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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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This Luke stuff is bullshit. Absolute, full-on demented BULLSHIT.

I would sooner believe that reindeer can fly and that a giant rat lives in the sewers of New York teaching his teenaged turtle sons how to be ninjas than I would believe that more than one human woman is so thirsty for Luke's withered cock and old man balls that she's taking people hostage.

Cracking. Up.

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Jennifer Smith is obviously supposed to be insane ,and I think that's the point. I think it's a wink wink nudge that no sane woman would want Luke. So they are both flattering and insulting Luke at the same time. But what do I know? I see TG/GF's faces and I hit skip.

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All this over some dick? I guess this is an extreme case of dickmatized.


Again, obviously "all this" isn't just about Jennie Smith from the block wanting some D.  And including her on a "greatest hits" tour of Luke (and Laura) adversaries make sense.


But her wanting sex instead of just straight-up revenge was a gross, unnecessary note to include.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Jennifer Smith is obviously supposed to be insane ,and I think that's the point. I think it's a wink wink nudge that no sane woman would want Luke. So they are both flattering and insulting Luke at the same time. But what do I know? I see TG/GF's faces and I hit skip.

It's too insane even for insane ladies ;)

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I too was wondering why they got such a young actress to play Jennifer Smith and was surprised to find out she's age-appropriate. Must be that magical Aveeno.


I was also wondering what happened to the original actress, Lisa Marie, and after a little Googling, I think it's kind of a shame they didn't bring her back. She seems to have quit acting back in the 80s, but now being a broke Beverly Hills (ex-)housewife/socialite, she apparently could use the money. And she also looks fairly young for someone who has to be at least in her late 50s, although I couldn't find her age anywhere. (She's the one with the little dog and the normal lips.)




But this storyline? Pee yew. This one and Nik's increasing assiness make me think that the writers go over the finished scripts to see if there's any way they could make them stupider and less believable.


Not sure if it was intentional or not, but when Dillon saw Valerie in the hall, he looked like he wanted to have a hundred of her babies.

Edited by fishcakes
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The whole LnL and Jennifer Smith storyline - yuck! This has to be some type of sick joke.


Loved the Sam/Nik, Sabrina/Tracy, and ELQ office scenes. 


While the whole Jake(son) storyline is dragging on and on and on, I do like that Sam and Jake are firmly in each other's orbits right now, especially working together on a case. My hope is that they will organically start having feelings for each other, so when the truth finally does come out, it will make complete sense for them to be together. I must admit that I like KeMo and BM together. In the meantime, Liz will go crazy keeping her secret. That I would enjoy.

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Holly Gagnier, the actress who is playing Jennifer, was born in 1958 which makes her 57 years old. I remember her from Days of Our Lives and as the villain of the 80's teen classic "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" starring Sarah Jessica Parker and Helen Hunt. 




My problem is the last time Jennifer was on she was played by Sally Struthers - this is a very different Jennifer Smith.


Thank you, I don't know who she is but I did look again in the later scenes and saw how her neck is shot, so I knew she had to be over 50.  She's a few years older than me and I'm watching my own neck. 

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Jennifer Smith is obviously supposed to be insane ,and I think that's the point. I think it's a wink wink nudge that no sane woman would want Luke. So they are both flattering and insulting Luke at the same time. But what do I know? I see TG/GF's faces and I hit skip.


I wish I could believe that was their intention, but their casting an attractive lady just makes me think this is one last sop to Tony Geary of what a hot piece of ass Luke is still supposed to be, even as he just turned 153. 


I guess I should be happy they at least cast a soap actress, and not Susan Dey or Tina Yothers.

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What happened with Luke, Laura and Jennifer in Texas?


I hope the Jennifer thing is just Helena, Stavros, Victor and Stephan toying with Luke.  Robin is being kept in Paris by Helena for a reason.  Maybe Nick's recent behavior is because he being controlled or blackmailed into doing Helena's bidding?  Then Nick, the Quatermaines and the Spencers will join together to fight the evil Cassidines.  This way Luke's final act before he dies "heroically" is the final killing off of the first and second generation Cassidines.  This of course would have to  happen after a week long  massive power failure without a generator, operating deep freeze, or ice machine within 500 miles.  The only option for the disposal of the corpses would be immediate cremation.

Edited by movingtargetgal
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I wish I could believe that was their intention, but their casting an attractive lady just makes me think this is one last sop to Tony Geary of what a hot piece of ass Luke is still supposed to be, even as he just turned 153. 


