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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Nik is a slut.

I still love LiRic, even though RHe's hair looks horrible and the AJ Quartermaine express is all reved up to run Ric over.

And after the train runs over Ric, I think it's going to run over The Captain. The show is going out of its way to shade what Keeks is doing, but Morgan is being written as an outright classic villain and not even a Ron "villain".

After today I'm down for Dante having an affair with Valerie. I'm over Lulu spewing bullshit like Lewq being the best person she knows. I'm also (still) down for Michael & Sabrina.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 3

And after the train runs over Ric, I think it's going to run over The Captain. The show is going out of its way to shade what Keeks is doing, but Morgan is being written as an outright classic villain and not even a Ron "villain".


Morgan is gonna get run over by a train AND a corvette, for good measure. And to be honest, if someone has to be THE bad guy in all this, if I can't have Sonny, I'll take Morgan. I do not want Michael being the big bad for daring to be angry Sonny killed AJ.


I don't think Ric can really be run over with a train per se. Ric has always been nuts, and this stuff is small league, for Ric.


That reminds me of Liz today. I couldn't even comment, because I can't even deal anymore with her "plot".

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

All I got out of this episode was manpainmanpainmanpain…why don't you feel bad about all this manpain? At least Nik got some ass, I know it's tough for him when he's not getting any on the regular.

Sure, Carly, great idea. Jake should totes give you info to give to Sonny…that won't up Jake's chances of death or anything.

The look on Morgan's asshole face in the previews was priceless. "Uh dur, that was a shitty thing to do, Daddy, but why? Are you mad? You look mad. I'll get you some bar ware to throw, you'll feel better." Seriously, that look is the same one my mom's dog used to give us after he misbehaved--utterly befuddled that we were not amazed by his antics.

Edited by OnceSane
  • Love 5

Oh, I assumed

Polly Pureheart Princess Sabrina will be the one to come to Michael's rescue.  Isn't there a spoiler that she loops in stupid Felix next week?


Bloody hell, are you telling me

goddamn Felix is still a thing on this show? I've been on the barge, but I haven't noticed many mentions of him. Ugh. I mean, I hate to root for the disappearance of a gay character but UGH, Felix.

  • Love 2

Wait, who has primary custody of Georgie?  Isn't it still Spinelli, is she living in the loft too?!?!


...Mac? *wink*


Chad needs lessons from BH, I think. Not feeling him as a drunk, and DrunkLiz is my favorite Liz.


I'm actually getting the impression Morgan is suppose to be wrong. Kiki talking more than Ron's usual "make a character speak the words of being wrong for a second to make their actions a little better", when she was realizing how wrong/dangerous it was and Morgan was too okay with it all. Can it really be true? Will this mean Sonny won't thank Morgan in the end? If it wasn't Ron, I wouldn't be questioning it, but it is so I can't count on it. 


Oh Dante, don't sleep with your girls' cousin, that's a Sonny thing! You're so much better than that. Fight the genetic fight, Dante, fight! ....And shave.

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 2

Oh Dante, don't sleep with your girls' cousin, that's a Sonny thing! You're so much better than that. Fight the genetic fight, Dante, fight! ....And shave.


Fixed it for you. :whistles:


Actually I don't mind if Dante shaves for a while, he's had the scruff for months now. I can take a break.


Will this mean Sonny won't thank Morgan in the end? If it wasn't Ron, I wouldn't be questioning it, but it is so I can't count on it.


He won't thank him. He'll be appalled and blame it on Morgan inheriting Carly's "wacky plan" gene.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

I'm offended that they're trying to make Kiki look sympathetic yet throwing Morgan completely under the bus. Fucking Kiki.


I maintain that CD is good at playing drunk/drugged physically, but his face acting is so painful.


Dante is so hot right now. So very hot. I was kind of mad at him because he's acting condescendingly to Valerie IMO, but I loved his speech to Luke today.


Liz really does need therapy. Like deeply. 


Jakeson and Carly high fiving made me so angry. I hate Jakeson so much and I'm super over BM's acting.

  • Love 5

Liz really does need therapy. Like deeply. 


Maybe she and Lulu can get some "bring a friend with you" discount? Cause while I am annoyed with her about her attitude towards her dad, or more that, maybe she can understand why others shouldn't just get over it, I also feel bad for her. Someone needs to sit her down and tell her she shouldn't revolve her world around her dad?


I just thought of this - so Sonny gets no reaction the fact that Olivia is pregnant?By Ned? Okay then!

  • Love 9

I just can't see how we are expected to see Michael as in the wrong for not wanting his sister to be raised by a man who killed someone in cold blooded murder. A person who was also convicted of said crime and sent to prison. A person who is only walking free because of a ridiculous pardon that was somehow supposed to erase these facts.


