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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Why can't GH come up with the money to do the blondes's dark roots?

I think that's on the actresses, not Hair. It's time-consuming, and as someone who's gotten highlights, I don't blame them for wanting to wait. You sit around for ages. For someone like LW, with hair thicker than rope, she must be in the chair all day.

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FV was big into keeping the blondes very blonde, at least back in the day. Blonde and long.


It could be him at this point, but it was definitely a thing before he and Ron came on board.

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What in the fresh hell is this Dante/Valerie shit? I don't even really know why it bothers me so much since I don't particularly care about Dante/Lulu, together or separately, but I am just full of rage over this shit. It's just offensively terrible.


Can Ava please stop screaming? I can't take it anymore. And Ava/Paul just gets weirder by the minute.


I actually liked the Maxie/Nina scenes. I hate myself for that.

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This show is stupid.

Put it on the list.


I'm long past needing to update my t-shirt inventory.


BTW, here's a cliffhanger for you:


Will Francie die of boredom before Robert X. Scorpio returns.  Stay tuned to find out ...

Edited by Francie
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What in the fresh hell is this Dante/Valerie shit? I don't even really know why it bothers me so much since I don't particularly care about Dante/Lulu, together or separately, but I am just full of rage over this shit. It's just offensively terrible.


Like you said, it's just sooo terrible. Valerie's head falls like 500 feet onto Dante's shoulder instead of just falling back/forward, just for Lulu to pass by? And why would Lulu think that Dante would want a marriage with her but Valerie as his mistress? I mean, I can kinda think why she would think that but then why wouldn't she confront him on that?


This story is just the worst of soap cliches.


I actually liked the Maxie/Nina scenes. I hate myself for that.


It was something different for both of them, which is nice. Although I hate how the Crimson set looks like a fucking tomb now.

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Sorry, I am with Patrick and his anger toward's Spencer's driver. I work/volunteer with kids regularly and I would never, ever leave a child alone if the parent is running late. I will either hand the child to the approved childcare giver, wait with them if the parent is on the way, or take the child with me so the parent can pick him/her from my location (if I knew the parent well enough). Now the driver would have every right to get pissed at Patrick if he was more than 10 minutes without calling if he did wait around because Patrick was being inconsiderate, but the driver just took Spencer and just drove away. At the very least he should have taken Emma along with Spencer. 


I was just coming here to say Nick needs to fire Spencer's driver.  Emma should NEVER have been left alone in the park.  That was beyond negligent. No adult with two working brain cells would do that. Patrick should make a visit to Wyndemere and kick the crap out of Nicholas just for that alone.

Edited by One More Time
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 And why would Lulu think that Dante would want a marriage with her but Valerie as his mistress? I mean, I can kinda think why she would think that but then why wouldn't she confront him on that?



I am only going by recaps mind you but I get why Lulu thinks that Dante wants to have his proverbial cake and eat it, too. I mean, he's done nothing to draw any lines regarding Valerie. He still lets her into their house. He's still fucking confiding to Valerie about intimate details of his and Lulu's life. And this twit falls asleep on the job but he doesn't wake her ass up or shove her head off his shoulder?


Lulu walking by to see this is certainly ridiculously contrived (well, it would be if Port Charles didn't have one street where everything happens on) but it's pretty clear that this is just how Dante behaves with the woman he broke his marriage vows with. At this point, the reasons why he cheated are irrelevant. He's doing nothing to alter his behavior with Valerie while he tells Lulu that he wants their marriage.


Yeah. I can totally see why Lulu thinks the worst of him right now. He's being a tool.

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um, I didn't hate the Lulu/Olivia scenes, although I'm wondering why Olivia has had scenes with Sonny about Dante/Val and not actually with Dante.




She needs time to properly prepare enough pans of lasagna which she will then simultaneously feed to him while also bashing him about the head with one of the empty pans all the while sobbing and asking the Holy Mother where she went so wrong before she then thanks her for giving her such a sweet boy like Dante as she then shows him with kisses and more meat sauce.

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Why can't GH come up with the money to do the blondes's dark roots? Ava's hair looks as god awful as Maxie's.


