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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I could see her being a spoiler in Naxie or Lante. Maybe Lante, since Naxie already have enough on their plate. Or maybe she's just a one-off. God knows they really can't fit anymore people. But they'll keep doing it!


True, she could be Anna Donely all over again. 


Can't we swap Sabrina and Kiki out for Anna and Valerie?

Edited by TeeVee329
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** - I mean seriously.  Their brilliant plan is have Michael take aspirin and wash it down with alcohol?  You know, that stuff that the label for aspirin specifically warns against taking it with?

I think Morgan wants to find a drug that Michael can take that will react only when he takes an alcoholic drink.  So basically, Michael (if he's having a lot of headaches) could be dosing himself for days waiting for that ONE moment when he actually pours himself a drink or has a drink with dinner at the Metro Court or the Floating Rib.  I don't know if there is such a drug, and what would the excessive dosing do to Michael even before he takes the drink?   I'm just puzzling out how this storyline might unfold.


The couple that hooks up first in a triangle are always the losers in soaps. Lol.

That's SO true.  I saw this train wreck a mile away though.  Trying to put Elizabeth with "Jason" when his wife and their child are just across town dooms any Jake/Liz potential pairing.  I find them boring, which means they are perfect for each other.


I know everyone is up in arms about the drugging thing, but the worst for me was Kiki being so distraught about what Sabrina did to her mother, just to turn around and want to gleefully do the same thing to Michael. 

The fact that Kiki can't see it should astound me, but this is the same woman who thought Michael was being ridiculous for still being angry with Franco for getting him raped.  That's when I really grew to despise Kiki and haven't stopped.  How does she choose the guy who orchestrated her boyfriend's rape and then lies to HELP said rapist while she then BLAMES the boyfriend when she gets caught in said lies.  WTF???  I have despised Kiki Jerome ever since.  Can you imagine if Michael had done that to her?  If she had been raped, and Michael was throwing back beers at the Floating Rib with the guy who raped her and then told Kiki "Hey, he said he was sorry, babe.  You really just need to learn to get over it because he's really a great guy."  Can.You.Imagine??


Would Ron really use Jason and the viewers knowing BM is leaving sooner rather than later!? That's a rhetorical question. Ha.

I heard that there was some friction on the GH set due to BM's out clauses, forcing him to be late and miss blocking schedules.  I have no idea if he's staying, but I actually hope he's not because I think Jake is a horrible Jason replacement.  BM would be perfect as Lucky Spencer or Dillon Quartermaine, but he's a horrible fit for Jason Morgan.

Edited by Bishop
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Frank Valentini @valentinifrank  ·  1h 1 hour ago

Fair warning: GIANT surprises today on @GeneralHospital ...don't miss!! #GH


Oh yeah, a GIANT surprise...except for the annoying Twitter game you and Ron played to announce Rebecca Budig's casting...and the fact that her first air date was rather common knowledge.  But besides that...

  • Love 6

My word but the actress playing Valarie Spencer is gorgeous. I was actually taken aback by her, just a stunning face she has.


If only she could have been the secret love child of A.J. and Keesha instead of mixed up with this whole Spencer family blah blah bullshit mess.


And of course terrorLulke beat everyone there to threaten lives/take hostage/s because he's fucking Elder Superman. Good god I can't take it, I just can't take it.


So Greenlee is going to play Jake's "fake wife" now...since Ron still has yet to give me one bloody good reason why I should give two shiny shits about any of this or the players involved I won't even bother.


A thought did come to mind that if Liz finds out who Jake really is she may team up with Nik to try and keep his true identity under-wraps so that she won't "lose" him to Sam again and Nik will not lose ELQ for reasons that are still stupid and moronic and pointless since he has the money and clout to take over the company via hostile takeover ten times over.



Well, that was a waste of an hour.




This could/should be the show's new slogan.


"General Hospital: Well, that was a waste of an hour".

