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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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As far as I'm concerned, RobertFucking!Scorpio is the hero of this story.


He's the hero of every story.


This episode was really hard to handle. My rage levels were reaching threat level midnight.


Oh yea, Monica and Tracy, heaven forbid Ava show up to the gala. Never mind that you actually invited the man who murdered AJ. Un-fucking-believable. And Monica thanking Carly for getting Jason to come. I was seeing red. LW is at her most annoying when she's playing Carly with a big smile on her face and that fucking laugh. HATE!


Liz. I just. I try, I really do, to like her, but I just can't. That she has the audacity to blame Sam for this. I can't even with anything she said today. She's beyond the pale. And it looks like tomorrow she's trying to drag Laura down with her. Bitch, Laura has been protecting your lying ass for months! She's unbelievable.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 9

Is Cassadine Island the same as Spoon Island? Where's the house that Nik lives? How big is this island supposed to be? Are they in the Mediterranean?

Geography on General Hospital is like time on Days of Our Lives: it has no meaning!!

No, Spoon Island is in PC.

I'm assuming that where Robin is being held is on the opposite side of the island from where the main hose with the lab is situated. Back in 1996, when they flashed back to when Laura was there after Nik's birth, she and Stefan were on some cliff side and there was this huge body of water. Robin is on the OTHER SIDE from there.

The show is obviously trying to fix Anna killing Carlos in cold blood by having the character back on the show, so IDGAF that Liz is NOT being dragged by everyone in town for that stupid lie written by RC in the first place!


Rebecca Herbst is the driving force in the popularity of original LnL2, Liason/Lake and LiRic.  She also has Electric (Liz/Patrick), Niz (gross), Make (Matt/Liz) and SaLiz (Sam/Liz,,gross) fans.


BH was happy to share scenes with RoHo who by the way should have been cast as Dr. Steven Lars Webber!


Then can they undo Duke and Silas McBain? After the new writers started they didn't have to stick to whatever the story was - no one dies on this show anymore, so much so it's a joke so get 'em back so I'll have more people to watch.  Also, if anyone can tell me what Nina and Franco BALDWIN (that Carlivati fuck) do - I just don't care.  Waste of a paycheck, no?

  • Love 3

OMG, why were people not talking about the big elephant in the room about today's episode?! Maxie's freakin' hair. WTF is up with that?  Is KS pregnant again and not dying her hair and letting her roots grow out.


My other commentary on today's show:


First of all -- Hulu SUCKS for ff-ing junk.  And there was A LOT of junk that needed FF-ing on today's show.  I could barely stomach anything but the Scorpio stuff.


Even seeing Valerie next to Dane in the opening Superman II pane pisses me off. No lie.


STF Nina.  I couldn't mute her fast enough. I found LIz and Roger not amusing at all. Billy Miller can act. But he's not Jason. And Jason isn't worth having, anyway.


Tristan's blue eyes still get to me like I'm 12-year-old with one of my first crushes.


Why was Jerry mentioning Anna and Patrick but not Robert? I couldn't help but watch Jerry's scenes with ulkis's commentary. "Seriously, I really, really, REALLY, mean it this time -- kill Robin. Or you won't get a Christmas bonus!"  He sounded like a father trying to cajole a stubborn 6-year-old into eating his vegetables.


Edited to add


Overall, I was underwhelmned by the Scorpio scenes today. I didn't even get a hug when Robert and Anna see each other?! And their scenes were far too short and expository.  No meat on them at all.  Meanwhile, I had to be subjected to a one minute scene about Alexis and her lip stick. SERIOUSLY?!!!

Edited by Francie
  • Love 4

I've been reading comments on my phone all evening and dying to make a few of my own all afternoon, but trying to type in responses on my phone is a bit of an exercise in futility and backspacing, so now that I have a bigger keyboard, here are some thoughts in random order.


I guess the best way to get away with having a gala but doing it on the super cheap is to have half the cast somewhere else so you don't have to dress so many folks up. Seriously now, what other soap would be having a dressy ball at the same time another story is climaxing half a world away? Way to plan, guys. 


The Jerry Jax things has been stupid from the get go: "You haven't developed a potion for immortality quickly enough (although no one in the history of the world has, either, although I'm sure many have tried.) So I'm going to have to kill you." Sheesh. A more believeable story would have been super-fast recovery from bullet wounds, writers!