I guess I should be happy they at least cast a soap actress, and not Susan Dey or Tina Yothers.


Honestly, while this whole storyline just sounds so disgusting to me, I'm relieved (I guess that's the more appropriate word here than happy?) that they cast a woman like Holly Gagnier, who is gorgeous and in shape, as Jennifer, instead of an overweight woman. I love both Roseanne and Sally Struthers (I've been a fan of the shows Roseanne and All in the Family since I was a kid!), but I feel bad for them (especially Sally--she was so beautiful in the AITF days) because of the reason they were cast and the joke of how Jennifer was made out to be a woman who let herself go because Luke didn't love her. That just makes me uncomfortable.


So...yeah. Damning with faint praise and all that, but there you go. 

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Honestly, while this whole storyline just sounds so disgusting to me, I'm relieved (I guess that's the more appropriate word here than happy?) that they cast a woman like Holly Gagnier, who is gorgeous and in shape, as Jennifer, instead of an overweight woman. I love both Roseanne and Sally Struthers (I've been a fan of the shows Roseanne and All in the Family since I was a kid!), but I feel bad for them (especially Sally--she was so beautiful in the AITF days) because of the reason they were cast and the joke of how Jennifer was made out to be a woman who let herself go because Luke didn't love her. That just makes me uncomfortable.


So...yeah. Damning with faint praise and all that, but there you go. 


I totally understand that view, and a part of me is also relieved, although I have to admit part of me wonders if it's because Ron and Frank don't want any overweight people on this show, based on their digs at Sean Kanan.

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IDK if I agree we weren't supposed to feel sorry for Lucy.


Historically, Lucy was a schemer but paid for it several times over (by always being defeated and humiliated). I think the Dominque story and her devotion to the Nurses Ball redeemed her so completely that she can sorta kinda do just about anything and the show (and, in general, the long time fans) and be forgiven. Well, maybe not the Vampire hysterics. Everything is forgiven except vampire hysterics -- and her "war" with Richard Simmons. (ugh)

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I actually really liked today's ep, that [Lesley Jones voice]real mother fucking bullshit[/Lesley Jones voice] with Jennifer Smith aside.

Wait, did that actually happen?  Because, if so, if only having Black reporters ask questions is the message supposed to be that only Black individuals care about racism?! Or is the message supposedly only Black individuals think that racism occurs?


Regardless, Ron's lucky he's pretty much shut up on twitter, because he's one Justine Stacco away from being out of a job.  On second thought, Ron, please .... go on.

The show at large has totally confused me the last month or so, but this 'is Dante a racist a cop?' story takes the cake. I can't even guess at what message Ron is trying to send.

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I don't know who this Jennifer Smith chick is or what her deal is but I do know that she needs to sit the fuck down somewhere. Stupid freak. Is she related to Liez?


She was Luke's fiancee in 1980 before he married Laura. Frank Smith, her father, was a mob boss who tried to force Luke to marry her. 

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I did like Luke's "WTF" look when Jennifer Smith told him he looked as handsome as the day they first met. His "yecch" face was pretty funny, too.


LOL that Lulu was talking to Dillon in the hall about being worried that Valerie might have overheard them in the hall. Think, Lulu: What's the common denominator there?


I was really disappointed Sam didn't actually shout "J'accuse!" at Nik. Rosalie needs to have a chat with Julian about how to deal with sekrits. He knows how to deal with blackmailers.


I don't believe Brook Lynn would be sobbing about the shares she had to give up, especially to Tracy.


(I fell down the Wiki rabbit hole and discovered that Jackie Zeman's first husband was Murray the K!!!)

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I found the farmer and the cow references today rather appropriate considering all the manure that was flying around.  Really Jennnifer - you want Luke THAT badly???


And, Nikolas, rooms above Kelly's are too good for you and your Fabergé-egg spoiled son.  Now, I did enjoy watching Sam and Nik sparring.  Still find that they have inappropriate cousin chemistry, though.


Speaking of cousins, Lulu was about two months late in being relatively honest about her feelings re Dante and Valerie.  Her (Lulu's) passive-agressive posturing on this matter was getting old. 


Just in time for the secret to turn the story - too late Lulu.  (And what a dumb ass secret this is!!)  BTW, someone is going to have to explain to me as if I'm Morgan what has been so "manipulative" about Valerie up to now.  I know that how she handles this secret can bring a new dimension to her intentions.  However, up to this point, I just haven't seen the scheming shrew some have been seeing since early April.  


