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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I agree.  I'm all for seeing happy couples and would actually have been charmed by a Dante-Lulu-Maxie-Nathan friendship.  Two young couples, already interconnected by bonds of friendship and work, with small kids about the same age, a lot in common...solvin' crime and changin' diapers.  Having a beer and playing pool to talk it over.  You could do a lot in a light-hearted way, to balance so much of the darkness GH has repeatedly dove into.  I already know this will not happen.  Spin is in the picture.


But Dante and Lulu as a standalone couple?  Meh.  I think of them as all or nothing - either wildly in love and passionately committed, or at extreme odds on the verge of breakup.  No middle ground.  And we don't really see reasons for any of it.

If that scenario is not in the cards, I'm up for a breakup and hookup for Dante with Val (not based on revenge).  Have Lulu not forgive him for arresting her father, and that relationship is toast.  Otherwise all Dante will really have to play story wise is the "Whoops, both of my latest siblings are younger than my kid and are also mob-connected with messy custody issues, thanks mom and dad!" plot line lurking in store for him.  Yeah.



I love Lulu and Dante as a couple, but I must agree they are overdue for an affair. Personally, I'd rather Lulu cheat. It seems more in line with her character than Dante's. Do we need any scenes of Dante worrying that he's become a womanizer just like his dad? I'd rather be spared that.


Anyone else ruefully amused when Sonny got competitive with a 10-year-old boy and said Spencer was handsome but not as handsome as Sonny? I wonder if that line was an ad-lib from MB or if it were scripted. It was pretty pathetic either way.


I thought it was cute. Sonny's rapport around children is his only redeeming quality left. And I hesitate to call it redeeming--only believable affection?

Edited by TheGourmez
The Fluke story started out GREAT.


I am glad that some people enjoyed some part of it.  It felt like a vanity project from the get go and definately entered the creepy Franco territory for far too long with the huge difference that James Franco was eons easier on the eyes.  YMMV.


Friday's episode was the one in ten where Maurice didn't mangle his lines.  It's probably because he had to practice them.  It irks me that he does have the capability not to screw up his lines as much as he does. 


More mob wars and the return of Jason and Spinelli and the ratings are trending downward in the adult (younger) women category.  Maybe RC/FV think that featuring stories on the younger set will boost ratings with that category.  It seems that besides the mob, Ron is leaning a bit too much on the lawyery stuff of late (Ric and Alexis) but at least those two are competent actors.  It's called General HOSPITAL.  It's a can't miss drama filled field. 

  • Love 1

Didn't the Fluke story start with Fluke perving on Kiki so hard we all were speculating that he was going to sexually assault her?

I think it began with an AJ insult. Luke had to go get the raccoon because AJ didn't see it(it was Carly) and Luke ended up in Miscavage because of Heather Webber. Then there was a wig on Luke moment and then Kiki perving.

How does Heather fit in this bs?


There is not an actual Beechers's Corner's life to go back to, so what exactly is Rebecca supposed to do with Jake?

But in a way, there is (I'm trying to think like Ron, which gives me migraines).  Hayden said she was married and the guy cheated then took off with her money, which is why she needs the money that Ric is paying her.  So, while there wouldn't be any pictures of Hayden and Jake in BC, there would be men's clothes and other stuff at her house if she hasn't had time to get rid of it.  



  • Love 1

I think it began with an AJ insult. Luke had to go get the raccoon because AJ didn't see it(it was Carly) and Luke ended up in Miscavage because of Heather Webber. Then there was a wig on Luke moment and then Kiki perving.

How does Heather fit in this bs?


That was where the switcheroo happened,so for me, that was where this stupid story began.


If Ron remembered what he had written from 2012, Heather would have still been obsessed with  Luke, since she kidnapped him back then.  But, besides being a hack, he has a mind like a sieve and probably just threw her in for her wacky shenanigans.  

