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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Also, Sonny (a confessed murderer) being outraged at how far Morgan went was beyond ridiculous.


If they're gonna write Morgan as a total asshole, I just wish they had him snap and try to choke the hell out of Sonny when Sonny screamed at him to shut up. Come on Morgan! Go for the kill!


When Carlos was like, come on kid! get out of the way! I was all, what happened Carlos? the thought of shooting TJ used to make you so happy! Never had I heard more delighted laughter on GH than that time Carlos had TJ hostage.

  • Love 7

Re: Sabrina

I still hold on to my hate for her due to her being an attempted baby killer. And no, her apologies and Ava's acceptance of her apology won't make me change my mind. Once I hate someone, it's very difficult to get me to change my mind. It certainly won't happen by her being around boring ass Michael.


Yay! You can sit next to me. I still don't like her and I hate the fact that she was hired as nanny for a baby she tried to murder. I remember Saccharine!Strooker Abby. Michael and Disney Princess types are a recipe for coma-like stupor

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4

I loved how Billy Miller played Jason as 100% annoyed as crap at Carly, there was no underlying "but I love you anyway". It was just, "for the love of God go already." I also thought he and Finola played well off each other.

I was just coming here to say the same thing! You beat me to it. I agree x 10.

And WHAT has this show done to Morgan? I mean, wow. No wonder BC lost it.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 4

Sonny swearing on his kids' lives always cracks me up. It means less than nothing.


Carrrlos, aim for the head! You've got that giant scope; it can't be that difficult. And pull the trigger! OMFG.


I loved Jake shoving Carly out the door of the garage. Hee.


I'm assuming that Duke bug-eyed look of shock when Jordan walked in was intended to be UCG? Because it was kinda hilarious.


It really was. (Poor Ian Buchanan. This story is the worst.)


I can't believe Sonny mentioned that Michael went to Pentonville as if it were some indication of strength. Sonny was the reason he was there! 


If they're gonna write Morgan as a total asshole, I just wish they had him snap and try to choke the hell out of Sonny when Sonny screamed at him to shut up. Come on Morgan! Go for the kill!


Ugh, they'd turn it into Sonny being a martyr for Morgan being angry enough for that to happen. I've had more than enough of Sonny's fake regret.


LMAO at the preview of Morgan looking at baby AJ and wondering, "How'd she get into the apartment?"  He really is such a moron.

He's deeply stupid. Someone put her there, duh. Does he think she opened the door and got into her playpen all by herself?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6

Of course it just makes me wish BM was Lucky some more. :) BM and DZ would probably play well off each other, and Anna being their boss? Into it! Oh well. I may change my stance on letting Jason be a cop.

I know, I know. ;) And it's not like I necessarily disagree that he couldn't pull off Lucky, but I like him as Jase. I was just so over the cold, juiced up Borg. I like this version and hopefully what it will become in the future.

  • Love 3

The drugging reveal was extremely underwhelming across the board from the dialogue to the performances.  I'm hoping Laura can inject some life into it on Mon when Carly confronts The Captain & The Mooch.  Chad and Teresa were really good in that last scene.  I'm excited for Michael & Sabrina's friendship to grow into something more.  


Billy has finally woken up opposite Jeffrey and now Fin, but I'm still not impressed because those two tend to elevate all of their respective scene partners.


I can't believe that Dr. Derek Shepherd is dead, and those mobular assholes Dewq & Shawn are still alive.  

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 9

I'm not saying that I want a bunch of shoot 'em up mob wars, but if we *have* to have them, could they at least lead somewhere, like a dead Duke and Jordan? No, instead we're going to be treated to a conflicted Duke over this tuition ridiculousness. Yay.

New Kiki is a terrible actress. I wasn't thrilled with MB today either because I know he can do better with rage, but Michael and Morgan were great. Michael, no more talking about Sonny's code, and no caring about how Sonny feels.

  • Love 7

Wait up.......

I'm confused. ....

Does Anna know that Robin went to Crichton Clark to save Jason per Cassadine orders or did Patrick never reveal that? Does she still believe Robin went to Africa? Or did Patrick say "Yeah um we like lied, dude" when the clinic blew up? So, now Anna believes, much like Patrick, that Robin is all happy in Paris, just chilling and eating cheese like whatevs? Because I'm very confused.

Also, who the fuck is Bruce? Did he adopt Duke from the shelter? I watch, but like, am I not watching hard enough or drunk enough or is there a director's cut?

  • Love 3

Michael did call Sonny, dad, today so maybe his is on the road to forgiveness.

No he didn't.  Michael always "almost" calls Sonny Dad because it's more natural.  Even today, he stopped himself from referring to Sonny as his father.  I watched yesterday's episode and Michael never called him Dad.


