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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I actually think ME gels the best with the cast. Would I prefer him as McBain? Yes. But finally he's in a good story with this shit Silas character. I like the guilt ridden, stressed as hell doctor grasping at straws to right his wrongs and his nephew's death which may or may not been Dr Drake's fault. And yes, someone needs to stand up to Dr Ego Drake and fuck yeah, scenes and a story involving the damn hospital. I'll take Hulk Smash Silas over Schmoopy Silas anyday. I've got a list if you wanna take your anger out on more people, Silas.

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It's hard to find an ICE agent, let alone get one to pay attention long enough to deport someone you are reporting just out of spite.


Particularly when the person in question is a white dude from Australia.  This country's deportation priorities are not white dudes without U.S. criminal records from wealthy nations. 


This is not a political comment.  It's observed reality from working in the field.  The Department of Homeland Security (which runs ICE) does not give a crap about significantly upwards of 50% of the out-of-status people living in this country and would not do anything about it if you personally marched one of these people over to the ICE office and introduced him to the guy in charge.  There are only a couple hundred immigration judges in the entire United States and something like 350,000+ people already in immigration proceedings.  No one would be interested in making Levi 350,001.


This is definitely "soap opera immigration law."  I wonder if this storyline was planned before the recent much-publicized refugee/border crisis.  Given what's going on down South, it seems like a particularly irresponsible moment in which to be misrepresenting the functioning of the U.S. immigration system.


Yes, "soap opera immigration law" at its finest.

  • Love 4
Robin too. He has always been Uncle Mac, but there has never been any doubt in anyone's mind that he did the majority of child-raising. Robert has thanked him for it at least once or twice. Mac IS the best soap-dad!!



Robert and Anna were hands-on, responsible (when not being kidnapped etc.), involved parents from the time Robin came on the show until she was 14. If that can be retconned out into them being absentee parents with Mac doing the majority of her child-raising I wouldn't trust that Mac's title as best soap dad is safe either.

  • Love 2

All the takes of "soap opera immigration law" are interesting and insighful.

One of the many problems I have with this story, is it's Australia. Not Syria, Iraq or Nigeria but Australia. It's not like he's being sent back to a third world and/or war torn country with a despot.

He isn't working. It's not like he has family or loved ones, he'd leave behind. Outside of Maxie, his deportation wouldn't even cause a ripple. He could come back once everything was cleared up & he had the proper paperwork.

All the missing storyline parts & inaccuracies cause the story to fall short for me. It's obvious that Ron wanted to get to a wedding yet the writers spent no time in story building, story development or research. They have an outline but don't know how to connect the dots with real story telling. It is plot point, shirtless scene, camp, shirtless scene, snark, shirtless scene, 30 seconds of decent storytelling, shirtless scene & shirtless scene plot point, plot point.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 5

So the Dunkleroo has a visa problem from a country that doesn't need visas and Maxie is trying to be worthy of seeing her child but lets go protest the reno of a brownstone and get arrested for JUSTICE!  These two maroons deserve each other. Yes I know, it's only a plot point to get them married but the stupid, it burns.


 Patrick and Silas are both upset about the loss of children they gave no shits about until minutes before they were dead. Seems to me they have more in common than they think and should sue the hospital together. Patrick didn't want to do the surgery and said so. He said he was compromised and Dr O ordered him to do it anyway. It's on her AFAIC.  Isn't Silas supposed to be a Doctor? Why wouldn't he know that sometimes patients die? Oh, right, that tricky plot point , again.

"don't know how to connect the dotes with real story telling."



 Hahaha! I read this as "connect the dolts" and it was hilarious snark. Still true, though.

  • Love 4

I pity the fans of Port Charles. RC totally gutted their show. He killed off Amanda, Elizabeth, Livvie (and un-Collinsed her), Rafe Sr, Alison, Caleb (sort of) and now Rafe Jr.


Please don't ever let him near the characters of any other defunct ABC soap. I'm now terrified for the fate of Delia Reid Ryan. She's acting awfully Roxy-ish but I still don't want to see her wind up dead.

