another isolated pregnancy without support; the older kids were mean to me; they said we had enough kids already; blah, blah, blah. So no doubt Kody gave them the intermittent 'your asses are gonna be excited even if you ain't' speeches. Robyn really doesn't forget those who done her wrong, even if they are children.  It really does show what kind of person she is. 


Why does she need a parade anyway? In a family of damn near 20 children, limited resources and balloon mortgages coming due announcing you aren't pregnant is the newsworthy announcement!  But no, let's stop the world and compose an ode to Robyn's gestation shall we! Seriously, does everyone have to be at Aurora 100 about every little scrap of Robyn/Kody news? How exhausting! 


Plus, it kills me that Robyn and Kody know about Dayton's condition and how difficult it can be for him to hear and adopt to new things and yet they always choose the most public and dramatic way to tell him new huge life altering things. Such ASSHOLES!  I just really like Dayton. For a moment there with all of Robyn's overly dramatic throat clearing I thought she was about to say that Dayton wanted his middle name to be Kody or something. 


Kody seems so surprised to come to the realization that Christine needs validation. Doesn't he have a special therapist designated just for that for himself? Dick munch! 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 10
Plus, it kills me that Robyn and Kody know about Dayton's condition and how difficult it can be for him to hear and adopt to new things and yet they always choose the most public and dramatic way to tell him new huge life altering things. Such ASSHOLES!


That's what kills me. They're like, "We know this kind of behavior troubles Dayton, so we're just going to do it anyway". What the fuck? Obviously I don't think people should always walk on eggshells around him, or he won't be adequately prepared for adult life. However, I have a daughter that has some special needs and she also has a lot of trouble with change and adjusting to new things. I always take that into consideration and try to make adjustments easier for her. That's what parents do, try to help their kids. But Robyn, and especially Kody, can't resist any chance to make it all about them.

  • Love 4

Robynn and Cody's insistence that all the wives and kids have to agree, celebrate and validate their poor decisions was uncomfortable to watch. Talk about not letting people have their own feelings...


I thought Meri's ultrasound was related to her abnormal pap. I had one of those once and was NBD and no one said the word cancer at all.

Edited by Soobs
  • Love 1

She'd had a CT scan because of some other problems she'd been having and it showed thickening of the cervix so she was referred for a Pap smear and it sounded like she'd never had one before.

Before they became famous she probably didn't have health care and they're too religious/pious for Planned Parenthood -- so chances are that she hasn't had a pap.

Is it accurate that this dipshit, Kody, told his youngest, newest wife, 'you are too pretty to cook'?

If so, the other women in this unbalanced equation are certifiably cra-cra if they EVER made that loser one more crumb of a meal after that fell from his mouth.

Those words, then his teeth - falling right from his mouth thanks to the nearest skillet, and I am a pacifist.

Eff him and his loser hair and emotional maturity level of a stunted 14 year old boy.

Yep. The day Robyn got her house. Blatted that out for the cameras so all the other women would be sure to see it.

  • Love 1

Finally watched this episode. Poor Dayton. I think he was upset when they revealed the adoption had gone through because a. he didn't understand why his bio dad would allow it to happen and b. he realizes that he's now tied to Kody & the Brown circus forever.

I also noticed Kody pointed out that the new baby is due "right around" Dayton's birthday, kind of like he was pre-warning him that no one would be paying attention to him on his birthday because they'd be fawning over the Second Chosen Child. Moron.

Having been one myself, I know that teenage girls are very emotional, but Robyn's oldest daughter is just a needy mess. I hope she's getting some kind of counseling about the adoption, her feelings about her bio dad and everything else. Otherwise, the first boy who dates & then dumps her is going to wake up to a boiled bunny ala Fatal Attraction.

Kody's been really pissy this season, hasn't he? He pitched a fit over the kids throwing out potential baby names? Seriously? He's thrown little bitchy hissy fits in prior seasons, but overall seemed pretty happy go lucky and goofy. Now he's always in a bad mood unless he's with Robyn.

  • Love 4

Kody's been really pissy this season, hasn't he? He pitched a fit over the kids throwing out potential baby names? Seriously? He's thrown little bitchy hissy fits in prior seasons, but overall seemed pretty happy go lucky and goofy. Now he's always in a bad mood unless he's with Robyn.

I'm getting the sense that Kody has become so comfortable with the cameras and with his pseudo-celebrity status that he's simply stopped censoring his natural inclinations. I think as the seasons have progressed he has dropped the Mr. Smiley pretense further and further.