Sonny is like Teflon in this town, I would not be shocked if Sonny is the one who will end up being the "hero" again because he'll tell Morgan he's an idiot and end up "sacrificing" for Michael again.


ETA: Kiki doesn't get a pass from me for speaking up to Morgan because she still let Morgan drug Michael and is just as guilty. Even if she confessed today that doesn't negate that it was done and she was fully aware and an active participant.

Edited by kellog010
  • Love 16

This made me think and I can't come up with one woman with their own story or POV. It's sad and pathetic. Maybe this is the reason the 18-49 Women's demographic has declined.


I'm sure it's one of the reasons, but there have been lots of shows/movies without a woman driving the narrative that have been popular with women. I think it's the utter lack of any decent kind of romance, women having no lives of their own - the ones who do have careers, we barely see - Anna - and/or are evil caricatures - Dr. O. The campiness. The focus on children's love lives. The focus on gross - physically, mentally, and spiritually - Luke. Add all that to the fact that it's spring and it equals falling demos.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

I'm sure it's one of the reasons, but there have been lots of shows/movies without a woman driving the narrative that have been popular with women. I think it's the utter lack of any decent kind of romance, women having no lives of their own - the ones who do have careers we barely see - Anna - and/or are evil caricatures - Dr. O. The campiness. The focus on children's love lives. The focus on gross, physically, mentally, and spiritually, Luke. Add all that to the fact that it's spring and it equals falling demos.


Say what you will about Guza - and I as well as others here have - but at least that regime knew romance, even if they liked to tear the couples to shreds later on. But they could write it well when they wanted to.


I literally cannot think of one freaking thing this regime has done at all decently let alone well. A romance-less soap. Who knew it existed? But Ron's done it.

  • Love 9

Say what you will about Guza - and I as well as others here have - but at least that regime knew romance, even if they liked to tear the couples to shreds later on. But they could write it well when they wanted to.


I literally cannot think of one freaking thing this regime has done at all decently let alone well. A romance-less soap. Who knew it existed? But Ron's done it.


And admittedly there have been good romantic scenes, but most of them were between couples who were established under other writers.

  • Love 3

I think in Ron's eyes he does lots of romance. The problem IMO is it's all a construct, so schematic and workmanlike - most of the time it's just Slot A into Tab B, so calculated and arranged around the plot. Maxie and Nathan get a payoff now, tread water for these many months and then here's Spinelli. And the stuff he really cares about, romance-wise, is either a) gross (Franco and Nina) or b) sweeps bait (Laura's back! Everybody squeal! Patrick and Robin are reunited for like five weeks!).


He goes through the motions of romances, but most of them are so plot-driven that it doesn't resonate. He used to be better at it. Whereas under the Guza team they elevated so much of his overall schlock or nihilism with the day to day scripts, and really imbued a lot of character and history and longing into even stuff I was deeply lukewarm on (like old school Spixie). He and much of his team had come up under Wendy Riche and Claire Labine (and others), had cranked out couples people rooted for, like an assembly line, and that's part of what kept him and his mob show in residence for so many years.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

I'm beginning to think it's setup for when she gets iced, possibly during sweeps. Please, please, unholy blood gods, kill her soon.

As much as I hate Keeks, I'm still sick of wimmins, particularly young wimmins, being murdered on the show. But her in a coma, have her just leave town, whatever gets her off screen but don't kill her.

ETA: Nina is of course the exception. I still want her to die a vicious on-screen death.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 1

As much as I hate Keeks, I'm still sick of wimmins, particularly young wimmins, being murdered on the show. But her in a coma, have her just leave town, whatever gets her off screen but don't kill her.


I understand the sentiment, but it's Kiki. She can always come out of a coma or come back into town. Now, granted, soap death is also usually not a permanent thing either unless the actor of a character dies, but I'm willing to risk soap death and give it better odds so Kiki cannot ever pop up again like a persistent weed.

  • Love 4

I literally cannot think of one freaking thing this regime has done at all decently let alone well. A romance-less soap. Who knew it existed? But Ron's done it.


So much word about the absence of romance in this current version of GH.  I'm sure TPTB would hold out Maxie and the walking cardboard cutout as an example.  Yeah, but no.  Let me ask you all this, imagine you're a woman in your late 20s/early 30s, the holy grail of demos.  Would you rather be the object of this fight:




or this one:




Keep in mind you're kidnapped and starving to death in the second scenario.  Well, I had to even the scales a little bit.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 4

I like Valerie. I like Dante/Valerie even better. But this "she was my entire life!" Really? That's kind of sad. You had absolutely no other friends, acquaintances, interests, hobbies, or passions? Get out and live a little. Too bad you'll have to do it in Dante and Lulu's linen closet, because that's your new home. Wait, does Spinelli still live there? Nightmare.