  • Love 12

I am pleased that they have added another member of the cast to be featured on Black People Wednesdays! 


Overall, I enjoyed the show today. I ignored the whole Ava, Silas, Franco and Nina story for the most part other than to marvel at how nice Alexis looked. 


Spinelli and Nathan? Nathan should have put him in a coma, but I loved Sonny being the corner man for Spinelli. 

  • Love 3

Wait, how do you get 69 shows in your DVR queue?! I only get about 29! 



I checked out the last time out of boredom. And not that the show isn't boring right now, because it is, but there's enough hate for me to keep watching. 



I got those, plenty of others. I think we must have a bigger DVR. They go by hours. I have Verizon maybe that's it.? My daughter has oads of ncis, grandson has loads of Star wars rebels, other one cops. When it says you are 97% full we delete ? We have baseball games and even some movies. Its very easy to say tape it then we never watch. I still also have the least seven Nikita.?Plus since I deleted the 69 , I have a new one for each day. Maybe dvrs are different sizes. I don't rec in hd ,they say that takes up more space..80 hours or 18 hours of hd..My daughter looked it up.

Edited by testardo

I really liked Valeria. She's absolutely stunning and she gave off such a cool vibe. The twist with Luke being behind her door was unexpected and definitely shocked me, although I'm getting quite tired of this fiasco of a storyline.


The Spinelli-Nathan stuff I didn't mind actually. It's nice to sit sometimes and watch something that's not depressing or confusing. Something fun. I also like that Sonny and Spinelli are friends now, It's what Jason what have wanted, even though he's not dead.

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I peeked at the last few minutes. The woman playing the new Spencer absolutely should have been an AJ/Keisha child. The resemblance was striking.

Fortunately, I also saw only a split second of Geary's bloated, puffing face behind the door. That is way more than enough.

Dog-paddling back to the barge now...

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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The name of the actress playing Valerie is Brytni Sarpy.  She apparently auditioned to play Jordan, but they felt she was too young, but kept her in mind for future parts.





I agree that she's far too young to pass for a believable Jordan with a college aged son, though she could have played a little sister to Jordan, or even Shawn though I am glad they passed on making her related to him at least.


The more I think about it though the more I think she should have been a Ward, heh. She would just be perfect as a Ward/Q and would help in bringing back that key bit of Q history which has for the longest time been ignored and made irrelevant over the years.


And just touching on that for a second I was so very annoyed with the way they wrote Tracy with the whole "But you're black..." sort of reaction when Val said she was Pat's daughter.


That was just so...Ron and to me ridiculous. Tracy has had far too many biracial family members in her life to act so, imo, but of course why have Tracy act like a person who remembers her own family history. Then again I guess since Ron knows shit about it most of the time himself I shouldn't be surprised.




The woman playing the new Spencer absolutely should have been an AJ/Keisha child. The resemblance was striking.





Wasn't it? It really hit me how naturally she'd fit into that role without even needing to try.


She has the face, stunningly gorgeous just like Keesha was at that age, and she not too old or too young to be their child, she's pretty much the perfect age. I believe the actress is just 26 or 27 so she's young enough to be Sean and Senait's kid in real life.


Or even making her Justus' daughter would have been a-OK with me.  

  • Love 2

The more I think about it though the more I think she should have been a Ward, heh. She would just be perfect as a Ward/Q and would help in bringing back that key bit of Q history which has for the longest time been ignored and made irrelevant over the years.


I'm a little fuzzy on the Wards so my question is - is there a Ward out there who could have possibly been Valerie's father?

It may be starting to warm up through most of the country, but it's obviously snowing in hell.

Oh, so that's why it's snowing here in New Jersey today. :)

I heard that there was some friction on the GH set due to BM's out clauses, forcing him to be late and miss blocking schedules.

That particular rumor came from Trixie, a columnist on the SoapTown USA site. She's not reliable, at least not when it comes to backstage stuff.

