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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I hate it. I hate it all. I hate everything and everyone.


I just fail to understand what point there is to have built up "new" Jason and his reveal and then have the end result be so...crud laden nonsense to the highest power.


Ye gods! I just couldn't between Laura covering up for her pathetic offspring and then watching Nik (with stupid hair soon to rival Patrick's) sweat bullets as Alexis bemoaned her daughter's "pain and suffering" and then watching Patrick attempt to out piss Jason and mark his territory around Sam like that is going to do any good (fat chance mullet boy) and then Jason being Jason, smug and a total jerk nobbin, not to mention Carly and Liz going at it over that loser for the millionth time...


They really must be preparing for this show's cancellation, that's all I can think of to explain why all this horribleness keeps happening.


No one gives an almighty shitball anymore, and I am talking the writers and the actors at this point. 


The Nina gets a makeover and...I am supposed to care? Her "transformation" was meant to move me to what? Want to change the channel all the more quicker? Because it worked, show! Success for the slaggards! And really? Julian being so "knocked over" by her "previously undiscovered beauty"...? Disgusting and gross.


NotDeadButShouldStillBe Jake is like the turd in the punch bowl whenever he appears on screen to me. Just an unpleasant experience every single time watching him "act".


Jason's whining and "woe is me" act now that he actually got what he kept crying about, his true identity, makes me want him dropped into cement shoes and pushed back into the harbor. Frankly at this point I don't see much difference between what Billy is doing and what Steve probably would be, except he'd talk less which in this case I'd actually be all for, because the lines they're giving Billy are straight out of the garbage, imho.


They're making Jason sound and act like some petulant child who won't let anyone "tell him what to do" and who cares if he has a wife and kid and former life, he "doesn't wanna think about it cause it's all hard and complicated and stuff and it makes his head hurt so there". Ye gods! I need someone to just slap him real hard, and then do it again, and then again, and then again, and then again...


If only one day someone would behave towards Patrick the way he behaves towards others. Oh wait, Sam is and his sad little ego can't handle it, what a surprise.


At least Sam stood up for herself (a little) for once. Now if only she'd tell both Patrick and Jason to suck a raw egg and just take her kid and decide to be single and unattached to self serving jerks for a while, that'd be nice.


Someone, please, kill the SERIAL KILLER. Is it Roger's choice that the character now look like a homeless guy? And he doesn't even seem to be present anymore, I think it's generous to say he's sleeping-walking through his scenes at this point.

  • Love 9

then watching Patrick attempt to out piss Jason and mark his territory around Sam like that is going to do any good (fat chance mullet boy) and then Jason being Jason, smug and a total jerk nobbin, 


The Nina gets a makeover and...I am supposed to care? Her "transformation" was meant to move me to what? Want to change the channel all the more quicker? Because it worked, show! Success for the slaggards! And really? Julian being so "knocked over" by her "previously undiscovered beauty"...? Disgusting and gross.





To be fair, Patrick walked up to Jason in a confrontational manner, telling him it's good he's "finally" divorcing Sam and that Jason should move on'/quit being a distraction to Sam ... all of a few days? A week? after his identity reveal. With Patrick's attitude, you'd think Jason and Sam having things unresolved between them had been going on for many months or years.  What Patrick is really reacting to is the obviousness that whatever 'love' Sam feels for him, it cannot compare to the depth of love for Jason she's been holding onto since Jason got shot and went into the harbor. IMO Patrick totally deserved/earned Jason's reaction today.


It didn't seem to me like Julian was attracted to Nina/thought she was stunningly beautiful at all. He believes she's an incompetent nut job, so to see her suddenly in an expensive-looking dress and wearing so much makeup like she's trying to be Kate Howard representing Crimson in the fashion world was a shock. He couldn't actually say "WTF is going on here" aloud and didn't want to engage with Crazy, so he just stammered a bit and left with the report.

  • Love 4

To be fair, Patrick walked up to Jason in a confrontational manner, telling him it's good he's "finally" divorcing Sam and that Jason should move on'/quit being a distraction to Sam ... all of a few days? A week? after his identity reveal. With Patrick's attitude, you'd think Jason and Sam having things unresolved between them had been going on for many months or years.  What Patrick is really reacting to is the obviousness that whatever 'love' Sam feels for him, it cannot compare to the depth of love for Jason she's been holding onto since Jason got shot and went into the harbor. IMO Patrick totally deserved/earned Jason's reaction today.


It didn't seem to me like Julian was attracted to Nina/thought she was stunningly beautiful at all. He believes she's an incompetent nut job, so to see her suddenly in an expensive-looking dress and wearing so much makeup like she's trying to be Kate Howard representing Crimson in the fashion world was a shock. He couldn't actually say "WTF is going on here" aloud and didn't want to engage with Crazy, so he just stammered a bit and left with the report.