I imagine we all can guess who the potion will be used on.


I kind of enjoyed Liz's swipes at Sam about Patrick because they were true, although I know MMV on this issue.  All other matters aside, WTF was Sam doing at the hospital with a present for Patrick other than looking for trouble? First of all, I'd think she'd  assume at least some of the folks there would know they'd broken up; therefore she looks pitifully manipulative by bringing him a gift and "just" dropping it off. Next, if folks do not know they've broken up, then they're going to wonder why she's bring him a gift at the hospital if they're living together; once again, making her look pretty damn pitiful. And count me among those who heard her talking about spending Christmas with Patrick as if it were still part of the plan, not that it'd be cancelled.  She went to the hospital hoping to confront/run into him in some way or another. And that pretty much ties in with others have said about no women on the show being allowed to have any self-respect. The crap she was doing today is what 17 year-olds do, and her character must be at least twice that age. 


If I remember correctly, Robert gave Robin a necklace or some other piece of jewelry that had a tracker in it before he went to . . . Wisconsin. So he would know where she was  . . . and I'm not going to think too hard about this, otherwise he'd have gotten her off Cassadine Island a lot sooner. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 5

I didn't see anything wrong with it.  They broke up on good terms, and can still be friends.  It's not like Patrick dumped her and she was sobbing for him to take her back and this is her trying to manipulate her way back into his life.  She cares about him still, even if she knows they shouldn't be together. 


And Liz was way out of line.  Sam WAS in love with Patrick.  She thought her husband, the love of her life was dead, so she was moving on.  Liz makes it sound like Sam was stringing Patrick along the whole time, using him as a fall back for Jason.  She's only known about Jason for a month, so nope, not buying the Sam using Patrick bullshit. It's not her fault Liz is a lying twit and kept the lie going for 7 months longer than it should have, allowing them to get engaged and more invested.

  • Love 18

Why wand Patrick but not Robert? 

I think Jerry didn't actually know Robert was there too, because Robert arrived separately and was aware of Robin being a captive as well as her probable location. Jerry was smug that Anna and Patrick wouldn't find Robin or him and his goons in time to do anything because they didn't know enough.



I  All other matters aside, WTF was Sam doing at the hospital with a present for Patrick other than looking for trouble? First of all, I'd think she'd  assume at least some of the folks there would know they'd broken up; therefore she looks pitifully manipulative by bringing him a gift and "just" dropping it off. Next, if folks do not know they've broken up, then they're going to wonder why she's bring him a gift at the hospital if their living together; once again, making her look pretty damn pitiful. And count me among those who heard her talking about spending Christmas with Patrick as if it were still part of the plan, not that it'd be cancelled.  She went to the hospital hoping to confront/run into him in some way or another.

She was either bringing him a gift, or it was for Emma, either way...it looks manipulative or like she's sending his daughter mixed signals. I got the sense that she is regretting the 'mutual' breakup with Patrick because Jason has not come to see her, or Danny, since walking out on Liz. She's just not consciously aware of it. Then to find out he's taken a leave of absence from the hospital (without a word to her, the 'woman he loves') was shocking. I took her reaction to be wow, I guess we really are over.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 1


And Liz was way out of line.  Sam WAS in love with Patrick.  She thought her husband, the love of her life was dead, so she was moving on.  Liz makes it sound like Sam was stringing Patrick along the whole time, using him as a fall back for Jason.  She's only known about Jason for a month, so nope, not buying the Sam using Patrick bullshit. 

To me it played more like Sam tried to make herself/forced herself to believe she was in love with Patrick. When a woman can barely stand to move out of the apartment she shared with her 'late' husband to move in with her new man, is crying over wedding rings while in her new man's home, and is talking about her 'late' husband practically non-stop while in bed with her new man ... she's not in love. She has been using Patrick, just not really purposefully or consciously. And her most recent actions do seem to indicate yes, she cares about Patrick, but she never stopped being in love with Jason. In the first conversation with Alexis after the Jake is Jason reveal, it was Alexis emphasizing what a great family situation Sam had with Danny, Patrick and Emma in that house while Sam was yearning for the family life with Danny and Jason in the Penthouse that she never got to have.


I think Liz's accusation that Sam was using Patrick was a combination of her anger at being outed and also remembering conversations with Patrick (for example, him telling her Sam hadn't given his proposal an answer because she still missed Jason, would perk up when she heard the sound of a motorcycle, etc).

