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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Ugh, I never liked Robert and Anna.  If TR comes back, I don't want Anna and Robert anywhere near each other, but they'd probably go there, no thank you.   Thankfully it looks like they're going full-steam ahead with Anna and Sloan and I couldn't be happier.  FH and GM have fabulous chemistry and I love the way the storyline is building now.  I am digging the hell out of every single second of their scenes.  They are pretty much must-see-TV for me now.



(couldn't resist ; ) )

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Who knows. RH's talent is being wasted in this ridiculous storyline. It doesn't make sense at all. I would much rather see scenes with his daughter and the fallout from him lying to Liz. I'm sure there is a flashback scene in our future with the two of them scheming- oh yay.

I could get into Anna and Sloane is GMc stops the campiness. He's fine at times, then his voice gets louder for no reason and it takes away from the scenes.


Having made up flashback scenes for randomly shoehorned storylines on a show shown five days a week for an hour at a time is just plain stupid and shows a great lack of planning on the writers' part. I barely tolerated it during the days of murder mysteries (remember those? where someone being murdered was an actual big deal and everyone scorned the murderer once they were found out??).

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
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I guess when Ron is saying he doesn't see how fans feel Elizabeth is being thrown under the bus really means, "This is who Elizabeth has been all along," and some just never saw it.



This may be who Liz is but I would still consider it throwing under the bus.  The writers could have had her show some growth.  They could have actually showed her remembering how she regretted lying about Danny and knowing she could never make it up to Jason because he was dead by telling him the truth the moment she learned it because that would be a way to make some kind of amends to him.  But nooo.  We have to make Liz bat shit crazy over a hitman who is no prize.  We have to take her lying about Danny up 10 notches and make her even more horrible.


RC doesn't know how to write a person NOT under the bus IMO.

  • Love 9

What's up with Maura West? She hasn't been on in weeks and it doesn't look like she's on tomorrow. Vacation? Movie?


She's miraculously recovered, and she and Silas are off having a torrid affair and falling in love.  They'll return in 2 months already a couple to eat up 90% of the screen time for 3-4 months before disappearing again.  We'll all be chastised for our lack of investment in their story.

Edited by Rancide
  • Love 9

Michael and Sabrina continue to be the one bright spot of my GH viewing these days. They just make me smile. I thought their banter about AJ was adorable and Michael's "pepper of peril" line made me laugh. It's nice to watch people who actually seem to like each other. Their smiles together seem so genuine.


Yes! They just make me smile. They make me all swoony. I don't even want to like them, dammit! But this show desperately needs a couple who are just sweet and normal together and they work IMO.


I know it was last week that Lulu was on, but for some reason now when a character hasn't been on even only a couple of days it feels like forever. Maybe because my brain has to muddle through all the characters to try and remember the last specific time a character is on, I dunno.


This. I feel like I haven't seen Lulu in like at least a month. And it feels like Ava hasn't been on for 2 years.


I love, love, love Anna and Sloan.  Full-stop.   Period.  I think I swooned when he covered her with his coat and gently brushed her tear away.  IDGAF.


Listen, I really don't want to admit this, but I think FH and GMc have really amazing chem. Now, at first, they didn't IMO. The towel drop scene was disgusting. But these past 2 days, with Sloane being toned down and obviously super into Anna, I kinda like it. But the whole story is just gross and I'm ashamed that I don't really care because they do have chem. Sigh. This show!

  • Love 7


We have to make Liz bat shit crazy over a hitman who is no prize.


Must be good in bed, I kid I kid. But seriously I'm kind of surprised how far they are taking this Liz thing. Lying to Jakeson is one thing but it seemed like she didn't even care if Hayden lived or died she only cared about the secret being kept at all costs. That's a bit much. Where are you taking her RC??

  • Love 1

Because there are soooooooo many characters on the show and they need to get rid of some.


Word! And honestly they could get rid of literally any character and it wouldn't matter. It wouldn't affect anything really.


I'm hoping the 'rain coming' news program stuff was foreshadowing that a huge storm is coming and a bunch of people will get swept away by a hurricane or something.

  • Love 3

Somehow my cable company had tech problems and I watched yesterday with no sound and I gotta say I wasn't too upset. The dialogue I made up for all these couples I care nothing about(sniff I used to like Julexis) I'm sure was better than the actual dialogue. I had a ball.


It seemed suspicious the sound came back on for the last 5 mins. I LOL at Jake and Liz conversation going up the stairs. It made me think she was going to kidnap/imprison him as her slave.


Why does Ron think a whole show of just couples is entertaining? I'd rather see some couples and big groups of people doing thing not a whole show of pairs.

Edited by Cattitude
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She's miraculously recovered, and she and Silas are off falling in love and having a torrid affair.


Ewww, gross. No thank you. Silas is the opposite of torrid. More like tepid. Or rancid.



And it feels like Ava hasn't been on for 2 years.


Preach it, peach! I honestly don't know how much longer I can last, so it better be soon damn it.