I wasn't saying Patrick didn't deserve it, I hate Patrick so the more people go after that smug ass all the better as far as I'm concerned. My point was that his efforts, imo, are pointless, childish, and ridiculous for a grown man.


He couldn't win Sam's heart over Jason's ghost, the fact he is so desperately trying to make something still happen now that the man is in fact alive? Patrick deserves every bit of misery raining down on his stupid mullet hair covered head.


And I know Julian wasn't exactly mesmerized by the Nina as if he was thinking she'd be good to take to bed next or anything, but I just thought that entire sequence was dumb. from her weird "taking control" nonsense and Julian's "Guh...duh..." response.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 1

Maxie looked good with her trim figure in that dress, but her elf ears spoiled the effect and kept me giggling. She needs to do her roots already and keep her hair down. Nina's soliloquy about how she was a changed woman (as she recited all her unfortunate past, from womb-snatcher to mental inmate, etc) fell completely flat. I hope she does invest all her money in Crimson and it still fails, taking all her money and Franco's interest with it.


Carly was the worst ever, threatening Liez and actually guilting her into giving up her engagement hold on Jason. Liez had so many good points to score over Carly, yet Liez won that battle and lost the war. I hate to see Carly get the slightest win or satisfaction at any time. She even admitted that although Liez's child had given a transplanted organ to her child, she was still wishing the worst future for Liez. And Carly was actually arguing that Jason should have his hitman career back again, because it was "exciting" and he "is good at it." She has completely lost her sense of reason to say that! Carly was created in  the same mold as Helena Cassadine, because both enjoy hurting and manipulating others so much, which serves their pride.


At last Laura is realizing that in keeping the secret about Jason's identity she is now in over her head. She acted with good intentions, but has become enmeshed in the hurtful plans and acts of the less noble people around her.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 5

If the show never mentioned Carly's near-marriage to Franco ever again I wouldn't mind it if, and only if, Carly never judged Franco again. She could politely remain silent while the rest of the town judged but she invited him into her bed, forced her entire family to accept him and then was too stupid to realize that a) telling him Sonny shot AJ wasn't a great idea and b) thought cheating on Franco (who she "had to marry" so he wouldn't tell about Sonny shooting AJ) wouldn't have any negative consequences. 


Let us not forget that she is the woman who got so aroused hearing the tape of AJ's death that she and Franco had to do the nasty right away, in Spinelli's apartment, if I remember correctly. She shouldn't be criticizing anyone. about anything.

  • Love 13

For some reason I felt the need to re-watch today's episode. On second viewing, I'm surprised by how much I like the Maxie/Nina dynamic. The makeover montage fell a little flat, but the interaction between the two is fun to watch. I've never been a big Nina fan but I do like MS and think Nina and Maxie could be fun to watch, especially if Nina invests all her money and shows up Julian. 


I'm someone who can easily separate the actors from the characters, and I've always thought BH is quite beautiful. Her skin is amazing. But since Jason's reveal, Liz's smug, bitch face expressions (especially what she does with her mouth) are making her (Liz, not BH) strikingly unattractive. it was glaring today in her scenes with Carly (though much of what she said was true). I hope the show finds a way to redeem Liz after this story is over.

  • Love 5



. And Carly was actually arguing that Jason should have his hitman career back again, because it was "exciting" and he "is good at it." She has completely lost her sense of reason to say that! Carly was created in  the same mold as Helena Cassadine, because both enjoy hurting and manipulating others so much, which serves their pride.


Carly never had any sense of reason, beginning with SJB's version of the character. She's still the same trash as she always was, only over the years she's gained wealth and 'power' due to the men she's married and the partnership with (her now ex) Jax in the Metrocourt.  She's not even fit to lick Helena's evil shoes. Helena's schemes are way beyond anything Carly could imagine or pull off, involving a lot of money, planning, and being on top of details (Aiden's paternity test, Jason's info in the criminal database) so others can't find out the truth and mess with her intentions. Carly is a pathetic, small-scale, not so bright bad girl. 

  • Love 8

I think I suffered a rage blackout from todays show.


Listen.  I love that Carly "seems" to be team Sam, I won't lie.  But it won't last.  The second JaSam are back together and Jason puts Sam first, Carly will go back to cat fighting with Sam.  She just can't help but be a hypocrite, it's her only setting.   I wanted to love what she was saying, but coming from Carly?  No thanks.  And wtf is up with this piss poor lack of continuity?  Jason didn't die not knowing Danny was his because of what Liz did.  That was all Heather.  And how the fuck does CARLY know what Liz did?  Last I checked, Jason was the only one that knew, and he died like a day later.  And I doubt Liz broadcasted it.  So I am still wondering how the fuck Sam and Carly BOTH found out about it.  Stupid and sloppy.   


That being said....STFU LIz and take your stupid smug lying face with you.   You are GLAD that Jason is gone??  So much for the EPIC love you both shared.  And I don't buy for a second that her giving back that ring is sincere.  She is trying to play the victim like always.  I just can't wait for this lie to finally be outed.  I need this bullshit to end, and for her to maybe get some self respect back.


