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S10.E18: Satan Loves Confusion

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According to Shannon, everyone knew before she did, all of them and no one told her, not even her good friend Vicki. At the end of last season, neither Tamra or Heather were on good terms with Shannon so telling her would have come across as cruel IMO. Shannon also confirmed that Heather knew the other woman and that she did not tell anyone, including Terry. From the previews tonight, even though Vicki said she told no one, it appears she did in fact tell someone else, which is why their friendship ended.

I would imagine from the way Shannon acted last year many people thought she knew about the affair and was just in denial or something. I sure did (do).

As for Brianna and the pancreatitis story. Who knows? I don't believe a word that comes out of either Brooks or Brianna's mouth. The story could be exactly as Brianna implied or it could have been a joke in response to Brianna implying that his treatments don't make sense. Brianna doesn't have much of a sense of humor and honestly, I think she's a lot like Vicki in not really being smart enough to understand sarcasm or a really dry sense of humor. I could see it being something like:

Brianna: your DR said pancratic cancer because a I'm an ER nurse and I don't think that's right. Your sure he said pancreatic cancer? He said that? To you? Was anyone else there? Are you sure that's what he said? The doctor, he said it? You don't just go to WebMD and it said pancrititus because that's not the same thing. Because I'm a nurse! I think you're wrong. The doctor must have said something else.

Brooks:*eye roll* yeah, my mistake. It's pancrititus. I'm just doing the cemo for fun.

Brianna: Oh my god! I knew it! Justice!

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For those more medically adept, playing devil's advocate, Brooks claims to have first been diagnosed with NHL in 2009-a full year before meeting Briana.  Is it possible his initial diagnosis included, mass, inflammation, tumor in the area of the pancreas, thereby him maybe saying cancer of the pancreas?  When it was in fact the NHL?  I have found lay people say very odd things and Brooks tends toward the exaggeration side.  I could easily see him communicating inflammation, tumor, mass to "cancer".  I am not really trying to defend the guy but at times between Briana, Vicki and Brooks the stories get rather truncated and scrambled.  I don't believe an ER nurse in conversation would have the requisite knowledge to know offhand what oncology treatment protocol is for Brooks-especially from a third party.  I can see her doing some asking and maybe some research and if that were the case would this not put Vicki on notice that something was NQR? 

You answered the question at the same time I asked it.  You are amazing.

I don't know. I guess anything is possible here BUT the fact that he, according to Briana, corrected himself and said that it was pancreatitis after she asked him specific treatment questions leads me to believe this claim was like his 2 other cancer claims that were lies to begin with. An ER nurse may not know specific treatment protocol for cancer but they would know that Pancreatic Cancer is almost always fatal and hearing that Brooks had it and then survived would make them curious or sound the warning bells. If this story is true, this may be when her, Briana's, doubts/distrust about Brooks really began and I don't think Vicki would have listened to Briana warning her about Brooks then anymore than she does now.

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I have this fantasy scenario Tamra's baptism is done in a hot tub--this being the OC natch, and exactly at the moment when she's submerged under the water, some scamp turns on the jets to make it look like it's boiling.

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I don't know. I guess anything is possible here BUT the fact that he, according to Briana, corrected himself and said that it was pancreatitis after she asked him specific treatment questions leads me to believe this claim was like his 2 other cancer claims that were lies to begin with. An ER nurse may not know specific treatment protocol for cancer but they would know that Pancreatic Cancer is almost always fatal and hearing that Brooks had it and then survived would make them curious or sound the warning bells. If this story is true, this may be when her, Briana's, doubts/distrust about Brooks really began and I don't think Vicki would have listened to Briana warning her about Brooks then anymore than she does now.

Briana said the stories her mother was telling her about Brooks' treatment did not make sense.  Then that is on Vicki and shame on her for putting the onus on her friends when she had been previously warned.  Vicki acts as if the whole thing was as a result of the psychic.