Edited by ulkis

I'm a little fuzzy on the Wards so my question is - is there a Ward out there who could have possibly been Valerie's father?

Perhaps the REAL Justus? Not that 30 year old they hired to replace Martin from The Cosby Show. 


Of course they can always create another Ward out of thin air, they do it for other characters. Nevertheless, I'm fine with her being a Spencer. 

  • Love 4

The BM stuff cracks me up. Since this man signed on the show, everyone started speccing that he'll leave ASAP. On top of that, you have spec that Ron will say he's not Jason after all.* This dude hasn't had a second of benefit of the doubt. Lol.

*Which, btw, would ONLY be dramatic if everyone thought he was Jason for a significant period of time. Not a year of no one knowing and then finding out he's not Jason. Like, ok?

  • Love 1

Pretty dull episode, though it was nice "meeting" Valerie Spencer, and I did not expect to see Luke there.


I was super spoiled on the whole RB/Jake's wife thing, so that was pretty meh. And the Liz/Jake scenes before were as snoozeworthy as ever.


I guess I'm just not into that relationship because I still havent figured out why those 2 are supposed to be so gaga over each other. We really have never gotten any POV from either of the characters on what it was that made them fall for each other. I mean, superficially , I get that Jake probably sees Liz as the pretty nurse who was nice to him from the begining, and Liz sees Jake as a hot, well built nice guy in need of shelter. But that's how deep it goes (not that they're that special in that sense, most soap couples nowadays are written as simplistically). And I still don't see great chemistry. I don't see anti chemistry, they're okay together, but that's it.

  • Love 6

The BM stuff cracks me up. Since this man signed on the show, everyone started speccing that he'll leave ASAP. On top of that, you have spec that Ron will say he's not Jason after all.* This dude hasn't had a second of benefit of the doubt. Lol.

*Which, btw, would ONLY be dramatic if everyone thought he was Jason for a significant period of time. Not a year of no one knowing and then finding out he's not Jason. Like, ok?

Seriously. Let's start speculating when "Jake" starts drinking. Or you know, the various signs of the infamous AJ Quartermaine Express. That's the first sign of a Ron Hissy Fit. You know, Sam will say "Jake..... I don't think you can be my husband. He fit in the black tee shirts." Then Spinelli will be like "Babble, babble babble, Stone Cold your girth is mighty massive and blah blah blah words."

  • Love 2

Ugh, enough with the mentions of other shows, Ron! There was no need to mention the We're All Rapidly Aging! Spa from ATWT. It was too much the tenth time you pulled this crap, now I just want a thousand red ants trapped in a box with you.

What a useless episode. Maxie leaves her daughter with Dante (hope you'd didn't have plans…or, ya know, work, dude!), to run to Spinelli's rescue even though the stupid fight was Dorkbutt's idea. Cue Maxie being extra mad at Nathan while giving Spinelli a "golly gee, I can't believe you! Pshaw, what a card!" smile. Blech.

Pat Spencer's daughter is lovely but as dumb as the residents of Port Charles. I really don't understand why no one kicks Luke in the shins--I'm sure that would break at least a half dozen bones allowing an easy escape. And Ron trying to pretend it's so shocking to Tracy (or anyone) to see a biracial person is ridic; Ron, it's 2015, not 1915.

  • Love 4

And there is also the fact that he said he has an option to leave after his first year is up. 


While I don't fault anyone who may want to leave this sinking ship, just how the hell is a coherent story supposed to be told if the character this shitty story is built around has one foot out the door again? Right. Ron. He doesn't tell stories, just plot points, but the question stands. By the time Jake is revealed to be Jason, Billy Miller could be going, going, gone. Yes, that makes sense.

  • Love 3

I will never get over the (lack of) apparent age difference between Scott and Franco. I found myself kind of enjoying the stuff at the mental institute for the first time, and I liked the silliness of Franco and Nina. I don't even know who I am anymore. I think we can all agree that Scott's hair is ridiculous.