And Laura is on my shit list.  Telling Sam that Jason is in love with Elizabeth now was a low blow.  Sam didn't just stop loving Jason.  He died.  So rubbing it in her face that he loves someone else now and doesn't remember their life?  I thought Laura was supposed to have SOME class. She can fuck off and die and take her disgusting son with her.


And Julian.  Really?  Letting FRANCO threaten you??  That's the asshole that raped (yes I still consider it rape even if the actual act never happened) your daughter and made years of her life hell.  And you sat there like a fool and took it.  So you can fuck off and die too.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 14

First off, Nina's & Michele Stafford before & after didn't look much different. Isn't she a little old for a Pretty Woman montage? Also, she looks like Kaitlynn Jenner. Moving on......Carly is hysterical and so self righteous when it comes to Elizabeth. Jeez! It's bad enough you look like a giant next to her but give the girl a break. Can't she just have her Jason back without having to tell everyone she knew he was Jason all along? LOL!!!

Also, why wasn't William DeVry shirtless today? Does he have a new contract forbidding this? Someone needs to look into this ASAP!!

Edit to add: Genie Francis looks awesome. She's doing a great job. Does Scotty know she's back in town?

Edited by ByaNose


And Julian.  Really?  Letting FRANCO threaten you??  That's the asshole that raped (yes I still consider it rape even if the actual act never happened) your daughter and made years of her life hell.  And you sat there like a fool and took it.  So you can fuck off and die too.


Just reading this and remembering it all is sending me into a rage blackout. Why Julian hasn't killed Franco yet for what he did to Sam is beyond me. He's pathetic.

  • Love 7

I would love it if Maxie used her money grubbing powers for good and told Julian that Kate would want Crimson to continue and he owes it to Kate because he made Kate he is the reason that Kate did and he is protecting Kate's murderer.


I'd love it if Maxie ran Crimson on her own.  She's doing all the work anyway and doesn't need Nina in the least.  And it's long past time for Maxie to grow up and do something with her life.  Sadly, the only reason she has this story is because FV is so stubborn about shoehorning Nina and Franco in somewhere.  Otherwise Maxie would still be jobless, living off of Mac and Felicia and having meaningless conversations with Nathan.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 7

Just reading this and remembering it all is sending me into a rage blackout. Why Julian hasn't killed Franco yet for what he did to Sam is beyond me. He's pathetic.

Does Julian even know how Sam suffered? I'm wondering if Alexis or Sam ever mentioned on-screen talking to him about it, or has Julian ever acknowledged knowing the history? I'm not sure he does - script seems to call for him to treat Franco as a weirdo to be dismissed, as just the boyfriend of crazy Nina.


The writing for Patrick is ignoring his 10-year history on the show, so it's not surprising that Julian doesn't acknowledge the ugly history between Franco and Sam since it happened before actor WdV came on the show as Julian.

  • Love 1

I think I suffered a rage blackout from todays show.


Listen.  I love that Carly "seems" to be team Sam, I won't lie.  But it won't last.  The second JaSam are back together and Jason puts Sam first, Carly will go back to cat fighting with Sam.  She just can't help but be a hypocrite, it's her only setting.   I wanted to love what she was saying, but coming from Carly?  No thanks.  And wtf is up with this piss poor lack of continuity?  Jason didn't die not knowing Danny was his because of what Liz did.  That was all Heather.  And how the fuck does CARLY know what Liz did?  Last I checked, Jason was the only one that knew, and he died like a day later.  And I doubt Liz broadcasted it.  So I am still wondering how the fuck Sam and Carly BOTH found out about it.  Stupid and sloppy.   


That being said....STFU LIz and take your stupid smug lying face with you.   You are GLAD that Jason is gone??  So much for the EPIC love you both shared.  And I don't buy for a second that her giving back that ring is sincere.  She is trying to play the victim like always.  I just can't wait for this lie to finally be outed.  I need this bullshit to end, and for her to maybe get some self respect back.


And Laura is on my shit list.  Telling Sam that Jason is in love with Elizabeth now was a low blow.  Sam didn't just stop loving Jason.  He died.  So rubbing it in her face that he loves someone else now and doesn't remember their life?  I thought Laura was supposed to have SOME class. She can fuck off and die and take her disgusting son with her.


And Julian.  Really?  Letting FRANCO threaten you??  That's the asshole that raped (yes I still consider it rape even if the actual act never happened) your daughter and made years of her life hell.  And you sat there like a fool and took it.  So you can fuck off and die too.

Marry me? I'm getting married in a couple weeks, but I will totally leave him at the altar to make out with you right in front of him while he sobs in the background.

