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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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So the show spent 18 months relaunching one of the most annoying fanbase wars in soap history? I hate fanbase wars under any circumstances but I really hate them when a show purposely fires them up in hopes of adding interest to lame writing.


This fucking show.


Can it really be a re-launch, though, when one side of the women involved is completely batshit?

Not really. Because the fact remains, when it got down to the nitty gritty, Jason ALWAYS tossed Liz aside. And that had zip to do with people being against perpetual victim Liz, and the fact that, when it comes down to it, Jason just isn't that into her.


If he did, it wouldn't matter what "everyone else" thinks.


And just to clarify, I hate Jason and also have no use for JaSam, so the above argument has zip to do with that part of the equation, either.


Not strictly accurate. When the show first started to try and get Liz and Jason together (back when Yeller McYellerson took over the role of Lucky and tried to turn him into some "warrior" who could be Jason's equal in hand to hand, which was a fucking joke), it was Liz who dumped Jason. Or rather, pretty much turned away from him, to try and recaputure the love with Yeller.


Then, like it or not, Jason did love Liz around the time that Jake was conceived. And if not for that Stupid Little Shit getting shot in the head, he and Liz were going to try and make a go of it.


Since then? Yeah, Jason and Liz was not going to happen.  And this last time, before he was killed, it was Jason who led Liz on, making her think that something might happen between them, because he was being an ASS about Sam and the possibility that the baby she carried wasn't his; up until the last minute, when Jason decided Ewen wasn't good for Liz, and then the show made him UBER EVUHL. And then, then, Jason kissed Liz and I can't recall what he said, if he said anything, which led to Liz thinking that maybe this time they could make a go of it. But at the last minute, Jason said, no, nothing was going to happen.  I lay the birth of Liz's latest delusions all at HIS FEET. 


ETA: or what tallyrand said so much more succintly.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I laughed during the Liez/Jason scenes. Her desperation is gross and I'm surprised she didn't latch onto his leg and start humping him as he walked out the door. Diane should have slapped her 18 times until that crazy bitch calmed her delusional, pathetic ass down. Her whining about people always being against her was such bullshit. Who are these people who made it their mission to keep her from being happy? Shut the fuck up.

  • Love 12

Since when has Diane not liked Liz?  I guess it really does take a village to prop Jasam. 


I don't think she had any particular attitude towards Liz besides her usual dismissive superior one she usually has towards everyone. Liz is the one who started going on about how they were all against her.


I hope Curtis isn't Jordan's brother, because while I don't know if I definitely want them to be a couple but that would be a waste of hotness if they DEFINITELY couldn't go there.


Valerie *is* pretty, but that picture of her wasn't really showing it, so Johnny being impressed by it was a bit much, but plot point I guess anyway.


ugh, why is Lulu talking about getting back to her husband when, as she succinctly put it, he has a mistress right now. Also I like Johnny but he can keep his shirt buttoned.


I hate that Tracy is getting snowed again. Especially since she looks so awesome.


Oh jeez, ensign mayo can't even say Crimson right.

  • Love 6

Oh, I forgot. *puts on fangirl hat* Dear writers, the episode in which Lulu and Dante got married AIRED on Dec 23, but they got married on the 24th. They stated during the actual episode that it was Christmas Eve about a billion times.


Johnny: There's no way I'm going into Carly's house.


Okay, it's not for the reason it sounds like, but it's still funny.

Edited by ulkis
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I don't think Lulu did anything particularly crazy. Particularly vengeful, yes, and she's not in the right for doing it but it's not crazy to want to hurt the woman who is sleeping with your husband. Lulu saying "payback is a bitch" was typical clunky soap exposition, like Curtis taking out the gun he just stole as soon as he stepped out of the friggin PCPD.

  • Love 7

NGL I actually really enjoyed this episode.


I loved all the Tracy/Monica/Paul scenes. Of course they're basically ruined by the fact that Paul is a heinous person and fucking Ava for no reason at all but still. The fact that Tracy is getting duped again is so annoying, but not surprising. Plus I (sadly) always love the characters that get the most fucked over anyway. Also, Tracy was looking beautiful today.


I love Curtis idec. The man is fine as fuck. And I think the actor is pretty good. I really hope he isn't Jordan's brother because, as ulkis said, it would be a real waste if they can't at least fuck once. The hotness there needs to be seen.


I love Johnny but I could've done without him walking out shirtless. That was just stupid. Still super into Johnny/Lulu. Great chem there imo.


Oh now Valerie's at the top of her class. And they had to have Johnny talk about how beautiful she is. I can't. This is like Sabrina all over again, but even worse somehow.


