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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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. I want 2/3 of the characters to die horribly at this point.

I vote for Sonny and Carly to go first. Michael encourage an immediate honeymoon on the beaches of NC and frolicking in the water. Even better if the "Jaws" music is playing as we see fins heading right for the two of them. Afterward, Michael goes to the Q crypt and says, "Hey Dad, a funny thing happened while Sonny and Carly were swimming and smugly celebrating their own greatness. They were so self-involved that it was too late by the time they reacted. Oh, well. Time to go bring Avery home again."  

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What GH needs? Minions. And no, not Max and Milo, the little gibberish-talking yellow dudes, so when the criminal du jour is bleating about "POWER! RESPECT!...", the minion can answer them back, as deserved, with "BANANA!"


It'd be semi entertaining and more sinister then. (Side note: Sandra Bullock really hammed it up!)

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What GH needs? Minions. And no, not Max and Milo, the little gibberish-talking yellow dudes, so when the criminal du jour is bleating about "POWER! RESPECT!...", the minion can answer them back, as deserved, with "BANANA!"


It'd be semi entertaining and more sinister then. (Side note: Sandra Bullock really hammed it up!)

This is actually an excellent suggestion. The great thing about minions speaking an interesting mix of English, Spanish and French is that S,C,J etc. couldn't figure out that they were about to accidentally get killed. Instead, they would die looking very confused and this would amuse me so very much.

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This is actually an excellent suggestion. The great thing about minions speaking an interesting mix of English, Spanish and French is that S,C,J etc. couldn't figure out that they were about to accidentally get killed. Instead, they would die looking very confused and this would amuse me so very much.


Okay, now I really want this. The visual alone is hilarious in itself.

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So if Michael doesn't go to the wedding, will he at least send a gift?  

Wouldn't it be the sweetest thing if he got ahold of the Avery's paternity test that I think Carly faked and let 'em have it at the wedding?  Because lies are what Corinthos dreams are made of.


Is it my tv, or has something gone horribly wrong with Ric's lips?  They're so dark... his skin is so white....he's in a room with Madeline.....does he have a reflection, or has he become one the UnDead?  Too much Nina and her mom could do that....


Franco is the best thing that's ever happened to Scotty.  I could never stand Scotty before, but now I feel so sorry for him, so very, very sorry.  If only we could all mourn with him as he buried his number one son.....


So now that Julian is out of the mob, is he going to become a personal trainer, or a personal shopper?  


I don't understand why Show doesn't save a few bucks and just replace Morgan with a bobble head doll.  And Sonny.  And Carly.

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What is up with Donald Trump's hair? Helena.

What happened to Amelia Airhart? Helena.

Why was Pluto un and then re-classified as a planet? Helena.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie-pop? Helena.

Is the new U.S.-Iran agreement on nuclear weapons ultimately good or bad for the international community? Helena.

Can Bryan Craig read? Helena.

I'm here all night folks!


It's our version of "Thanks, Obama."

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So help me god, I'm kind of into Carly & Sonny Round #329.

He treats her with so much more respect (or whatever you want to call it) now. And she's less whiny and shrill around him.

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So if Michael doesn't go to the wedding, will he at least send a gift?  


I don't understand why Show doesn't save a few bucks and just replace Morgan with a bobble head doll.  And Sonny.  And Carly.

Yes, according to the GH spoilers in my head, Michael's gift is a few days of North Carolina beach front living (conveniently situated between the two locations where the girl and the boy were attacked by sharks). Replace Sonny and Carly with bobble heads?  Hellloooo, that barware isn't going to throw itself! And those guests in the Metrocourt rooms can't violate their own privacy!

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At this point there is not a single storyline that I give a damm about.




Nina being gaslighted by Ric, who cares.


Sonny and Carley getting married for the eleventyth time, who cares.


Morgan possibly cheating on Kiki with her undead mother, who cares.


Dante cheating with his wife's cousin, who cares.


Tracy dumping Luke for the 128,421 time, who cares.


Lizl lying to Jake about who he really is, who cares.


Damm show, you have to give me a storyine that I could possible care about and you are not doing it now.

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Not me, except an episode or two. Never got the hype and didn't find it funny . Much like Ron's idea of comedy. Commence tomato throwing now.

*sits next to Wendy*

What secrets (aside from Jakeson) could be revealed at S&C's wedding? Maybe Valerie showing up pregnant [/spec], or a change in Avery's paternity. But I can't think of anything else that those two (or their friends/family) would care about. Maybe Brad's secret about his parents? But even that only Lucas (and maybe Sam/Julian) would care. And I'd guess Jakeson's identity would be saved for November sweeps…I just don't know. But I'm willing to bet half of Winston Wolfe's salary that Sonny and Carly marry in September.