  • Love 5
Even if you were a Brenda/Sonny shipper, Lily did give Sonny peace and truly loved him and in the end, I think that is partly why her death meant something even if you hated the character.


We had time to know Lily, and to like or hate her. Also, Clink/Boom! was a fantastic cross cut, no matter how you felt about the characters. Rafe has been a giant plot point from the get-go. And I'm sorry, but a car crash/fireworks cross cut doesn't work. Everyone knows fireworks are for orgasms. All that stuff Silas talked about Rafe doing for him was baloney, since we never saw or heard about it until yesterday. So why am I supposed to feel bad that Rafe is brain-dead? He was a poorly drawn character played by a terrible actor.


I so wanted Silas to throat punch Patrick when he was just standing there not even trying to deny he purposely killed Rafe. I don't think he really did do it on purpose,


Eh, the long pause is a total soap convention.


If Maxie's right hand was cuffed to Nathan's left hand, Maxie would need to be in the driver's seat.  The clutch is most likely on the left.


Oh, you're right. I wasn't thinking that Maxie would have to be in the driver's seat.


Why was Patrick daydreaming during a surgery? Is he insane? I don't think he intentionally made Rafe brain dead but that hesitation during the bleed could have done it.


For idiotic drama. Of course Patrick didn't intentionally make Rafe brain-dead. ME needs an Emmy reel for next year, and this story is it. It's not like he has other chances to emote.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

Ditto to what y'all said about this week.  Just got caught up this morning and wow....the stupid burns to the bone.


I do think:  Nathan & Maxie for the win.  But, yes, Maxie will marry Douche-elman.  Keeping us in our misery for who knows how long.


Patrick didn't kill Rafe on purpose (even tho he was thinking about it) but he was IMO negligent in not stopping the bleed right away.  I hope authorities don't question Piph.


Alice won't be able to tell Michael before she goes into surgery leaving Queen of the Killer Jackets to do her dirty work.  If means more Tracy on my screen I'm down for it.


Yay...no Sonny!

Robin too. He has always been Uncle Mac, but there has never been any doubt in anyone's mind that he did the majority of child-raising. Robert has thanked him for it at least once or twice. Mac IS the best soap-dad!!


Ummm, there's doubt in mine.  If you're talking about the period after Robin turned 14, fine.  But I watched Anna raise Robin, on screen, for 6 years (7, if you count the one year of SORAS-ing).  I'm not denying that Mac stepped in and bore the child-bearing responsibility at that point. And I'm not saying that Robert had no reason to thank Mac for stepping up and stepping in -- he did. But I hate with a passion this Johnny-come-lately re-write that Robert was a deadbeat father.  He wasn't.

I do think:  Nathan & Maxie for the win.  But, yes, Maxie will marry Douche-elman.  Keeping us in our misery for who knows how long.

Taking this to the speculation thread.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 1

You know, in the world of GH, gunshots never leave scars. For example, Dante, who was shot point blank in the chest by Sonny, his father, never had a scar.


He didn't for the first one but they actually did make a scar for the second bullet wound for a day or so lol. Although he actually does have a couple of marks on his chest that looks like old scars/marks. Um, I mean, I've never noticed Dante's chest at all. La di da.


Back in 1997 when Nikolas got shot they actually said they actually explained for once that he got laser surgery or something to cover up/get rid of his scar.

I've always enjoyed how soaps so often have these characters sliced and diced and butchered up in an operating room and yet they hardly slap a band-aid on it for longer than a week or two, and scars? Forget about it.


Sam's belly alone should look like a jagged road map at this point with all the surgeries she's had yet it's still smooth as a baby's bottom. And somehow when someone has brain surgery they never have to shave the area, just wrap their head with a hundred feet of gauze and then call it a day.


Point is, she egged him on, so couldn't she also be held responsible?



One could only hope. I mean really, you're a medical professional, the very idea that you would take time to remind a man trying to do his job as a surgeon that the patient he's working on, attempting to save, "killed" his son, there's just no excuse for that imo. I know a soap isn't the place to expect common sense and logic and professionalism to prevail, but that was just heavy overkill to me.

