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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Can Nina roll out into the street and get hit by a bus?


And may Levi be with her?


I as soooooo happy to see Jane today and was thrilled that she broke up with Puke.  Then she had to ruin my good mood and reveal that she was still with the creep.


Can we call immigration and have Levi arrested and deported? He's bad for national morale {or at least MY morale}.  How can Maxie kiss him without her gag reflex kicking in?


Plywood showed some emotion today!


Can we call immigration and have Mr. Dunklemonkey arrested and deported

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Can Nina roll out into the street and get hit by a bus?  It's been a little over two weeks since her introduction and I can, with enthusiasm, say that I hate this character with the heat of 1000 suns.


Me too! Me too! Her eavesdropping belied every protestation she's ever made about understanding that Sigh-less has moved on and had a right to seek female companionship after 20 years of not being allowed to even see Nina, his wife. I don't understand why Sam is being so nice to Nina. She should stay far away from Nina's games; keep the interaction to a minimum.


I guess Donna Mills has thrown up her hands and said good-bye to this show. They haven't even shown Nina and her mother together. Probably Wardrobe could only afford that one red Chanel suit for Donna.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
Am I the only one who thinks it is absolute horseshit that after nearly two years of making us wait for Robin to return, they hustled her back offscreen in two months and now, a few months after Robin got all but shanghai'ed out of town by Victor Cassadine, Patrick is sitting at the funeral for his illegitimate child and is like "I think my marriage is over"?


Worse, we are supposed to believe that Patrick will be justified in divorcing Robin because she didn't drop everything and rush to Gabriel's funeral, a funeral at which her presence would have been massively awkward, at best.  But Patrick must be shown to be righteous and blameless in all things, God forbid he not be protected by the writing at all times.

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I find Patrick's reasonings justified. Robin abandoned her family and put Jason and his child ahead of her own child. She couldn't bother to return when her child was in a car accident and when her child lost it's sibling (Patrick aside). She couldn't return because Jason is more important, Jason being there for his child is more important.


Patrick and Emma should be done with Robin. 


How long must we suffer through Levi? 

Edited by Artsda
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I find Patrick's reasonings justified. Robin abandoned her family and put Jason and his child ahead of her own child. She couldn't bother to return when her child was in a car accident and when her child lost it's sibling (Patrick aside). She couldn't return because Jason is more important, Jason being there for his child is more important.


Personally, I've always found Robin's reason for leaving - that she knew what it was like to be held prisoner, alone and scared, thinking nobody was coming to rescue you, that you would never see your child again, and that she wasn't going to damn another person to that if she could help - perfectly plausible.

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I'll give them this: They didn't stage the courtroom scenes with Levi smirking in the gallery while Nathan squirmed on the witness stand. That doesn't mean Maxie and Nathan aren't idiots for not figuring out who told the judge Nathan lied.


Could Nina be any bigger a martyr? Sheesh. You just know Sam is going to twig on Nina being nutters first and being unable to convince Silas of it because he's too much of an idiot to believe it: "She's just trying to adjust!"


So Shawn can work for Sonny—as his HIT MAN—with no trouble, but Jordan working for Julian is OMG the evul? Shut up, TJ.

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Personally, I've always found Robin's reason for leaving - that she knew what it was like to be held prisoner, alone and scared, thinking nobody was coming to rescue you, that you would never see your child again, and that she wasn't going to damn another person to that if she could help - perfectly plausible.


I honestly did, too. Like I know they did this story because they wanted to fuck Robin over because RC is a petty idiot, but it isn't even that bad to me and I don't even like Robin/I despise Jason.



So Shawn can work for Sonny—as his HIT MAN—with no trouble, but Jordan working for Julian is OMG the evul? Shut up, TJ.
I didn't watch these scenes because I don't give a fuck about TJ and I was trying to hurry through this ep so I could watch more Big Brother cast interviews. Anyway, I'm glad I skipped them because TJ's hypocrisy with Shawn vs. Jordan enrages me so much. Edited by peachmangosteen

The biggest threat to Port Charles isn't The Legion of Doom; it's The Legion of Stoopid Bitches.