I've noticed for some time that most of the ladies are getting the same haircut--Show must have only one hairdresser, who knows how to cut hair only one way. Check out Carly's hairstyle...that is where it started. Uneven, uncombed, chunky, in-the-eyes toss-toss-toss the head around. Then notice Anna's hair from the back. And now Ava's. The only way this hairdresser knows from hair is either EXTREMELY unflattering long (Emma, Kiki, Sam, and Ninoo) or the tossed salad haircut, or the white hair with ugly black roots (Maxie). Hairdresser is probably responsible for Patrick's odd 'do too.


Only Jane Eliott, who probably pays for her own hair and clothes, has grooming and fashion sense, looking put-together and perfect for her social status and age.


Oh and let's talk Sam's eyeshadow. Her sockets are so black she looks like she is an abuse victim. With all her tears flowing, she must have found a way to avoid having black cheeks too. With her blouse split to her navel for several days now, it's a wonder that her chest has not become blotched with running mascara.


Edited to add: Did anyone else become very, very afraid when MAXIE offered  to do a make-over on Ninoo to give her the "Edge" look she'd need for street cred as Crimson's chief editor?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Sam leaving to go to Cassidine Island for Jason

I don't think Jason's heading to the island (with his passport that says Jake Doe on it!)   I think he's going to Portland to see Spinelli to ask his help in getting a hold of Helena.  Just a speculation.  

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I don't understand how this show can be so stupid and so boring at the same time. Like, why can't these people just pick one or the other? 



Isn't that like asking Sonny to pick between wearing a condom or remembering where the towels are?


Or asking Morgan to read and write at the same time?


Or having Franco, the SERIAL KILLER, locked away in prison and beaten to death in a riot?


We can't have nice things is all.

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Can Ava please stop screaming? I can't take it anymore. And Ava/Paul just gets weirder by the minute.


MW is trying, but I don't get Ava at all. She crows about getting under Sonny's skin in court and then allows Carly to do exactly the same thing to her.


My mom watched today with me and burst out laughing when Paul grabbed Ava and kissed her. 

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To take another tack on the Dante/Valerie stuff, I have for a long time advocated for Anna Donely to come to Port Charles and learn police work from her namesake so I was intrigued the show started taking Valerie in this direction.  The idea of following a female cadet on a soap learning the trade could be interesting, and a nice counterpoint to all the shenanigans of PC's more dickmitized characters. *glares at Liz*


But just using it to contrive this triangle?  Having Valerie look so ridiculous and unprofessional to FALL ASLEEP?  It is sooo disappointing.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I was just coming here to say Nick needs to fire Spencer's driver.  Emma should NEVER have been left alone in the park.  That was beyond negligent. No adult with two working brain cells would do that. Patrick should make a visit to Wyndemere and kick the crap out of Nicholas just for that alone.

There you go giving Nikolas credit for being a half decent parent, and his employees credit for supposedly being responsible adults. There have been several incidents where Spencer went and did as he pleased, and his driver/ Cassadine staff were never held responsible by Nikolas for letting the little brat get away with stuff. The night of Spencer's birthday party, the staff as well as Nikolas himself left the children alone in a room with burning candles. Nobody, including Nikolas, had any clue the place was on fire until Emma appeared, screaming for help. Patrick saw his daughter appear, terrified. He gave medical assistance until Spencer was taken to the hospital! So why at this point Patrick would ever trust Nikolas or the Cassadine employees with Emma's welfare is mind-blowing, irresponsible parenting in addition to his behavior re: Sam and Robin. Emma's been allowed around the crazy doctor who tortured her mother and tried to kill her grandfather, in Nik's home with his knowledge!! Leaving Emma alone briefly because Patrick was running late (?) is probably the least irresponsible thing someone on Nik's payroll has done re: Spencer, and if Patrick doesn't know that by now (given all the incidents he's aware of that involve Spencer, the staff and Nikolas) I wonder if he has two working brain cells. The anger should be directed at himself for being an idiot.

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The monthly budget probably dwindled down to a decision between peroxide and more grey paint, and the peroxide lost.


Also, there's no free food or water in the budget for actors under the age of 16 and not named Nicolas Bechtel.

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Can Ava please stop screaming?


Better than her crying, if you ask me.



MW is trying, but I don't get Ava at all. She crows about getting under Sonny's skin in court and then allows Carly to do exactly the same thing to her.


My mom watched today with me and burst out laughing when Paul grabbed Ava and kissed her. 


She only let it rage once Carly left. I would have probably done the same thing, if that witch had come to my home and said they'd make Avery forget she ever existed. Carly's such a troll. Oh no, Morgan went to see Ava. He must need a psychiatrist, NOW, never mind the fact that he was a complete rageaholic in regards to everything else.