RP has gotten much better, and I loved his conversation with Dante. He's actually emoting a bit and showing an actual personality. And Dante was great, especially when telling Nathan that Maxie was not a prize to be won. I wish Nathan had just beaten the shit out of Spinelli to teach him a lesson about running his mouth. Punch his ass all the back to Portland. Or at least break his jaw so I don't have to listen to him. Of course Maxie walks in just as Nathan hits Spinelli for the one and only time, and now she's going to dump Nathan and we'll have to deal with another round of Spinelli and Maxie. Aarrrggghhh.

Dante was great all around today, including physically. I think I love him. For now. I'm also really getting on board with the hotness of Billy Martin. I need him to occasionally look at me all sexy-like.

Patricia, her daughter, and Luke? Could not care less. When Lulu said she had two brothers, it took me a minute to figure out who they were. Perhaps we need a little more family interaction?

  • Love 3



Well, that was a waste of an hour



This could/should be the show's new slogan.


"General Hospital: Well, that was a waste of an hour".


Since the show is under such tight budget cuts, I won't even request royalties. Ron being annoyed by it will be payment enough.


I forgot to mention before... given that the show is trying to do some kind of PSA for Shriners Burn Care and everything, even for GH it's pretty low taste that they have that commercial airing about "GH is on fire!"


So, my Aunt leans towards Sonny apologist and hasn't been a fan of Michael lately, (usually her taste is so good, she loves Harold Finch/Person of Interest as much as I do), and she was just texting me about the stupidity of jobless Morgan and Kiki (she brought up the unemployment not me) wanting to raise the baby and what an awful idea they have and it'll be disgusting if they go through with it, totally defending Michael. So, thanks Ron, for turning her pro-Michael at least for now!

  • Love 5

Patricia, her daughter, and Luke? Could not care less. When Lulu said she had two brothers, it took me a minute to figure out who they were. Perhaps we need a little more family interaction?


Actually, she forgot one brother because she has three.  Though I guess she could have left off Nikolas because she's related to him via Laura, not Luke and therefore Valerie isn't related.

Edited by TeeVee329

Well, yeah. I'm sure JT wants to, as well. And a number of other people in the cast.

Well, to be fair, that supposedly was why things broken down between BM and Y&R. It's no secret he wants to get into primetime.

Yeah, but none of them have actually left the show yet. Well, at least JT hasn't. And some of the people who have do get shit on a lot as well for not giving their all because they want out - Tyler, for example.

Valerie is a great idea. I don't look forward to Ron ruining it. He can't write for any other black folks.

Maybe Ron will think of her as Tea's long-lost cousin or something and that will help him.

Dante was great all around today, including physically. I think I love him. For now. I'm also really getting on board with the hotness of Billy Martin. I need him to occasionally look at me all sexy-like.

Yeah ya do. ;) He looks good in that white tee although it's not warm enough for March in upstate NY. I think I declare this the winter the show officially gave up pretending they are not in L.A., clothing-wise at least.

Patricia, her daughter, and Luke? Could not care less. When Lulu said she had two brothers, it took me a minute to figure out who they were. Perhaps we need a little more family interaction?

We do, but since both of the brothers Lulu was talking about aren't on-screen there's not much they can do about that one. Although that reminds me - sure, Dante is talking to Frisco about this, but no phone calls to Lucky. I mean, I'm glad he's talking to Frisco (I actually really hated Frisco's stint, but I enjoy the shout-outs), but still.

Edited by ulkis

I agree that she's far too young to pass for a believable Jordan with a college aged son, though she could have played a little sister to Jordan, or even Shawn though I am glad they passed on making her related to him at least.


The more I think about it though the more I think she should have been a Ward, heh. She would just be perfect as a Ward/Q and would help in bringing back that key bit of Q history which has for the longest time been ignored and made irrelevant over the years.