  • Love 8

If I remember correctly, Robert gave Robin a necklace or some other piece of jewelry that had a tracker in it before he went to . . . Wisconsin. So he would know where she was . . . and I'm not going to think too hard about this, otherwise he'd have gotten her off Cassadine Island a lot sooner.

And then Robin gave it to Mac.

  • Love 1


I kind of enjoyed Liz's swipes at Sam about Patrick because they were true, although I know MMV on this issue.  All other matters aside, WTF was Sam doing at the hospital with a present for Patrick other than looking for trouble? First of all, I'd think she'd  assume at least some of the folks there would know they'd broken up; therefore she looks pitifully manipulative by bringing him a gift and "just" dropping it off. Next, if folks do not know they've broken up, then they're going to wonder why she's bring him a gift at the hospital if their living together; once again, making her look pretty damn pitiful. And count me among those who heard her talking about spending Christmas with Patrick as if it were still part of the plan, not that it'd be cancelled.  She went to the hospital hoping to confront/run into him in some way or another. And that pretty much ties in with others have said about no women on the show being allowed to have any self-respect. The crap she was doing today is what 17 year-olds do, and her character must be at least twice that age.


Why would or should Sam concern herself with possible gossip-mongering hospital staff trying to take some ridiculous deep dive into her motives for dropping off a present. I highly doubt anyone there would have been analyzing that action with that much thought. How is dropping off a gift for Patrick "pitifully" manipulative? Are you thinking that Sam's thought process "Gee, we broke up because Patrick realized I'm still in love with my SURPRISE back from the dead husband. But I'll just drop off these guitar picks (or whatever small thing must have been in that bag) and that'll fix everything."


Sam isn't Liz. She's not living in some delusional fantasy world where she still thought she and Patrick would be spending Christmas together.It was clear from Sam's earlier conversation with her sisters and mother that she knows that she and Patrick are over and that it's for the best. And yet she was still in love with the man and planning on spending the rest of her life with him, so excuse her for taking more than a minute to get over the break-up and lamenting that they won't be spending Christmas together. 


Liz and the truth haven't been even passing acquaintances for quite some time. That witch even having the gall to blame any of this on Sam for telling the truth just shows how pathetic and crazy she is. Point of fact is if Liz hadn't taken it upon herself to play God with all of their lives none of them - including Patrick - would be hurting like they are so she can shut her piehole about Sam blowing up their lives.


Ugh, this is worse than after the Liz/Nik affair blew up. I knew Liz would skate. Despite all the hand-wringing by Liz fans I knew she wouldn't lose everything. And now she's already got her next man's shoulder to cry on/peen to obsess over in Franco.


And from the previews it looks like she's trying to tattle on Laura. The women bent over backwards to cover up Liz's gross lies and didn't look at Liz like the crazy woman she is and this is how Liz repays her. What a fucking cockroach.

  • Love 16

And then Robin gave it to Mac.


Did that really happen?


Anyway, Robert!tucking!Scorpio was my god today.   Tristan, Kim, Jason, and Fin were all fantastic today.    Why didn't Ron stick with "General Espionage"?  Why the blue diddity fuck did he go full tilt "All My Corinthii"?!?


I pretty much zoned out of everything non-Scorpio, but I did love Jasus not returning Carly's hug.  I was always amused with the way Steve's Jason looked at Laura's Carly as if she was a huge annoyance, and I'm enjoying the way Billy's Jason treats her like some co-worker you can't stand but can't work up the energy to do anything other than live with it.  

  • Love 3

I see the show is doubling down on Saint Sam the Eternal Martyr vs. Liz the Evilest Evil That Ever Eviled.  And of course, Sam gets a nice scene with her mother and sisters where they all gather around to give her moral support and comfort and Liz gets... to walk into a room with Franco.  Nope, no fanbase getting told their viewership isn't wanted or valued here, all their worries about the shit-flinging monkeys that write this show having no interest in giving Liz any sort of redemption whatsoever were just so silly, I mean, it's not like she just got all up in Sam's grill for nothing...


Oh, wait.


(That being said, the scenes with Sam and her mother and sisters were quite lovely).


