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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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It was only supposed to be a three hour tour. :(




I will now be laughing like a fool for the rest of the day.


And Ulkis is to blame.

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Geez Sam, Nikolas is a corporate raider, a la Jax, not a hired hitman, a la Jason.


From what I recall, Jax never blackmailed anyone or stole shares.  He did everything legally.  So there is a huge difference, IMO.   Nikolas also did hire his own hitman, so his moral compass is definitely NOT comparable to Jax.   Jason was/is a murderer and a douche, so I would say Nikolas is right smack in between ....


Jax >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nikolas>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jason  (for me, anyway)

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From what I recall, Jax never blackmailed anyone or stole shares.  He did everything legally.  So there is a huge difference, IMO.   Nikolas also did hire his own hitman, so his moral compass is definitely NOT comparable to Jax.   Jason was/is a murderer and a douche, so I would say Nikolas is right smack in between ....


Jax >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nikolas>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jason  (for me, anyway)


There was some Guza penned bullshit about how Jax dealt in blood diamonds or something. Or a company he had taken over did.

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NLG said she wasn't working all summer. Whether she's being punished for being too spoiler happy on twitter or maybe they decided to free up some money for Genie by not using NLG this summer, who knows.

So Monica & Alexis are totally absent but RAPIST SERIEL KILLER and WE (-2) NEVER CARED continue to eat up screen time? Bullshit!

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Nikolas did NOT just invoke Edward's name like that. Tracy should have yanked off her earrings and beat his ass bloody. I cannot WAIT until his comeuppance comes.

Provided Tracy snatched that's dead animal off the top of his head first,I would pay money to see this happen.

Edited by Tiger
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Oh I assume Nikolas has something on her.  Perhaps her stealing that box of ballots?


I'm pretty sure he has stolen her strap on and won't give it back unless....  The real reason Scotty chose Bobbie instead of her.

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Michael has been yelling so much lately. It's annoying. I get that it's Emmy Award winner Chad Duell, but it's a bad look.

What?  When has Michael been yelling?  


From what I recall, Jax never blackmailed anyone or stole shares.  He did everything legally.  So there is a huge difference, IMO.   Nikolas also did hire his own hitman, so his moral compass is definitely NOT comparable to Jax.   Jason was/is a murderer and a douche, so I would say Nikolas is right smack in between ....


Jax >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nikolas>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jason  (for me, anyway)

Nikolas doesn't get his hands dirty.  Michael has gotten his hands dirty, even killed two people, went to prison, and has looked the other way regarding murders.  So I'm not sure how tough Nikolas would be if he had to get his own hands dirty.  I loved how Tracey shot down Nikolas' argument that he is a savvy business man, and Tracey retorted that he didn't get 50% of ELQ because of brilliant company maneuvering and business deals.  He got it by being a crook, which anyone can pull off.  I just hope RC doesn't dumb down Tracey and Michael in this fight with Nikolas because the Qs never seem to be allowed to win at anything.  Tracey has more experience than Michael and Nikolas, and Michael is quite capable of being ruthless and underhanded in how he got his little sister.  So I hope to see Tracey and Michael really fighting - and dirty if necessary - to get back ELQ, and I hope that Nikolas doesn't have it for long.

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It's just Michael's loud tone he uses when he's mad or irritated by something. He just sounds like an immature 14-year-old instead of the head of a large company. This could be something that only annoys me.

Edited by HeatLifer
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It's just Michael's loud tone he uses when he's mad or irritated by something. He just sounds like an immature 14-year-old instead of the head of a large company. This could be something that only annoys me.

I actually like that Chad does this, because I think Laura and Jane do the exact same thing.

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The only Villain from Luke's Past who should want to sleep with him is Helena. They always had a weird psychosexual thing between them.


Rape is always so amusing, isn't it? 


All the Quartermaines cared about Emily, Michael included. Nikolas' reasoning is bunk.


It's complete bullshit. 


Valerie, butt out of Dante and Lulu's marriage. Dante, stop being jealous of your wife. Lulu, tell your husband what's up with your parents. Ugh. So stupid.


KSt's hair looks great.

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Maybe I should wait until I'm through watching the whole show, but why can't someone just strangle that squawk box called Lucy Coe?  I'd push her out of a moving car if I was stuck with her for more than 30 seconds.  "Doc" should be commended for not burying her alive with her tongue flapping.  What a complete annoyance.


So we're going to be stuck seeing more of HER, but not Monica, not Alexis.  


