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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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In any case, I kinda feel sorry for him because no one can write for 60 characters and please everybody all the time.


I'd at least like the writing to make sense for the characters, whether I like them or not. Maybe Ron could focus a bit more if the cast didn't keep adding people. It's ridiculously large.


(Or what Francie said.)

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

Okay, not quite 84.  But damn close:


1. Luke
2. Tracy
3. Lulu
4. Dante
5. Valerie
6. Ned
7. Olivia
8. Alexis
9. Julian
10. Sam
11. Patrick
12. Emma
13. Spencer
14. Cameron
15. The blond kid of Carly
16. Carly
17. Franco
18. Nina
19. Dr. O
20. Donna Mills
21. Nathan
22. Ava
23. Silas
24. Kiki
25. Morgan
26. Michael
27. Liz
28. Ric
29. Nikolas
30. Hayden
31. Delia
32. Sonny
33. Anna
34. Ellie
35. Spinelli
36. Maxie
37. Duke
38. Sloane
39. Jordan
40. TJ
41. Sean/Shawn
42. Molly
43. Lucy
44. Kevin (kinda – hey, they did even recast him! and then even name-checked him -- again -- recently)
45. The Governor’s daughter (is she gone now?)
46. Carlos
47. Sabrina
48. Britt (is she really gone?)
49. Faison (he will always be in my heart, as I’ll always love him a little bit)
50. Victor (are you sure he’s not coming back either?)
51. Helena (she does pop up now and again)
52. Diane
53. Max
54. Monica
55. Scotty
56. Bobbie
57. Rocco
58. Robin
59. Jake/Jason
60. AJ
61. Mac
62. Felicia
63. Heather (like a bad penny)
64. Mayor Lomax
65. Jerry Jax (yet another bad penny?  Is that poisoning thing supposed to come up again?)
66. Nina’s horse
67. Milo
68. Epiphany
69. Lucas
70. Brad
71. Felix
72. Aidan
73. Nina’s hands
74. Monica’s judge boyfriend
75. Alice

76. Rosalie

77. Johnny
78. Bill Eckert (well, he was a character, before the rewrite)

Plus, shouldn’t Fluke count for, like, 5 characters?  One for each accent?


And, just for good measure, these people might show up here and there, especially at the nurses ball:


79. Brenda
80. Noah Drake

81.  Mac's taped up dummy

82.  Richard Simmons


And whoever “wins” the poll between Stefan, Kristina, and SWMNBN

Edited by Francie
  • Love 3

Ellie, if you want Spin back all you have to do is convince him that Maxie isn't worth it, which she isn't, and that she will eventually cheat on him with the talking tree or some other random dude, which she probably will. I really find it completely unbelievable that Spin would want to go back to Maxie and all her lies and games and bullshit when he could be with an actual adult who loves him for him and isn't afraid to admit. 


Talking tree, if you want Maxie back all you have to do is take your shirt off and she'll get distracted and decide she wants to be with you.


This Maxie/Spin/talking tree crap really highlights how stupid, ridiculous, and annoying Maxie is. I'm finding it hard to believe that anyone would want her.


Spencer needs to be sent away to a farm or something. 

  • Love 2

Dude, this is General Jason Morgan (the Jason Morgan is silent but enforced) Hospital. No one chooses anything over Jason. It's not allowed. You're not in Wisconsin, bro.

Haaaa. I know, I was being sarcastic. The more this story goes on and on, the more unbelievable it is that Sam will be torn in any.way. Of course, Ron will waste time and do it, but nope.

  • Love 4

I don't think Ron values Jason so much more than Patrick actually. Yeah Jason was the golden hitman of the show, but Ron didn't create Jason or Patrick and Ron loves his creations the most. He may just pick a name out of a hat in regards to who Sam picks, whatever gives him more time for Nina's newest story.

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 1

Haaaa. I know, I was being sarcastic. The more this story goes on and on, the more unbelievable it is that Sam will be torn in any.way. Of course, Ron will waste time and do it, but nope.

There might be a wedding or a baby snatching. We haven't had a baby snatching, like a good baby swap in a while. Micheal needs to get Sabrina pregnant so that Franco and Nina may swap the babies.

I don't think Ron values Jason so much more than Patrick actually. Yeah Jason was the golden hitman of the show, but Ron didn't create Jason or Patrick and Ron loves his creations the most. He may just pick a name out of a hat in regards to who Sam picks, whatever gives him more time for Nina's newest story.

