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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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And I can't look at Dante anymore, not because of what he's done, but because I hate his hair. Like an unhealthy amount.


My sister watched with me a week or so ago and she said, "What's wrong with his hair?" LOL. But Patrick's hair doesn't seem to bother her at all, which I find perplexing.


I am kinda coming around to the possibility that Curtis and Jordan are siblings. It would be kinda fun to have a new family relationship in the mix. And I feel like these writers might be better at writing that than romance. I mean at least they can't possibly be worse!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Remember the classic scene from "Airplane," when a long line of passengers queued up to slap a hysterical woman, some going back for a few extra cracks? I'm dreaming of a re-enactment, but with Liez in the chair and Sam, Monica, Danny, Carly, Robin, Michael, Sonny, Granny from the Chinese restaurant (and her grandson), and others lined up to bitchslap her for her lies. Sam and Monica get a few extra backhands thrown in for good measure. Now THAT'S good viewing!

  • Love 10

I think Jordan and Curtis are siblings.  If Jordan is to have a man, it'll be the new psychiatrist dude.


I thought he was brought on for Anna?!?


I am seriously struck anew each time she appears at how good JE/Tracy looks. Hopefully she never goes back to the buzzcut again


.She is gorgeous, and if she has gone the surgical route it was done so well--her face moves and she dosen't looked pulled and stretched {looking at you Monica--you were so cute when you were younger, why didn't you leave your face alone?}.

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 2

When Jordan comes across Curtis, right after he slips out of the Evidence Room, the very first thing he says to her is: "Ms. Jordan, well now don't you look about as beautiful as I remember".


That doesn't sound very brotherly to me, at least not one by biology. I am going with the idea that he is her husband's brother.


Also, if Curtis is Jordan's former brother-in-law, then he is actively working to free the man that not only killed his brother, but also is the biological father of his nephew and he hasn't the slightest clue.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 6

Remember the classic scene from "Airplane," when a long line of passengers queued up to slap a hysterical woman, some going back for a few extra cracks? I'm dreaming of a re-enactment, but with Liez in the chair and Sam, Monica, Danny, Carly, Robin, Michael, Sonny, Granny from the Chinese restaurant (and her grandson), and others lined up to bitchslap her for her lies. Sam and Monica get a few extra backhands thrown in for good measure. Now THAT'S good viewing!

Sonny and Carly don't have a moral right to slap for lying, not after they unapologetically murdered an unarmed man begging for his life (Sonny) and stole evidence and hid it (Carly). Frankly I would love a scene where Sonny and Carly confront Nik and Nik not only doesn't give a shit, but throws hiding AJ's murder and Carly hiding Spencer's paternity in both of their faces. I just want scene after scene where they tell anyone that will listen how much Liz hurt them with her lies and everyone bringing up the AJ murders, including Michael. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 13

Their lies have nothing to do with what Liz has done, letting them continue to mourn a not-dead friend.

No, but it makes them raging hypocrites to judge her for keeping a secret when they kept even a worse secret. They can bitch to each other all they want, but I don't care they mourned a friend unnecessarily, after what they did and the lack of punishment for all of them (Michael's outrage didn't last even a year, Sonny is out of jail after mere months for premeditated murder). While Sam and especially Michael have never been my favorites, in this case, they are more justified to judge Liz. 


Sonny and Carly don't give a shit about what Michael, Sam, Monica and Danny, they only care that they lost the point person to clean up their messes. They never gave a shit of the putting up even more walls between Jason and the Qs and would walk into the Q mansion liked they owned it and I don't believe they cared that Michael was depraved of the one relatively constant adult in his life, they only cared that they could use Michael to hold on to Jason, which I base on their behavior when Michael was grieving AJ and the time he lost with him (because of their interference). 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 9

Their lies have nothing to do with what Liz has done, letting them continue to mourn a not-dead friend.


So, Liz lying about Jason being alive is worse than Sonny murdering AJ in cold blood and lying to his precious Michael that he was the one who killed AJ in cold blood? That lying about someone who couldn't care less about his mother, or only cared about her very sporadically, is worse? The only ones I feel badly for in this fakakta storyline are Sam and Danny, because he did love them; and yes Monica-not because Jason was a part of her life when he became Jason Morgan--but because even though he wasn't her biological son, he was her child in all the ways that counted after she got over wanting baby Jason dead.


Cujo and the Midgety Moobster can fuck off and die. They don't deserve any fucking consideration as far as I'm concerned.  Because Cujo is the same person who thought it was better to lie about Baby Spencer's paternity and let Nik think that he was Jax's.  Even though timeline wise, he should have been Jax's. I could go on and on, but this is the episode thread.


In my opinion, Liz doesn't need to be beat up, slapped, or whatever by anyone except maybe read the riot act by Monica and Sam.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 13

If you have to pass a "morality test" to be worthy of mourning a dead/notdead friend, daytime dramas would have very few funerals, sparsely attended. And I'm done with this topic. 