The show today was hideous. Just hideous. I hope Ava is watching Access PC and sees what happened, because I need her to get the hell out of that room and go back to bitchslap her daughter into tomorrow, and then take out her gun and shoot Morgan in the balls.


At least I got my hot sex. And yes, Nik is such a tool. Like, what goes through his mind? Obviously not the fact that he needs to parent his out of control crazy ass kid. Nah, I'll just sex it up with this total stranger who I've never met and have no idea who she's been with, etc.

  • Love 4
I also feel bad for her. Someone needs to sit her down and tell her she shouldn't revolve her world around her dad?


The only thing I feel sorry for Lulu about is that she was too dumb to figure out her father had had a psychotic break. (Neither did anyone else, so I cut her slack there.) But she's an adult with a husband and child. She needs someone to tell her her world revolves around the wrong person? 


Watching Nik try to spar with Hayden was painful. He was totally outmatched. And they then fuck. Okay?


I forgot to mention that my absolute favorite thing about the stroller tipping over was how no one really reacted for like a good 5 seconds. LOL. That scene was a gift.


I know! Everyone was just like, "Uh...." LOL that no one see the dude recording Michael's drunken lurching.


Oh, Jake. Cut Carly out of your life. Now. She's nothing but trouble, and anything she does in the name of friendship is for her benefit only.



I'm offended that they're trying to make Kiki look sympathetic yet throwing Morgan completely under the bus. Fucking Kiki.

I'm beginning to think it's setup for when she gets iced, possibly during sweeps.


Like it's going to make me care if she bites it. Lauren should have been gone months ago.


News flash, Dumb and Dumber: One bad incident doesn't make an unfit guardian, especially when the stroller tipping over was an accident. It's gotta burn Morgan than Sonny is so concerned about Michael.


But this "she was my entire life!" Really? That's kind of sad. You had absolutely no other friends, acquaintances, interests, hobbies, or passions? Get out and live a little.


Not to mention that there's no way Dante could or would turn a blind eye if she had stabbed Luke. Would she really want to go to prison because of Luke? That's the saddest thing.


Today was just one stupid scene after another. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

Since Greenlee clearly has no problems having sex with strangers why couldn't she just walk outside and ask the first attractive man she sees to fuck her. That would've been better than her practically begging Ric and Jakeson to screw her. Does she know she's attractive and doesn't have to act like this? Men who aren't stupid like Ric and Jakeson would line up for a chance to screw her.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 2

The only thing I feel sorry for Lulu about is that she was too dumb to figure out her father had had a psychotic break. (Neither did anyone else, so I cut her slack there.) But she's an adult with a husband and child. She needs someone to tell her her world revolves around the wrong person? 


That's why I feel bad for her, because at this point, she obviously does need someone to tell her that. Like a therapist.

  • Love 3

Fixed it for you. :whistles:


Actually I don't mind if Dante shaves for a while, he's had the scruff for months now. I can take a break.

I have an irrational aversion to facial hair and tattoos. He's still one of the best looking on the show, and y'know, actually likeable. But I always have to vote for a shave.

I didn't even catch Sonny's lack of reaction to Olivia's pregnancy. The baby though was suppose to be conceived on NYE right? RL pregnancies always are clearly so much further along than the stories incorporating them I don't get at all why they even bother.

  • Love 2
Since Greenlee clearly has no problems having sex with strangers why couldn't she just walk outside and ask the first attractive man she sees to fuck her. That would've been better than her practically begging Ric and Jakeson to screw her. Does she know she's attractive and doesn't have to act like this? Men who aren't stupid like Ric and Jakeson would line up for a chance to screw her.


It's really hard to attract a good looking man for a one night stand when you're only as pretty as Greenlee/Hayden.  You have to work out in a gym.  Or  walk ... into a building. Or stand ... somewhere.  That's a lot of effort!!

  • Love 6

Now, in addition to drugging his own brother, Morgan and Kiki got some poor innocent random bartender fired?


They totally suck.


I kept waiting for them to feel bad, about something, ANYTHING. Then I realized I was the idiot for thinking that.


This made me think and I can't come up with one woman with their own story or POV. It's sad and pathetic. Maybe this is the reason the 18-49 Women's demographic has declined.


DING DING DING! We have a winner. I'm sure there are other contributing factors, but when the females are better actors, they should be the ones driving the story.


I'll chime in on the Dante is looking good boat. I'm telling you, he's the only male character that doesn't make me spit nails or fall asleep.

  • Love 6

You [Valerie] had absolutely no other friends, acquaintances, interests, hobbies, or passions?


