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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Sam went to GH right after Carly called.  She didn't stay with Sonny.  Of course, it was because Carly told her Jason needed her, but I am sure she found out about Nikolas offscreen, unless it is continued today.


But didn't Cujo tell them what had happened when whoever it was called her to tell her what happened? Or did she just say, "Man fell from roof of restaurant at Metro! Gotta Run!" And she wasn't told who fell? If so, okay then, I take it back.


See? I can be a reasonable person.  At times.

But didn't Cujo tell them what had happened when whoever it was called her to tell her what happened? Or did she just say, "Man fell from roof of restaurant at Metro! Gotta Run!" And she wasn't told who fell? If so, okay then, I take it back.


See? I can be a reasonable person.  At times.


No, she didn't even know who it was at that point just that there was an injury and an ambulance was called.  She didn't know it was Nikolas until she got to the Metrocourt.


LOL, it's understandable I blank out during scenes that bore me too ;)

  • Love 4

Nothing against Becky the actress, but maybe Liz isn't the best choice to share the story of the birth of the Christchild to children.


I know that the contrived Robin/Patprick/Emma scenes are BS, but as a longtime viewer I am watching as an homage to the good old days of Robert/Anna/Robin.




Merry Christmas, everyone!

  • Love 4

Nothing against Becky the actress, but maybe Liz isn't the best choice to share the story of the birth of the Christchild to children.


I know that the contrived Robin/Patprick/Emma scenes are BS, but as a longtime viewer I am watching as an homage to the good old days of Robert/Anna/Robin.




Merry Christmas, everyone!


Who on this show is actually fit to tell that story though? Not to mention that she's Steve Hardy's granddaughter, so its nice to see the show remember that. Too bad they got rid of the hospital Christmas party and the actual reading of the story. 

  • Love 8

Who on this show is actually fit to tell that story though? Not to mention that she's Steve Hardy's granddaughter, so its nice to see the show remember that. Too bad they got rid of the hospital Christmas party and the actual reading of the story. 

I was going to say Sobby, but--oops--she tried to murder a baby.


Kiki---oh, wait---she drugged Michael and ran Carly off the road.


Guess it has to be Val, all she did was have sex with a married guy by accident a few dozen times.

  • Love 2

That moment with Liz and Jake - where she showed him the stocking of his she kept and told him she used to put a present in it for him during the years he was "dead" - was the most I've liked Liz in forever.  Her talking about her grandfather and then Alan reading the Christmas story at the hospital was also nice.


Carly's "Ugh, how could they!" face when Kristina pointed out that it was perfectly likely that, with his record, Jason would be sent directly to Pentonville was sooo punchable.


The "uh oh!" Avery let out when she knocked over her bottle was super adorable.


Anna was a very fetching Mrs. Santa. 


I missed the first few minutes - did we get ANY kind of explanation about where Felicia disappeared to?

  • Love 9

I loved seeing Liz with her boys, and I don't care about Jason anymore, but its hilarious to me that he went to Liz's house to see her boys before Sam and Danny, considering how outraged he was that Liz cost him time with Danny. I don't think he's even seen Danny since he found out Liz lied. 


Emma and Scrubs with Anna and Robert were good. Why they dress Kim in these baggy clothes though is beyond me. 


I hate Maxie, but I teared up a little at Georgie and Spinelli surprising her.


Overall it was a pretty good Christmas show.

  • Love 4

Omg. I loved the Scrubs stuff and the Robin/Emma stuff. FML. They finally let Patrick SAY WORDS. I don't know what to do with myself. And JT and Kim just sold it. Their tears always flow at the perfect moment. When he said he never stopped loving her, I believed it. Because I'm stupid and the love and the tears and SHUT UP.

  • Love 20

I was going to say Sobby, but--oops--she tried to murder a baby.

Kiki---oh, wait---she drugged Michael and ran Carly off the road.

Guess it has to be Val, all she did was have sex with a married guy by accident a few dozen times.