The real Kody is volatile and utterly impatient with anything that challenges him in the slightest. Remember that scene when they were trying to get a group photo just prior to the (utterly pointless) "re-commitment" ceremony? He was in a state of near rage. Those are moments when the Mr. Smiley mask slips to show the furious narcissist beneath--the angry, impotent acorn that fell from a harsh, bullying oak. What Kody has longed for all his life is the adoring spotlight. If he'd been born into a different culture, a family and social structure that supported his highly theatrical personality, he would still be self-absorbed, IMO, but probably less angry.

All speculation on my part, of course.

  • Love 9

I'm getting the sense that Kody has become so comfortable with the cameras and with his pseudo-celebrity status that he's simply stopped censoring his natural inclinations. I think as the seasons have progressed he has dropped the Mr. Smiley pretense further and further.

The real Kody is volatile and utterly impatient with anything that challenges him in the slightest. Remember that scene when they were trying to get a group photo just prior to the (utterly pointless) "re-commitment" ceremony? He was in a state of near rage. Those are moments when the Mr. Smiley mask slips to show the furious narcissist beneath--the angry, impotent acorn that fell from a harsh, bullying oak. What Kody has longed for all his life is the adoring spotlight. If he'd been born into a different culture, a family and social structure that supported his highly theatrical personality, he would still be self-absorbed, IMO, but probably less angry.

All speculation on my part, of course.


 It's hard to tell who, if anyone is the 'rill' Kody. This new one seems to be making a botched attempt at  'pseudo-stern dad', when he's not being flaky surfer guy which is yet another mask.

One can make the argument that ok, people do act differently depending on whatever the situation is, but even that is all the same person and not an act. You can almost see the curtain come down/up when kody is going into another persona. It's a little creepy thinking he is spinning his wheels, thinking 'all right, in this scene I have to come off as ..'  like he thinks he is actually making an effort at being an adult and not so much of the airhead hair-tosser but so much of it seems like an act. I don't even think it is playing to the cameras as much as there's just not a whole lot there.  It's as if he is built on all that jivey corporate sales mixed with a little PUA and maybe some 'life coach' stuff.


  • Love 1

Well, he was in sales prior to TLC handing him money for being a doofus. But he only spent a limited amount of time with a client being a snake oil salesman. Now he has to spend hours on end, season after season, presenting himself as King Kody, Lord of the Cuddle-Sac, High Priest of the Sheep Wives, Super-Father of the Fleeing Masses of Children, All-Around Douchbag. Pretty hard to consistently keep that up for any length of time, especially with his pea-brain.

  • Love 3

Of course he's turning into Grumpy Cat; this whole production was to showcase him as the Ultimate Stud with a stable full of adoring mares whom he keeps blissfully happy.

The reality is that only the newest wife is happy at all, and even she is in tears all the time, and the other 3 are totally miserable, and he's so dumb he doesn't understand why.

He really believed that polygamy was a path to earthly bliss, not just an eternal ego feast.

I looked up "The Principle" on a Mormon site and found the explanation that Mormons never wanted to practice polygamy, they never liked the idea, but God ordered them to do it. Apparently Kody missed the part about how "you aren't supposed to be happy, this is an ordeal you must endure" it's just something you have to put up with . Dirty job but someone has to do it.

Meanwhile women were never supposed to be happy, but were just supposed to put up with this crap and be sweet.

  • Love 1

I'm getting the sense that Kody has become so comfortable with the cameras and with his pseudo-celebrity status that he's simply stopped censoring his natural inclinations. I think as the seasons have progressed he has dropped the Mr. Smiley pretense further and further.

The real Kody is volatile and utterly impatient with anything that challenges him in the slightest. Remember that scene when they were trying to get a group photo just prior to the (utterly pointless) "re-commitment" ceremony? He was in a state of near rage. Those are moments when the Mr. Smiley mask slips to show the furious narcissist beneath--the angry, impotent acorn that fell from a harsh, bullying oak. What Kody has longed for all his life is the adoring spotlight. If he'd been born into a different culture, a family and social structure that supported his highly theatrical personality, he would still be self-absorbed, IMO, but probably less angry.

All speculation on my part, of course.

I remember the first time I saw the surfer-dude face dissolve into his black-eyed fury. Scared me. 

  • Love 5

Is it accurate that this dipshit, Kody, told his youngest, newest wife, 'you are too pretty to cook'?

If so, the other women in this unbalanced equation are certifiably cra-cra if they EVER made that loser one more crumb of a meal after that fell from his mouth.

Those words, then his teeth - falling right from his mouth thanks to the nearest skillet, and I am a pacifist.

Eff him and his loser hair and emotional maturity level of a stunted 14 year old boy.

This show has two sets of fans, divided into two camps, depending on if they saw the "too beautiful too cook" incident.