She must work for circus peanuts.


Oh - and having Laura tell the (other) crazy lady that forcing Luke into having sex is the same as rape, is repulsive writing on more levels than I can count.  Leave to Ron C. to have a rape victim involved in one of his oh-so-wacky, isn't rape FUNNY storylines.

And I thought Luke as a sex object was bad enough....

Edited by boes
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I actually like that Chad does this, because I think Laura and Jane do the exact same thing.


Seriously, Jane rarely uses her indoor voice, it's one of my pet peeves with her.


I liked her a lot overall but I think Julie Marie Berman just maaaay have picked up the yelling bad habit from JE and LW as well, heh.

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So Ron C. has Laura say that she doesn't take satisfaction from other people's pain.


My question, then, is, why the HELL does HE?  


Although nothing will probably ever shut me up, this exit storyline for Luke has come close.  I thought Fluke was bad.......this?  Man, do I not get it.  at all.

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I didn't like today as much as yesterday, but Tuesdays are always the worst. And I don't mean for just the show- I mean in life overall. Hate them.

Laura calling Jennifer out about wanting not to rape Luke worked for me. Luke certainly wasn't going to do it because he still occasionally creeps awfully close to the coercion line and clearly Jennifer wasn't going to call herself a rapist. Also, I think a rape victim talking about rape makes sense, and even gives her credibility. Obviously, MMV.

Speaking of Jennifer-- I didn't mind when they brought up "that actress who looked like Jackie Templeton" and even thought it was amusing. But the Whitie Parrish and other name dropping was too much. Please, writers, learn the secret to accessorizing: put on what you think is the right amount, and then remove a piece

It's also now canon that Luke is at least 150 years old.

Don't encourage them to bring back vampires!!

ETA: I guess I sort of liked Laura calling it rape because it proved that the *show* knows it's rape, and we often don't get that acknowledgement and are led to believe that the show thinks it's all just fine.

Edited by Turtle
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All the Quartermaines cared about Emily, Michael included. Nikolas' reasoning is bunk.



Wasn't Emily Michael's godmother?  But, yeah, the Q's treated Em like a freaking princess.  That rodent on Nik's head is warping his brain. 


You know who treated her like crap, Nik?  The guy who cheated on her because she didn't get over being raped by his doppelganger quickly enough for his needs. Who was that again? 

Edited by KerleyQ
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Seriously, Jane rarely uses her indoor voice, it's one of my pet peeves with her.

I hope she never has any scenes with Grayson, then.  They could be heard over a 747 starting up its engine.

It was only supposed to be a three hour tour. :(





This is why I can quit the show, but I can't quit this board.

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Laura calling Jennifer out about wanting not to rape Luke worked for me. Luke certainly wasn't going to do it because he still occasionally creeps awfully close to the coercion line and clearly Jennifer wasn't going to call herself a rapist. Also, I think a rape victim talking about rape makes sense, and even gives her credibility. Obviously, MMV.

ETA: I guess I sort of liked Laura calling it rape because it proved that the *show* knows it's rape, and we often don't get that acknowledgement and are led to believe that the show thinks it's all just fine.


I see what you mean, especially about Show acknowledging it.  I'm probably being too picky, but for me it seemed so off hand, and Jennifer doing this being played for humor.   Ron C. never took the subject seriously on OLTL so I'm inclined to hear it that way on GH too.

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ETA: I guess I sort of liked Laura calling it rape because it proved that the *show* knows it's rape, and we often don't get that acknowledgement and are led to believe that the show thinks it's all just fine.


I agree. This is loads better than their "rape? what's rape?" attitude the show has had in situations like this over the last few years. And miles and miles and miles better than Carly and Jason laughing over Jax's rape, and acting as if male rape isn't possible.


I thought of the whole Nik could have blackmailed Lucy into voting for him, but if he were going to do that wouldn't he have just blackmailed her into giving up her stock, since he could use her one percent of stock to be majority leader of ELQ?

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I see what you mean, especially about Show acknowledging it.  I'm probably being too picky, but for me it seemed so off hand, and Jennifer doing this being played for humor.   Ron C. never took the subject seriously on OLTL so I'm inclined to hear it that way on GH too.


Yes, it's Ron handling the issue of sexual violence against women with the same thoughtfulness and concern that he applies to race issues.

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Ok - I kind of love that Jake/Jason is a closet Taylor Swift fan. Don't hate - I love 1989 and will tell anyone who asks me.