Maybe Monica, but that would mean that she would get more screen time that doesn't involve kissing Carly's ass.

  • Love 3

Why does Jason always teat Sam/Danny like an after thought. And him calling Liz a good mother was laughable. Remember when she lied to her brain damaged/disturbed kid about his dad being dead.


I didn't have a problem with that, Sam told him that her and Danny were busy through the holidays.  He probably assumed they'd be with family.   


The Liz/Jake stocking thing is how the Jake return SHOULD have been written all along.  That felt genuine and wasn't just glossed over like his entire return has been.


Loved seeing Ellie and Spinelli.  I want Spin back full time, I don't care I love him. 


Loved the Sam/Kristina stuff.  Sam knows her sister well and knows 100% that she is hiding something.  And so.,,,Jason kept that necklace the whole time?? Even through their breakup in 07-08.    I like that Kristina gave it to her and Sam didn't pull it out herself.  And I love how chill she was just sitting there with her son in the park.  She looked thrown for .2 seconds but recovered well.  And of course the "Merry Christmas Dad" melted my heart.


It's a good thing Sonny has such a big fireplace....with all those stockings.  Dude...STOP PROCREATING.

  • Love 15
I didn't have a problem with that, Sam told him that her and Danny were busy through the holidays.  He probably assumed they'd be with family.


So he wasn't planning on seeing his son for Christmas? The son that he is so mad at Liz for keeping him from? He hasn't spent any time with Danny since being so outraged that Liz hurt Sam and Danny.


Also, can someone please do something about Maxie's hair? Putting it in that braid, only makes it worse. 

Edited by MissE
  • Love 2

Loved seeing Ellie and Spinelli.


I felt a little bad for Ellie that her holiday got swallowed up planning this surprise for the woman who her boyfriend went running after earlier in the year.  Yeah, she did it because she's nice and she did for Georgie, but still, it left a slight sour taste in my mouth.


She did look fabulous, though.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 14

GH: Espionage and, even line-less, Ellie were fantastic; the rest sucked Donkey balls. Though I will admit I laughed at Carly's face when she said Joss would rather spend Christmas with her dad.

Anyway, I can't believe they actually let Patrick say he never stopped loving Robin. The rectons and 20-second scenes are total bullshit, but Jason & Kim still have it. Anna looked amazing as Mrs. Claus, and Robert's line about walking around Paris in a Santa Suit was great.

But where the fuck was Felicia and why are General Espionage scenes 20 seconds each, while each All My Corinthii scene drags on for minutes?

Mac on Monday!

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 8

Dear General Hospital: this may have been your worst year ever. However, I'll be damned if the whole year wasn't almost worth it just for the one scene of Cam and Jake's horrible acting, complete with "I hate Christmas!"


Kiki: Avery gave me a purpose.


Oh so sorry Kiki. Not true. However, look, even I was kinda turned on by Kiki in that outfit. You think we get too much Kiki now, can you imagine if Frons were still here?


Creepy Rocco won over my heart a little by staring at the family all "what are you weirdos doing"? And I liked the way DZ played it when Carly gave him the stocking.


Dante: I hope you remembered what day this is.


Uh, what dude? You're the one making dates! But see, this is a perfect example of slip-shod writing. all it had to be was "I remembered what day this is" and that would be fine, bittersweet even. But the way it was written just makes him seem like a douche.


Morgan: The meds - just make me say things before I think.


If you do it while you're on the meds, and when you're off the meds, it just may be you, Morgan.


Ellie looks so good! I just want to keep her damn it.


Maxie complaining about Georgie not being there would have felt a little less out of the blue though if they had her mention that at least ONCE before, or at least already had her mention she was looking forward to spending the day with Georgie.


Awww, the Robin/Patrick/Emma scenes today were good, and I wasn't really feeling it before.


Happy holidays everyone! I'm gonna imagine Franco and Nina skied off a cliff.