  • Love 13

And Laura is on my shit list.  Telling Sam that Jason is in love with Elizabeth now was a low blow.  Sam didn't just stop loving Jason.  He died.  So rubbing it in her face that he loves someone else now and doesn't remember their life?  I thought Laura was supposed to have SOME class.

She does have class; she didn't bring up Sam throwing herself at her son, Lucky and having an affair with him while he was married to Elizabeth, as well as Sam going to the Spencer home (Laura's) and taunting Liz that Jake was probably dead when he had been kidnapped ... all because of Sam's unhealthy love of/hatred for Jason when their relationship ended. I really wish someone would bring up how things were ugly between Sam and Jason yet again in that last year, until that night they got back together and brought Danny home. Sam doesn't have any high ground when she's pining for Jason while intending to sex up Patrick, and continuing to live with Patrick and Emma as a family.  


Laura doesn't owe Sam a thing. 

  • Love 11

 I really wish someone would bring up how things were ugly between Sam and Jason yet again in that last year, until that night they got back together and brought Danny home. 


I'm trying to picture that conversation. 

Hey, remember that time Franco made you and your husband think he raped you - and then your husband handled it shittily? 


So there! 


  • Love 5

Doesn't Sonny have any reservations or negative feelings about Carly's intense commitment and loyalty to Jason? Is that situation what Liez was sneering at when she referred to the "menage a trois"? Is Sonny just so grateful to have Carly in his bed that he lets her sexually fantasize whatever she wants? It's already well-known and recognized that the Corinthos couple steals away disaffected and "lost" children from other families, adopting them or letting them live chez Corinthos. Is the marital relationship itself also slightly strange, or perhaps "open" in a subtle way so that Carly is free to have "dotted-line" ambiguous fantasy relationships and flirtations with younger studs like Jason?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 3

Someone, please, kill the SERIAL KILLER. Is it Roger's choice that the character now look like a homeless guy? And he doesn't even seem to be present anymore, I think it's generous to say he's sleeping-walking through his scenes at this point.


RoHo has been useless since he started playing Serial Killer. He doesn't even attempt to hide the fact that he's only here for a paycheck. 


And Laura is on my shit list.  Telling Sam that Jason is in love with Elizabeth now was a low blow.  Sam didn't just stop loving Jason.  He died.  So rubbing it in her face that he loves someone else now and doesn't remember their life?  I thought Laura was supposed to have SOME class. She can fuck off and die and take her disgusting son with her.


Laura only cares about protecting her stupid son and her crazy bitch ex daughter in law. At least Nik is her son so her delusions about him and desperation to believe he isn't evil is at least a little understandable to me. It's not cool but I get it. But why is she helping Liez?. Being the mother of her grandchildren isn't a good enough excuse. Is she actually hoping Jiz get a happy ending? Why is she not concerned that an obviously unstable person is raising her grandchildren?  Why is she not demanding that Liez put Dead Now Alive Jake in therapy? If she isn't going to expose Freak #1 and Freak #2 she should at least have the decency to keep her mouth shut and not act stank to/about Hayden and Sam..


I'm getting the feeling that when Liez is finally exposed Jason will still stay with her. That's how much of a stupid pansy he is. 

  • Love 9

It's so weird to watch this show after a long time away. They show Crimson and this nutty woman bopping around and getting a makeover from Maxie, and I'm totally lost. Recast Kate Howard? Rapid-aged version of one of Alexis's daughters? But no, she's "Nina." Okay. Was she supposed to be drunk or was that just the actress's usual way of speaking? 


Some things are constant, though. I still loathe Carly and Sam and their entitlement. Shut up, Carly. I remember you reaming out the Quartermaines for trying to force Jason to remember everything from his past instead of accepting the version that existed at that time, the most wonderful, understanding assassin ever. All she cares about is where she came in and what benefits her the most. I guess Laura Wright does a good job with it, but I couldn't stand this character as far back as 2000.  


And just as bringonthedrama said, what was up with Sam acting like Laura owed her anything? Even though she's right that Laura is keeping a secret of Liz's, why wouldn't she? She and Liz go way back, years before someone at the network decided that Kelly Monaco had to happen on General Hospital at all costs, and we'd get different personalities and forced romances until something worked or the viewers just cried uncle. Does Sam now think even straight women find her irresistible?


I liked almost everyone's clothes, especially what Liz was wearing at home at the end, and Laura's coat.


New guy isn't working for me as Jason. He might be good as some character, but as this one he's...flat. 


I don't even want to read recaps to try to put together whatever is going on with Roger Howarth now being the James Franco sweeps-stunt villain who was always listening to that Adam Lambert song.


Mainly, I just felt there was a lot of dead weight walking around. People I knew seemed checked out. I was shocked to see that Patrick was even still around. Tyler Christopher clearly had a memory lapse when he had to say the name of the guy Sam is with now (Patrick) and they just let it go. He was acting Nikolas like he's bored of it all, rather than like whatever Alexis was worried about was happening to Nikolas. NLG had to carry those scenes. She and Rebecca Herbst were my favorites to watch today, and Genie.