I love watching Genie Francis's face during some of these scenes. It's almost like she thinking this is the crap I signed up for? I need a new agent.


Nikolas is finally embracing his dark side so I don't buy for one minute he doesn't have any idea where Robin is. Sorry Ron, not buying it for one minute.


I knew I should have gotten anvil insurance before I watched the Sam/Patrick/Liz/Jake scenes. Just when I thought they couldn't be anymore obvious...

Edited by cmahorror
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I'm still trying to understand how a seemingly normal woman would want to sleep with a 70 year old man, who looks like he's going to keel over at any moment, because she wants closure.  

Edited by Perkie
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if he were going to do that wouldn't he have just blackmailed her into giving up her stock, since he could use her one percent of stock to be majority leader of ELQ?


No, because Edward's will has that loophole about anyone owning more than a third of the outstanding stock can be ousted by the remaining board members. That's why Lucy's vote was so important. Also, her shares don't mean anything unless there's a tie for some reason, so acquiring them wouldn't give Nik more.

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I haven't seen the episode yet (going to check Hulu soon), but Laura saying it's rape means nothing to me in terms of what kind of message Ron is trying to send. He usually does have someone make a mention of how wrong something is for a second, so he can go "See! It's addressed!" Carly even mentioned to Johnny for a split second that sleeping with Connie was rape. He'd do obligitory lines on OLTL too, that always came and went, followed by lots of offensive viotlations of women for entertainment and dropping the actual crime/offense aspect ever again. He does it with rewrites of history too. In Ron's head, if you have anyone mention something is wrong/stupid/whatever, he's free to do it because the mention happened.

Edited by Gigi43
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I knew I should have gotten anvil insurance before I watched the Sam/Patrick/Liz/Jake scenes. Just when I thought they couldn't be anymore obvious...


The anvils were falling quick and hard today. I'm convinced at some point soon Liz is going to let Patrick in on the big secret and make him her accomplice. Nik no longer has any reason to keep his mouth shut, so she's going to need an ally to make sure Jason remains Jake.

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Nik no longer has any reason to keep his mouth shut, so she's going to need an ally to make sure Jason remains Jake.


Nik is in a very IDGAF mood these days. If he can sell out the supposed love of his life, selling out Liz shouldn't be too much trouble.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I never saw that permed, chinless, beady-eyed, chicklet-teethed pompous blowhard as a sex object.



I can't say that I ever saw him as a sex object either, but he had ... something back in the day. Charisma I think and that went a long way.


Of course now he is long past anything he used to have and I refuse to believe Jennifer Smith is STILL trying to get laid by Luke. Just no.


Though I have to say, GF was killing me with the looks today.

Edited by hypnotoad
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It's just Michael's loud tone he uses when he's mad or irritated by something. He just sounds like an immature 14-year-old instead of the head of a large company. This could be something that only annoys me.


It's not. But Michael annoys me more than most people.

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This is why I can quit the show, but I can't quit this board.


I'm glad I can go to a place where I don't have to explain things like everyone is Sonny (OR Morgan)

The anvils were falling quick and hard today. I'm convinced at some point soon Liz is going to let Patrick in on the big secret and make him her accomplice. Nik no longer has any reason to keep his mouth shut, so she's going to need an ally to make sure Jason remains Jake.


I maintain - everyone in Port Charles will know about Jason except Sam. Everyone. Patrick is definitely the next inductee to the Jake Dough Secret Legion O Doom.   I wonder if there's a secret handshake?

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
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I just can't see Patrick finding out about Jason and keeping it a secret. Ron's next triangle (Sam/Jase/Patty) would fall apart. Patrick will be as innocent as possible in order to portray him as the perfect little prince/Danny's new daddy.

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No, because Edward's will has that loophole about anyone owning more than a third of the outstanding stock can be ousted by the remaining board members. That's why Lucy's vote was so important. Also, her shares don't mean anything unless there's a tie for some reason, so acquiring them wouldn't give Nik more.

Doesn't he already have more than a third?

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Nik is in a very IDGAF mood these days. If he can sell out the supposed love of his life, selling out Liz shouldn't be too much trouble.

Nik knows he can blow the Jake secret out of the water, wait until Liz is a pariah and then tap that ass.

I do not believe Jennifer needs to bang 150 year old Luke for closure, I think someone is holding her loved one hostage (does she know Robin?) until she convinces Luke she want his manmeat. Maybe Helena knows Jennifer bathes in the blood of virgins (Helena goes to the same spa), and is blackmailing her.