The problem is I really reall like 

Helena, Stavfroze, Jerry, Faison, and Dr. O.


I Cannot. Fucking. Stand Keeks, Sonny, Levi, Sabrina, Felix, Rafe, Nina, Spencer, and Freakco.  


Keeks and Levi both reached unprecented heights of douchery today.  When Keeks said "our company" to Tracy, i actually yelled out "bitch, you havent wofked a day in your life and arent qualified to or worthy of cleaning toilets at a Dairy Queen!"  I yelled so loudly the folks across the street probably think im crazy now.  


And what was up with KA doing that same facial expression that she did when Tracy found out Trey had died a couple years ago?  Seriously, what is that?!?  I dont just want Tracy to punch Keeks right in horse face.  I want Jane to punch Kristin.

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What part of these Silas/ Nina conversations am I supposed to find interesting?  The story is dumb, and both actors are so annoying that I cannot get invested in the story at all.  And show?  We get it - Jason is coming back, and it's going to throw another wrench in the Silas/ Sam relationship.  Again, I wish I cared.  Silas is a black hole that sucks all of the interesting out of any potentially fun storyline.  


I really hoped Tracy was serious about being done with Luke.  That's another story I just don't care about.  So much on this show is just terribly boring.

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Molly is so confident in her Dad, it makes Alexis look really stupid and I love her.


It only makes Alexis look stupid because the audience is omnicient in this case.  Julian hasn't given Alexis any reason to doubt him in this matter, and she loves him so of course she's going to believe him.  What I find so stupid is Molly's unwaivering confidence in her father. And her shitty treatment of her mother for believing Julian instead of a man that repeatedly humiliated and degraded her.


Yes, I realize she's right in this instance, but Ric is far from a model citizen.  Her justification to Sam today made me roll my eyes then laugh out loud.  Ric can't possibly be a bad guy because he's been practicing law in L.A. for the last five years?  Is five years the statute of limitations on past crimes?  Because you know what, Molly, about seven years ago he was fucking your sister in your mother's home.  He was having your mom jailed for medicial marajuana use while she was dying from cancer. He was abusing his power as DA, framing your sister and uncle for crimes neither committed.  None of that matters though?  That can't possibly be why Sam, Alexis, Nik, even Liz doubt or doubted Ric's innocence.  But Julian has been in the mob for a year so he's automatically untrustworthy?  Gah...I hate this one-sided, lazy writing.

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The only thing that I liked in today's episode was Jordan's dress. Sad. isn't it?


Sometimes it's the little things. For me, it was the Davis Girls scenes, specifically Molly and Sam. I'm totally Team Molly in Ric vs. Julian, so I don't care what she said. I loved her. And I loved that Sam wasn't judgmental, she was just there for her little sister, regardless of the fact that Julian's her father. But even still, she's had Molly in her life for 16 years versus 1 for Julian, no contest. Anyway, Sam looked great and Molly's description of CarSon was hilarious. Love my Davis Girls, if only we could get Lexi back.


You guys have already said everything there is to say about how much Kiki sucks. Really, there aren't enough words. The only one worse is Sonny. Both need to DIAF.



Edited by tvgoddess
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Julian hasn't given Alexis any reason to doubt him in this matter,


Ric has a horrific history no doubt, but he didn't make crime his career as Julian and Sonny have done.  Alexis looks mostly stupid because of her lack of a shred of doubt.  Molly's a very intelligent girl who doubted Julian's "proof" before her dad died.  I suppose Anna's visit might make that shred of doubt finally appear, but it would be nice if she had a little faith in her smartest daughter's bullshit detector.  Of course, Alexis could be playing a little denial game with herself, it's in her character.  Also, with Ric's history of lies and panic rooms, he's easy to doubt.  


I also find Julian's attitude post-Ric's death just a touch cold, which, honestly, feels in character for a career criminal. 