Listen, I really don't want to admit this, but I think FH and GMc have really amazing chem. Now, at first, they didn't IMO. The towel drop scene was disgusting. But these past 2 days, with Sloane being toned down and obviously super into Anna, I kinda like it. But the whole story is just gross and I'm ashamed that I don't really care because they do have chem. Sigh. This show!


You and I share the same brain sometimes. I don't want to like them either. He has ranged from being truly disgusting and horrible to wildly campy and over the top. The last two days though, damn it. But then my friend said something about how it was forced and too much touching just like when Silas was suddenly all into Ava after despising her for so long. Blech. But yeah, I've seen the chem between FH and GMc more so since Duke died. His toned down acting helps a lot. I think that's the only thing that the live episodes accomplished. Someone obviously pointed it out to him.



I don't think Finola and Grayson have anti-chem or anything. But I'm just annoyed because I bet you she'd also have good chemistry with, say, Ric Hearst, and that way, you could cut the chaff of Sloane, Nina, and Franco. Because there are soooooooo many characters on the show and they need to get rid of some.


And yet then again, I agree with this too.

  • Love 1

Must be good in bed, I kid I kid. But seriously I'm kind of surprised how far they are taking this Liz thing. Lying to Jakeson is one thing but it seemed like she didn't even care if Hayden lived or died she only cared about the secret being kept at all costs. That's a bit much. Where are you taking her RC??


At this point, I think the only person left in town who gives a good God damn if anyone lives or dies is Michael.

  • Love 1
Maybe Molly, but I forget about her most of the time.


So does Ron.


Bye Greenlee


Not surprising—I'm sure Buddig saw the writing on the wall and decided to leave while the leaving was good—but does that mean Hayden is in an endless coma? The article says nothing about her status.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Damn it, now they have T.J. spouting all sorts of bullshit and being intolerable...is no one safe? 


And of course it was just to give Shawn, the aimless "shooter", a reason to look like such a "good guy:" taking up for Jordan when T.J. began attacking her.


No, T.J., your mum didn't just "put" Shawn away, he, supposedly, shot an innocent bystander in the head while busy attempting to commit yet another mob arranged murder and that is going to get anyone put away, ffs.


I feel that he's been taking lessons from the same school of mob enablers that Morgan has as a kid of a gangster: put all the blame on someone else, doubly so if they're law enforcement, see things only from the "mob's perspective", start screaming about "betrayal" every other second, etc.


At least there was a Lucas! (Who?) sighting. Though why...why did he have to play informant to Kiki?


And eww. She didn't even bother to take a shower first? It isn't as if Julian would really mind if she took 30 extra minutes to clean up after rolling around in bed with that brain dead loser, Morgan.


Nice going Patrick, just because Sam brings up "losing someone" it does not automatically mean that she's talking about Jason, especially when the one lost was a baby. Sam has actually faced a lot of loss in her life of very special people in fact, one might even say too much. 


And there was a Scottie! (Who?) sighting. Sure it was only about ten seconds long but...at least it didn't involve him being a "shoulder to cry on" for the SERIAL KILLER as he whines/weeps abut the Nina's new "marriage of confoundment".


For as much as I adore Finola I hate, absolutely HATE, what they are doing to Anna. 


Goddammit. I knew Shawn would be "the Daddy" before all was said and done...


I hate you, Ron.  


And it ends on Ava in a terrible wig? Why...oh dear god why...

  • Love 6

I really was bored by this entire episode.

Fin is doing a nice job, but that's all I'll really say about Anna's story. It's nice Julian is surrounded by family, but Anna is alone or with that sleaze Sloane.

Patrick and Sam just had the most lowkey ILYs I've ever seen in the history of soaps. Patrick could have been saying he loved toothpaste and I wouldn't know the difference. And Sam's reaction was weird. She had this fake smile, followed by a kinda pissed, strained look. Just weird all around.

And LOL that the ILYs came after they MOVED IN together and started their "family." Is this the first time a show created a "family" where the children are missing?

  • Love 2


What kind of shit is this? I knew Greenlee would only be here for a short time but this is a bullshit resolution. My new favorite character will be stuck in a coma indefinitely so Nik probably won't be exposed for trying to have her killed anytime soon AND he and that nasty lying baboon Liez will be able to keep Jakeson in the dark for another 34 months.

  • Love 2

Damn it, now they have T.J. spouting all sorts of bullshit and being intolerable...is no one safe? 


And of course it was just to give Shawn, the aimless "shooter", a reason to look like such a "good guy:" taking up for Jordan when T.J. began attacking her.


No, T.J., your mum didn't just "put" Shawn away, he, supposedly, shot an innocent bystander in the head while busy attempting to commit yet another mob arranged murder and that is going to get anyone put away, ffs.


I feel that he's been taking lessons from the same school of mob enablers that Morgan has as a kid of a gangster: put all the blame on someone else, doubly so if they're law enforcement, see things only from the "mob's perspective", start screaming about "betrayal" every other second, etc.

In fairness, T.J. has had Shawn in his life for a long time when Jordan wasn't.  I can see why he'd want to take up for him over his mother.  I just wonder if he knows the full story yet (haven't watched yet)?