Omg. I loved the Scrubs stuff and the Robin/Emma stuff. FML. They finally let Patrick SAY WORDS. I don't know what to do with myself. And JT and Kim just sold it. Their tears always flow at the perfect moment. When he said he never stopped loving her, I believed it. Because I'm stupid and the love and the tears and SHUT UP.


It's a Christmas Miracle! You deserve it woman. 

I was going to say Sobby, but--oops--she tried to murder a baby.


Kiki---oh, wait---she drugged Michael and ran Carly off the road.


Guess it has to be Val, all she did was have sex with a married guy by accident a few dozen times.


"and lo, if the Virgin Mary had not been such a bitch to her cousin, perhaps her cousin would not have felt the great need to enter unto the stable and comfort Joseph . . . "

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 11

I liked the Sam and Kristina scenes. Would have been better if Molly and Lucas were there. I guess Alexis and Julian were too busy humping.


I'm glad the talking tree wasn't there to taint the Ellie/Spin/Maxie/Georgie scenes with his presence. 


It would be great if show would stop acting like Jason has always been a father to zombie kid, Aiden, or Cameron. Helena's goons have spent more time with zombie than Lizard or Jason. Lizard Liez can act like Lucky doesn't exist all she wants but it's not true. Cam and Aiden should be asking for their real father and Dead Now Alive Jake should be sent back to Cassadine Island. 

  • Love 7

The reunion of Robin and Emma: THIS is what was missing during the Operation Save Robin.  HERE was the emotion and FEELS I wanted to see! I'll blame it on Robin being all logey from the drug she gave to make it look like she was dead. It's the only thing that makes sense.


Awwww Pere Noel!!!! With the Aussie Accent! And Anna as Mrs. Claus? I'm straight, but she was smokin' HAWT as the Missus.


And I knew the reunion was going to be rushed, but for FUCK'S SAKE, retconning? Hellooooo! It was the chance for Robin to save Jason so he could be there to raise his son was THEFUCKINGREASONYOUWEREKIDNAPPEDFOROVERAFUCKINGYEAR, Robin! It was JasonJasonJason! 


Patrick may have said the words that he's never stopped loving Robin, and I was happy to hear them, but Robin apologizing and saying she lied to keep him safe, that it wasn't because of Jason, because it SO WAS, made them ring a bit hollow. I'm sorry, but that's how I feel. If they could have only said that he didn't believe Victor or Faison when they alluded to the reason Robin was gone. But nooooooooo, they have to put it all on Robin. Arseholes.


Was that wee tree supposed to be a real tree? Because, it sooo looked fake, but that I didn't care about.


And Paddy didn't have to say it was "complicated" about them being a family. What was he saying as he kissed what he thought was a dead Robin? All he had to do was say, yes, we're all going to be a family.  Patrick should have been the one apologizing, on his FUCKING KNEES.  Or even a line from Robin saying 'why couldn't you tell that I was lying?'  But no, can't have that, can we?


And I know I sound like Scrooge and whatnot, but I did so love the rest of all of the five minutes we got of the Scorpios and Drakes.


And nope, no mention of what happened to Felicia.


Now I really want Robert to present Emma with another didgeridoo!


Oh, and other stuff happened too, but I don't give any bluedilly or figgedy fucks.


Pardon my language, I was hoping to not swear for the holiday, but this fakakta SHOW, it knows how to push my buttons.

  • Love 7

I liked the Sam and Kristina scenes. Would have been better if Molly and Lucas were there. I guess Alexis and Julian were too busy humping.


I'm glad the talking tree wasn't there to taint the Ellie/Spin/Maxie/Georgie scenes with his presence. 


It would be great if show would stop acting like Jason has always been a father to zombie kid, Aiden, or Cameron. Helena's goons have spent more time with zombie than Lizard or Jason. Lizard Liez can act like Lucky doesn't exist all she wants but it's not true. Cam and Aiden should be asking for their real father and Dead Now Alive Jake should be sent back to Cassadine Island. 