  • Love 2

But in a way, there is (I'm trying to think like Ron, which gives me migraines).  Hayden said she was married and the guy cheated then took off with her money, which is why she needs the money that Ric is paying her.  So, while there wouldn't be any pictures of Hayden and Jake in BC, there would be men's clothes and other stuff at her house if she hasn't had time to get rid of it.  


So we're getting another "amnesiac Nik is taken in by the woman who recently lost her husband...who vaguely looked like Nik until he exactly looked like Nik."  


So we're getting another "amnesiac Nik is taken in by the woman who recently lost her husband...who vaguely looked like Nik until he exactly looked like Nik."

The worst part of that story was that the woman who played Mary was a fantastic actress, so of course Guza turned the character into a one-note psycho.

Actually, that part was really bad but the worst was turning a service veteran into a rapist. Between Connor, Logan, Cooper, Shawn, and that guy on "Night Shift 2" it was pretty clear that Guza hates our military. In Guza's America, mobsters like Jason who execute women in churches and plot to kill cops are the real heroes!

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 3

I am dreeeading the show's return to the "Operation Alcoholic" storyline today.  Is it true that Morgan and Keeks high fived about it in the previews?


Yes, although I'm not dreading it to be honest. I'm interested in seeing what happens there.


Yesterday I went to see the Hunchback of Notre Dame (musical) with my sister and this is the conversation we had during the intermission


her: I hate the bad guy!

me: like, you don't like the performer or you don't think he's a well-written character?

her: No I just hate people getting sucked in by the evil character. I just want to warn them and go, no! they're evil! don't fall for it!

me: (thinking)  . . . good thing you don't watch GH then.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 9

You know, the saddest, most pathetic thing about Ric manipulating to get Liz back is that there is a built in time bomb for Jake's identity that would send Jason running from Liz back to Sam.  He's already dreaming about Sam, not Liz, remembering her and their "wild, free" life together <snickers>.  Jason will always love Liz, but love wasn't enough before and it won't be enough now.  


If Hayden and Nik are getting together there is a big opportunity for her to snoop/find out the truth/coerce Spencer, even though she wouldn't really understand the consequences of revealing it as she never knew Jason and doesn't know his history.  


I can see Ric finding out about Jason from Hayden but being unable to reveal the fact because it would expose his lies and manipulations.  Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing him squirm.  I think the world of the actor and think he's a handsome guy, but Ric is almost slimier than his half-brother and also has no principles.  I want to see consequences, dammit.

Edited by Reo
  • Love 2

I love Lulu and Dante as a couple, but I must agree they are overdue for an affair. Personally, I'd rather Lulu cheat. It seems more in line with her character than Dante's. Do we need any scenes of Dante worrying that he's become a womanizer just like his dad? I'd rather be spared that.


So would I, but at the same time Dante would have to do a lot of womanizing to even get close to breaking Sonny's record. One affair wouldn't do it, he'd have to have a whole string of them.

  • Love 3
I love Lulu and Dante as a couple, but I must agree they are overdue for an affair. Personally, I'd rather Lulu cheat. It seems more in line with her character than Dante's. Do we need any scenes of Dante worrying that he's become a womanizer just like his dad? I'd rather be spared that.
So would I, but at the same time Dante would have to do a

lot of womanizing to even get close to breaking Sonny's record. One affair wouldn't do it, he'd have to have a whole string of them.


Yeah. I was gonna say, I'd rather be spared even more than scenes of Dante agonizing about it, scenes of the other characters telling him how he's a womanizer just like Sonny. If Luke chastised him even remotely, I would need him to explode. Even more than I do now.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5


So would I, but at the same time Dante would have to do a lot of womanizing to even get close to breaking Sonny's record. One affair wouldn't do it, he'd have to have a whole string of them.


I don't see Dante as a cheat or a womanizer, either.  For better or worse, he's a guy who is willing to commit.  When I said I wanted to see him have an affair with Val I was thinking about him doing it after Lulu dumped him/cheated on him because reasons.  


