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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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But how much you want to be he won't even be able to dig up a body and find it?

Well, based on Friday's show, in PC they only bury bodies 3 feet deep instead of 6, so there is a chance he will be able to find the body if he does just dig straight down. And Jordan was there to help him if he got off track.


I'm grateful Morgan wants to do something  (although I guess that means poor Joss is back to spending her days being ignored by her mother)

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Well, based on Friday's show, in PC they only bury bodies 3 feet deep instead of 6, so there is a chance he will be able to find the body if he does just dig straight down. And Jordan was there to help him if he got off track.


I'm grateful Morgan wants to do something  (although I guess that means poor Joss is back to spending her days being ignored by her mother)


Joss is resourceful.  Maybe she booked a flight and got herself to her father, and now she's just waiting to see if/when her mother ever notices. 

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My favorite part of the grave digging was Jordan saying "let's dig 'em up" and then handing Shawn the shovel. Sooo how was she helping exactly..? Was she a cheerleader? ("DIg it deeper, Shawn! Gooo Shawn!")  I mean, other than being a focal point for the cemetary staff to point and look at saying "what's that woman been doing there on that grave all day long?"


Didn't Franco bury Heather last January... and didn't Shawn threaten to bury Carlos alive also last January? Dear Ron, you might want to structure these types of scenes for the summer (or better yet, Halloween) as it might be easier to swallow (although on a show where people come back from the dead like they were away getting milk at the store, fake masks, tons of twins, and brainwashing, I guess January grave digging is on the low end of the 'have to suspend disbelief" scale)


I think the Kiki is dumb was something like Michael saying that neither Kiki nor Morgan were "brain trusts".... it was a good burn. And frankly, I like this version of Michael the best out of everything..not really evil, just kind of 'over it' all the time. We need that on this show now more than ever. If only he'd been paired with Ellie, what a great combo that would have been because she was kind of over it all the time too .. I mean before she got sucked into the Spinelli/Maxie vortex of suck.

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
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This is one of my biggest gripes right now.  Maybe Ron can assign an intern to create Twitter accounts for Michael and all the Q's so they can have their exchanges on Twitter. en


This comment is both very funny and sadly serious.  I know I'd like to see the Quartermaine side of Michael explored - rather than having this be yet another Corinthos story.  However, being as our headwriter has been known to tell and explain GH stories on twitter. maybe he would be open to creating those Q twitter accounts.

Edited by Aurora2
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Its funny, already this morning I've seen two different commercials where the name "Eckert" is present. One was a local car commercial where someone says their name is "Bobby Eckert" and the orher was a nationam commercial during the cbs news where a wimmins gets into a truck and the name "Eckert" is on the side of the truck.

So maybe this is a sign that Ron will finally end our suffering on the Eckert issue today . . . Probably not.

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Didn't Franco bury Heather last January

Ha, I had totally forgotten that Franco had buried Heather.  Nothing on this show makes a lasting imprint on me anymore.  BTW, where's AJ?  I haven't seen him in awhile .... what?


So maybe this is a sign that Ron will finally end our suffering on the Eckert issue today . . . Probably not.


I'm beginning to think that the real, final Fluke reveal won't happen until May or November.  Sure the Many Antics of Fluke will take up all of February sweeps, but that doesn't mean any resolution.  Anyone know when Tony's next vacation is?

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I'm beginning to think that the real, final Fluke reveal won't happen until May or November.  Sure the Many Antics of Fluke will take up all of February sweeps, but that doesn't mean any resolution.  Anyone know when Tony's next vacation is?

I think that we will get a reveal in Feb but that will not mean the end of Fluke. Ron does not know how to let a villain go, and regardless if Luke is DID or Fluke is an actual person, he will be on screen. If Fluke is a real boy then I think they will use that for Tony's vacation as Luke goes off chasing Fluke with both of them back in November for the final show down

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So maybe this is a sign that Ron will finally end our suffering on the Eckert issue today . . . Probably not.



Like the "Ava Killed Connie" neverending storyline (which ended), the only reason that the "Fluke is Bill Eckert" reveal will finally commence is to show us that Sonny (and Shawn!) put all the pieces together and figured it out  by themselves, and gosh swell, aren't they the smartest persons EVAH!!! Smarter than the PCPD, the WSB, the Justice Department, and Agent Peggy Carter (who is only a womanfolk girl)! Yay Penis People!


All Sonny needed to do was get Johnny's phone, beat up most of Johnny's men by himself, and get Shawn to do all his digging around.


