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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I give Nathan credit for being smart, he figured Levi out as the culprit pretty fast.

There were three people who knew: Maxie, Nathan, and Levi. The first two wouldn't jeopardize the case, so that leaves Levi. It hardly took Sherlock-level sleuthing to figure it out. That said, it's nice Ron let a cop solve something in a timely fashion.​


Well, Maxie hasn't figured it out yet, so Nathan should get some credit.  Although, I think Diane knew it was a lie too, so that's four people, although Diane would not have told, so the math stands - it had to be Levi.  


I still cannot stand Nina, or the actress.  Every second of her is like nails on a chalkboard to me.  That's not just the actress, though -the story sucks wind so hard that I doubt anyone could make it palatable for me.  But, obviously, mileage varies, because...


I'm not minding Franco these days.  But remember, I actively block out the fact that he is "Franco" and instead convince myself that he is a guy that just come to Port Charles recently, with no history of murder or rape (it was the tumor!) or any of that.  In my mind, he shares a name with a really awful human, but the awful one is dead and this guy is someone new.


Cognitive dissonance - it has its good points. 

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So what was with the faces Sonny was making today when he got back with the pizza?  It looked like he got his lip caught on his dentures or something.


Sonny often has some mighty strange facial contortions and tics, usually when he can't find his words.  Today it looked like he lost more than that.



I thought that he looked like he was chewing his tongue. I guess it is better than his chewing on ice cubes.

Michelle Stafford is kicking butt and taking names!!!  she is a breath of fresh air that the show and the Silas/Sam pairing needed!  GH is very lucky to get the best in the business on their show!!! 

whoever is writing Nina's dialogue needs a big hand!  You never know what is going to come out of her mouth next! 

Sarcasm font?  I haven't watch GH since Luke & Laura married way back when.  Stumbled back upon in about 2 months ago.  Nothing about Nina has been a surprise to me.


The picnic was cute.  Of course as soon as Sam takes her ring off, Nina calls.  Where is Rafe?  After the break-in, Silas shoud have installed a nanny cam or 2.  If I were Sam, I'd certainly plant one in that apartment.

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There were three people who knew: Maxie, Nathan, and Levi. The first two wouldn't jeopardize the case, so that leaves Levi. It hardly took Sherlock-level sleuthing to figure it out.



Let's not forget, though, that this is the same town where no one considers the initials "AJ" could stand for someone other than A.J. Quartermaine.  Nathan's piece of sleuthing today makes him brilliant in comparison to everyone else in PC, including Diane who never even presented Ava Jerome as an alternative suspect in her defense of A.J.

Edited by Fellaway
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I like that Rafe said he was having a hard time because of Molly. I don't want the show to attempt to make me feel sorry for the doofus.


Disturbed people who've not been able to make connections or bonds with others because of their circumstances (and Rafe's circumstances of always being on the run, with his mother, from her crazy ex who then killed her in front of him) will tend to attach strongly to the first somewhat attractive (whatever attracts them) person who shows an interest in them.  Coping mechanisms will be almost nil and the result is a strange, annoying, bland, emotionally restricted personality.  They'll also irritate most people because of their personalities, even to the point people  may hope someone punches them in the face :-) as expressed here.


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Would Brad be considered an outlier? Spinelli & Ellie were outliers. I agree that TPTB can get out of hand with making everyone related.


No, remember we recently learned that Brad was related to folks from the Asian Quarter storyline?  Because, of course.  Spinelli was an outlier.  Ellie wasn't really around long enough to count.  I'm sure if she'd stayed more than a year she would have ended up being someone or other's long-lost sister/daughter/cousin/mother.

WOW!  Nina Clay....................I don't even know where to begin.  I'll start by asking is the role of Nina Clay a contract role?  If so, how in the world does MS play this part of a raving lunatic and be integrated as a regular with the rest of Port Charles?  They would have to tone her down a bit, wouldn't they?  Nina is just overly bizarre and I thought it was actually too much.  The horrid facial expressions, the mannerisms, the things that she said.  I might've bought her a bit until she started babbling about "getting even" with Kiki for being born.  Really?  PSYCHO!  It's not lost on me that all of the Westbourne women are crazy bitches.  Nina shares the cray cray with Mama Mad, Auntie O, and cousin Britch.  If the cray cray isn't gender specific then Nathan should be afraid, very afraid.