Did anyone else besides me LOL at Patrick charging Jerry Jacks and strangling him, with his uber-hammy rendition of "YOU SON-OF-A-BITCH!!!!"?  Oh, yeah, now that you have to do without poontang, you finally care.  Also the way he cut Anna off when she started talking about how bad she felt that she bought the PTSD story and didn't figure out that Robin was a captive with a dismissive, "That isn't important".  Patprick Drake, a douchecanoe to the very end...

  • Love 8

LMAO! Sam is now manipulative for thinking to give Patrick a Christmas gift!? LOL! Okay. 



No, not really, just pitiful in her method of delivery and apparent lack of self-respect; and I don't have a horse in this race or a dog in the fight or . . . whatever. Frankly, I'm tired of anyone who isn't tired of Jason.

I will, however,  buy the theory that she's not consciously aware of her motivations. 

(But I also believe that we think much more about character motivations than the writers.)


IMHO, a grown-ass woman who is well into her womanhood years makes a phone call, or stops by a house to deal with post-breakup Christmas present flotsam and jetsam. She doesn't go to his place of work. 


I understand that dropping off the gift was contrived to get us to the Sam-Liz confrontation. But I wish there could have been a better reason for them running into each other. It's very hard for me to believe that women have any input into the plot development on this show. 

  • Love 4

I still don't know what to make of the gift/Liz's Scrubs comment. It's either a throwaway catty scene or the writers plan on having Sam act some type of way when Patrick/Robin come back to town. Which I'm personally not interested in seeing anything but Sam thank Robin for sacrificing her life and happiness to give Jason back his family.

  • Love 2

No, not really, just pitiful in her method of delivery and apparent lack of self-respect; and I don't have a horse in this race or a dog in the fight or . . . whatever. Frankly, I'm tired of anyone who isn't tired of Jason.

I will, however, buy the theory that she's not consciously aware of her motivations.

(But I also believe that we think much more about character motivations than the writers.)

IMHO, a grown-ass woman who is well into her womanhood years makes a phone call, or stops by a house to deal with post-breakup Christmas present flotsam and jetsam. She doesn't go to his place of work.

I understand that dropping off the gift was contrived to get us to the Sam-Liz confrontation. But I wish there could have been a better reason for them running into each other. It's very hard for me to believe that women have any input into the plot development on this show.

Wow, I thought she brought it to the hospital so she wouldn't see and upset Emma at the Drake's house - but I was only half watching

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 10

Sam brought Patrick a Christmas present to the hospital because Liz would be there. That is the only reason, imho, those scenes even happened.


If Sam had just mailed it to Patrick's home, or had gone by his place to personally drop it off obviously Liz would not have been there. But going to the hospital, Sam could then have a "oh my gosh, you do work here too" run in with Liz.


These writers have zero originality or depth to anything they seem to produce.


They wanted Sam and Liz to have a mini meow off before their later run-in with Jason at the party. And why would that be? Because reasons and just 'cause and doesn't that just double your goddamn fun by a ton?


I find everything to do with Sam or Liz or Jason to be a complete and utter, total joke. And it isn't funny.

  • Love 7

If it's even possible, it's even worse this time around. I feel like I'm watching bad fanfic come to life.



What a perfect description. That is exactly how it reads to me as well. Ffs, Liz called Sam Jason's "Ride or Die" chick...I still can't get over that. It's unforgivable that these idiots are in charge and continue to come up with the most ridiculous, offensive, stupid crap imaginable.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4

OMG, why were people not talking about the big elephant in the room about today's episode?! Maxie's freakin' hair. WTF is up with that?  Is KS pregnant again and not dying her hair and letting her roots grow out.


My other commentary on today's show:


First of all -- Hulu SUCKS for ff-ing junk.  And there was A LOT of junk that needed FF-ing on today's show.  I could barely stomach anything but the Scorpio stuff.


Even seeing Valerie next to Dane in the opening Superman II pane pisses me off. No lie.


STF Nina.  I couldn't mute her fast enough. I found LIz and Roger not amusing at all. Billy Miller can act. But he's not Jason. And Jason isn't worth having, anyway.


Tristan's blue eyes still get to me like I'm 12-year-old with one of my first crushes.


Why was Jerry mentioning Anna and Patrick but not Robert? I couldn't help but watch Jerry's scenes with ulkis's commentary. "Seriously, I really, really, REALLY, mean it this time -- kill Robin. Or you won't get a Christmas bonus!"  He sounded like a father trying to cajole a stubborn 6-year-old into eating his vegetables.