Agreed.  And, I'll add, I never want Michael to forgive Sonny or Carly.  Ever.  Yes, I know it will happen eventually, but do me a favor, Show, and make it a good long time.



Perhaps she could become Spencer's governess.  And, with time and care, he could become a decent human being (who knows what "townie" means).  Goodness knows, it's not happening under the tender hand of his father.

I think today was a good indication of what Sonny and Michael's relationship will be like from now on, and I think I'm okay with it.  They are able to talk without yelling, but that's all Michael will give Sonny.  He listened to what Sonny had to say, they talked, but Michael still won't call him dad or let him in his life.  There's almost an "understanding" between them now, but that father/son closeness they once had I think is gone forever.  I think they will be cordial, but that's about it.  That's what I think is happening now.


And WHAT has this show done to Morgan? I mean, wow. No wonder BC lost it.


I don't agree with this.  How has his character been treated any differently than other characters over the years?  If he's expecting a positive storyline all the time, he's nuts. All the characters have been made to look bad at different points. I mean Sonny shot AJ and had sex on his grave!  Come on!  Carly had sex with the guy who got Michael raped!  Drugging his brother is small potatoes in soap terms.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 6

This might just be me, but I don't understand why Morgan is being given no POV whatsoever. He's just basically made out to be a completely disgusting and vile ass. What kind of crap writing is that? I don't buy Morgan being this completely unfeeling towards Michael. It doesn't make sense to me at all. He wasn't even this mad at Michael when he stole Kiki away from him (not that she was any great prize). He went undercover as a mole in Sonny's organization since Julian threatened to kill his family, specifically Michael, and he still wasn't buddy buddy with him again yet. I guess you guys will say that it's all to win Sonny's love, but I don't think he would resort to such drastic measures and then just refuse to give a fuck. He isn't a monster. He isn't Franco.


There are lots of candidates for bad writing, but personally I think Morgan's at the very top of the list.

I wrote a post a while back regarding how Morgan should/could be feeling that could be driving this behavior and I realized later I failed to write that Morgan's insecurities, his shitty role models (sans Jax), his jealously towards his sibs as they will inherit clean fortunes from their fathers (Michael/Josslynn) or  were raised by self sufficient women (Kristina/Dante) and he got stuck with his gold digging mother and his criminal father should be partial driving what he is doing. Is he hurt that Avery turned out not to be his? Was Ava the final straw that turned his heart completely cold because he thought that she was in love with him, but he was cheated on with his father?  Is he emotionally over compensating in light of the betrayal? There is nothing being presented on screen.


When Carly first came on, trying to destroy her mother's life, they at least gave a believable motivation, even if it irrational bordering on delusional (which Luke pointed out to her when he busted her), but was a point of view. But the writing isn't allowing for any of this, and it seems he is being thrown under the bus for Kiki.

  • Love 10

I wrote a post a while back regarding how Morgan should/could be feeling that could be driving this behavior and I realized later I failed to write that Morgan's insecurities, his shitty role models (sans Jax), his jealously towards his sibs as they will inherit clean fortunes from their fathers (Michael/Josslynn) or  were raised by self sufficient women (Kristina/Dante) and he got stuck with his gold digging mother and his criminal father should be partial driving what he is doing. Is he hurt that Avery turned out not to be his? Was Ava the final straw that turned his heart completely cold because he thought that she was in love with him, but he was cheated on with his father?  Is he emotionally over compensating in light of the betrayal? There is nothing being presented on screen.


When Carly first came on, trying to destroy her mother's life, they at least gave a believable motivation, even if it irrational bordering on delusional (which Luke pointed out to her when he busted her), but was a point of view. But the writing isn't allowing for any of this, and it seems he is being thrown under the bus for Kiki.


Morgan's motivations were explained in Scott Sickles' family newsletter for this month. Similarly, they finally revealed Rosalie's deep dark secret on the back of receipt that Andrea Archer Compton dropped at the grocery store.  


You really need to check all of your sources before complaining about silly things like this.  You must be a wimmins!

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 8

I watched yesterday's episode and Michael never called him Dad.


He did call him 'Da' though, which is farther than he'd gotten to that point. He always stopped right before saying 'Dad' or 'father' before. Sigh. The reconciliation is so coming. It was even more apparent today. STAY STRONG, MICHAEL! SONNY SUCKS! YOU DON'T NEED HIM!


Morgan was so very fine today. I'm sorta back on his side now because BC was good today and, you know, because he's hot. I mean, this story could actually be good, but RC and co. just refuse to play any of the right beats.


Jakeson hates Carly and it delights me so much. Also, I guess I can add Jakeson to the list of people who Anna should fuck.


I don't remember anything else.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4


I don't agree with this.  How has his character been treated any differently than other characters over the years?  If he's expecting a positive storyline all the time, he's nuts. All the characters have been made to look bad at different points. I mean Sonny shot AJ and had sex on his grave!  Come on!  Carly had sex with the guy who got Michael raped!  Drugging his brother is small potatoes in soap terms.