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WOW!  Nina Clay....................I don't even know where to begin.  I'll start by asking is the role of Nina Clay a contract role?  If so, how in the world does MS play this part of a raving lunatic and be integrated as a regular with the rest of Port Charles?  They would have to tone her down a bit, wouldn't they?  Nina is just overly bizarre and I thought it was actually too much.  The horrid facial expressions, the mannerisms, the things that she said.  I might've bought her a bit until she started babbling about "getting even" with Kiki for being born.  Really?  PSYCHO!  It's not lost on me that all of the Westbourne women are crazy bitches.  Nina shares the cray cray with Mama Mad, Auntie O, and cousin Britch.  If the cray cray isn't gender specific then Nathan should be afraid, very afraid.

Michelle has signed a 2 year contract with GH

she is not really crazy, she wants her life back, the life that was first screwed up 20 years ago with Silas committing adultery with Ava, she wants her baby, she wants the 20 years she missed.

Michelle has signed a 2 year contract with GH

she is not really crazy, she wants her life back, the life that was first screwed up 20 years ago with Silas committing adultery with Ava, she wants her baby, she wants the 20 years she missed.

Nina isn't crazy?  If what I've witnessed so far was sanity then I'd sure hate to see how she behaves when she's really crazy.

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she [Nina] is not really crazy.


She's a little crazy.  Sure, she has legitimate reasons to hate Silas and Ava and definitely her mother (and here's a question - did Nina know about the role Magda played in the coma/the loss of her baby before Nathan told her or was that new information?), but expanding that hatred to Sam (who apparently sinned Nina by getting involved with Silas, who never even told her about his wife before they started dating, twenty years later) and Kiki (who, like Rosalie pointed out, really didn't ask for any of this) is cray-cray.  As is pretending to be paralyzed, hiring a nurse to be your scheming assistant, trashing cardboard boxes and laughing about it, etc.


edited because I can't spell for shit today!

Edited by TeeVee329
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In other news, the Lulu/Maxie "I want you to know my baby!" bonding moment was probably supposed to be a big deal, but it feels entirely unearned, given how they went scorched earth on each other and then were just back to being besties.  So, so lame

Once again Ron wants to whitewash everything back to "good" so he can write what he wants, instead of bothering to write what makes sense and would work on an emotional level. It's as if the man has never heard of "baby steps", only gigantic leaps that defy all logic and reason and will always, somehow, involve Sonny screwing someone in and on places utterly unholy.


I didn't like the surrogacy storyline, or more to the point I didn't like what happened to the storyline, but it happened, so RC needs to gets some balls and commit to the natural outcomes of the storyline, one of them should be an emotional distances from Lulu. It doesn't mean that Lulu has to act like a raging bitch to her, she can even be seen as missing Maxie. Even if Lulu did get her own baby in the end, it doesn't change that Maxie, even if Maxie's reasons didn't come from a malicious place, lied to Lulu about the most important thing in Lulu's life. It seems that RC is even worse with subtle emotion than Guza.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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I bet if you drew a map of who's related by blood and/or marriage and/or sleeping together, you could connect everyone to everyone else. There are no outliers on GH.

Would Brad be considered an outlier? Spinelli & Ellie were outliers. I agree that TPTB can get out of hand with making everyone related.


By outlier I mean someone who has no connection via blood/marriage/sex. Brad, Spinelli, and Ellie have all slept with someone established. Pip is basically the only person onscreen who has no connection to anyone.

Rosalie is AWESOME.   And Nina and Rosalie are hilarious together.   "Stop, or I'm going to put you on the list."  Rosalie rolls her eyes in response.  Again, Rosalie is awesome.  I think that in one episode, she's officially become my favorite character.   The rest of the episode was OK.   But Rosalie?  SO AWESOME.