Nik's "OK" or whatever when Jake came up to him cracked me up. And that was a pretty good punch. I'm SO over Jason though like I can't. Please let that pilot BM is rumored to have shot be picked up!


I have a shirt that looks just like the one Dante was wearing today lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

Also, Tacy was looking beautiful today.


I am seriously struck anew each time she appears at how good JE/Tracy looks. Hopefully she never goes back to the buzzcut again.


Please let that pilot BM is rumored to have shot be picked up!


It wasn't. :(


I have a feeling that when Johnny and Lulu's evul plan comes out, Dante is going to assume they were screwing on the boat the whole time anyway so she might as well take advantage.

  • Love 3

I know. As you would phrase it peach, so many beautiful dreams dead. :(


Dammit! So we're stuck with BM/Jason. Fuck!



Same! She has just been so striking lately. She needs to keep her hair this way for sure.



This is where we are: our only hope for decent storytelling or just an end to horrible storytelling is for the actors involved to leave. 

  • Love 6

I liked Jordan's dress. She looked great in it.


LOL at Valerie's "Golly, my married boyfriend is dreamy" look as Dante left the PCPD. 


I liked that Diane didn't rise to Liz's bait. There's no reason she should, but the show loves it when women snark at one another.


Of course, that goes out the window tomorrow when Carly lights into Liz again.

  • Love 5

Seriously, again with the clothes sniffing?  Poor Becky, having to sell this shit.


And Liz is definitely off her fucking rocker.  Everyone was always against her?  Bitch please, you were hardly an afterthought to most of them.  Especially DIANE of all people. 


LOVED the 7 month dig from Jason.  And I really wish he had pointed out that she didn't find out about Jake until 2 months after the Nurses Ball....so she didn't keep the secret because she and Jake needed Jason more....she kept it because SHE needed him more.  


We better get some sort of Sam/Nikolas confrontation.  I want her to really unleash in his ass. 

  • Love 16

And Liz is definitely off her fucking rocker. Everyone was always against her? Bitch please, you were hardly an afterthought to most of them. Especially DIANE of all people.

I haaaate that she has this POV that her and Jason would work but everyone hated them together. Like, wut? When was their relationship ever about Jason's friends or family keeping him from her?

  • Love 6

I haaaate that she has this POV that her and Jason would work but everyone hated them together. Like, wut? When was their relationship ever about Jason's friends or family keeping him from her?


I think the *only* one she has a valid point with is Carly....but she was never the reason Liason never worked out.  She was definitely against Liz, but she hardly counts as "everybody".

  • Love 6

See, I've gotten the sense that Dr. Maddox is earmarked for Anna.


I actually wouldn't be surprised if Curtis and Dr. Maddox were related.

Hmmm.  Then this makes me curious as to why Jordan seems to revile Curtis as gagworthy.  The key though is that Curtis called TJ his nephew.  So if Curtis is related to Dr. Maddox, it must be in a way that doesn't exist with Jordan.  Maybe Curtis, Dr. Maddox, and TJ's dead daddy are siblings.

Edited by Syndicate
  • Love 1

I think the *only* one she has a valid point with is Carly....but she was never the reason Liason never worked out. She was definitely against Liz, but she hardly counts as "everybody".

Exactly. And, yeah, Carly didn't like her, but Jason has always done his own thing, regardless. It's just odd. Everything out of Liz's mouth is pure jumbled history that never happened and it's so frustrating.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Johnny: There's no way I'm going into Carly's house.


You forgot the "in hell", no way in hell. Best line of the show. Johnny, I think I love you.


Curtis is unbelievably hot and he can actually act. So can we get rid of Nathan now? Save a tree? I agree that it would be a waste if he is Jordan's brother, which it sounds like he is. I'm not sure who they are going to hook Jordan up with. She's been alone for long enough. Maybe that hot day player bartender that cut Kiki off that was holding Nik back today?


Could Liz be any more pathetic? I was embarrassed to look at her.


And I can't look at Dante anymore, not because of what he's done, but because I hate his hair. Like an unhealthy amount.

  • Love 3

So these last three or so eps are the first I've watched in full (on Hulu) in months. Real convenient for Jordan to talk about "putting her regrets in the past" when as far as the world knows her last one shot a woman in the brain. I still don't take her seriously as a cop let alone the Commissioner of the damn Po-lice.


Why is Nikolas wearing a Grandpa coat? Like Judd Hirsch. The new Independence Day sequel trailer makes me expect Nik to bust out with "you'd all be ded if it wadn't [sic] fuh my Day-vid!"


When Liz came out of her house to ask Jason if he was "coming home" and he just sighed and walked out of frame I thought he was literally leaving and I cracked up.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

Well this was a very "Monday" episode.