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See this is what I don't get. Brianna goes on and on about how dare Vicki do something that Brianna doesn't like, yada yada yada and she goes on to act like it's the biggest betrayal in the world and yet she continues to be this nasty and cut throat in return on camera? So how dare Vicki betray Brianna (drama much?) but Brianna being so ridiculously and UNECESSARILY gross in return, to me is far worse because what Brianna is doing is INTENTIONAL. Vicki isn't setting out to hurt her daughters feelings. That isn't her goal, she just isn't making decisions based on Brianna's preference which fuck around that's Vicki's absolute right. I get that Vicki brought this that and other onto herself but on this issue, with Brianna? Brianna is really disgusting to me. What all of her input on all things, not just Brooks all boils down to an adult trantrum, complete with disgusting barbs, punishments and repulsive behavior towards a person that has proven (flaws and all) loves you to DEATH. I get that Vick is no prize to have as a mom but at the same time there are plenty of people out there who never knew their mothers that would probably at the very least be able to appreciate a person that's that committed and unconditional with their love for their child. Sorry, Vicki isn't my favorite but certain facts can't be ignored just because Vicki has an ugly side.

I think Brianna appears to be like you described, but I think it all stems from years of trying to get her mother to see what Brooks really is.  She exposed early on that Brooks had no home, job, car or money and that Vicki was supporting him. She probably paid his back child support too so no one could say he still owed it or would go back to jail.

            So, basically I think Brianna comes from a place of frustration, worry and love for her mother.  Vicki is lucky that Brianna still wants her around. I can't imagine being around Vicki for more than one second.

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Omg, Shannon's dilemma cracked me up so much - it just got crazier and crazier, with the enema, David's facial expressions and, finally, his daring leap. Hahhhhaaaa!

"It's not fun to be me."

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My mom was 5'1" tall and weighed 95 lbs.  She developed thyroid problems and the medication caused her to balloon up 54lbs.  I have severe asthma and have less than 50% lung function left.  I have to take prednisone because it's the only thing that keeps me alive.  I gained 65lbs without eating any more than usual.  Medicine induced weight gain is awful and extremely difficult to lose.  


Terry is an awful human being.  There's no way my dad would ever speak the way Terry did in front of us kids, when referring to getting some from Heather.  That's just downright wrong.  You know, I have no idea if he would do this, but I've been reading about doctors who are being turned in by nurses for making terrible fun of patients when they're under sedation, and I could believe Terry would be that kind, to make unnecessary comments about his patients.  He's so crass about so many things, something like that would not tax my imagination.  Of course, my opinion only and have no way of knowing if Terry has ever done this.  


Did you all see the handbag that Heather had in the restaurant?  A Valentino runway bag, that runs in the $7K range.  Oy, that would put a nice dent into our bathroom renovation.  


Geeze Vicki.  Pot calling kettle about Tamra not looking good in the one white dress.  I think we can safely say that a vast majority of dresses you wear don't look good because they're all two sizes too small.  No shame in not being stick thin, but don't try and fool yourself that you're a size 4 when you're more like a 12.  I just don't get why women stuff themselves into too small clothes, for vanity reasons.  I'm NEVER comfortable when my clothes are too tight.  I feel like a stuffed Italian sausage with the casing busting out all over.  


As a Christian, I'm not too happy that they're taking something as religious as a baptism and making it a plot point.  I just cannot believe that Tamra is taking this whole business seriously.  She's the antithesis of a born again.  I'm not saying that you have to be bible thumping, but so many of the things she does are definitely not Christian-like.

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In re watching this - was the sole reason Shannon called Tamra when Tamra was having her make up done, to tell Tamra that she was giving herself an enema? Also, why would Billy want to go to Tamra's potential drowning?

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Oh come on.

Wasn't it nice of David to help Shannon out with her situation?

The therapy must've done something.

Also nice of him to announce that he may still have residue remaining under a fingernail.  So gloves were not part of the search and seizure process.

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What's interesting is I listened Howard Stern interview the comedian guy (Steve Rannazzisi) who lied about being in WTC on 9/11. He gave an interview today apologizing and trying to explain that he did it on some level to think it would make people include and notice him.

Then I watched this episode of the OC and Brianna drops that Brooks turned pancreatitis into cancer, then backtracked when pressed.

These both made me really feel like Brooks for his own reasons dredged up past diagnoses to put himself in the spotlight. And it's too late to turn back.