Tracy is very good with numbers - Michael, listen to her!!!  And who knew she could fold laundry?   I do like the unlikely scenes with Tracy and Sabrina.  

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I thought Geary said he DIDN'T like Luke's exit story but that he finally resigned himself to the fact that he's just an actor, not a writer. And that once he did, he was at peace.

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Speaking of cousins, Lulu was about two months late in being relatively honest about her feelings re Dante and Valerie. Her (Lulu's) passive-agressive posturing on this matter was getting old.

Just in time for the secret to turn the story - too late Lulu.

Why is it too late though? Should she have continued to downplay how she felt some more? Better late than never. (I know it comes off aggressive in writing, but I am genuinely asking)

And understand why Lulu didn't say anything the first month - what was she supposed to say, "stop asking my husband to support you over your mom"? I mean, she could have said that, but that would have been awkward in the extreme.

I think Val can't win in a lot of situations but I don't think Lulu can either.

I thought Geary said he DIDN'T like Luke's exit story but that he finally resigned himself to the fact that he's just an actor, not a writer. And that once he did, he was at peace.

He didn't say he didn't like it but he did say the second part. But the parts he didn't like was probably stuff like telling Laura he didn't regret their life together :( Edited by ulkis
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Whenever I see Jennifer I'm reminded of her first run on the show, where Lesley and a bunch of other characters had a family-style birthday party for her, to get her and her father out of their house so Joe could break in. And it was so sad, because Jennifer had had so little love or friendship in her life that she genuinely thought they were doing this for her for good reasons, and she was so happy. 


Today, they'd have all the characters laugh at her, and have Nina or Maxie or Carly tell her what a worthless ugly cow she is, and then have her rape Luke for a haha scene. 


What made GH work when it was so over the top in those years was that it also had a heart, and humanity. Things that are a complete anathema to anyone running the show these days.


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Historically, Lucy was a schemer but paid for it several times over (by always being defeated and humiliated). I think the Dominque story and her devotion to the Nurses Ball redeemed her so completely that she can sorta kinda do just about anything and the show (and, in general, the long time fans) and be forgiven. Well, maybe not the Vampire hysterics. Everything is forgiven except vampire hysterics -- and her "war" with Richard Simmons. (ugh)

THe only time I found lucy really annoying and irrating was during the baby christina story.I hated the way she treated Serena.


Orinal Jennifer smith I thought ws really pretty and naive.I kinda felt bad for her.

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All this over some dick? I guess this is an extreme case of dickmatized.

Liz should take lessons. Or not.

are you kidding? That's the story for GH's 55th. Liz kidnaps Danny and ransoms him for one night with Jason. 


As for Nic and Spencer living in reduced circumstances, I'm all for it. That kid could use a few years of public transportation and no servants.

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Soooooo we're going to get a bunch of scenes where Jennifer "rapes" Luke by making him have sex with her and then Ron on his Twitter will proclaim the "use of history" and "karma" and think he's clever.


On one hand, I'm annoyed that THIS is what they came up with for Luke's goodbye... on the other hand? It'll all be over in a matter of weeks so like a root canal, it'll be over soon.


Having expressed that, I did enjoy the L&L talk on Friday.


And, I really liked all the Quarternaine scenes today. First time in forever when all the Qs worked together towards a common enemy. Was really good. More of that please. Can't express how much I love Sabrina in this story. It's like she's a completely different person than the girl sobbing over Patrick. She totally fits into the Q landscape in a way that Kiki never would have.

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As for Nic and Spencer living in reduced circumstances, I'm all for it. That kid could use a few years of public transportation and no servants.


"Reduced circumstances" is Nik's definition of having to parent Spencer himself.

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Ulkis, I found it.:

How did you feel about reuniting with Genie on stage at the Daytime Emmys? Clearly, the telecast producers were milking that old Luke-and-Laura magic.

I felt great about it, actually. I had an epiphany shortly after the GH anniversary episode, when I was hearing the writers' ideas of how Luke Spencer would leave the show and I was not on board with a lot of it at first. But then I realized, you know what? I don't have ownership of this character. I have deluded myself all of these years that I could bully writers and producers into doing things my way, and a lot of times I bullied quite successfully. I have bullied, cajoled, and subverted! I know how to do all those things well but that has been very costly to me and to others. And so I finally had a talk with myself and realized that Luke Spencer belongs to ABC and to whoever is writing and producing GH. And there was a great weight lifted off my back when I accepted that. I will do my best with the material they give me in these next few weeks and I will fight to make it honorable but, at the end of the day, I am a color on the palette. I am not the painter. And I am finally at peace with that. [Laughs] God, it only took me 37 years on this show to figure that out!