I am not saying they couldn't mourn Jason, I am saying they have no right to judge and shouldn't get the same amount of consideration that Sam, Michael and Monica would receive. I think I am incredibly fatigued that and at the display of their outrage relative to their own histories and yes, even the place in Jason's life. Sam and Monica could be rotten, hateful people in their own right and Sam pulled her own criminal crap on Liz, but in their own recent history, they have never covered up a secret while they watched those closest twist in the wind over it. It was one of Luke few redeeming qualities is that he wouldn't judge people for terrible things they did, (like Liz cheating on his son Lucky) because he had pulled so much crap in the past himself. 


Another more current example, one could say Lulu shouldn't judge Valerie and Dante for cheating on her when she filled the Valerie role when she broke Georgie and Dillon, except within her own relationship with Dante, she had been incredibly loyal and committed to her relationship with Dante, so the that respect she has every right to be furious with Dante and Valerie. (It would be nice if either Maxie and Dillon brought up Georgie, so Lulu could soften her attitudes to both of them.)

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 8

Oh noes, pooor Francooo.  He's worried that Jason will get his memories and treat him like the SERIAL KILLER scum he is...and that the rest of the town should treat him like.  That "friend-istry test" with Franco and Liz was stupid.


The Sonny/Dante scene - with Dante asking his MOBSTER FATHER to assist with his police work and Sonny insisting that he can't leave the business (...why?) and breezily changing the subject - bugged.


Olivia was beyond obnoxious with Alexis.

This show acting like Liz lying is the worst thing that anyone has ever done is just bullshit. This should hardly make her the town pariah. 


It certainly doesn't put her in the same league as Franco, SERIAL KILLER, as he tried to claim.

  • Love 6

I liked Liz recognizing that sympathy from Franco is a new low (after the boring Carly-Liz confrontation). Liz never claimed she doesn't lie, which is why I just rolled my eyes at Carly. So did she just show up at the hospital to confront Liz because Jason wouldn't answer his phone for "my turn"? She's such a bratty tween/teen in a woman's body.


Olivia semi-crashed her DIL's lunch and then crashed her baby daddy's lunch in one episode-that must be a new record for her in lack of boundaries. Hey dumbass, Alexis is not "putting you in your place" by gently and kindly mentioning boundaries privately, one-on-one. Her "joke's on you" and "we'll see about that" attitude is just ... gross. 


It's awesome seeing Laura looking great and doing her best to be a wise, loving mom for Lulu.

  • Love 3
It certainly doesn't put her in the same league as Franco, SERIAL KILLER, as he tried to claim.


Exactly! Then Carly saying Liz will be lucky if anyone ever talks to Liz? The show just needs to stop. Liz deserves consequences for the lie, but they are laying it on thick with this whole, town pariah thing.



Also, do we know exactly what Lulu and Johnny are trying to do to Valarie? I don't like that they are only going after her and not Dante too. It takes two to tango.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 3

Well this was a very "Monday" episode.


Jane is gorgeous and glorious and it angers me greatly that yet again they are setting Tracy up to be humiliated and hurt by some low life cretin.



I want to watch to see her awesomeness. But unfortunately, most of her stuff involves Paul in some form or other, and he just grosses me out, now.

Sadly, the fact he would touch Ava with a ten foot pole was the deal breaker for me. I could even get past a ridiculous white wash for the mob/murder thing, if done well. Why not?

But the Ava thing, uh uh. Tracy Quartermaine deserves better than to play second fiddle to the likes of Ava Jerome. And it tickles me that apparently EVERYONE online is grossed out by that pairing.

TIIC should take the hint that Ava's shelf life has expired. 


Anyway, I've always said, Jane's best pairing in years was with Richard Steinmetz. If they can find a reason to keep Maura West, they can bring RS back and give Tracy a real chance at romance. Not as Joe Jr, we've got enough back from the deads. But as a corporate raider brought on by Nikolas to help keep ELQ.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 5

I have only been off-barge for a couple weeks, so I haven't seen much of Curtis and Jordan, but when they got a big scene together yesterday and some other ones separately, what struck me is that the actor playing Curtis is a lot stronger. It's very easy to tell when characters are new to you and you don't care about them yet. The Curtis actor effortlessly carries history with him. Whenever something comes out about his past, it fits the way he plays the character. Jordan, on the other hand, seems just to have learned the lines. When she's doing commissioner things, walking around being authoritative, I don't buy it, somehow. She could be anything.


I won't get that attached to either one of them, though, because black people never have done well on General Hospital. I'm not claiming institutional bias or anything, but the characters hit a low ceiling, start appearing more and more sporadically, and then disappear. Sometimes they're not even officially written out. Can anyone believe today that Florence Campbell, Gia and Taggert's mother, was actually on GH (supposedly running the hospital!) for over a year and a half? I think if you added up all of the shows in which she actually had scenes, it would be a week and a half.  