I expect Sonny not only to win, but to get all of the power and money from the LoD, including the Cassadine holdings and ELQ! *sarcastic squee*

Edited by NutmegsDad
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"Why are you doing this to me?"  Because Ron wants to drag this crappy storyline out as long as possible using a legacy actor, and is incapable of original ideas.


The remembering Ruby moment was good, until the Carly mention. Um, Carly never knew nor gave a damn about Aunt Ruby.  Lulu I guess sort of knows about her via any childhood memories Lucky shared in the past. Yes, Lucas, as someone attempting to become a doctor, you should have thrown Carly's ass out. Letting your big sis force her way to Jake shows you don't take your job seriously and have no will power. Ugh Lucas, you suck at being a real doctor and you have terrible taste in men (can't stand Brad or Felix - nothing against those actors though.) I wish Bobbie had shown some sort of irritation on Michael's behalf when she said Carly is not guiltable, instead of that nonchalant way she said it.  Accepting it does NOT make it okay.  


Ava wearing a hoodie is rather hilarious-looking. Did she get that from Morgan? 


Fluke being so rude to Dante didn't make Lulu or Bobbie raise an eyebrow?  He also could not have come off less sincere toward beloved nephew Lucas re: the flowers, the half-assed hug with Lulu ... and saying "Your Aunt Ruby" to Bobbie. The plot point stupidity is so annoying. 

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 This episode nearly put me to sleep. So many characters on at once that I would love to fall into vats of acid.


Shawn is the biggest idiot. It just can't be said enough.


A T.J. sighting, my word why they refuse to give that kid his due is beyond me. He's easily one of the best young actors under 25 on any soap that's left.


All things notLuke continue to and always will mean nothing to me. You can keep bringing up the names 'Ruby', 'Pat', and 'Bill' Ron as much as you want to but it still doesn't change the absolutely shitty way you have handled every single angle of this failure of a storyline that is as illogical as it is insulting to those who do recall real GH history.


I know more things happened but...I just couldn't care really. The Nina hasn't changed a bit. I want her locked in a rubber room and left to rot.

  • Love 8

Fluke being so rude to Dante didn't make Lulu or Bobbie raise an eyebrow?  He also could not have come off less sincere toward beloved nephew Lucas re: the flowers, the half-assed hug with Lulu ... and saying "Your Aunt Ruby" to Bobbie. The plot point stupidity is so annoying. 


Fluke being so rude to Dante didn't make Lulu or Bobbie raise an eyebrow?  He also could not have come off less sincere toward beloved nephew Lucas re: the flowers, the half-assed hug with Lulu ... and saying "Your Aunt Ruby" to Bobbie. The plot point stupidity is so annoying.


Nah I can actually see where this gets a pass. Luke has always been kind of a dick to Dante, and given that it's supposed to be an emotional day, I can see why his family wouldn't look askance at that. If Fluke were Rluke, I would yell at him for being an ueber dick to Dante because I do think Real Luke would have acted like that. Alas.


I can yell at Tony Geary though! You know, through my computer screen. "Ah nevah said ah was Bill Ehkarht!". Shut up Tony Geary.


I like how Bobbie was like oh you guys were both too young to remember aunt Ruby. They're both 30, Bobbie, if they are a day. But I do like them mentioning Aunt Ruby.


Also, Lulu didn't give Bobbie a hug at the cemetery. Sometimes it's the little things, writers. (or should I blame the directors?)


Dante should have gone all Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Fluke. He kinda looked like Buffy lol, being wee and wearing a leather jacket. Although Fluke probably would have disintegrated into dust before the stake got to him.

Edited by ulkis
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My favorite part of the grave digging was Jordan saying "let's dig 'em up" and then handing Shawn the shovel.


Hey, she held the flashlight! That's gotta be tiring!


So, Shawn couldn't even be bothered to put the dirt back in the grave when they were done?  Oy.


What was in Bill Eckert's grave?


It was empty.  Dunh dunh dunhhh....


I have visions of Ava, Julian, Franco and Sonny all piling in Magda's transport van to make their big escape, and no guards on the van even noticing.  Either that, or Franco bribes them with another piece of "art."

Edited by Fellaway
The remembering Ruby moment was good, until the Carly mention. Um, Carly never knew nor gave a damn about Aunt Ruby.

Ugh, that made me so mad. Carly has no business being there—when did she and Ruby ever say more than two words to each other? Lulu might not remember Ruby, but she could represent Lucky and her mom. 