Edited by sunflower
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Molly annoyed me to NO END today and the worst part is that she is right, but she really doesn't KNOW she is. ugh I hate how Ric is not bad and Julian is.


Molly is just going on childish "gut" feeling and she could just as easy be totally wrong and Alexis be right. I hate the way it is written that the bratty teenager acting a fool is actually NOT the fool the level headed adults are.

Her meandering story to Sam was total childish BS that the audiance happens to know is true but in reality even if it was totally false she'd still believe it. I could not believe she is so supportive of her dad(as a girl SHOULD be) that she'd expect her sister to totally go along with her against HER OWN dad. It gives me blackout rages just trying to put this shit together. Right up there with Sonny's incesteous circus of a family.


Molly isn't right b/c she "knows" her father, she is just LUCKY to be right. Fact is she really doesn't KNOW anything and would act the same even if she was wrong, which in the real world would be what happens. She is the young girl who wants to think the best of her screwed up dad, normally she'd be totally wrong, but to screw my Julian Ron is making her right and Alexis wrong.


OMG only two months in and I'm already hating Ron, I don't know how you lifers have been able to stand it.

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OMG only two months in and I'm already hating Ron, I don't know how you lifers have been able to stand it.


GH: Scorpios, aka GH: Espionage. Just a few good moments of Anna and Robert Fuckin' Scorpio, like when they were going at it like rabbits last fall when locked up together for weeks in the Cassadine lair (what, that didn't happen?) gets me through the lean times. That and a lot of snark.


Oh, and right now it helps knowing that off-screen, on the down low, Anna's getting it on with Dante and/or Nathan.  In fact, when the judge today said that Nathan's job was on the line? I was like, yeah, but no. Sure, Anna would punish him. Privately. But his job is secure.

Edited by Francie
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Because you know what, Molly, about seven years ago he was fucking your sister in your mother's home.  He was having your mom jailed for medicial marajuana use while she was dying from cancer. He was abusing his power as DA, framing your sister and uncle for crimes neither committed.


Does Molly know any of that? I thought she'd been protected from most of it, especially considering Ric was out of town.


OMG only two months in and I'm already hating Ron, I don't know how you lifers have been able to stand it.


I feel like Ron's tendency both on GH and on OLTL to have an overcrowded canvas (which I absolutely prefer to the GH of yore when it was The Sonny, Carly, and Jason Show 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year) means there's usually at least something I'm mildly interested in (right now it's the Westbournes, Lucy/Kevin, and Morgan with other scattered stuff also catching my eye).  And yes, snarking on the things I hate (like Kiki...HATE) with you guys is also super fun. :)

Edited by TeeVee329
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  When Keeks said "our company" to Tracy, i actually yelled out "bitch, you havent wofked a day in your life and arent qualified to or worthy of cleaning toilets at a Dairy Queen!"  I yelled so loudly the folks across the street probably think im crazy now.  


And what was up with KA doing that same facial expression that she did when Tracy found out Trey had died a couple years ago?  Seriously, what is that?!?  I dont just want Tracy to punch Keeks right in horse face.  I want Jane to punch Kristin.


So that person yelling was you?  I thought it was me!  Mikey is too dumb to run the copy machine if he's using Kaka as his consigliere.  As you said, Kaka has no income, lives off other people, and just yesterday had the gall to ask Mikey for a free apartment.  And today she's acting like she has the right to say ANYTHING regarding the family business? 

The problem is the character but the problem is also the actor.  KA played Starr on OLTL the same way during the show's final years.  She always sounds either snotty and/or entitled.  Granted, the character comes off the way but the KA doesn't have the acting chops to put any other spin on the character.

So yeah, punch her out.


I'm not too thrilled that Tracy is still as dumb as a box of rocks.  But since Michael is as dumb as a dumptruck full of rocks, Tracy was able to bamboozle him, no problem.  If Mikey wasn't so slow on the uptake he would have called Ned and Ned would have politely but firmly shown Tracy to the door.


Now if that twit Kaka ends up being the one who saves ELQ and outs Tracy I WILL be screaming at my tv.