While I agree with you on Nina and Ron's creations, ha, I think he values Jason way more than Patrick. Waaaaay more. Patrick isn't even a character anymore. He just stands around and is placed around Sam to answer her questions. He has no purpose.

  • Love 4

OK seriously, what is going on with Maxie's hair? Like who colored it that way and why? Poor girl. Also, Maxie SUCKS and I can not deal with her anymore.


I was interested in the idea of Dante/Valerie but I'm bored of them already. I like Valerie OK and the actress is decent, but she scrunches her face up too much and it annoys me.


Spinelli and Carly together continue to somewhat amuse me. I don't understand it and I don't like it.


I want Nathan and Ellie to become friends and never speak to Spinelli or Maxie again. Both of them deserve better than those two parasites.


I don't remember anything else. Oh wait, the Jason/Sam/Patrick scenes. Those were, uh, something, I guess. Like they were very bizarre. I agree with the person who said they were very badly directed. Where is this story even going? Will I ever care?

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 8

Spinelli and Carly together continue to somewhat amuse me. I don't understand it and I don't like it.


bwah! I agree, they are good together.


I want Nathan and Ellie to become friends and never speak to Spinelli or Maxie again. Both of them deserve better than those two parasites.


Agreed. Really, no one should speak to Maxie or Spinelli again, ever. Also, someone needs to tell poor Ellie that she wasn't responsible for losing Lulu and Dante's embryos and it was all stupid O's fault.

  • Love 4

I love how Valerie barely gets the benefit of the doubt for trying to kill Luke. Yeah, the nerve of her wanting to go after the guy who terrorized her, knocked her unconscious, and threatened her.


STFU, Spencer. Nik and his "serious conversations" with his drama queen turd of a son. Might want to rethink his parenting style. When will Spencer be launched into the sun?


"We haven't been to the grocery store in I don't know how long." Uh, maybe don't eat the eggs, then, Dante? Heh.

  • Love 7

I liked Nathan and Ellie, I suspect the little smirk he gave at the end of their scene is because he's going to suggest they 'pretend' to go out to make Spin and Maxie jealous.*


Of course, that little smirk may mean he was just happy that this was the first time in the show's history that anyone has asked Nathan what he thought... about anything.


*This plot is obviously swiped from the elementary school set and will  most probably work on Spin and Maxie.

  • Love 7

Oh dear, I should have stayed on the barge.  Don't bother reading if you liked today. 


I did like Ellie - and she did get a reaction from the talking tree - and I'd like to think she'll have a long stay - but I doubt that will happen.  And the talking tree didn't go completely bare-chested, so I guess that's a step up.


The Maxie/Lulu scenes were godawful - two silly teenagers filling us in on plot points for stories which really don't need telling.  And someone mentioned face-scrunching, so I'll continue the theme and wish that "Lulu" would not twist her face so much when she talks - especially when she talks to Maxie.  Makes me forget to pay attention to what she is saying - but maybe today that was a good thing.


The Dante/Valerie scenes were easier to take - but still too plot pointed - not nearly as good as last week's scenes - although I did like that Valerie acknowledges it's time to move out.  Still not sure where this is going, but, at this point, I'd much rather it be just a friendship.  If more develops, I'll see it as either writing Dante OOC ... or using Valerie like one of the disposable characters RC likes to introduce - just to give Dante and Lulu some more "pretend" angst.  And I'd like her to have a fair chance. 


And I did laugh at Emme's face when she opened the loft door.  Girl was looking as if she was cheering:  "Yes, bring it on!  We're finally going get to some action in this loft!"   The actors really must want to change things up sometimes!! 


The whole ring scene was badly directed.  What was going on there? I'm so weary of this ongoing Jason-centric story that I can barely pay attention these days.


And I wonder who will be sitting across from poor Liz at the dinner table next week?   That seems about the right amount of time before the writers have her saying someone else is right for her.  Not faulting the character ... but sure don't like watching the revolving door approach to her love life.  Pick a man and let her stay in a relationship for a while. 


Did we really have a flashback to a 10-year-old's love life?  Really? 