Liz isn't acting like Lucky doesn't exist. She's not telling Cam and Aiden that Jason is their father. Lucky abandoned those boys. Liz doesn't owe him shit, and why would they ask about him at Christmas, when he hasn't been with them the past 4 years. Lucky is responsible for not being those boys dad in every way that counts. Not Liz.

  • Love 2

The fuck was that...?


I sat through the episode today and that's all I could come up with.


All I can say about the Robin and Patrick and Emma and Anna and Rob scenes is...at least it's almost over. I just can't forget the utter and total hack job that was done before with these characters.


So Jason flashes to a memory dealing with Sam's breasts, figures.


Watching those little boys, who play Jake and Cam, attempting to act nearly caused me physical pain. Age them out already and make them angry teens who lock themselves away in their rooms all the time.


I really don't know which was worse about today - that Kristina gifted Sonny one of those damn selfie sticks, the dumbest assiest invention in the past decade, or that they decided to focus on the Corinthos clan as the family of the hour.


No Bobbie (who?), no Lucas (who?) or Brad (seriously, at this rate they will get married and adopt two kids before ever sharing another scene), no Scottie, Lucy, or real!Kevin. No Mac or Felicia. I just...it's inexcusable.


They're going to focus on that stupid piece of worthless shit called "Morgan" with his aloofness that I give no a good goddamn about, but the vets don't even get the slightest bit of attention, not even one scene. Disgusting.

  • Love 7

It's a Christmas Miracle! You deserve it woman.


I mean, trust me, I could bitch about this story all day. It was trash from the start. They made Robin a prisoner AGAIN. Then, thanks to Ron, the story became convoluted as fuck. She chose to save Jason! No, she was threatened! Victor killed Shamwow! Robin lies and says Jason is dead! Robin is chained to a wall! Patrick is a douche! Robin is taken by Helena! No one cares or speaks to Robin for over a year! No, wait, they talked to her this whole time! Now Jerry has her!

Do I care now, though?


Robin is happy with the man she loves and her child.

The end.


And as for the fast reunion?

So what. Did I ever give a flying fuck about Samtrick?


As if a less than a year relationship that was mainly off-screen or about Jason would EVERRRRRRR be >>>>>>>>>>>> a near-DECADE one.

I'm OK.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 6

What Emma said: Mommy, were you kidnapped?


What I heard Emma say: Mommy, were you kidnapped - again?


I kid you not - I actually rewound and watched the scene again because I swore she said it.


Any way - thrilled Scrubs is back together and happy though it was definitely too rushed and I wish Patrick and Anna had at least done a little bit of groveling over not seeing the trouble she was in.


Another straight female who thought Finola was freaking hot in her Mrs. Claus outfit and Tristan is still the man, even in a Santa suit.


Emma broke my heart when she made sure Robin would still be there when she got back from getting the tree.

Edited by cmahorror
  • Love 6

I am surprised Liz didn't burst into flames telling a story about kindness, etc to her kids. Coming from a woman who would have happily kept a father and son apart forever had she not been exposed.

And, she lied to her own kids which has only now hurt them too. Yup, she is a real peach.

Don't really care about any of the characters right now.

The little boy actors are simply horrible. I agree, age them up and find decent actors.

  • Love 10

Another straight female who thought Finola was freaking hot in her Mrs. Claus outfit and Tristan is still the man, even in a Santa suit.



And now I TOTALLY want Pere Noel and Mrs. Claus to kiss! Whether it be under the mistletoe or nay. I just want it to happen!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 5

It honestly amuses me the level of disdain Elizabeth looks at Sam and Danny with. That look when Jason saw them and stopped just screamed, "why can't you both just disappear into thin air?" 


I didn't really think of Jason's going to Elizabeth as a big deal, only because I thought it was clear he was there to see the boys and to better explain to them that no, he is definitely not coming back and he and Elizabeth are done, since she clearly has neglected in making sure they accept that reality. And yeah I guess one can gloat about it seeming like Sam and Danny are an afterthought but the reality is that Elizabeth lying her ass off doesn't change the fact that he has spent almost a year living with and seeing the boys as his kids. So he's going to still have that connection to them, especially considering he still doesn't remember his old life.


