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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Sounds like KMc and JT made the show today.  I'm almost sorry to have missed it and need to remind myself to tune in for their wedding.  After that, there's not much that could get me to watch.  Frank Valentini, Jean Passawhatever and Shelly are going to be fired soon, right?  How much further is ABC going to let this once great show slide?



I got through today very quickly, because I don't care at all about anything involving Nina, be it personal, professional, or medical. I had heard tell of Michelle Stafford being some kind of amazing actress on other shows, so she must be either miscast or completely adrift at sea in this role.


Or the person who said she was an amazing actress is a liar, has horrible taste, or doesn't know what s/he is talking about.  I've seen Michelle Stafford on Y&R, and she did the line repeating, baby talk, and flailing there, too.  She's extremely limited and utterly charm-free, IMO.

  • Love 8

Good Lord, I hate defending Duke. HATE it.


But when the show re-introduced Julian, he was targeting Duke. Julian was smirking (well, he's always smirking, but still) when interviewing Duke for a job about his 20-year work gap. The clear implication was that Julian knew where Duke was all along.  Julian relished that …


Thanks for the clarification. It's totally possible I missed the smirking since I have a habit of playing cards on a mobile device while listening to GH. It's less rage-inducing when my attention is divided. 

And maybe what's irritating me is that Anna says she made her peace w/ Duke's death, but she's back singing the same old song about getting Julian. I'd rather see her character have a HEA with Robert F! Scorpio and leave the screen rather than spend the rest of her days on GH stuck in the same terrible story.

  • Love 4

Emily Van Camp and Chris Pratt were playing brother and sister on Everwood when they were dating.


Chyler Leigh and her brother Christopher Lee (yes, they spell it differently despite being related) had to kiss each other in a movie once.


I can't believe I forgot to mention that yesterday. That's just straight up gross.

Edited by UYI
  • Love 1

I did enjoy the Alexis and her daughters and hell even Julian, scene today. Even if everyone practically ran off before eating anything but it just felt so normal and like something people actually do in real life and I feel like that's what soap operas have lost throughout the years. Everything is one contrived moment to the next. There are rarely scenes of people just being with family and hanging out. 




Also seeing Robin waving to fellow colleagues/whoever was not in view of the camera, while Patrick was finishing up his call with Noah. made me smile foolishly.


I loved that. It, like the above, was such a small, real moment that we just never really get anymore.


Billy Miller needs to leave, then.


In my dreams!


Preview talk: Was that Dr. Maddox in the promo and Jordan saying they know each other? So Jordan knows Maddox and Curtis. Of fucking course.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

And maybe what's irritating me is that Anna says she made her peace w/ Duke's death, but she's back singing the same old song about getting Julian. I'd rather see her character have a HEA with Robert F! Scorpio and leave the screen rather than spend the rest of her days on GH stuck in the same terrible story.


I feel you on this but the challenge with Anna is that she is a character that is about integrity and she's the chief of police. It's hard to keep Anna's integrity intact when she's not allowed to pursue any of the town's known criminals. If Monica isn't allowed to so much as socially snub Carly for her role in covering up AJ's murder then at least Anna should be allowed to seek justice for Duke even if it is a retread.


Also, let's face it, this is Julian and anything that messes up Alexis's twu wuv is fine with me. The whole Davis Girls crap yesterday just highlighted why I hate Alexis. Alexis has a track record of getting all hot and bothered over criminally inclined men - Sonny, Ric, Jerry, and now Julian. She has not one but two one-night-with-a-mobster babies. Playing the "I know about Julian's past" was annoying but it was super fucking annoying when said to the output of her previous sexual relationships with criminally inclined men. Shut up, Molly and Kristina, and read your the respective rap sheets of your respective fathers. And then shut up again.


Alexis is not Lorelai Gilmore, not in terms of wit and not in terms of age. Be an adult, tell your children you make your own decisions about your own life. More to the point, this show needs to stop pretending Alexis is a pillar of integrity. Alexis has always made excuses when it comes to  letting a criminal provide the beef stuffing to her burrito. Always. Oh she might play the "I can't be with you if you're a MOBSTER, Julian" or "Don't kill AJ, Sonny" but the merest hint that they're going to commit fewer crimes and it's hide the salami time. I'm still staggered that this show has Alexis all giggly and approving that Julian is plotting to commit tax and bankruptcy fraud instead of, you know, hiring a 1-800-TAX-HELP attorneys to negotiate an IRS settlement. I get that this is the lame writing way of getting Crimson back in play but either keep Alexis out of it or admit she's a hypocrite. And then kill her. (Ok, I'll give on that last part.)