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the look on Patrick's face when he realizes that while he's been fucking and playing house with Sam, Robin has been a captive.




Well, complete and utter indifference is certainly a "look"...


I'm convinced at some point soon Liz is going to let Patrick in on the big secret and make him her accomplice.


I wouldn't mind if this happened.  All the contortions the show has gone through to keep Patrick totally innocent in the Jakeson situation are annoying, to say the least.

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Doesn't he already have more than a third?

Yes, that's the point. Nik owns half the company, that's why Michael called the board meeting to get rid of Nik. But since Nik voted for himself (with his 50%), and the Qs voted against him (with their 50%), Lucy was needed as the 1% tiebreaker vote. Of course, if Nik can't shut up Rosalie, this is all moot because Nik would lose those shares if convicted of corporate espionage. But I'm sure Nik has a plan for that because God forbid the Qs win at anything since Ron came aboard.

ETA: And they only learned today/yesterday that Nik had so many shares (and was coming after the company), so they couldn't act any earlier.

Edited by OnceSane
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I forgot to mention that it was nice Sam had time to style her hair while drinking at the bar with Jake. 


Liz's faces were cracking me up.  She may as well have a neon sign on her that screams "I'm LYING!"  The date wasn't as painful as I thought, but can we please not have to endure that again?


I hate how much I adore KeMo and BM in their scenes together. 

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I forgot to mention that it was nice Sam had time to style her hair while drinking at the bar with Jake. 


Liz's faces were cracking me up.  She may as well have a neon sign on her that screams "I'm LYING!"  The date wasn't as painful as I thought, but can we please not have to endure that again?


I hate how much I adore KeMo and BM in their scenes together.

Both Liz and Patrick's facial expressions made me giggle. And Jase and Sam were completely oblivious to it 'cause they don't give a crap...they just enjoy each other. Hee.

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I just can't see Patrick finding out about Jason and keeping it a secret. Ron's next triangle (Sam/Jase/Patty) would fall apart. Patrick will be as innocent as possible in order to portray him as the perfect little prince/Danny's new daddy.



Agreed and I say this as a Patrick fan.


The truth is the best move TPTB could have made was to have Patrick go back to him womanizing ways following the divorce and have Sam be his wingwoman. Then we could have kept the great friend chemistry they had and still leave the storyline open for a Scrubs reunion which is what RC keeps saying is endgame anyway. Instead we are stuck with a lackluster, at best, romance that has no chance of being viable even if the truth about Jason and Robin never comes out.


But, as I have learned from years of being a Jack Deveraux fan (RIP x3), I can't have nice things.

Edited by cmahorror
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Liz went from classic bitchface to overwhelming guilt face in record time. My head does really hurt pretty bad from all the anvils.


Out of pocket and on vacation for the next several days. Keep up the good work on the snark.

Edited by tvgoddess
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OH HAPPY DAY! Good-bye, MR Q-Tip! [dancing 'round the room...] Good riddance.


edited to worship Boes' post:



Okay,Show, Geary is taking his saggy ass across the ocean wide to bore the Dutch to death in Amsterdam, but do you really need to debase GH to this extent?

We get it.  He's a legend in his own mind.  And a stud, apparently.

Funny, somehow I never saw that permed, chinless, beady-eyed, chicklet-teethed pompous blowhard as a sex object.  Funny that way.  But Geary, how can we miss you if you won't go away?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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I just can't see Patrick finding out about Jason and keeping it a secret. Ron's next triangle (Sam/Jase/Patty) would fall apart. Patrick will be as innocent as possible in order to portray him as the perfect little prince/Danny's new daddy.


Not necessarily. At the risk of going OT all I will say is Ron has a history of not caring whether Party X or Y does something that would make a triangle impossible - if he wants the triangle to continue, it will continue, past actions are irrelevant. See also: Liz's past behavior towards Jason re: Danny and the baby swap.


As a matter of fact, it already has happened with Patrick once before. He kept the secret of Jason being on ice from Sam for months, told her the truth, she was mad and forgave him in a week. Why? Not because Patrick is a golden god, but because Ron cared far more about the plot mechanism. Triangles and quads at all costs.

Edited by jsbt
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The only reason Patrick would keep the fact that Jake is Jason a secret would be his finally putting the pieces together that if Jason is alive then Robin is not safe.  Robin told him that Jason died while she defrosted him.  If Robin lied about Jason, Patrick would realize that Robin did not leave he and Emma because she wanted to leave, Robin left because she HAD to for their safety.  THen he could work with Sam, Jason, Anna and Robert to find and rescue Robin. 