Ava wearing a hoodie is rather hilarious-looking.

So inconspicuous! /sarcasm font


The Franco stuff was total filler. Is RoHo not meeting his minimums?


LOL that Sonny thinks Duke would ever help Shawn dig up a grave. And ruin the line of his suit? I don't think so.


Gross that it took Shawn to make TJ reconcile with Jordan.

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And for this reason if nothing else, I think Michael should let up with Morgan. Even if he wasn't exactly cheerful about yanking his brother's guts out, he was quite happy to get with Kaka after the engagement fiasco. I should be on his side, but I'm not, because the Corinthos sense of entitlement clearly isn't reliant on genetics.

Well if I recall correctly, Morgan is the one that committed adultery by sleeping with his mother-in-law.  Michael never slept with Kiki.  Morgan was also lying to Kiki to make sure she did what he wanted.  There was blame for all three.  Granted, Michael scores no points with me for even WANTING to be with Kiki, but we also know it was RC desperately trying to reunite his old GH/OLTL couples anyway he could - square pegs, round holes, and all that.  


In my dreams, Morgan offers one more apology and completely throws Kiki under the bus.  Michael accepts and the brothers never speak to Kiki again.  Kiki, in dispair, throws herself off the pier.  The end.

Oh, if only there were actual soap Gods.  I can't believe they have recast the role instead of letting her die a spectacularly gruesome death.


I don't mind Michael being angry at Morgan b/c if he is going to be angry at Carly for the same thing then it makes sense. What I do mind is him acting like a giant spoiled baby in front of Lucas and Lulu. How can anyone take him seriously as a grown ass man CEO if he is going to be so childish in public. That was totally embarassing and uncomfortable for Lucas and Lulu. Michael should have just said nothing about how he felt in that moment and talked to Morgan privately about him not working the ELQ party.  


I didn't think Michael was acting spoiled at all.  It's his party, his money, and his father.  He can decide can work the party or not, and Morgan's condescending snark when he is denied something gets annoying after a while.  He acted the same way when Michael decided to stop paying his and Kiki's way, and Morgan got all indignant about it.  I would say Morgan is far more spoiled in his actions than Michael.  Also, I recall Michael offering to have the party at a different venue to not put Lulu in a bad position. As for Lucas, I can't sympathize with him at all since he's been championing Carly too often.  "Michael, you should forgive Carly?"  "Why can't you forgive Carly?"  "She loves you, you know."  


I resent as a  viewer that Michael hasn't had a single ally in this entire fallout story.  Everyone is on Carly, Sonny, or Morgan's side and somehow Michael is the villain for not forgiving all of them after two months.  Monica never even got to tell off Carly.  If the worst Michael is going to do is be cold and detached, I'll take it because he's not getting anything else from the writers.


I like Franco and Nina and thought Nina and Heather were really fun. Franco doesn't bother me I find him funny. I like him ribbing Sonny about his claustrophobia.



I hate Franco, and I can't understand why Sonny hasn't beaten the crap out of him.  I have to say that I am loving the prison versions of Julian and Sonny.  Those two are funny together.

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I was feeling Heather today actually. We were one, when Nina was saying, "oh Franco is soooo smart" and Heather replied, "yeah, yeah dear you said that." 


My random memory for useless facts continues, as I realized Jordan was wearing Lulu's old coat, which made me think that I actually really liked Lulu's coat today. Today her clothes and look said "mature businesswoman" instead of past-due-date-pageant-child, which is what her make-up and hair were saying last week. I think they were trying to make her look sexy for the Johnny scenes and the make-up people over shot it.

Edited by ulkis
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Oh Sonny, Duke is practically a walking corpse of course he can't dig up a grave!

Ava doesn't have a phone nor seems to be having a grand ol' time, yet she might just have a better plan than Sonny/Julian... I kinda love that.

I've been hard on Dante lately, but ultimately I don't know why he bothers with any of these people. He should just pack up and try to live without these nuts, and take TJ with him. Its too late for his actual brothers but TJ still has a chance to break free! And he needs too, soon.

Edited by Gigi43
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I know the writers are plot-pointing here, but I certainly do like seeing some GH history with Aunt Ruby remembered.

it works, though, because Aunt Ruby was a beloved figure who'd been on the show for ages. Ron finally made legitimate use of history in a very organic way. This is how he should incorporate history, not that Levi/Peter Harrell Jr. bs.

  • Love 7

Oh Sonny, Duke is practically a walking corpse of course he can't dig up a grave!