  • Love 1

I liked Lulu and Maxie - and especially Emme Rylan, today.  There was a natural ease in their conversation that they made it believable that these two have been friends for ages.  Since we mostly see Emme playing Lulu in baby rabies mode, so that alone was nice.  Their scenes were lowkey, their conversation natural


As relieving as it was to escape baby rabies discussion for awhile, I can't agree about any natural ease in their conversation. Someone--a director or an acting coach--told the girls to clip! each! word! off! like! carrot! snips! Although their delivery was better than slurring the dialogue, it came off as mincing, prissy, stiff, and affected to me. Consequently, both seemed smug, like spoiled vain little girls in high school, impressed with themselves.


Lulu continued her pose by confronting Lucas to worm out details of his sex life, and loftily asserted cheeky expertise in giving love advice about a homosexual relationship--because she had been "in a few triangles myself". And after Lulu left, Maxie continued by taking a disrespectful and lying stance to the immigration agent, giving him a high-handed, rude and hard time about Levi. It wouldn't surprise me if Levi called in to report the illegality himself, hoping to manipulate Maxie into marrying him. Rebel Maxie will no doubt fall for such a scheme, giving in to Levi's total power. The agent might even be an actor himself, hired by Levi to put the idea of fleeing with Levi or marrying him into Maxie's head.


Port Charles actually has two brain-dead heart transplant options available: Rafe and Maxie.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2
Poor Sam, with Rafe brain dead, she is going to miss all of that free babysitting.




On the plus side, there'll be no more "Danny boy". Maybe they can play the song at his funeral.


Today underwhelmed me, even though it involved Lucas and Brad. Of course Lucas would walk in on Brad with Felix so this shit fest can drag on and on. Lucas admitted the sex with Brad was amazing, this is PC that's as good as putting a ring on it.


The IEA agent was actually fairly decent I thought, he could have been a good lawyer character, someone to pit against Diane and Alexis. Made me think of Justus...ah Justus, another Q heir taken far too soon. Why the heck couldn't TJ have been Justus' son?

  • Love 2

Wow, Tracy makes Carly seem like she was slow and compassionate about going after organs (Jake and Joss donor storyline), for the sole purpose of blackmailing a physically vulnerable person try to save her own ass. To Alice: "A heart! And you have me to thank for it!" That gleeful look, UGH!


JT and KeMo were terrific together today. I see a strong friendship that could definitely turn into more, their tears got me and that seemed like an emotional friends-with-potential type hug to me. Silas and Nina, BLECH! If Silas is going to be easily manipulated by his "disabled" wife, just walk away from Sam please. The Nina/Rafe scene...yeeeeeesh. They BOTH need to just go away.


I like Morgan throwing Tracy attitude. Go Morgan! She so deserved what he said.


Lulu has confirmed what we assumed - all is forgiven because she and Dante are now happily raising Rocco. *RME*


Glad Lucas walked away; he's too hot for those two repulsive characters.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 2

Morgan giving attitude anywhere is a thing of beauty.


This show is nothing if not predictable. Rafe is a match for Alice! Never would have guessed it! Nina is going to use the botched surgery to come between Silas and Sam! Who'd've thunk? Tracy being less than compassionate about Rafe dying to get his heart! Wow, never would have guess!


I'm sorry, but the more I see them together, the more I want Carly and Sonny back together.  The two deserve each other.  And that goes double for when the secret goes boom.  Did she say something about no one screws with their kids in the preview?  Fine and dandy, as long as she can screw someone who screwed with her kid.

  • Love 3

As relieving as it was to escape baby rabies discussion for awhile, I can't agree about any natural ease in their conversation. Someone--a director or an acting coach--told the girls to clip! each! word! off! like! carrot! snips! Although their delivery was better than slurring the dialogue, it came off as mincing, prissy, stiff, and affected to me. Consequently, both seemed smug, like spoiled vain little girls in high school, impressed with themselves.


I DO have low expectations these days.  Maybe I was impressed because I wasn't automatically fighting a gag reflex. 

That didn't happen to me yesterday until I saw Felix.

  • Love 3

Could someone have put some goddam pants on Levi? Gah. And he wasn't even alone with Maxie. If a government official comes, you don't stand around in underwear that leaves nothing to the imagination. ick.