Examples... Brian Williams, the lady who helped the Dannamora prison escapees in NY, sometimes something small turns into a point of no return. Maybe Brooks was afraid Vicki would throw him out and used cancer with her, one person, out of desperation and it got a new life of its own.

People Lie. They do. For deep dark reasons of need. And maybe he's one of them .

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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I don't know. I guess anything is possible here BUT the fact that he, according to Briana, corrected himself and said that it was pancreatitis after she asked him specific treatment questions leads me to believe this claim was like his 2 other cancer claims that were lies to begin with. An ER nurse may not know specific treatment protocol for cancer but they would know that Pancreatic Cancer is almost always fatal and hearing that Brooks had it and then survived would make them curious or sound the warning bells. If this story is true, this may be when her, Briana's, doubts/distrust about Brooks really began and I don't think Vicki would have listened to Briana warning her about Brooks then anymore than she does now.

And.....E.R. nurses see a lot more than other nurses because the patients come in with everything.  They would have more knowledge than a nurse that specializes in say Obstetrics or a Cardiac floor.

          My neighbor was actually diagnosed as a terminal pancreatic cancer patient in the E.R. 

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I feel like they probably do have parks in Oklahoma, Brianna.

We have a fantastic zoo - and some great parks and farms for kids to visit!  And tornado season isn't that bad, though I guess I'm just used to it from living here for all of my 33 years.


Does Vicki claim a certain Christian denomination? Just curious...

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Also, I hate that Brianna and her insane road rage husband with the chip in his shoulder and a hair trigger really run down Vicki. I feel like Brianna is angry with her mom sometimes deep down, and she takes advantage of Ryan's rage with the nice side benefit that it doesn't just validate her feelings but it strokes his ego too. I feel like she really "handles" Ryan.

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Also nice of him to announce that he may still have residue remaining under a fingernail. So gloves were not part of the search and seizure process.

Apparently, David performed the procedure sans gloves.

And David and Shannon are still together ❤

Isn't love grand?

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I have this fantasy scenario Tamra's baptism is done in a hot tub--this being the OC natch, and exactly at the moment when she's submerged under the water, some scamp turns on the jets to make it look like it's boiling.


Awesome post!

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I don't believe for one minute that if Brooks doesn't have cancer that Vicki had no idea. Not for one minute. She's back pedaling now because she didn't bank on the viewers figuring it out so quickly.

As for Briana and her statement about pancreatitus/cancer, I'm not so quick to believe her either. He could have told her he was having tests to reveal tumors, or that his blood work was revealing something going on but they weren't sure yet, and then in the end it was one and not the other. Brianna likes to exaggerate like her mother, especially when it comes to Brooks.

One of Brook's ex-girlfriends has said something similar. She said that when she first met him he said he was fighting nose cancer, and she later heard from others that he was claiming to have Prostrate Cancer. The fact is, the guy seems to have a history of telling folks he has/has had cancer, and he seems to like to change up the types often. That is just strange to me, and as it turns out, at some point the other ladies learned of these prior claims.

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Vicks mentioned St Marks in the ep. I googled Vickis moms obit and her service was at a St Marks, Lutheran.....

Thanks - I was just curious.  Not that it really matters, but it helps put some of the baptism/faith talk into perspective.  Vicki's been talking a lot about church lately, so I was curious.  And I'm really confused about this baptism... Is is happening at Tamra's pool?  Or is that the church's pool? (And again, a pool?!  What ever happened to fountains?!)

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Didn't Tamra say in her TH that she wanted everyone to wear white to her baptism and didn't care that the color choice would make all the guests look fat?  Maybe that's why Shannon felt she had to have an "emergency" colonic - to try to make her mid-section look as thin as possible.


(I'm looking for any way possible to blame that debacle on Tamra...)

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My mom was 5'1" tall and weighed 95 lbs. She developed thyroid problems and the medication caused her to balloon up 54lbs. I have severe asthma and have less than 50% lung function left. I have to take prednisone because it's the only thing that keeps me alive. I gained 65lbs without eating any more than usual. Medicine induced weight gain is awful and extremely difficult to lose.