I didn't watch these scenes because I don't give a fuck about TJ and I was trying to hurry through this ep so I could watch more Big Brother cast interviews. Anyway, I'm glad I skipped them because TJ's hypocrisy with Shawn vs. Jordan enrages me so much.


I completely agree.  So TJ is bent out of shape because he thinks Mommy works for a mobster, but he barely has a twinge because that big goomba he lives with, the one with biceps twice as big as his brain, is the inept enforcer for Lil' Moobster Orange Glow.  Now if TJ said that what Shawn did didn't bother him as much because Shawn was a complete incompentent who couldn't hit the broadside of a barn, ok, maybe.  But to be morally outraged about mom while letting that steroid pimple off the hook makes TJ WTF material for me. 

Oh, and as for Jordan, when did DEA agents start using Victoria's Secret for all their outfits?  If she tried to run in that outfit her 'girls' would give her two black eyes from throwback.

Edited by boes
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Molly isn't right b/c she "knows" her father, she is just LUCKY to be right. Fact is she really doesn't KNOW anything and would act the same even if she was wrong, which in the real world would be what happens.


So what? Alexis has only been fucking Julian for a few months and despite lies on top of lies prior to this latest deal, she's taking his word over Ric's. I like Alexis, I even think she and Julian are kind of hot together despite finding William deVry all kinds of strange - I think he's giving a good performance onscreen lately - but the Alexis I know, or at least knew in the past, would never be this trusting of a man she barely knows from Adam. Ric has a horrific history but I'd have looked at him and believed him. This sort of thing was never his style, and Ric was never a boss. He was a worm, a guy who leeched himself onto bosses. Alexis knows that. She also knows that until November she was really hot for "Derek Wells".


I wouldn't buy it, and I think she'd at least look sideways at him. But instead she chooses the devil she doesn't know because once again, a man, any man wants her. And this after she threw over Shawn while considering to make excuses for Sonny. "Oh, I only handle his legitimate business." Bullshit! None of his business is truly legitimate.

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I'm not sure if Neener is manipulating Silas or not.  I'll need a few more hundred scenes like today's to decide.



In two or three scenes, Tracy is able to insert herself back into ELQ.  Pretty soon she will not be on the screen.  Sigh.  It will likely take at least one hundred scenes for Silas to figure out that Nina ain't so cool with him and Sam. That doesn't include the scores of scenes that have been already wasted on Silas, Nina, and Sam.  Is there any reason why the viewers are supposed to care about this character?  Ron/FV set the bar low with Franco and Kiki who we are supposed to feel pity.  I still don't hate the actress (yet), but I am already tired of watching her too many scenes.  Y'all really were right when giving a warning about Nina chewing up the scenes. It's not as bad as watching MB try to act (yet).


I really hate this soap being mob-centric but Anna ignoring one of the worst mob bosses in the country (especially after he barged into her office on yesterday's episode) in order to get Julian really strains credulity.  Talk about missing the forest for the trees.

Preempted scene:


Judge Wudgy: Detective West, I am putting you under oath, and I have this magic lasso which compels you to tell the truth. If you lie to me, you will be guilty of perjury, and you will lose your badge, your pension, and forced to wear a shirt forever. Now, tell me if Miss Jones knew about the hearing and did not attend anyway, because that will prove she's an unfit and unworthy mother, and will never ever see her child agai....


(Doors open, in walks President Obama)


Obama: Your Honor, may I address the Court...?


Judge: In a minute, Mr. President. I have to get this stanvil out to reiterate my question, then you may approach.


Obama: Oh, I was going to address through my Anger Translator, Luther.


(Luther bursts into the courtroom)


Luther: Oh, for the love of *bleep* WHO THE *bleep* CARES WHO LIED AND YOUR *bleep bleep bleep* HEARING? GET OVER YOUR *bleep* SELF! NOW GIVE MAXIE HER BABY BACK OR *bleep bleep bleep bleep* SCALIA AND THOMAS *bleep bleep bleep bleep* HIPPIE AUSSIE *bleep bleep bleep* DIGGADOO!"