Agreed! Rosalie is totally my new fave. I hope she is related to Carlos. That'd be fun and, like ulkis pointed out, it would make her nonchalance over Nina's OTT ways understandable. Plus, I just want Carlos back. Poor boy is just sitting in the off screen jail cell thrashing around and yelling "WHAT HAPPENED TO SABRRRRRINA'S BABY?!" over and over again, I would imagine.

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All of Sam's ring talk just makes me think of Patrick's ring talk. Re-Ron strikes again. Silas really has no room to talk since he is still legally married & his wife is currently living with him.

MSt's brand of crazy does nothing for me. All I saw was a lot of odd facial expressions & a whole bunch of scenery chewing. The crazy eye thing, weird vocal choices & repetitive wording doesn't help either

Ron is out doing himself & writing Nina as a cartoon villian. (I was going to say comic book but that's an insult to comic book villians.

Some of this Nina storytime could be used on Lucy/Scotty, Mac/Felicia and/or Anna hooking up with someone other than Duke.

I'm going to wait until I've seen more before I make a judgement on Rosalie. Yeah, the actress is better than TeCa but that's not saying much.

How many stories are they trying to involve KaKa in this summer? They have it set up where she will be involved with the Brownstone, Nina, Morgan, Micheal, Ava, Franco & FauxLuke.

Can a girl get one story for Cojones, that's on for more than 3 days a month?

Edited by BestestAuntEver

Okay loved my Det Special Kitty and The Dunklemokey scenes(why was he so orange-I think he must be an orangutan) Nathan is smart, strong, sexy and NOT afraid of The Dunklemonkey. WIN!


Nina was totally BSC but MSt sold it like ice tea in hell. I think Rosalie is us soap viewers just chillin' in the scene. All she needed was some popcorn. I think that is why she is relatable she was like us getting to participate. I suspect when this is all over her coma will somehow be used to justify her BSC and she'll be toned down to a real functional person in PC.

Now on to SiAmbien, OMG they have no chemistry and it was glaring that Silas kissed Sam right below her nose and not on the lips. They looked totally ridiculous in that park scene b/c Sam was dressed WAY too young and both are too old for that park scene to be even remotely romantic, it came across as trying to hard. The whole thing is them trying to hard with all the ILY no ILY MORE.

It is terrible to wast a good BSC Nina on these two sleeping aids!


I want to see Carly and Nina tag team Ava. I can't stand her, but at least Ava will give Nina SOMETHING to fight with.

All of Sam's ring talk just makes me think of Patrick's ring talk. Re-Ron strikes again. Silas really has no room to talk since he is still legally married & his wife is currently living with him.


Yeah, I thought it was a bit rich of Silas to get ruffled about Sam wearing her wedding ring when he's got a wife stashed in his apartment. But Silas's feelings need to take precedence here. He's the injured party!

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All of Sam's ring talk just makes me think of Patrick's ring talk. Re-Ron strikes again. Silas really has no room to talk since he is still legally married & his wife is currently living with him.


I haven't watched yesterday's show yet.  Did Sam get to mention that Silas is still legally wed to WE NEVER CARED & therefore should STFU about her wearing her wedding ring?  Rhetorical question.  I know ReRon wouldn't let that happen, because God forbid a male has to take responsibility for their decisions.


I am not looking forward to watching the scenes with Rosalie & WE NEVER CARED.  We called most of this storyline before it happened.  Ugh.  & MSt doesn't help at all.  She is just awful.

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I didn't even particularly notice she repeats things until it was pointed out. Maybe it's because I weirdly sometimes will go into a jag where I will repeat the same things two or three times. It's usually when I'm angry and on a rant, too. Fuck, I am relating to Nina. Someone help me!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I just watched Monday's ep this morning and I have to reluctantly (and I mean re-luctantly) say this.  I hated MSt last week with all her 'butter-won't-melt-in-my-mouth'  faux sincerity/earnestness...and we all knew it was a sham...but she entertained me.  Girl plays cray-cray well.  Never seen her before but did read all y'all's pre-snark. 


Loved Rosalie..."Isn't that what all rich girls do?"....and a couple of other one-liners.  Heee...


