Scrambled Fog October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 OK. My godmother was a model at the time of my baptism, and not even she had her makeup professionally done before the ceremony. 2 Link to comment
Kiss my mutt October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I guess for me I would be a little put out if I used my connections (not that I have any)or pulled strings to secure a slot with a preeminent doctor not so much for me but for having wasted this doctors time and made it less likely that he would accommodate any future requests from someone who would have really needed it. 15 Link to comment
Scrambled Fog October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I hope Tammy Sue doesn't really have access to glitter body spray. 1 Link to comment
zoeysmom October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 On 10/10/2015 at 5:34 PM, JennyMominFL said: Hello from Paris. Just spent 2 days in a Chateau on the Loire. Visited Chambord and Villandry. We are in Paris until Wednesday and then on to Amsterdam. I have to figure out how to see this last episode. Can anyone give me a really quick synopsis? Recap 3 Link to comment
halkatla October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 Quote having that huge fight with Shannon and David at one of those dinner's from hell. You know, the dinner where Terry was demeaning David for being in the construction business and calling him a "penis" Wow that blast from the past actually makes me nostalgic for the boring, way too aggressive previous season! Have we had anything except "the affair" & "the fake cancer" this season? Nothing could be worse for a RH show.... 3 Link to comment
RedheadZombie October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/6/2015 at 6:03 PM, Cherrio said: And.....E.R. nurses see a lot more than other nurses because the patients come in with everything. They would have more knowledge than a nurse that specializes in say Obstetrics or a Cardiac floor. My neighbor was actually diagnosed as a terminal pancreatic cancer patient in the E.R. ER nurses come in a huge range of skills. Many people think that all nurses are trauma nurses, or even flight for life nurses who have the ability to perform advanced procedures. What some forget is that our ERs are loaded with patients with sore throats and ear aches, and ERs also function as non-emergent clinics and doctor offices, and there are nurses in the ER who function as doctors office nurses. I will not knock the skills of trauma nurses, but when I was a critical care nurse, we were often less than impressed by their cardiac knowledge. Specialties are specialties for a reason. As far as obstetrics - if you want to see a nurse in a full blown panic, it's an ER nurse literally running a pregnant woman - who's crowning - to OB. Babies are only born in the ER under dire circumstances. It's a filthy environment, and OB is highly specialized, not to mention a highly litigious branch of medicine. I've worked in hospitals whose policy requires a doctor be presenf at birth. If the OB is late, the OB nurses deliver the baby as an ER doctor stands in the corner. 4 Link to comment
Scrambled Fog October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 Vicki on the storyline that has metastasized and won't go away. 2 Link to comment
lunastartron October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 Even if Shannon didn't confirm with Vicki about making an appointment for Brooks - and that's a big "if" - Brooks and Vicki demonstrably did not protest until long after Brooks had actually missed the appointment. He and Vicki attributed his absence to car trouble which means a) that he did not decline in the interim between Shannon's call and the date of the consultation and b) that he ostensibly intended to go but that mitigating circumstances prevented him from doing so. Fast forward and he and Vicki are declaring in their talking heads that, to paraphrase, "Shannon needs to mind her own business." In real time, Brooks is sneering in interviews that he doesn't need Shannon's "world class" contacts because his own team is "world class." And Vicki contended to Meghan that Shannon's account was a mischaracterization. So we have Vicki essentially calling Shannon a liar after Shannon leveraged personal/pseudo-professional relationships explicitly for Brooks's benefit and in good faith (irrespective of whether or not Vicki actually requested Shannon's intervention in the capacity in question, all evidence suggests that Shannon undertook her effort with sympathetic intentions and that Brooks and Vicki both accepted the gesture of help without question until inconsistencies necessitated revisionism and retconning). I don't understand why Shannon's anger is perfectly understandable; she immediately made considerable overtures on behalf of a good friend and that good friend has basically been saying "fuck you" for months. Vicki accused her of being "nasty" and "threatening" for having the temerity to wonder why Brooks had blown off the appointment after voicing no previous objections. She evidently shared non-generic details of Shannon's maritals struggles with her own cohort. She's literally equating Shannon with Pontius Pilate. The entitlement, betrayal, and disloyalty are repulsive. 14 Link to comment
Scrambled Fog October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 I doubt Vicki knows who Pontius Pilate is. She probably thinks he invented Pilates. 17 Link to comment