Terry is an awful human being. There's no way my dad would ever speak the way Terry did in front of us kids, when referring to getting some from Heather. That's just downright wrong. You know, I have no idea if he would do this, but I've been reading about doctors who are being turned in by nurses for making terrible fun of patients when they're under sedation, and I could believe Terry would be that kind, to make unnecessary comments about his patients. He's so crass about so many things, something like that would not tax my imagination. Of course, my opinion only and have no way of knowing if Terry has ever done this.

Did you all see the handbag that Heather had in the restaurant? A Valentino runway bag, that runs in the $7K range. Oy, that would put a nice dent into our bathroom renovation.

Geeze Vicki. Pot calling kettle about Tamra not looking good in the one white dress. I think we can safely say that a vast majority of dresses you wear don't look good because they're all two sizes too small. No shame in not being stick thin, but don't try and fool yourself that you're a size 4 when you're more like a 12. I just don't get why women stuff themselves into too small clothes, for vanity reasons. I'm NEVER comfortable when my clothes are too tight. I feel like a stuffed Italian sausage with the casing busting out all over.

As a Christian, I'm not too happy that they're taking something as religious as a baptism and making it a plot point. I just cannot believe that Tamra is taking this whole business seriously. She's the antithesis of a born again. I'm not saying that you have to be bible thumping, but so many of the things she does are definitely not Christian-like .

Thank you for mentioning this. I'm not a religious person, I haven't been to church since I was a child. I just think that the Tamra finds religion storyline is in such bad taste. Tamra is so disgusting to me that I ff most of her scenes. I wondered how someone who sees themselves as a Christian would view this. I understand flawed people come to religion and can learn to be a better person, I just don't believe that is what Tamra is doing, I could be wrong but I bet I'm not.

I find it just as distasteful as Meghan using Brooks cancer story to make herself relevant.

This whole season has been pretty gross to me. Maybe because a person's health and spiritual beliefs are so personal, to see them used as a plot line for a reality show leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Add in David's affair and it being discussed on camera with their daughters ugh, all very uncomfortable.

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He actually handed his wedding ring to his daughter and told her to give it to Shannon, he didn't want it anymore. My jaw actually dropped open, complete douchebag.



I didn't watch WWHL but this is beyond the pale to me.  I really find Shannon funny and kooky but she and David involve their children in their relationship and adult matters way too much.   Your children don't need to know that their parents are having marital problems or that someone has a plastic device stuck in their ass.  Seriously.  What is wrong with people? 


Please add me to the club of people who get stabby over the incorrect use of "I" rather than "me."  Happens all the time.  Stab, stab.


Seems like Brianna has enough to worry about, what with being married to a ragey asshole, having two toddlers, working two jobs and being on that never ending search for parks in Oklahoma (not to mention heading up her chapter's "I Hate Oklahoma" club.)  Can she please give the Brooks situation a rest?  Vicki knows Brianna doesn't like Brooks, Brooks knows Brianna doesn't like Brooks.  I think the extraterrestrials we haven't discovered yet on Mars know Brianna doesn't like Brooks.  And frankly, what does it matter?  Just once I'd love for Vicki to tell Brianna that she didn't like Ryan initially either.  I'm sure Brianna would blow a fuse.


Speaking of Vicki, why does she find it so necessary to get Brianna's approval on everything?  She doesn't seem worried about Michael.  Who knows if Michael likes Brooks because at least he has the good sense to stay mum about it.  Vicki was insane to send Tamra to lunch with Brianna to talk to her about Brooks.  I get that Tamra and Brianna have known each other a long time but Tamra dislikes Brooks as much as everyone else.  Vicki would have been better served to send Shannon.  Or just leave it alone.  I know, I know, call me crazy.


Tamra is one crazy heifer.  I was baptized (or pasteurized) as an adult.  I didn't worry so much about my hair and makeup pre-dunking because that's like washing your clothes before they get dirty.  Makes no sense.  Of course I also didn't have a dress code, expect presents or throw a "I've Been Pasteurized" party.  Clearly I missed out.  (However, I also didn't get pasteurized in a hotel pool.) 