Loved Nathan mocking Levi's accent.  I despise Levi but I think the actor is decent.  RP has really upped his game.


Wish Li'l Silver Queen would've  whacked Franco even just in the kneecap.  Though RoHo is really good with kids.  And I love new Joss.


Loved Ava vs Carly.  Both can bring the bitch.


Sonny as always brings the UCG.


Gotta run....pesky customers.


Wait...you're telling me that a former member of the GREATEST SOAP EVAH is a melodramatic, overacting, scenery chewer who is slathering on the crazy a little too liberally? Say it isn't so!!


Saw this coming like a big ol' Bill Bell driven semi-trailer. I never liked Y&R or B&B much. Just too hammy and...see above description. I had friends that watched them and I'd occasionally hang out while it was on and say, "How can you watch this crap?"  I was always expecting excellence, judging by the ratings and the award shows, but god, no. This whole Michelle Stafford stunt? I just can't.  Make it stop. 


Disturbed people who've not been able to make connections or bonds with others because of their circumstances (and Rafe's circumstances of always being on the run, with his mother, from her crazy ex who then killed her in front of him) will tend to attach strongly to the first somewhat attractive (whatever attracts them) person who shows an interest in them.  Coping mechanisms will be almost nil and the result is a strange, annoying, bland, emotionally restricted personality.  They'll also irritate most people because of their personalities, even to the point people  may hope someone punches them in the face :-) as expressed here.


True, but you're giving Ron and Frank credit for actually researching and knowing this to write Rafe this way!  It HAS to be a coincidence. Like the stopped watch that's right only twice a day?

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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I watched today for the first time in awhile.  Sam and Patrick should be together.


MW was the only thing that made MB tolerable.  Ava torturing Sonny is really quite funny.  If TIIC in charge get rid of Maura West in favor of Michelle Stafford, then they are even bigger idiots than I thought.  MW is a far superior actress and a much more interesting character, IMO.  Stafford is horrible with the repeating, the whispering, the gesturing, and the goofy faces.  She's as bad as MB with all the tics and scenery chewing.  I can't believe she's going to be here for two years.

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Sonny fears that Ava will get her drink on while preggo to get back at him but has to wait until tomorrow when Max is on shift to pour out the booze because .... why?  Can he not find the sink? Is it too hard to lift  all them heavy bottles or is it because he doesn't know which way is up.


This is the pipsqueak who once said he'd die before he'd make Carly a widow. His IQ elevator doesn't reach the penthouse if you catch my drift!

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How pathetic is Sonny that he can't even go around the house collecting all the alcohol bottles, himself, to dump down the drains?  He actually has to have Max come to collect them tomorrow?  Of course, this is the same man who doesn't know where the towels are, so...


And speaking of pathetic, we have Maxie.  It doesn't even occur to her that Levi spilled the beans until someone suggests it to her?  And how childish she still is.  She's the one who wants to hash it out with Nathan, right there and then, even though he doesn't, for her sake, but as soon as he says something she doesn't want to hear - "Who else would've done it, Maxie, and oh, by the way, he didn't even want you to get Georgie back." - she doesn't want to talk about it anymore and virtually stomps her foot and goes to hide out in her room.  Her Eat Pray Love trip did her no good whatsoever.


Re:  Ava's phone conversation:  Not another character!

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Surprise!  Nina has access to money.  Wouldn't Nathan be working on getting her money released?  Wouldn't someone have contacted an attorney to help out?


I like Rosalie so far.  Though a true NYer wouldn't accept an already poured drink from anyone, especially someone claiming to be a cop.  So this episode we had Sam's breasts in a starring role and we ended with Rosalie's butt giving us J-Lo action on the wheel out.  I'd have appreciated some Julian briefs or Nathan shirtless to balance things out.

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Robin will not be back until August

, and then it is only for a few episodes, or so the gossip is


Huh. Looks like ulkis got it wrong, then. I'm pretty sure she posted that


would be on today. No worries! Back to the Barge for me where Sangrias and Mimosas await!

Edited by stacey
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