AnnA October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) MrRealHousewife is reporting and yet another unconfirmed rumor... "Brooks Ayers Cancer Documents Fraud Investigation? According to a source close to the situation, we can allegedly share that 'Newport Imaging is considering investigating Brooks for fraud.' Why would they do that? According to the insider, 'Since his documents were shown on the air they have been getting non-stop phone calls about him and the documents he showed. They are starting to find this annoying.' In addition, the source said that, 'Since Newport Imaging doesn’t do the type of scan he showed on camera, they are possibly contemplating investigating him for fraud, as he used their logo.' It should be noted, again, that we have been unable to confirm if this is true at this time, so for now it is just a rumor. We did, however, reach out to Ayers for a comment on this and did not hear back." MrRealHousewife Edited October 11, 2015 by AnnA 5 Link to comment
WireWrap October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/11/2015 at 1:46 AM, AnnA said: MrRealHousewife is reporting and yet another unconfirmed rumor... "Brooks Ayers Cancer Documents Fraud Investigation? According to a source close to the situation, we can allegedly share that 'Newport Imaging is considering investigating Brooks for fraud.' Why would they do that? According to the insider, 'Since his documents were shown on the air they have been getting non-stop phone calls about him and the documents he showed. They are starting to find this annoying.' In addition, the source said that, 'Since Newport Imaging doesn’t do the type of scan he showed on camera, they are possibly contemplating investigating him for fraud, as he used their logo.' It should be noted, again, that we have been unable to confirm if this is true at this time, so for now it is just a rumor. We did, however, reach out to Ayers for a comment on this and did not hear back." MrRealHousewife Even if it turns out this is nothing more than rumor, I hope Brooks is sweating! IF he lied anout getting a PET scan and that it happened at NI, I hope his "legal team" is charging him BIG $$$$ for this. LOL 5 Link to comment
imjagain October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) On 10/10/2015 at 5:34 PM, JennyMominFL said: Hello from Paris. Just spent 2 days in a Chateau on the Loire. Visited Chambord and Villandry. We are in Paris until Wednesday and then on to Amsterdam. I have to figure out how to see this last episode. Can anyone give me a really quick synopsis?It will be around in repeats enjoy where you are. You are lucky to have a fab trip with a loved one! Enjoy every minute of it. Next spring we will be going to Manchester to visit husband's family then move on to Remy DE Provence France for our romantic honeymoon (we never had one years ago) . I will not give the housewives a second thought . Edited October 11, 2015 by imjagain 5 Link to comment
AnnA October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) On 10/11/2015 at 3:00 AM, gimipizzauoldtroll said: Viewers are making phone calls to the imaging center?! What the hell is wrong with people? Crazy, isn't it? This makes me wonder who decided they could use the actual name and logo of the imaging center on the show without permission? Brooks and Vicki should have known better and if they didn't, Bravo should have bleeped it out. Edited October 11, 2015 by AnnA 8 Link to comment
talula October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/11/2015 at 3:15 AM, AnnA said: Crazy, isn't it? This makes me wonder who decided they could use the actual name and logo of the imaging center on the show without permission? Brooks and Vicki should have known better and if they didn't, Bravo should have bleeped it out. If true, I hope the lab is suing Bravo for showing a possible fraudulent document with their phone # showing. 4 Link to comment
talula October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/11/2015 at 3:34 AM, gimipizzauoldtroll said: Nice to know that patients who may be awaiting life-changing results have to be put on hold so that the secretary can field questions from delusional RHOC viewers. Ugh. I'm really appalled. You can't make this stuff up! Some viewers caught whatever Meghan suffers from. The need for justice...who cares it's a phoney reality show!!! Bombarding a lab with phone calls has to interfere with patient care. 9 Link to comment
pamme64 October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/10/2015 at 3:46 PM, Freckledbruh said: I would be perturbed but not angry. It didn't cost Shannon money and I was taught that you don't do a favor with the expectation of getting anything in return whether that is a favor or profuse thanking. I'm on the fence. Sometimes in life a favor can be far more valuable then actual cash. Shannon used one, and it's seems as though it was wasted on purpose. However, yes, she did do it with no expectation of anything. To me it would also be something that I would just do as well, but we sit here knowing what we know and that colors it. (for me). 3 Link to comment
Scrambled Fog October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 I don't understand how conclusions can be made from a blog post written by a blogger who often gets things wrong. Sometimes it seems to me the blogger will outright make stuff up and print it. 5 Link to comment