  • Love 2

I really could have gone forever without hearing Kiki call Morgan the "captain".


I'm glad they remembered that Sam had a still born daughter. 


Sam/Patrick's ILYs were kinda lackluster but not really surprised. 


Ava in a bad wig. *sighs* Whyyyyyyyyyy

I knew the ILYs would suck.

And that ascent, I....oh that accent. And the gum too?

Gum? Who does she think she is, Emily's twin Rebecca?

And, I'm sure Bryan Craig wishes he was still working with Maura West. Unfortunately, for him he is stuck with this awful nuKiki. I don't know what's worse. That we have to watch her or having to watch Kiki and Micahel getting it on!? Bleh!!

Bryan Craig should count his blessings he has a job. Both Kiki and Morgan are awful and neither is played by a good actor.

  • Love 7

Poor, poor Maura West. I think that reaction shot at the end was all Kelly Monaco and not Sam.


Aaaaand just like that I am over Olivia's lie. What was that? All it needed was someone singing "you are not alone" to Julian. Even Morgan. Let me get this straight. He feels zero remorse about drugging Michael, took glee in his plan, brushed aside the fact that he could have killed Avery and seems to not realize he just barely got out of a lengthy prison sentence, but he manages to scrap up some human sympathy for JULIAN? The guy who was gonna murder him? These characters truly are just plot points.


And Kiki. Oh, Kiki. "First, like, my mom, and then, like, my new baby cousin, and then, like, they totally ran out of my favorite lipstick at Sephora, and oh my gosh only rubbing your nipples lightly will help me Morgan. waaaaah."


Okay, thanks for revealing Shawn is TJ's father right when he's about to leave, I guess.


Carlos and Anna have chemistry too. This is why I'm not that wild about Anna and Sloane, because Anna pretty much has chemistry with all the men already on the darn show.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7

Aaaaand just like that I am over Olivia's lie. What was that? All it needed was someone singing "you are not alone" to Julian. Even Morgan. Let me get this straight. He feels zero remorse about drugging Michael, took glee in his plan, brushed aside the fact that he could have killed Avery and seems to not realize he just barely got out of a lengthy prison sentence, but he manages to scrap up some human sympathy for JULIAN? The guy who was gonna murder him? These characters truly are just plot points.

It's really amazing to me that the characters that Ron wants the audience to feel sorry for and/or root for, IDGAF about: Franco, Nina, Dr. O, Julian, Sonny, Carly, Ava, Patrick...

  • Love 2
And Kiki. Oh, Kiki. "First, like, my mom, and then, like, my new baby cousin, and then, like, they totally ran out of my favorite lipstick at Sephora, and oh my gosh only rubbing your nipples lightly will help me Morgan. waaaaah."




She's just gotta rub those nipples! Rub 'em good!



Gum? Who does she think she is, Emily's twin Rebecca?




Oh my gosh I'd forgotten all about that...no wait- a trade is a must here.


Because I am most certain that if they opened the door to that monstrosity of a twin beast before she even got a chance to open her mouth Julian would just take out his gun and shoot her on sight.

Edited by CPP83

It's really amazing to me that the characters that Ron wants the audience to feel sorry for and/or root for, IDGAF about: Franco, Nina, Dr. O, Julian, Sonny, Carly, Ava, Patrick...


Admittedly, if it was just today's scenes alone, I wouldn't mind. But I am already imagining the scene where anyone of this group gets up and yells in Dante and Olivia's face about what awful, awful people they are. The only one I might feel sympathy for is Sam, because this brings up painful memories for her, and she was lied to about her baby as well. Lucas is okay too I guess. but they reeeeally shoulda left Morgan at home, because all it does is remind me how Morgan was begging Julian not to kill him. And the thought of Kiki getting up in Dante and Olivia's face about this (or down in their faces, cause she's like 5 inches taller than both of them?) No. No no no. 

  • Love 7


Patrick and Sam just had the most lowkey ILYs I've ever seen in the history of soaps. Patrick could have been saying he loved toothpaste and I wouldn't know the difference. And Sam's reaction was weird. She had this fake smile, followed by a kinda pissed, strained look. Just weird all around.


Haven't watched today's wonderful installment yet but what the heck happened to Samtrick?? I could have sworn they had chem beforehand. Now they are boring, and nothing to get excited about. 

  • Love 2

Admittedly, if it was just today's scenes alone, I wouldn't mind. But I am already imagining the scene where anyone of this group gets up and yells in Dante and Olivia's face about what awful, awful people they are. The only one I might feel sympathy for is Sam, because this brings up painful memories for her, and she was lied to about her baby as well. Lucas is okay too I guess. but they reeeeally shoulda left Morgan at home, because all it does is remind me how Morgan was begging Julian not to kill him. And the thought of Kiki getting up in Dante and Olivia's face about this (or down in their faces, cause she's like 5 inches taller than both of them?) No. No no no.

I just don't think anyone, even Sam, to be honest, has any right to be in Dante or Olivia's face about this. They've all done worse and/or terrible things.

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