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Why is it too late though? Should she have continued to downplay how she felt some more? Better late than never. (I know it comes off aggressive in writing, but I am genuinely asking)

And understand why Lulu didn't say anything the first month - what was she supposed to say, "stop asking my husband to support you over my dead mom"? I mean, she could have said that, but that would have been awkward in the extreme.

I think Val can't win in a lot of situations but I don't think Lulu can either.



Too late for any behavior modification that might have taken place before the serious secret-keeping problem took over their story - and I do think the secret is very serious business for Dante and Lulu - both from the perspective of loss of trust and for the potential for something to happen between Dante and Valerie. 


Maybe - just maybe - some of the mutual Dante/Valerie attractions might not have developed as much had Lulu's concerns been aired earlier  - especially to Valerie - who certainly gave Lulu several opportunities to speak up.   Now, however, we have fertile ground for more to develop between Dante and Lulu as this secret brews. 


And too late for me personally being as I seem to have passed my expiration date waiting for Lulu to be Lulu and speak up about a situation in which she feels another woman is sniffing around her man.  I don't remember Lulu holding back in such scenarios before and I gagged a bit when Maxie spoke last week about how she went aboard Valerie because Lulu couldn't without appearing like a jealous bitch.  When has this ever before been a concern  in the writing for Lulu???


While it may seem that neither Valerie nor Lulu can win in some situations, my money is firmly on Lulu to come out on the high road in this story with Valerie being run over by Lulu's nobility bus.  Once the world learns that poor Lulu had to do what she is doing to save  her brother and honor her parents, she will be adored.  And Dante, if he has cheated, will grovel. And I will gag - again. 

Edited by Aurora2
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I'm liking most of the ELQ stuff, and I'm kind of loving Nik. I like a less soft and cuddly Nik and I think his "lifestyle to which we've become accustomed" was perfectly Cassadine. It was easy to be gracious when he had the world served up on a platter, but the fear of losing it is bringing out some inner darkness. I like it. But I like Spencer too, so what do I know.

Didn't mind the Lulu and Val scenes and I liked that it wasn't the customary shrill ladies attacking each other conversation. I'm sure we'll get there, but today seemed like a relatively mature conversation (true or not).

I hate the L&L stuff, in part because I just don't care, but mostly because it's dumb and gross.

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Maybe - just maybe - some of the mutual Dante/Valerie attractions might not have developed as much had Lulu's concerns been aired earlier - especially to Valerie - who certainly gave Lulu several opportunities to speak up. Now, however, we have fertile ground for more to develop between Dante and Lulu as this secret brews.

Maybe, but three months should't be long enough that Dante develops such an attraction that he can't resist himself. And he's picked up on Lulu's discomfort (which is another flaw in this story, all three should be good friends, any attraction should take all of them unawares.)


I don't remember Lulu holding back in such scenarios before and I gagged a bit when Maxie spoke last week about how she went aboard Valerie because Lulu couldn't without appearing like jealous bitch. When has this ever before been a concern in the writing for Lulu???

But I'd say that was Maxie's concern, not the show's necessarily. And Lulu's refrained from speaking up until the breaking point before, both with Brenda and their first engagement where she didn't say anything for months thay she didn't want to be married.


And Dante, if he has cheated, will grovel. And I will gag - again.

I don't disagree there.

It seems like it's shaping up Dante will cheat first. Don't get me wrong, I'd be pissed if he didn't feel bad, but I wanted Lulu to cheat fstvso we could see her try to win him back, if there was going to be a cheating story

Edited by ulkis
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Maybe, but three months should't be long enough that Dante develops such an attraction that he can't resist himself. And he's picked up on Lulu's discomfort (which is another flaw in this story, all three should be good friends, any attraction should take all of them unawares.)

But I'd say that was Maxie's concern, not the show's necessarily. And Lulu's refrained from speaking up until the breaking point before, both with Brenda and their first engagement where she didn't say anything for months thay she didn't want to be married.

I don't disagree there.


 Oh, by all means, steadfast, loyal, loving Dante SHOULD take more than three months to develop the attraction I see - and I most definitely do see it.  Part of the annoying plot-pointing!  


As for Maxie's comment being only her concern, I don't see it that way.  My take is that RC and his writers usually use characters' dialogue to develop other characters' POV and stories.  So I think that this is likely how the writers want to have Lulu positioned now. 


Yes, agree with your take on that spoiler.  Damn it!! 