Bebecat October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/10/2015 at 5:38 PM, straightshooter said: Who needs a posse to accompany them to a baptism? Vicki "Ican'tbealonetosavemylife" Gunvalson, that's who. I think it's very telling that she felt she needed backup. What lovely company she keeps, too. Her female posse member popping off to Shannon was childish, hateful and disgusting. She wouldn't have even known that info if Vicki had even one shred of integrity. She is just as much of an asshole as her ex-boyfriend. They were a match made in "heaven". Her condemnation of the others under the guise of Christianity is just plain sick. Hey, Little Miss Devout Christian - nobody's buying what you're trying like hell to sell. She's a despicable hypocrite. I have loathed Icky since her first "woo hoo. Sounded like a demented drunked teenager. But this religious shtick is just too much. Between her and Tamra, two of the biggest liar faces and hypocrites ever, it is an insult to anyone who follows and believes in religion (I don't but used to.) 11 Link to comment
bravofan27 October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) A few years ago I had a student who brought me a doctors note that was obviously fake. I reported it to the dean and she swore up and down it was a real note. The dean was on the fence and wanted to believe the student because the student was a straight A student with no issues in the past. But I knew I was right. I called the clinic and asked them to verify the name and time of the student's visit. I also faxed the note I received from the student to the doctors office. They called me right back and verified that the note did not come from their office, that the letterhead was not theirs, the doctor on the note was not theirs and it was basically fake. They were pissed that someone lied about receiving care there. So I can see how a health agency, whom credibility and trust and extremely important, would have no tolerance for anyone forging stuff that said it came from their lab. Think about if someone was going around with a letter of recommendation that they said you wrote. But you didn't write it. Anyway, totally see the wanting to get to the bottom of the fake note. Especially since it was written terribly and obviously used by facebook dictation software and not medical dictation software. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there that believe in Brook's plight, especially since they are throwing the Jesus angle in there and are horrified by the quality of the lab report. Do I think the lab fraud thing is real? Probably not, but it is possible, depending on what type of response they are getting from people. In Shannon's blog she said she ate from fruit and wanted to get it out of her butt asap so she did the colonic. I actually looked up the Sitoclonic that Dr. Moon sells. Gross. Just so gross. GROSS. Interestingly, Dr. Moon is not a medical doctor. He is actually using his doctorate in Oriental Philosophy incorrectly. I'm almost positive that he is breaking an ethics violation because he is actually not a medical doctor but he is using his title to make it appear like he is a medical doctor. He has a PhD, not an M.D. For example, in med school, they tell you pretty much right away, that if you get a PhD in say, Physics, and then want to do botox (which you can do with just a certification program) you can not say you are a Dr. to the patients who want botox because it's purposely misleading (this is in the event that you end up dropping out of medical school and do a phd instead). Someone may only want care from a M.D. and think since you have a Dr. before your name that you are an M.D. I think everyone gets it. Dr. Moon sounds like a quack! Edited October 11, 2015 by bravofan27 5 Link to comment
IKnowRight October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/11/2015 at 3:00 AM, gimipizzauoldtroll said: Viewers are making phone calls to the imaging center?! What the hell is wrong with people? The phone calls are more likely being placed by rag mags/reality show bloggers like MrRealHousewife so they have "breaking news" for the world...Add in Meghan. O'Toole. King. Edmonds., Brianna Culberson, Gretchen Rossi, Slade Smiley, Jeana Keough, Simon Barney, Tamra Judge and ever other woman scammed by Crooks and their lawyers, Andy Cohen, Tom Murro and Voila! You have several phone calls to Newport Imaging. 3 Link to comment
Scrambled Fog October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/11/2015 at 4:25 AM, gimipizzauoldtroll said: True. To be clear, I don't buy the fraud stuff (doesn't make sense to me at all, actually) but I can believe that they are getting phone calls. That they are receiving phone calls by viewers who saw the show seems within the realm of possibility to me, at least. I agree. Their website is currently "Under Construction". I wouldn't doubt RHOC viewers spammed the website while trying to get to the bottom of a very shallow storyline. 1 Link to comment
jaync October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 Quote Anyway, totally see the wanting to get to the bottom of the fake note. Sure, if you're personally affected somehow, but those randos that are calling need to get a life. 9 Link to comment
Scrambled Fog October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 I. Must. Learn. Angry. Eye. Exercise. It's on my bucket list now. 1 Link to comment