Those who didn't see it are still thinking this family is going to live happily ever after. Those who did see it are wondering why the women are putting up with this crap

Edited by algebra
  • Love 2

I know what you mean.  I just break out the 'Ignore' button.


As to what Kody felt about his wives, it seems like it was different each time.  Meri said in their book that she hadn't dated anyone before Kody, and she wanted to marry him, but he wanted polygamy, and she didn't.  Kody insisted, and she relented.  But I think that this is the basis for how Meri was so focused on Kody and so insecure.

When Kody got with Janelle, Meri not only had to deal with Kody actually marrying another woman, but it was her former sister in law.  Then Janelle got pregnant first, and Meri felt that her value as a wife was threatened.  Even though Meri was the first, legal wife, their culture also places value on women who can bear lots of children.

When Christine showed up, Kody made it clear that he wasn't interested, even though Christine was very interested.  Kody's statement that he felt revulsion when he saw overweight Christine eating Nachos must have comforted Meri greatly.  Here's a wife she won't have to compete with.  Pointing out that Christine was poly royalty most likely helped Kody bite the bullet and merry her, but I don't think Meri felt threatened by her until Christine started popping out babies and forming a friendship with Janelle.

Years later Meri was still top dog, but everything indicates that she was still insecure about her place in the family.  Just how the TLC deal came up isn't clear, but I think that Kody was tired of his wives and somewhere along the line the suggestion that starting off the show with the addition of a fourth wife would seal the deal.  Meri handpicked Robyn, a divorcee with three kids and a hankering to join up with a polygamous family. 

Meri might have thought that Robyn being more physically different from Kody's other wives, coupled with his initial reluctance to bed a woman who'd had children with another man, made Robyn 'safe'.  Meri might have thought that Robyn would be another 'odd man out' in the tangled mess that the Browns live in, and they'd band together to keep Kody, Janelle, and Christine in line.  It's obvious that Meri was completely wrong.  Robyn started out by doing sexual stuff with Kody before marriage, something the other wives didn't do.  She took Kody along to pick out her wedding gown, another no-no as far as the other wives were concerned.  It was also telling when Robyn first walked into the Brown house and asked where she should put her bills, expecting the others to pay those bills.

We've seen it all play out.  Robyn exploited every aspect she could to get Kody as her one and only, and it's worked out brilliantly.  I don't think that at this point Robyn or Kody gives a damn about anybody else, they're only waiting until the show dies and then Kody can ignore his other wives even more completely than he does now.  I think that they're thinking that the other wives will fade away, but I wonder if they realize what will happen when/if the others leave.  No more money from Janelle, no more using the others for things when it's convenient, and the child support will be massive.

Keep it up, Kody and Robyn.  Karma's a bitch.


Edited because I really shouldn't try to post when I'm cooking dinner.  Sorry.


I think Meri thought of #4 as sort of a 'rescue pet', one who would be loyal to her first and foremost, feeling like Meri saved her from I don't know, working some crappy job and living in a duplex with her kids. They didn't look like they were all that bad off so somehow robin was managing to pay rent and put food on the table, or she qualified for some kind of help, or the bio-dad was kicking down something, don't know. But they weren't like street urchins in a homeless shelter. Still, I bet Meri thought that bringing her on board was somehow doing her some kind of favor and #4 would be forever indebted to her and her BFF and all that. 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions ' , as they say.


     People keep saying over and over how 'in love' ol kody is with #4, but I'm starting to doubt this 'love' with any of them. From the outside, kody and  #4 'courtship'  looked super juvenile and stupid for people their age. They had all the cutesy flirtation stuff happening but I didn't see much in the way of serious commitment type talks, nor did I see any talks with the other wives like (doorbell ringing) " Hi, I'm so and so, here's a basket of wine and cheese, I thought it was about time I finally met you...maybe we could chat a bit, do you have a minute, can I help you with anything while we chat?"


Nope, didn't see any of that. It just looks like kody is just into #4 because she acts worshipful of him all the time and doesn't call him on his bs (because life is supposed to be a continual honeymoon, like her mom did, lol), and from quotes in the early episodes, #4 wanted this huge support network for her kids. So for all her arse-kissing of kody, she may have been in it for more pragmatic reasons than people think, breeding more kodsters or not (that is a given in their culture, doesn't make a man particularly special because he has a ton of baby mommas).  Just see a lot of insecurity, competitiveness, ego, sadness, disappointment, frustration, etc. but not a lot of love, multiplied, divided or otherwise.

  • Love 3

Kody is most sexually attracted to Robyn (because she's new and shows interest, I really don't think she has any amazing 'skills') AND because she feeds his ego the most. Kody only loves himself, and pays attention to the wife that serves his needs (feeds his ego and doesn't demand anything). 