Doesn't Sam have a job? Isn't she a PI? Even Liz gets to take a break from being crazy and go put bandaids on people. Can we not let Sam go to work instead of being the witness to her own life? I couldn't decide what was nuttier - having her sisters bitch aboutJulian without mentioning that Sam is married to a hitman or that those two nitwits yammered on and on without ever asking Sam how she's doing. Oh, that's right, they're happy Jason is alive. Their work is done for the day.

  • Love 5

Doesn't Sam have a job? Isn't she a PI? Even Liz gets to take a break from being crazy and go put bandaids on people. Can we not let Sam go to work instead of being the witness to her own life? I couldn't decide what was nuttier - having her sisters bitch aboutJulian without mentioning that Sam is married to a hitman or that those two nitwits yammered on and on without ever asking Sam how she's doing. Oh, that's right, they're happy Jason is alive. Their work is done for the day.

A job?  Who has time for a job when she has to walk around town fondling her star necklace and running into Jason in every corner of Port Charles.  I assume the next plot point is she, Jason and Danny will all move back into the penthouse and we'll get a couple months of them running into each other, literally, while wearing as little clothes as possible (since wardrobe fulfilled the 'let's put KeMo in a buttoned-up, loose blouse" quota for the entire year yesterday).

  • Love 5

I feel you on this but the challenge with Anna is that she is a character that is about integrity and she's the chief of police. It's hard to keep Anna's integrity intact when she's not allowed to pursue any of the town's known criminals. If Monica isn't allowed to so much as socially snub Carly for her role in covering up AJ's murder then at least Anna should be allowed to seek justice for Duke even if it is a retread.


Also, let's face it, this is Julian and anything that messes up Alexis's twu wuv is fine with me. The whole Davis Girls crap yesterday just highlighted why I hate Alexis. Alexis has a track record of getting all hot and bothered over criminally inclined men - Sonny, Ric, Jerry, and now Julian. She has not one but two one-night-with-a-mobster babies. Playing the "I know about Julian's past" was annoying but it was super fucking annoying when said to the output of her previous sexual relationships with criminally inclined men. Shut up, Molly and Kristina, and read your the respective rap sheets of your respective fathers. And then shut up again.


Alexis is not Lorelai Gilmore, not in terms of wit and not in terms of age. Be an adult, tell your children you make your own decisions about your own life. More to the point, this show needs to stop pretending Alexis is a pillar of integrity. Alexis has always made excuses when it comes to  letting a criminal provide the beef stuffing to her burrito. Always. Oh she might play the "I can't be with you if you're a MOBSTER, Julian" or "Don't kill AJ, Sonny" but the merest hint that they're going to commit fewer crimes and it's hide the salami time. I'm still staggered that this show has Alexis all giggly and approving that Julian is plotting to commit tax and bankruptcy fraud instead of, you know, hiring a 1-800-TAX-HELP attorneys to negotiate an IRS settlement. I get that this is the lame writing way of getting Crimson back in play but either keep Alexis out of it or admit she's a hypocrite. And then kill her. (Ok, I'll give on that last part.)


Doesn't Sam have a job? Isn't she a PI? Even Liz gets to take a break from being crazy and go put bandaids on people. Can we not let Sam go to work instead of being the witness to her own life? I couldn't decide what was nuttier - having her sisters bitch aboutJulian without mentioning that Sam is married to a hitman or that those two nitwits yammered on and on without ever asking Sam how she's doing. Oh, that's right, they're happy Jason is alive. Their work is done for the day.

I'm not saying I'm in love with your post. But may I please have permission to take your post out for a nice dinner and a movie? 


So much more eloquent that the vitriolic sputterings I'm reduced to when talking about Alexis & Julian.




Was the talk of Molly wanting to move into the dorm meant to indicate we're going to see less of her than we already do?


That's one possibility. The others are that it's laying the groundwork for her own story (a less likely probability). Or they need to conveniently get her out of the way for some story in the works at the Davis house.