JennyMominFL October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/10/2015 at 7:22 PM, Bella Roche said: Can you watch online? Or, here's an Entertainment Weekly recap: An excerpt: "Meghan, if you love something, let it go. If it doesn’t come back, it wasn’t meant to be. Please apply this thinking both to Hayley and these heinous headbands you keep wearing." Thanks. I tried this with my cable provider, Xfinity. It won't let me watch from out of the country On 10/10/2015 at 8:49 PM, zoeysmom said: Recap That helps Thanks On 10/11/2015 at 2:43 AM, imjagain said: It will be around in repeats enjoy where you are. You are lucky to have a fab trip with a loved one! Enjoy every minute of it. Next spring we will be going to Manchester to visit husband's family then move on to Remy DE Provence France for our romantic honeymoon (we never had one years ago) . I will not give the housewives a second thought . We are here for 6 weeks, so I'm hoping I can catch them while here. We ill be in the UK for a month too. I may be able to catch it there. 3 Link to comment
bravofan27 October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) Quote Shannon is an idiot and Moon needs to be reported for practicing medicine without a license. I read his biography and it seems like (between that and what we saw on the show) he is representing himself to be a doctor. He is definitely representing himself to be a medical doctor which he is not. He should be reported. Quote Sure, if you're personally affected somehow, but those randos that are calling need to get a life. I was talking about the doctor wanting to get to the bottom of the fake lab report (not random people which is weird). Edited October 11, 2015 by bravofan27 1 Link to comment
Kiss my mutt October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) I was never under the impression that dr moon was an MD. And wtf? Can't we just poop to get rid of toxins and um, feces? His FAQ section on the sit colonic makes it sound like you should do this every time you need to sit on the pot. It basically looks like an enema bag that you can buy at Walgreens. Edited October 11, 2015 by Kiss my mutt 1 Link to comment
Scrambled Fog October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 Dr. Moon lists his degrees on his website. If there are people who sincerely believe there is a person who is practicing medicine w/o a license, then those people should report that person. Link to comment
zoeysmom October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 Does Dr. Moon use the words medical doctor or MD anywhere? Dr. a social courtesy. In certain parts of Europe attorneys because of their JD (Juris Doctrate) are called doctor. It is similar to a chiropractor-they go by doctor and treat people with adjustments and remedies but I don't think people confuse them with MDs. Now there are NDs there have been OD for a very long time so I think Dr. Moon is well within his rights to use the title doctor. I would think a simple question would be all one would need to do to satisfy their curiosity. Here is a story about other than MDs. 3 Link to comment
Lola43 October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/10/2015 at 7:23 PM, freeradical said: No way, Judy is not elderly! She has technically been a Senior Citizen since she was 55, eligible for Social Security since she was 65 and old enough to be ragey Ryan's grandmother at the time of his verbal assault on her. She was 64 at the time. I'm Gen-X and I hang with plenty of Baby Boomers. They are NOT elderly! (But their parents are)! AGREED! My mom is 66 and has more energy than me and my 18 year old combined. I have a hard time seeing her as elderly. 3 Link to comment
Former Nun October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) Quote 'Since Newport Imaging doesn’t do the type of scan he showed on camera, they are possibly contemplating investigating him for fraud, as he used their logo.' When I'm contemplating, my brain is already in gear...none of this unnecessary "possibly contemplating" stuff for me. I guess this means they're considering thinking about it. Edited October 11, 2015 by Former Nun 2 Link to comment
Former Nun October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 Quote I would be perturbed but not angry. It didn't cost Shannon money and I was taught that you don't do a favor with the expectation of getting anything in return whether that is a favor or profuse thanking. I'd be bummed too...and the next time not be so willing to embarrass myself by asking favors for "friends." Someone who is in DIRE need of help could miss out on care because of these scam artists. 3 Link to comment
Lucelu October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/8/2015 at 7:20 PM, Me Too said: The bolded part is what I keep thinking of in regards to cancergate. As you state NO ONE is ever bragging about weight loss and how good they feel when dealing with cancer. If you know anything about cancer: weight loss is like a death knell! That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it (Sung to the tune of the Collin Raye song "Thats my story and I'm sticking to it"). Actually, some cancer patients gain weight after treatment and it is distressing to them. Particularly with RCHOP, they tend to gain a bunch of weight in the abdomen and it is hard to return to normal, can last years. So after you are done with treatment and have gone into remission, there is a big old gut left that you don't have much energy to work off. Plus, living in Orange County, in a country that already assumes you are a sloth if you are overweight, I can understand him being pleased about it. Plus the prednisone causes a huge appetite. The drug in that cocktail that causes the weight gain can also cause heart failure which presents as fluid overload. 2 Link to comment