Morgan still looks hot. That's all I got really for today's show until I re watch for stuff I missed. So I will mention something I was discussing elsewhere about yesterday's show.


So, we've discussed here how the characters have gotten quite generic, especially the more "white hat" characters, so in light of that was another reason I really liked yesterday's Dante/Nathan scenes. They should never give Nathan anything huge to act out, but he's fine as a cop side character. And they gave some of the verve back into Dante's dialogue, and that mischievousness he had, which I appreciated. (although I think obviously Dom had a lot to do with that too, his smile was very playful when he said "Yeah! [you should have come back to the station to get the key]".) Although I do actually wish for once Scott Sickles had wrote the scene - I do think he would have put even more colorfulness in their conversation. Or even Elizabeth Page or Kate Hall who know the character better. Suzanne Flynn is just blah, even though she never really annoys me like Sickles does.

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Kiki is the brave "heroine" who has to be the chosen one to ask Silas if Rafe's heart can be used for Alice?

I assume this is to push a Morgan/Kiki reboot along - he'll be so grateful that she volunteered to convince her dad to donate her brain dead cousin's heart to save his dying friend, The Dominator. I saw that Morgan looked down when Michael sat close to and comforted Kiki today, like we're supposed to see a hint of renewed jealousy. 

  • Love 2

Only thing worth while today was my precious SamTrick.  I love Kelly,  but she has a tendency to sleep walk through a lot of her scenes with Silas (who could blame her).  She was great today with JT, more understated and natural.  They both did a good job with some lame dialogue.  I never lost interest, even though they stretched out a "I didn't do it on purpose" to last the entire episode.


Please Nina, break up Silas and Sam.  I am BEGGING you.  And add Silas as brain dead to the list now, because if he wasn't suspicious of Nina before, the fact that she practically had a mini orgasm when she told him the thing about revenge should have clued him in a little.

  • Love 3

Sam got under my skin again today, especially her prying  rudeness confronting Patrick in the public elevator, demanding to know if he had just let his anger kill his patient, Rafe, because "I have to ask"!! Her tiny pink nose and ears were twitching with curiosity (as I looked for a long pink tail too, switching in excitement) and her beady mouse eyes bored into Patrick's face.


Hospitals have regular "M&M" sessions where cases are assembled on both sides and an official judgment is given for situations like this one. She fancies herself a detective and his friend also, which must have raised conflicting feelings in Patrick when she asked him. Unpardonably rude of Sam. Premature and very unprofessional. And a bad beginning if she wants a romance with him.

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Of course Lucas would walk in on Brad with Felix so this shit fest can drag on and on.

You know Ron doesn't know how to move or end a story. I was surprised that Ron took the Lulu excuse from Lucas. I am also pleased that MS isn't the center of the triangle.

Lucas admitted the sex with Brad was amazing, this is PC that's as good as putting a ring on it.

Sad, but true. Brad calling Felix out on being a prude/cold fish tickled me today because I don't see chemistry sexual or other wise from MS. It was almost like Ron & company were calling MS out.

Levi needs to be clothed at all times. Especially in a long sleeved turtle neck.

Close ups are not a good thing for MSt.

Hahahaha, P3pp3erb1rd. Ron & Co probably don't know what an M&M is (they will think it's the candy) or how to write one. That would require research & skill.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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STFU Maxie.


Why is Brad always kissing someone even after they tell him to go away. Someone needs to beat the shit out of him.


This Brad.Felix/Lucas triangle is bullshit. Why am I supposed to care about who end up with who when 98% of the Lucas/Brad, Brad/Feix. Lucas/Felix relationships have happened off screen. If I didn't know how Ron writes I would just assume they were fuck buddies who swapped partners regularly.


Can the doctors please hurry up and remove Rafe's organs so we can move on to the next stage of this stupid story.

  • Love 1


And somehow when someone has brain surgery they never have to shave the area, just wrap their head with a hundred feet of gauze and then call it a day.


Or in special cases, just a small bandage.



Poor Sam, with Rafe brain dead, she is going to miss all of that free babysitting.


