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S10.E19: Baptism By Fire

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I don't get the backlash about the baptism. People drag religion in to all aspects of life -- so much so that all politicians have to declare their religiosity. There are whole channels dedicated to the economy of religion. I'm not religious, but if it works for Tamara (which it seems to have), then who am I to judge.


But I will judge someone -- that asshole, Vickie.


The OG of the OC needs to be Auf'd! (as in fired!)

Edited by Lady Grump
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I am soooo over cancergate.

Let's get to the reunion and call this season OVER!

I have a feeling this will be the last season for this franchise.

If not they need to recast just about everyone and no bringing back the past cast members.

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Egad! I've never been to a baptism party like that before! Only in the OC and a whole lotta alcohol I guess.

For such a holy experience Tamra said 'frickin' ' in her pre-baptism speech. Classy. I also like how one minute Vicki is talking about Jesus and the next she's screaming the F -word. Smh.

Oh Shannon, everyone knew your husband was having an affair, this was not some earth shattering news. And this coming from a woman who told everyone she had an enema nozzle stuck up her ass.

I have always liked the OC housewrecks but I am sick to death of the Cancer storyline. I don't know if he has it or not, if he does I wish him the best but if he doesn't then Heather, Shannon, Tamra and Meghan ( the truth finder)can rub it in Vicki's face next season.

But Vicki will probably make excuses and tell them they're all bitches because her friend Satan told to.

Can't wait for the reunion(s).

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This chick Rhonda. Wow. W-O-W. Was Shannon taking off her jewelry to go fight? Lmao. Where's the vasoline...


Vicki sending someone else to do her dirty work? Hmm, when have we seen that before? And then Vicki brings up her mom's death for sympathy after joking about an inheritance? And comparing herself to Jesus in front of the pastor? She's incorrigible. I don't understand how people can defend her at all.


What an intimate moment for Tamra. WIth a camera crew, former castmates, and none of her children there (since it obviously had to be filmed and broadcast on national television). The baptism storyline is gross.

Well, Ryan was there with Sarah and the baby, so at least 1 of her kids attended. LOL

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Too bad Shannon and Vicki are no longer friends. Shannon has a cure for that.

Yes, but it would probably be a home high colonic (with a long tip that can get stuck inside your butt) and Vicki probably wouldn't be interested in that.

Edited by HumblePi
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My issue is that baptisms are not generally (ever) held at a hotel with cocktails and hor d'oeuvres.


Every Confirmation I've ever been to had a party afterwards -- and the adults always ate and drank. Same with every bar and bat mitzvah I've been too. Every wedding....et cetera. I think people just have a problem with Tamara. But hey, IMO, she was fine this season -- and I'm all about forgiveness. Heck, I even liked Heather -- previously my personal vote for worst housewife -- this season.

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I love watching these women as they maneuver behind the scenes. The show within a show is fascinating to me.


These women film hundreds of hours of footage. I truly wonder what never aired. Were Brooks and Vicki pushing their juicing cure? Is this what started the whispering? Were the women concerned they were lending legitimacy to his medical claims and were uncomfortable being used? Is this what got Meghan all worked up in her quest for truth and justice? They would have no way of knowing what Bravo would air about Brooks' story. 


I thought Vicki's reaction to Heather confronting her about the story they told to "prove" Brooks was ill after chemo was telling. She's not a good liar. The look on her face & her weak denial made her look bad. Not to mention her throwing Briana under the bus in front of Tamra.


No wonder Vicki wanted to get the hell out of there. She probably never imagined anyone would publicly question the cancer diagnosis.

Edited by charming
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Has Tamra never talked to someone who goes to church before?  I didn't understand why she thinks her life will transform into something so fantastic.  People who are baptized have plenty of problems, too.  Makes me all the more suspicious of her Come-To-Jesus storyline.  


Vicki doesn't understand why people would be talking to her about Brooks faking cancer?  How dense is this woman???  LOL!

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I can't believe what just came out of Heather's mouth.


" You cannot talk about people's business without their permission! That is uncool."


Really, Heather?  You gossiped to your friends about Shannon's marriage and the affair and you've been talking about Brooks' personal business all season.  


Heather, YOU'RE uncool.


Also, did you see the lengths those ladies went to to get Vicki to stay?  They needed a huge gang-up finale on the Vickster, probably coerced by production via orange blackmail.  The way they panicked when Vicks was leaving, especially Tamra, was disgusting.  Tamra was just Baptized and she already lied;  "Vicki come back and seek the truth!" aka "Vicki, stay so we can gang up on you!"

Bravo and the housewives ran out of ideas for a party to film. There was the fancy-pants luncheon at Heather's '22,000 sq. ft' home, there was the (duh) Aries party, trips to exotic destinations and not to be forgotten, the sex party. Tamra wearing a lace body suit sans underwear must have been just a few minutes before she turned to 'pasture' Mike for salvation.