  • Love 3

I am also going to agree that the Sam/Jake/Patrick scenes were odd today.  Besides the obvious stupidity of the dialogue...."What do you mean there's an inscription??"  Ummm.....he meant there was writing on the ring dear, keep up.   I am thinking maybe KeMo screwed up here, but when Patrick said that it says Alan Quartermaine, she looked at Jake before he said anything.  It was just really odd to me that she would look at him when she got that info...she should have gone straight to Patrick to look at the ring.  It was either bad direction, or the scene was messed up and they just didn't feel like fixing it.  It was just...odd.  And Billy's facial expressions were strange too.  I think he was going for uncomfortable to be in the situation/familiarity with the ring/confusion.....but it just looked like he was bored and confused.


And....of course it won't lead anywhere.  Sam will buy whatever lame story Nikolas will come up with. 

  • Love 5
And I wonder who will be sitting across from poor Liz at the dinner table next week?   That seems about the right amount of time before the writers have her saying someone else is right for her.  Not faulting the character ... but sure don't like watching the revolving door approach to her love life.  Pick a man and let her stay in a relationship for a while.


That Australian terrorist doctor guy is back from the dead and Liz has decided she wants to be with him.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 7

Seems like KeMo is playing Sam as stunned and confused, feeling emotional because she hasn't seen that ring since the night Jason got shot. She is desperate for answers about the husband she still loves, as evident by her desire to get out of Casa Scorpio-Drake immediately and go talk to her cousin.  I think BM played it like "um, this is awkward" because he already knows Patrick doesn't like him, and now he's (indirectly) responsible for Sam feeling emotional and wanting to investigate Jason's ring right then and there, instead of settling into her "new home"/having sexy time with Patrick. Notice Sam didn't even think to give Patrick a quick hug or kiss as she was heading out the door? Knowing Patrick, he'll probably blame Jake for Sam being so focused on Jason's wedding ring. 

  • Love 3

Y'know, I actually think Rebecca Budig and TC do have chemistry. It's just a pity they've stuck her with this nothing character and this nothing story - you could've made her another spoiled, scheming heiress in the mold of Greenlee. This whole thing with nympho Hayden is just sad.

"Rebecca, we have a killer role for you. It's perfect. The perfect role. We want your character to have lots and lots of sex with Nik."

  • Love 3

The character's last two incarnations were a bust, but I think Rebecca Budig could have still had her thing with Nik as...Sarah Webber. They did have history and she was blank enough to make her a vixen with so many years away. It only takes a good actor to light a fire under a beige role. And some decent writing...


Oh, right.


Forget it.

  • Love 1

I would've welcomed her as Sarah, but they also could've done a different, more vixenish character like this without it just being Greenlee* or this one-note nympho chick in the boring amnesia time-waster story with Ric and Liz. You could've done some fun globetrotting caper with Nik and others on that shoestring 2015 budget. I dunno, it's gotta be better than this!


(* - it could've even been Greenlee, if they had those rights, not that I'm exactly hankering for Ron and Frank to get their hands on those shows. Greenlee and Ryan Lavery busted up and now she's back on the prowl in business and pleasure! That was always the best version of that character, before Brian Frons neutered her.)

  • Love 4

I saw the first scenes, and then my local news pre-empted the rest of the entire episode for some tornado that didn't actually exist. Apparently there was a lot of hail, which I had no idea about since I was at work stuck inside, far away from it all, nose to the grindstone.


So even though the show sucks, I was ready to come home and watch it to take my mind off all the crap at work. I was peeved it got pre-empted, especially for something that was just a bunch of Doppler maps, but after reading the descriptions and especially this:



Did we really have a flashback to a 10-year-old's love life?  Really?


I realize I just don't care that much. It doesn't sound like there was anything good about today, except maybe Ellie.


Anything in the previews?

Y'know, I actually think Rebecca Budig and TC do have chemistry. It's just a pity they've stuck her with this nothing character and this nothing story - you could've made her another spoiled, scheming heiress in the mold of Greenlee. This whole thing with nympho Hayden is just sad.


She could barely pull that off 15 years ago, much less now. Just more whining about how Daddy never loved her.


I actually think she might have made more sense as Valerie, especially since it annoys me that I have a feeling they cast a black woman solely to make sure fans don't get invested and instead remember to root for tedious prom-queen-for-life Lulu.

And Billy's facial expressions were strange too.  I think he was going for uncomfortable to be in the situation/familiarity with the ring/confusion.....but it just looked like he was bored and confused.