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Anyone who was afraid that FV/RC would hire JPP to play a recast of Lucky (or even anyone else) could rest easy for a while. JPP has been hired on Days of our Live to play

the new version of Philip Kiriakis.

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So now that Julian is out of the mob, is he going to become a personal trainer, or a personal shopper?

This so made my day!


Wasn't Kin (Scotty)  a blast today? I wish the Show would give us some scenes of him and Bobbie in the bedroom, and BTW how about Monica and her big Judge boyfriend hitting the sheets? So much more entertaining than the awkward unbelievable bed scene of Dante and skittish virginal Valerie.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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I guess I should be happy that Michael didn't agree to attend the wedding and reminded them both that he's tired of hating them, but that doesn't mean he's going to forget what Sonny did.  That being said, I really wish Michael hadn't been written to forgive Carly.  Even more than Sonny, I wanted Michael to be angry with Carly because not only did she cover up the murder, she also slept with Franco.  Then again, I can't blame the characters if the head writer has no idea WTF he's writing anymore.  I like Michael with Sabrina, but she better not become this character that always tells Michael to "be good."  I can see her telling him that he should go to the wedding.  She better not.  As for Kiki, I fear that RC is setting up a triangle because once Kiki realizes that Morgan has been schtuping her mother, she's going to run to Michael, and as of today's episode, he's going to feel sympathetic.  So what then?  He's going to let Kiki lean on him while Sabrina gets upset?  Ugh!  I don't think I can handle Michael giving a crap about Kiki and/or actually giving her relevance in any great capacity.  Then again, RC is always loyal to his creations. So who knows.  I'd rather Kiki become a crazy stalker of Michael who stoops to crazy things to get him back rather than Michael being the 'good guy' again.  I like Michael as a good buy, but I also like when he can be a bastard.  I like the dark edges, and I fear that RC is going to turn him back into Jason Quartermaine - the perfect, noble son.  THAT'S why JQ was boring, and it's why Jason Morgan became so popular.  Your characters can't be "all good."

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... one of dubbel zout's rage blackouts

Hee, I like how this is a thing.


You're welcome!


So help me god, I'm kind of into Carly & Sonny Round #329.

He treats her with so much more respect (or whatever you want to call it) now. And she's less whiny and shrill around him.

That's because he wants something from her. Once they're married, it will be back to contempt and yelling. It's what they do.

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I will give Sonny tiny, tiny kudos for saying "why are you even doing this for Kiki after what her and Morgan did to you." Finally, some Kiki disdain coming from where it should. And I laughed at the implication that Sonny is cool with Michael being angry at Morgan forever.


I liked that too. It was really funny. 

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I think the article Julian showed Alexis said an unnamed source at the police department said it was as if the Jeromes had retired. He didn't publish that he'd retired. 

Okay, thanks.


Yes, an "unnamed police department source" is as credible as my best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend, who heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who didn't see Julian do anything illegal in the past 6 weeks.


Great police work there too. "It's been real quiet lately.  Either the mob is getting good at their job, and we have no idea what's going on, or they just quit. Let's assume the latter." 


I've been watching so sporadically this year.  Did Julian actually call for the hit on Duke, like Anna thinks?

All of I got out of yesterday's show was "Sonny finally ditched the black satin sheets."

You sure they just aren't really, really faded?

Edited by Francie
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You're welcome!


That's because he wants something from her. Once they're married, it will be back to contempt and yelling. It's what they do.


You know, I have a feeling #5 will be the last wedding for these crazy kids, with each other or any other people. I don't know why.

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I've always thought Sonny and Carly should be together. They're awful, they deserve each other, and they should be quarantined from the rest of the dating pool.

Of course, all of PC is basically a hideous mass of pod people at this point, so protecting the rest of civilization from these two matters less than it used to ...

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What GH needs? Minions. And no, not Max and Milo, the little gibberish-talking yellow dudes, so when the criminal du jour is bleating about "POWER! RESPECT!...", the minion can answer them back, as deserved, with "BANANA!"


It'd be semi entertaining and more sinister then. (Side note: Sandra Bullock really hammed it up!)



Oh GOD YES! If ever there was a cross-promotion/product placement that would be perfect for TFGH....


Helena: "Lower your guns and surrender, or with one twitch, I will slice her throat with my...... banana?"


*Minions giggle*




Michael/Moobster Interchange:


Moobster: Pleaseplease Michael, I hate myself for what I did, and I'm sorry, and I hope you can look pass all that, but pleasepleaseplease would you be my best man?


Michael: I really can't forget what all happened, but...


Moobster: AwwwwwwwwMichael. Don't hold a grudge. We're family....


Michael: Well, I will think about it. But while I'm here, Kiki asked if her aunt...



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You know, I have a feeling #5 will be the last wedding for these crazy kids, with each other or any other people. I don't know why.