Now that the season is nearly over, I hope we never have to hear the cancer or no cancer debate again.  Just no.

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Vicks mentioned St Marks in the ep. I googled Vickis moms obit and her service was at a St Marks, Lutheran.....

Brianna and Michael went to a private religious High School (which I think may have been why they didn't seem to know the other original OC kids who mostly went to public school), which I had always thought was Catholic, but could have been Lutherian. One thing I will say for Vicki as a mom is that she really stressed education with her kids and was willing to invest in getting them a good one. Jenna Keough and Laurie Waring barley taught their kids to read and in all honesty didn't actually bother sending them to school all the time.

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Brianna really annoys me when she is on screen these days.  I am not from OK but she is so offensive and sounds so spoiled and Vicki ish when she speaks about her new state. I get not being happy in a new place but to make some blanket statement like ITS GROSS THERE when you are on TV and admit to having trouble making friends doesnt seem like a good idea.  Last year she hated california.

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In re watching this - was the sole reason Shannon called Tamra when Tamra was having her make up done, to tell Tamra that she was giving herself an enema? Also, why would Billy want to go to Tamra's potential drowning?

To see that. It's why I would go. 

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Brianna really annoys me when she is on screen these days. I am not from OK but she is so offensive and sounds so spoiled and Vicki ish when she speaks about her new state. I get not being happy in a new place but to make some blanket statement like ITS GROSS THERE when you are on TV and admit to having trouble making friends doesnt seem like a good idea. Last year she hated california.

I'm just taking a minute to reveal in the Brianna dislike since I've never really liked her, even back during the early days of Saint Brianna. She always seemed like a uptight little old lady and really full of herself and her own greatness. Aaaaaaaad now I'm done.

Anyway, bottom line with Brianna's inability to find her very own surrey with the fringe on top (No. No I will not stop making Oaklahoma jokes), I think in her heart of hearts she's just a suburban So Cal girl without the intelligence or creativity to be happy anywhere that would require her to think about it for 5 minutes. She's needs a Spanish style mall so she can eat at Panera and shop at Bebe. She's not going to discover what's interesting about Oaklahoma because she's not an interesting person. I remember one season her mom invited some guy to come for the weekend to meet Brianna. Now it was awkward as hell and I kind of felt for her in that way, but she was supposed to show him around and the only think she wanted to do was get frozen yogurt. That's it, everything else she hated (I hate the beach. I hate LA, there was some kind of food she hated too. Maybe sushi?). She is not a person who is interested in the world on any meaningful level. She is just like Vicki.

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Brianna and Michael went to a private religious High School (which I think may have been why they didn't seem to know the other original OC kids who mostly went to public school), which I had always thought was Catholic, but could have been Lutherian. One thing I will say for Vicki as a mom is that she really stressed education with her kids and was willing to invest in getting them a good one. Jenna Keough and Laurie Waring barley taught their kids to read and in all honesty didn't actually bother sending them to school all the time.

Kara was valedictorian of her high school class and went to UC Berkeley.


Didn't Tamra say in her TH that she wanted everyone to wear white to her baptism and didn't care that the color choice would make all the guests look fat? Maybe that's why Shannon felt she had to have an "emergency" colonic - to try to make her mid-section look as thin as possible.

(I'm looking for any way possible to blame that debacle on Tamra...)

Personally, I blame the extinction of the dinosaurs on Tamra.

Just because I don't like her.

Edited by Scrambled Fog
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Brianna did not say that OK didn't have "any" parks.  She said they did not have many parks near them. 

Brianna doesn't like OK. It may be that she has nothing in common with many of the folks she lives near and works with. It's her fault for not trying to like it. But moving to the middle of country when you have been raised on one of the coasts there is bound to be culture shock. Add to it the stress of having a husband who is not working due to injury, 2 jobs, and 2 kids and it's no wonder she can't find any redeeming qualities in OK. She has made it clear she would prefer to live back in the OC. Unfortunately, she married a guy in the military so there may be several moves to BFE's. I doubt that Ryan is supportive or sensitive. In a way, it's good that crazy Vicks has teh means to travel to visit a lot. I think it keeps Brianna from losing it. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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Kara was motivated on her own, but ran away from  Berkeley as soon as she was out of her element and it would be a challenge.  She never struck me as an intellectual or curious person. Her high school also had about fifty valedictorians.  Her brothers seemed lost to me.