Edited to add


Overall, I was underwhelmned by the Scorpio scenes today. I didn't even get a hug when Robert and Anna see each other?! And their scenes were far too short and expository.  No meat on them at all.  Meanwhile, I had to be subjected to a one minute scene about Alexis and her lip stick. SERIOUSLY?!!!


I've been watching it on Dailymotion.  Just type in General Hospital and look for the most recent date.

These Franco/Liz scenes are some of the worst things I've ever seen. They're rinsing and repeating the same old very tired script they've had Roger Howarth play out with half a dozen people in varying roles on two different shows and it's like I'm in a parallel universe - 'we're the town losers, let's be friends, I'll be your handsome loser dude to make you cheer up!' He's been doing variations on these stories and scripts for 20 years. This would never happen. It's awful. Also, I don't like Monica having to share scenes with Nina/acknowledge Nina exists.


Ensign Mayonnaise with Maxie is a mess.


Re: The Immortality Syndrome. Didn't Jean Passanante co-write the 'James Stenbeck's brain in a microchip' story on ATWT? Where Tom Pelphrey from GL was implanted with James Stenbeck's personality, and Roger Howarth's character also had a microchip that changed his personality and was suddenly responsible for all his evil actions? Now she's brought it over to GH - let's put Jason's brain on a USB drive! I don't mind loony sci-fi on my soaps in doses and lord knows GH is no stranger to it, but this is completely ridiculous.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 13

No, not really, just pitiful in her method of delivery and apparent lack of self-respect; and I don't have a horse in this race or a dog in the fight or . . . whatever. Frankly, I'm tired of anyone who isn't tired of Jason.

I will, however,  buy the theory that she's not consciously aware of her motivations. 

(But I also believe that we think much more about character motivations than the writers.)


IMHO, a grown-ass woman who is well into her womanhood years makes a phone call, or stops by a house to deal with post-breakup Christmas present flotsam and jetsam. She doesn't go to his place of work. 


I understand that dropping off the gift was contrived to get us to the Sam-Liz confrontation. But I wish there could have been a better reason for them running into each other. It's very hard for me to believe that women have any input into the plot development on this show. 


Self-respect? Seriously? 


See, I was thinking Sam was dropping off a gift for Patrick at the hospital because she didn't want to make the situation with Emma worse. I didn't think there was this whole other story regarding self-respect and manipulation going but then again I just watch what is on my screen and go from there. 

  • Love 8

I agree that I hope sam and Liz never shares scenes together again. I think BH and kemo like working together, but sam and Liz just have too much awful history. Please jasam reunite sooner rather than later.

As for Liz skating, what has she got to lose in this story? Only Jason. Sam and Carly hate her and got to call her horrible names, but why would Liz care about their disdain? Patrick and her friendship is probably irrevocably ruined (if jt was staying I'm sure there would have been a confrontation). All that needs to happen now is humiliation at this gala which will likely happen and Monica calling her out (but since Monica just thanked Carly clearly her head isn't on straight). But again, none of these people other than Jason are people she cares about so the stakes aren't high. Losing her kids over this would be completely ridiculous and why would the writers want Jason saddled with kids? Also she could lose her job I guess but that would be contrived considering dr. O is chief of staff and she shot Liz in her own home!!

As for Laura, she made her own bed. She should have told the truth right away but instead she enabled her son and Liz.

Plus where is Niks comeuppance or public humiliation or name calling? He's the one skating, not Liz. And sam and Danny are his cousins!!

  • Love 4


Plus where is Niks comeuppance or public humiliation or name calling? He's the one skating, not Liz. And sam and Danny are his cousins!!


Nobody here is arguing that Nik shouldn't be punished for what he did - but people have claimed that Liz having the sadz because her big gross lie didn't work out in her favor is punishment enough

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 9

As for Liz skating, what has she got to lose in this story? Only Jason. Sam and Carly hate her and got to call her horrible names, but why would Liz care about their disdain? Patrick and her friendship is probably irrevocably ruined (if jt was staying I'm sure there would have been a confrontation). All that needs to happen now is humiliation at this gala which will likely happen and Monica calling her out (but since Monica just thanked Carly clearly her head isn't on straight). But again, none of these people other than Jason are people she cares about so the stakes aren't high.