(Judge pauses, then)


Judge: Court adjourned, case dismissed. (Taps gavel)

  • Love 8
This show must be with hell is like, and Sonny's face is embossed on all the wallpaper.


With little cartoon word bubbles saying "Betrayal!", "Whore/slut/tramp!", "Dead to me!" , all the Sonny classics. 


Jordan looked pretty as usual, but I cringed hard when I saw TJ's clothes. He's a pair of suspenders away from being Mork. 

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls
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Does Molly know any of that? I thought she'd been protected from most of it, especially considering Ric was out of town.


I don't believe she does.  My whole point is, in Molly's head, past actions matter--at least Julian's do.  But her father is as much of a cretin as she believes Julian is and if she knew that maybe she'd be less of ingrate to her mother.  That's my problem with the whole story...not that Molly believes her Dad and wants to stand by him, not that Molly is distrustful of Julian.  But I'm tired of watching a little girl, who has lived a charmed fucking life, excoriate her mother because she dares--DARES--to believe Julian instead of Ric.


It's unbalanced storytelling--Molly is the only David girl with a POV and because of that, Alexis looks stupid.  I hate that.

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Ric is Molly's father and she loves him so for that reason alone Alexis should at least be open to the possibility that maybe things aren't what they seem. She doesn't even have to believe that Julian is lying to save his own ass. Maybe Julian was somehow mislead into thinking Ric was his boss. Maybe Julian's real boss is forcing him to set Ric up.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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Her meandering story to Sam was total childish BS that the audiance happens to know is true but in reality even if it was totally false she'd still believe it. I could not believe she is so supportive of her dad(as a girl SHOULD be) that she'd expect her sister to totally go along with her against HER OWN dad. It gives me blackout rages just trying to put this shit together. Right up there with Sonny's incesteous circus of a family.


Molly isn't right b/c she "knows" her father, she is just LUCKY to be right. Fact is she really doesn't KNOW anything and would act the same even if she was wrong, which in the real world would be what happens. She is the young girl who wants to think the best of her screwed up dad, normally she'd be totally wrong, but to screw my Julian Ron is making her right and Alexis wrong.



I'm not sure why Sam should be on Julian's side. I mean, for all intents and purposes, he's nothing but a sperm donor. Wasn't there to raise her or be part of her life.  Then when she did find out he was her dad, was there a happy reunion? No. She looked at him, like he was dirty scum, for not doing that whatever procedure to harvest more bone marrow for Danny IF his cancer were to come back. He didn't because then Sonny would kill him. She was railing against him and siding with Sonny.  And it's just within the past month? I think, that she sees and considers him her father.

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the bratty teenager


At least she's the right age to be a bratty teenager. I don't find Molly's behavior obnoxious at all. Whether she knows she's right or not, she's entitled to her opinion, and she's right that Alexis is totally biased against Ric because she's sleeping with Julian. To not even wonder if Julian is lying is totally stupid of Alexis. He has the gangster history, not Ric.


Because you know what, Molly, about seven years ago he was fucking your sister in your mother's home.  He was having your mom jailed for medicial marajuana use while she was dying from cancer. He was abusing his power as DA, framing your sister and uncle for crimes neither committed.


That was seven years ago. I'm all for healthy skepticism, but Molly had nothing to do with any of that stuff, and there's no evidence he continued that terrible behavior in L.A. Molly knows that Alexis has good reason to distrust Ric, but there's been more proof of current misdeeds for Julian than Ric.




Sorry to be That Poster, but "stanvil" is correctly used when a heretofore minor character suddenly becomes front and center in a story, only to be killed off. It was coined from Pip's son, Stan, who acted as Jason and Sonny's computer guy before Spin made the team. We saw Stan once a month, if that, until about two weeks before he was killed off—at that point, he was suddenly onscreen every day, talking with Pip and Jason. Then he got killed, and Jason promised to find out whodunnit. I forget if he did, but if so, the point was immediately dropped anyway. Stan was black, after all; who cares?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6

First let me state that, I believe the Sam/Ric sex was a plot point used to make it "okay" for Jason to sleep with Liz. St. Jasus could never be seen as a bad guy or cheater. That being said, Sam slept with Ric willingly. No one forced her to do it. It was mutual. Was Ric wrong, yes however, Ric doesn't deserve all the blame for them screwing in Alexis' house. Sam was a willing participant & shares the blame.