Yeah, I see what you all mean about Ava/Paul. I just don't feel anything watching them together. They're both very attractive, but it just doesn't translate. Weird. Maura has chemistry with everyone, except him I guess.


The Dante/Val shenanigans are too ridiculous to comment on. Now I'm picturing Lulu saying, "SHE FELL ASLEEEEP?!!" the same way that Rachel did to Ross after he read her 18-page letter (front and back).


If Pip was smart, she'd burn down Sonny's house with him in it and frame him for it.


God, I can already see Thanksgiving at the Jerome's being a total mess. And that horrible anvil that Olivia gave out about nothing ever happening between her and Julian. And what snarky comment did Alexis make to her? I must have missed it entirely.


Kiki. Morgan. God, make it stop. This Franco shit is going to piss me off even more than it already does.


These are the worst sweeps since...the last ones. How utterly and insanely boring.

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The Dante/Val shenanigans are too ridiculous to comment on. Now I'm picturing Lulu saying, "SHE FELL ASLEEEEP?!!" the same way that Rachel did to Ross after he read her 18-page letter (front and back).

LMAO. I never thought I'd say this, but the Scrubs/Lisa storyline was >>>>>>>>> than Dante/Lulu/Val.

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They shouldn't have Carly and Ava in a scene together dressed in the same color.  With their bleached hair, similar hairstyles, they looked like sisters.  Sonny's Sister Wives?


I hate you for putting this out into the universe.

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LMAO. I never thought I'd say this, but the Scrubs/Lisa storyline was >>>>>>>>> than Dante/Lulu/Val.

It is, but I knew I would say that. By the time Dante/Val started the show went into freefall. Plus, the Lisa crap had the good scriptwriters.

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How is it possible that Nina & Lulu never met before today? How long has Michelle Stafford been on GH? Nina has been in the PC Department a millions times, she's been at GH a thousand times, she's been at Kelly's & The Floating Rib a few dozen times, too. I couldn't believe they were being introduced for the first time today.

Edited by ByaNose
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There's also the difference in characters. Val came on the scene as an insta-Spencer who was furious at Luke's awful behavior and blamed him for her mom's death, which outraged Lulu. She immediately developed an attraction to/crush on Lulu's husband. She had no history with these characters, no home, no friends, no job.

Her existence on the show is defined by mother's death, thorn in Lulu's side, and now an affair with Lulu's husband.


Lisa came to Port Charles as a licensed doctor, working at General Hospital, who had a history with Patrick and a lingering attraction to him. She also dated Steven Lars. In the beginning of her storyline, she had some dignity - she wasn't pathetic.. I can't say the same for Val in this storyline. 

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t the Scrubs/Lisa storyline was >>>>>>>>> than Dante/Lulu/Val.

Dante/Lulu/Val would be a little bit worthwhile for me if, say, Lulu comes looking for sympathy and (while Carly is standing within ear shot) Bobbie puts her arm around Lulu and says, "I feel for you, honey - this isn't the first time a Spencer woman has slept with another Spencer woman's husband." Cue Carly's scowl/pout and Lulu shaking her head and shooting Carly one of her 'you're an awful person' looks as she says, "Carly and Tony, right. Ugh!"


So typical that Bobbie should have scenes with her two nieces right now, but Show only allows her to appear to prop her awful daughter. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Fell down laughing today at the thought of Liesl Obrecht Herself getting that required psych vetting that the Board has mandated for potential new employees. Come to that, the whole berg of PC should mandate it for all citizens. So many of them could use therapy!


Oy-- Val falling asleep on Dante's shoulder after he was confiding in her such personal trials as the embryo implantation. Show must have decided that the Lante marriage is dead! So contrived that Lulu saw them immediately. With her ponytail and cutesy dangling earrings, Val looks like a teenbopper on a drive-in date with her boyfriend. I wonder if she wears a poodle skirt with crinolines too.


Lulu's mother-in-law has a point about being a single mother, but in reality, Lulu can barely keep her pantaloons on around Dillon. This will be the final straw.


Looks like Tracy has heartache in her future if she is counting on Paul to keep her bed warm. He's not going to let up on Ava until she gives in. In the meantime, I hope she hooks up with moron Morgan. What a fun farce it will be to see the revolving doors in Ava's bedroom!