I don't know if I will try to watch more. I almost shut it off when I saw Elizabeth Korte's name as writer. Cockroach.  

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 7

I'm trying to picture that conversation. 

Hey, remember that time Franco made you and your husband think he raped you - and then your husband handled it shittily? 


So there! 


 I was referring to his selfishness and his attitude toward Danny-in-utero because Sam goes on about their great love and "we have a son." She's choosing to ignore the great amount of negativity that has happened in her life as a result of having a relationship with Jason. I would like someone to bring Sam down to Earth by reminding her, hey why do you want someone who once threatened your life, didn't put you first when you were traumatized, and rejected your baby until after his birth?  That's not love!


I could actually respect Patrick a tiny bit for being all about Sam and demanding she divorce Jason if he brought up all that as reasons why he can't understand her wanting to hold on. Franco's name wouldn't even need to come up; it's all about how Jason handles the "worse" in marriage.

  • Love 3

How about if we're going to hold Sam's actions/relationship/hot but memories with Lucky against her, it's only fair to remember the drama between Liz & BOTH of Laura's sons, complete with a "who's the daddy?!" caper between the brothers. Laura shouldn't have any allegiance to either Sam or Liz if we go by past events. Laura should be on the side that's honest and upfront. Love it or hate it, that means being honest & upfront with Sam.

  • Love 7

I don't think they're having Laura make any choices based on how she may or may not feel about either Sam or Liz, but she's supposedly "protecting" her son, Nik, from the fallout due to the part he played in Jason's identity cover-up.


They seem to want to keep Laura in this position of devoted Mommy, willing to sacrifice the truth if it means Nik doesn't face any consequences if he gets exposed for all his lies, not to mention there's also that nasty bit of business of Hayden's attempted murder which he orchestrated, as Liz hinted to her mother-in-law in the beginning when Laura's consciousness was about to get the best of her.


At the end of the show Laura's first move, realizing that Sam is about to put two and five together, was to rush to Nik and warm him;


Imo, her intentions and behaviour all tie back into the misplaced loyalty she believes she owes to Nik to protect him despite all the very. very shitty, criminal, and generally all around sociopath like things he's done and is still doing. even if that means allowing Liz to get away with her bs and also leaving Jason and Sam on the wayside as collateral damage.

  • Love 6

I don't think they're having Laura make any choices based on how she may or may not feel about either Sam or Liz, but she's supposedly "protecting" her son, Nik, from the fallout due to the part he played in Jason's identity cover-up.

They seem to want to keep Laura in this position of devoted Mommy, willing to sacrifice the truth if it means Nik doesn't face any consequences if he gets exposed for all his lies, not to mention there's also that nasty bit of business of Hayden's attempted murder which he orchestrated, as Liz hinted to her mother-in-law in the beginning when Laura's consciousness was about to get the best of her.

At the end of the show Laura's first move, realizing that Sam is about to put two and five together, was to rush to Nik and warm him;

Imo, her intentions and behaviour all tie back into the misplaced loyalty she believes she owes to Nik to protect him despite all the very. very shitty, criminal, and generally all around sociopath like things he's done and is still doing. even if that means allowing Liz to get away with her bs and also leaving Jason and Sam on the wayside as collateral damage.

Then Laura needs to get her triflin ass back to therapy right along with her son, grandson, and ex daughter-in-law. How is she supposed to maintain her mental health when she's covering for everybody? Doc would be the first one to tell her that keeping these secrets is not doing ANYONE any good, including herself. She's throwing away all the progress she made for 2 complete dipshits. Not a good look, Laura.

  • Love 11

I was referring to his selfishness and his attitude toward Danny-in-utero because Sam goes on about their great love and "we have a son." She's choosing to ignore the great amount of negativity that has happened in her life as a result of having a relationship with Jason. I would like someone to bring Sam down to Earth by reminding her, hey why do you want someone who once threatened your life, didn't put you first when you were traumatized, and rejected your baby until after his birth? That's not love!

I could actually respect Patrick a tiny bit for being all about Sam and demanding she divorce Jason if he brought up all that as reasons why he can't understand her wanting to hold on. Franco's name wouldn't even need to come up; it's all about how Jason handles the "worse" in marriage.

Would Sam then get to throw letting Lisa mess with Robin's HIV meds in Patrick's face?

No. Because that shit is part of someone else's marriage. And the only people who get to decide the value of that relationship are the people in it.

Sam doesn't have amnesia. She knows her history with Jason. They were married and they decided to reconcile and raise Danny together - that's where they were when Jason died. It's not for Patrick -and it's certainly not for Luz - to tell her she can't mourn/miss the loss of the life that she chose

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8

 Laura shouldn't have any allegiance to either Sam or Liz if we go by past events. 