Oh, oh, premonition?  Could we be lucky enough to have them both the victims of a random car bomb or something? 


For WendyCR72


Edited by LegalParrot81
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She was awaiting trial at the time of the prison break. She still hasn't been tried or convicted.



Denise/Ava saves Amy Schumer's life in a Convoluted Show Way. Cousin Chuck Schumer introduces legislation with bi-partisan support that pardons Ava of all crimes past, present, and future. Obama interrupts Show for 30 minutes while he signs the Pardon, while the other 30 minutes consists of Sonny and the rest ranting that Ava got away with murder. Olivia and Carly take turns confronting Ava in different places (the park, Kelly's, her brother's apartment, Cassadine Island, etc.) having her thrown out of the Metro Court.


Cross-promotional, karmic assbiting for Sonny, and we finally close the chapter on WhoTheHellCares?

Oh, oh, premonition?  Could we be lucky enough to have them both the victims of a random car bomb or something? 




Clink!Boom Reboot? With finally the appearence of Scarface!Lily???


I may have the Moobster's child if that happens.

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You know, I have a feeling #5 will be the last wedding for these crazy kids, with each other or any other people. I don't know why.

Why?  Because cancellation is imminent, maybe?


Just kidding.




Edited to say


You know, I honestly find Sonny and Carly, paired, not as distasteful as each of them on their own.  High praise, indeed, I know.


Edited again because


Eminent?  Oye.

Edited by Francie
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I was at the hospital earlier today for a routine test, and at the elevator banks, there was a sign: "Respect patients rights. This is not a discussion area." I couldn't help but laugh that there's no way that sign could be at GH!

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You know, I have a feeling #5 will be the last wedding for these crazy kids, with each other or any other people. I don't know why.


Please tell me you're privy to a mutual suicide pact the rest of us don't know about!

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Why?  Because cancellation is eminent, maybe?


Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. but that's just one of them. The other one is even Sonny and Carly have to be subjected to the "put the oldies in the back" phenomenon that happens when actors get older. Maybe. Apparently Victor Newman is still featured all the time on Y&R and he's, what, 75?

Edited by ulkis
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I was at the hospital earlier today for a routine test, and at the elevator banks, there was a sign: "Respect patients rights. This is not a discussion area." I couldn't help but laugh that there's no way that sign could be at GH!

Though, to be fair, patient confidentiality has always been a low priority at GH -- even when the show was good.

One scene in '82 cracked me up: Robert calls the hospital to ask if something happened to Ruby, and the nurses desk was all "oh yeah, random friend of Ruby's nephew, she had an emergency hysterectomy!"

Also they let noted crazy person Heather work in the file room for a while, so ... yeah.

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Though, to be fair, patient confidentiality has always been a low priority at GH -- even when the show was good.

One scene in '82 cracked me up: Robert calls the hospital to ask if something happened to Ruby, and the nurses desk was all "oh yeah, random friend of Ruby's nephew, she had an emergency hysterectomy!"

Also they let noted crazy person Heather work in the file room for a while, so ... yeah.

Well, it was the 80s.


The computers were the size of a room at the time.


Sexual harassment wasn't illegal.


People used to have one last drink "for the road."


And there was no HIPAA.


I get disregarding HIPAA when it first was enacted.  But now we've all lived with it for nearly 20 years. 

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So Sonny thinks Michael should still be mad at Keeks and Morg for drugging him? Weird, if he can get past you killing his Father, what's a little drugging between bro's? lol

Sorrynotsorry but I can't ever even imagine feeling bad for Ninanina. Go Ric! Put her repeateen, overacteen ass back in Shadybrooke where she belongs, she be crazy. I'm sure the hero Franco will save the day. blerg.

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All of I got out of yesterday's show was "Sonny finally ditched the black satin sheets."


TJ must have found the laundry basket full of sheets that Duke was sleeping in, washed them and changed all the sheets in the house. 

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TJ must have found the laundry basket full of sheets that Duke was sleeping in, washed them and changed all the sheets in the house. 

In Sonny's defense, they can do the laundry now that Duke no longer sleeps on top of towels in the dryer.

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I miss Robert's WSB computer. 

Speaking of Robert and WSB, have there been any mentions of him re: Luke's storyline? If, so I missed them. I know TR is not returning before TG leaves in a week. I thought for sure off-screen Robert and possibly the WSB would tie into Lucky leaving Port Charles (again) to investigate what Helena and Co. had been doing with little Jake these last four years. I figured Luke would have a throw-away line like "Robert will meet you in (City name), Lucky. He's there anyway now because he's been looking for information about Robin." 

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oh! I was going to say, I do hope Carly and Sonny manage to tie the knot, because there are sure to be weird Vanessa Marcil tweets where you can't tell if she is kidding or not.