EXACTLY! So she can stfu any day now about how no one likes her and she's the town pariah and boo hoo the people whose lives I ruined so I could fuck a mobster are being mean to me. She needs to accept that she did something truly terrible, feel guilt about it, and move the fuck on. The problem is she pretty clearly doesn't feel guilty at all. And that is what ruined her imo. Not the story itself, but just her total lack of caring about what she did to Jason/Danny, her supposed bf Patrick, and, especially, her kids. I don't really expect or even need her to feel bad about how it affected Sonny, Carly, Sam, or even Monica, but the fact that she apparently doesn't even care that her lies have fucked over her children is just beyond the pale.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 14

Maybe someone else has said this in another way, but I'm wondering is why Liez should take all the blame for keeping the secret about who Jason was for 7 months from him (and others, but mostly from him). Didn't a passel of others also begin to know at various times that Jakeson was Jason, when he didn't know it himself--yet they kept it secret too? This story has been so confusing, but Nik and Laura and possibly Hayden knew who he was and didn't tell him.


  • Love 2

EXACTLY! So she can stfu any day now about how no one likes her and she's the town pariah and boo hoo the people whose lives I ruined so I could fuck a mobster are being mean to me. She needs to accept that she did something truly terrible, feel guilt about it, and move the fuck on. 


I believe Carly called her the town pariah and Franco also did.  I may have forgotten because I was doing other things while watching, but I don't recall Liz specifically saying wah everyone hates me unless it was in the context of going to the Nutcracker gala (where I'm assuming she thought Carly or Sam or Sonny might be who are the people who hate her).  I believe she was just concerned about Jason hating her, and he does.  If I'm wrong, I apologize.  And if people hate her, I agree it's on her and she should just own up to it and not feel sorry for herself.  She made her own bed.  


 Also Lucky knew that Jake was Jason and decided to keep it secret for reasons. So Laura, Nik, Lucky and Hayden all knew and could have said something.  What Liz did was worse because she was sleeping with the guy of course.  But she's not the only guilty party. 

Edited by tallyrand
  • Love 4

I may have forgotten because I was doing other things while watching, but I don't recall Liz specifically saying wah everyone hates me unless it was in the context of going to the Nutcracker gala (where I'm assuming she thought Carly or Sam or Sonny might be who are the people who hate her).  I believe she was just concerned about Jason hating her, and he does.  If I'm wrong, I apologize.  And if people hate her, I agree it's on her and she should just own up to it and not feel sorry for herself.  She made her own bed.

She whined to Diane, of all people lol, about everyone always being against her or something. IDK it didn't make any sense and that scene with Diane was really the only time during this whole story that Liz came off completely unhinged imo. 


Also Lucky knew that Jake was Jason and decided to keep it secret for reasons. So Laura, Nik, Lucky and Hayden all knew and could have said something.  What Liz did was worse because she was sleeping with the guy of course.  But she's not the only guilty party.

I think the fact that Liz was sleeping with Jason and the fact that she claims she loves him are what make her lying about his identity a bit harder to accept than the others.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

Also Lucky knew that Jake was Jason and decided to keep it secret for reasons. So Laura, Nik, Lucky and Hayden all knew and could have said something.  What Liz did was worse because she was sleeping with the guy of course.  But she's not the only guilty party. 


Lucky has already been shit on enough so I don't really have any interest in seeing him called out, though he isn't even here so that wasn't going to happen anyway. I'm all for Nik getting his ass beat and want Sam to burn down Wyndemere and take all of his money if possible. It might have been the right thing to do for Hayden to tell the truth but she doesn't care about any of these people so I'm not surprised she kept quiet. Not to mention she was shot in the head the last time she tried to tell Jason the truth. As for Laura, I don't really know what to say about her. If she were really interested in doing the right thing I'm sure she could have found a way to arrange for Jason to find out the truth without exposing her precious son or batshit daughter in law.

  • Love 9



As for Liz skating, what has she got to lose in this story? Only Jason. Sam and Carly hate her and got to call her horrible names, but why would Liz care about their disdain? Patrick and her friendship is probably irrevocably ruined (if jt was staying I'm sure there would have been a confrontation). All that needs to happen now is humiliation at this gala which will likely happen and Monica calling her out (but since Monica just thanked Carly clearly her head isn't on straight). But again, none of these people other than Jason are people she cares about so the stakes aren't high. Losing her kids over this would be completely ridiculous and why would the writers want Jason saddled with kids? Also she could lose her job I guess but that would be contrived considering dr. O is chief of staff and she shot Liz in her own home!!