I don't disagree that Jason hasn't exactly been Mr.Sensitive to Sam and Danny and rushing to their side. But that's why I like how Sam has been handling this whole thing. Yes she loves him, he's her husband after all and as she said, she didn't lose her memories of him. So of course she's going to see him and think about their life together. But she's not pushing it or frankly even seeming that desperate to get back to him. Sure in their scene on the roof she had some woobie eyes happening, as well as today which again, is normal in my opinion. 


Maybe I'd buy into Jason and Sam's epic love ("we always find our way back to each other") if KM didn't say the lines like she was mainlining Benadryl.



Ha...just commented on this. I guess my unpopular opinion is that I kind of like how chill Sam is being about all of this. Why should she be begging and desperate for Jason if he is content to be all, "well I don't remember you or our life together so whatever..." She's kind of just leaving it up to him to figure out what he wants and I think that's probably the best way to handle the situation. She can't force him to remember her or to love her.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 14

Maybe I'd buy into Jason and Sam's epic love ("we always find our way back to each other") if KM didn't say the lines like she was mainlining Benadryl. 


Think how much more fun this story would be if Sam was allowed to say, "No many how many people Jason kills, or how many times he accidentally sleeps with Liz, or how many times I sleep with my step-father, or how many times I come to my senses ... Jason and I always find our way back to each other."


A week of all the characters hauling around their backstories in every scene would be entertaining. 


Liz: "No matter how many random guys I make babies with, Lucky and I always find our way back to each other."

Patrick: "No matter how many times I ignore obvious signs that her life is in peril, Robin and I always find our way back to each other."


(Feel free to play along at home.)

  • Love 9

Think how much more fun this story would be if Sam was allowed to say, "No many how many people Jason kills, or how many times he accidentally sleeps with Liz, or how many times I sleep with my step-father, or how many times I come to my senses ... Jason and I always find our way back to each other."


A week of all the characters hauling around their backstories in every scene would be entertaining. 


Liz: "No matter how many random guys I make babies with, Lucky and I always find our way back to each other."

Patrick: "No matter how many times I ignore obvious signs that her life is in peril, Robin and I always find our way back to each other."


(Feel free to play along at home.)

Carly: "No matter how many times he shoots me in the head while I'm giving birth or I'm sleeping with the guy who orchestrated our son's rape, Sonny and I will always find our way back to each other."


This is fun!

  • Love 8

So he wasn't planning on seeing his son for Christmas? The son that he is so mad at Liz for keeping him from? He hasn't spent any time with Danny since being so outraged that Liz hurt Sam and Danny.


Ok, well in PC time its only been like a few days.  Jason found out Liz lied, went and got his stuff the next day....and I assume checked into the Metrocourt either the day he got his stuff from Liz's or the day after at the most.  And that's the same night as the gala....so the same night he was arrested.  I am not too mad he didn't make a play date in between his life being blown apart by his lying fiancee.  He knows those boys have been through the ringer, so it was nice he put aside his issues with Liz to bring them gifts and reassure them that he isn't just going to disappear from their lives.  He wasn't living with Danny as a family up until that point.  So him going to see those boys first and not Danny is not a huge issue for me.

  • Love 7

Nothing against Becky the actress, but maybe Liz isn't the best choice to share the story of the birth of the Christchild to children.


I know that the contrived Robin/Patprick/Emma scenes are BS, but as a longtime viewer I am watching as an homage to the good old days of Robert/Anna/Robin.




Merry Christmas, everyone!


BH plays the granddaughter of the show's first leading man, Dr. Steve Hardy.  Dr. Hardy used to read the Christmas Story before it was handed over to Alan Quartermaine, so IMO she more than anyone else on this show has the right to tell the story!  It is always stupid that this show pulls out Liz's legacy connection and then write complete and utter trash for her 18 year old character!