Lulu is quite capable of emotional, selfish, and unreasonable behavior all on her own.  I could see her stepping out with Johnny - and I don't think Dante would be so forgiving of that one.  That stupid frozen Stav-Lu embryo is going to come into play soon, too.  I can just feel it.  


(Actually what I most fear is a recast Robin appearing with that bun in her oven.)

Lulu is quite capable of emotional, selfish, and unreasonable behavior all on her own.  I could see her stepping out with Johnny - and I don't think Dante would be so forgiving of that one.  That stupid frozen Stav-Lu embryo is going to come into play soon, too.  I can just feel it.


She is, but that's why I think if anyone is gonna have an affair it will be Dante, to even up the give-and-take between them a bit.

She is, but that's why I think if anyone is gonna have an affair it will be Dante, to even up the give-and-take between them a bit.


The show has already set it up as Dante having the affair, because Lulu and Dante had a scene -- or maybe even a couple of scenes -- where Dante reassures her that he'll never, ever, cross his heart and hope to die, have an affair.  The imprints from the anvils are still there.


Though, given that it takes the writer 180 years to swing back around to a plot point, it may never materialize.



So would I, but at the same time Dante would have to do a lot of womanizing to even get close to breaking Sonny's record. One affair wouldn't do it, he'd have to have a whole string of them.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Dante having a single affair does not have to ruin all that good is about him - or about Lante.  Would he be slightly tarnished?  Yes.  But, for me, not irrevocably so.  A chastened Dante who regrets his lapse can be just as worthy of my support as can be a Dante who never strays.  And Lante can still be a root-worthy couple - maybe even more so if they were able to weather this storm. 


Now, I do know that when we have these conversations, the inevitable phrase comes up "if written well."  And I know how scary it can be to expect such writing from RC's sometimes-poison pen.  I acknowledge that.


However, back to general idea of good, faithful Dante cheating  ... doing so does not have to seriously damage his character.  In fact, for a viewer like me who likes my faves to be a bit flawed and who forgives fairly easily, I might like him even more.

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 1

The show has already set it up as Dante having the affair, because Lulu and Dante had a scene -- or maybe even a couple of scenes -- where Dante reassures her that he'll never, ever, cross his heart and hope to die, have an affair.  The imprints from the anvils are still there.


Though, given that it takes the writer 180 years to swing back around to a plot point, it may never materialize.


There was more than one scene. It was so subtle, heh. It was like 2 with him and then Lulu and Olivia had a scene where they basically said the same thing, as subtly.

I assume Mikey had the whole apartment condemned so no one would be infected by The Couch.


Hey, that could be Ron's big November sweeps!  The entirety of Port Charles is infected by the radioactive waste of the couch (and Jake saves the day, which leads everyone to FINALLY realize that he is the Super Borg they know and love).

  • Love 7

I don't know about any of you, but I always take my prescription bottles with me to lunch and leave them out on the table. In a fancy restaurant. I have nothing to say about dumbest and dumbest x infinity ( dumb and dumber seemed too nice)

This Jason nonsense has now officially gone from unbelievable, to silly, to stupid, and now to incredibly fucking ridiculous nonsense. The dude straight up tells sam he had a flash of her and a bike....and it STILL rings no bells??? At this rate he will tell her he remembers getting married in a fucking Chinese restaurant, and she'll be all " oh you too? What a funny coincidence!"

  • Love 17

Whatever happened to The Couch?

Didn't Sonny have it installed in the love nest he built inside AJ's crypt, you know, where he and Snarly go to spawn?  (He also had adult cable installed - gotta learn those new moves somewhere).  And the snacks are free.


Cuz it's LUV, FOLKS, orange-tinted, day-glo LUV all the way for those two!!

Edited by boes
  • Love 3

Did I miss something at the end of last week - the plot point aside, if Spencer wanted to give Emma a ring (which, ease up, creeper!), why didn't he give her the ring Britt gave him?