Ava doesn't have a phone nor seems to be having a grand ol' time, yet she might just have a better plan than Sonny/Julian... I kinda love that.

I've been hard on Dante lately, but ultimately I don't know why he bothers with any of these people. He should just pack up and try to live without these nuts, and take TJ with him. Its too late for his actual brothers but TJ still has a chance to break free! And he needs too, soon.


I used to really want TJ and Dante bonding scenes where they talk about being raised by determined single mothers. I'd still take that scene.

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A few things about today's episode made me chuckle - Lucas and the insane amount of syrup he poured on his pancakes; Nina taking such delight in her jelly donut; Ava in her hoodie with a perfect manicure while skulking around Pentonville; and Jordan, the fashionista, holding the flashlight for Shawn as he digs up the grave in his coveralls.

It's the little things that amuse me.

  • Love 15

Aside from wanting Michael dead, is there any particular  reasonable reason that Fluke wants to kill the Spenser family.

Under my 'Fluke is Luke' theory, I think Fluke is trying to sever all Luke's ties. As if Fluke can't be free as long as some part of Luke is still alive inside him, and killing the Spencer's and Tracy will kill the remaining bits of Luke inside Fluke.

Or uh . . . I need some tay-key-yaaaahhhhh . . .

I'm positive that Roger Howarth drew that picture while contemplating how to get out of his contract. It looked like Stick Figure hanging himself. A cry for help.

MSt's hair is quite beautiful. I'm too invested in Franco/Nina. But my options are grave robbing, Sonny corrupting the pretty, Shawn screws up everything, an old creepy man in a basement, and Carly stalking Jason again. So I'll take shiny hair and pretty Roger. i know they can emote..... Nathan.

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which proves it is not Bill , this is how we roll on Franknron's GH

Yes, this was the first thing that's happened on screen that's made me think that Bill is fake out.  But I'm still going for the double secret fake out.  Such as I, yaaaaawn, care anymore.


Anyone else, other than a 6'1'' Pat, would mean plastic surgery. And who the f*ck cares if is Damien Smith or Harlan Barrett or Daniel Lunt with plastic surgery.

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Well if I recall correctly, Morgan is the one that committed adultery by sleeping with his mother-in-law.  Michael never slept with Kiki.  Morgan was also lying to Kiki to make sure she did what he wanted.  There was blame for all three.  Granted, Michael scores no points with me for even WANTING to be with Kiki, but we also know it was RC desperately trying to reunite his old GH/OLTL couples anyway he could - square pegs, round holes, and all that. 


To the history thread, Batman!



Oh no, like a ReRon version of Angelus' need to kill Buffy & Friends?

Only Sonny deserves to watch something like that.


Although I agree with the second part of this, the only thing Ron could ever in his wettest of dreams come up with is Dumpster Sex: The World Tour. And if you thought the first time was bad? Yeah.

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Did Franco blab about Sonny and Julian's plans to bust out? I want him to put being an asshole to good use for once and break those two idiots up.


Sonny has made me hate Julian.


Franco gave the guard a genuine Franco doodle which Franco claims is worth a year's salary for the guard. The guard took the "bribe", gave Franco the phone back, and then said if the scribble wasn't worth money, Franco would be back in solitary.

I think Michael is 95% justified in his tantrums, but this still made me laugh. I think Midol may be too strong for Michael, I don't think he could handle it. Perhaps an advil or even just a tylenol.

Flintstones chewable vitamin.

  • Love 7

A few things about today's episode made me chuckle - Lucas and the insane amount of syrup he poured on his pancakes ...


LOL I was thinking Lucas and Lulu must really love syrup because they both put it on their pancakes twice. Lucas must've put like 2 cups on his. I appreciated that ER actually ate the pancakes. I hate when there's a scene with food and the actors aren't even shown eating. It annoys me.


Okay okay, suspension of disbelief I know, I know. But, prison phone calls are recorded -- isn't that common knowledge? Sonny and Shawn openly discussed desecrating a grave and their upcoming jail break. (pssst, Sonny whispering can still be recorded)


Um, how dare you, Sonny and Shawn both covered the phone when they talked about their illegal activities so they're really smart.


I mostly liked this episode. I don't even know anymore, but whatever I'm enjoying it.


Dante looked so very fine today. However, he is so stupid. Why antagonize Fluke? Sigh. So stupid. Oh well, he's pretty so I don't care.


I love Julian and Ava together. Their chem is so inappropriate and such fun.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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