Eh, there's still Molly.  & at least she won't have to worry (yet) about Molly being high while babysitting.  Or there is off-screen Monica, because why have a scene where we see Monica spending time with Danny?



And a bad beginning if she wants a romance with him.


Why would Sam be worried about starting a romance with Patrick?  She's with Silas & has shown zero signs of wanting/trying to cheat on him.

Edited by OnceSane
  • Love 1

`Forgot to say that as usual, the Patrick/Sam scenes were the only decent scenes.



I'm glad Lucas was the one to walk away from this revolting love triangle.  Now on to bigger and better things for him while Felix and Brad continue to do whatever it is they do.


I doubt Ron is going to bring on another gay/bi man so Lucas is stuck with boring Felix and repulsive piece of trash Brad.

  • Love 1

Why is Levi so: pasty yet orange, doughie but has muscles and lacking in eyebrows?  Why does he wear an overly thick Bruce Jenner wig?


Why are all the gay men in Port Charles obsessed with 1980's television shows featuring elderly women?  References of the Golden Girls and Jessica Fletcher from Murder She Wrote were weird coming from three twenty-something men.

  • Love 5
And somehow when someone has brain surgery they never have to shave the area, just wrap their head with a hundred feet of gauze and then call it a day.


Or stick a bandage on their neck, as that's how you get to the brain.


On the plus side, there'll be no more "Danny boy".


I haven't enough gratitude in the world that this is over.

  • Love 4

For the same reason 7 year old Spencer talks like a gay man in his mid 40s.




Why are all the gay men in Port Charles obsessed with 1980's television shows featuring elderly women?  References of the Golden Girls and Jessica Fletcher from Murder She Wrote were weird coming from three twenty-something men.


I'm glad ya'll said this b/c I didn't want to be politically incorrect, but I think a lot of the gay "stereotype" stuff Ron does is offensive and projecting on his part.

It often offends me for my gay friends and I'm not even gay.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 10


Why are all the gay men in Port Charles obsessed with 1980's television shows featuring elderly women? References of the Golden Girls and Jessica Fletcher from Murder She Wrote were weird coming from three twenty-something men.


Isn't it some kind of law that everyone of ALL ages loves The Golden Girls? :P


Just saying, as a 25 year old straight chick, I love older sitcoms/TV shows more than current TV shows overall. 


...Please stop staring at me. I already know I'm weird. :P

  • Love 6


What was with the alarm and the flashing red lights going off? It was so totally random.


I think it was supposed to indicate that Sam was holding up the elevator too long I guess.  I have heard bells go off when you do that in an elevator before, but I have never seen flashing lights.  I thought maybe the po-po were coming after Patrick already.


I don't think Sam was demanding or at all out of line.  Patrick is her friend, and Rafe was her foster kid.  I think out of anyone involved she deserves to know exactly what happened in the OR the most.  Even above Siiiilas.   She wasn't yelling, she wasn't even accusing.   She never raised her voice or made a scene. 


I forgot to mention how gross Brad is.  Does Ron think it's hot to have him continually grabbing people and forcing them to kiss him?  Note to Ron, it's not hot or cute, it's disgusting. 

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 8

I'm glad Lucas was the one to walk away from this revolting love triangle.  Now on to bigger and better things for him while Felix and Brad continue to do whatever it is they do.


If by bigger and better, you mean bi Nate, sign me up!


I'm glad ya'll said this b/c I didn't want to be politically incorrect, but I think a lot of the gay "sterotype" stuff Ron does is offensive and projecting on his part.

It often offends me for my gay friends and I'm not even gay.


As a straight woman, I took real offense to the introduction of Brad, skevvy and blackmailing Michael.  But yeah, he does err on the side of Jack rather than Will with his writing for gay men.  Yes, Felix, I'm looking at you.


Isn't it some kind of law that everyone of ALL ages loves The Golden Girls? :P


Just saying, as a 25 year old straight chick, I love older sitcoms/TV shows more than current TV shows overall. 


...Please stop staring at me. I already know I'm weird. :P


Oh, I loved The Golden Girls, back in the day.  Nothing wrong with that.  But it does skew om the side of sterotyping.

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