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Thanks - I was just curious.  Not that it really matters, but it helps put some of the baptism/faith talk into perspective.  Vicki's been talking a lot about church lately, so I was curious.  And I'm really confused about this baptism... Is is happening at Tamra's pool?  Or is that the church's pool? (And again, a pool?!  What ever happened to fountains?!)

It is at one of the resorts on the Pacific Coast Highway in or around Newport Beach. 

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Brianna and Michael went to a private religious High School (which I think may have been why they didn't seem to know the other original OC kids who mostly went to public school), which I had always thought was Catholic, but could have been Lutherian. One thing I will say for Vicki as a mom is that she really stressed education with her kids and was willing to invest in getting them a good one. Jenna Keough and Laurie Waring barley taught their kids to read and in all honesty didn't actually bother sending them to school all the time.

Jeana daughter Kara was her high school valedictorian graduated from UCLA after attending Cal.  Lot harder to get into a UC than it is to go to a private nursing college.  Michael was flunking out of college when the show commenced and made a miraculous comeback.

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Kara was motivated on her own, but ran away from Berkeley as soon as she was out of her element and it would be a challenge. She never struck me as an intellectual or curious person. Her high school also had about fifty valedictorians. Her brothers seemed lost to me.

Also, Jenna had this weird attitude that was something along the lines of "she's not a boy so she can't play baseball. Might as well send her to school so she can find a husband." The 2 boys she honestly barely sent to school if it wasn't baseball season.

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Kara was motivated on her own, but ran away from  Berkeley as soon as she was out of her element and it would be a challenge.  She never struck me as an intellectual or curious person. Her high school also had about fifty valedictorians.  Her brothers seemed lost to me.

Kara left Berkeley to go to UCLA her first choice and both she and her now husband graduated from UCLA.  She graduate from a UC that is a big deal.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Jeana daughter Kara was her high school valedictorian graduated from UCLA after attending Cal. Lot harder to get into a UC than it is to go to a private nursing college. Michael was flunking out of college when the show commenced and made a miraculous comeback.

Oh my bad. I didn't mean to imply that I thought Brianna and Michael themselves were particularly intelligent children or independtily interested in school and education or even that what they ended up with was a terribly impressive education. Just that Vicki seemed more interested in their education that Laurie or Jenna were with their kids.

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Also, Jenna had this weird attitude that was something along the lines of "she's not a boy so she can't play baseball. Might as well send her to school so she can find a husband." The 2 boys she honestly barely sent to school if it wasn't baseball season.

This sentiment is so contrary to Jeana.  When Jeana was a centerfold her goal was to make a million dollars before the age of 30-she did.  Jeana was very big on  earning her own living and for many years was the sole support of the family.  I don't think this accurately reflects Jeana's parenting or Kara's course in life. I think it was perhaps unfortunate that the sons were so directed into playing professional ball.  I never saw Jeana as a find a rich husband type.  To this day I don't even know if she and Matt are divorced.

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I'm starting to find it kind of funny that if Brianna is to be believed, Brooks has a habit of going full on Bond Villain around her. Tracking down his greatest enemy and explaining his evil plans in detail right before he kills her...oh no...what's that? 007 Briana has escaped and will foil the plans of Dr. No-Cancer! Seriously, why is he always telling her stuff? If it is some sort of Machavelian plan then hats off to Brooks. It's a pretty good one and fun to watch.

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I think its the Balboa Bay Club pool.

That's it. I used to drive past it "doing my time" behind the Orange Curtain.

I'm starting to find it kind of funny that if Brianna is to be believed, Brooks has a habit of going full on Bond Villain around her. Tracking down his greatest enemy and explaining his evil plans in detail right before he kills her...oh no...what's that? 007 Briana has escaped and will foil the plans of Dr. No-Cancer! Seriously, why is he always telling her stuff? If it is some sort of Machavelian plan then hats off to Brooks. It's a pretty good one and fun to watch.