That moment with Liz and Jake - where she showed him the stocking of his she kept and told him she used to put a present in it for him during the years he was "dead" - was the most I've liked Liz in forever.  Her talking about her grandfather and then Alan reading the Christmas story at the hospital was also nice.


Carly's "Ugh, how could they!" face when Kristina pointed out that it was perfectly likely that, with his record, Jason would be sent directly to Pentonville was sooo punchable.


The "uh oh!" Avery let out when she knocked over her bottle was super adorable.


Anna was a very fetching Mrs. Santa. 


I missed the first few minutes - did we get ANY kind of explanation about where Felicia disappeared to?


This is the same Elizabeth Imogene Webber that I've been a fan of for the last 18 years, before RC's trashy story with that stupid maternity switch and current Jason lie!

I was going to say Sobby, but--oops--she tried to murder a baby.


Kiki---oh, wait---she drugged Michael and ran Carly off the road.


Guess it has to be Val, all she did was have sex with a married guy by accident a few dozen times.


Oh, hell, no!  IMO, Liz is the one that should have brought back the Nurses Ball instead of some chick that blew into town without any connection to Patrick or Robin.  Liz is also the one connected to Dr. Steve Hardy the shows first leading man and her grandfather.

Why does Jason always teat Sam/Danny like an after thought. And him calling Liz a good mother was laughable. Remember when she lied to her brain damaged/disturbed kid about his dad being dead.


Liz IS a good mother!  Liz has been the ONLY constant in her boys lives, period.  Zander?  Dead.  Lucky?  A deadbeat whiny crybaby off staring at rocks or looking for some pills.  Jason?  Walked away from Jake and did not look back, until the kid showed up in July.  


As for Sam and Danny, Jason's wife and son don't really mean that much since he's been avoiding both of them, except when he happens to run into them!

  • Love 3

I loved seeing Liz with her boys, and I don't care about Jason anymore, but its hilarious to me that he went to Liz's house to see her boys before Sam and Danny, considering how outraged he was that Liz cost him time with Danny. I don't think he's even seen Danny since he found out Liz lied. 


Emma and Scrubs with Anna and Robert were good. Why they dress Kim in these baggy clothes though is beyond me. 


I hate Maxie, but I teared up a little at Georgie and Spinelli surprising her.


Overall it was a pretty good Christmas show.


This!  Jason has not even attempted to go see Sam or Danny after whining about big bad Teh Evil Elizabeth keeping him away from his wife and son!  Nope.  Jason has gone to Jake's to knock out Nicholas, took a long ride on his motorcycle, went to the gym to see Sonny, Carly's pissed all over his leg every time she see's him, gave Elizabeth the stink eye, moved out of Elizabeth's home, took a shower, checked into the Metro-Court, went to the gala, gave Elizabeth another round of stink eye, ran into a slobbering Monica, and accidentally ran into Sam (LOL) on the balcony, but no mention of him even bothering to check in with the old wife and son!

Dear General Hospital: this may have been your worst year ever. However, I'll be damned if the whole year wasn't almost worth it just for the one scene of Cam and Jake's horrible acting, complete with "I hate Christmas!"


Kiki: Avery gave me a purpose.


Oh so sorry Kiki. Not true. However, look, even I was kinda turned on by Kiki in that outfit. You think we get too much Kiki now, can you imagine if Frons were still here?


Creepy Rocco won over my heart a little by staring at the family all "what are you weirdos doing"? And I liked the way DZ played it when Carly gave him the stocking.


Dante: I hope you remembered what day this is.


Uh, what dude? You're the one making dates! But see, this is a perfect example of slip-shod writing. all it had to be was "I remembered what day this is" and that would be fine, bittersweet even. But the way it was written just makes him seem like a douche.


Morgan: The meds - just make me say things before I think.


If you do it while you're on the meds, and when you're off the meds, it just may be you, Morgan.