But Liz is raising Laura's grandsons, and also has a history with Laura dating back to when Liz was a teenager falling in love with Lucky. Laura has vaguely said that matters to her.  I also agree with CPP83;  Laura has a misplaced sense of loyalty to Nikolas to protect him, at least in part because he guilt-tripped her by bringing up that she abandoned him to the Cassadines as a baby to protect people she loved. 

  • Love 4

But Liz is raising Laura's grandsons, and also has a history with Laura dating back to when Liz was a teenager falling in love with Lucky. Laura has vaguely said that matters to her. 


So? Liez being the mother of her grandchildren doesn't mean she should get a free pass. Where is the line for her? What does Liez have to do before Laura tells her to fuck off? It's not like she's just bed hopping between her sons again. What Liez is doing is heinous. Is perfectly reasonable for Laura to tell her she's acting like a disgusting crazy deviant piece of trash and force her to tell the truth. 


As long as Laura is helping Nik and Liez get away with their shit she can have 1,000 seats. 

  • Love 8

. And the only people who get to decide the value of that relationship are the people in it.

Sam doesn't have amnesia. She knows her history with Jason. They were married and they decided to reconcile and raise Danny together - that's where they were when Jason died. It's not for Patrick -and it's certainly not for Luz - to tell her she can't mourn/miss the loss of the life that she chose

But it would be true to Patrick's character, due to his arrogance, long-term disgust of Jason and his desire to want Sam to put her marriage behind her and marry him rightthisminute. He has already verbalized believing himself to be the better man/right choice for Sam. Bringing up Jason's behavior during the marriage would make more sense than the I love Sam, we're a perfect family, we've both never been happier nonsense he's been spouting after, what, a year together tops?

  • Love 3

Does Laura even know about Sam watching DNAJ get kidnapped? I don't remember anyone telling her. If she doesn't know about that what reason would she have to have issues with Sam? 

I don't know what Laura knows specifically, but a lot of the time on this show someone is told about what's happened off-screen. For example, Laura explaining that Lulu called her to tell her about Luke's past.  I would actually be surprised if Lucky or Elizabeth had not told Laura about the Lucky-Sam affair and Sam's part in Jake/the children being endangered. 

I don't really have a dog in the Liz-Sam fight, but I think Laura feels closer and more mother-like to Liz because of their history. After Liz was raped, she asked to talk to Laura, since she had been through the same thing, and (if the writers are actually paying attention to character and backstory*) I think Laura helping Liz helped them bond, so I can see why she'd still "favor" Liz over Sam.




* I sometimes  often  usually almost always wonder why we bring up character history when discussing  the show since I spend so much time wondering why the writers either ignore it or don't seem to know it.

Edited by rur
  • Love 11

She does have class; she didn't bring up Sam throwing herself at her son, Lucky and having an affair with him while he was married to Elizabeth, as well as Sam going to the Spencer home (Laura's) and taunting Liz that Jake was probably dead when he had been kidnapped ... all because of Sam's unhealthy love of/hatred for Jason when their relationship ended. I really wish someone would bring up how things were ugly between Sam and Jason yet again in that last year, until that night they got back together and brought Danny home. Sam doesn't have any high ground when she's pining for Jason while intending to sex up Patrick, and continuing to live with Patrick and Emma as a family.  


Laura doesn't owe Sam a thing. 

I couldn't have said it better myself! 


Sam thinks that everyone in PC should just bow down at her feet and do whatever she wants or asks. Laura doesn't owe her shit. Laura and Liz are the ones with a history. Liz and Nik are the ones that Laura cares about, not Sam. Sam just can't see past her own little world to understand that.

  • Love 6

Then Laura needs to get her triflin ass back to therapy right along with her son, grandson, and ex daughter-in-law. How is she supposed to maintain her mental health when she's covering for everybody? Doc would be the first one to tell her that keeping these secrets is not doing ANYONE any good, including herself. She's throwing away all the progress she made for 2 complete dipshits. Not a good look, Laura.



Frankly I find it disgusting and completely unforgivable that they're doing this with Laura smack dab in the middle. I am not some super Laura fan by any means, but this nonsense is not a good look for any of them, as you said.


It's vile all the way around, from Nik willing to murder someone just for a company (one he should have easily had the funds to just buy out from the get go), to Liz losing her damn mind and turning into what I am calling a cartoon super villain, and then you throw in Laura keeping these awful secrets, despite knowing the truth is bound to come out and her part in this is both pointless and pathetic.


And even now she knows her grandson, Jake, is trying to keep the secret for both she and Liz and the best she can do is race to the castle to give her precious prince a heads' up. I just can't even. 


At this point I'd forgo giving them therapy and just have someone bash them about their heads for a good minute or so. Knock some sense into them or at least knock them unconscious long enough for the truth to come out.

  • Love 5
I don't think Julian would care.


Julian cares only about Julian. But if he hates Crimson so much, why try to revive it? So dumb.