However, knowing these writers, Patrick will plot with Liz for the next year to keep Jason and Sam apart.

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Not necessarily. At the risk of going OT all I will say is Ron has a history of not caring whether Party X or Y does something that would make a triangle impossible - if he wants the triangle to continue, it will continue, past actions are irrelevant. See also: Liz's past behavior towards Jason re: Danny and the baby swap.

As a matter of fact, it already has happened with Patrick once before. He kept the secret of Jason being on ice from Sam for months, told her the truth, she was mad and forgave him in a week. Why? Not because Patrick is a golden god, but because Ron cared far more about the plot mechanism. Triangles and quads at all costs.

Oh, yeah, I agree that Ron doesn't care how characters "look" to other characters or the viewers. But, to me, I just don't know if this applies to Patrick because he never.does.anything.wrong. I guess that's what I meant. He's always innocent. Ron doesn't even place the character in a situation that would force the audience or anyone to question him. There's always an excuse.

And the first Jason secret that Patrick kept always cracks me up. Because Patrick still hasn't told Sam the whole truth about what happened and why he divorced Robin. He just told her that Robin left to save Jason, Robin told him Jason died, and he kept the secret so Sam wouldn't get hurt. Such a convenient truth...

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Whether she's being punished for being too spoiler happy on twitter or maybe they decided to free up some money for Genie by not using NLG this summer, who knows.


Nancy is a contract employee so unless they fired her, they have to pay her.  That's one of the few perks of having a soap contract, you get paid whether you work or not. 


The Jackie Templeton reference made me laugh.  The Parrish reference was Ron's little pissy dig at John Stamos because Stamos called him out on the horrendous offer he and FV made him to come back for the 50th.  I'm liking HG in the Jennifer role.  She's walking the fine line that could take the performance OTT (ala Roseanne or Struthers) very well.   Her "jealous" to Laura cracked me up.  Agreed with someone's comment that Genie's facial expressions are priceless.  


I really wanted to stuff one of the Q's pillows in Lucy's mouth as she went on and on about this "great love" that Luke & Tracy supposedly have, but was rarely seen on screen.


I like snarky, devious Nik.


Tracy's always been the loudest one in the room.  I don't think she knows what an indoor voice is.  


JE has very few acting tics, but one she does have is constantly playing with her fingers.  It's distracting.  


The rest of the show, was kind of boring.  

Edited by LegalParrot81
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Nancy is a contract employee so unless they fired her, they have to pay her.  That's one of the few perks of having a soap contract, you get paid whether you work or not. 


Fortunately for Frank, Nancy's last contract renewal also counts 'bitcoins' as payment.

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Okay, just watched...


I was surprised to see Liz. I thought for sure she was spying on Jennifer, taking notes.


Was that the exact same picture in the diner and in Lulu's appartment? I wasn't fully paying attention. I certainly heard that Dante was going to take a shower though. If we're getting Luke, the geriatric stud, I'm going to need some random Dante shower scene or something; it still won't make it okay, but it's a start.


 I have Taylor Swift on my iPod. Yup. I have zero shame about it, too.  Though,  I loved Sam's reaction. But that whole thing was just the writers wanting to get in a pop culture mention again and a "moment" of Jakeson doing something so unJason, and it's long past time for everyone to know he's Jason, so whatever. ...Though, wasn't there a scene with Maxie (I think? Or Sam?) years ago that indicated Jason Morgan as we know him has seen Titanic. I can't remember the context, but I'm sure Ron doesn't even know it happened at all so I'm still ahead here.


Except for Nicholas' "Emily was never accepted", I liked all the ELQ stuff. Loving Team Tracy and Michael!

Edited by Gigi43
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It's really too bad there's such an age difference between Tyler and Jane, because they have fabulous chemistry. It's also sad that this show is so sexist that they'd never go there, but if the genders were reversed, they would.

I loved what Tracy said about what Monica told her to do to Nikolas. It was such a Monica thing to say.

Love Tracy and Michael standing side by side, facing down Nik.


And that's all I got.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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It's really too bad there's such an age difference between Tyler and Jane, because they have fabulous chemistry. It's also sad that this show is so sexist that they'd never go there, but if the genders were reversed, they would.


You're rooting for Tracy to bag a guy who's stealing from her/her family and being a dick to her?  Didn't she get enough of that with Luke?

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