Will our Keeks be slipping drinks to herself as she waits on people?


And finally look at our Girl Friday, Maxie! She's all competent now--refreshing and interesting. I'm glad she wants to help Nina and Crimson.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Pip is probably the only person in town who couldn't care less who Sonny is.

PIp :   "yes  I know who you are you are the son of a bitch that got my son killed"


Flips Sonny out of his wheelchair kicks him in the groin and leaves


Now that I would watch

Edited by Fylaki
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PIp :   "yes  I know who you are you are the son of a bitch that got my son killed"


Flips Sonny out of his wheelchair kicks him in the groin and leaves


Now that I would watch


I thought Alcazar had Stan killed? Or do you mean he was killed because he worked for Sonny?

I am finding myself befuddled that everything is roses between Julian and Olivia now. Did I blink and miss the climax of the Baby Leo is alive! drama?


Alexis ran a DNA test that proved Matteo is really Leo. Julian confronted Olivia in the lobby of the Metrocourt. He huffed and puffed and threatened to sue for full custody. Then cooler heads prevailed and within minutes, he and Olivia were best buddies, agreeing to share custody and be civilized parents. That was the whole 'climax.'

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I thought Alcazar had Stan killed? Or do you mean he was killed because he worked for Sonny?

Yep, I meant because he worked for Sonny ("Got my son killed" as opposed to "Killed my Son) either way  always remember


Sonny ruins everything

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My mom watched today with me and burst out laughing when Paul grabbed Ava and kissed her.


I wanna get your mom and my sister in a room together and film them watching an ep. That'd be comedy gold!


To take another tack on the Dante/Valerie stuff, I have for a long time advocated for Anna Donely to come to Port Charles and learn police work from her namesake so I was intrigued the show started taking Valerie in this direction.  The idea of following a female cadet on a soap learning the trade could be interesting, and a nice counterpoint to all the shenanigans of PC's more dickmitized characters. *glares at Liz*


But just using it to contrive this triangle?  Having Valerie look so ridiculous and unprofessional to FALL ASLEEP?  It is sooo disappointing.


Sigh. This. As like with a lot other things on this show, there are good ideas, but they are executed so very terribly. It's just exhausting at this point. And this is exactly why I quit watching all together for years last time.


Better than her crying, if you ask me.


Good point. I'm glad she hasn't cried in awhile. Just let her be evil, show! 

Yeah, I see what you all mean about Ava/Paul. I just don't feel anything watching them together. They're both very attractive, but it just doesn't translate. Weird. Maura has chemistry with everyone, except him I guess.

I think they might actually have chemistry as actors, but the story just isn't working at all so it's hard to tell.

And that horrible anvil that Olivia gave out about nothing ever happening between her and Julian. And what snarky comment did Alexis make to her? I must have missed it entirely.

I must have missed it too because I was like wtf is Alexis talking about, but then I wondered if maybe it was like a meta thing because of NLG's Viola Davis scandal.

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Yep, I meant because he worked for Sonny ("Got my son killed" as opposed to "Killed my Son) either way  always remember


Sonny ruins everything


I think we should print up 1000 of these t-shirts and all make a pilgrimage to the studio wearing them. Maybe then TIIC will pay attention lol!

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I think we should print up 1000 of these t-shirts and all make a pilgrimage to the studio wearing them. Maybe then TIIC will pay attention lol!


There was a time, back when RC was still there, when I seriously considered having tshirts made with all the amazing slogans and then having us take a picture of ourselves wearing them and tweet them en masse at RC. It would've been hilarious!

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They shouldn't have Carly and Ava in a scene together dressed in the same color.  With their bleached hair, similar hairstyles, they looked like sisters.  Sonny's Sister Wives?


Shh!!!  They'll hear you!!  Don't give them any ideas. 


I'm starting to think DZ just completely checked out cause he is sad JT is escaping.



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There was a time, back when RC was still there, when I seriously considered having tshirts made with all the amazing slogans and then having us take a picture of ourselves wearing them and tweet them en masse at RC. It would've been hilarious!

Maybe we could just photoshop shirts and keep posting ourselves in them on the GH Facebook page for some reason it seems TIIC pay more attention to that page than anything else

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Maybe we could just photoshop shirts and keep posting ourselves in them on the GH Facebook page for some reason it seems TIIC pay more attention to that page than anything else


Great idea! Let's do it :)

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