Edited by Asp Burger

So much for Valerie's "Ted Bundy was a nice-seeming guy" speech, and then she GETS OUT OF THE CAR with a man she doesn't know. Good grief.


Yes, Julian. Hooray for Crimson tanking and you can fire a bunch of people right before Christmas. What a peach.


Olivia semi-crashed her DIL's lunch and then crashed her baby daddy's lunch in one episode-that must be a new record for her in lack of boundaries. Hey dumbass, Alexis is not "putting you in your place" by gently and kindly mentioning boundaries privately, one-on-one. Her "joke's on you" and "we'll see about that" attitude is just ... gross.


Seriously. Why was Olivia so obnoxious to Julian and Alexis? She doesn't want much to do with either in the first place, so she barges into their lunch to show them holiday sweaters? So dumb. And pointless. Get your own life, Liv.

  • Love 7

Honestly the only person I feel would have right to go postal on just about everyone in that dang city is Robin.  It would be not miss TV, for me, if she came back to PC and just went off on everybody she came across, starting with her mother (whose mistakes back when she was a double spy Robin is still paying for).  Then she can free Matt from prison on her way to saying peace out.  And yes is still galls me that Matt is in prison for killing Lisa and Patrick doesn't seem to give a hoot in Hades.  He should be tirelessly working to free him since Matt finally got rid of that menace once and for all.

  • Love 5

Haven't watched since August but Liz should have responded: "Since people still talk to you after that lies you've told and the shit you've pulled, I think I'll be okay."


I still maintain that Liz's response to any grief from Carly re: this Jason situation should be..."Oh please, bitch, you would have done the exact same thing."

  • Love 13

Haven't watched since August but Liz should have responded: "Since people still talk to you after that lies you've told and the shit you've pulled, I think I'll be okay."

I would have loved that. However, Carly didn't say that to Liz, she said it to Sonny, which is actually an even bigger WTF. Those two sitting and judging Elizabeth is just ridiculous.


I still maintain that Liz's response to any grief from Carly re: this Jason situation should be..."Oh please, bitch, you would have done the exact same thing."


I have been thinking that same thing! If anything, Carly's just mad she didn't get to him first.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 7

Haven't watched since August but Liz should have responded: "Since people still talk to you after that lies you've told and the shit you've pulled, I think I'll be okay."


Really.  Any time Carly says anything like this, people should be like "Um, Michael eventually spoke to you again despite that whole 'accomplice after the fact' to his father's murder thing." 

  • Love 12

The thing I really hate the most about Elizabeth, besides the lying, is that she always uses her boys. I hate agreeing with Carly but I was so glad she called Liz out on breaking her own kids hearts. "Oh my kids are heartbroken" Shut up bitch, you did that yourself. As soon as a guy tries to leave her she throws out the "what about the boys". She did that to Lucky all the time.

  • Love 13
Exactly! Then Carly saying Liz will be lucky if anyone ever talks to Liz? The show just needs to stop. Liz deserves consequences for the lie, but they are laying it on thick with this whole, town pariah thing.



Is she really being treated like a town pariah though? This whole reveal has been so bland and uninspiring that I assume most people don't even know yet that Elizabeth lied about knowing who Jason really was and kept it from him. And the only people she's really had confrontations with is Jason and Carly today. She went off on Diane like a nut while Diane calmly looked at her like she was a nut and said nothing. 


We've seen no reaction from Sam so we don't even know whether Jason has told her she was right and Elizabeth admitted it. The writers would have to care about Monica to give her a point of view in all this. Sonny made some comment about what she did was awful to Jason and Carly but he hasn't had any confrontations with her.


And she still has no-neck Nikolas in her corner. So who exactly is treating Elizabeth like the worse human being ever and the town pariah? The only real consequence Elizabeth has suffered because of this is Jason leaving her which um, yeah kind of understandable since she's been lying to the man for almost a year.


And while yes Carly has no room to talk EVER about anyone doing ANYTHING, I did like how quickly she shut down Elizabeth's manipulative bullshit of how her three boys will be so confused and hurt and unhappy and alone this Christmas. Carly was right - she made her boys get attached to Jason knowing the lie she was harboring so that's on her and how freaking gross to use her kids to further justify her bullshit. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 12

I don't think Liz is being treated like a pariah.  Her BFF didn't even bother to confront her about her lies even though said lies screwed with his life too.


 He couldn't care less. He kept telling Sam that he didn't think Liz could be that deceptive, but Liz keeping Jason's identity a secret was a win-win for him.


I don't think Patrick even knows. He's focused on Emma right now.

The accusation is out there, because Sam told him; when he learns, it won't matter, because I think the show is going to focus on his exit, so it will be Robin he'll be thinking about.

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