DeeplyShallow October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 Dr. Moon's degree was always shown onscreen as PhD. I never got the impression that he was trying to pass himself off as an MD. I'd also think that if he was doing something crazy shady, he wouldn't advertise it on national television. Or, maybe he's an idiot. 5 Link to comment
Bebecat October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 Shannon is nuts if she eats one piece of fruit and feels the need to do a colonic or whatever. She has some eating issues, at the very least. The reason there is so much drama surrounding the "medical report" is down to Icky, Imo. She lies so much and then comes up with this mess of a report, who wouldn't question it, even if just to themself? 7 Link to comment
Duke2801 October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/10/2015 at 3:46 PM, Freckledbruh said: I would be perturbed but not angry. It didn't cost Shannon money and I was taught that you don't do a favor with the expectation of getting anything in return whether that is a favor or profuse thanking. Shannon wasn't angry. She was annoyed. So you and Shanny are in agreement! On 10/10/2015 at 7:56 PM, Scrambled Fog said: OK. My godmother was a model at the time of my baptism, and not even she had her makeup professionally done before the ceremony. But it's her unofficial 4th wedding day! She's the STAR! That said, if your godmother was a star of a reality TV show and your baptism was going to be televised, there's a good chance she might have had a professional makeup job. On 10/9/2015 at 9:43 PM, zoeysmom said: So Meghan tweeted the following to Brooks: (They are her ALL CAPS) THE BINDER WITH TABS DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING IN IT BC YOU R FAKING CANCER. And I don't care ab your cancer BC because U don't have it. Meghan might want to know or at least the neighbors who put up a cow sign and flamingos in her yard the black ones aren't cows they are skeleton flamingos for Halloween. That Jimmy married himself a genius. Megan should not be waiting for a call from Mensa anytime soon. However, I don't think that *she* thought the flamingos were cows. I think she thought it was cute/funny that the neighbors dressed their flamingos up in Halloween costumes. But, hold on, let me put my head scarf on and investigate this matter further.... 6 Link to comment
FozzyBear October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 A tangerine made her bloat? WTF? That is...I don't know what that is. Worrying about the bloat from a single tangerine so much that you felt the need to give yourself a home enima? Get a therapist. David didn't cheat because Shannon gained weight. Also she wasn't even overweight. I'm so glad I decided to accept that I will probably always be a little bit fat years ago. Life is too short to torture yourself like that. 11 Link to comment
bravofan27 October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) I'm absolutely positive that what Dr. Moon is doing-- representing himself as a doctor is against US ethical medical guidelines (having patients call him Dr.). I went to medical school (and dropped out to do a PhD). The average lay person wouldn't realize what he is doing is wrong, but it is. He can be called Mr. Moon, PhD. That's it. IMO The thing about Meghan is that she is very smart. BUT, she is socially awkward, attention seeking and immature. These qualities downplay her intelligence and they are very salient so it's what everyone pays attention to. She is sort of like a more book smart Vicki. On the other hand there is Heather, who is very verbal and articulate which makes her seem smarter than she really is. Heather is also socially awkward which makes her seem nerdy, but I really think she is just an articulate snob who does not have a sincere bone in her body. Edited October 11, 2015 by bravofan27 4 Link to comment
AnnaMayWong October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) On 10/11/2015 at 12:46 AM, Scrambled Fog said: I doubt Vicki knows who Pontius Pilate is. She probably thinks he invented Pilates. Haha! So amusing! ~ Edited October 11, 2015 by BookElitist 2 Link to comment
JennyMominFL October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/11/2015 at 6:38 PM, gimipizzauoldtroll said: Use a proxy with a US IP address Yeah, I mean, I know there are "ways" to do it. That's my last resort Link to comment
Former Nun October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 Quote Shannon is nuts if she eats one piece of fruit and feels the need to do a colonic or whatever. She has some eating issues, at the very least. I think she has real abandonment and insecurity issues from early childhood--and Dr. Moon is taking full advantage ($$$) of her. That she ever came in contact with him is almost a miracle: a match made in LaLaLand. She needs decades of therapy with someone having excellent credentials and qualifications...but I doubt if much will change for her. 1 Link to comment
Mrs peel October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) On 10/10/2015 at 8:35 PM, Scrambled Fog said: I hope Tammy Sue doesn't really have access to glitter body spray. You know she does. Which reminds me that she commented to Vicki about her self-tanner before the baptism. Because the most important thing to do before you are baptized is to make sure you have a good tan (not anything stupid or unimportant, like say praying). She is horrible. Edited October 11, 2015 by Mrs peel 5 Link to comment