I miss this. Narrative! Foundational plot points! The new writers may have no oomph in their storytelling, but they at least understand the framework and crafting that goes into them.


Unlike Ron, who'd write a murder mystery happening at the Davis house and viewers being all "Where was Molly?" and Ron angrily responding on twitter:  "Obviously she had moved out to the dorms. Can't you put 2 and 2 together?!"

Edited by Francie
  • Love 4
How much further is ABC going to let this once great show slide?


They can't find a replacement that works, so...a lot. (The Fab Life is tanking—Tyra left and took her production company with it—and I don't think they have anything to take its place. Ha! Should have left OLTL as the lead-in.)


Anna is that she is a character that is about integrity and she's the chief of police


Anna isn't chief of police anymore; she's a freelance investigator. In fact, I don't think she has any law-enforcement credentials at the moment.


Also seeing Robin waving to fellow colleagues/whoever was not in view of the camera, while Patrick was finishing up his call with Noah. made me smile foolishly.


I'm sure that was all KMcC.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4
Anna isn't chief of police anymore; she's a freelance investigator. In fact, I don't think she has any law-enforcement credentials at the moment.


Didn't Paul hire her on behalf of the PCPD or DA's office, as the show seems to conflate the two, as a permanent investigator? I thought we got to check off house and job from Finola's wishlist for Anna. No. 3 was love interest.

  • Love 2

So, Noah Drake is in Berkeley now? Not too long ago, he was in Seattle (Seattle Grace/Grey Sloan?) and in a relationship with Bobbie before she and Lucas came back to the Chuckles. I vaguely remembering Bobbie going back to visit him before the whole Scotty/Lucy/Bobbie triangle happened. Well, as Noah has been left to his own devices since Bobbie's in the Chuckles, a move down the coast makes sense. Berkeley's a cool place with a lot less rain.

  • Love 1

So according to Obrecht, GH is a teaching hospital. If that's the case, why aren't there any interns/residents following the doctors around when they check on patients? Every time I go to my Ortho, my ENT or my Neurosurgeon, there's practically a small army accompanying them.


Oh wait, that would require ABC to spend money to hire doctors. Mustn't have that on a show called General HOSPITAL. :(

  • Love 7

Has Scotty been onscreen lately?


It's been a while.  I think last we saw him was when Ava won custody of Avery?


So, Noah Drake is in Berkeley now? Not too long ago, he was in Seattle (Seattle Grace/Grey Sloan?) and in a relationship with Bobbie before she and Lucas came back to the Chuckles. I vaguely remembering Bobbie going back to visit him before the whole Scotty/Lucy/Bobbie triangle happened. Well, as Noah has been left to his own devices since Bobbie's in the Chuckles, a move down the coast makes sense. Berkeley's a cool place with a lot less rain.


IIRC, Noah ended up cheating on Bobbie with Annie Logan, another "Look, history!" moment from Ron.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

Considering the worship she heaps on her mother, the person whose footsie with Faison have cost her more than anything (including not knowing her dad for the first 7 years of her life, thinking her parents were dead for several years, and being kidnapped herself for two more years after that) it doesn't surprise me that she has forgiven Sonny and Jason.  What they have done is small potatoes compared to all of that.

  • Love 1

I finally figured out why Andre looked so familiar....he was George on Popular!  It was driving me NUTS.  But of course he is who Jordan is dating...And we don't even get to SEE their first meeting/first date?  Yup, sounds like a keeper relationship, and something this show is really invested in.


Olivia...just.  No. Words.  Who does THAT?  Here, hang this GIANT picture in YOUR home of your fiance with his ONS baby mama.  Really???   Is it supposed to be funny?  It's really not.


I loved the Jason/Sam stuff today.  Even the corny stair fall.  I love how supportive Sam is, yet you can still see how desperately she wants him to remember everything.  She doesn't push.  And I am glad HE asked HER out for coffee.  I am glad her and Danny are back in the PH, it's been their home for years.  I missed that set.  And good on Liz for seeing JaSam at Kelly's and moving on. 


So what are Jake's drawings supposed to mean?  That his house is haunted?  Those were pretty good though and the kid that played Jake works well off of Roger. 



ETA Fin and Kim were magic.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 13

Olivia really is worse than ever.  Her complete 180 on Julian and her attitudes towards Alexis makes.  No.  Sense.