By the time that happened, Sonny was already a well-established scumbag. And he showed more guilt about that than Morgan has been shown to seen. And as for Carly sleeping with Franco, people complained about that too, because it was out-of-character junk as well.


Although, I don't think Morgan drugging Michael is necessarily out-of-character. It's consistent with the SORASed version of the character. But not only is portraying him as so remorseless inconsistent with what they've presented, it's just bad writing. No one should be THAT flat of a villain. Even Helena is off on Cassadine Island giving him the side-eye.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 10
I don't agree with this.  How has his character been treated any differently than other characters over the years?  If he's expecting a positive storyline all the time, he's nuts. All the characters have been made to look bad at different points. I mean Sonny shot AJ and had sex on his grave!  Come on!  Carly had sex with the guy who got Michael raped!  Drugging his brother is small potatoes in soap terms.


I don't think its that BC expected a positive storyline all the time, I think its that he didn't expect, as ulkis said, for him to be painted as this unfeeling and uncaring about Michael, You can say what you like about how much he resents his brother, and you wouldn't be entirely wrong, but I think he should at least have some qualms about what he's doing. Hell, stupid-useless-worthless Kaka is at least pretending to have regrets, but Morgan can't be bothered? It doesn't work for me.

  • Love 12

See, Ron screwed up majorly by having MSt play baby crazy Neener Nanner because imo he missed a prime opportunity to bring her on as a former professor /old flame of Morgan's. MSt can play sexy vamp much better than wee innocent oh gosh voice, and Bryan Craig can steam up a screen. Plus, I'd rather see MSt and MW in beautiful outfits, throwing drinks at each other, making Carly's head explode while they brag about how her baby boy, Morgan is the greatest lover ever.

  • Love 2



When Carly first came on, trying to destroy her mother's life, they at least gave a believable motivation, even if it irrational bordering on delusional 

Today I got the impression that Morgan's actions were supposed to be shades of young Carly, with him bordering on delusional too. Carly had this warped perception that Bobbie deserved to be punished for giving up her for adoption; Morgan has a warped perception that Michael needs to be punished for getting custody of a baby he's "not even related to" and thus being disloyal to the father who's love Morgan is desperate to receive. The fact that Sonny and Carly only value Michael because they took him from AJ and because he was the fixer/made them feel good about their awful selves doesn't even register in Morgan's pea brain. He's choosing to shut out memories like Michael protecting him during kidnappings, Michael getting shot because he was near Sonny, Michael going to prison, etc.  because he's so angry about his parents showing favoritism to Michael over the years, and because Kiki "fell in love" with Michael while dating Morgan (while conveniently forgetting the fact that Morgan and Kiki had loud sex around Michael's apartment and never paid him to crash there).  Morgan today said Michael was always the golden child while Morgan was the screw up. (He wanted Michael to have a big, public screw-up so people would see Michael the way he 'should' be seen - in Morgan's opinion. Remember when he told Kiki at Kelly's, "Michael wants to be a Quartermaine? Fine.") He plotted to make Michael appear to be falling-down drunk, "like his father/the Quartermaines before him." He wanted to get back at Michael for being the treasured son, for Michael taking Avery away from their 'good dad', and for turning his back on their family and embracing his Quartermaine family. It was clear (to me) from the Michael-Morgan argument that Avery's safety and happiness was never even a concern when putting this plan together. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 14

Bringonthedrama, I've always gotten shades of young Carly in Morgan. It would be interesting to see if she brings her own past.


The other reason the writing for Morgan is annoying is because it's so  obviously so Sonny does not look as bad. I'd rather Morgan be the heavy than Michael, but really. Morgan reverting so completely back to Sonny's side made no sense.

  • Love 10

I might be delving into too much history, with the whole Corinthios kidnapping, Michael was the reason it happened. While I hated what it did to AJ (put loved he managed to pull one over on Sonny), AJ desire to have Michael all to himself was the catalyst to all 3 of the sibs getting kidnaped. Funny we are comparing Morgan to Carly, because there are shades of AJ too. Morgan is so fixated on this one goal, he is ignoring everything, which was something AJ did (Billy Warlock reasoned that the reason AJ drank was because he was obsessive compulsive).

  • Love 4

I hope Carly rips in to Morgan and Kiki, but especially Kiki. She is the reason those two first became at odds. They can try and white wash her involvement but she was thrilled with doing whatever it took to get AJ. 


After a pretty crappy week, this was a good show. Between CD really sinking his teeth into this stuff and Billy Miller finally waking up- today's show had a really good energy.

  • Love 9

I didn't watch the end of the episode today, but here is my guess:   Silas did indeed take the baby.  And when he was shown injecting Ava with whatever he injected her with, it will be revealed that he didn't in fact help her die, he knocked her out for surgery.