As for Laura, she made her own bed. She should have told the truth right away but instead she enabled her son and Liz.


It remains to be seen if Monica gives her the smackdown she deserves or her dealing with any public humiliation. I'll believe it when I see it. Yeah, the stakes aren't very high in this story but after months of people claiming that Liz was getting the worst writing ever and that she would lose everything, I find it somewhat amusing that she's basically lost nothing except for Jason. 


And as someone who hates her and have had to sit through months and months of her lying and smug face, I would like to see more than Jason telling her off a couple of times and her being basically slightly berated, by as you pointed out, two people she doesn't care about at all. We had to see Emma lose it over Patrick and Sam's break-up. At the very least we could see a scene of Liz having to admit that Jason left her to her kids and see her struggle with the pain she inflicted on her children. Instead we just get to see her trying to use her kids pain as a shield and hear her whining about losing everything. We see her get pep talks from Nik and Franco and see her be a smug bitch to the woman whose husband she tried to steal. What a satisfying pay-off.


As for Laura, of course she made her own bed. I have no problem with anyone taking her to task for her participation in Liz and Nik's lies. But for LIZ to basically be the one to throw her under the bus when Laura has done nothing but keep her secret after Liz begged her to and kindly and repeatedly try and get Liz to put on her big girl pants and tell the truth - it just shows what kind of garbage person Liz is. 



Also Lucky knew that Jake was Jason and decided to keep it secret for reasons. So Laura, Nik, Lucky and Hayden all knew and could have said something.  What Liz did was worse because she was sleeping with the guy of course.  But she's not the only guilty party.


Lucky's not on-screen so there's not much fall-out he can face for this right now. It looks like Laura might get some blowback thanks to Liz. Most of the people who interact with Hayden already treat her like she's the worst, including laughably Liz, so there's not much chance of this lie doing much damage to her. Nik's already taken a literal beating from Jason. I definitely want to see Nik lose big and definitely want Sam and Alexis to eviscerate his ass. We'll see if anything close to that happens. At the very least he better lose ELQ.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
  • Love 11
I find it somewhat amusing that she's basically lost nothing except for Jason.


For Liz, though, that's huge. And appropriate. I hate that Jason hadn't shown any interest in who he was/is until he found out Liz was lying, but at least he realizes being with her might be problematic on any number of levels.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7

Jason is no prize to me certainly, but to Liz he's the LOVE OF HER LIFE.  Apparently.  So losing him is losing everything.  And right I forgot about that scene with Diane (thanks peachmangosteen!).  But I feel like that was more a reaction to Jason being everyone to her apparently (yuck) because I think those scenes were before the ones with Carly.  


And I really don't get the lack of Jason/Sam scenes at all. It makes no sense to me.  


I do agree that what Liz did to the kids is horrible and she should get called to task on that. But I would prefer it to be by Monica, not Carly, Sam or Jason.  None of which have a great history of being thoughtful of children (not even Monica does really but Jason is her son).  

  • Love 2

I'm just beyond tired of the whole Liz/Sam thang. I'm not watching, but when I start back, my New Year's Wish is that both of them get majorly back burnered. Neither one are all that interesting in the first place, and they've both been stuck in this horrendous storyline for literally over a YEAR.

It makes me tired just typing about it. End it, backburner them, and refocus them. Do something completely out of the box, like have Liz go back to her painting and never be a nurse again. She and Franco actually have that in common, and it's a good basis for any connecting not based on crazy.


Oh, and have Sam not be singing Jason's praises. Please and thank you. Her pairing with Patrick was awkward, but I could bear it, because she didn't slop all over herself for him.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 2

Liz had an actual breakdown over Niz/losing Lucky. Losing Jason has just caused public tantrums. To me, it feels like the difference between an adult suffering a devastating loss and a child losing its favorite toy.

Can I pleeeeeease have Jeff Branson as a Lucky recast? I know GV is available but JB can actually act and his characters aren't dimwits

  • Love 4

Sam bringing Patrick a Christmas gift reminded me of Sabrina, who gave Patrick and Emma gifts after the breakup. Fitting bc Samtrick = Patrina.