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oh! I was going to say, I do hope Carly and Sonny manage to tie the knot, because there are sure to be weird Vanessa Marcil tweets where you can't tell if she is kidding or not.


What if Vanessa Marcil and BryDawg got into a Twitter fight?

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Can we just skip to Kiki catching Morgan and AvaDenise in bed already?  Because while I look forward to that, everything else about them ("People loved them together, so Morgan is hot for her supposed sister Denise for...reasons") annoys.


Carly continues to make me sick, whining about six months ago when Sonny wouldn't let her visit him in prison.  Bitch, you're lucky you weren't in prison yourself.  And you didn't seem so bothered when you were flirting your tail off with Jake(son).


Saint Sabrina to the rescue, ugh.

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Another awful episode filled with RC's OCs. 


I did like Sabrina mentioning that the clinic will be back. I thought for sure after Michael lost ELQ that it was done for good, and it wouldn't be the first time RC trotted something out for plot only and then scrapped it completely.


Julexis are boring and disgusting. It was so nice NOT having them onscreen for several weeks. They are not needed.


As bad at this story line is, I still love AvaDenise/Morgan. At least they have chemistry. Hard and rare feat for an RC created couple. They are the only part of the show that I didn't want to fall asleep watching.


Nina, her mother, Franco, Kiki, et al, need to go, yesterday. They don't fit in with the gel of the show, are poorly developed, and no one cares.

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I enjoyed what I saw today (It rained Dish went out)


So I loved the beginning of Julian and Alexis's role - tv came back as they left room and Franco saw them kissing


Loved Ava/Morgan the first time, I still love them, so I am enjoying their bedroom antics


Sonny/Carly bore me so I didn't pay attention

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Bad directing on that Morgan/Ava sex scene. I thought some mutual masturbation was going on instead of sex. I'm kind of embarrassed to have typed that but here we are. And Morgan??? If you want something more with Denise BREAK UP WITH KIKI THIS IS STUPID.


Ava looked better with her wig half up.


Why is Julian morphing into the Gentle Farmer Franco look? I tried to watch their rolepaying for 2 seconds and then my soul cried.


I don't know how you guys who actually cared about AJ can remotely stand the existence of Sonny and Carly. I couldn't take them today, and I didn't care about AJ at all.


Carly: ahaha! Can you believe it! 6 months ago I thought you were going to in prison forever for something you totally, absolutely deserved to be in prison for? And now we're so happeeeee and you have dimples tee hee! I started to skip them when they started dancing.


And yeah yeah sure you're violent ruthless and murderous but you have dimples. And charm? That goes all the way through? So does that mean? What? He's good at charming women into thinking he's good all the way down to his soul? Okay, I can get with that.


Also I found Sonny saying "consigliere" deeply embarrassing for some reason. I guess cause they are still trying to make this mob shit seem realistic?


Chad Duell looked 5 today. I did like this exchange:


Michael: let's be idle and rich before we have to go to work tomorrow

Sabrina: Are you kidding? You're rich, I'm just idle.


Oh, for god's sake, am I supposed to feel Madeline's pain at all that she can't stand seeing Nina suffer like that? If she means that Nina's baby voice and bug eyes and jerky handmotions give her annoyance chills up the spine like it does me, then sure, I guess I buy it.


the previews annoyed:


Valerie tearfully asking Dante, "Lulu's gonna come after me, isn't she?" Is this chick kidding? Is she kidding? She keeps hanging around her cousin's husband, swears nothing is going on, and then has sex with him, and she's wah-wahing that the wife is gonna "come after" her? Yeah, she probably is, so either go home or stop making crying faces as if you care. Either it's an act or she's the most spineless drip in town.


And Dante's sad face - either it's he's sad because the mean old wife is coming in between him and Valerie, in which case, he can jump in the pier after Kiki, or it's that he feels bad about what he's done to Valerie and has now put her in this position, in which case, he can find his guts and say "I'm sorry I did this to you and I was horrible but you'll just have to deal with Lulu and/or get a restraining order and then you two can move on, because she's just gonna yell at you, not come after you with a knife" or he can tell Lulu about the sex and face the consequences.


Jake's (the zombie one, the wee zombie one I mean) hair. Are they kidding? Are they kidding? The kid is 9!It makes him look less Jason and more Denis the menace.


Patrick's hair also gets a shout out for not good-ness.


I might have to skip Monday's show if just the previews made me this rage-y.


Believe it or not, I only watched like maybe 15 minutes tops of the show total, just what I saw made me ramble-y. That's what I get for watching Sonny and Carly be shmoopy.

Edited by ulkis
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I tried to watch their rolepaying for 2 seconds and then my soul cried.


S'okay, my soul drowned in its tears about two years ago. It happens when you have Ron around. It does explain why I feel dead inside now with anything GH related!

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