Just speculation, but I really don't think this is the last of MW.

  • Love 4


Even though people are saying they are shocked by Morgan's and Kiki's involvement in Michael's drugging, I don't see any real legal fallout happening.

But the legal fallout is the most interesting beat to play (which means the show probably won't) 

Michael can't clear his name and reputation (or get custody of AJ) unless he goes public with Morgan and Kiki's plot to drug him. His behavior was the cause of AJ being removed from his home. To get her back, he has to show that Morgan and Kiki's actions caused that unsuitable behavior. 

  • Love 5

Tbh, I don't care who kidnapped Avery anymore. The baby is cute, but damn. I'm on embryo/kid/baby overload. Like, what if Avery just needed a vacation and left because all these idiots were in her face? Yeah, it sounds stupid, but she did magically reappear. Like Faison in a mask.

Other things I noticed: Billy Miller woke up majorly today. Therefore, the end of this Jakeson bs must be nearing. I can see Jason as a Medical Examiner. It'd make use of his med school skills, tie the PCPD together, put him in scenes with Fin, and give him hospital scenes. Also, he'd get to have scenes at the eventual AJ Quartermaine Memorial Clinic.

Grayson McCouch ruined his skin. Moisturizer, dude.

There's still time for Carrlos to take out Kiki. I believe.

  • Love 2

I wasn't thrilled with MB today either because I know he can do better with rage, but Michael and Morgan were great. Michael, no more talking about Sonny's code, and no caring about how Sonny feels.

I really enjoyed the Michael/Sonny scenes yesterday and the Michael/sonny/Morgan scenes today.  I think we are seeing what the Sonny/Michael relationship will be from now on:  Polite, direct, distant.  I thought all those scenes were great today, and I have to admit that I am liking the Michael and Sabrina pairing.  She's smart, and Kiki is an idiot. 


I'm surprised Greenlee didn't ask Carlos to fuck her.

You know, there was a moment when I thought she was going to.


So do we know who kidnapped Avery and delivered her back to Kiki's crib?  Cause it is looking like it is Silas, and would he leave a baby unattended in apt?

I think it's Silas too.  No one believes he killed Ava.  I think he took marrow from Avery and has already given it to Ava, and she's on the mend.  I can only guess that maybe (possibly) Silas was hiding in the hallway.  Maybe.


He did call him 'Da' though, which is farther than he'd gotten to that point. He always stopped right before saying 'Dad' or 'father' before. Sigh. The reconciliation is so coming. It was even more apparent today. STAY STRONG, MICHAEL! SONNY SUCKS! YOU DON'T NEED HIM!

I don't think Michael is going to forgive Sonny or Carly.  He's going to tolerate them now, meaning he won't be angry when he sees them, but he won't be treating them like his parents either.  The problem is that Michael still loves them, and I actually like that about the story because it's realistic.  He can't just stop loving them, but he's fighting it.



I don't think its that BC expected a positive storyline all the time, I think its that he didn't expect, as ulkis said, for him to be painted as this unfeeling and uncaring about Michael, You can say what you like about how much he resents his brother, and you wouldn't be entirely wrong, but I think he should at least have some qualms about what he's doing. Hell, stupid-useless-worthless Kaka is at least pretending to have regrets, but Morgan can't be bothered? It doesn't work for me.

You make a valid point, and I agree.  I do think the negative reaction to the storyline bothers BC, but I agree with you that it makes no sense that Morgan suddenly has no remorse for hurting Michael.  That makes no sense to me either.  I also don't like that Kiki is the one that seems to be the only one with a conscience.  I call BS on that one.


Even though people are saying they are shocked by Morgan's and Kiki's involvement in Michael's drugging, I don't see any real legal fallout happening. Probably the worst consequence will be a dramatic meltdown from Carly, which will be unpleasant but will blow over.

I don't think it's going to be easy to prove.  Michael didn't have a blood test, and no one saw Morgan switch the drugs.  It's circumstantial evidence.  That being said, it's true that Michael can't really clear his name and set the record straight if the truth doesn't come out.  I'm guessing RC is going to just fix that with a magic DVD.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 5

See, Ron screwed up majorly by having MSt play baby crazy Neener Nanner because imo he missed a prime opportunity to bring her on as a former professor /old flame of Morgan's. MSt can play sexy vamp much better than wee innocent oh gosh voice, and Bryan Craig can steam up a screen. Plus, I'd rather see MSt and MW in beautiful outfits, throwing drinks at each other, making Carly's head explode while they brag about how her baby boy, Morgan is the greatest lover ever.


 I'd rather take a spork to my eyes than see this.  If at all imaginable, MSt trying desperately to be sexy is even more appalling than the baby girl schtick she is attempting. IMO

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