I disagree.  There were maybe five, ten minutes there in the beginning where I liked Sam and Patrick while I hated Sabrina and Patrick from minute one.


I think a lot of people forget, but they were a bit sparkily in the beginning and I recall a lot of squeeing around these parts re: those scenes of them playing pool, their bet to get him to shave, etc.  Also, I've said this before and I'll say it again, for all its problems, Sam/Patrick was infinitely preferably to me than Sabrina/Patrick and Sam/Silas.


As for Sam bringing Christmas gifts to the hospital, yes, as someone said, it was of course in the script to allow Sam and Liz to snarl at each other.  But I didn't have a problem with it.  Sam and Patrick ended on as good of terms as they could.  I actually didn't have a huge problem with Sabrina having gifts for Patrick and Emma either, my bigger issue was Emma squeeing over the stupid gift from Sabs and rejecting Robin's.

  • Love 9

I disagree. There were maybe five, ten minutes there in the beginning where I liked Sam and Patrick while I hated Sabrina and Patrick from minute one.

I think a lot of people forget, but they were a bit sparkily in the beginning and I recall a lot of squeeing around these parts re: those scenes of them playing pool, their bet to get him to shave, etc.

When I say Samtrick = Patrina, I mean it had the same basic structure. X grieving for Y while trying to move on with Z. Y is actually alive the whole time. I also believe both couples had 0% romantic/sexual chemistry.

That's cool if people are fans of either. We all like what we like, obviously. I personally thought both couples were extremely forced and propped. And it's funny you mention the pool scenes and the beard stuff because that was the start of Samtrick being repetitive, IMO. All they talked about for a LONG time was Patrick's damn beard. And, of course, saying "adventure buddy" a million and a half times. There was never any substance.

  • Love 2

If Sam had just mailed it to Patrick's home, or had gone by his place to personally drop it off obviously Liz would not have been there. But going to the hospital, Sam could then have a "oh my gosh, you do work here too" run in with Liz.


These writers have zero originality or depth to anything they seem to produce.


They wanted Sam and Liz to have a mini meow off before their later run-in with Jason at the party. And why would that be? Because reasons and just 'cause and doesn't that just double your goddamn fun by a ton?


I find everything to do with Sam or Liz or Jason to be a complete and utter, total joke. And it isn't funny.

Just like how Sam couldn't stop Alexis in time to give her the check she left at the house (did Alexis, Molly and Kristina sprint to the car and peel out at top speed?) or just immediately call Molly or Kristina and have them turn around and pick it up.  No, no--Sam had to be at the Metrocourt so that she, Jason and Elizabeth could all run into each other.  Blah, blah, blah.  

  • Love 1

Now that the truth about Jakeson has finally come out,  Liez has gotten worse than ever. Between her making excuses, playing the victim, declaring that Sam and Danny were better off without the truth, becoming besties with Franco & throwing shade at Sam and using Scrubs to do it, almost anyone not named Carly or Sonny can put Liez' lying ass on blast anytime they want, as far as I'm concerned.


Three cheers for Robert Fucking Scorpio!! I'll take him any way I can get him, for as long as I can have him. I love him like Sonny loves throwing barware.

  • Love 10
(did Alexis, Molly and Kristina sprint to the car and peel out at top speed?)


LOL. The sound effect they used for that sounded to me more like a motorcycle than a car, and I amused myself by picturing Alexis behind the wheel of a big ol' hog, with Molly and Kristina in a sidecar.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

Show isn't going to focus on any other character's motivations for the Jason cover-up, because they are all tissue-thin BS that show the weakness of the writing staff.


Nic did it, because the Cassadine's weren't rich enough. (too much money spent on Crighten-Clarke and worthless henchman?)

Laura did it because she wanted to protect Liz and Nic, although she kept urging them to spill.

Hayden did it, so the character had a reason to stick around.

Lucky did it, because ... darkness?


Liz (and to a much lesser extent, Nic) has a clear motivation. This was her one chance to get Jason, free of the mob, free of Sam and Danny, into her life. Nevermind that Liz had moved on from Jason (the show made her re-obsessed because it suited them).


I was hoping against hope that BM would get another gig- so they could ret-con his identity as someone other than Jason-- negating all the boring drama we're suffering now.

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