Seems like it works best for the man's ego when the focus is all about him being the 'king' of his little world, and either withholding or dispensing time, compliments, favors etc., than the way it seemed at the beginning of the season. Really feels to me like it went from being kind of like a union or equal shareholders to big corporate, top-down management, where the individual means nothing, has no rights or autonomy other than' read the handbook' or  'leave if you don't like it, -good luck getting some other gig in today's economy at your age, good luck on the streets and welfare' and it is all about the bottom line "tough luck if you aren't happy, the show must go on" , in corporate world that would be the 'bottom line'. Too bad if you have seniority or if you helped 'start the company, this is what we think is going to sell, this is what we have to do to add drama, whether or not you are happy. If you don't add #4, we're going to get that other family, so what's it gonna be?' Now look, employee #4 is playing the game, you better step up or your storyline is going to get chopped. You want to keep the mcmansions, the organic food instead of tater tots, more craft-gun ugly jean jackets,  well, It's all about tv now, get it?'

  • Love 3

I remember the first time I saw the surfer-dude face dissolve into his black-eyed fury. Scared me. 

Agreed.  it's a frightening appearance.

Kody is most sexually attracted to Robyn (because she's new and shows interest, I really don't think she has any amazing 'skills') AND because she feeds his ego the most. Kody only loves himself, and pays attention to the wife that serves his needs (feeds his ego and doesn't demand anything). 


  • Love 2

Even good marriages often run a predictable course from newly in love with the most wonderful human on the planet to seeing some of the shine wear off as you begin to see each other's shortcomings. A guy like Kody's solution at this point is to bring in a younger woman who's at that 'OMG, I am so lucky to be loved by this most perfect human ever!,' stage. Kody will ever mature beyond this - I'd bet the farm on it.

I'm betting Robyn will, though. It's a long shot but you never know!

  • Love 2

So, I have this issue... Sometimes I think of something funny, that may or not be appropriate, but I want to say it anyway because I like to get a laugh out of people. I don't get offended easily so sometimes it's hard for me to know where the line is for others.I know the old adage is every I'm joking has a little truth about it... But I promise what I'm about to say is not intended to mock Mormons or people with similar beliefs, it's more to mock the Browns, which is why we are here. If anyone is offended I will gladly remove or be ok with a mod removing It.

Ok that being said, it's gonna be really funny someday when we all die and go wherever it is that people go, only to find out the whole planet thing is true, but for all this hoopla over divorce/adoption, Robyn and her kids wind up on Jessops planet... Because simply getting a divorce doesn't unseal you. Who are you going to go to war for them Kodster?

  • Love 2

So, I have this issue... Sometimes I think of something funny, that may or not be appropriate, but I want to say it anyway because I like to get a laugh out of people. I don't get offended easily so sometimes it's hard for me to know where the line is for others.I know the old adage is every I'm joking has a little truth about it... But I promise what I'm about to say is not intended to mock Mormons or people with similar beliefs, it's more to mock the Browns, which is why we are here. If anyone is offended I will gladly remove or be ok with a mod removing It.

Ok that being said, it's gonna be really funny someday when we all die and go wherever it is that people go, only to find out the whole planet thing is true, but for all this hoopla over divorce/adoption, Robyn and her kids wind up on Jessops planet... Because simply getting a divorce doesn't unseal you. Who are you going to go to war for them Kodster?

This might need to go to a general discussion type thread, but........I had the same question (not Brown related) with a dear friend who is LDS, and she said that with the normal, mainstream LDS (not the Browns), sealing is a pretty big deal, and unsealing doesn't happen often. Husband and wife have to be married for a year? - I could remember wrong - and both had to be baptized church members in good standing with recommendations to have the temple wedding and then later be sealed. Most people who go through all that are super serious about the faith and marriage, etc., so it isn't just a 'hey, you're cute, let's get sealed - nope, changed my mind'.


Nobody gets into the celestial kingdom without being married. Husbands call their wives in by their secret name they learn in the temple. Wife dies first, she goes to a lower level of heaven until her hubs can call her into the highest one. Women who are widowed and remarry are called in to eternity by their 'sealed' husband - you can only be sealed to one, so if you weren't sealed to the first, you can be sealed to the second, but if you sealed Hubs 1, 2nd is out of luck.


Now for unsealing - rare occasion, lots of hoops to jump through, only happens if a spouse leaves and then is excommunicated. Normal LDS don't swap wives and divorce frequently like some of the FLDS/AUB/fragment groups.


No back to the Browns - have they ever stated if Robyn and Jessop were sealed? Kody seems to have splintered from the AUB into his own church, so I guess he writes his own rules for sealing/unsealing.


My personal opinion - these people can't share kitchens, so how are they going to share a planet for eternity?

  • Love 2

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