Jane is gorgeous and glorious and it angers me greatly that yet again they are setting Tracy up to be humiliated and hurt by some low life cretin.


I have always liked scenes with Monica and Tracy together so I did enjoy their banter as usual, I just had to tune out the utter tripe and nonsense the scenes were about.


Johnny can do me a solid from now on by keeping all articles of clothing he wears buttoned, fastened, closed and snapped. At least he's toned down the accent.


Lulu and Dante...need couples' counseling, that's all I got. Well that and also separate therapy sessions as well.


Bless her for trying, but despite Becca's best efforts Hayden remains useless, wasted space to me. I just don't care about anything to do with the character.


I loathe Jason but it was nice seeing Nik get slugged. After being such a smug asshole, especially considering Sam and how he's been so dismissive and uncaring about her pain and grief, he more than deserved it.


Liz is just two candied nuts short of a fruit cake at this point. She's is ready to snap, crackle and pop without question. 

  • Love 3

I actually would prefer it if Curtis was Jordan's brother. They had a nice antagonistic chemistry that could translate well to squabbling siblings. Mostly I'd prefer it because if he isn't Jordan's brother, he's more than likely TJ's "father's" brother and I'd really prefer it if Jordan finally got a love interest that wasn't that guy's best friend/pseudo-brother or actual brother.


I am liking Curtis. He's funny and his acting feels very natural. I love how he just ran with Hayden's cover story and made it believable.


Liz is so delusional and gross. Another day of her sniffing Jason's clothes like some pathetic loser. I loved how she tried to lecture Jason about how wrong it would be for him to leave her if he still loved her. I wish Jason could throw it in her face how she dropkicked Ric without even a second glance for doing the exact same thing she did to Jason.


And as mybabyaiden pointed out it's such crap that Jake and her needed him more. They didn't even know Jake was alive when she started this.


I loved that Diane didn't rise to her bait. Liz was once again playing the victim. "Jason doesn't want my love." Sweetie, don't leave out the part where he doesn't want it because you lied to him for almost a year.


Ugh, Dante is just...it's sad what's become of him.



I want her to really unleash in his ass.


I don't really think Sam has the proper equipment to do that. ;) Sorry, I had to. My mind is a very dirty place.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
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Becky Herbst is doing a great job with it, but "Now get out of my house!" just doesn't carry much weight when the other person has literally been standing in the front doorway, half in and half out, for the entire confrontation, and has tried to leave about three times. The writing is kicking the character when she's down. 

  • Love 6

I think the actress who plays Jordan has lost some weight--maybe 15-20 pounds. She's really tiny now.


Lulu, I didn't like you before (as spawn of Luke, she irritated from the get-go). Now that you are being vindictive and apparently plotting harm to another human being, that's the last straw. I hope it backfires for Lulu AND Johnny. Johnny is running from the law, and yet he has the boldness to attempt to harm or harass a police officer-in-training? If he threatens or scares Val, she will be able to identify him, and police will know that he is back in town.

Ugh, Dante is just...it's sad what's become of him.


I was actually okay with him today. He didn't return Valerie's smile and I really think he wanted to tell Lulu about Valerie and Rocco before Olivia did, although he stupidly underestimated how fast Olivia would move. I didn't hear what he said to Jordan though so maybe their conversation would have pissed me off, heh.

  • Love 2

Dante seems to be drifting as if he has completely lost interest in life. I would like to see him come along and knock johnny out of the park for whatever that guy plans to do to Valerie.


I don't understand why Valerie got out of the car to chat with a perfect stranger in the woods. She should have had the doors locked and her cell phone (or police radio) ready.

  • Love 1

I kind of liked Carly/Todd, but Carly/Franco was disgusting, which is weird because Franco and Todd have the exact same personality, just different backstories. And every time someone mentions that Carly and Johnny were together, I think, "no they weren't, wait ... oh yeah. But why?"


Carolyn Hennesy is so great. She played that scene exactly right, starting out annoyed/amused by Liz's nuttery but willing to take it since she was on the clock so Jason was going to have to pay her to listen to that crazy-talk, and then as it went on, showing just the slightest hint of concern for how unbalanced Liz is. But not concern as in her actually doing anything about it, just general concern because another human being is going off the rails, which is completely in character for Diane. She DGAF about Liz and only cares about Jason as a client; she doesn't care at all about his stupid romantic life, so Liz giving her the Manson lamps and being all, "well, you won. YOU ALL WON!" is extra ridiculous. Diane cares about money, winning her cases, shoes, clothes, Max, and expensive wine, pretty much in that order.

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