And just touching on that for a second I was so very annoyed with the way they wrote Tracy with the whole "But you're black..." sort of reaction when Val said she was Pat's daughter.


That was just so...Ron and to me ridiculous. Tracy has had far too many biracial family members in her life to act so, imo, but of course why have Tracy act like a person who remembers her own family history. Then again I guess since Ron knows shit about it most of the time himself I shouldn't be surprised.







Wasn't it? It really hit me how naturally she'd fit into that role without even needing to try.


She has the face, stunningly gorgeous just like Keesha was at that age, and she not too old or too young to be their child, she's pretty much the perfect age. I believe the actress is just 26 or 27 so she's young enough to be Sean and Senait's kid in real life.


Or even making her Justus' daughter would have been a-OK with me.  

Back during the Justus Ward early days, JE had a hissy fit over the then writers-I think it was Pratt or Guza then-writing Tracy as prejudiced. I am still happily a non viewer, so I don't know how it was portrayed today, but I do know nothing I am reading makes me want to watch. It isn't even the horribleness. It's just that everything sounds so boring.

While I don't fault anyone who may want to leave this sinking ship, just how the hell is a coherent story supposed to be told if the character this shitty story is built around has one foot out the door again?

I agree, but that one is definitely all Frank Valentini's fault and not Billy's. They offered, he accepted. I certainly don't think he expected the amnesia to last so long, given that he seemed pretty confused about it in the Fairman interview.

Back during the Justus Ward early days, JE had a hissy fit over the then writers-I think it was Pratt or Guza then-writing Tracy as prejudiced. I am still happily a non viewer, so I don't know how it was portrayed today, but I do know nothing I am reading makes me want to watch. It isn't even the horribleness. It's just that everything sounds so boring.

I don't think she came off as particularly horrible, but a little bit dim-bulbed.

Edited by ulkis
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I think we can all agree that Scott's hair is ridiculous.



I'm usually not a fan of RH clowning it up, and I yearn for the days RH is remembered as the great dramatic actor he once was, but I genuinely snort laughed at that little exchange between Franco and Scotty. Mostly because you could see the actors were trying to keep a straight face. And because, yes, Scotty's hair was ridiculous.


I also prefer this "I can't believe you're my son, somebody shoot me" version of their father-son relationship than the actors attemptig to play it like a straight father/son relationship, which it never will be.

  • Love 8

You would think Liz would be suspicious and weirded out by the fact that Jakeson has no interest in finding out his identity. Why is he so eager to ignore his past? What if he's faking having amnesia? These are questions she should be asking.


The nicest thing I can say about today's show is that Brytni Sarpy.is beautiful.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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I've been over Luke and Scott's old man arguments for years, but I did laugh my ass off when Luke called Scott "Laura's Eraserhead fiance" in 2013. That is exactly what he looks like.


They're going to end up holding off on Jake's amnesia til like September at the earliest and waste a whole year with Miller. Are we sure he has a two year contract? Sooner or later this is going to fuck them and then they're going to blame the actor. He started out so well, and I think he is doing a good job, but the story they have him in now - everybody's favorite person and back in the mob - is so lame.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 9

I'm usually not a fan of RH clowning it up, and I yearn for the days RH is remembered as the great dramatic actor he once was, but I genuinely snort laughed at that little exchange between Franco and Scotty. Mostly because you could see the actors were trying to keep a straight face. And because, yes, Scotty's hair was ridiculous.


I also prefer this "I can't believe you're my son, somebody shoot me" version of their father-son relationship than the actors attemptig to play it like a straight father/son relationship, which it never will be.

THey've been making fun of scottys hair since the late 80s.I dont remeber if they did it under guzas but there was an era when they mde fun of his hair daily it was kinds funny lol


I did kinda like franco and scottys scenes today although I'm not really sure what kind of realtonship they have lol.

Edited by Harmony233
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