Ellie looks so good! I just want to keep her damn it.


Maxie complaining about Georgie not being there would have felt a little less out of the blue though if they had her mention that at least ONCE before, or at least already had her mention she was looking forward to spending the day with Georgie.


Awww, the Robin/Patrick/Emma scenes today were good, and I wasn't really feeling it before.


Happy holidays everyone! I'm gonna imagine Franco and Nina skied off a cliff.


It's a Christmas Miracle! You deserve it woman. 


"and lo, if the Virgin Mary had not been such a bitch to her cousin, perhaps her cousin would not have felt the great need to enter unto the stable and comfort Joseph . . . "


It is really rude to make nasty comments about a child... but.... this little boy is so...mmmmmm... different?

Jake: Is Dad coming home?

Liz: Well, I lied to him about who he was, I kept him from his wife and other son and mother and friends, I tried to marry him under false pretenses, I encouraged his wife to marry someone else, I was going to let him believe that he was your stepdad and not your real dad, and since he's found out, I've shown no remorse whatsoever ... but maybe!


Valerie: I really want to be a cop.

Dante: You will be.

Valerie: See! Every time we're together, we have this amazing connection! I say something and then you say something. I like football and you like football. I like BLTs and you like BLTs WHERE DO YOU SEE THIS RELATIONSHIP GOING ANSWER ME.


I just hope Pathetic Liz and Pitiful Valerie are never interested in the same man. That level of desperation could reverse the earth's rotation or open a giant sinkhole or something.

  • Love 22

I liked the Sam and Kristina scenes. Would have been better if Molly and Lucas were there. I guess Alexis and Julian were too busy humping.


I'm glad the talking tree wasn't there to taint the Ellie/Spin/Maxie/Georgie scenes with his presence. 


It would be great if show would stop acting like Jason has always been a father to zombie kid, Aiden, or Cameron. Helena's goons have spent more time with zombie than Lizard or Jason. Lizard Liez can act like Lucky doesn't exist all she wants but it's not true. Cam and Aiden should be asking for their real father and Dead Now Alive Jake should be sent back to Cassadine Island. 


Lucky is MIA and obviously is looking at rocks or chasing pills, so IDGAF that Jason is wanting to be in the boys lives.  Jason IS Jake's biological father and Lucky is the legal father of record and left town after dropping the boy off at Liz's home.

Liz isn't acting like Lucky doesn't exist. She's not telling Cam and Aiden that Jason is their father. Lucky abandoned those boys. Liz doesn't owe him shit, and why would they ask about him at Christmas, when he hasn't been with them the past 4 years. Lucky is responsible for not being those boys dad in every way that counts. Not Liz.


Exactly.  Lucky walked out on Cam and Aiden back in 2011, and did the samething to all three boys in July, so he STFU and have a stadium full of seats.  Liz can do whatever the hell she wants with HER boys, since she's paying all of the bills, raising 3 boys on her own and did not leave them for some rocks or orphans depending on the HW at the time!

  • Love 5

Exactly. Lucky walked out on Cam and Aiden back in 2011, and did the samething to all three boys in July, so he STFU and have a stadium full of seats. Liz can do whatever the hell she wants with HER boys, since she's paying all of the bills, raising 3 boys on her own and did not leave them for some rocks or orphans depending on the HW at the time!

Why all the vitriol towards Lucky? He hasn't said Liz isn't a good mother; nor has he said anything bad about her. So I don't know why he needs to shut up.

He's gotten the Frisco treatment because the show refuses to recast the character-so that he could co-parent with Liz. The ASSHOLES in charge delusionally thought that JJ would return to the role and that ain't gonna happen.

  • Love 12

Jake: Is Dad coming home?

Liz: Well, I lied to him about who he was, I kept him from his wife and other son and mother and friends, I tried to marry him under false pretenses, I encouraged his wife to marry someone else, I was going to let him believe that he was your stepdad and not your real dad, and since he's found out, I've shown no remorse whatsoever ... but maybe!