That's been his repertoire since 2008. No need to change a winning formula.

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 1

I have a feeling they cast a black woman solely to make sure fans don't get invested and instead remember to root for tedious prom-queen-for-life Lulu.


I really don't think that's true. I like Valerie a lot, and I think the writing is unfairly skewing both women as wrong or shrewish on alternating days, including ER's Lulu, who I do like.

  • Love 6

#NathanEllie = #Nellie


It's either that or #Ethan ... and I don't think that's any better. But I'll take Nellie. They had great, easy, chemistry without being too nice to each other. On any other soap, I'd say we just saw the birth of a super couple. But on Ron's GH, this means it's the go ahead to make Ellie a baby snatching psychopath whose life ends in a hail of Jason's bullets. Because that's how they roll here, yo.

  • Love 7

I really don't think that's true. I like Valerie a lot, and I think the writing is unfairly skewing both women as wrong or shrewish on alternating days, including ER's Lulu, who I do like.


I don't think Ron or Frank will ever write for a POC as anything but a negative plot device, other than Sabrina, I guess.

Edited by Pete Martell

I am also going to agree that the Sam/Jake/Patrick scenes were odd today.  Besides the obvious stupidity of the dialogue...."What do you mean there's an inscription??"  Ummm.....he meant there was writing on the ring dear, keep up.   I am thinking maybe KeMo screwed up here, but when Patrick said that it says Alan Quartermaine, she looked at Jake before he said anything.  It was just really odd to me that she would look at him when she got that info...she should have gone straight to Patrick to look at the ring.  It was either bad direction, or the scene was messed up and they just didn't feel like fixing it.  It was just...odd.  And Billy's facial expressions were strange too.  I think he was going for uncomfortable to be in the situation/familiarity with the ring/confusion.....but it just looked like he was bored and confused.


And....of course it won't lead anywhere.  Sam will buy whatever lame story Nikolas will come up with. 

The whole finding the ring was weird.  Jake makes a really bad throw but it looks like he intentionally threw them with a low sidearm.  Then he crawls under the sofa and instead of grabbing what he finds, he announces there's something else there.  Then he brings it out and eventually gives it to Patrick.  It's a black band ring.  Is that the kind Patrick has?   Sam had a weird expression.  Patrick mentions there's an inscription.  More talking and puzzled faces.  Eventually Patrick reads the inscription.  Alan Quartermaine.  Sam has a puzzled puppy dog face - I even think she did the head tilt.  Oh come the f on!   Then Sam takes the ring, tears flow and she pointedly asks Patrick what he is doing with the ring.  Is it a sleeper sofa?  Maybe Jason is trapped in there?  Emma comes home and announces she knows where the ring comes from.  Then apologies because she must be used to being in trouble for stuff that's not her fault (very unlike Spencer).  She asks if she can go check in on Danny and Sam gives her a dismissive face (nice, not as stern as the look Jake gave her when she made her announcement, poor child).  Sam no longer has tears but again pointedly asks Patrick how Spencer got the ring.  Um, has Patrick ever been a fountain of knowledge?   Jake offers up Helena as an explanation.  Sam announces she's driving Jake somewhere (where does he live?  At Carly's?  At the garage?  On the Haunted Star?  Julian's old park bench?) and then off to see Nik when ding dong.  Nik appears at the door.  Awesome PI Sam is, she doesn't play it cool and see what Nik maybe wants and see what he might have to say --- nope, she shows her hand and asks him about the ring.




Valerie.  Waiting for her to get a script that doesn't involve crying.  And Lulu, there was nothing romantic about that hug.  Instead of being all green-eyed, set her up with someone, find her a job, a place to live etc out of your orbit.


Maxie - holy hell what is going on with the dye job!  The storyline sucks but the hair is the worst.  While I'd rather be with Nathan, Spinelli seems more like Maxie's speed since she's so selfish and foolish.  Nathan should go for Valerie or Ellie and stay away from Sabrina and Rosalie.


So there's cameras in the Metro Court elevators but not in the halls, stairs or anywhere else?  Get on that Carly!

Edited by Lola16
  • Love 2

Ummm..the last thing we needed was a feminine version of Spinelli. Ellie has got his syntax down, and Nathan will have to be pulling his Thesaurus out a lot to keep up with her. She's ditsy and dizzy too, because you know them wimmenz can't be scholarly and purty at the same time.