I laughed so hard. Even 'pasture' Mike got into the act and ran after Vicki standing out at the curb. Speaking of orange, weren't they all more than usual? When Shannon and David first came in and Shannon gave a kiss and hug to Vicki's brother, I could see the strip of extensions in the back of her head. Not a good sight I think Shannon's hair is getting thinner, she sure is looking older. (on the last bit of hormones no doubt)


I'm wondering how born-again Christian Tamra is going to be able to hold her Christian beliefs in check and still manage to create horrific acts of nudity, sex, cursing, lying and self-love during next season, is that even possible to do both at the same time? I like the written note at the end regarding Eddie. It was something to the effect that Eddie hasnt joined Tamra in her newfound religion but he is praying ......'that Ryan will repay the loan'.   HA!

Edited by HumblePi
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Wow, Vicki really pushed Brianna under the bus and drove over her, backed up and drove over her again.

Also, how can a mother be with a man that she knows her own daughter HATES?

Remember that Vicki is all about her life being for her children and now grandchildren but she can't give up this man that her family doesn't care for. (They are supposedly broken up again, we'll see how long it lasts this time around.)

It's called self sacrifice Vicki, learn about it.

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Tonight I wanted to reach through the TV and slap those bitches Shannon, Heather and Meghan silly. For the wonderful, fulfilled lives they all claim to live, they can’t find anything else to talk about at a baptism celebration party except Vicki?


I was glad when Rhonda said that Vicki didn’t ask Shannon to show proof of David cheating like Vicki is expected to do.  Then Shannon tells David how she shut Rhonda down. No you didn’t, bitch, you just walked away. And Rhonda didn’t tell “everyone”; she was talking to Shannon. Also, discussing Vicki/Brooks with the other hags every time they’re together is O.K. but how dare Vicki tell her brother about David? Hey, Shannon, YOU put it on T.V. so it’s not exactly a secret!


Fancypants Heather had a lot of nerve saying that people (Vicki) have no right to talk about someone else’s business without their permission. What the fuck does she think she and the other members of the coven have been doing for the past several episodes? And I’m tired of her and the others continuing to tell Vicki that they love her when they’re trashing her the minute her back is turned (and that includes Tamra).


Heather needs to concentrate on finishing her mega-mansion, Shannon needs to concentrate on keeping David happy so he doesn’t start looking for another sidepiece, Meghan needs to concentrate on figuring out how to get Jimmy to want to spend more than 50% of his time with her, and Tamra needs to concentrate on actually walking the walk of being a good Christian. That should keep them all busy enough that they can get out of Vicki’s private life. The Vickster has Brooks, Brianna and the death of her mom to deal with, without having to put up with those heifers.


I’m not a fan of Vicki by any means but, believe me, I will not be watching the reunion because I cannot stand seeing a bunch of mean bitches gang up on one person; I don’t care who it is. Those women need to check their superior attitudes at the door, but of course that’s not going to happen. I'm done with this franchise, but I will be here next season to read the snark!

I don't believe Vicki brought Rhonda to the party to deliver a message to Shannon. Shannon was insisting that all Vicki had to do was show Brooks' records and Rhonda responded to that. Shannon brought it up and gave Rhonda the opportunity; I don't think it was preplanned at all.

Edited by parisprincess
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When Meghan said that having cancer or a disability can allow you to modify your child support, it started to make more sense. Is child support a public record? I liked this episode. I also loved the baptism, I thought it was really sweet and Jesus is for everyone. I don't like the idea that you have to act a certain way in order to be religious or go to church. If she found Jesus and wants to celebrate, let her do it in her own way. 

Edited by bravofan27
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Confirmation I've ever been to had a party afterwards -- and the adults always ate and drank. Same with every bar and bat mitzvah I've been too. Every wedding....et cetera. I think people just have a problem with Tamara. But hey, IMO, she was fine this season -- and I'm all about forgiveness. Heck, I even liked Heather -- previously my personal vote for worst housewife -- this season.

Almost every Protestant baptism that I can remember witnessing was done as part of a church service, usually a regular Sunday service. I have never been to one but I do know sometimes in the country people are baptised in a river. Trust me on this, baptisims with a pre-baptism cocktail party are extremely rare. LOL

Of course people might likely have a party or luncheon afterwards. But not quite like this one! ;)

Edited by Cara
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Meghan did the worst thing a PI could do.

She cherry picked, and outright invented evidence, to fit her so called theory.

A real fact finder would analyze the evidence, then formulate a theory.

Evidence does not originate from psychics.


Edited by Scrambled Fog
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Tonight I wanted to reach through the TV and slap those bitches Shannon, Heather and Meghan silly. For the wonderful, fulfilled lives they all claim to live, they can’t find anything else to talk about at a baptism celebration party except Vicki?