That was Spencer's plan, but the ring was in the safe (Nik found it or found out Britt gave it to Spencer and put it in the safe). IDK why Spencer didn't keep to his plan once he found Alan's/Jason's ring.
  • Love 2

Emma on her usual propping duty, I see! What was even the point in having her mention Robin for .02 seconds? Patrick didn't even give a crap? Such an odd choice if the show refuses to do something with it.

I don't know if I just can't wait for Patrick to cry or if I genuinely liked the JaSam stuff, but I think I kinda sorta liked the JaSam stuff.

I hate everything about Nik/Ric/Hayden. It's just so ridic. Both Nik and Ric can't be redeemed with Liz or Sam after this.

Spencer needs to GTFO. I felt sorry for JT.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 3

Michael: I have no idea why you do anything anymore, Morgan.


well they set that up on a silver platter for me, but I'll take it:


Michael = me, Morgan = every freaking body


So Spencer yells at Emma, in front of Patrick, and then Emma tells Patrick Spencer wants her to be his one true love. He immediately should have called Nikolas and told him to get his kid some damn therapy and to forbid his driver to drive Spencer over to his house.


why are Morgan and Kiki merely pretending to be back together. Is it when Kiki dies in Michael's arms* she can croak out, "we were never really together!" and Michael can feel bad?




Spencer: you'd rather be with a pretty pyromaniac townie than a freak like me!!


I would have given a lot for Emma to have said, "yup! now get out of my house!"

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

I want to know who braided Emma's hair. Somehow, I can't see Patrick doing it.


And, apparently, Sam's "moving in," although she didn't even come with an overnight bag or even a big purse, and Emma's immediately being sent to Mac and Felicia's for the night.  Yeah, that's great parenting, on both sides. So much for that "we'll all be family" talk the other day, Patrick. 


I have trouble understanding why folks think RP can't act when I compare him to  Kelly Monaco. What I saw today was someone flirting with one guy while telling him she was moving in with another. Things like that make me think she doesn't know too much about her craft.

Edited by rur
  • Love 6

I have trouble understanding why folks think RP can't act when I compare him to  Kelly Monaco. What I saw today was someone flirting with one guy while telling him she was moving in with another. Things like that make me think she doesn't know too much about her craft.


I'm not a huge fan of Kelly Monaco but she did that on purpose. Sam is not in love with Patrick, and this is Jason, the love of her life. She just doesn't know it, and she's drawn to him at the same time. KeMo acted flirty with BM on purpose, I'm sure.

  • Love 5

Emma had to be sent away bc Patrick's about to launch his jealousy attack on Sammy.

I think KeMo is actually portraying Sam much like JT portrayed Patrick during Patrina. Everyone is telling Sam to move on and move in with Patrick bc he's a sparkly pony but Sam's not actually there. Sam is not in love with Patrick. And KeMo ain't playing it that way.

  • Love 8

So would I, but at the same time Dante would have to do a lot of womanizing to even get close to breaking Sonny's record. One affair wouldn't do it, he'd have to have a whole string of them.

I'm fine with Dante and Lulu remaining one of the few faithful couples on this show, actually.  Someone's gotta be true to someone up in here!

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 9

I'm fine with Dante and Lulu remaining one of the few faithful couples on this show, actually.  Someone's gotta be true to someone up in here!


You'd think so, but I cannot think of one married couple on soap operas who, if they stayed on the show, hadn't eventually cheated and/or broke up and then started a new relationship. Of course I haven't watched all the soaps ever so maybe there was one somewhere.


I actually think it's helped lead to the downfall of the genre but that's another subject for another thread.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3
but I cannot think of one married couple on soap operas who, if they stayed on the show, hadn't eventually cheated and/or broke up and then started a new relationship.


Steve and Audrey Hardy.


Brian and Claudia, I think.


Luke and Laura never cheated on each other (not including re-writes), though they did eventually break up.


Robert Scorpio never cheated on a spouse, though they -- or he -- wound up dying.

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