He is just a con man and everyone but Vicki knew it. Vicki probably knew it too, but she cannot possibly EVER admit to a wrongdoing.  Plus, she is so needy she has to pay anyone who spends time with her.

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So now we have a new slogan for the state of Oklahoma. Come visit its the state without any parks near you.

We get it Briana, Oklahoma bad, Orange county good. Seriously how old are her kids they are happy with some toys and a swingset in the back yard.

The Beadors and their fishing expedition have scarred me for life. As well as Terry's inappropriate remark about getting some in front of his kids. They are probably scarred for life now. Nobody wants to hear about their parents hittin it.

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Pollock, I was thinking the same thing....IMO, Shannon seems to be so honest, she puts it ALL out there....and to add to what you already mentioned: her peeing when she runs, her hilarious wacky exercising, her showing her tummy to her trainer, discussing her weight, admitting she has flabby boobs, etc, etc...and so many things she does that could be considered annoying (calling the other wives by their full names, reading the appetizer menu in an irritatingly loud voice, etc) just seem honest and endearing to me....she is like a sister or good friend that has some quirky qualities (don't we all?) but you just love her despite them!

You guys have both reminded me of what I really do like about Shannon, even though I am in every way against having The Affair be her storyline given what we know about the kids' awareness, the publicity, the fact that they're in or near the usually tough junior high years.  I can't believe that this is the choice they made, I think it's so frigging-damned wrong.


I could watch her 2.5 hour workout (see, I like her!  I didn't even do quote marks around that when none of what she was doing seemed to make any sense!) on a loop for like a week.


Terry is totally that doctor that insults his patients when they're under!  Good call upthread.  He is grossness incarnate.  He made cute kids somehow, and I guess he's a family man but...yikes. 


Billy seemed drunk, per his usual, on his way to Tammy's White Party and Drowning (<-- ha!)  Even if he was stone-cold sober, I would want to hand him 2 Advil and a water if I were ever around him, perish the thought.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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Vicks mentioned St Marks in the ep. I googled Vickis moms obit and her service was at a St Marks, Lutheran.....

I thought Vicki went to Saddleback Church, where the pastor is/was Rick Warren (who wrote The Purpose Driven Life).  Opinions vary, but it looks to be evangelical lite.  It's a mega-church, one of the largest.


Is Tamra involved with this church also?  I've only been watching intermittently this season, but is her baptism with Saddleback?  Hard to believe they'd be doing an individual one in a random hotel though.


The dress shop scene cracked me up.

I can't believe Vicki is delusional enough to believe she looks better in that dress than Tamra.

See, I can totally believe that Vicki is that delusional.  And that dress was not that nice.

There is a story about Vicki on Bravo, and she says she is 100% over Brooks, and is sort of hoping to rekindle things with Donn. That would be amazing! I hope she meets a guy that is really nice to her that she can trust.

Run, Donn, run!  But he's probably safe.  Vicki seems to be stupid about a lot of things, but when "her" money is involved, watch out.  She'd require a pre-nup this time around, heck she'd probably require a pre-nup for dating!

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I have this fantasy scenario Tamra's baptism is done in a hot tub--this being the OC natch, and exactly at the moment when she's submerged under the water, some scamp turns on the jets to make it look like it's boiling.


I was hoping you were going to say......and she got sucked into the jets. I wish, I wish. They could eventually call the fire dept. to free her by hacking off her hair. And I would like to see the camera stuck on the whole time. :-)

Pollock, I was thinking the same thing....IMO, Shannon seems to be so honest, she puts it ALL out there....and to add to what you already mentioned: her peeing when she runs, her hilarious wacky exercising, her showing her tummy to her trainer, discussing her weight, admitting she has flabby boobs, etc, etc...and so many things she does that could be considered annoying (calling the other wives by their full names, reading the appetizer menu in an irritatingly loud voice, etc) just seem honest and endearing to me....she is like a sister or good friend that has some quirky qualities (don't we all?) but you just love her despite them!

Shannon is the first HW that I actually like on RHOC.
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