Edited by Aurora2
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Maybe, but three months should't be long enough that Dante develops such an attraction that he can't resist himself. And he's picked up on Lulu's discomfort (which is another flaw in this story, all three should be good friends, any attraction should take all of them unawares.)


Or else Lulu and Dante should have been having small problems before Valerie came to town, and that upheaval plus Lulu keeping the L/L secret pulls them further apart. 


the fear of losing it is bringing out some inner darkness

I wish Nik were handling that fear a little more elegantly. Hasn't he learned anything from Helena?


We got a bit more reason why he's going after ELQ, but "because it's big, and because it's there" is still pretty lame.

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I want Luke to sheepishly look at Laura and Jennifer that he would gladly do whatever Jennifer asked of him in order to save his son but alas he can not.  All the years of drinking has not only killed his liver but his prostate as well and he is all out of Cialis.  He has kept this condition a secret because he stole Monica's prescription pad and has been forging his bonner prescriptions for years. 

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I used to love Lucy and Scotty scheming together.  But I have found her annoying as all get out for years now.    


I really felt bad for Original Recipe Jennifer.  Yes, she was spoiled and naive and could be manipulative in some ways, and yes, Luke was basically being cowed into marrying her by Frank Smith (though I don't think Jennifer really understood that).  Under different circumstances, she would've been a very sweet woman.  When Frank Smith got carted off to prison, I felt they should've had a scene showing Jennifer's emotions about it, since her dad was basically all she had.  


This current story, however, sounds horrific.  Is Jennifer part of the endless Legion of Doom now?  

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Oy, I love my girl, but if Sam and Jake are Michael's only resources.....He is screwed.  Just pack it in.


Tracy's phone call did crack me up a little...."Tracy who? You're grandmother!"  LOL...I forget the exact dialogue, but that was the gist. 

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Oh, by all means, steadfast, loyal, loving Dante SHOULD take more than three months to develop the attraction I see - and I most definitely do see it.  Part of the annoying plot-pointing!



Oh,I think anyone can develop attraction in a short amount of time. I just think Dante as know him would not give in to it in three months' time.


Tracy's phone call did crack me up a little...."Tracy who? You're grandmother!"  LOL...I forget the exact dialogue, but that was the gist.


 I thought that was funny but I thought I was weird she didn't say "this is  your grandmother Tracy" in first place.

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Is Nik making up this "Helena and Victor taking money" or not?


Nikolas - or more accurately, the writers - dropped in that little retcon nugget about Victor siphoning off money last week.  The Helena part is a new claim that I call BS on since she was frozen for a good year and had no living expenses.

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Loved the Sam/Nik, Sabrina/Tracy, and ELQ office scenes. 



Can't express how much I love Sabrina in this story. 


It would warm the cockles of my heart to see how many fans are coming around to liking Sabrina if it weren't for the fact that the main reason she is coming off so well these days is because all the other characters are being written so horridly.


Still, good on TeCa for sticking it out and bringing people around to seeing she does indeed have something to offer the show.

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Oh,I think anyone can develop attraction in a short amount of time. I just think Dante as know him would not give in to it in three months' time.



True!  One thing for sure - Dante is showing signs of definitely being attracted!! 

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Is Nik making up this "Helena and Victor taking money" or not?

I believe it's possible. All of Helena's hostage holding and medical "research" cannot have been cheap.

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Time for a sarcasm break:


It is so refreshing to watch a show called General Hospital and be treated to day after day of corporate espionage, a woman kidnapping a man in an attempt to get laid by her ex-fiancee, a mobster who literally gets away with murder, a woman faking her death to get away with murder and two psychotics trying to out psycho each other. Not a scene set in the titular hospital or involving doctors.



Sarcasm ending, now just venting:


Don't get me wrong - I am enjoying ELQ storyline and Nikolas's turn to the dark side but can we mix just a little bit of the hospital in with it? I think it has been weeks since we have had even a scene in the hospital, let alone a main storyline involving it or the doctors who work there.

Edited by cmahorror
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I wish I could believe that was their intention, but their casting an attractive lady just makes me think this is one last sop to Tony Geary of what a hot piece of ass Luke is still supposed to be, even as he just turned 153. 


I guess I should be happy they at least cast a soap actress, and not Susan Dey or Tina Yothers.


LOL 153. And he doesn't look a day over 152.

ETA I loved that Michael keeps Q family photos in his office. It's almost like Lila and Edward were looking over his shoulder during the Rosalie interrogation.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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