Now the custody stuff I can agree was a WTF but the sex was mutual & I don't hold it against either.

Sorry to be That Poster, but "stanvil" is correctly used when a heretofore minor character suddenly becomes front and center in a story, only to be killed off. It was coined from Pip's son, Stan, who acted as Jason and Sonny's computer guy before Spin made the team. We saw Stan once a month, if that, until about two weeks before he was killed off—at that point, he was suddenly onscreen every day, talking with Pip and Jason. Then he got killed, and Jason promised to find out whodunnit. I forget if he did, but if so, the point was immediately dropped anyway. Stan was black, after all; who cares?

No Jason never did find the killer. IIRC, he did nothing outside of making that statement to Pip. I believe it was Jerry or one of his minions that killed Stan.

Molly being bratty doesn't phase me. I'll take her being a know-it-all teenage brat over Kaka's over 21 year old ass being know-it-all brat any day.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I'm so sad that Tracy is still supporting Puke secretly to get ELQ. She enumerated several reasons that we all knew were ways that Puke has lulled her--and she's lulled herself--into believing him; she shows that her brain is thinking rationally, yet she is still choosing to stay brainwashed. It came out sounding quite cynical. 


Perhaps Tracy is so greedy for ELQ that she is staying with Puke hoping that when he takes over she can slide back in too. Maybe she is thinking he will fight her battles for her?


I'm so tired of Nina's breathy voice, and now Sigh-less himself is taking up the breathiness or breathlessness, the whispering. It makes him seem even more weird.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Now if that twit Kaka ends up being the one who saves ELQ and outs Tracy I WILL be screaming at my tv.


Forget screaming, I'll be launching my tv like an Apollo rocket.



Perhaps Tracy is so greedy for ELQ that she is staying with Puke hoping that when he takes over she can slide back in too. Maybe she is thinking he will fight her battles for her?


Tracy has historically been dumb as a box of hair when it comes to men.  I would bet she's thinking if she does this Luke will be so happy, he'll never leave her.  She's so afraid of ending up alone, she is allowing herself to be manipulated and used. 

Lulu thinks Plywood is hot.

Lulu has thoughts other than, "BABY, BABY, MUST HAVE BABY"?


She's looking at him and thinking, "Mama wants those genes for my baby!"


Tracy has every right to be at ELQ. She's more qualified than Michael is to be CEO, that's for sure. The problem is that FakeLuke will then be able to use her to launder his drug money through the company. Edward should have had a special codicil in his will that barred Luke Spencer from having anything to do with ELQ.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Everything dealing with Julian, Alexis, Molly, Jordon, TJ, is so plot driven I think the falling anvils have given me a concussion. Though I haven't suffered so much brain damage yet that I still can't see it for all the shitty bull shit it is.


If Ron really wanted to give these characters, and their respective family groups, drama there were so many ideas he could have gone with, good ideas, workable ideas, watchable ideas. This tripe is just pathetically put together and, imo, makes all involved look like idiots.


I really, really just do not like this Lulu. Emme tries, god bless her, but I just can't get behind any of her choices. And if she and Dante have one more chit chatty about having another baby I am going to need them both muzzled and a cattle prod applied to their persons at regular intervals.


The Nina is plotting, all that's she missing is the baddie trademark "mwwahhaaaa!" and a twirl of a pointy mustache. And the whole standing out of the wheelchair/screaming business, wow...awful, terrible, horrible, bad, very, very bad.


I've figured out what Levi would be perfect as, an organ donor, lets make that happen post haste.


Sam's chest pillows were very much on display, I think that may have been the most excited/energetic Silas has seemed in quite some time.

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