High school lonely hearts. Breakin'up is so hard to do.

  • Love 1

The character's last two incarnations were a bust, but I think Rebecca Budig could have still had her thing with Nik as...Sarah Webber. They did have history and she was blank enough to make her a vixen with so many years away. It only takes a good actor to light a fire under a beige role. And some decent writing...


Oh, right.


Forget it.


Or a recast Lydia, who could have been Greenlee in everything but name. (And I actually hated Greenlee most days, but she would be the perfect kind of character to pair with Nikolas/TC, who has either ever since NL left gotten paired with actresses/characters 15 years younger than him and/or too sweet.)


re: Valerie, a better way for this to be done would for her to go live with Bobbie, because bobbie would absolutely insist on getting to know her niece. And Lulu, Dante, Lucas (and Brad) could come over all the time and try to get to know her. And since there would be a bunch of them over, it wouldn't be noticeable at first that Dante and Valerie would get sucked into conversations by themselves, etc etc. And neither Lulu nor Valerie would be presented as "shrews".


Oh, I shouldn't even bother, there are 1000 scenarios this could be happening in a better way.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 9

I thought it was hilarious how quick Sam side-eyed Patrick about the ring. And then when she was talking to Jake about their previous convos about the ring's importance, Patty's face was all, "I thought she only talked about Jason with me!!!!"

And will someone let Jakeson take the bus, fuck.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 8

 Then Sam takes the ring, tears flow and she pointedly asks Patrick what he is doing with the ring.  Is it a sleeper sofa?  Maybe Jason is trapped in there? 

Lola16's version of the Jason Morgan storyline is the first time this character has been interesting or entertaining in approximately 5 years ... maybe more.  I dig it! Please continue.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 1

I don't think Ron or Frank will ever write for a POC as anything but a negative plot device, other than Sabrina, I guess.

I don't think Jordan, TJ, or Brad are negative plot devices at all. The former two are among the small handful of genuinly good people on the show. Shawn is, but that has nothing to do with his race. And Pip was a negative stereotypical plot device long before Cartini got here.

  • Love 1

I don't think Jordan, TJ, or Brad are negative plot devices at all. The former two are among the small handful of genuinly good people on the show. Shawn is, but that has nothing to do with his race. And Pip was a negative stereotypical plot device long before Cartini got here.


I thought Brad was a very negative presence for a good portion of his run - he's nicer now, but it seems like that also meant less and less airtime. TJ also became very negative in order to try to make viewers support Rafe/Molly. That flopped, but most of his airtime went with it. 


I agree about Jordan, but she's mostly a neutral plot device, another who gets infrequent airtime.

  • Love 5

Sometimes Show just writes my posts for me.  So Spencer lurches in at some point says something similar to 


"The other children are repulsed by me.  I'm nothing but a scarred freak and a half-faced loser".


And I don't need to say ONE.MORE.THING.  Thank you, Show.


And will someone let Jakeson take the bus, fuck.


OH YES!  I know it would be a bumpy ride, considering how many have been thrown under the bus, but just ride it.


As crazy as Snarly is, I can't blame her for giving Elizabeth the snake eye for switching back to Ric so fast.  She barely has time to change her underwear between boyfriends.  

Now Carly has really no room to talk, considering she's currently dating Sonny, which amounts to having a relationship with a mutant growth from an petri dish.  


I liked Dante and Valerie - but I don't want there to BE a Dante&Valerie.  Lulu is pretty damn tone deaf, though.  She acts like Valerie is having some sort of Spencer-style snit.   Her Daddy Dearest assaulted her.  She's got every right to hate that bag of wind.


And speaking of wind, the breezes must be pretty strong inside that empty space Maxie calls a brain.  She makes no sense, she has no values, and yet this woman is a CATCH?  

Spinelli really IS the right crustacean for her.

Edited by boes
  • Love 9





Now Carly has really no room to talk, considering she's currently dating Sonny, which amounts to having a relationship with a mutant growth from an petri dish.  


She really doesn't - this is the woman who had sex with Sonny in a limo, and then slept with her husband Jax a few hours later. Actually dating implies they go out ... Sonny and Carly don't, unless Avery's custody hearing counts. They just screw in different residences. 

  • Love 6
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