Valerie: I really want to be a cop.

Dante: You will be.

Valerie: See! Every time we're together, we have this amazing connection! I say something and then you say something. I like football and you like football. I like BLTs and you like BLTs WHERE DO YOU SEE THIS RELATIONSHIP GOING ANSWER ME.


I just hope Pathetic Liz and Pitiful Valerie are never interested in the same man. That level of desperation could reverse the earth's rotation or open a giant sinkhole or something.



You need to add Sobby Sabrina to that mess. She is desperate to have Michael raise Carrrrlos's baby with her.




But I did like it that Michael was the only member of the Corinthos family to greet Rocco.

  • Love 1

I am surprised Liz didn't burst into flames telling a story about kindness, etc to her kids. Coming from a woman who would have happily kept a father and son apart forever had she not been exposed.

And, she lied to her own kids which has only now hurt them too. Yup, she is a real peach.

Don't really care about any of the characters right now.

The little boy actors are simply horrible. I agree, age them up and find decent actors.


Just like Sam did when she watched a mentally unstable woman walk off with Jake and then hired armed men to go after the boy, his mother and brother.  

  • Love 4

How far did Nik fall anyway? 


I don't bother to DVR this show anymore but now wish I would've for the five minutes of awesome Scorpios.  I'll be searching YT for those.


So. I watched it. Should have watched this first and then watched North by Northwest.


Such a great movie!  I was blown away by the Vandamm house the first time I saw it and was bummed to find out it was actually a painting and a sound stage set.  :-(

Just like Sam did when she watched a mentally unstable woman walk off with Jake and then hired armed men to go after the boy, his mother and brother.  


What does what Sam did years ago have to do with what Liz currently did?  Her lies separated Jason from Danny, neither of which had anything to do with Jake's kidnapping.  The poster didn't even mention Sam....

  • Love 11

Oh dear, this record appears to be broken. ;)


I really don't understand why they can't throw in a mention of Lucky.  They managed to acknowledge that Jax is still Joss' father even if he's off-screen.


It was actually nice seeing just Liz and the boys, I was annoyed when Jason showed up and "saved the day."

Me too!


I would love it if Jason and Liz never shared another scene together, but I don't think I will be that lucky. 

I am surprised Liz didn't burst into flames telling a story about kindness, etc to her kids. Coming from a woman who would have happily kept a father and son apart forever had she not been exposed.

And, she lied to her own kids which has only now hurt them too. Yup, she is a real peach.

Don't really care about any of the characters right now.

The little boy actors are simply horrible. I agree, age them up and find decent actors.

So Liz shouldn't teach her kids about kindness and compassion and forgiveness?

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What does what Sam did years ago have to do with what Liz currently did?  Her lies separated Jason from Danny, neither of which had anything to do with Jake's kidnapping.  The poster didn't even mention Sam....


Every crime and misdeed committed by every other character in the history of the show is the reason why Lizard Liez did what she did. Ugh EVERYONE IS OUT TO GET LIEZ AND TAKE AWAY HER HAPPINESS PLEASE STOP JUDGING HER OMG CRYING. 


So Liz shouldn't teach her kids about kindness and compassion and forgiveness?


Audrey should do it. 

  • Love 13

I just watched all the Scorpio scenes from 12/22 and I really liked them. I thought they were pretty good and I kinda loved that Patrick just wouldn't stop touching Robin. I just...the difference between that and Samtrick was pretty glaring and I appreciate that at least this time they didn't try to pretend there was ever going to be any uncertainty about who/what Patrick wanted

Edited by Oracle42
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I don't know how Billy got through that scene where he told the boys he wasn't staying.  The kid that plays Aidan had his hand on his shoulder the whole time and at one point looked like he was tapping out a song or something.  Really cute.


I hope you all have a Merry Christmas (those that celebrate) and those that don't (like me) have a Happy Chinese Food Day!

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