At least Nik is her son so her delusions about him and desperation to believe he isn't evil is at least a little understandable to me. It's not cool but I get it. But why is she helping Liez?


I don't think Laura can help Nik in this instance without also helping Liz. Liz shouldn't have any reservations about outing Nik if she's exposed—he's the one who told her in the first place that Jake was really Jason.


I also like Laura's white coat, but I'd never trust myself to wear it.


I'd have a permanent stain on it before I made it out the front door.


a company (one he should have easily had the funds to just buy out from the get go)


Money wasn't the problem, it was getting enough Qs to sell him their shares.

Edited by dubbel zout
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But Liz is raising Laura's grandsons, and also has a history with Laura dating back to when Liz was a teenager falling in love with Lucky. Laura has vaguely said that matters to her.  I also agree with CPP83;  Laura has a misplaced sense of loyalty to Nikolas to protect him, at least in part because he guilt-tripped her by bringing up that she abandoned him to the Cassadines as a baby to protect people she loved. 


The boyz. Liz's get out jail free card/s.  Always and forever.


Maybe Laura should feel greater resentment for Liz given their history. That the Liz she mentored would be so damaging to her own boys. But as usual, nothing Liz does stick. She is slimier than teflon.

Frankly I find it disgusting and completely unforgivable that they're doing this with Laura smack dab in the middle. I am not some super Laura fan by any means, but this nonsense is not a good look for any of them, as you said.


Has she even had a single scene with Lulu? With her daughter's marriage in tatter's you'd think she mention her in passing but she is too busy championing her murdering son and her former sociopath DIL. 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 6

I have more of a problem with how Laura is treating Hayden tbh. With Liz and Sam, I feel like I can get it, but I have no idea why she's so OTT disgusted by Hayden. Like your son tried to have her killed, Laura, so maybe take it down a notch.


I know it's against soap rules to defend a newbie against a soap vet, especially a highly popular one, but I swear, watching Laura treat Hayden as the villain in this is making me so damn punchy. Every damn thing she said the other day sounded more stupid, and ooc.


Her murdering, bordering on the sociopathic son is too good for a somewhat scheming woman? And what has Hayden done, really? Nik is the one who wanted to keep all eyes on Hayden and invited her destitute ass  to stay at Wyndemere,  not the other way around, Nik is the one that didnt care about the consequences of Spencer getting attached to Hayden. Most importantly, Nik is the one who HAD A BULLET PUT IN HER BRAIN and left her in a coma over some business deal.


But the problem is Nik's taste in girlfriends? Are you on fucking crack, Laura? You best thank your lucky stars Nik ran in to someone like Hayden who doesn't seem interested in putting his ass in prison for years, because the "nice girl" you want for him would do it in a heartbeat.


Its funny because as much as Laura may say she wants to save her son from himself, all she keeps doing is coddling him, and enabling him and Liz. I hope Hayden raining doom on Nik's sorry ass ends up being more of a lesson to him than that pats on the back and booger swipping coming from his mommy. 

  • Love 10
Was she supposed to be drunk or was that just the actress's usual way of speaking?


At least Michelle wasn't repeating everything twice.  Her contract is up in May or June and she seems to be making an effort now which is more than I can say about those actors connected with the over-long Jason plotline.


FV needs to be fired - STAT.  His expertise is stretching all characters' meme for each episode - to one line - repeated for four scenes.  The editing is atrocious.  There are actually a bunch of decent actors on the show now (except for Sonny, Kiki, Morgan, Valerie, tracey's kid who is so bad that i can't even remember his screen name).

  • Love 2

The boyz. Liz's get out jail free card/s.  Always and forever.


Maybe Laura should feel greater resentment for Liz given their history. That the Liz she mentored would be so damaging to her own boys. But as usual, nothing Liz does stick. She is slimier than teflon.


Has she even had a single scene with Lulu? With her daughter's marriage in tatter's you'd think she mention her in passing but she is too busy championing her murdering son and her former sociopath DIL. 

Well, keep in mind that Lucky has abandoned his sons, again. Laura's lines to Nikolas at Wyndemere indicated she wished Lucky would stay and be a father to his children. She seemed dismayed that Lucky left so quickly because of whatever Nikolas told him. Whatever people think of Liz, she has been the one constant parent in her sons lives, aside from the always off-screen Gram.


I think maybe she doesn't feel greater resentment because when Laura returned the last time, Nikolas told his mother he was pursuing Liz again, but Liz was resisting because of the damage that was done and wanting to be at peace with Lucky. Nikolas was no victim of Liz and Laura knows a lot of the damage done to Lucky in the past was self-inflicted, between the drug abuse and the affair with Maxie. In that last scene between Nikolas and Lucky years ago in Liz's home, Lucky spoke of "broken-ness" between them when he and Liz got engaged again. He did not feel that Liz plotted to/set out to break his heart or wreck their lives by having an affair with Nikolas. And Laura told Lulu during their first scene on the Haunted Star that she and Lucky had a "long visit" in Ireland. I figured that was supposed to mean he caught her up on what all had happened. 