As I noted earlier, if Valerie had any of that stuff, then she would be free to leave Port Charles and its misery behind, but now she gets to sleep in a cabinet at Lulu and Dante's loft!  It's a definite soap bugaboo of mine.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

I'm actually getting the impression Morgan is suppose to be wrong. Kiki talking more than Ron's usual "make a character speak the words of being wrong for a second to make their actions a little better", when she was realizing how wrong/dangerous it was and Morgan was too okay with it all. Can it really be true? Will this mean Sonny won't thank Morgan in the end? If it wasn't Ron, I wouldn't be questioning it, but it is so I can't count on it. 


If Ron were going ahead with his Michael=Jason/Morgan=A.J. schema, this plan would somehow blow up in Morgan's face and earn him the wrath and scorn of his family to boot.


I'm not holding my breath.   :(

  • Love 1

I'm offended that they're trying to make Kiki look sympathetic yet throwing Morgan completely under the bus. Fucking Kiki.

I find it infuriating as well.  So the newbie character is spared, but Morgan, the brother of Michael, is gun-ho to hurt him?  That's major BS.  Why is Kiki always given cover by this writing regime? 


I maintain that CD is good at playing drunk/drugged physically, but his face acting is so painful.



I don't agree.  I thought he did fine, and I like that he was stammering and confused with Sonny.  In fact, Chad and Maurice were almost talking over each other regarding the driver conversation, but they stayed with it.  Sonny was saying "You're not driving," and Michael was almost sheepish when he replied "I HAVE a driver" to Sonny.  It was almost an apologetic explanation that he wasn't going to try and drive.  I thought that scene played out great, and at the Q mansion trying to get up and down from the couch, and he also did what I would do if I felt like shit, which is to lay down and stop moving around.  We'll agree to disagree.  I thought Chad was fine.


Dante is so hot right now. So very hot. I was kind of mad at him because he's acting condescendingly to Valerie IMO, but I loved his speech to Luke today.



It is criminal to me how underutilized DZ is, especially when I am forced to watch Nina and Franco, the craptastic pair that sucks all the energy out of every scene.


Liz really does need therapy. Like deeply.


Let me know when I'm suppose to feel sorry for her, especially after RIc's lies blow up in her face and she's all "How could you do this to me even though I'm too stupid to think for myself?"  So let me get this straight:  She basically admits to Ric that she'll take him back since she lost Jake, and he's all "Okay, sounds good."  Ah, love is wonderful.


Jakeson and Carly high fiving made me so angry. I hate Jakeson so much and I'm super over BM's acting.


I have never been impressed with BM, despite those saying how great he is.  I have yet to see this greatness.  Jakeson is SO unJason-like that it's beyond annoying at this point.  He is nothing like Jason Morgan, and I feel like he's a wannabe mobster enforcer playing dress up.

  • Love 8

Absolutely agree that most of this show was boring. I kind of like what they're doing with Morgan and Kiki, though. To be clear- I am *not* saying that I like Morgan and Kiki, but I think this story could have legs if written well (Ha!). Maybe Kiki is going to tell someone what they did because she's realizing how awful and dangerous drugging a person can be (Kiki's first realization ever). Morgan will stop speaking to her just as Sonny and Carly are furious with him, and all of a sudden Morgan is totally alone. And too stupid to understand how he got there, or to figure out what to do about it. And Kiki leaves town and moves into the bunker with her mom and dad. All I know for sure is that I don't want Michael to be tortured anymore right now. Give the poor kid a damn break already.

Why is anyone bothering to save Luke's life?

I like Nik, and I liked him with Hayden. I don't even really mind him keeping the Jason secret, despite being related to Sam and friends with Liz, because I don't want old Jason back and I certainly don't want the Liz-Jason-Sam triangle (with Carly circling like a nosy vulture) back.

  • Love 1

I like Nik, and I liked him with Hayden. I don't even really mind him keeping the Jason secret, despite being related to Sam and friends with Liz, because I don't want old Jason back and I certainly don't want the Liz-Jason-Sam triangle (with Carly circling like a nosy vulture) back.


I don't think this is necessarily something he wouldn't do - after all, he and Sam are cousins, but they aren't particularly close, and Jason is not Liz's husband, and Nik never particularly liked Jason anyway. I just wish his motive was stronger than "vaguely wants to take over ELQ." I don't get how keeping Jason secret helps him get ELQ either.

  • Love 4

Okay...Greenlee is really creeping me out right now. What is up with her trying to jump any and every thing equipped with a penis?  Is she suddenly on loan from CineMax?


And the lines they keep giving her like she's in some D grade porno...disgusting. And I just bet Ron sits by and giggles and pats himself on the back for his "incredible genius", the ass-hat that he is.

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