And why soap operas are a contrived mess. This is the woman who was so desperate to keep her kid from Julian that she lied about him being dead but now, all of a sudden she's trying to bulldoze her way into his relationship and being passive aggressive as hell to Alexis. You know this is obviously heading towards her deciding she wants her little family with her, Julian and Leo which will be incredibly stupid as hell. 

  • Love 18

I finally figured out why Andre looked so familiar....he was George on Popular!  It was driving me NUTS.  But of course he is who Jordan is dating...And we don't even get to SEE their first meeting/first date?  Yup, sounds like a keeper relationship, and something this show is really invested in.


Olivia...just.  No. Words.  Who does THAT?  Here, hang this GIANT picture in YOUR home of your fiance with his ONS baby mama.  Really???   Is it supposed to be funny?  It's really not.


I loved the Jason/Sam stuff today.  Even the corny stair fall.  I love how supportive Sam is, yet you can still see how desperately she wants him to remember everything.  She doesn't push.  And I am glad HE asked HER out for coffee.  I am glad her and Danny are back in the PH, it's been their home for years.  I missed that set.  And good on Liz for seeing JaSam at Kelly's and moving on. 


So what are Jake's drawings supposed to mean?  That his house is haunted?  Those were pretty good though and the kid that played Jake works well of Roger. 



ETA Fin and Kim were magic.



I think that Roger is even better than Mo with kids.

  • Love 1

And why soap operas are a contrived mess. This is the woman who was so desperate to keep her kid from Julian that she lied about him being dead but now, all of a sudden she's trying to bulldoze her way into his relationship and being passive aggressive as hell to Alexis. You know this is obviously heading towards her deciding she wants her little family with her, Julian and Leo which will be incredibly stupid as hell. 


It kinda makes sense, although I doubt the writers made this connection - the couple she's always lived vicariously through, Lulu and Dante, have had a pretty bad break-up, so now she's looking to make an imaginary family with Julian. It's still obnoxious as hell though.

  • Love 5

Sam's fall was so corny lol.  She's been falling into and onto Jason repeatedly now.  Plus the twisting her ankle.  It's contrived, but I guess it gives the excuse for the looks and touching.  But I'm glad Jasam are getting nice scenes and bonding, mainly because Liz will be free!! I loved that she walked away, and I liked all her scenes today.  Concerned about her children, snarking with the local serial killer...that works for me.  If Liz and Franco really become friends, that might be a little weird.  Olivia is an idiot, but so is Alexis. 

  • Love 3

But of course he [Andre] is who Jordan is dating...And we don't even get to SEE their first meeting/first date?  Yup, sounds like a keeper relationship, and something this show is really invested in.


For reals?  Ugh, how utterly lame.  And I assume they'll triangle them up with Curtis sooner than later?  Oh yes, Michael Logan, the show is really doing a greeeat job with its minority characters and its two new "leading men".

It kinda makes sense, although I doubt the writers made this connection - the couple she's always lived vicariously through, Lulu and Dante, have had a pretty bad break-up, so now she's looking to make an imaginary family with Julian. It's still obnoxious as hell though.


See, I think it'd make more sense for her to be busy trying to get Dante and Lulu back together instead of inserting herself where she doesn't belong between Julian and Alexis.

  • Love 5

Oh my goodness; I won't lie (and it won't come as any surprise to any of y'all) that I teared up along with Anna and Robin during their scenes.  And I'm sure they broke character a bit as well, because Finola is Kimberly's idol and they really are mother and daughter--I remember how Finola was with Kimberly during all the interviews Kimberly gave when she was leaving in 2012. I will miss their scenes together. And if they show that Asian Quarter flashback, I will be a mess. Or Robin's: "My name is Robin" to Robert, I will totally lose my shit. In a good way.


Patrick better well be CLEAN SHAVEN when he and Robin get marrit again!


How awesome it would be if Finola were leaving the show, and all the Scorpios and Drakes left TOGETHER.


Did love Anna telling Robin that she hoped Obrecht choked on Robin getting another job.  And her tears got to me, because I know she was hoping to make up for the past two years of not following up on Robin and believing her Robin's lies.  They are, as stated above, just magic together.


And I was grinning and cheering at Jason telling Sam about Robin. About how he saw her when he was prorammed to kill Sam and it was Robin who stopped him. How he "recognized her almost immediately." How he THEN Remembered Robin as a teenager, telling him she had faith in his future.