I was glad when Rhonda said that Vicki didn’t ask Shannon to show proof of David cheating like Vicki is expected to do.  Then Shannon tells David how she shut Rhonda down. No you didn’t, bitch, you just walked away. And Rhonda didn’t tell “everyone”; she was talking to Shannon. Also, discussing Vicki/Brooks with the other hags every time they’re together is O.K. but how dare Vicki tell her brother about David? Hey, Shannon, YOU put it on T.V. so it’s not exactly a secret!


Fancypants Heather had a lot of nerve saying that people (Vicki) have no right to talk about someone else’s business without their permission. What the fuck does she think she and the other members of the coven have been doing for the past several episodes? And I’m tired of her and the others continuing to tell Vicki that they love her when they’re trashing her the minute her back is turned (and that includes Tamra).


Heather needs to concentrate on finishing her mega-mansion, Shannon needs to concentrate on keeping David happy so he doesn’t start looking for another sidepiece, Meghan needs to concentrate on figuring out how to get Jimmy to want to spend more than 50% of his time with her, and Tamra needs to concentrate on actually walking the walk of being a good Christian. That should keep them all busy enough that they can get out of Vicki’s private life. The Vickster has Brooks, Brianna and the death of her mom to deal with, without having to put up with those heifers.


I’m not a fan of Vicki by any means but, believe me, I will not be watching the reunion because I cannot stand seeing a bunch of mean bitches gang up on one person; I don’t care who it is. Those women need to check their superior attitudes at the door, but of course that’s not going to happen. I'm done with this franchise, but I will be here next season to read the snark!

I don't believe Vicki brought Rhonda to the party to deliver a message to Shannon. Shannon was insisting that all Vicki had to do was show Brooks' records and Rhonda responded to that. Shannon brought it up and gave Rhonda the opportunity; I don't think it was preplanned at all.

I agree with every.single.word. Thanks for saving me the typing.

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If it is talked about ON camera it is fair game for all the HWs to talk about. No one talked about David's affair ON camera last season at all and the only to bring up the subject this season was Shannon/David UNTIL tonight. Vicki explicitly told Shannon she told NO ONE about David's affair, which was in fact a lie because she told Billy/Rhonda.


Did Heather talk about Shannon last season, yes, she did but she did not talk about the affair and BOTH Shannon/David support that.


Do you know when Vicki told Billy and Rhonda?  If she told them after Shannon already told everyone, then it's fair game.  Besides, they live in Chicago, not OC.  Who are they going to tell, Abe Froman? I believe Vicki was telling the truth in Tahiti.  At that time she had not told anyone.


As for Heather not talking about or telling anyone about The Affair; only Shannon said that.  David said Heather knew about The Affair, so she must have talked to someone about it for it to get back to David!


Also, does anyone really believe she didn't tell Terry?  I'd bet my life savings she did.

Edited by cherry slushie
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My issue is that baptisms are not generally (ever) held at a hotel with cocktails and hor d'oeuvres.


Well, we did have the New Jersey "Christening" aka "Family fued from hell" that launched the Gorga's on their franchise.  Not only was there cocktails and hor d'oeuvres, there was screaming and physical violence.  lol


Wow, Vicki really pushed Brianna under the bus and drove over her, backed up and drove over her again.

Also, how can a mother be with a man that she knows her own daughter HATES?

Remember that Vicki is all about her life being for her children and now grandchildren but she can't give up this man that her family doesn't care for. (They are supposedly broken up again, we'll see how long it lasts this time around.)

It's called self sacrifice Vicki, learn about it.



I don't agree with this at all.  Vicki has a right to be involved with whoever she chooses.  Why should Briana have the right to dictate who Vicki loves?  Should Briana leave her husband if Vicki decides she doesn't like him?  There's plenty of reasons to dislike Ryan, believe me!  Briana has proven over an over that she doesn't like ANY guy her mother gets involved with.  She didn't like Donn until he and Vicki broke up.  Briana is just a spoiled daughter who is used to getting all of her mother's attention even though she pretends it bothers her, and doesn't want to share her mother with any man.  She's a selfish beeyotch!!!  She's really more like her mother than she will admit to.

Edited by swankie
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Vicki can put specifics about Shannon and David's relationship on shout to anyone she pleases?


Shannon put the specifics and all the details out about David's cheating, just as she put the specifics and all the details out about her colonic (TMI). A person shouldn't whine about someone talking about their personal life when they made it their storyline the whole season (of course that goes for Vicki too).

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Do you know when Vicki told Billy and Rhonda?  If she told them after Shannon already told everyone, then it's fair game.  Besides, they live in Chicago, not OC.  Who are they going to tell, Abe Froman?

Cherry Slushie, this is hysterical!!  Well, Abe is the sausage king of Chicago!!

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