straightshooter October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 I'm pretty sure that Shannon has gut issues, because of many things she's said in regard to food choices she's made (not for weight loss reasons) and some of the questions she's asked about the ingredients. If my hunch about her issues is correct, one of the symptoms that can result from eating fruit is major bloating and gas - and yes, even from one piece of it. My guess is that she was trying to expedite the passing of the gas before arriving at the ceremony. 4 Link to comment
cherry slushie October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/11/2015 at 8:20 PM, Mrs peel said: You know she does. Which reminds me that she commented to Vicki about her self-tanner before the baptism. Because the most important thing to do before you are baptized is to make sure you have a good tan (not anything stupid or unimportant, like say praying). She is horrible. With all that caked on makeup and self-tanner, did the water even touch skin? 4 Link to comment
Midnight Cheese October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) On 10/11/2015 at 7:27 PM, FozzyBear said: A tangerine made her bloat? WTF? That is...I don't know what that is. Worrying about the bloat from a single tangerine so much that you felt the need to give yourself a home enima? Get a therapist. David didn't cheat because Shannon gained weight. Also she wasn't even overweight. I'm so glad I decided to accept that I will probably always be a little bit fat years ago. Life is too short to torture yourself like that. [cupping hands around mouth] I know what it is! It's an eating disorder grown in the garden of a very tense marriage, financed by an ever-flush checking account. This has probably gone on for years, before the affair and no, before someone bugs out, I am not saying she caused David to cheat because she doesn't understand how tangerines typically work in the body. She didn't order a party pack at Taco Bell and chase it with a bunch of Natty Lights FFS, she ate a Cutie! Edited October 11, 2015 by Midnight Cheese 4 Link to comment
Scrambled Fog October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 I'm pretty sure Shannon said it was the first time she had done a home colonic. At least that is the impression I got. 2 Link to comment
Midnight Cheese October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 I think so too Scrambled Fog, but I think she's viewed colonics as an ongoing thing to do courtesy of Dr. Moon and probably other practitioners. Sometimes Shannon seems orthorexic, but then I think her awesome, super-funny 2.5 hour workout footage must contradict that. I really do think she can be so incredibly funny. If that nervous energy went into fundraising for an orphanage or eliminating the Trump presidential campaign, Shannon's weird, sometimes very charming energy could change the world fast! 5 Link to comment
Scrambled Fog October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/11/2015 at 11:19 PM, Midnight Cheese said: I think so too Scrambled Fog, but I think she's viewed colonics as an ongoing thing to do courtesy of Dr. Moon and probably other practitioners. Sometimes Shannon seems orthorexic, but then I think her awesome, super-funny 2.5 hour workout footage must contradict that. I really do think she can be so incredibly funny. If that nervous energy went into fundraising for an orphanage or eliminating the Trump presidential campaign, Shannon's weird, sometimes very charming energy could change the world fast! Shannon has started charities, Midnight Cheese! She has started Charities! BTW, every time I see your handle, I crave a charcuterie (msp?). 5 Link to comment
talula October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 On 10/11/2015 at 11:33 PM, Scrambled Fog said: Shannon has started charities, Midnight Cheese! She has started Charities! BTW, every time I see your handle, I crave a charcuterie (msp?). Hehehe... 9 Link to comment
Former Nun October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Quote orthorexic Thanks for this word, Midnight Cheese. I couldn't figure out the definition--had to look it up. Now I have a word to murmur under my breath as I fail to get past the people stemming the flow of my supermarket aisles with their "obsessive" reading of every label of every food they consider. 6 Link to comment
bravofan27 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 My gut (ha!) feeling is that Shannon has some medical stuff that maybe she should see a real doctor for. I sometimes think how much just a small dose an SSRI take care of a lot of Shannon's anxiety issues and probably help her tone down the drinking, too. Purely speculative, but my aunt has colon cancer and she was a heavy vodka drinker (she's about 70 now) and there is a connection between women who are liquor drinkers and colon cancer. I also thinks she drinks a lot. Whenever she has that screechy high pitched tone in her voice (like a the dinner with David on the water and at the dinner with Heather and Meghan) I think she sounds drunk. It seems like she has to have some bowel issues if she actually owns an at home colonic. Also, I think I'd go to a real doctor first before I did a colonic at home. 2 Link to comment
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