What? If I can't have him remembering her and his memories, I'm going to take what I can get!

  • Love 11

See, I think it'd make more sense for her to be busy trying to get Dante and Lulu back together instead of inserting herself where she doesn't belong between Julian and Alexis.


It would. But since they're not doing that, I can kind of wank it in my head. But still, like Jazzy said, it makes me wonder how Olivia is still on this show in the first place, at least on this show as a contract player.


I think Alexis has tried to talk to Olivia as a grown up and Olivia immediately bulldozed her with her "you're telling me to mind my own business" crap.

  • Love 5

I get that Ned isn't on the show, but did they ever explain why Olivia wouldn't have tried to get him back?  They broke up because of the dumb Dead Baby Lie, which came out like two days later.


Any bit of likeability I thought Olivia had has completely melted away.  She's just the worst.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

Dead Now Alive Jake is probably going to grow up to be a serial killer so it's kinda fitting that his art therapist is a serial killer. I wonder if Franco will give him tips on how to get away with murder. 


I'd really like for them to give Olivia something to do besides be a spoiler for Alexis and Julian's broke down relationship. Maybe she can go beat Dante until he starts acting right. 


Isn't it cool how all black people in PC know each other. 


Jason could just move into one of the guest bedrooms at the penthouse. I'm sure that wouldn't be awkward or anything. 

  • Love 9

How Alexis has not yanked Olivia's hair out by the roots and drowned her in a vat of marinara is beyond me. Seriously, tone Olivia down writers! I thought at first that this could be a good story with shared custody between people with no romantic interest in each other that had a one off and a baby, and could behave like adults, but I guess that's way too much to ask for from TFGH.  

  • Love 11

I liked Nina's sleeveless coatdress—that tailored style really suits (heh) MSt—and Maxie's outfit was adorable.


Please tell me we aren't going to get a Nina/Franco/Liz triangle.


I think every scene with KMcC these past few days has been about the actors more than the characters.


Jake's drawings makes me think he's been reading a lot of books that start with "It was a dark and stormy night." Heh.

  • Love 5

Things that happened today......


Franco:  Hey were best friends now that we hung out for 5 seconds that one time

Liz;  Dude, you kidnappped my kid that one time.  Step off.


Olivia:  I totally don't think that' it's inapropriate to give you and Alexis this giant ass photo of you, me and Leo to put over your mantlepiece.  what?  Aren't I part of the Davis/Jerome family?


Jordan:  This is Andre, the new guy I'm dating

Anna;  (ls it just me or did FH put a look of disapointment on her face at the prospect that Andre was no longer availiable for Anna)


Maxie;  the magazine is RUINED

Nina;  we can salvage this.  Julian gives us millions of more moneys

Julian:  eh, not going to happen

Nina:  let's embrace this mess because everyone will think we're so edgy


Sam:  Oh look at me fall into your arms Jason for the eleventy eleventh time in our relationship


Robin:  we're moving to California

Anna:  ( I don't know what she said, with all my crying and all.  I mean, it's freakin' Anna Devane and freakin' Robin Scorpio)


Emma; I demand you get married here before we move!

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 9

How Alexis has not yanked Olivia's hair out by the roots and drowned her in a vat of marinara is beyond me. Seriously, tone Olivia down writers!


Seriously. I thought the picture was a normal sized picture, that would have been obnoxious enough, but portrait sized? Come on, that's just stupid. Olivia is obnoxious, not totally devoid of social skills.


Jake's drawings were supposed to look more like messy kid stuff but they were actually really good.


Andre and Jordan met off-screen in that encounter she described to Valerie so it didn't strike me as a "all black people know each other" moment. It did strike me as a "meeting we should have seen on-screen" moment.


Brook lynn Silzer and Jason Thompson playing together in the background was cute.

re: the previews, sheesh. Yet another Robin event that Maxie makes all about her.

  • Love 7

They seriously had Sam fall into Jason's arms again? This couple is clearly beyond pathetic, since they can't seem to find another reason to get them closer.


I loved Liz's scenes today. Her snark and bringing up Aiden's kidnapping with Franco was long overdue. I also loved that she walked away from Jasam. She doesn't have time for that beyond boring couple.

  • Love 9
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