Yes, Laura was with Lulu and Rocco at Wyndemere when Dante showed up. She knows what happened. Then right before Lulu found Dante and Valerie together, she told Laura she was going to see Dante and Laura was being encouraging. I think that's because she believed Dante really loves Lulu and the 4th of July sex was a one-time horrific mistake during not good circumstances in their marriage ... that her daughter and son-in-law really love each other and their son and their marriage could be saved.

  • Love 2

Marry me? I'm getting married in a couple weeks, but I will totally leave him at the altar to make out with you right in front of him while he sobs in the background.

Ok, but as long as you promise to dump me weeks later when I go to save a good friends life and am threatened into doing it.

Listen, I don't think Laura owes Sam a damn thing. But she is being a total hypocrite and it's making me stabby. First, for seemingly having no concern that her traumatized grandson is holding onto this secret....and instead is calling him a liar. And second, for all her grand posturing and high and mighty bullshit to Liz about how Wrong and horrible this secret is....if you are not prepared to do the right thing, than nothing that comes out of your mouth can be taken seriously. Keeping this secret was shitty enough, but now she is actively complicit...running to her gross son and warning him stinks to high heaven of the 800 times Liz has betrayed Jason's trust and run straight to Nik to tattle. And telling Sam, again a woman that JUST found out her hubby was alive and is STILL trying to deal with the fact he doesn't remember her or their life, that her husband loves someone else? Was just unnecessary and frankly just mean. I don't give a fig what Laura knows or doesn't know about Sams past mistakes. I am talking about the disgusting hypocrisy spewing out of Laura's every pore yesterday. It was rage inducing and Laura doesn't have a moral leg to stand on in this one.

  • Love 11

I think what this show needs STAT is an homage to AMC's "Who Killed Will Courtland?" murder mystery with the SERIAL KILLER as the victim. Let's face it, nearly everyone would be a suspect, save Olbrecht, WENEVERCARED, and on occasion, Keeks. Do it up like "Murder on the Orient Express," but make sure that the SERIAL KILLER is most sincerely dead. I don't even care if it takes Alive Not Dead Hells to kill him and then pin it on Olbrecht. It needs to happen. Some scenarios: Sonny keeps quiet about his improved mobility so he can stab the SK and not be a suspect because of the height/angle of the wound. Sabrina kills him as revenge for the prison rape, leave Carrrrrrlos to whisk her out of town and out of PC forever. Nik does it because...he's channeling his grandmama. All kinds of entertaining possibilities here!


On another topic, someone mentioned that Liez sought Laura's counsel after her rape, as Laura had been through the same thing. How could Liez, a relative newcomer at that time, know this when Lucky was unaware until years later, which nearly destroyed his relationship with Luke? Or am I misremembering something?

Edited by TheMediaHo
  • Love 4

Yesterday's show was so inane that I can't even. The only credit I'll give is that Korte drew on years of history in the Carly/Liz scenes, and she's probably the only writer on staff who would/could because she's likely the only writer who KNOWS the history. And while both got some good one-liners in, its still pretty stupid that they are fighting over Jason. 

And it really should be Monica warning Liz and Sam about what could happen if they try to force Jason too hard to be who they want him to be. But I supposed Thanksgiving is it for Monica until sometime late next year.


Oh, JT, I feel you bro. You looked as annoyed spilling out that awful material as I was hearing it come from your lips.  Its hypocritical and unrealistic. Patrick knew Jason was filling for divorce. Why would he push Sam in to it before she's even been served? I guess Robin is the new She Who Must Not Be Named because I'd be all over that. Cause Patrick totally divorced Robin 5 seconds after she came back to marry Sabrina, right?  Except not....Sam totally needs to move back home or to the Metro Court. Get out of that house, Sam.

Given that yesterday was World Aids Day and this week was 20 years since Stone's passing,it would've been nice to see that acknowledged somehow. But I guess they don't want to remind viewers when GH was good and actually addressed real-world social issues. Even Guza's half-hearted attempt at revisiting the AIDS storyline with Scrubs 10 years ago seems like Shakespeare now compared to the current shit.


Genie Francis, Rebecca Herbst, and Kelly Monoco must be absolutely stunning IRL because they look gorgeous even with this terrible lighting. Can't say the same for most of the other actors/actresses.

Edited by AgentRXS
  • Love 3

On another topic, someone mentioned that Liez sought Laura's counsel after her rape, as Laura had been though the same thing. How could Liez, a relative newcomer at that time, know this when Lucky was unaware until years later, which nearly destroyed his relationship with Luke? Or am I misremembering something?

You're misremembering. Lucky found out first, and then he told Liz, then Liz went to Laura. This all happened less than a year after Liz came onto the show.

Edited by ulkis
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